Balancing Exposure - Caryn Esplin

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Balancing ExposureCaryn Esplin

Ye are the light of the world

What makes a balanced exposure?

How can you be a light?

How do you capture light?

What makes a balanced exposure?

What makes a balanced exposure?


What makes a balanced exposure?


What makes a balanced exposure?


shutter speed


shutter speedwhite balance

What makes a balanced exposure?

What makes a balanced exposure?

What makes a balanced exposure?

What makes a balanced exposure?

What makes a balanced exposure?

What makes a balanced exposure?

What makes a balanced exposure?

ISO = Sensor Sensitivity

ISO = Sensor Sensitivity

International Standards OrganizationScale for measuring light sensitivity

ISO = Sensor Sensitivity

ISO = Sensor Sensitivity

Images > Image Sensor

ISO settings determine howsensitive the sensor is to light

ISO 100 = least sensitiveISO 6400 = most sensitive

Understand the difference in ISO 1600+


Turn off Auto ISO

Use ISO 100 – 400 when available light is adequate

In low light, use a tripod to keep ISO at 100 – 400 and leave shutter open longer

ISO 100…

to restrict light

Gathers more light, but adds noise…

High ISO 1600+

High ISO 6400

Aperture: How wide the lens is open

f/22 f/16 f/8 f/4 f/2

Aperture: How wide the lens is open

f/22 f/16 f/8 f/4 f/2

Aperture = f stop

Aperture: How wide the lens is open

f/22 f/16 f/8 f/4 f/2

Aperture = f stop

Depth of field = How much is in focus

Aperture: How wide the lens is open

f/22 f/22 f/16 f/8 f/4 f/2

Aperture = f stop

Depth of field = How much is in focus

Wide aperture: f/2 = less in focus / shallow depth

Aperture: How wide the lens is open

f/22 f/16 f/8 f/4 f/2

Aperture = f stop

Depth of field = How much is in focus

Wide aperture: f/2 = less in focus / shallow depth

Narrow aperture: f/22 = more in focus / deep depth

Aperture: How wide the lens is open

f/22 f/16 f/8 f/4 f/2

Aperture = f stop

Depth of field = How much is in focus

Wide aperture: f/2 = less in focus / shallow depth

Narrow aperture: f/22 = more in focus / deep depth

Aperture: How wide the lens is open

Aperture = f stop

Depth of field = How much is in focus

Wide aperture: f/2 = less in focus / shallow depth

Narrow aperture: f/22 = more in focus / deep depth

f/22 f/16 f/8 f/4 f/2

Garden Hose Analogy

Small opening: f/22 = large area in focus

Large opening: f/2 = small area in focus

Aperture: Shallow depth

f/ 2



Aperture: Shallow depth

f/ 1.4

1/500ISO: 400


Aperture: Deep depth

f/ 16


ISO: 2000

Aperture: Deep depth

f/ 16


ISO: 100

Aperture: Medium depth

f/ 10


ISO: 100

Shutter: How long the lens is open

Use longer shutter in low lightUse short shutter in bright light

Freeze motion: 1/500 – 1/2000+

Freeze motion: 1/60 - 1/250 Speedlight

Freeze motion:

1/60 – 1/250to sync withSpeedlight

?Freeze motion:

Freeze motion:

4 seconds… ExplodeWhile flashing

Freeze: 4 sec…Explode while flashing

4 seconds…ExplodeWhile flashing

Freeze: 4 sec…Explode while flashing

Freeze motion:

4 seconds… ExplodeWhile flashing

Blur motion: Panning


Blur motion: Panning

f/ 11


ISO: 100

f/ 25


ISO: 100


Blur motion: Zooming

Blur motion:

f/ 8


ISO: 100


Balancing Aperture & Shutter Speed


A wider opening gathers more light, so the shutter can be faster.

1/1000 1/250 1/60 1/15 1/8

Balancing Aperture & Shutter Speed

The Magic of 4…





Balancing exposure: It takes 4…

White Balance = Color of light

Balancing exposure: It takes 4…

White Balance = Color of light

Tip: Use Auto WB most of the time

Balancing Exposure: All 3 work together




The Magic of 4…





Mode dial: Aperture & Shutter Priority

Canon Nikon

Auto Mode

Camera sets everything

Program Mode

Camera sets A&SYou customize…

Aperture Priority Mode

You set aperture…Camera sets shutter

Shutter Priority Mode

You set shutter…Camera sets aperture

Manual Mode

You set A&S

Balancing ExposureCaryn Esplin