Balkan Rivers - The Blue Heart of Europe

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Balkan Rivers - The Blue Heart of Europe

Hydromorphological Status and Dam Projects

Catalogue of Balkan Rivers with very high

Conservation Value

Supported by:

Vienna, March 2012

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


This document has been produced by FLUVIUS,

Floodplain Ecology and River Basin Management,

Vienna, Austria Contacts:

ECA Watch


FLUVIUS (Floodplain Ecology and River Basin Management)

Cover images: Upper Morača, Montenegro (Mathias Dieckmann) and Ashta dam construction on lower Drin river, Albania (Goran Safarek), this page and last page:

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region



This catalogue provides information and illustrations of Balkan rivers of very high conservation value by country and highlights the “jewels” among them. The applied methodology and the analytical maps can be find in the related report “Balkan Rivers - The Blue Heart of Europe – Hydromorphological Status and Dam Projects” 2012. Information about planned hydropower dams affecting those rivers of high nature value can be found at the end of this Catalogue.

Valbona river, Albania (Goran Safarek)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Table of Contents:

1. Presentation of Rivers with very high conservation value 4

1.1 Slovenia 6

1.2 Croatia 12

1.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 19

1.4 Serbia 25

1.5 Kosovo 31

1.6 Montenegro 34

1.7 Macedonia 41

1.8 Albania 45

1.9 Greece (only part of the country) 55

1.10 Bulgaria 61

1.11 Turkey (only part of the country) 72

2. Threats and impacts: Photo impressions 76

2.1. Dam construction 76

2.2. River regulation and flood defense structures 77

2.3. Sediment extraction 78

2.4. Irrigation and landuse 78

3. List of planned hydropower dams 79

3.1 Slovenia 79

3.2 Croatia 81

3.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 84

3.4 Serbia 87

3.5 Kosovo 89

3.6 Montenegro 90

3.7 Macedonia 93

3.8 Albania 94

3.9 Greece (only part of the country) 97

3.10 Bulgaria 98

3.11 Turkey (only part of the country) 100

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1. Presentation of Rivers with very high conservation value

Bistrica/Bosnia (Google Panoramio by user draskovic)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Overview map showing river stretches with very high conservation values in blue and numbers in pink of those Jewels presented in more detail.

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1.1 Slovenia

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type Reason for

Conservation Value Geomorph.


SI_RJ_048 Soča

Source to HPP Doblar 2 impoundment River HymoClass1+ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

SI_RJ_049 Nadica Slovenian stretch River HymoClass1+ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

SI_RJ_050 Koritnica

Source to mouth into Soča River HymoClass1+ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

SI_RJ_051 Vipava Source to Italian border River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

SI_RJ_054 Sava Bohinjka

Source to Lake Bohinj outflow River HymoClass1+ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

SI_RJ_055 Sava Dolinka Kranjska Gora to Mojstrana River HymoClass1+ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Braided

SI_RJ_056 Idrijca Source to Bača confluence River HymoClass1+ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

SI_RJ_059 Reka Illirska Bistrica to Škocjan River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

SI_RJ_061 Cerknica Cerknica, whole stretch River HymoClass1+ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

SI_RJ_062 Obrh Loška dolina, whole stretch River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

SI_RJ_065 Krka

Krka village to mouth into Sava River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

SI_RJ_073 Mura

whole Slovenian stretch River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight

SI_RJ_074 Meža

Source to Crna village entrance River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

SI_RJ_154 Sava Bohinjka

Lake Bohinj outflow to Lepence River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight

SI_RJ_164 Dravinja Draža vas to Bolečka vas River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type Reason for

Conservation Value Geomorph.



SI_RJ_184 Savinja Mozirje to Petrovče River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight

SI_RJ_188 Dragonja Source to Dragonja River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

SI_RJ_202 Bistrica Source to Mojstrana River HymoClass1+ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

SI_RJ_214 Poljanščica

Gorenja vas to confluence with Selščica River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

SI_RJ_216 Ljubljanica

Vrhnika to confluence with right tributary Iška River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight

SI_RJ_217 Mirna

Mirna to confluence with Sava River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

SI_RJ_415 Dragonja Dragonja Estuary/ Delta HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight

SI_RJ_479 Rakitna Rakitna Polje Mostly Flooded+ProtArea

Polje >500mAsl

SI_RJ_480 Močila Močila Polje Mostly Flooded+ProtArea

Polje <500mAsl

SI_RJ_481 Radensko polje

Radensko polje Polje

Mostly Flooded+ProtArea

Polje <500mAsl

SI_RJ_482 Lučki dol Lučki dol Polje Partially Flooded+ProtArea

Polje <500mAsl

SI_RJ_483 Planinsko polje Planinsko polje Polje

Mostly Flooded+ProtArea

Polje <500mAsl

SI_RJ_484 Postojnska kotlina

Postojnska kotlina Polje

Partially Flooded+ProtArea

Polje >500mAsl

SI_RJ_485 Cerkniško polje Cerkniško polje Polje

Mostly Flooded+ProtArea

Polje >500mAsl

SI_RJ_486 Bloško polje Bloško polje Polje Partially Flooded+ProtArea

Polje >500mAsl

SI_RJ_488 Rašica Rašica Polje Mostly Flooded Polje <500mAsl

SI_RJ_489 Mlake Mlake Polje Mostly Flooded+ProtArea

Polje <500mAsl

SI_RJ_491 Stržen Stržen Polje Mostly Flooded Polje <500mAsl

SI_RJ_492 Palško jezero Palško jezero Polje Mostly Flooded+ProtArea

Polje >500mAsl

SI_RJ_493 Bačko jezero Bačko jezero Polje Mostly Polje

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type Reason for

Conservation Value Geomorph.


Flooded+ProtArea >500mAsl

SI_RJ_496 Logaško polje Logaško polje Polje

Partially Flooded+ProtArea

Polje <500mAsl

SI_RJ_499 Movraška vala Movraška vala Polje

Partially Flooded+ProtArea

Polje <500mAsl

SI_RJ_500 Preserje Preserje Polje Mostly Flooded+ProtArea

Polje <500mAsl

T_HR-SI_RJ_077 Kupa

Osilnica to Miliči River HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight

T_SI-HR_RJ_476 Mura

Mura - Austrian border to mouth

Flood-plain HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_SI-HR_RJ_628 Mura

Lower Mura, whole border stretch River HymoClass1+ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

T_SI-HR-BA-RS_RJ_422 Sava Lower Sava

Flood- plain HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value):

Code and Name SI_RJ_048; Soča - Source to HPP Doblar 2 impoundment

Size, length 64 rkm

Short Description Mostly straight, canyon Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Salmo mamoratus, Barbus meridionalis, Barbus plebejus, Cottus gobio, Leuciscus souffia; Lutra lutra; Austropotamobius pallipes; Vegetation with Salix eleagnos, Myricaria germanica

Protection status Natura 2000: SI3000254 (Habitat Directive Site), SI3000253 (Habitat Directive Site), SI5000019 (Birds Directive Site) ; Triglav National Park (upstream Bovec)

Current threats Planned hydropower plants Kobarid and Kamno

Upper Soča (Martin Schneider-Jacoby)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name T_SI-HR_RJ_476, (SI_RJ_073; HR_RJ_628),Floodplain/River Mura - Austrian border to mouth into Drava

Size, length 115 rkm, 16,160 ha

Short Description Mostly straight and sinuous meandering Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Water courses of plain to mountain levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation; Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae); Rivers with muddy banks with Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p. vegetation

Protection status Natura 2000: SI3000215 (Habitat Directive Site), HUBF20043 (Habitat Directive Site),SI5000010 (Birds Directive Site)

Current threats Planned hydropower plants Mursko Središče, Podturen, Goričan, Kotoriba, + 8 additional planned hydropower plants

Lower Mura near Podturen (Arno Mohl, WWF Austria)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name T_HR-SI_RJ_077; Kolpa/Kupa - Osilnica to Milici

Size, length 80 rkm Short Description Mostly straight

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Water courses of plain to mountain levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation; Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)

Protection status Natura 2000: SI3000175 (Habitat Directive Site), SI3000263 (Habitat Directive Site), SI5000013 (Birds Directive Site)

Current threats Planned hydropower plants Kocicin, Dol, Severin, Prilisce

Upper Kolpa/Kupa upstream Kostel, sediment bank with vegetation (Google Panoramio by user radovancvijic2)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1.2 Croatia

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph.


HR_RJ_410 Neretva Neretva Estuary/Delta

HymoClass2 + ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_412 Krka Krka downstream Estuary/Delta

HymoClass1 + ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

HR_RJ_413 Raša Raša Estuary/Delta

HymoClass2 + ProtArea Mostly Straight

HR_RJ_414 Mirna Mirna Estuary/Delta

HymoClass2 + ProtArea Mostly Straight

HR_RJ_420 Drava Lower Drava to mouth


HymoClass2 + ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_423 Kupa Lower Kupa Flood-plain

HymoClass2 + ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_424 Čepićko polje Čepičko polje Polje

PartiallyFlooded+ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_425 Ličko Polje Fužine-Lić Polje PartiallyFlooded+ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_426 Ogulinsko polje Ogulin Polje

PartiallyFlooded+ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_427 Plaščansko polje Plaščansko polje Polje

PartiallyFlooded+ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_428 Lug polje Lug Polje PartiallyFlooded+ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_429 Drežničko polje Drežničko polje Polje

MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_430 Krbavsko polje Krbavsko polje Polje

MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_431 Lipovo polje Lipovo polje Polje MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_432 Koreničko polje

Koropolje Koreničko Polje

MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_433 Bjelopolje Bjelopolje Polje PartiallyFlooded+ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_434 Gacko Polje Gacko polje Polje MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_435 Vrhovinsko polje Vrhovinsko polje Polje

Partially Flooded+ ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_436 Lapačko polje Lapačko polje Polje

Mostly Flooded + ProtArea Polje >500mAsl


Bare i Gračačko polje

Bare i Gračačko polje Polje

Partially Flooded+ ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_438 Hrvatsačko polje Hrvatsačko polje Polje

Partially Flooded + ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_439 Paško polje Paško polje Polje

Partially Flooded+ ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph.


HR_RJ_440 Petrovo polje Petrovo polje Polje

Partially Flooded + ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_441 Sinjsko polje Sinjsko polje Polje

Partially Flooded+ ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_443 Jezero polje Jezero Polje Mostly Flooded + ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_444 Konavosko polje Konavosko polje Polje

Partially Flooded + ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_445 Bjelolasica Bjelolasica Polje

Partially Flooded+ ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_446 Krakar polje Krakar Polje

Partially Flooded+ ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_447 Crnae Crnae Polje Mostly Flooded + ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_448 Stajničko polje Stajničko polje Polje

Mostly Flooded + ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_450 Perušičko polje Perušičko polje Polje

Mostly Flooded + ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_451 Podpolje Podpolje Polje MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_452 Vrličko polje Vrličko polje Polje Partially Flooded + ProtArea Polje <500mAsl


Hrvatsko polje i Kompolje

Hrvatsko polje i Kompolje Polje Mostly Flooded Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_454 Gušić polje Gušić polje Polje Mostly Flooded Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_455 Letinac Letinac Polje Mostly Flooded+ ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_456 Brinjsko polje Brinjsko polje Polje Mostly Flooded Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_457 Krbavačko polje Krbavica Polje

Partially Flooded+ ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_459 Jezerac polje Jezerac Polje Mostly Flooded Polje <500mAsl

HR_RJ_461 Ličko polje Ličko polje Polje

Partially Flooded+ ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

HR_RJ_625 Sava

Slovenian border to Zagreb/Trešnjevka-jug River

HymoClass2 + ProtArea Mostly Straight

HR_RJ_626 Sava

Zagreb/Domovinski bridge to Bosnian border/Jasenovac River

HymoClass2 + ProtArea Mostly Straight

HR_RJ_628 Mura

Slovenian border, along Romanian border to mouth River

HymoClass2 + ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph.


into Drava

HR_RJ_629 Drava

Downstream Donja Dubrava to entrance Osijek River

HymoClass2 + ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_630 Drava Exit Osijek to mouth into Danube River

HymoClass2 + ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_631 Kupa Ozalj to confluence with Odra River

HymoClass2 + ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_632 Zrmanja Source to Velebit impoundment River

HymoClass2 + ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

HR_RJ_633 Neretva Bosnian border to mouth River

HymoClass2 + ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_634 Cetina

Downstream Hpp Peruca to impoundment HPP Dale River

HymoClass2 + ProtArea Mostly Straight

HR_RJ_635 Cetina HPP Kraljevac 2 to mouth River

HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

HR_RJ_636 Cikola Source to mouth River HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

HR_RJ_637 Krka Strmica to HPP Miljacka River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

HR_RJ_638 Krka HPP Miljacka to mouth River

HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

HR_RJ_639 Kolpa/Kupa Source to Osilnica River HymoClass1 +ProtArea


HR_RJ_640 Mrežnica

Outflow downstream Plaški to Sveti Petar Mrežnički River

HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

HR_RJ_641 Korana Source to Bosnian border River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

HR_RJ_642 Korana Bosnian border to Koransko Selo River

HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

HR_RJ_643 Lonja Outflow canal to inflow canal River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_644 Odra Source to mouth into Kupa River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_645 Strug Source to mouth into Sava River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_646 Karašica Macute to Čačinci River HymoClass1 Mostly Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_647 Zrmanja Upper Zrmanja Polje MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph.


HR_RJ_648 Bednja Source to Hrastovsko River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

HR_RJ_651 Krka Krka Estuary/Delta

HymoClass1 +ProtArea


HR_RJ_671 Dobra Source to Ogulin River HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Imotsko polje Imotsko polje Polje MostlyFlooded Polje <500mAsl

T_HR-BA_RJ_627 Sava

Bosnian border/Jasenovac to Serbian border/Greda Orlovača River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_HR-BA_RJ_643 Una

6 km upstream border to mouth into Sava River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea Mostly Straight

T_HR-BA_RJ_650 Una

Source to Velino Brdo River

HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_HR-BA_RJ_670 Korana

Border Croatia-Bosnia River

HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

T_HR-SI_RJ_077 Kolpa/Kupa Osilnica to Milici River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea Mostly Straight

T_RS-HR_RJ_615 Danube

Hungarian border to Backa Palanka River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

T_SI-HR_RJ_476 Mura

Mura - Austrian border to mouth


HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_SI-HR_RJ_628 Mura

Lower Mura, whole border stretch River

HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

T_SI-HR-BA-RS_RJ_422 Sava Lower Sava


HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value): Code and Name T_SI-HR-BA-RS_RJ_422, Floodplain Lower Sava

(SI_RJ_159, HR_RJ_625, HR_RJ_626, T_HR-BA_RJ_627, RS_RJ_612, T_BA-RS_RJ_612)

Size, length 500 rkm, 311,280 ha

Short Description Mostly straight and sinuous meandering Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and/or of the Isoëto-Nanojuncetea; Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of Chara spp.; Rivers with muddy banks with Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p. vegetation; Water courses of plain to mountain levels with the Ranunculion fluvitantis Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation; Alluvial meadows of river valleys of the Cnidion dubii

Protection status Natura2000 Planned areas; Nature reserves, Ramsar Sites: Cerkniško jezero (Slovenia), Lonjsko Polje (Croatia), Bardača (B&H) and Obedska Bara (Serbia)

Current threats Planned hydropower plants Brežice, Mokrice, Podsused, Zagreb, Prečko, Drenje, Strelečko, Jasenovac, Samac, Kupinovo

Lower Sava, floodplain near Obrež village, Serbia (Google Panoramio by user jelcoljuba)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name HR_RJ_420, Floodplain Lower Drava to mouth (HR_RJ_629, HR_RJ_630)

Size, length 43,870 ha, 190 rkm Short Description Mostly sinuous meandering

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and/or of the Isoëto-Nanojuncetea, Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition - type vegetation, Rivers with muddy banks with Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p. vegetation, Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae), Water courses of plain to mountain levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation, Rivers with muddy banks with Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p. vegetation

Protection status Nature reserve; Natura 2000(Hungary): HUDD20056 (Habitat Directive Site), HUDD20054 (Habitat Directive Site), HUDD20007 (Habitat Directive Site), HUDD10002 (Birds Directive Site)

Current threats Planned hydropower plants Molve1, Molve2, Barcs, Donji Miholjac, Osijek

Lower Drava near Donji Miholjac village, Croatia (Google Panoramio by user Gyalokai)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name HR_RJ_461, Ličko polje

Size, length 45,160 ha

Short Description Polje >500m above sea level Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Karst grasslands, karst rivers

Protection status Planned Natura2000 sites

Current threats Melioration, landuse

Ličko polje, Lika river (Google Panoramio by user dane 2006)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph.


BA_RJ_107 Livanjsko Polje Livanjsko Polje Polje

Mostly Flooded+ ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

BA_RJ_361 Drina Lower Drina Floodplain HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

BA_RJ_362 Glamočko polje Glamočko polje Polje Mostly Flooded Polje >500mAsl

BA_RJ_363 Nevesinjsko polje

Nevesinjsko polje Polje

Partially Flooded +ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

BA_RJ_364 Dabarsko polje Dabarsko Polje Polje

MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

BA_RJ_366 Gatačko polje Gatačko polje Polje

MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

BA_RJ_368 Fatničko polje Fatničko polje Polje

MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

BA_RJ_369 Duvanjsko polje

Duvanjsko polje Polje MostlyFlooded Polje >500mAsl

BA_RJ_370 Pašića polje Pašića polje Polje MostlyFlooded Polje >500mAsl

BA_RJ_372 Raktino Polje Rakitno Polje MostlyFlooded Polje >500mAsl


Rastoka i Ljubuško polje

Rastoka i Ljubuško polje Polje MostlyFlooded Polje <500mAsl

BA_RJ_375 Mostarsko Blato

Mostarsko Blato Polje MostlyFlooded Polje <500mAsl

BA_RJ_376 Dugo polje Dugo polje (Dugorudo) Polje

PartiallyFlooded +ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

BA_RJ_378 Podrašničko polje

Podrašničko polje Polje MostlyFlooded Polje >500mAsl

BA_RJ_380 Deransko Polje

Hutovo blato (Deransko-Svitavsko polje) Polje

MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

BA_RJ_386 Jasenpolje Jasenpolje Polje MostlyFlooded Polje >500mAsl

BA_RJ_387 Cerničko Polje Cernica Polje

MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

BA_RJ_388 Studeničko polje

Studeničko polje Polje

MostlyFlooded +ProtArea Polje <500mAsl

BA_RJ_389 Mokro polje Mokro polje Polje MostlyFlooded Polje <500mAsl

BA_RJ_391 Popovo polje Popovo polje Polje MostlyFlooded Polje <500mAsl

BA_RJ_651 Una

Pokoj to Bosanska Krupa River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

BA_RJ_652 Ugar

Source to Vrbas confluence/imp River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph.



BA_RJ_653 Vrbanja Orica Brdo to Topića Glavica River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BA_RJ_654 Vrbas

Laktasi to mouth into Sava River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BA_RJ_655 Ukrina

Derventa to mouth into Sava River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BA_RJ_656 Bioštica Source to Olovo River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BA_RJ_657 Bjesnica Source to Olovo River HymoClass1

Mostly SinuousMeandering Canyon

BA_RJ_658 Krivaja

Upstream Cunista to Okuć River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BA_RJ_659 Bosna

Modrića to Sava confluence River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BA_RJ_660 Drinjača

Kuk to Drina/impoundment River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BA_RJ_661 Bistrica Source to Gradac River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

BA_RJ_662 Lim Serbian border to Orlići River HymoClass1 Mostly Straight

BA_RJ_663 Cehotina

Border Montenegro to Drina confluence River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BA_RJ_664 Drina

Border Montenegro to Bistrica confluence upstream Foča River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

BA_RJ_665 Neretva Source to entrance Konjic River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

BA_RJ_666 Neretvica

Source to Neretva/impoundment River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

BA_RJ_667 Lištica

Source to exit Mostarsko Blato River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BA_RJ_668 Tihaljina

Čondruša to mouth into Neretva River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph.


BA_RJ_669 Radimlja

Source to Konštica/Exit gorge River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

BA_RJ_786 Sutjeska

Source to mouth into Drina River

HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

T_BA-RS_RJ_609 Drina

Old meander downstream Loznica to mouth into Sava River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering


Imotsko polje Imotsko polje Polje Mostly Flooded Polje <500mAsl

T_HR-BA_RJ_627 Sava

Bosnian border/Jasenovac to Serbian border/Greda Orlovača River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_HR-BA_RJ_643 Una

6 km upstream border to mouth into Sava River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea Mostly Straight

T_HR-BA_RJ_650 Una

Source to Velino Brdo River

HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_HR-BA_RJ_670 Korana

Border Croatia-Bosnia River

HymoClass1 +ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

T_SI-HR-BA-RS_RJ_422 Sava Lower Sava Floodplain

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_BA-RS_RJ_612 Sava

Jamena to Ravnje River

HymoClass2 +ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value):

Code and Name BA_RJ_363, Nevesinjsko polje

Size, length 7,760 ha Short Description Polje >500m above sea level

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Karst grasslands

Protection status Nature reserve Current threats Planned hydropower plant Nevesinje

Nevesinjsko Polje with still intact karst streams (Martin Schneider-Jacoby)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name BA_RJ_652, Ugar river - Source to Vrbas confluence/impoundment

Size, length 40 rkm Short Description Mostly straight, canyon

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Karst canyon river

Protection status Not protected Current threats Planned hydropower plants Melina,

Zapeče, Ugar2, Ugar1, Vrletna kosa, Ivik, Ugar-Ušće

Lower Ugar canyon, upstream confluence with Vrbas (Google Panoramio by user pc00734317)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name BA_RJ_665, Neretva river - Source to entrance Konjic

Size, length 70 rkm Short Description Mostly straight, canyon

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Karst canyon river

Protection status Not protected Current threats Planned hydropower plants Ulog,

Bjelimići, Glavatičevo

Upper Neretva canyon, upstream Konjic (Google Panoramio by user Dragan Popovic Pana)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1.4 Serbia

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type

RS_RJ_421 Danube Middle Danube Floodplain HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

RS_RJ_469 Tamiš Tamiš Floodplain HymoClass2+ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_470 Velika Morava

Lower Veliki Morava Floodplain HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_471 Timok Lower Timok Floodplain HymoClass1 Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_473 Tisza Lower Tisza Floodplain HymoClass1 Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_590 Južna Morava

ca. 3km downstream Džep to Dobrotinska bara River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

RS_RJ_591 Južna Morava

Korman to end of Štalac gorge River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_592 Velika Morava

Svilajnac to mouth into Danube River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_594 Erma

Bulgarian border to mouth into Nisava River


Mostly Straight Canyon

RS_RJ_595 Vlasina

HPP Vlasina to HPP Vlasotince River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

RS_RJ_596 Toplica

Berilje to Toplički Badnjevac River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_597 Ibar

Border Montenegro to Ribarice River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

RS_RJ_598 Ibar Bagašče to Orljujak River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

RS_RJ_599 Studenika Cecina to Konjsko River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

RS_RJ_600 Nosnica

Source to confluence with Moravica River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

RS_RJ_601 Zapadna Morava

Confluence with Rajkova to Milocaj River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_602 Zapadna Morava

Upstream Medvedja to Kukljin River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type

RS_RJ_603 Veliki Ržav Bela Reka to Ojdansko Brdo River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

RS_RJ_604 Uvac

Headwater: source to Zekica Brdo River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_605 Uvac

Downstream Radoinjsko Lake to Bosnian border River


Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

RS_RJ_607 Rzav Zlatibor to Bosnian border River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

RS_RJ_608 Jadar

Source to confluence Plužac River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_610 Zasavista

Source to mouth into Sava River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_611 Kolubara

Downstream Mali Borak to mouth into Sava River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_612 Sava Mrdenovac to Progar River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_613 Zamna

Confluence downstream Plavan to mouth into Danube River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_614 Svrljiski Timok

Source to Podvis River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_615 Trgoviski Timok Upper stretch River


Mostly Straight Canyon

RS_RJ_616 Danube

Bačka Palanka to entrance Novi Sad River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Braided

RS_RJ_617 Danube

Exit Novi Sad to Stari Banovci River


Mostly Straight and Braided

RS_RJ_619 Danube

Downstream Djerdap 2 to Bulgarian border River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

RS_RJ_620 Tisza

Canal derivation Novi Bečej to mouth into Danube River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_621 Tamiš Orlovat to River HymoClass1 Mostly Sinuous

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type

Jabuka Meandering

RS_RJ_622 Nera

Romanian border to mouth into Danube River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_623 Karas

Romanian border to Jasenovo River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_624 Uvac Karamjedani Polje MostlyFlooded+ProtArea Polje >500mAsl



Nera Floodplain HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

T_BA-RS_RJ_609 Drina

Old meander downstream Loznica to mouth into Sava River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

T_BG-RS_RJ_593 Visočića

Source to Pirot reservoir River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_RS-HR_RJ_615 Danube

Hungarian border to Backa Palanka River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

T_SI-HR-BA-RS_RJ_422 Sava Lower Sava Floodplain


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_BA-RS_RJ_612 Sava

Jamena to Ravnje River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

RS_RJ_900 Lim Upper Lim and border with ME River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value):

Code and Name RS_RJ_470, Velika Morava Floodplain, (RS_RJ_592)

Size, length 11,070 ha, 80 rkm

Short Description Mostly sinuous meandering Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Gravel to sand pioneers with salix purpurea and populus nigra, oxbows

Protection status Not protected Current threats Planned hydropower plant RS_HP_926

Lower Velika Morava (Google Panoramio by user Teca sa Dunava)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name RS_RJ_469, Floodplain Tamiš river

Size, length 14,520 ha

Short Description Mostly sinuous meandering Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

11,000 ha of ancient riverine forests; White Stork, Black Stork, Eurasian Spoonbill, Pigmy Cormorant, Ferruginous Duck, White-tailed Eagle, Whiskered Tern, Glossy Ibis

Protection status Partially nature reserve

Current threats Poplar forests

Tamiš river near Orlovat (Google Panoramio by user ostojinp)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name RS_RJ_598, Ibar river - Bagasce to Orljujak

Size, length 30 rkm Short Description Mostly straight and sinuous meandering,

canyon Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Karst river, softwood galleries

Protection status Not protected

Current threats 10 planned hydropower plants on lower Ibar

Ibar river near Polumir (Google Panoramio by user Karlsdorf)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1.5 Kosovo

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type

RKS_RJ_287 Ibar Kosutovo to Donji Dren River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

RKS_RJ_291 Klina Source to Kline e Eperme River


Mostly Straight Canyon

RKS_RJ_294 Mirusha

Canyon stretch to confluence with Drini i bardhe River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

RKS_RJ_295 Lumebardhi i Prizreni

Source to exit gorge at Prizren River


Mostly Straight Canyon

RKS_RJ_296 Erenik Source to Junik River


Mostly Straight Canyon

RKS_RJ_299 Lumebardhi i Decani

Source to HPP in Lluka River


Mostly Straight Canyon

RKS_RJ_301 Lumebardhi i Peja

Source to entrance Peje River


Mostly Straight Canyon

RKS_RJ_306 Jar Source to Rakaj River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

RKS_RJ_672 Sutmanska

Source to Albanian border River


Mostly Straight Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value):

Code and Name RKS_RJ_301, Lumebardhi i Peja river - Source to entrance Peje

Size, length 30 rkm

Short Description Mostly straight canyon Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Karst canyon river

Protection status Nature reserve

Current threats Planned hydropower plants Kuqishta, Drelaj, Shtupeq


Lumebardhi i Peja (Google Panoramio by user Peter Pedersen)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name RKS_RJ_287, Ibar river - Kosutovo to Donji Dren

Size, length 23 rkm

Short Description Mostly sinuous, meandering, partially canyon

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value


Protection status Not protected

Ibar, Kosovo (Google Panoramio by user shakhtar-fan)

Code and Name RKS_RJ_291, Klina river - Source to Kline

e Eperme Size, length 23 rkm

Short Description Mostly straight canyon Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Karst canyon river

Protection status Nature reserve

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1.6 Montenegro

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type

ME_RJ_008 Komarnica

Upstream Piva Reservoir River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_020 Tara

Source to confluence Tara-Piva River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

ME_RJ_029 Mala rijeka

Source to confluence Mala rijeka-Morača River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_045 Mrtvica

Source to confluence Mrtvica-Morača River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_046 Sjevernica

Source to confluence Sjevernica-Morača River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_096 Lake Saško Lake Saško Wetland MostlyFlooded+ProtArea

ME_RJ_097 Lim Upper Lim floodplain Floodplain

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

ME_RJ_122 Lake Scutari Lake Scutari Wetland MostlyFlooded+ProtArea

ME_RJ_123 Lake Scutari Gornje Malo Blato 1 Wetland


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

ME_RJ_124 Lake Scutari Gornje Malo Blato 2 Wetland


ME_RJ_126 Bojana-Buna

Bojana (Buna) Mouth 1


HymoClass1+ ProtArea Mostly Straight

ME_RJ_127 Bojana-Buna

Bojana (Buna) Mouth 2


HymoClass1+ ProtArea Mostly Straight

ME_RJ_128 Bojana-Buna

Bojana (Buna) 1 Wetland


Mostly Sinuos Meandering

ME_RJ_129 Bojana-Buna

Bojana (Buna) 2 Wetland


Mostly Sinuos Meandering

ME_RJ_217 Cehotina

Source to Otilovići reservoir River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

ME_RJ_218 Maočnica

Left Cehotina tributary before Otilovići reservoir River

HymoClass2+ ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type

ME_RJ_219 Cehotina

Otilovići dam to Bosnian border River

HymoClass2+ ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

ME_RJ_220 Savnik

Source to Savnik, confluence with Bijela River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_221 Bijela

Source to confluence with Savink River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_223 Komarnica

Confluence, Nevidio Kanjon upstream River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

ME_RJ_225 Zeta Gvozd to Nikšić River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

ME_RJ_226 Zeta

Orja Luka to confluence with Morača River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

ME_RJ_227 Morača

Žabljak Crnojevića to mouth into Skadar Lake River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea Mostly Straight

ME_RJ_229 Morača

Source to confluence with Zeta River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_231 Zlorečica

Source to confluence with Lim River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_232 Kruška

Source to confluence with Zlorečica River

HymoClass2+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_233 Krastica

Source to confluence with Lim River

HymoClass2+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_236 Ljubovida

Bajista to Lim, including right tributary in Bajista River

HymoClass2+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

ME_RJ_237 Bistrica

Source to confluence with Lim River

HymoClass2+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

ME_RJ_239 Kaludarska

Source to Lim-confluence Berane River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_241 Komarača Source to Lim- River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type


ME_RJ_243 Ljuca Gusinje to Plav River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

ME_RJ_244 Lim

Plav to entrance Andrijevića River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

ME_RJ_245 Lim

Exit Andrijevića to Serbian border River

HymoClass2+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

ME_RJ_247 Ibar

Exit Rožaje to Serbian border River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

ME_RJ_463 Ulcinj/Ulqin Ulcinj/Ulqin Estuary/ Delta


Mostly Sinuos Meandering

ME_RJ_464 Nikšićko polje Nikšićko polje Polje MostlyFlooded Polje >500mAsl

ME_RJ_466 Njeguško polje

Njeguško polje Polje

PartiallyFlooded+ProtArea Polje >500mAsl

ME_RJ_467 Cetinjsko polje

Cetinjsko polje Polje MostlyFlooded Polje >500mAsl

T_AL-ME_RJ_006 Cijevna

Cemi i Selcës/Cem i Vuklit confluence to Mahala River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight Canyon

T_AL-ME_RJ_242 Lim

Source to Gusinje River

HymoClass1+ ProtArea

Mostly Straight and Braided



Scutari Lake to mouth into Sea River

HymoClass2+ ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value):

Code and Name ME_RJ_020, Tara river - Source to confluence Tara-Piva

Size, length 154 rkm

Short Description Mostly straight canyon Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Alpine rivers ; residual alluvial forests (Alnion glutinoso-incanae)

Protection status UNESCO World Heritage, National Park Biogradska Gora

Current threats Proposed hydropower plants Tepča, Ljutica, Mojkovac, Trebaljevo, Mateševo, Opasanica; planned dams Žuti Krš and Bakovica Klisura for Kostanica hydropower plant

Tara valley (WWF)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name ME_RJ_122, Wetland Skadar Lake

Size, length 10,515 ha (only core wetland in ME)

Short Description Natural freshwater lake, tectonic- karst origin

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Lush reed vegetation; Phragmites communis, water lilies, Nympheae alba, Nuphar luteum; heath peas (Trapa sp.), sedges (Cerex elata), Oak woods (Quercus robur scutariensis, Fraxinus oxycarpa)

Protection status UNESCO World Heritage, National Park, Ramsar Site

Current threats Planned hydropower dams on Morača

Skadar Lake, wetland (Google Panoramio by user Jacek M.)

Mouth of Orahovstica river near Virpazar (Google Panoramio by user frippgun)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name ME_RJ_464, Nikšićko polje

Size, length 4,600 ha Short Description Polje >500m above sea level; composed

of several different geomorphological and hydrological units: the Upper Nikšićko, Krupac, Slano, and Slivlje poljes

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Karst grasslands

Protection status Not protected Current threats Existing water usage (derivation canals for

irrigation and hydropower use), intensified landuse

Common Cranes (Grus grus) in Nikšićko Polje (Martin Schneider-Jacoby)

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Code and Name ME_RJ_229, Morača river - Source to confluence with Zeta

Size, length 70 rkm

Short Description Mostly straight, canyon, main tributary of Scutari Lake

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Alpine rivers

Protection status Not protected Current threats Proposed hydropower plants Ljevista,

Krusev Lug, Ljuta, Dubravica; planned hydropower plants Morača near source, Kostanica, Andrijevo, Raslovići, Milunovići, Zlatica

Morača river (Reinhard Böling)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1.7 Macedonia

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type

MK_RJ_078 Bošava

Bošava (source to mouth) River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

MK_RJ_082 Babuna Source to mouth River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

MK_RJ_092 Garska Reka

Source to mouth River

HymoClass1+ProtArea Mostly Straight Canyon

MK_RJ_096 Zletovska Reka

Source to mouth River

HymoClass1+ProtArea Mostly Straight

MK_RJ_118 Bregalnica

Mouth of r. Kriva Lakavica to mouth into Vardar River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

MK_RJ_141 Crna Reka

Crna Reka, from Skočivir to Tikveš reservoir River

HymoClass1+ProtArea Mostly Straight Canyon

MK_RJ_148 Vardar Forino to Čelopek River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

MK_RJ_150 Vardar Jegunovce to Kondovo River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

MK_RJ_156 Vardar Korešnica to Gradec River


Mostly Straight and sinuous meandering Canyon

MK_RJ_158 Vardar Davidovo to Greek border River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and sinuous Meandering

MK_RJ_159 Pčinja Puzaljka to Supli Kamen River HymoClass1 Mostly Straight

MK_RJ_161 Pčinja

Pčinja, from Dolno Konjari to mouth River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

MK_RJ_167 Kriva Reka

From Beljakovce to mouth River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

MK_RJ_168 Svetinikols-ka Reka

Mavrovica dam to mouth River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

MK_RJ_175 Suvolačka Reka

Source near Suvi Laki to Dvorište River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value):

Code and Name MK_RJ_156, Vardar river - Korešnica to Gradec

Size, length 110 rkm

Short Description Mostly straight and sinuous meandering, canyon

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value


Protection status Important Bird Area (IBA) Current threats Planned hydropower plants Veles,

Babuna, Zgropolci, Gradsko, Kukuričani, Krivolak, Dubrovo, Demir Kapija

Vardar river near Krivolak (Google Panoramio by user man33m)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name MK_RJ_141, Crna Reka - Skocivir to Tikveš reservoir

Size, length 60 rkm

Short Description Mostly straight, canyon Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Softwood, sandy pioneer habitats

Protection status Important Bird Area (IBA)

Current threats Planned hydropower plants Skočivir, Cebren, Galište

Crna reka, downstream Manastir (Google Panoramio by user crcoro)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name MK_RJ_118, Bregalnica river - Mouth of Lačavica to mouth into Vardar

Size, length 50 rkm

Short Description Mostly sinuous meandering, canyon Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value


Protection status Important Bird Area (IBA)

Bregalnica river near Sofilari (Google Panoramio by user DraganMitic)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1.8 Albania

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type

AL_RJ_065 Shala

Source to mouth into Komani Reservoir River


Mostly Straight Canyon

AL_RJ_066 Curraj

Source to mouth into Komani Reservoir River


Mostly Straight Canyon

AL_RJ_067 Cem i Vuklit

Source to confluence Cem i Vuklit - Cemi i Selces River


Mostly Straight Canyon

AL_RJ_248 Cemi i Selces

Source to confluence Cem i Vuklit River


Mostly Straight Canyon

AL_RJ_249 Kiri

Source to confluence with Buna River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

AL_RJ_250 Valbona

Source to mouth into Komani reservoir River


Mostly Straight Canyon

AL_RJ_251 Fan i Madh

Source to confluence with Fan i Vogel River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

AL_RJ_254 Fan i Vogel

Reps to confluence with Fan i Madh River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

AL_RJ_255 Fan

Fan i Vogel/Fan i Madh confluence to confluence with Mat River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

AL_RJ_256 Mat Source to Ulzes reservoir River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_257 Mat

Bridge upstream Milot to mouth into sea River


Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_259 Lumi i Tiranes

Source to exit Brar village River


Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

AL_RJ_260 Erzen

Source/Headwaters to Skorana River


Mostly Braided Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type


AL_RJ_262 Shkumbini Source to Paper River


Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

AL_RJ_264 Shkumbini

Bridge near Pajova to exit Peqin River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided And Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_266 Devoll Source to Bilisht River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_268 Devoll

Exit Maliq downstream to Vlaschuk impoundment River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

AL_RJ_269 Tomorrice

Source to confluence with Devoll river River

HymoClass1+ProtArea Mostly Braided

AL_RJ_270 Osum

Headwaters and upper Osum River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

AL_RJ_272 Seman Delta River HymoClass1+ProtArea

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_274 Vjosa

Greek border to future Kalivac impoundment River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

AL_RJ_275 Vjosa

HPP Kalivac exit downstream to Kashisht River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_278 Drino

Viroi lake to confluence with Vjosa River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_279 Shushica

Source to confluence with Vjosa River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering


Right Bistrica tributary near Sarande

Right Bistrica tributary: source to impoundment near Bajkaj River


Mostly Straight and Braided

AL_RJ_281 Zerqanit

Source to confluence with Drin River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and sinuous Meandering Canyon


Left Zerqanit tributary, Bulquize

Left Zerqanit tributary: exit Bulqize to mouth River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_283 Drini i zi Macedonian border to River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type

Fierza reservoir

AL_RJ_284 Caje

Source to confluence with Drini i zi River


Mostly Straight Canyon


Left Drin tributary at Kukes

Left Drin tributary at Kukes: Kosovo border to Fierza reservoir River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

AL_RJ_309 Gashi

Left Valbona tributary near Shoshan River


Mostly Straight Canyon


Left Valbona tributary near Bujan

Left Valbona tributary near Bujan River


Mostly Straight Canyon


Skadar Lake tributary north of Koplik

Skadar Lake tributary north of Koplik River

HymoClass1+ProtArea Mostly Straight

AL_RJ_312 Gjader Source to Vau i dejes River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided snd Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Left Mat tributary, Ulez reservoir

Left Mat tributary, Ulez reservoir at Bushkash River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

AL_RJ_314 Urake Mat tributary at Ulzes reservoir River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering


Left Erzen tributary + headwaters downstream Skorana dam

Left Erzen tributary + headwaters downstream Skorana dam River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon


Right Shkumbin tributary, Elbasan

Right Shkumbin tributary: source to entrance Elbasan River HymoClass1 Mostly Braided


Right Shkumbin tributary + headwaters north of Librazhd

Right Shkumbin tributary + headwaters north of Librazhd River

HymoClass1+ProtArea Mostly Braided

AL_RJ_318 Right Right River HymoClass1 Mostly Straight

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type

Shkumbin tributary north of Qukes

Shkumbin tributary north of Qukes

+ProtArea Canyon

AL_RJ_319 Radicine Left Shkumbin tributary River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Right Devoll tributary at Shtermen

Right Devoll tributary at Shtermen River HymoClass1 Mostly Braided


Right Devoll tributary + headwaters north of Ceruje

Right Devoll tributary + headwaters north of Ceruje River

HymoClass1+ProtArea Mostly Braided


Right Devoll tributary at Kodovjat village

Right Devoll tributary at Kodovjat village River HymoClass1 Mostly Braided

AL_RJ_323 Malsise

Left Devoll tributary Lozhan- Moglice + headwaters River


Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

AL_RJ_324 Bence

Source to confluence with Vjosa in Tepelene River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

AL_RJ_325 Lumi i Zagories

Left Vjosa tributary near Peshtan River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Right Vjosa tributary at Carshove

Right Vjosa tributary + headwater at Carshove River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

AL_RJ_327 Lengarice

Vjosa tributary, exit Barmash to confluence in Petran River


Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon


Right Vjosa tributary downstream Kosine

Right Vjosa tributary + headwaters near Kosine River


Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_330 Luftinja

Right Vjosa tributary near Memaliaj River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_331 Perroi i Vertopit

Downstream reservoir to confluence with Drino River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type


Left Drino tributary near Palokaster

Left Drino tributary, confluence near Palokaster River


Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

AL_RJ_333 Pavllo Ciflig to Greek border River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_334 Molisht

Left Osum tributary, confluence Berat River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon


Left Osum tributary, south of Polican

Left Osum tributary, south of Polican River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering


Left Osum tributary, south of Lapanj

Left Osum tributary, south of Lapanj River


Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

AL_RJ_342 Lumi i Osojes

Source to entrance Corovode River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon


Right Osum tributary, south of Berat

Right Osum tributary, south of Berat River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_351 Devoll Downstream Shtermen Floodplain HymoClass1 Mostly Braided

AL_RJ_352 Vjosa

Upstream and downstream Kalivac Floodplain HymoClass1 Mostly Braided

AL_RJ_353 Bistrica Butrint: Ksamil Estuary/-Delta

Mostly Flooded+ ProtArea

Mostly Sinuos Meandering

AL_RJ_354 Vjosa Vjosa Delta Estuary/-Delta


MostlySinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_355 Seman Seman Delta Estuary/-Delta


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_356 Shkumbini Shkumbin Delta



Mostly Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_357 Erzen Erzen Estuary/-Delta


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_358 Mat Mat/Ishem Estuary/-Delta


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

AL_RJ_359 Drinit Drinit Estuary/-Delta


Mostly Sinuos Meandering

AL_RJ_360 Palasa Palasa Estuary/-Delta

HymoClass1+ProtArea Mostly Braided

AL_RJ_681 Left Drino Left Drino River HymoClass1 Mostly Straight and

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type

tributary close to Greek border

tributary close to Greek border

+ProtArea Braided

AL_RJ_690 Drin

Spathar to mouth into Buna River HymoClass1 Mostly Braided

AL_RJ_701 Osum Lower Osum River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

T_AL-ME_RJ_006 Cijevna

Cemi i Selcës/Cem i Vuklit confluence to Mahala River


Mostly Straight Canyon

T_AL-ME_RJ_242 Lim

Source to Gusinje River


Mostly Straight and Braided



Lake Scutari to mouth into Sea River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

T_GR-AL_RJ_276 Drino

Source in Greece to Albanian Jergucat River


Mostly Straight and Braided

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value):

Code and Name AL_RJ_268, Devoll river - Exit Maliq downstream to Vlaschuk impoundment, (AL_RJ_351, Floodplain Devoll river - Downstream Shtermen)

Size, length 110 rkm, 1,210 ha (floodplain)

Short Description Mostly braided and sinuous meandering canyon

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Pioneers on gravel

Protection status Not protected

Current threats Planned hydropower plant Bratila2, planned hydropower plants Lozhan, Moglice, Zerec, Bratila1, Gramsh, Banje

Devoll river, braided river valley (Goran Safarek)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name AL_RJ_270, Osum river - Headwaters and upper Osum

Size, length 170 rkm (including headwaters) Short Description Mostly braided and sinuous meandering


Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Karst river canyon with waterfalls

Protection status Not protected Current threats Planned dams in upper Osam catchment

One of numerous natural canyon stretches in Albania along Osum (Google Panoramio by user gertti)

Osam canyon (Google Panoramio by user febbroriello)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name AL_RJ_701, Osum river - Lower Osum

Size, length 40 rkm

Short Description Mostly braided and sinuous meandering Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Pioneers on gravel

Protection status Not protected

Current threats Planned dams in upper Osam catchment

Lower Osum (Google Panoramio by user jolacola)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name AL_RJ_275, Vjosa river - Greek border to Kashisht, ( AL_RJ_274; AL_RJ_352, Floodplain Vjosa river - Upstream and downstream Kalivac)

Size, length 150 rkm, 3,100 ha (floodplain) Short Description Mostly braided and sinuous meandering,

partially in canyon Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Pioneers on gravel, softwoods

Protection status Not protected, but planned Nature reserves

Current threats Planned hydropower plants Selenice, Pocem, Dragot-Tepelena, Kelcyre, Permet, Badelonje, Kaludh; hydropower plant Kalivac under implementation

Intact Vjosa stretch with extensive braided valley (Google Panoramio by user 0710)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1.9 Greece (only part of the country)

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type

GR_RJ_398 Nestos Nestos Delta Estuary/Delta


Mostly Straight and Braided

GR_RJ_400 Filiouri Anakia lagoon Estuary/Delta


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

GR_RJ_401 Kompsatos Vistunida Estuary/Delta


Mostly Sinuos Meandering

GR_RJ_404 Axios Axios Delta Estuary/Delta


Mostly Straight and Braided

GR_RJ_405 Aliakmon Aliakmon Estuary/Delta


Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

GR_RJ_406 Kalamas Kalamas delta Estuary/Delta


Mostly Straight and Braided

GR_RJ_407 Vegoritis Vegoritis Estuary/Delta


Mostly Sinuos Meandering

GR_RJ_408 Galicos Gallcos Estuary/Delta

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Braided

GR_RJ_409 Dojransko Lake Dojransko



Mostly Sinuos Meandering

GR_RJ_441 Evros Poros to mouth River HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

GR_RJ_448 Struma

Bulgarian border to Strymonochori River


Mostly Straight and Braided

GR_RJ_564 Kalamas

Source to end of gorge downstream Limni River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_565 Kalamas

Mazaraki to breakthrough near Pigadoulia River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_566 Kalpakiotikos Source to Faneromeni River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Left Kalamas tributary near Leptokarya

Left Kalamas tributary near Leptokarya River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_569 Zagoria

Source to mouth into Aoos River


Mostly Straight Canyon

GR_RJ_570 Aoos

Source to Albanian border River


Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

GR_RJ_571 Sarantaporos

Source to mouth into Aoos River


Mostly Straight and Braided Canyon

GR_RJ_574 Aliakmon Source to Argos Orestiko River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_575 Aliakmon Votani to Ilarion River HymoClass1 Mostly Sinuous

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type

reservoir Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_576 Sioutsa

Source to mouth into Aliakmon river River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Braided

GR_RJ_577 Venetikos Source to Spanou bridge River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_578 Promoritsa

Downstream Voion reservoir to Rokastro River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_579 Belitsa Source to Bridge Chrysa River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Braided

GR_RJ_580 Moglenitsa Gorge: Chrysi to Kali River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_581 Axios

Macedonian border to Polykastro impoundment River


Mostly Straight Canyon

GR_RJ_582 Axios

Polykastro dam to Eleousa impoundment River


Mostly Straight and Braided

GR_RJ_583 Axios Eleousa dam to mouth River


Mostly Straight and Braided


Left Struma tributary near Valtotopi

Gorge of left Struma tributary: source to Inoussa River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_585 Agitis Source to Mikrokabos River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering


Left Agitis tributary in Symvoli

Gorge left Agitis tributary: source to Terpsithea River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_587 Nestos

Upstream Temenos to Galani River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_588 Despatis

Bulgarian border to mouth into Nestos River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Left Nestos tributary upstream Temenos

Left Nestos tributary, mouth upstream Temenos River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_590 Kompsatos Source to exit Melivoia River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight Canyon

GR_RJ_591 Kompsatos

Upstream Potamochori to end River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservatio

n Value Geomorph. Type


GR_RJ_592 Kompsatos Polyantho to mouth River


Mostly Straight and Braided

GR_RJ_593 Filiouri

Source to Essochi downstream ca. 2km River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_594 Filiouri

Ca. 2km downstream Essochi to Mystakas River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Right tributary of Erythropotamos (Byala) river near Metaxades

Right tributary of Erythropotamos (Byala) river near Metaxades River


Mostly Sinuous MeanderingCanyon

GR_RJ_596 Dadia

Source to mouth into Evros River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

GR_RJ_684 Nestos

Bulgarian border to Thisavros impoundment River HymoClass1

Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

GR_RJ_712 Nestos

Breakthrough Galani to mouth River


Mostly Straight and Braided

T_GR-AL_RJ_276 Drino

Source in Greece to Albanian Jergucat River


Mostly Straight and Braided

T_GR-TR_RJ_501 Evros Evros Delta


HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

T_GR-TR_RJ_440 Evros

Along border to Neoi Psathades River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

T_GR-TR_RJ_663 Evros Kipoi to Poros River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_GR-BG_RJ_440 Evros

Ormenio to Turkey River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value):

Code and Name GR_RJ_404, Axios river - Axios Delta

Size, length 2,580 ha Short Description Mostly straight and braided

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Coastal lagoons; Large shallow inlets and bays; Constantly flowing Mediterranean rivers with Paspalo-Agrostidion species and hanging curtains of Salix and Populus alba, Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand

Protection status Natura 2000: GR1220002 (Habitat Directive Site), GR1220010 (Birds Directive Site); Ramsar Site

Axios river, delta (Google Panoramio by user stathis katerini)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name GR_RJ_575, Aliakmon river - Votani to Ilarion reservoir

Size, length 100 rkm Short Description Mostly sinuous meandering, canyon

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Karst river canyon

Protection status Not protected Current threats Planned hydropower plants Taxiarchis,

Felli; hydropower plant Ilarion under implementation

Aliakmon river, canyon upstream Ilarion hydropower plant (Google Panoramio by user liakos xristos)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Code and Name GR_RJ_565, Kalamas river - Mazaraki to breakthrough near Pigadoulia

Size, length 60 rkm Short Description Mostly straight and sinuous meandering,

canyon Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Salix alba and Populus alba galleries; Lutra lutra; Testudo hermanii; Phoxinellus ssp.

Protection status Natura 2000: GR2120004 (Habitat Directive Site), GR2120008 (Birds Directive site)

Kalamas river near Neraida (Google Panoramio by user Kostas Pappas)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


1.10 Bulgaria

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type

BG_RJ_392 Durankulak Durankulak Estuary/Delta


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_393 Provadiyska Dewnja Estuary/Delta


Mostly Sinuos Meandering

BG_RJ_394 Mendrensko Mendrensko Estuary/Delta


Mostly Sinuos Meandering

BG_RJ_395 Ropotamo Ropotamo lagoon



Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_396 Rusenski Lom Rusenski Lom



Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_397 Danube Lower Danube Flood-plain

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_435 Maritza Source to Raduil River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_437 Maritza

Entrance Grabovitsa to Preslavets River


Mostly Straight and Braided

BG_RJ_439 Maritza

Entrance Svilengrad to Greek border River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Braided

BG_RJ_441 Arda Source to Byala Reka River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_442 Arda

Leshtak to HPP Byal Izvor River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_443 Arda

Byal Izvor to Kardzhali reservoir River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_444 Arda

HPP Studen Kladenets to Ivaylovgrad reservoir River


Mostly Straight snd Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_445 Struma Pchelina dam to Kopilovtsi River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_446 Struma

Nevestino to confluence with Rilska reka River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_449 Vit

Source to impoundment Sadovets River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_450 Vit

Exit Sadovets to Dolni Dabnik River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_452 Iskar

Beli Iskar dam to End of valley/Samokov entrance River


Mostly Straight Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type

BG_RJ_456 Iskar Radovene to Koynare River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_457 Iskar Dolni Lukovit to Orehovitsa River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_459 Yantra

Entrance Yantra to Derivation Ledenik River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_460 Yantra Ledenik to mouth Danube River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_461 Kamchiya

Source to Manolich/Reservoir River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_462 Kamchiya

Kamchiya Dam to Conevo Reservoir River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_464 Tundzha

Source to Koprinka Reservoir River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_465 Tundzha Koprinka dam to Yagoda River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_466 Tundzha Binkos to Yambol River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_467 Tundzha Exit Yambol to border Turkey River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_468 Oludere

Malevo to confluence with Maritza River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_469 Oludere

Trakiets dam to railway bridge Malevo River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_471 Yugovska

Source to confluence with Chepelarska River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_472 Chepelarska

Source to mouth into Maritza River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_473 Muglenska river

Source to mouth into Vacha river River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_475 Vacha

Krichim to mouth into Maritza River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_476 Chepinska

Source to exit gorge/ Velingrad River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_477 Chepinska Gorge-Draginovo to River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type

Vetren dol Canyon

BG_RJ_478 Topolnitsa

Dushanci reservoir to Topolnitsa reservoir River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Right Topolnitsa tributary upstream Petrich

Right Topolnitsa tributary upstream Petrich River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight


Left Maritza tributary in Sinitovo

Left Maritza tributary Sinitovo, source to highway River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight


Tributary Piasachnik reservoir near Belovitsa

Tributary Piasachnik reservoir, flowing through Malo Krushevo River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_484 Stryama

Source to mouth into Maritza River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_485 Umurovska

Source to mouth into Maritza River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_486 Sazliyka

Topolyane to TPP Maritza East1 River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering


Right Tundzha tributary near Knyazhevo

Right Tundzha tributary, Hlyabovo to Sinapovo River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_488 Arapliiska

Left Tundzha tributary, source to Studenoto kladenche River

HymoClass2+ProtArea MostlyStraight

BG_RJ_489 Ropotamo Source to mouth River


MostlySinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_490 Karaagatch Source to mouth River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_492 Veleka Border Turkey to mouth River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_493 Fakiyska Source to mouth River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_494 Sredetska Impoundment Polyana to River


Mostly Straight Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type

conluence in Sredets

BG_RJ_495 Dvoinitsa Source to mouth River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_496 Ticha

Source to Ticha reservoir River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_497 Ticha

Upstream Byal Bryag to upstream Kamen Dyal River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_498 Provadiyska

Source to end of canyon/Kamenyak River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_499 Byala

Source to confluence with Erythropotamos River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_500 Krumovista

Buk village to entrance Krumovgrad River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_501 Krumovista

Zlatolist to mouth into Arda River


Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_502 Varbitsa

Preseka dam to dam near Progres River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_504 Borovitca

Source to Borovitca reservoir River HymoClass1

Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_505 Mesta Source to Cherna Mesta River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_506 Mesta

Confluence downstream Gorno Kraishte to confluence Kanina river River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_507 Mesta

Hadzhidimovo to Greek border River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Right Mesta tributary, mouth near Banichan

Right Mesta tributary, mouth near Banichan River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_510 Kanina

Source to impoundment upstream River


Mostly Straight Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type


BG_RJ_511 Bistrica

Source to mouth into Mesta River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_512 Dospatska

Source to Dospat reservoir River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_513 Dospatska Exit Barutin to Greek border River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_514 Strumica

Macedonian border to mouth into Struma River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Right Struma tributary, mouth near Struma village

Right Struma tributary, Macedonian border to mouth near Struma River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_516 Dragovistica

Macedonian border to mouth into Struma River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_517 Treklianska

Source to mouth into Struma in Zemen River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_518 Pirinska Bistritsa

Source to HPP Pirin River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straigh Canyon

BG_RJ_519 Pirinska Bistritsa

Downstream HPP Spanchevo to mouth into Struma River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_520 Erma

Whole Bulgarian stretch River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_521 Nisava

Source to Serbian border River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_523 Dyrjanica

Lagoshevtsi to mouth into Danube River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_524 Lom Source to Traykovo River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_525 Stakevska

Prauzhda to confluence with Lom River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_526 Ogosta Zhelezna to Ogosta River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type


BG_RJ_527 Ogosta Portitovtsi to Gromshin River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_528 Ogosta Manastirishte to Harlets River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_529 Treshtena

Source to mouth into Ogosta River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_530 Botunia Source to Botunya River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_531 Skat

Komarevo to mouth into Ogosta River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_532 Palakaria

Source to mouth into Iskar River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_533 Zlatna Panega

Source to mouth into Iskar River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_534 Malak Iskar Exit Vidrare to Karash River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_536 Makotsevska Source to Chekanchevo River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_537 Kamenitsa Source to mouth into Vit River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_538 Touchenitsa Bohot to Pleven River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_539 Osam Source to Stoynovskoto River


Mostly Straight Canyon

BG_RJ_540 Osam

Fortress "Sostra" to Lovech River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_541 Osam Exit Lovech to Aleksandrovo River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_542 Vidima

Source to confluence with Rosica River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_543 Rositsa Source to Stokite River


Mostly Braided and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_544 Rositsa

Downsteam HPP Rositsa1 to mouth into Yantra River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_545 Dryanovo

Source to mouth into Belitsa river River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_546 Belitsa Source to River HymoClass2+ Mostly Sinuous

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ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type

mouth into Yantra

ProtArea Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_547 Golyama

Downstream Yastrebino dam to Mirovo River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_548 Stara

Source to confluence with Yantra river River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_549 Burzitsa

Elena to confluence with Stara river River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_550 Rusenski Lom

Shirokovo to Bozhichen River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon

BG_RJ_551 Beli Lom

Senovo to confluence with Cherni Lom River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering Canyon


Right Danube Tributary upstream Pozharevo

Right Danube Tributary upstream Pozharevo, Yonkovo to Stefan Karadzha River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering


Tributary Durankulak Lagoon

Tributary Durankulak Lagoon River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering


Albesti river, mouth in Mangalia, Romania

River flowing through Aleksandar Stambolijski River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_555 Oltina Lake tributary

Odrintsi and Kozloduytsi downstream to Romanian border River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

BG_RJ_556 Tributary Lacul Bueac

Gradnitsa and Angelariy downstream to Romanian border River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering


Tributary Srebarna Lake

Okorsh to Srebarna River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering


Danube tributary, mouth in Garvan

Zvenimir to mouth into Danube River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

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ID_RJ Rivers Poljes Name

LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type

BG_RJ_559 Danube

Entrance Bulgaria to Florentin River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_560 Danube Koshava to Dolno Linevo River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_561 Danube Stanevo to Ostrov River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_562 Danube

3km upstream Baykal to end of Belene island River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_563 Danube Vardim to Ruse River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_564 Danube Marten to Silistra River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

BG_RJ_671 Struma

Exit Blagoevgrad to Greek border River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

T_BG-RS_RJ_593 Visocica

Source to Pirot reservoir River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_TR-BG_RJ_219 Rezovo

From confluence near Dupnisa cave to mouth River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

T_GR-BG_RJ_440 Evros

Ormenio to Turkey River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

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Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value):

Code and Name BG_RJ_671, Struma river - Exit Blagoevgrad to Greek border

Size, length 85 rkm

Short Description Mostly straight and sinuous meandering, canyon

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)

Protection status Natura 2000: BG0001023 (Habitat Directive Site), BG0000366 (Habitat Directive Site), BG0001022 (Habitat Directive Site), BG0002098 (Birds Directive Site), BG0002003 (Birds Directive Site)

Current threats 5 Planned hydropower plants Kresna 2-6; hydropower plant Kresna 1 under implementation

Lower Struma river near Drakata (Google_Panoramio_by_user wiem)

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Code and Name BG_RJ_492, Veleka river - Border Turkey to mouth

Size, length 95 rkm

Short Description Mostly sinuous meandering, canyon Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)

Protection status Natura 2000: BG0001007 (Habitat Directive Site), BG0002040 (Birds Directive Site)

Veleka river, meander (Google Panoramio by user evgenidinev)

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Code and Name BG_RJ_542, Vidima river - Source to confluence with Rosica

Size, length 60 rkm

Short Description Mostly straight and sinuous meandering Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the mountain to alpine levels, Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)

Protection status Natura 2000: BG0000618 (Habitat Directive Site), BG0001493 (Habitat Directive Site), BG0002111 (Birds Directive Site), BG0002110 (Birds Directive Site), BG0000494 (Birds Habitat Directives Sites)

Current threats Hydropower plant Zora1 under implementation

Vidima river upstream Debnevo (Google Panoramio by user PetkoPetkov)

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1.11 Turkey (only part of the country)

ID_RJ Rivers Poljes

Name LocationRJ Type

Reason for Conservation

Value Geomorph. Type


River to the Black Sea, mouth near Igneada

River to the Black Sea, mouth near Igneada River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

TR_RJ_221 Bulanik

whole river, mouth in Black Sea River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

TR_RJ_223 Tundzha

Bulgarian border to Degirmenyeni River


Mostly Sinuous Meandering

TR_RJ_491 Rezovo headwater

Source to conluence with Rezovo River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

TR_RJ_503 Demirkoy lagoon

Demirkoy lagoon

Estuary/Delta HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

TR_RJ_504 Bulanik Saka Gölü Estuary/Delta HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

TR_RJ_680 Veleka

Source to Bulgarian border River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

T_GR-TR_RJ_501 Meric Meric Delta


HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

T_GR-TR_RJ_440 Meric

Along border to Neoi Psathades River

HymoClass2+ProtArea Mostly Straight

T_GR-TR_RJ_663 Meric Kipoi to Poros River HymoClass1

Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering

T_TR-BG_RJ_219 Rezovo

From confluence near Dupnisa cave to mouth River


Mostly Straight and Sinuous Meandering Canyon

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Presentation of selected “Jewels” (with very high conservation value):

Code and Name T_GR-TR_RJ_501, Meric River - Meric Delta

Size, length 13,740ha

Short Description Mostly straight (regulated) Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Sand banks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time Southern riparian galleries and thickets (Nerio-Tamaricetea and Securinegion tinctoriae) Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition - type vegetation

Protection status Natura 2000: GR1110007 (Habitat Directive Site), GR1110006 (Birds Directive Site); Ramsar Site

Current threats Intensive agriculture in close vicinity

Meric River, delta at GR-TR border (Google Panoramio by user theodoros sirros)

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Code and Name T_GR-TR_RJ_440, Meric river - Along border to Neoi Psathades

Size, length 90 rkm

Short Description Mostly Sinuous to straight (remnants of former meandering channels)

Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Water courses of plain to mountain levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation

Protection status Nature protection (Adjacent: Natura 2000: BG0000212 (Habitat Directive Site), GR1110008 (Birds Directive Site))

Current threats Intensive agriculture in close vicinity

Lower Meric river near Pragi (Google Panoramio by user papadakisioannis)

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Code and Name TR_RJ_221, Bulanik river - source to mouth into Black Sea, (TR_RJ_504, Bulanik Delta - Saka Gölü)

Size, length 30 rkm, 400 ha (delta)

Short Description Mostly straight and sinuous meandering Main habitats (and species) with high conservation value

Coastal lowland forests, swamps

Protection status Not protected

Lower Bulanik river (Google Panoramio by user csknpkr)

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2. Threats and impacts: Photo impressions 2.1. Dam construction

Vijosa (AL) dam under construction (Arno Mohl, WWF Austria)

Eroded shoreline Bojana-Buna Delta (ME/AL) (credit, Martin Schneider-Jacoby) as one result of the reduced sediment discharge through impounded Drin River (Martin Schneider-Jacoby)

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2.2. River regulation and flood defense structures

River regulation on the Drava, Croatia (Credit: A. Mohl/WWF)

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2.3. Sediment extraction

Lower Morača (ME), moon landscape (Martin Schneider-Jacoby) 2.4. Irrigation and landuse

Endangered wetlands, by waste deposits and settlement development (Nickšić, ME) (Martin Schneider-Jacoby)

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


3. List of planned hydropower dams The table contains the list of planned hydropower dams and indicates where new dams impacting Jewels. Trans-boundary dams are listed in both countries. 3.1 Slovenia

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

SI_HP_1500 Mura Mura 1 10-50 SI_RJ_073; T_SI-HR_RJ_476

SI_HP_1502 Mura Mura 2 10-50 SI_RJ_073; T_SI-HR_RJ_476

SI_HP_1503 Mura Mura 3 10-50 SI_RJ_073; T_SI-HR_RJ_476

SI_HP_1504 Mura Mura 4 10-50 SI_RJ_073; T_SI-HR_RJ_476

SI_HP_1505 Mura Mura 5 10-50 SI_RJ_073; T_SI-HR_RJ_476

SI_HP_1506 Mura Mura 6 10-50 SI_RJ_073; T_SI-HR_RJ_476

SI_HP_1507 Mura Mura 7 10-50 SI_RJ_073; T_SI-HR_RJ_476

SI_HP_1508 Mura Mura 8 10-50 SI_RJ_073; T_SI-HR_RJ_476

HR/SI_HP_511 Mura Mursko Sredisce 10-50 T_SI-HR_RJ_476; T_SI-HR_RJ_628

HR/SI_HP_512 Mura Podturen 10-50 T_SI-HR_RJ_476; T_SI-HR_RJ_628


Drava (pumping storrage) Kozjak > 50

SI_HP_622 Učja Učja 10-50 SI_HP_624 Bača Kneza 1-10 SI_HP_625 Soča Kobarid 1-10 SI_RJ_048

SI_HP_626 Soča Kamno 1-10 SI_RJ_048

SI_HP_1662 Idrijca Idrijca1 10-50 SI_HP_1663 Idrijca Idrijca2 10-50 SI_HP_1664 Idrijca Idrijca3 10-50 SI_HP_987 Sava Tacen 10-50 SI_HP_988 Sava Trbovlje 10-50 SI_HP_989 Sava Renke 10-50 SI_HP_990 Sava Suhadol 10-50 SI_HP_991 Sava Ponovice 10-50 SI_HP_992 Sava Kresnice 10-50 SI_HP_993 Sava Jevnica 10-50 SI_HP_994 Sava Gameljne 10-50 SI_HP_995 Sava Zalog 10-50 SI_HP_614 Sava Brežice 10-50 T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422

SI_HP_615 Sava Mokrice 10-50 T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422

SI_HP_996 Sava Šentjakob 10-50 SI_HP_996 Savinja Savinja 1 10-50 SI_HP_996 Savinja Savinja 2 10-50 SI_HP_996 Ljubljanica Podgrad 10-50 SI_HP_996 Moznica Moznica 1.10 SI_RWJ_048

HR/SI_HP_520 Kupa Kupari 10-50 HR/SI_HP_521 Kupa Kocicin 10-50 T_HR-SI_RJ_077

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ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

HR/SI_HP_522 Kupa Dol 10-50 T_HR-SI_RJ_077

HR/SI_HP_523 Kupa Severin 10-50 T_HR-SI_RJ_077

HR/SI_HP_524 Kupa Prilisce 10-50 T_HR-SI_RJ_077

HR/SI_HP_525 Kupa Stankovci 10-50 HR/SI_HP_526 Kupa Otok 10-50 HR/SI_HP_527 Kupa Bozakovo 10-50

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3.2 Croatia

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

HR/SI_HP_511 Mura Mursko Središće 10-50 T_SI-HR_RJ_476; T_SI-HR_RJ_628

HR_HP_513 Mura Gorican 10-50 T_SI-HR_RJ_476; HR_RJ_628

HR_HP_514 Mura Kotoriba 10-50 T_SI-HR_RJ_476; HR_RJ_628

HR/SI_HP_512 Mura Podturen 10-50 T_SI-HR_RJ_476; T_SI-HR_RJ_628

HR/SI_HP_520 Kupa Kupari 10-50 HR/SI_HP_521 Kupa Kočičin 10-50 T_HR-SI_RJ_077

HR/SI_HP_522 Kupa Dol 10-50 T_HR-SI_RJ_077

HR/SI_HP_523 Kupa Severin 10-50 T_HR-SI_RJ_077

HR/SI_HP_524 Kupa Prilišće 10-50 T_HR-SI_RJ_077

HR/SI_HP_525 Kupa Stankovci 10-50 HR/SI_HP_526 Kupa Otok 10-50 HR_HP_528 Kupa Brodarci 10-50 HR_HP_529 Kupa Pokuplje 10-50 HR_RJ_423; HR_RJ_631

HR_HP_528 Kupa Brodarci 10-50 HR_HP_529 Kupa Pokuplje 10-50 HR_RJ_423; HR_RJ_631

HR/SI_HP_527 Kupa Božakovo 10-50

HR/BA_HP_542 Sava Šamac 10-50 T_HR-BA_RJ_627; T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422

HR_HP_386 Sava Podsused 10-50 T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422; HR_RJ_625

HR_HP_538 Sava Prečko 10-50 T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422; HR_RJ_626

HR_HP_539 Sava Zagreb 10-50 T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422

HR_HP_540 Sava Strelečko 10-50 T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422; HR_RJ_626

HR_HP_541 Sava Jasenovac 10-50 T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422; HR_RJ_626

HR_HP_387 Sava Drenje 10-50 T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422; HR_RJ_626

HR_HP_389 Ombla Ombla > 50 HR_HP_390 Lika Kosinj 10-50 HR_HP_507 Drava Molve 2 > 50 HR_RJ_420; HR_RJ_629

HR_HP_507 Drava Molve 1 > 50 HR_RJ_420; HR_RJ_629

HR_HP_508 Drava Barcs > 50 HR_RJ_420; HR_RJ_629

HR_HP_509 Drava Donji Miholjac > 50 HR_RJ_420; HR_RJ_629

HR_HP_510 Drava Osijek > 50 HR_RJ_420

HR_HP_515 Dretulja Mrežnica 10-50 HR_RJ_427

HR_HP_516 Mrežnica Juzbašić 10-50 HR_RJ_640

HR_HP_517 Mrežnica Erdelj 10-50 HR_RJ_640

HR_HP_518 Korana Primisje 10-50 HR_RJ_642

HR_HP_519 Korana Lučica 10-50 HR_HP_530 Krka Miljačka 2 > 50 HR_RJ_637

HR_HP_531 Čikola Čikola 1&2 > 50 HR_RJ_636

HR_HP_532 Zrmanja Ervenik 10-50 HR_RJ_632

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

HR_HP_533 Zrmanja Zrmanja 10-50 HR_RJ_632

HR_HP_1581 Zrmanja Zegar 1-10 HR_RJ_632

HR_HP_534 Rječina Valici 10-50 HR_HP_535 Lika Senj 2 > 50 HR_RJ_431

HR_HP_536 Lika Otocac 10-50 HR_HP_537 Trebišnjica Dubrovnik 3 > 50 HR_HP_1580 Cikola Cikola 3&4 10-50 HR_HP_1582 Pozega Orljava 1-10 HR_HP_1583 Glina Glina 1-10 HR_HP_1584 Curak Zeleni Vir 1 1-10 Zeleni Vir

HR_HP_1585 Kupica Zeleni Vir 2 1-10 Zeleni Vir

HR_HP_1586 Ilovac Kupa tributary 1-10 HR_HP_1587 Brodaci Kupa Tributary 1-10 HR_HP_1588 Vrbovsko Dobra 1-10 HR_HP_1589 Korana Korana 2 1-10 HR_HP_1590 Korana Barilovic 1-10 HR_HP_1591 Lipa Lipa 1-10 HR_HP_1592 Pustika Pustika 1-10 HR_HP_1593 Dobra Dobrenici 1-10 HR_HP_1594 Tounjicia Dizdari 1-10 HR_HP_1595 Mreznica Sastavci 1-10 HR_HP_1596 Mreznica Bakici 1-10 HR_HP_1597 Korona Hrvatski Blagaj 1-10 HR_HP_1598 Korona Bukovje 1-10 HR_HP_1599 Korona Puskaric 1-10 HR_HP_1600 Korona Smoljanak 1-10 HR_HP_1601 Tisovac Tisovac 1 1-10 HR_RWJ_461

HR_HP_1602 Lika Miskulin 2 1-10 HR_RWJ_461

HR_HP_1603 Una Strbacki bug 1-10 HR_HP_1604 Zrmanja Berberov 1-10 HR_HP_1605 Krupa Krupa B 1-10 HR_HP_1606 Krupa Krupa A 1-10 HR_HP_1607 Zrmanja Mocro Polje 1-10 HR_HP_1608 Bustinica Bustinica -H 1-10 HR_HP_1609 Krcic Krcic 1-6 1-10 HR_HP_1610 Krka Bilusica Buk 1-10 HR_HP_1611 Krka Manojlavica slap 1-10 HR_HP_1612 Cikola Cikola 5 1-10 HR_HP_1615 Jadro Vrilo 1-10 HR_HP_1616 Cetina Tisne Stine 1-10 HR_HP_1617 Cetina Kostanje 1-10 HR_HP_1618 Cetina Voloder 1-10 HR_HP_1619 Cetina Bartulovic 1-10 HR_HP_1613 Cetina Mahe Vinalic 1-10 HR_HP_1620 Cetina Pleici 1-10

HR_HP_1614 Cetina tributary Nahe Rumin 1-10

HR_HP_1621 Ricica Ricica 1-10 HR_HP_1622 Rastok Rastok 1-10 HR_HP_1623 Krotusa Krotusa 1-10

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ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

HR_HP_1624 Koavle Koavle 1-10 HR_HP_1625 Ljuta Ljuta 1 1-10 HR_HP_1626 Neretva Neretva 1-10

HR_HP_663 Livanjsko Polje Čaprazlije 1-10

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3.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

BA/RS_HP_451 Drina Tegare > 50 BA/RS_HP_452 Drina Dubravica > 50 BA/RS_HP_453 Drina Kozluk > 50 BA/RS_HP_454 Drina Drina 1 > 50

BA/RS_HP_455 Drina Drina 2 > 50 T_BA-RS_RJ_609; BA_RJ_361

BA/RS_HP_456 Drina Drina 3 > 50 T_BA-RS_RJ_609; BA_RJ_361

BA/RS_HP_762 Drina Rogacica 1-10 BA_HP_373 Drina Ustikolina > 50 BA_HP_380 Drina Foča / Srbinje > 50 BA_HP_359 Drina Buk Bijela > 50 BA_RJ_664

BA_HP_361 Drina Paunci > 50 BA_HP_662 Drina Goražde > 50 BA_HP_362 Sutjeska Sutjeska 1-10 BA_HP_372 Sana Vrhpolje > 50 BA_HP_374 Neretva Glavatičevo > 50 BA_RJ_665

BA_HP_1039 Neretva Ulog 10-50 BA_RJ_665

BA_HP_629 Neretva Bjelimići > 50 BA_RJ_665

BA_HP_703 Neretva Konjic Mini 1-10 BA_HP_377 Trebišnjica Dabar > 50 BA_RJ_364

BA_HP_378 Nevesinjsko Nevesinje > 50 BA_RJ_363

BA_HP_379 Trebišnjica Bileća 10-50 BA_HP_413 Pliva Glavica 1 1-10 BA_HP_414 Pliva Duljci 1-10 BA_HP_416 Janj Janjske Otoke 10-50 BA_HP_417 Janj Bašići 1-10 BA_HP_419 Ugar Melina 1-10 BA_RJ_652

BA_HP_420 Ugar Zapeče 1-10 BA_RJ_652

BA_HP_421 Ugar Vrletna kosa 10-50 BA_RJ_652

BA_HP_939 Ugar Ivik 10-50 BA_RJ_652

BA_HP_360 Ugar Ugar 1 10-50 BA_RJ_652

BA_HP_940 Ugar Ugar 2 10-50 BA_RJ_652

BA_HP_360 Ugar Ugar 1 10-50 BA_RJ_652

BA_HP_422 Ugar Ugar-Ušće 10-50 BA_RJ_652

BA_HP_423 Crna Mrkonjić Grad 1-10 BA_HP_424 Crna Staro Selo 1-10 BA_HP_425 Vrbanja Divič 1-10 BA_HP_427 Vrbanja Siprage 1-10 BA_HP_428 Vrbanja Stopan 1-10 BA_HP_430 Vrbanja Koritine 1-10 BA_HP_431 Vrbanja Jurići 1-10 BA_HP_432 Vrbanja Orahovo 1-10 BA_HP_433 Vrbanja Obodnik 1-10 BA_HP_434 Vrbanja Vrbanjci 1-10 BA_RJ_653

BA_HP_435 Vrbanja Kotor Varos 1 1-10 BA_RJ_653

BA_HP_436 Vrbanja Sibovi 1-10 BA_RJ_653

BA_HP_437 Vrbanja Celinac 1 1-10

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

BA_HP_438 Vrbanja Gradina 1-10 BA_HP_439 Vrbanja Rudine 1-10 BA_HP_440 Vrbanja Vrbanja 1 1-10 BA_HP_1534 Bosna Bosna1 10-50 BA_HP_1535 Bosna Bosna2 10-50 BA_HP_1536 Bosna Bosna3 10-50 BA_HP_1537 Bosna Bosna4 10-50 BA_HP_1538 Bosna Bosna5 10-50 BA_HP_1539 Bosna Bosna6 10-50 BA_HP_1540 Bosna Bosna7 10-50 BA_HP_1541 Bosna Bosna8 10-50 BA_HP_1542 Bosna Bosna9 10-50 BA_HP_1543 Bosna Bosna10 10-50 BA_HP_1544 Bosna Bosna11 10-50 BA_HP_1545 Bosna Bosna12 10-50 BA_HP_1546 Bosna Bosna13 10-50 BA_HP_1547 Bosna Bosna14 10-50 BA_HP_1548 Bosna Bosna15 10-50 BA_HP_1549 Bosna Bosna16 10-50 BA_HP_1550 Bosna Bosna17 10-50 BA_HP_1551 Bosna Bosna18 10-50 BA_HP_1552 Bosna Bosna19 10-50 BA_HP_1553 Bosna Bosna20 10-50 BA_HP_1554 Bosna Bosna21 10-50 BA_HP_1555 Bosna Bosna22 10-50 BA_HP_1556 Bosna Bosna23 10-50 BA_HP_627 Bosna Vranduk 10-50 BA_HP_747 Bosna Cijevna 1 1-10 BA_HP_748 Bosna Cijevna 2 1-10 BA_HP_749 Bosna Cijevna 3 1-10 BA_HP_750 Bosna Cijevna 4 1-10 BA_HP_751 Bosna Cijevna 5 1-10 BA_HP_752 Bosna Cijevna 6 1-10 BA_HP_941 Bosna Doboj 1-10 BA_HP_1557 Bosna Bosna24 10-50

BA_HP_704 Bosna tributary Moscanica 2 1-10

BA_HP_441 Vrbanja Vrbanja 2 1-10 BA_HP_442 Vrbanja Vrbanja 3 1-10 BA_HP_444 Vrbas Novoselija 10-50 BA_HP_445 Vrbas Delibašino selo 1-10 BA_HP_446 Vrbas Trn 10-50 BA_HP_447 Vrbas Laktaši 10-50 BA_HP_448 Vrbas Kosjerevo 10-50 BA_RJ_654

BA_HP_382 Vrbas Banja Luka 10-50 BA_HP_449 Vrbas Razboj 10-50 BA_RJ_654

BA_HP_502 Vrbas Han Skela 10-50 BA_HP_457 Lim Mrsovo 10-50 BA_RJ_662

BA/ME_HP_749 Tara Bijeli Brijeg > 50 ME_RJ_020

BA_HP_458 Cehotina Vikoc 10-50 BA_RJ_663

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ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

BA_HP_460 Cehotina Prvnice 1-10 BA_RJ_663

BA_HP_461 Cehotina Hreljava 1-10 BA_RJ_663

BA_HP_462 Cehotina Brioni 1-10 BA_RJ_663

BA_HP_496 Bistrica Bistrica B1 10-50 BA_HP_497 Bistrica Bistrica B2-a 1-10 BA_HP_498 Bistrica Bistrica B3 10-50 BA_HP_499 Janjina Janjina J1 1-10 BA_HP_500 Šuica Vrilo > 50 BA_RJ_107

BA_HP_501 Glamočko Polje Kablić > 50 BA_RJ_362

BA_HP_503 Tihaljina Klokun 1-10 BA_RJ_374; BA_RJ_668

BA_HP_504 Tihaljina Kocusa 1-10 BA_RJ_374; BA_RJ_668

BA_HP_628 Una Unac > 50 BA_RJ_650

BA_HP_670 Miljacka tributary Pale > 50

BA_HP_695 Crna Crna Rijeka 1-10 BA_HP_701 Bliha Hatiraj 1-10 BA_HP_938 Sana Caplje 10-50 BA_HP_980 Prača Prača 1 1-10 BA_HP_981 Prača Prača 2 1-10 BA_HP_982 Prača Prača 3 1-10 BA_HP_983 Prača Prača 4 1-10

HR/BA_HP_542 Sava Samac 10-50 T_HR-BA_RJ_627; T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


3.4 Serbia

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

RS_HP_1000 Ibar Ibar 1 1-10 RS_HP_1001 Ibar Ibar 2 1-10 RS_HP_1002 Ibar Ibar 3 1-10 RS_HP_1003 Ibar Ibar 4 1-10 RS_RJ_598

RS_HP_1004 Ibar Ibar 5 1-10 RS_RJ_598

RS_HP_1005 Ibar Ibar 6 1-10 RS_RJ_598

RS_HP_1006 Ibar Ibar 7 1-10 RS_RJ_598

RS_HP_1007 Ibar Ibar 8 1-10 RS_HP_1008 Ibar Ibar 9 1-10 RS_HP_1009 Ibar Ibar 10 1-10 RS_HP_405 Ibar Ribarice 10-50 RS_RJ_597

RS_HP_370 Djetinja Djetinja 1-10 RS_HP_370

RS_HP_408 Djetinja Vrutci 10-50 RS_HP_1649 Ribnica Dosici 1-10 RS_HP_407 Vlasina Svodje 10-50 RS_RJ_595

RS_HP_410 Rasina Celije 1-10 RS_HP_1638 Visocica Rsovici 1-10 RS_HP_1640 Visocica Visocka rzana 1-10

RS_HP_1630 Visocica tributaries

Tosin Kamik complex 10-50

RS_HP_1642 Toplica Selova 1-10 RS_HP_1643 Toplica Magovo 1-10 RS_HP_1644 Toplica Selova 1-10 RS_HP_1641 Pcinja Pcinja 1-10 RS_HP_1645 Ljutina Sljivovica 1-10 RS_HP_1646 Vlasina Rejosnica 1-10 RS_HP_1647 Drakovacka Petkovi 1-10 RS_HP_1648 Vlasina Bare 1-10 RS_HP_1653 Krepoljin Mlava 1-10 RS_HP_1654 Celije Rasina 1-10 RS_HP_1655 Usce Studenica 1-10 RS_HP_1656 Manasija Resava 1-10 RS_HP_1658 Dutovo Resava 1-10 RS_HP_665 Veternica Barje 1-10 RS_HP_666 Vučjanka Vučje 1-10 RS_HP_667 Crni Timok Gamzigrad 1-10 RS_HP_1650 Gokcanica Jelici 1-10 RS_HP_729 Veliki Rzav Arilje 1-10 RS_HP_754 Nisava Banjica 1-10 RS_HP_1631 Nisava Crnokliste 10-50

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

RS_HP_1639 Nisava Tigar 1-10 RS_HP_1657 Nisava Vrgudinac 1-10 RS_HP_759 Lim Brodarevo 2 > 50 RS_RJ_900

RS_HP_1637 Lim Priboj 10-50 RS_RJ_900

RS_HP_411 Lim Bistrica > 50 RS_RJ_605

RS_HP_1651 Lim Kolovrat 1-10 RS_RJ_900

RS_HP_927 Lim Prijepolje 1 10-50 RS_RJ_900

RS_HP_1652 Lim Pranike 1-10 RS_RJ_900

RS_HP_926 Velika Morava Velika Morava 1 10-50 RS_RJ_470; RS_RJ_592

RS_HP_1632 Velika Morava Velika Morava 2 10-50 RS_RJ_470; RS_RJ_592

RS_HP_1633 Velika Morava Velika Morava 3 10-50 RS_RJ_470; RS_RJ_592

RS_HP_1634 Velika Morava Velika Morava 4 10-50 RS_RJ_470; RS_RJ_592

RS_HP_1635 Velika Morava Velika Morava 5 10-50 RS_RJ_470; RS_RJ_592

RS_HP_928 Veliki Rzav Roge 1-10 RS_HP_929 Veliki Rzav Orlovaca 1-10 RS_RJ_603

RS_HP_931 Uvac Sjenica 1-10 RS_HP_726 Danube Djerdap 3 > 50 RS_RJ_619

RS_HP_934 Danube Novi Sad 10-50 RS_HP_936 Lim Prijepolje 2 10-50

RS_HP_938 Sava Kupinovo > 50 RS_RJ_612; T_SI-HR-RS_RJ_422

RS_HP_1636 Tisa Novi Becej 10-50 BA/RS_HP_451 Drina Tegare > 50 BA/RS_HP_452 Drina Dubravica > 50 BA/RS_HP_453 Drina Kozluk > 50 BA/RS_HP_454 Drina Drina 1 > 50

BA/RS_HP_455 Drina Drina 2 > 50 T_BA-RS_RJ_609; BA_RJ_361

BA/RS_HP_456 Drina Drina 3 > 50 T_BA-RS_RJ_609; BA_RJ_361

BA/RS_HP_762 Drina Rogacica 1-10

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


3.5 Kosovo

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

RKS_HP_1041 Lumebardhi i Prizreni Recan 1-10 RKS_RJ_295

RKS_HP_1043 Erenik Mal 1-10 RKS_RJ_296

RKS_HP_1044 Erenik Erenik 1-10 RKS_RJ_296

RKS_HP_1045 Erenik Jasiq 1-10 RKS_RJ_296

RKS_HP_1046 Lepenc Brezovica 1-10 RKS_HP_1047 Lepenc Shterpce 1-10

RKS_HP_1051 Drini i bardhe Mirusha 1-10 RKS_RJ_303

RKS_HP_1052 Lumebardhi i Peja Kuqishta 1-10 RKS_RJ_301

RKS_HP_1053 Lumebardhi i Peja Drelaj 1-10 RKS_RJ_301

RKS_HP_1054 Lumebardhi i Peja Shtupeq 1-10 RKS_RJ_301

RKS_HP_1055 Lumebardhi i Decani Bellaje 1-10 RKS_RJ_299

RKS_HP_1659 Lepenica Kacanik 10-50

RKS_HP_1660 Ibar Ibar Kosovo 10-50 RKS_RWJ_287

RKS_HP_1661 Erenik Gjakova cascade 10-50

RKS_HP_1057 Lumebardhi i Llocani Llocan 1-10 RKS_RJ_298

RKS_HP_1065 Lepenc Lepenci 1-10

RKS_HP_1058 Plave Dragash 1-10 RKS_RJ_672

RKS_HP_1059 Drin tributary Orcush 1-10 AL_RJ_285; RKS_RJ_672

RKS_HP_450 Drin tributary Zhur 1 > 50

RKS_HP_734 Lumebardhi i Decani Koznjer 1-10 RKS_RJ_299

RKS_HP_754 Drin tributary Zhur 2 > 50

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


3.6 Montenegro

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

ME_HP_003 Tara Tepca 1-10 ME_RJ_020

ME_HP_004 Tara Ljutica > 50 ME_RJ_020

ME_HP_005 Tara Matesevo 1-10 ME_RJ_020

ME_HP_030 Tara Trebaljevo 1-10 ME_RJ_020

ME_HP_006 Tara Opasanica 1-10 ME_RJ_020

ME_HP_007 Tara Žuti Krš > 50 ME_RJ_229

BA/ME_HP_749 Tara Bijeli Brijeg > 50 ME_RJ_020

ME_HP_007 Tara Bakovica Klisura > 50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_008 Morača Andrijevo > 50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_009 Morača Raslovici 10-50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_007 Morača Kostanica > 50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_010 Morača Milunovici 10-50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_082 Morača Ljevista 10-50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_011 Morača Zlatica 10-50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_073 Morača Morača above 1,040 AMSL 1-10 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_091 Morača Krusev Lug 10-50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_082 Morača Ljevista 10-50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_092 Morača Ljuta > 50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_031 Morača Dubravica 1-10 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_028 Komarnica Poscenje 1-10 ME_RJ_008

ME_HP_012 Komarnica Komarnica > 50 ME_RJ_008

ME_HP_023 Cehotina Gradac 1-10 ME_RJ_219

ME_HP_024 Cehotina Milovci 1-10 ME_RJ_219

ME_HP_025 Lim Lukin Vir 1-10 ME_RJ_245

ME_HP_022 Lim Krusevo > 50 ME_RJ_097; ME_RJ_243

ME_HP_065 Lim Lim (825 AMSL - 645 AMSL) 1-10 ME_RJ_244

ME_HP_096 Lim Rzanice (Donja Rzenica) 1-10 ME_RJ_245

ME_HP_097 Lim Murino 1-10 ME_RJ_244

ME_HP_098 Lim Mostine 1-10 ME_RJ_245

ME_HP_086 Lim Berane 1-10 ME_RJ_245

ME_HP_087 Lim Poda 1-10 ME_RJ_245

ME_HP_101 Lim Tresnjevo 1-10 ME_RJ_245

ME_HP_102 Lim Navotina 1-10 ME_RJ_245

ME_HP_059 Lim Lim (907 AMSL - 825 AMSL) 1-10 ME_RJ_244

ME_HP_108 Lim Andrijevića 1-10 ME_HP_026 Lim Plavsko jezero 1-10 ME_RJ_243

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

ME_HP_109 Cehotina Otilovici 1-10 ME_RJ_219

ME_HP_027 Cehotina Mekote 1-10 ME_RJ_219

ME_HP_029 Bukovica Donja Bukovica 10-50 ME_RJ_220

ME_HP_037 Zlorečica Zlorečica 1-10 ME_RJ_231

ME_HP_038 Kutska Kruska 1-10 ME_RJ_232

ME_HP_039 Trebačka rijeka Gornja Trepča 1-10

ME_HP_040 Mala rijeka Nozica 10-50 ME_RJ_029

ME_HP_041 Murinska Dosava Rijeka 1-10 ME_RJ_244

ME_HP_042 Velicka Velika 1-10 ME_HP_044 Grlja Vusanje 1-10

ME_HP_045 Temnjačka-Treskavicka Jara 1-10

ME_HP_047 Vrbnica Vrbnica 1-10 ME_HP_048 Djurička Djurička 1-10 ME_HP_049 Sekularska Rijeka Marsenica 1-10 ME_HP_050 Kaludarska Kaludra 1-10 ME_RJ_239

ME_HP_051 Ljesnica Bioce/Ljesnica 1-10 ME_RJ_245

ME_HP_053 Tusina Tusina 1-10 ME_RJ_220

ME_HP_054 Bijela Bijela 10-50 ME_RJ_221

ME_HP_055 Krastica Kralje 1-10 ME_RJ_233

ME_HP_056 Komaraca Komaraca 1-10 ME_RJ_241

ME_HP_057 Osljak/Piva Osljak 1-10 ME_HP_058 Babinopoljska Babinopoljska 1-10

ME_HP_062 Planinski potok Planinski potok 1-10

ME_HP_063 Dapsića Dapsića 1-10 ME_HP_066 Bistrica Bistrica 1-10 ME_RJ_237

ME_HP_068 Pozanjska Pozanjska 1-10 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_069 Vrela Vrela 1-10 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_070 Ratnja Ratnja 1-10 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_071 Ibrištica Ibrija 1-10 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_072 Sjevernica Sjevernica 1-10 ME_RJ_046

ME_HP_105 Ibar Bac 1-10 ME_RJ_247

ME_HP_074 Ibar Ibar with its tributaries 1-10 ME_RJ_247

ME_HP_075 Stitaricka Stitaricka 1-10 ME_HP_076 Crnja Crnja 1-10 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_077 Bjelojevička Bjelojevička 1-10 ME_HP_079 Zaslapnica Zaslapnica 1-10

ME_HP_080 Grahovo reservoir Grahovo reservoir 1-10

ME_HP_090 Ljubovida Ljubovida 1-10

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

ME_HP_093 Mrtvica Velje Duboko 10-50 ME_RJ_045

ME_HP_094 Ravnjak Ravnjak 1-10 ME_HP_103 Grncar Grncar 1-10 T_AL-ME_RJ_242

ME_HP_104 Savnik Savnik II 1-10 ME_RJ_220

ME_HP_1040 Bukovica Timar 10-50 ME_RJ_220

ME_HP_107 Trebišnjica Trebišnjica 1-10 ME_HP_115 Sjevernica Kos 10-50 ME_RJ_046

ME_HP_116 Mala rijeka Brskut > 50 ME_RJ_029

ME_HP_117 Krušev potok Kruševica 10-50 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_118 Kostanica Luge 1-10 ME_RJ_229

ME_HP_119 Javorski potok Javor 1-10 ME_RJ_229

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


3.7 Macedonia

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

MK_HP_394 Mala Boskov Most > 50 MK_HP_397 Treska Sveta Petka 10-50 MK_HP_1627 Bregalnica Razlovci 10-50 MK_HP_1628 Bregalnica Jagmurlar 10-50 MK_RWJ_118

MK_HP_1629 Radika Lukovo Polje, Crna Camen 1-10

MK_HP_398 Crna Cebren > 50 MK_RJ_141

MK_HP_399 Crna Skočivir 10-50 MK_RJ_141

MK_HP_401 Crna Galište > 50 MK_RJ_141

MK_HP_606 Crna tributary Lera 1-10 MK_HP_607 Crna tributary Kazani 1-10 MK_HP_594 Vardar Babuna 10-50 MK_RJ_156

MK_HP_913 Vardar Zgropolci 10-50 MK_RJ_156

MK_HP_400 Vardar Veles > 50 MK_RJ_156

MK_HP_396 Vardar Gradec > 50 MK_HP_914 Vardar Gradsko 10-50 MK_RJ_156

MK_HP_915 Vardar Kukuricani 10-50 MK_RJ_156

MK_HP_916 Vardar Krivolak 10-50 MK_RJ_156

MK_HP_917 Vardar Dubrovo 10-50 MK_RJ_156

MK_HP_918 Vardar Demir Kapija 10-50 MK_RJ_156

MK_HP_919 Vardar Miletkovo 10-50 MK_RJ_158

MK_HP_920 Vardar Gjavato 10-50 MK_RJ_158

MK_HP_921 Vardar Gevgelija 10-50 MK_RJ_158

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


3.8 Albania

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

AL_HP_001 Devoll Banje > 50 AL_RJ_268

AL_HP_143 Devoll Bratila 2 1-10 AL_RJ_268

AL_HP_011 Devoll Bratila 1 > 50 AL_RJ_268

AL_HP_054 Devoll Moglice 1-10 AL_RJ_268

AL_HP_092 Devoll Vlaschuk 1-10 AL_HP_1526 Devoll Menkulas and Kuk 1-10

AL_HP_037 Devoll tributary Holte 1-10 AL_RJ_321

AL_HP_044 Devoll tributary Kukur 2 1-10 AL_RJ_322

AL_HP_1514 Devoll tributary Kukur 4 10-50 AL_RWJ_268

AL_HP_002 Tomorrice Skenderbegas > 50 AL_RJ_269

AL_HP_074 Drin Skavica 2 > 50 AL_RJ_283

AL_HP_250 Drin Ashta 1 > 50 AL_RJ_690

AL_HP_004 Drin Ashta 2 10-50 AL_RJ_690

AL_HP_187 Drini i Zi Sllove 1-10 AL_HP_232 Drini i Zi Radomir 2 1-10 AL_HP_1531 Drini i Zi Lura 1-10 AL_HP_007 Belesoves Belesova 1+2 1-10 AL_RJ_268

AL_HP_013 Caje Bushtrica 1+2 1-10 AL_RJ_284

AL_HP_014 Borjes Cernaleve 1-10 AL_RJ_285

AL_HP_015 Curraj Curraj-Epshem > 50 AL_RJ_066

AL_HP_018 Valbona Dragobi 1-10 AL_RJ_250

AL_HP_1509 Gomsiqe Gomsiqe 1-4 10-50 AL_HP_1510 Zali I Melthit Prelle 1 and 2 10-50


Egnatia, Ura and Hotolosht tributaries Quender region 10-50

AL_HP_1512 Bushtrica Quekes Skumbin 10-50 AL_HP_1515 Pavla Pavla cascade 10-50 AL_HP_1517 Lusa Hec I 1-5 1-10 AL_HP_1518 Bulqiza Zall Bulqiza 1-10 AL_HP_076 Shkumbini Sllabinje 1-10 AL_RJ_262

AL_HP_065 Shkumbini Qukes 1-10 AL_RJ_262

AL_HP_1519 Shkumbin Pequin 1-10 AL_HP_1524 Shkumbin 2E 1-10 AL_HP_1521 Shkumbin Labinot Fushe 1-10 AL_HP_1513 Shkumbin 2A-D 10-50 AL_HP_1520 Shkumbin Topcias 1-10

AL_HP_032 Shkumbin tributary Gur Shpat 1-10 AL_RJ_262

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

AL_HP_008 Shkumbin tributary Bishnica 2 1-10 AL_RJ_262

AL_HP_028 Shkumbin tributary Gizavesh 1-10 AL_RJ_317

AL_HP_1525 Cemerica Cemerica 3 1-10

AL_HP_1516 Langarica Langarica Cascade 10-50

AL_HP_1527 Langarica Rajan 1-10 AL_HP_1528 Fterre Fterre 1-10 AL_HP_1529 Rapuni Rapuni 1 1-10 AL_HP_1530 Rapuni Rapuni 2 1-10 AL_HP_1523 Rapuni Rapuni 3 1-10 AL_HP_1522 Rapuni Rapuni 4 1-10 AL_HP_043 Perroi i madh Kryezi 1-10 AL_RJ_251

AL_HP_1532 Kabash Kabash 1-10 AL_HP_1533 Kalasa Kalasa 1-10 AL_HP_020 Shala Dukagjin 1 10-50 AL_RJ_065

AL_HP_021 Shala Dukagjin 2 10-50 AL_RJ_065

AL_HP_022 Shala Dukagjin 3 10-50 AL_RJ_065

AL_HP_024 Kalivac/Dolisti Dunice 1-10 AL_HP_039 Vjosa Kaludh > 50 AL_RJ_274

AL_HP_019 Vjosa Dragot-Tepelena > 50 AL_RJ_274

AL_HP_040 Vjosa Kelcyre 10-50 AL_RJ_274

AL_HP_070 Vjosa Selenice > 50 AL_RJ_275

AL_HP_005 Vjosa Badelonje 10-50 AL_RJ_274

AL_HP_060 Vjosa Permet 10-50 AL_RJ_274

AL_HP_063 Vjosa Pocem 10-50 AL_RJ_275

AL_HP_068 River near Sasaj Sasaj 1-10 AL_RJ_280

AL_HP_078 Stojan Stojan 1-10 AL_RJ_313

AL_HP_083 Shupali Tujan 1-10

AL_HP_090 Osum tributary Vertopit 1-10

AL_HP_093 Cem i Vuklit Vukel 1 10-50 AL_RJ_067

AL_HP_094 Cem i Vuklit Vukel 2 10-50 AL_RJ_067

AL_HP_097 Zalli i Okshtunit Stebleve 1-10 AL_RJ_281

AL_HP_098 Caje Lapaj 10-50 AL_RJ_284

AL_HP_1100 Erzen Skorana Dam 1-10 AL_HP_112 Bence Bence 1-10 AL_RJ_324

AL_HP_113 Mat Peshku 1-10 AL_RJ_256

AL_HP_114 Mat Stavec 1-10 AL_RJ_256

AL_HP_117 Tucepit Tucep 2 1-10 AL_HP_121 Peshkut Kacni 1-10 AL_RJ_283

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

AL_HP_128 Perroi i Vertopit Suha 2 1-10 AL_RJ_331

AL_HP_129 Lumi i Osojes Vlushe 10-50 AL_RJ_342

AL_HP_130 Bistrica Bistrica 3 1-10 AL_HP_131 Bistrica Bistrica 4 1-10

AL_HP_132 Perroi i Madh, Murra Selishte 1-10 AL_RJ_283

AL_HP_142 Valbona Bradoshnica 1-10 AL_RJ_309

AL_HP_221 Curraj Curraj-Eperm 10-50 AL_RJ_066

AL_HP_234 Zerqanit Cerenec 1-10 AL_RJ_281

AL_HP_240 Dardha Dardhe 1-10 AL_RJ_266

AL_HP_241 Gostima Gostima > 50 AL_RJ_262

AL_HP_243 Bence Veliqote 1-10 AL_RJ_324

AL_HP_251 Orenja Orenja 2 1-10 AL_RJ_317

AL_HP_253 Caje Caja 1-10 AL_RJ_284

AL_HP_254 Caje Shkinak 1-10 AL_RJ_284

AL_HP_255 Caje Lusna 1-10 AL_RJ_284

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


3.9 Greece (only part of the country)

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

GR_HP_979 Aliakmon Taxiarchis 1-10 GR_RJ_575

GR_HP_980 Venetikos Alatopetra 1-10 GR_RJ_577

GR_HP_984 Strymonas Peponia 1-10 GR_HP_986 Aliakmon Felli 10-50 GR_RJ_575

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


3.10 Bulgaria

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

BG_HP_798 Iskar Prokopanik 1-10 BG_HP_799 Iskar Tzerovo 1-10 BG_HP_804 Iskar Opletnya 1-10 BG_HP_1558 Iskar Roman 1-10 BG_HP_1559 Iskar Karlukovo 2 1-10 BG_HP_1562 Iskar Karlukovo 1 1-10 BG_HP_871 Iskar Zverino 1-10 BG_HP_872 Iskar Cherepish 1-10 BG_HP_1026 Iskar Kunino 1-10 BG_HP_1038 Iskar tributary Dolna Beshovitsa 1-10 BG_HP_1579 Arda Madan > 50 BG_HP_763 Arda Kitnitsa > 50 BG_RJ_443

BG_HP_1066 Malka Arda Pesnopoi 1-10 BG_HP_1068 Malka Arda Malka Arda 1-10 BG_HP_901 Malka Arda Galabovo 1-10 BG_HP_902 Malka Arda Oriahovo 1-10

BG_HP_1200 Danube Silistra - Calarasi > 50 BG_RJ_397; BG_RJ_564

BG_HP_1201 Danube Nikopol - Turnu Magurele > 50 BG_RJ_562; BG_RJ_397;

BG_HP_879 Struma Struma 1 1-10 BG_RJ_671

BG_HP_880 Struma Struma 2 1-10 BG_RJ_671

BG_HP_881 Struma Struma 3 1-10 BG_RJ_671

BG_HP_882 Struma Struma 4 1-10 BG_HP_1560 Struma Kresna-Cascade 10-50 BG_RJ_671

BG_HP_908 Struma Pchelina 1-10 BG_HP_969 Struma Skrino 4 1-10 BG_RJ_446

BG_HP_970 Struma Skrino 5 1-10 BG_RJ_446

BG_HP_885 Chiprovska Energy-Chiprovtsi 1-10 BG_HP_1561 Rila tributary Rila Monastery 1-10 BG_HP_1563 Osum Yoglav 1-10

BG_HP_1564 Maritza Gabrovitza 1 and 2 1-10

BG_HP_1565 Maritza Govedare and Stamboliyski 1-10

BG_HP_1566 Maritza Dimitrovgrad 1-10 BG_HP_1567 Maritza Krum 1-10 BG_HP_1568 Maritza Dositeevo 1-10 BG_HP_1570 Maritza Manole 1-10 BG_HP_1571 Maritza Sestrimo 1-10 BG_HP_1572 Maritza Milevo 1-10

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

BG_HP_1573 Maritza Nova Nadejda 1-10 BG_HP_1574 Maritza Simeonovgrad 1-10 BG_HP_1575 Maritza Parvomay 1-10 BG_HP_1576 Maritza Dobri Dol 1-10 BG_HP_1577 Maritza Zlatna Livada 1-10 BG_HP_1002 Lopyan Stara 1-10

BG_HP_1027 Retige Retige 2 (Ilieva cherkva) 1-10 BG_RJ_506

BG_HP_909 Retige

Retige 1 (Haidushki kladenec) 1-10 BG_RJ_506

BG_HP_904 Davidkovska Slivka 1-10 BG_HP_1578 Tundzha Ustrem and Srem 1-10 BG_HP_1569 Tundzha Radovets 1-10 TR/BG_HP_999 Tundzha Border/Suakacağı >50 BG_RJ_467

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


3.11 Turkey (only part of the country)

ID_HP Rivers Poljes Name Location HPP

Installed MW Affected RJ(s)

TR/BG_HP_999 Tundzha Suakacağı >50 TR_RJ_222, TR_RJ_223

________________________________________________________________________________ River and Wetland assessment in the Balkan region


Valbona river, Albanian Alps, river jewel AL_RJ_309 (Goran Safarek)