Bad Habits

Post on 20-May-2015

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Top 10 Ways to Kick a Bad Habit


Top 10 Ways to Kick A Bad Habit

#1: Start from Consciousness

Acknowledging the fact that you have a bad habit is the first step to getting rid of it.

#2: Embrace Its Role

Habits usually have an underlying cause in our life. Whether it’s stress or another type of coping mechanism, embracing this role and working on issues can help you beat the habit sooner.

#3: Let it Go

Acknowledge the bad habit is no longer necessary in your life.

#4: Create an Action Plan

Most bad habits don’t just go away because we want them to. Create an action plan to achieve your goals.

#5: Small Goals First

Set smaller goals first to lead you to your bigger, final goal of kicking the habit for good.

#6: Be Accountable

Have an accountability partner you can talk to and be held accountable to.

#7: Seek Professional Help

Sometimes our will and effort is not enough. Seek professional or medical help when needed.

#8: Track Your Progress

Keep a journal and make not of your progression as you go along. It will help you see how far you’ve come and how close you are to your goal.

#9: Join a Support Group

There is strength in numbers, so use this to your advantage.

#10: Never Give Up

Next quit on quitting. Use all the tips in this slide show before you even consider it…and then just try them all again.

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