Banner Prince of Peace Lutheran Church · 2020. 5. 5. · The Publication of Prince of Peace...

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  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 1 Volume 29 Issue 5


    We are all learning, or 'getting used to,' huge changes

    as to how the world and our lives work day after day.

    Some of these changes are very unwanted, some

    downright frightening. How we act as to being safe,

    having money, interacting with people for whom we

    care dearly, is uncertain and discouraging. And yet

    we see new examples every day of the courage and

    caring hearts of so many people. To watch how

    medical people, first responders, and 'essential

    personnel' and many just 'neighbors' risk their own

    safety to care for someone else is truly amazing to me.

    Stories of servanthood are all over. Where did all

    these 'acts of kindness,' sacrificial deeds, attitudes of

    love, come from? We are also seeing much

    selfishness, deceit, crime, stupidity, but we expect that

    from our broken nature. (My own judgmental

    impatience wants to call such persons "semi-human"

    and depraved and evil. Yet God's gospel apparently is

    intended for them as well as to the rest of us. Uffdah!)

    Covid-19 has changed our world. Yet we will


    Prince of Peace will go on. There may be some

    things that will never be the same again. Yes, really!

    Will worship change? How long till we can do Holy

    Communion quite the same? Hugging? Will the

    same ministry events still be the best ones? Will we

    discover that the word 'neighbors' has a slightly

    different meaning? Will 'salvation' be a bigger

    reality, with some different stories than before? Will

    some religious groups become even kookier than they

    have been? Will God's call to us be more emphatic

    and exciting? Or more scary at first?

    Yet we will survive!

    You may recall some very exciting conversation from

    our last congregational meeting in February. We

    noted three areas important to work on right now

    (Quoting from the February 2020 Banner):

    1) Developing a ministry direction and plans. Some

    things are obviously going to continue much as

    they are at Prince of Peace, as we are a traditional

    congregation with wonderful people involved in

    worship, regular ministries, pastoral care, etc.

    We're not going to let that go. We are also a

    congregation in a community of diverse cultures

    and new possibilities which we will either partner

    with (exciting ministry) or try to avoid (dying

    ministry). We have wonderful neighbors with

    whom we have shared ministry for years. Being a

    good neighbor is in Jesus' Great Commission to

    us, and it is printed on the cover of every bulletin

    and Banner we put together. We have Pastor

    Sam, who has experience and training in many of

    the possibilities awaiting us, with youth,

    worshiping groups, and pastoral care. Developing

    a ministry direction and plans is HUGE for

    Prince of Peace.

    2) Stewardship. All of us supporting the ministries

    of Prince of Peace with our financial gifts and

    other time and talents is essential. Every person

    needs to give generously. People who give are the

    people who will smile, who love life, who sleep

    Banner May 2020 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 2 Volume 29 Issue 5

    well at night. And the ministry that happens

    when people give is ministry that will grow and

    be successful in all the right ways. People need to

    give, for their own sake. People need to give for

    the world's sake, in Christ. Stewardship is HUGE

    for Prince of Peace.

    3) Using our resources. Our congregation has

    avoided some common pitfalls, such as debt,

    rundown facilities, blah reputation as a good

    neighbor, and lack of spiritual energy. We're

    really fortunate. An additional plus we have is a

    fair amount of land with which we may be able to

    do good things for the good news and for God's

    people. Much caring energy has gone into

    possible ways to use some of this land recently,

    the most talked about possibility being to let it be

    used to put up affordable supportive housing.

    This option is awaiting further information

    regarding longer times involved and trends in

    government and agency methods. Whatever we

    end up doing with this super resource, we would

    be lacking to just let it go to waste. It can be part

    of our ministry of being a good neighbor. And it

    can also play a major role helping fund the

    ministries we are developing (see leg # 1).

    We noted that these were a bit like a three-legged

    stool with which we could build a stable and effective

    ministry. We had several adult ed classes on these

    ideas, and the council has appointed a task force to

    study and suggest some particulars to bring to the

    congregation. So watch for some of these ideas soon.

    Yes, we will survive! The pandemic will require from

    us some courageous actions. But God has not made

    us wimps. Pray for

    wisdom. Pray.

    Pastor Tollefson


    The Youth Group started Zoom

    meetings on Easter

    Sunday and it went

    really well. We’ll keep

    doing this on Sundays

    at noon. It was fun!

    All in-person youth events are canceled for

    now, sadly.

    The mission trip to Montana has been

    canceled by Youthworks. Pastor Sam and

    Christy are working to put together a

    meaningful local outreach activity for the

    Youth later this summer. Our non-refundable

    deposit to Youthworks will be available for

    next year’s mission trip—no worries about

    any lost funds. They understand that we will

    continue to work with them and will have

    in-person activities for us in the future.

    We are still working with Youthworks to

    make sure that our Lenten Offering to the

    Blackfeet Nation gets to the right place and

    helps out as many people as possible,

    especially children and youth. Watch for

    updates on that.

    Make sure to check emails in the weeks to

    come to stay aware on PoP Youth activities.

    Thanks, Christy Tollefson-Hyler

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 3 Volume 29 Issue 5




    With Governor Jay Inslee’s press conference on April 21

    and on May 1, we are hearing

    that it may not be possible to have in-person activities

    for a while. We know the community meal is an

    important ministry and, especially now, people are

    facing hunger and isolation.

    Donations to our Human Needs fund right now make

    it possible to feed these hungry people in our

    community who are missing this important monthly

    meal. Consider donating food at the church Monday

    through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or by

    going to to making a

    one-time monetary donation.

    In the place of our regular Parish Nurse article, we’re printing CDC stress and coping with COVID-19

    information which can be found online at the link


    First, give yourself a break. This is hard. We’ve

    never lived through anything like this and while some

    of us are used to being home a lot due to retirement,

    for instance, we aren’t used to not being able to go

    out whenever we want to shop, eat, travel, or

    anything else.

    Outbreaks are stressful! Fear and anxiety about a

    disease can be overwhelming and cause strong

    emotions. Coping with stress will make you, the

    people you care about, and your community stronger.

    Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations.

    How you respond to the outbreak can depend on your

    background, the things that make you different from

    other people, and the community you live in.

    Take care of yourself and your community. Taking

    care of yourself, your friends, and your family can

    help you cope with stress. Helping others cope with

    their stress can also make your community stronger.

    Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to

    news stories, including social media. Hearing about

    the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting. Take care

    of your body—eat right, take deep breaths, stretch,

    meditate, exercise, avoid alcohol and drugs, and get

    plenty of sleep. Make time to unwind with activities

    you enjoy. Connect with others. Talk with people

    you trust about your concerns and how you are


    There is a lot more advice and information at this

    website; I recommend it to all who are at times

    having stress related to isolation and worry.

    Know that we are here for you and will support you in

    any way that we can right now.

    The website to find this and other great information



    Take care, stay in touch, call people, and we’ll see you

    as soon as we’re able!

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 4 Volume 29 Issue 5


    STUDY; 8:30 A.M.

    Hey! We got this one figured out! Join us each Tuesday morning from the comfort and safety of your

    own living room as we ZOOM our way into Bible

    study. Yep, that’s right, it’s a Zoom meeting now.

    We’ve done it a few times and it’s so good. See the

    online calendar for PoP at the link below and you’ll

    see the Tuesday morning Bible study entry. Simply

    click on that and you’ll see all the details you need to

    participate using your computer or smart device to be

    “there” with us.

    You’ll need a microphone and speakers to participate

    (optimally a camera as well so we can see you, too).

    All are invited. Go to: https://

    If you can, turn on your “Chat” feature while in Zoom.

    You do this by looking at the bottom of your screen

    and seeing the “Chat” conversation bubble and

    clicking on that. Without enabling “Chat,” you might

    not see if someone is trying to contact you this way.

    If you want to “chat privately” with one person

    during the study, hover your mouse over the upper

    right corner of their image in the meeting. When the

    three dots appear, click on those and enable chat with

    that person. You can chat with everyone or with one

    person at a time. We’ve found this is handy if a

    participant is having trouble with the technology and

    by typing messages to them, we’ve gotten them over

    the hump of turning everything on correctly and

    participating. We want this to work for everyone and

    we know we will stumble a lot before we get it totally



    We are living in the “new normal” right now. We’ve developed new skills as the adaptive creatures

    that we are. PoP Staff has had to realign itself to a

    new way of “doing business” in the time of corona-

    virus. We work hard to bring meaningful worship

    experiences to our PoP Church family and beyond.

    We are stumbling along, looking for the light switch

    in the dark and it can be quite daunting.

    So far, we are doing a good job social distancing and

    keeping the building clean and safe while reaching out

    to our members and wider community for check ins

    and health reports.

    A good friend of mine described it as “learning to

    build an airplane while we are already flying in the

    air” and that is the feeling I have a lot these days.

    It has been an honor to do this work with your

    patience and understanding that I might not get it

    right the first or even the third time.

    Even the top medical experts do not know fully what

    is going on. We are all simply putting one foot in

    front of the other day to day.

    We are making decisions every day that will impact

    you, and we know this. We take your hearts and

    minds into consideration with every step that we take.

    There is no clear end in sight at this writing. We

    simply don’t know when we can start gradually

    meeting in person again and it is unclear what that

    might look like.

    A wise family member once said to me that the flaws

    are where the spirit flies in. The spirit simply doesn’t

    have a way to shine light through an unbroken

    surface. This crazy world is full of the cracks that our

    spirit must shine through.

    We hope you’re flying with us.

    Come to our online worship; make

    those food donations; check in on

    your neighbor; check in on your

    extended family. We love you.

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 5 Volume 29 Issue 5


    Keep doing the reading! We WILL do the May book club meeting as a Facebook Messenger meeting.

    The book for May is The Library Book by Susan

    Orlean. Julie Landskov sent an email out on April 29

    regarding this meeting. Do a “reply all” to that email

    to get instructions for the meeting. You just have to

    “show up” with your cup of coffee or tea from home

    and your desire to be in community via computer.

    In The Library Book, Orleans chronicles the 1986 Los

    Angeles Public Library fire and its aftermath to

    showcase the larger, crucial role that libraries play in

    our lives; delves into the evolution of libraries across

    the country and around the world, from their humble

    beginnings as a metropolitan charitable initiative to

    their current status as a cornerstone of our national

    identity; brings each department of the library to

    vivid life through on-the-ground reporting; studies

    arson and attempts to burn a copy of a book herself;

    reflects on her own experiences in libraries; and

    reexamines the case of Harry Peak, the blonde-haired

    actor long suspected of setting the fire more than 30

    years ago.

    Brimming with her signature wit, insight,

    compassion, and talent for deep research, The Library

    Book is Susan Orlean’s thrilling journey through the

    stacks that reveals how these beloved institutions

    provide much more than just books—and why they

    remain an essential part of the heart, mind, and soul of

    our country. It is also a master journalist’s reminder

    that, perhaps especially in the digital era, they are

    more necessary than ever.


    In this the month of springing green an emerald stone

    of light and sheen will shower blessings on the way of

    the thrice-blessed child of May.

    MAY BIRTHDAYS 1 Beth Colombo

    3 Eileen Severns

    4 Audrina Lynch

    7 Craig Johnson

    Kort Baker

    9 Ciela Switzer

    10 Bob Coning

    Abigail Baker

    13 Ruth Barker

    Georgia Johnson

    16 Stefanie King

    17 Ron Stojack

    18 Shirlee Wilder

    Tim Sherman

    Erin Struzenberg

    19 Mary Ann Pray

    Bobbie Meyer

    20 Ruth Herbst

    22 Frank Smith

    Karen Boucher

    23 Carol Gilbert

    Cindy McKay

    Sue McDonnell

    William Tollefson

    25 Marilyn Eldrenkamp

    Gertraud Mendoza

    Richard Korakis

    26 Brady Switzer

    29 Melinda Lynch

    30 Xyla Boucher

    31 Elizabeth Zeh

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 6 Volume 29 Issue 5


    The results are in! HH’s goal was to raise $50,000 for their Spring Fling; Four Days of Virtual Giving

    online auction. Not only are they excited, humbled,

    and honored to announce that they met their goal, but

    they exceeded it, too!

    They had such an outpouring of love and generosity

    in support of the work of Hospitality House that the

    grand total was $73,775!

    HH wants to thank everyone from the bottom of their

    hearts! This investment helps to continue the work of

    HH, and their doors remain open right now to help

    women who are unhoused, giving them home, health

    and hope.


    It has been brought to our attention that our very cherished provider of lawn care, German, has lost his regular job due to the pandemic. German has been doing PoP’s yard work in his “spare time” for many years and with such a big heart. If you drive by the church and you see German there more often, under-stand that it’s due to him being available for more of what he knows is caring for God’s house. This is a very meaningful and healing ministry for him and we sure do appreciate the way he puts his whole self into doing the work.

    Keep German and his family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time for everyone. We know of a few PoP church family members who have lost their jobs or have been furloughed indefinitely right now. This puts an undue burden on them and their families and the ability to pay for necessities.

    Please see the letter within this Banner newsletter that a lot of you have already received via email or regular mail.

    This is the small thing we can do as a community to help lift up those people among us and in the surrounding neighborhood who need help right now.

    If you can donate to this ministry, please bring shelf-stable foods to the church Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and leave it in the bin that will be outside.

    Those donations will be brought in and sorted/sanitized for distribution to a list of people we’ve collected.

    If you have a name you would like to add to this list, please contact Deborah by calling the church office at (206) 243-0987 during church office hours or by email at at any time.

    Thanks, everyone, we can get through this if we work as a team! God is everywhere; God is with us now.

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 7 Volume 29 Issue 5

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 8 Volume 29 Issue 5


    May 19-24 Sheltering the women who are without homes at HH is

    successful! Kudos to the shelter’s staff and residents. This cannot be easy. Especially now, the evening meals are a touch of normalcy. It’s PoP’s turn to provide these meals from May 19-24, which are delivered outside. Because of the pandemic, “signing up” will be by old fashioned telephone. My hope is that six of our great chefs will phone me on my cell (206-972-0165) and volunteer one of the four days. If need be, I will be calling looking for providers—second best to seeing you in person. THANK YOU for your care. Coordinator Eileen Severns

    P.S. We are always concerned about homelessness and are thankful for Hospitality House. BUT...I cannot imagine what the women at the “House” are thinking during this pandemic. Can you? See update on page 15!!!




    Last night I had a dream. It was a strange dream. I

    dreamed that an older man was crying because his

    wife had died. Out of concern and love, I hugged him.

    And then I stepped back appalled that I had touched

    him. And then suddenly I was in a text study group

    with several other pastors (you know how dreams

    go…) and they were angry with me for touching this

    man and getting too close to them…and then I woke

    up. And, as is often the case, it was 3:00 a.m. and I lay

    in bed thinking about this strange world we are in

    where hugging is a nightmare and waking up and

    finding oneself alone is a relief.

    First, let me say to you all, I hope you are doing ok.

    And if you are not, please reach out to your pastor,

    your deacon, your family, your friends, your

    congregation, this synod. We are Church Together –

    even, especially, in this time. Please know that even

    as we continue physical distancing, we are still in

    community. We are still Holy Community. We are

    still the Body of Christ in this world.

    One way that the synod would like to demonstrate

    how we are Church Together is offering some relief to

    congregations for salaries. With this in mind, the

    synod has begun the NWWA Synod COVID-19

    Relief Fund for congregations and ministry sites. The

    monies for this fund come from an anonymous

    supporter with matching funds from the synod. At

    the moment, we have approximately $41,000 in this

    account. Our hope is that this fund will work in two


    1. To distribute funds to those who need financial

    help towards salaries (particularly our most

    vulnerable ministries.)

    2. Provide opportunity for those who are seeking a

    way to support others (financially stable congre-

    gations and individuals could make a donation to

    this fund to help support others who are in need).

    You can do this by donating online here: Please specify

    “Leader Support.” You may also send check made

    out to the NWWA Synod with “NWWA Synod

    Leader Support” in memo line and mail it to the

    Region One Office: Region 1 ELCA, PO Box

    94432, Seattle, WA 98124-6732

    If you would like more information the NWWA

    Synod COVID-19 Relief Fund, find the letter and

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 9 Volume 29 Issue 5

    application on our synod website here:

    In this last month, I have been amazed and in awe of

    the many ways congregations in this synod have

    continued community with one another and in the

    world. As I have participated in worship services, call

    committee meetings, Bible studies, informational

    meetings, book studies, and more, I am so thankful for

    each one of you. Yes, this is hard. Yes, we don’t

    know the end. And yet, through Christ, we are in this

    together. We are Holy Community. We are Church


    While I cannot be present with you bodily for now,

    know that you are in my daily prayers, my heart, my

    thoughts. And even in these times when we are

    unable to exchange the peace of Christ by shaking

    hands or even hugging, know that the peace of Christ

    is with you. Today and always. In Resurrection Hope

    and Joy, Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee



    March 10, 2020 MEMBERS PRESENT: Teri Bottoms; Pastor

    Conrad Tollefson; Pam Randall, Secretary; John

    Gilbert, President; Mark Bergin, Treasurer; Susan

    Vernon; Nancy Hadley; Melodie Schneider, WELCA


    GUESTS PRESENT: Members of POP Safety

    Team; John Young, Fred Reinke, Denise Reinke.


    Gilbert called the meeting to order at 6:30pm and led

    everyone in an opening prayer.

    NEW BUSINESS: Presentation by John Young,

    Fred and Denise Reinke, POP Safety Team, regarding

    AED machine donated to POP by dentist Dr. David

    Larson. Discussion ensued covering the lack of

    instructions with the machine, updated software by

    the company which produced the machine, which was

    done at no charge, required maintenance, possible

    reluctance to use it, and the response time of our local

    fire department. Teri Bottoms moved to give the unit

    back to Dr. David Larson, motion seconded by Susan

    Vernon, unanimously passed to return the AED unit

    to Dr. David Larson.

    DEVOTION: Pastor Conrad Tollefson shared a

    devotion based on his Lent bookmark, “go to the

    mountain” and make sure it is God you are hearing

    and not your own agenda.

    APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the

    December 11, 2019, council meeting, January 21,

    2020, council meeting, February 9, 2020,

    congregational meeting, and the February 11, 2020,

    council meeting were all corrected and unanimously


    TREASURER REPORT: Mark Bergin presented a

    graph showing 2019 actual giving as a forecast and

    actual giving so far in 2020. A second graph for

    expenses was also presented which shows expenses

    relatively stable month to month, although Mark did

    point out that expenses will change a little towards

    the end of the year. He is looking for a better way to

    graph the actual and forecasted information that will

    take into account the fact that some months have four

    Sundays and some have five.

    PASTOR REPORT: Pastor Conrad explained that

    weekly staff meetings are being held every Tuesday

    morning at 10:00am and have been ongoing since the

    first of the year, including both pastors, Deborah,

    Christy, and soon to add Director of Music Ministries,

    Joseph To.

    We have made the difficult decision to cancel

    Wednesday night Lent soup and bread and evening

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 10 Volume 29 Issue 5

    worship service due to the threat of spreading Covid-

    19 coronavirus. However, we did get through Ash

    Wednesday and the first weekly dinner and service

    prior to this. Social distancing has been encouraged

    by local health authorities to limit the spread of this

    virus. In addition, the concept of stewardship could

    be impacted by Covid-19 and that is a concern. There

    is a hot water pipe issue in the main restrooms which

    is being worked on now by John Kelly and hired re-

    pair persons. Work is ongoing to repair water dam-

    age from leaks in the roof, which unfortunately is not

    covered by insurance due to the time that has lapsed

    between the occurrence and the repairs. Pastor

    Conrad brought these items up because these are

    normal occurrences that happen to a building such as

    this and to put out the question “Is this the time for a

    capital fund drive?” It can be very positive when done

    properly and for the correct reason(s).


    continue to have the community meal? John spoke

    with Stan who agreed that we should cancel the April

    dinner; however, we could put together box lunches

    and hand them out in the parking lot on the same day.

    Stan is reluctant to cancel the May dinner yet and,

    ironically, it is the anniversary of the community

    meal. Teri moved that our community meal leaders

    remain flexible and responsive to the direction of the

    state public health commission in guiding whether to

    proceed with the community meal. This motion was

    seconded by Nancy Hadley. Motion unanimously


    In response to concerns about Covid-19, communion

    was changed last week, utilizing ‘the fellowship cup,’

    which is a sealed cup of grape juice and a wafer on top.

    Pastor Conrad spoke about meetings at the synod that

    are ongoing in how to deal with services and what

    goes on in the service during the outbreak of corona-

    virus. He will also be attending a cluster meeting of

    local Lutheran churches to discuss ways to proceed

    safely – such as using wafers only and no wine/grape

    juice until the threat of corona virus has passed. We

    will again have offering plates on stools to drop your

    offering into on the way up to communion and

    congregation members will be encouraged to include

    their Lenten offering on Sunday due to the cancella-

    tion of Wednesday Lenten services. Congregation

    members are encouraged to utilize their envelopes but

    asked to refrain from licking the envelope to seal it.

    Stewardship conversations need to be emphasized.

    Our Prince of Peace app has a lot of great tools for

    people to use. Attendance on March 8 was 58 people

    at worship, which is about 50 fewer than usual. Other

    groups are using our buildings. How are they going

    to keep up with the Covid-19 prevention standards

    that we are using? We need to make sure Deborah is

    staying on top of this with Gordon’s help.


    getting a task force set up to work on this, to include

    Pastor Conrad Tollefson, Pastor Sam Sseba, John

    Gilbert, Dave Hill, Eileen Severns, and Mark Bergin.

    Their first meeting was on February 28th. Their

    second meeting will be on March 20th. They may

    contact other congregations around here to see what

    is working for them, and perhaps a face to face

    meeting with some other church members. We also

    need a subcommittee to work on the stewardship

    emphasis, to include one pastor, John Gilbert, Mark

    Bergin, Eileen Severns, and Julie Landskov.


    WELCA: Melodie – Love project for March is cereal

    for the food bank. We donated $50 to LWR in

    memory of Pearl Dennison. Quilters continue to

    work hard.

    YOUTH: The youth overnight event is still on for

    this Friday as of now. Possible retreat schedule for

    after Easter. Bake sales cancelled for now.

    OTHER BUSINESS: The music recital on March 7

    had 18 attendees. The free will offering totaled $121,

    which will go toward our music ministry. Director of

    Music Ministries Joseph To is inquiring about

    acquisition of a new piano bench.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:38 following a closing prayer

    by Pastor Conrad.

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 11 Volume 29 Issue 5

    Our devotional study for May highlights times in our

    lives when we have either

    offered or received

    hospitality. The author,

    Angela Khabab begins the

    devotional by saying, “We

    often entertain angels

    unknowingly. How do we

    offer genuine hospitality?”

    When saying or thinking “hospitality,” what comes to

    mind? Entertaining in our homes, welcoming folks at

    church, putting on dinners or bereavement receptions,

    or perhaps curiosity and interest in someone? Is it

    hard or is there a certain risk involved in offering hos-


    In the devotional study this month, we visit several

    Bible verses that may help us look at hospitality in

    expanded ways. We heard good words last Sunday

    when Pastor Sam shared thoughts about the disciples

    on their way to Emmaus. They offered hospitality to

    a stranger who happened to be Jesus. There is much

    more to that story. This “stranger” energized them to

    share the Good News. The verses in Hebrew remind

    us that strangers may actually be angels!! The author

    shares that Psalm 23 “provides the most beautiful

    description of God’s presence among us.” God

    anticipates our needs and nurtures us with rich and

    abundant food for

    the soul. There is

    more. Using this

    devotional as

    your time with

    the Lord will feed

    your soul.

    The articles in the May Gather offer much

    inspiration...again! Even the titles can draw us in:

    Milk...what could this be about? Prayers of the

    People...we moved from debating prayer to engaging

    in it. How about this one...Vegas and Jesus Have a Lot

    in Common. What could this mean?? I highly

    recommend Trust the Process and, of course, the

    Reverend Catherine Molatky on the last page of the


    We sure miss our times together, don’t we?

    Praying we will be able to see one another soon!

    Thankfully, God’s presence is among us!!

    Love Project: The needs are great for the food bank.

    Let’s do what we can to help our neighbors through

    this challenging time. Food can be left at the church,

    cash can be sent to the food bank or sent to the Hu-

    man Needs Fund at Prince of Peace.

    WELCA Gathering “Just Love” — Judy Voeller and I

    learned today that the Triennial Convention

    scheduled for July 2020 in Phoenix has been

    postponed until the first

    week of August 2021.

    We still plan to go. This

    means that other women

    can go as well. Think

    about it!!


  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 12 Volume 29 Issue 5

    PASTORAL STAFF Conrad Tollefson

    Sam Nick Sseba

    OFFICE STAFF & LAY STAFF Parish Nurse Ministry Karen Richter

    & Teri Bottoms

    Blood Pressure Checks Samalie Sseba

    Director of Music Ministries Joseph To

    Youth Leader Christy Hyler

    Organist Dr. David Barela

    Office Administrator/Editor Deborah Santiago

    Bookkeeper Denise Beebe

    Custodian Gordon King

    Congregational President 2020 John Gilbert

    MONDAY-THURSDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M.


    (206) 243-0987

    Prince of Peace’s Banner is published every month.

    Deadline is Wednesday, 10:00 a.m., for publication

    during the last week of the month. Stay current

    with Prince of Peace by checking our website at Join us on Face-

    book (@POPSeaTac) and Twitter (@popseatac)


    In a Care Center

    • Braxton Dunn • Phyllis Bowman

    Health Concerns

    • Bonalynn Henderson • Rhyson Houser

    • Sharman Thoma • Janet Schneider

    • Claude Wesson • June Brady

    • Brady Switzer • Betsy Poehlman

    • Sheri Zeh Giles • Barbara Atkinson

    • Denis Short • Gordon Meyer

    • Sandra Lamb • Jude Gustafson

    • Shi Skjonsberg •

    Other Prayer Concerns

    • Carolyn Wesson •


  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 13 Volume 29 Issue 5

    See our online calendar at

    May 2020

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 14 Volume 29 Issue 5




    SUNDAYS AT 10:00 A.M.

    May 3—Fourth Sunday of Easter

    Live Stream

    10AM Worship

    May 10—Fifth Sunday of Easter

    Live Stream

    10AM Worship

    May 17—Sixth Sunday of Easter

    Live Stream

    10AM Worship

    May 24—Seventh Sunday of Easter

    Live Stream

    10AM Worship

    May 31—Pentecost Sunday

    Live Stream

    10AM Worship


    May 3—John 10:1-10

    Jesus uses an image familiar to the people of his day to make a

    point about spiritual leadership. Those who listen to Jesus are

    led to abundant life.

    May 10—John 14:1-14

    On the night that he is to be arrested, Jesus shares final words

    with his disciples. As the one through whom God is known, he

    promises to go before them and act on their behalf.

    May 17—John 14:15-21

    In final words to his disciples on the night of his arrest, Jesus

    encourages obedience to his commandments and speaks of the

    Spirit, who will be with them forever.

    May 24—John 17:1-11

    On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus prays to God, asking

    that those who continue his work in this world will live in unity.

    May 31—John 20:19-23

    The risen Jesus appears to his disciples, offering them a

    benediction, a commission, and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 15 Volume 29 Issue 5



    AWESOME—POP This Banner is being published a little later than usual.

    During a pandemic, would it be difficult to fill up a week of

    Hospitality House meals? So, I phoned and left messages.

    Within 24 hours Gail Korakis, Tanya Goodrich, Kathy

    Peterson, Alice Malmanger, Linnea Knutson, and

    Cindy McKay chose their day. Our week in May is filled!!



    Coordinator Eileen Severns




    Beginning in April, Pastor Tollefson started live streaming a special Wednesday night communion and

    prayer worship to PoP Church via our Facebook Live


    This has been a meaningful, mid-week time for us to

    gather ourselves in a sacred place (anywhere we meet

    is a sacred place) with the communion supplies you

    find in your cupboard, and celebrate the sacrament of

    Jesus, and realize the spiritual union between Christ

    and you as we “share” the body and blood of Christ.

    We know that communion has been missing from

    your weekly lives and we wanted to come up with a

    way to reintroduce it that was meaningful and

    brought comfort to you. What better way than a

    “fireside chat” with Pastor Tollefson?!

    Join us on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. as we bring

    this particular live stream for as long as we find it

    useful and meaningful to us all.

    Come in your jammies! Wear a fun outfit that brings

    you joy! We want you comfortable and safe in your

    home while we share these special moments. What a

    blessing to have the technology we have available to

    us that can bring us together like this.

  • The Publication of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Banner May 2020 19030 8th Ave S, SeaTac 98148 16 Volume 29 Issue 5

    Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

    19030 8th Ave S

    SeaTac WA 98148