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PoPE Newsletter Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran...

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PoPE Newsletter is published monthly by Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church 3355 Medina Rd Medina, OH 44256 Phone: 330-723-8293 Fax: 330-721-6844 Email: [email protected] Web site: www.popelutheran.org Worship Services: 8:00AM & 10:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study: 9:30AM Daniel Haberkost, Pastor = 330-723-8293 Ext. 105 Ron Rieger, Associate Pastor = 330-723-8293 Ext. 102 Greg A. Wadel, Pastoral Assistant = 330-723-8293 Ext. 103 Jill McGarr, Office Assistant = 330-723-8293 Ext. 101 Wynne Kenat, Parish Nurse = 330-723-8293 Ext. 104

PoPE Newsletter is published monthly by

Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church 3355 Medina Rd

Medina, OH 44256 Phone: 330-723-8293

Fax: 330-721-6844 Email: [email protected]

Web site: www.popelutheran.org

Worship Services: 8:00AM & 10:45AM Sunday School & Bible Study: 9:30AM

Daniel Haberkost, Pastor = 330-723-8293 Ext. 105

Ron Rieger, Associate Pastor = 330-723-8293 Ext. 102

Greg A. Wadel, Pastoral Assistant = 330-723-8293 Ext. 103

Jill McGarr, Office Assistant = 330-723-8293 Ext. 101

Wynne Kenat, Parish Nurse = 330-723-8293 Ext. 104


Prince of Peace Monthly Newsletter November 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Ebola! Ebola! Ebola! Watch the news these days and this disease is the main focus of a lot of people’s attention. Now that the virus has affected some people in the USA, the question are unlimited. The more we talk about it, the more fear strikes the hearts of people in this country. Another issue is how we as Christians are to view God and the world when we are faced with such a terrible disease. Channel 3 news did a great thing and started #FactsNotFear, to help people understand the truth about this virus. Below is an article from GOTQUESTIONS.ORG that helps us see what the Bible says about the reality of diseases in the world. This is meant for you to understand the facts concerning both God and this broken world, and not to instill fear.

Question: "What does the Bible say about pandemic diseases/sicknesses?"

Answer: The recent Ebola outbreak has prompted many to ask why God allows—or even causes—pandemics and whether such a disease is a sign of the end times. The Bible, particularly the Old Testament, describes numerous occasions when God brought plagues and diseases on both His people and His enemies “to make you see my power” (Exodus 9:14, 16). He used plagues on Egypt to force Pharaoh to free the Israelites from bondage, while sparing His people from being affected by them (Exodus 12:13; 15:26), thus indicating His sovereign control over diseases and other afflictions. [...]


Page #

Pastor’s Letter

Health Hints

Bd. of Fellowship Bd. of Social Min

Bd. of Discipleship

Bd. of Stewardship Book Club

Making Music for the Lord Church Properties Thrivent

Important Info Birthdays

Master Calendar

Lutheran Hour
















It’s sometimes hard to imagine our loving and merciful God displaying such wrath and anger toward His people. But God’s punishments always have the goal of repentance and restoration. In 2 Chronicles 7:13-14, God said to Solomon: “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Here we see God using disaster to draw us to Himself, to cause us to repent of sin and come to Him as children to their heavenly Father.

In the New Testament, Jesus healed “every disease and every sickness,” as well as plagues in the areas He visited (Matthew 9:35; 10:1; Mark 3:10). Just as God chose to use plagues and disease to show His power to the Israelites, Jesus healed as an exhibition of the same power to verify that He was truly the Son of God. He gave the same healing power to the disciples to verify their ministry (Luke 9:1). God still allows sickness for His own purposes, but sometimes disease, even worldwide pandemics, are simply the result of living in a fallen world. There is no way to determine which, although we do know that God has sovereign control over all things (Romans 11:36), and He will work all things together for the good of those who know and love Him (Romans 8:28).

The current Ebola epidemic is not the last we will see of plagues. Jesus referred to future plagues that will be part of the end-times scenario (Luke 21:11). [...]

Whether the current outbreak of Ebola is part of God’s judgment or the result of living in a fallen, sinful world, and whether or not it is a signal that the end time is beginning, our response should be the same. For those who do not know Jesus Christ as Savior, disease is a reminder that life on this earth is tenuous and can be lost at any moment. Without the saving blood of Christ shed for us, we will pay for our sins for all eternity in a hell that will make the worst pandemic seem mild. For the Christian, however, we have the assurance of salvation and the hope of eternity because of what Christ suffered on the cross for us (Isaiah 53:5; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 9:28).

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/pandemic-diseases.html#ixzz3GPmCHpDo

I hope this article help put things into a proper perspective concerning this horrible disease and how we are to look at things through the eyes of our faith. Above all, we need to put our faith and trust in the Lord, knowing He is always working for our ultimate good. No matter what we as God’s people face on this earth, we know that because of Christ and His sacrifice, we will live forever in the presence of the Lord. Let us all pray, not only for those who are suffering in this world from different diseases, but that they have a relationship with Our Savior Jesus Christ.

God’s Blessings ... Pastor Ron


HEALTH HINTS – Wynne Kenat, Parish Nurse

Colds and Flu

We are entering the "dreaded" cold and flu season. In addition to staying healthy by eating well, exercising regularly, getting plenty of rest, and receiving a flu shot, please keep in mind the following information.

The best protection against colds or the flu is careful hand washing. Plain soap and water combined with rubbing your hands together are very effective to remove germs. Antibacterial soaps are common, but work no better than regular soap and may even increase resistance to antibacterial chemicals. To properly wash your hands, wet your hands with warm water, lather up the soap, and rub all parts of your hands for 15-20 seconds while singing "Jesus Loves Me". Then rinse well and dry with a clean cloth. If soap and water are not available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer will work just as well.

Pills are often considered the first line of defense, but with colds and flu they will not help since antibiotics are for bacterial infections only and cold/flu germs are viral infections. Some think antibiotics help with symptoms but inappropriate use of medication only trains germs to become drug resistant. This means that when you do need the drug, it will be ineffective and you will need a more expensive, stronger drug - if one is available. Whenever you do receive a prescription, use it as directed and complete the course to be sure to kill all the bacteria in your system. Using your meds incorrectly only hurts you physically and financially.

"You understand, O Lord; remember me and care for me." Jeremiah 15:15

(Adapted from "Seasons of Wholeness" Volume VI)


Thank you so much to our pastors and caring church family in expressing God’s love in so many ways during all of my health issues this year. God is good – all the time, and I thank Him for renewed health. I thank Him, too, for the gift of such wonderful people in my life. May the Lord bless each of you as you continue to share his love. Your sister in Christ, Carolyn Dietsche



MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The Prince of Peace "Deck the Halls" Christmas Party will be held at the church on Saturday, December 6th at 6:30 pm. Watch for more details.

Come celebrate our Savior's birth with your Christian brothers and sisters!



NOVEMBER COLLECTION BOX: Food donations for the Community Service Center of Medina. Paper products such as toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, feminine hygiene products and nonperishable food items are greatly in need. Thank you!


ELECTION BAKE SALE on November 4TH, with proceeds going to Living Water. Church member volunteers are needed to bake and take shifts at the sale. Sign-ups are in the Narthex.


NOISY OFFERINGS are the 4th Sunday of each month. Bring your change to help support local missions.


OUR COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER is on Friday, November 28th. Many volunteers will be needed for this event… food donation, baking turkeys, serving food, set up and clean up… something for everyone!! Keep an eye out for a sign up in the narthex. Want to help or have questions? Ask Eric and Lori Milroy or any member of Social Ministries.


BOARD OF DISCIPLESHIP Our Discipleship team is embracing a new on-going ministry beginning this fall. We have many members who are in need of our time, our caring and our friendship. We know there are members who are already aware of specific needs and regularly spend time visiting, praying and sharing conversations with our brothers and sisters at Prince of Peace. In addition to these visits, we will be focusing on members who are going through life events similar to the ones listed below.

Needing In Home Visitation during an illness, hospice or hospital visits before or after surgery.

May need help shopping, driving to doctor appointments, getting to church, etc. May be lonely and need companionship. They may enjoy a meal being brought to them during a stressful time or being taken

out to lunch for their birthday. May be homebound and enjoy an a few hours of learning a new craft like crochet,

scrapbooking, knitting or craft painting.

Life events can happen at any age and any situation. Some may be short or long term situations in which a caring individual may be able to help lift their spirits.

We are called to first love and serve God, then to be caring and loving Christians to others. This ministry is intended to help, give assistance and share the love of Jesus with our brothers and sisters. Visits may be only one time but others may be weekly or monthly depending upon the need.

If you are someone or know of someone in our church family who would like to receive a caring visit, please contact either Pastor Haberkost or Pastor Rieger. They will work with our Discipleship team to connect you with a caring member of our church family.

Our Discipleship Bible verse is Ephesians 2:10.

In His Service, Susan Little, Discipleship Team leader



This devotion is taken from Portals of Prayer, November 28, 2014.

GOD'S CAST OF CHARACTERS Amos 7:14, 15 I was no prophet, nor a prophet's son, but I was a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore figs. But the Lord took me from following the flock, and the Lord said to me, "Go."

In the credits of every movie, someone is noted as having been in charge of casting the roles of the actors. It takes talent to match an actor to a specific role. Hollywood would likely have disagreed with God's choices in the Old and New Testaments. Moses would have been too old; Samuel, too young; Ruth, too foreign. Peter would have been too mouthy; James and John, too temperamental; Paul, too hostile to the Church. There's no accounting for God's odd way of accomplishing His will through people we would not have chosen to do the job. But His ways aren't our ways. That's something to think about when He calls on us to do something and we think He should look elsewhere. It takes much prayer before we accept the task He gives us, perhaps not as gladly as we should. But by depending on His amazing grace and power, we can accomplish it. Lord, You accomplished the Father's will, even when it cost You suffering and death. Forgive us our unbelief and hesitation when called on to do His will. Amen.


Steiner Benevolence Event

David Steiner has been a faithful member of two groups here at Prince of Peace: Ron Heinz’s Sunday School class and Adult Choir. We miss him. We miss his strong yet humble spirit that witnesses his Christian faith. If you notice, the men’s quartet is missing their tenor and the back row of the choir is missing one tenor. His cantor’s voice is missed, too.

Right now, David is at home fighting the good fight against cancer and undergoing chemo treatments. He has not been able to go to work for several months. The Heinz SS class and Adult Choir would like to invite all Prince of Peace members to contribute toward the Steiner Benevolence Fund. The two groups will be passing out special envelops at the beginning of November services for your donations. If you are writing a check, please make your check out to Prince of Peace and put “David” in the memo line. If you are giving cash, make sure your name is on the special envelop. The local Thrivent chapter will also contribute to the Steiner Benevolence Fund.

Finally on December 7th, the Heinz SS class and the Adult choir will host a special social time from 9:15- 9:45 to thank you for your support.


BOOK CLUB "The secrets burrowed in this seemingly placid small town...are so suburban noir they would make David Lynch clap with glee...[Moriarty] is a fantastically nimble writer, so sure-footed that the book leaps between dark and light seamlessly; even the big reveal in the final pages feels earned and genuinely shocking.” —Entertainment Weekly We will read Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. The discussion will be in the church library at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, December 1, 2014. Please bring your own dinner and beverage. The discussion will begin at 6:00 p.m


MAKING MUSIC FOR THE LORD The best way to begin the Christmas season is to sing carols with your fellow members from Prince of Peace!!! Please come carol on the Medina Square at the Gazebo on Friday, November 21st. We will meet in front of the giant Christmas Tree in the Gazebo at 5:30pm. We carol for a while and then the city of Medina has a tree lighting celebration about 7pm. All the shops around the square are open for shopping too!

Our Youth are planning to hand out hot chocolate to the community as well... should be a great way to start the season.


CHURCH PROPERTIES Please note we will be having our Fall Clean-up Day on Saturday, November 8 from 9am – 4pm. All are welcome to come out and help!


Put your heart into retirement Retirement is full of choices. And you have the opportunity to make a decision now that can change your life!

You have talents, skills and life experience that can be invaluable to your church, nonprofit organizations and people in need. Why not follow your heart to make a difference in any way you choose?

Getting started

Let your values guide you. Think about what’s important to you. Once you’ve identified the values that guide your decisions, make a list of organizations that are guided by the same values.

Make a giving plan. A plan for giving can involve more than money. It also can include volunteering, advising, mentoring or tutoring. Your time can make a huge impact on an organization’s charitable efforts, and your talents may be exactly what an organization is looking for.

Determine when and how you want to help. Look at your schedule and consider other commitments and personal needs. Then determine how many hours you can commit each day, week or month. Also think about how you’d like to give back. For example, would you like to share your musical talents at a community theater or apply your business experience to develop a mentoring program for the underemployed?

Set a target date. Write down a target date for completing the steps above and set a date to begin volunteering.


Laugh often. Love deeply. Live generously.

You can live an even richer life by sharing your time, talents and treasures in any way you choose. Plus, it’s an enjoyable way to make a difference.

These and other websites can help you match your interests to organizations or causes that reflect your values:

Volunteermatch.org Networkforgood.org Serve.gov Lwr.org (Lutheran World Relief)

Whether you’ve been volunteering for years or haven’t had a chance to get involved, sometimes it takes a little guidance to take the next step. Your local Thrivent Financial representative can show you how to take advantage of unique programs that help strengthen communities. For example, with Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity, you can help build homes in your own community, another state or around the world with partner families in need of simple, affordable housing. Thrivent Financial also offers volunteer opportunities through its local member groups, called chapters.

For more than 100 years, Thrivent has been helping people be wise with money and live generously. To find out more about volunteer opportunities offered by Thrivent, contact Julie Nobile, ChFC, at (330)668-4720 or [email protected] today, or visit Thrivent.com.

Julie R. Nobile, ChFC® , CLTC®, FIC Associate Cuyahoga Valley Group, Thrivent Financial® 202 Montrose West Ave Ste 320, Copley, OH 44321-2904 Office: 330-668-4720 Fax: 330-666-6943


The annual All Saints Day Music Concert will be held on November 1 (7 pm) at Trinity Lutheran Church. The Requiem: Missa de Profunctis by Cristobal de Morales will be featured. Listen to a regional choir and chamber orchestra and celebrate All Saints Day as we remember the saints who have gone on ahead of us. Names of recently deceased relatives and friends can be honored with Scripture during the concert. Please submit their names with birth and death dates by calling Trinity's office at 216-281-1700. A free-will offering will be taken for Hope in the City. Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 2031 West 30th St and Lorain Ave. in Cleveland. If you have any questions, please call Beth Schnabel at 330-723-1035.




Luther Memorial School in Cleveland will host an Open House on Sunday, November 9, from 2:30 – 4pm for all those interested in seeing the work of God in this thriving, urban ministry. Serving on of the most diverse student bodies among Lutheran schools nationwide, Luther Memorial has gown nearly 250% in the last 7 years. More than 70% of its 200+ students have no church home and are not baptized and 93 % live at or below the poverty line. Each day presents an opportunity for its staff to share the hope of the Gospel with students and their families. Luther Memorial School is located inside St. Mark Lutheran Church at the corner of Pearl and Ardmore Avenue, just south of the intersection of Pearl and State Rd. Please RSVP to [email protected]. Light appetizers and desserts will be served. Come visit us!

HAVEN OF REST FALL OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, November 13 from 2 – 7pm. Come see for yourself how the Mission is changing lives every day through its Christ-centered comprehensive ministry to hundreds of people in need. Hear personal testimonies from individuals whose lives have been dramatically changed through Haven of Rest. Tours begin at the main rescue building at 175 E. Market Street in Akron. Ample safe parking will be available and refreshments will be served. No reservations needed.

I am starting all over with the roster for 2015. Thus, Peter and I are the only ones on the list so far for next year :) As much as we love our kids and everybody else's, we would also love to join the service every now and then. I hear Pastor Ron and Pastor Haberkost give some pretty good sermons. Anybody and everybody is welcome to help. Remember, the more helpers we have, the fewer times we do it. TEENAGERS!! You are welcome to help too!! Hang out with a friend and watch some kids. I'm going to implement an email/text reminder program for 2015 too. So I will remind you the week prior to your assigned dates. Please email or text me to sign up or if you have any questions. Thank You!! Kim Mull [email protected] or 330-241-1592



Brenda Scott 11/1 Joanne Welka 11/2 Danette Sims 11/3 Sharon Kerr Kayle Timura Pat Wethern 11/4 Cathy Estep Jeff Parish 11/6 Joshua Vacarchuk Tom Blake 11/8 Len Zittle 11/9 Tracy Eckert Chloe Schwanke 11/10 Patty Calhoun Susan Fister 11/11 Inge Osman 11/13 Jayde Todd Bob Sinclair 11/14 Addy Wadel Michelle Holliday Kenneth Reichle, Jr Dan Willhoite Melanie Westendorf

Eleanor Gruber 11/15 Nancy Bloom Gabrielle Colahan 11/17 Jamie Holcomb Madison Tama Dylan Eckert 11/18 Ray Johnson Peyton Banks 11/20 Quyen Daniels Jennifer Ackerman 11/21 Joyce Hill Wilbert Clouse Matthew Sievers 11/22 Chris Merkle 11/23 Kelsey Milburn 11/24 Madeline Lessick 11/25 Maxwell Nixon Kenneth Baca 11/26 Dale Curtis 11/28 Lori Brokaw Jason Kneale 11/29 Shannon Gray 11/30



Nov. 2 8:00AM 10:45AM Elder/Lay Minister Dan Willhoite Bob Businger

Euch. Lay Minister Jim Wallace Stacie Tschiegg/Jack Davis Scripture Reader Bob Nemeth Jeff Nixon

Acolyte Alex Doehrmann Allison Nixon Sound System Dennis Weismantel Ryan Milroy Ushers Dick Deming Marty Rinto Zach Brady Tom Menyes Sr Scott Hill Tom Menyes Jr Alan Briggs Kevin Menyes Greeters Todd & Terri Brady Martin Rinto Nursery Todd & Dorothy Davis Altar Guild Kris Slansky/Kathy Webber Altar Guild Helper Joyce Hill Counters Vicki Birce/Sue Fister/Karla Williams Coffee S-Up/C-Up D. Sims Zittle Nov. 9 Elder/Lay Minister Jim Huxsoll Chris Merkle

Euch. Lay Minister Charlene Nemeth Jack Davis/Dennis Barowicz Scripture Reader Diana Willhoite Nathan Steiner Acolyte Damien Miller Sarsa Sivapatham Sound System Willhoite Family Joseph Schmigel Ushers Jim Wallace Dennis Barowicz Gerry Placko Eric Nixon Susan Little Michael & Mike Manley Norm Meyers Kevin & Ryan Holliday Greeters Joel Braun Wayne & Laura Schmigel

Nursery Katie & Adam Krytowski Altar Guild Gus Dobbins/Naomi Taylor Altar Guild Helper Juanita Barowicz Counters Jan Zittle/Len Zittle/Carol Lorentz Coffee S-Up/C-Up J. Black Barowitz


Nov. 16 8:00AM 10:45AM Elder/Lay Minister Mike Manley Eric Nixon Euch. Lay Minister Diane Willhoite Stacie Tschiegg/Sue Baca Scripture Reader Beth Schnabel Jennifer Banas Acolyte Ian Gummo Zach Venus Sound System Jason Kneale Nathan Steiner Ushers Dale Curtis Eric Milroy Adam Kluk Lori Milroy Austin Kluk Ryan Milroy Bud Leu Lauren Milroy

Greeters Alan & Veronica Briggs John & Arianne Schwanke Nursery Peter & Kim Mull Altar Guild Joann Buttolph/Chris Hagemeier Altar Guild Helper Carolyn Leu Counters Stacy Camera/Joe Camera/Kari Kovach

Coffee S-Up/C-Up Leu Nixon

Nov. 23 Elder/Lay Minister Rich Proeschel Greg Ulm Euch. Lay Minister Bob Mims Dennis Barowicz/Len Zittle Scripture Reader Deb Boyle Tom Blake Acolyte Amber Schmidt Emma Davis Sound System Nancy Bloom Ryan Milroy Ushers Dick Deming Ken Baca Zach Brady Jordan & Steven Tschiegg Scott Hill Ed Wadel Alan Briggs Pete Schwanke Greeters Gregg & Joann Buttolph Pete & Christi Schwanke Nursery Barry & Michelle Scotton Altar Guild Linda Limpert/Jan McGee Altar Guild Helper Mona Mims Counters Tim Gray/Shannon Gray/Ed Wadel Coffee S-Up/C-Up Willhoite Kovach


Wed. Thanksgiving Eve 7:00 PM Nov. 27 Elder/Lay Minister Jim Huxsoll

Scripture Reader Acolyte Bryce Holliday Sound System

Ushers Dale Curtis Adam Kluk Austin Kluk Bud Leu Altar Guild Gus Dobbins/Naomi Taylor/ Juanita Barowicz Counters Chris Merkle/Beth Merkle/Carol Lorentz

8:00AM 10:45AM

Nov. 30 Elder/Lay Minister Dan Willhoite Eric Nixon Euch. Lay Minister Charlene Nemeth Sue Baca/Dave Klinger Scripture Reader Jamie Black Neil Keim Acolyte Elise Milburn Mary Kate Davis Sound System Jim Little Tom Blake Ushers Jim Wallace Marty Rinto Gerry Placko Tom Menyes Sr Susan Little Tom Menyes Jr Norm Meyers Kevin Menyes Greeters Eileen & Dick Ely Mick & Jan Spillane Nursery Eric & Dana Nixon Altar Guild Kris Slansky/Kathy Webber Altar Guild Helper Joyce Hill Counters Chris Merkle/Beth Merkle/Carol Lorentz Coffee S-Up/C-Up Ely M. Weyandt


Broadcasts on Sundays at 8AM on WHKW 1220AM

November 2014

November 2 "Blessed in Hard Times" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz During hard times, God is still with you and at work for you. (Matthew 5:1-12)

November 9 "God is Not Against You" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Christ's work on the cross shows that God is really on our side and wants what is eternally best for us. (1Thessalonians 4:13-18)

November 16 "S.O.S... Call upon Jesus" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz God's SOS brings real lasting hope and rescue, an SOS that shows us our Savior. (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11)

November 23 "Clean - And Thankful" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz Thanksgiving is not just a made-up holiday; it's an attitude that is the key to life. (Luke 17:11-19)

November 30 "Watching and Waiting" Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Ken Klaus Christians serve God and their neighbors as they watch and wait for Christ's return. (Mark 13:33)
