August 27, 2011 Capitol Area Council

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Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships (ILSS). August 27, 2011 Capitol Area Council. Objective of Introduction of Leadership Skills. Give youth a clearer picture of how their position fits in the Unit Help youth understand how they make a difference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


August 27, 2011Capitol Area Council

Introduction to Leadership Skills for

Ships (ILSS)

Objective of Introduction of Leadership Skills

• Give youth a clearer picture of how their position fits in the Unit

• Help youth understand how they make a difference

• Give youth additional tools and ideas for their role as leader

Module One – Unit Organization

• All officers (elected or appointed) attend• Held as close to elections as possible• Give an introduction to ILS course• Show how ILS fits into continuum of Training• Discuss Unit Organization & officer

responsibilities • Games to reinforce leadership skills• Introduction to “Vision”

Purpose of Introduction for Leadership Skills

• Provide a foundation of unit level leadership skills that every leader should know

• Provide consistent look and feel between youth training programs– Boy Scouts, Varsity, Venturing, Sea Scouts, Exploring

Continuum of Youth Training

National Counsel


National Youth Leadership Training - NYLT

• 6 day course• Venturers and Sea Scouts (including female) can now

attend• Must complete ILS(C/S) & have Advisor's recommendation• Provide youth skills to become an effective unit leader• Great program to build units leaderships• Youth put on program

– Encourage graduates to attend NAYLE to run future NYLT courses• Course is built around the life of a unit (Troop/Crew) during

typical month– 3 Unit (Troop/Crew) Mtgs representing the first 3 weeks in a month

• Covers: Planning, Leadership Meeting, unit meeting, planning for larger event• Meetings examples to make interesting, lively & relevant• Leadership requires: Vision, Goals & Planning

– 4th week - big campout• Youth have a LOT of FUN

National Advance Youth Leadership Experience - NAYLE

• National Training presented at the national level– Taught at Philmont

• 6 day course• Expand on what learned in NYLT• Venturers (including female) can now attend• Personal written commitment to apply• Skill, ability, & motivation to be a dynamic/effective leader• Uses elements of the Philmont Ranger Training• Uses advanced Search & Rescue skills• Teaches leadership, teamwork and the lessons of selfless

service• Unforgettable backcountry wilderness experience• Develops leadership & teamwork skills

Ship Officer Positions - Common• Boatswain

– Conduct`s meetings– Supervises officers– Represents Ship

• Boatswain’s Mate of Administration– Manages membership and advancement records– Leads membership recruitment (including supervising Crew Guides and Den Chiefs)– Responsible for the Ship in the Boatswain’s absence

• Boatswain’s Mate of Program– Plans calendar– Supervises Activity Chairs– Provides meeting program

• Yeoman– Manages communication tools (Webmaster)– Maintains Ships records (Historian/minutes)

• Purser– Oversees Ships money earning– Accounts for Ships funds

• Storekeeper– Oversees and maintains Ships equipment and resources

• Activity Chair– Appointed by Boatswain and Boatswain’s Mate of Program– Responsible for planning and execution of specific activity

Ship Officer Positions - Other

Crew Leader

A ship can be divided into two or more crews (similar to patrols for Boy Scout troops). The crew leader: – Is responsible for the morale and conduct of the

crew. – Leads and inspires by example. – Stimulates participation and encourages

teamwork. – Is familiar with each member’s abilities and

interests and helps train each crew member. – Mentors and hosts new Sea Scouts.

Adult Positions – most visible• Crew Advisor / Skipper

– Upholds chartered organization and BSA standards– Mentor and role model for all youth members– Works with Crew President / Boatswain– Facilitates training for officers– Supervises Associate Advisors / Mates

• Associate Advisor / Mates– Assists Crew Advisor / Skipper– Works with assigned Officer

• Consultant (may or may not be a Scouter; may be a professional for hire)– Assists Activity Chair in planning and executing a specific

activity or activities – Recruited by Unit Committee for a specific activity

Adult Positions – less visible• Committee Chair

– Supervises Advisor and Committee Members– Recruits and approves Advisors and Committee Members

• Committee Member– Serve as resource to crew– Work with assigned officer– Recruits consultants

• Chartered Organization Representative– Liaison between crew and chartering organization– Recruits crew committee; approves Advisors and

Committee Members– Participates in district leadership

• Institutional Head or Executive Officer– Head of Chartering Organization (may or may not be

a Scouter)

Crew Committee




Chartered Organization

President / Boatswain

Boatswain’s MateAdministration

Boatswain’s MateProgram

Purser Treasurer



Crew Leader(s)

Sea Scout Ship Organization


*Committee Members, Parents, Scouters from elsewhere or even non-Scouters


Vision• vision is critical to success in any job or

project• Knowing what success looks like to see if you

reach it • A crew’s vision is something developed &

shared by all members– Identifies where the Crew is “going”– What it wants to accomplish

• Vision more thoroughly in Module 3 – Think about a vision of success in your new job, as

well as that for the crew.

Balloon Toss

Write responsibilities to run crew on balloons

• Hand balloon to the Youth Leader one at a time• How many can he handle?

Balloon Toss - continued

Write responsibilities to run crew on balloons

• Hand balloon to the Youth Leader one at a time• How many can he handle?

Add all your officers to the exercise• Hand balloon to the Youth Leader one at a time• President hands balloons to right officer• How many can the team handle?

Balloon Toss - continued


What did we learn?

Youth-Led Unit

• Discussion: Briefly discuss leadership in your Unit and the value of youth leadership

Yurt Circle game• Must have an even number of participants• Join hands and expand the circle outward to

arm’s length• Spread their feet to shoulder width • Count off by twos • SLOWLY:

– (without bending at the waist and without moving their feet)

– "ones" to lean in toward the center of the circle – "twos" to lean out

• Now reverse lean - SLOWLY

Yurt Circle game - continued


What did we learn?

Crew Officer’s Meeting

• Discussion: Discuss the Officer’s Meeting in your group

Helium Stick game• 2 lines facing each other–arm’s length apart • Hold out 2 index fingers at chest height• Place a light rigid stick on the fingers (tent

pole, bamboo, PVC,…)– No grasping stick or curling fingers

• Absolutely critical not to loose contact with stick

• Now lower stick to the ground as a group

Helium Stick - continued


What did we learn?


• Discussion: Ask the Sea Scouts to define leadership

Leadership - continuedDid you cover?• Teamwork• Using each other’s strengths• Not trying to do it all yourself• Doing what you said you’d do• Being reliable• Keeping each other informed• Being responsible• Caring for others• Delegating• Setting the example• Praising in public; criticizing in private• Leading yourself

Key Leader Attributes

• Keep Your Word• Be Fair to all• Be a Good Communicator• Be Flexible• Be Organized• Delegate• Set an Example• Be Consistent• Give Praise• Ask for Help






Five Styles of Leadership







Five Styles of Leadership

• Which actor displayed the “telling” style of leadership?

• In the telling style of leadership, who identifies the problem, makes the decisions, and directs the activity?


Five Styles of Leadership

• Are the group members considered in decision making?

• When is telling the right leadership style?


Five Styles of Leadership

• Who was the actor that portrayed “persuading”?

• How is persuading different than telling?

• When is persuading or selling the right leadership style?


Five Styles of Leadership

• Who was the actor that portrayed “consulting” style of leadership?

• Is the group getting more involved with this style?

• When is the consulting style best used?


Five Styles of Leadership

• Who was the actor that portrayed “delegating” style of leadership?

• When is delegating the right style of leadership?


Five Styles of Leadership

• Who was the actor that portrayed “joining” leadership style?

• Do you think that joining is really not leadership at all?

• When is joining the right style of leadership?

• Is one style of leadership appropriate for all occasions?

Willow in the Wind game• Stand shoulder to shoulder in a circle• One person (the "faller") standing rigid

– (arms crossed with elbows on chest and fingertips at shoulders) and trusting in the center

– Remaining rigid– Center person falls slowly in any direction

• Circle people redirect the faller's impetus to another arc of the circle.

• Continue in a gentle fashion until the center person is relaxing (but remaining rigid)

• Change members in the center until everyone has had an opportunity.

Wind in the Willow-continue


What did we learn?

Module TwoTools of the Trade• Three Core Topics



–Trainer’s EDGE

Communications• Discussion

• Game/Reflection – Telephone Game

• Game/Reflection – The Whole Picture

Sender Message Receiver

Telephone Game• Get in a straight line (ideally 6-10 people)

• Leader will whisper a phrase in the first ear

• Each person will whisper the next when he heard

• Last person will tell everyone what he heard

Telephone Game - Continued


What did we learn?

The Whole Picture Game• Leader looks at one of the sample pictures

• Each student has paper & pencil

• Leader crisply tells each student what to draw

• At the end, everyone shares pictures including leader what he was describing

The Whole Picture Game - Continued


What did we learn?

Planning• Is really just thinking ahead

• Ask questions

• Come up with answers

• The more questions and answers you come up with ahead of time, the smoother the activity will go

Service Project ExerciseOn a Saturday, six weeks from now, the Unit will

conduct a service project at a local city park. The project involves:

• Installing 50 feet of Split rail fence around a tree (to protect it)

• Removing old plants and undergrowth from a nearby area (approximately 500 square feet in area)

• Laying down weed block in the cleared area• Spreading six cubic yards of mulch in the area

just cleared and under the fenced in tree• Planting 15-20 small plants and shrubs in a

small garden in a third area nearby

Service Project Exercise

• Lay out plans for Service Project

–22 youth

–6 trained adult leaders

–4 un-registered adult parents

–3 projects

–Plan what equipment needed

–How to get, use & allocation people

Service Project - Continued


What did we learn?

Edge• Four Step Process





Use EDGE in one of:• How to build/fold a paper airplane

• How to properly fold the US flag

• How to tie a knot

• How to perform a basic first aid activity

• How to toss a small object into a coffee can from a short distance

• How to properly lace up a hiking boot (or tie a shoe)

Edge - Continued


What did we learn?

Module 3 – Leadership & Teamwork• Discussion of Teams & Stages of


• Review & discuss the Oath & Law

• Game/Reflect – Integrity

• Conclusion - Be a Servant Leader

• Vision

• Course Wrap-up

Teams• Discussion: What do we mean by


• Teams can be a temporary or permanent–Give examples of each in your group

• Teams work for a common goal

Effective Teams• Common Purpose

• Interdependence

• Appropriate Roles, Structure & Process

• Leadership and Competence

• Team Climate

• Performance Standards

• Clarity and Understanding of Boundaries

Stages of Team Development

• Discussion: –Stages of teams same as

individuals–Teams have natural ups & downs–For new leaders, 2 important

factors:• Skill level & enthusiasm

Stages of Team Development

• Starting out (skills are low; enthusiasm is high)

• Becoming discouraged (skills and enthusiasm are low)

• Making progress (skills and enthusiasm are rising)

• Finding success (skills and enthusiasm are high)

Stages of Team Development

• Discussion: How can a leader assist their team through these Stages of Team Development?

Inclusion• Discussion:

–Why is it important to get everyone involved?

–Does everyone bring the same skill & perspective?

–How can you leverage each team member?

Potato Game• Distribute one uncooked baking potato to

each participant. • Take a minute to get to know their potato. • Introduce their potato to the group,

pointing out its unique size, shape, and other characteristics

• Collect all potatoes in a bag• Redistribute one potato to each person• Everyone try to find their own original


Potato Game-continue


What did we learn?

Sea PromiseDiscuss each phrase

As a Sea Scout I promise to do my best:

To guard against water accidents

To know the location and proper use of the lifesaving devices on every boat I board

To prepare to render aid to those in need

To seek to preserve the motto of the sea:

Women and Children First.

Ship’s CodeA ships code must include:• The means of upholding the ship’s reputation

and traditions

• What the members consider important as a group

• The reason for their association in the ship

• Ideas that describe the ship’s purpose

• A standard or goal for self-improvement

• A measure of performance or progress

A Sea Scout Leader is:

• Trustworthy

• Loyal

• Helpful

• Friendly

• Courteous

• Kind

• Obedient

• Cheerful

• Thrifty

• Brave

• Clean

• Reverent

Integrity Game Part 2• Hopefully you did Part 1 at the beginning

of the module

• Count how many cookies/candies

• Did each student only take up to 2 pieces?

• Truth is key in leadership positions

Integrity Game


What did we learn?

Servant Leadership(Skipper leads this section)

• Discussion: lead a discussion of why Sea Scouts should choose to be leaders

Servant Leadership• Need to Listen

• Achieve Consensus

• Set/Maintain Standards

• Serve their Customer

Servant Leadership(Skipper leads this section)


What did we learn?

Unit’s Vision• Take this time to write or review your

Unit’s Vision

• How will you use what you learned in this course to your Unit’s benefit

Wrap-Up• Congratulations on your new position• Thank you for attending today