Basharat December 2008

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The magazine fo the Yaarab Shrine in Atlanta Georgia for its member Shriners.



The Divan wishes all of youMerry Christmas and Happy New Year!


2 - Basharat - December 2008

First Lady’s Beautification Project Update…By First Lady Hazel Gaylor

I want to personally share with each of you what a success this project has been for 2008. With thegenerosity and support of so many of you we were able to raise a little over $23,000.00 this year. The mon-etary donations received from so many of the clubs and units, donations from friends, the sale of the Pandapins – Johnny Cosby from Sweetwater, who had just joined the Shrine in March, bought $600 worth of thepins alone, the golf tournament in June, the Luau in August, the yard sale in September and a very generouspersonal donation from my husband made this all possible – and knowing that we were able to complete theupdating and beautification of our ladies restrooms and at absolutely NO COST to Yaarab Shrine Center.How proud I am of each of you and how proud you all should feel to have participated in and been a part ofcontinuing the beautification project.

The Alkuawette’s invited Lou and I to attend one of their meetings earlier in the year at which timethey presented me with 500 one dollar bills with the letter “J” on them, the “J” representing Jesus – what aunique way of collecting money and how special it was to me. Other Clubs and Units made equally gener-ous gifts and were equally appreciated.

The Golf Tournament was successful due to the hard work of our Oriental Guide Chuck Rager andhis Lady Pat, by Noble Dick Race and his connections at the golf course, the “Cooks” from the TuckerShrine Club who fed us so well, by your Divan Ladies, Jeri Cline, Lynn Ward, Peggy Moore and CarolynMcCool who all came out to work the golf carts and keep everyone supplied with cold drinks, by all whosponsored teams, and by other friends who were there to offer their help and support.

The Luau was not only beautiful but fun as well – all who attended had a great time! I went to someof my Nile friends asking for their help in putting this together and what a great job they did. My thanks toJulie and Tom Donald and Janet and Dick Race for heading this up. They were assisted by Yaarab’sDecorating Committee Patty and James Harrison, Sandra and Jughead Rogers and several others. CarolynMcCool handled the sale of the tickets, the Entertainers entertained us, at no charge, wonderful music fordining and dancing, your Divan gave us their special rendition of the “Hawaiian Hula” – which they actuallygot Potentate Lou to participate in, Jughead Rogers and some of the Sweetwater guys, along with Anita andJimmy Lee’s help served us a wonderful meal and your Divan Ladies were there to greet you at the door andpresent you with a beautiful lei and a big hug.

The yard sale, which was definitely a lot of hard work, was quite a success also. You all were sogenerous with your donations for this event that we had so much left over we were able to donate lots ofitems to the flea market for next year’s circus, again Jimmy Lee and his good helpers, grilled hot dogs andhamburgers for us, the Divan Ladies, Carol Haynes, Charlene Pierce, Jean Hardin, Nell Wall, Gerry Murphy,Anita Lee and even El Tehran’s Queen Sabrina Ackerman came out to help. All these ladies, several othersand their husbands as well – all joined in to work this event. And special thanks to the Potentate Escort guyswho stayed over a little longer on Sunday after their ride to help box this stuff up – they made fast work of itand enjoyed helping.

A very special thank you to Larry Cline who volunteered to do the tile work and replace the sinks inthe downstairs restroom, his guys did a great job. Queen Sabrina’s husband, Rick Ackerman, donated abeautiful granite countertop for this same restroom, thank you Rick. And what a wonderful job ourRecorder’s Lady, Judy Burke, did with all the beautiful decorations in both these restrooms. I was trulyblessed and lucky to have my very own private Interior Decorator on board.

Also a special thank you to Past Potentate Dennis Lester, our Building and Grounds guy, for all hishelp in making the major renovations in the upstairs restroom possible, thank you Dennis. And last of alland certainly not least – thank you Albert for each and everything you were so willing to do for me to makethese projects complete. Albert and his helper, Robert, were always there and always willing to help.

From the very depth of my heart, I thank you all.HHaazzeell GGaayylloorr,, FFiirrsstt LLaaddyy 22000088

Dear Nobles and Ladies,The Christmas Season is here! What a fun time of the year this repre-

sents for all of us. Thanksgiving will be past by the time you receive theDecember Basharat and I hope each one of you had a bountifulThanksgiving with your families. While gathered together each of you had amoment to give thanks for our freedom, those who are in need and ourArmed Forces personnel who were far away from their families and friendson this special day. We are proud of our troops and the sacrifices they aremaking in their efforts to insure we are still free to enjoy special days likeThanksgiving.

On Saturday November 8th, we were honored to join Yaarab Shrine’s Legion of Honor inWashington DC for their annual laying of the wreath at the Tomb of the UNKNOWN SOLDIER. Weare so proud of our Imperial Potentate, Ill. Sir Douglas Maxwell and his Lady Patricia for their partic-ipation in this special annual ceremony. Some of you may know that our Imperial Potentate, Ill. SirMaxwell, has served in the Air Force as a C141 Pilot, under combat conditions. We are proud andblessed to have him as our Shrine Leader.

On November 22nd, Yaarab Shrine held its Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.This was a special time of the year for all of us, as Masons and Shriners to demonstrate our belief inthe birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. This also was an opportunity for us to participate with our fami-lies, children, grandchildren, and neighbors in these special festivities held at our Shrine Center. OurNoble Tom Donald and his Lady Julie had prepared a great program for all present to enjoy. All theentertainment was provided by our nobles and ladies. Our Ladies Presidents Council, under the lead-ership of President Jane Johnston, provided an abundance of Christmas candies and food for all toenjoy.

Don’t forget another very special Christmas event on Saturday, December 13th, the Children’sChristmas Party. This is a big family event for all of the family, as well as your neighbors and friends.Bring a crowd of children, our Noble Jimmy Lee and his Lady Anita will have surprises for everyone.You may even find a very big jolly guy there, dressed in a red suit with a bag of treats.

Thank you for allowing me to be your proud Potentate in 2008.

May God Bless Our Troops, may God Bless the United States of America and may God Bless theNobility of Yaarab Shrine.


Lou Gaylor, Potentate 2008

December 2008 - Basharat - 3



“Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year To All”

Basharat CONTENTSDecember 2008 - Volume 75 - Number 11

Yaarab Shrine Center400 Ponce de Leon Ave., N.E.

Atlanta GA 30308Phone: (404) 872-5818Fax: (404) 875-0319


EDITORCostas Soulakos207 Woodruff Way, Peachtree City, GA 30269phone: (770) 487-6546fax: (770) 487-6903e-mail: basharat@peachcity.comSTAFFSam Black,assistant editor (770) 938-8465John Woody, assistant editor (770) 487-0415Gene Williams, photographer (770) 345-1245ELECTIVE DIVANLou Gaylor, PotentateGary Petty, Chief RabbanMike Autry, Assistant RabbanRaymond Skiles, High Priest and ProphetChuck Rager, Oriental GuideChuck Pittman, TreasurerRichard Burke, RecorderAPPOINTIVE DIVANCharles Harp, 1st Ceremonial MasterDr. Jerry Weaver, 2nd Ceremonial MasterFred Wall, DirectorRobert Phillips, MarshalJack Wade, Captain of the GuardBill Peacock, Outer GuardLarry Cline, Assistant Outer GuardTerry Eastin, Assistant Outer GuardDon Malcom, Assistant Outer GuardJ.T. Moore, Assistant Outer GuardBilly Pruett, Assistant Outer GuardGene Bracewell, Past Imperial Potentate and

Imperial Treasurer.YAARAB OFFICEKerry Robbins, Manager (404) 872-5818 x222Carol Griffin, Secretary (404) 872-5818 x226

The Basharat is published monthly for $12.00 per year included in annualdues by the Yaarab Temple, 400 Ponce de Leon Ave.,NE, Atlanta, GA30308. Non-profit periodicals postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia.Postmaster: Send address corrections to Basharat, 400 Ponce de LeonAve.,NE, Atlanta, GA 30308. All articles are subject to change and whenpublished become the property of the Yaarab Temple.

Basharat Means:“Messenger of good news!”

LIST OF ADVERTISERSBen Hill Roofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Asphalt Paving Pete Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Mike Kendall - Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16ExecuSoft Controls Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Super1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20G. W. Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Masonic Ring for Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Rogers Jewelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Temple Concessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Edward Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Social Security Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Fayette Collision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Crown RV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Hardy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32Edward Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

4 - Basharat - December 2008

Support Your Basharat


First Lady’s Beautification project . . . . . . . . .2Potentates Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3The Chaplain’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5November Birthday Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Editor’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Shriners Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9News from the Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Sporting Clay Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Ga Senate suprises Roger Wise . . . . . . . . .12Veteran’s Day In North Fulton . . . . . . . . . . .13Was there an angel among us? . . . . . . . . .14Election regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14News from the Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15December Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16January Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Election Day Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22News from the Auxilliaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26WW club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27School collecting tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27From the Shrine Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Southwest Airlines helping . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

“A True Friend Stirs You Up”Proverbs 27:6

There is an aspect of friendship which most of us would probably rather dowithout, but which each of us need - honesty: “Wounds from a friend can be trusted,but an enemy multiplies kisses.” - Proverbs 27:6 We are told here that only an enemywill ignore issues we may need to face. A true friend, on the other hand, will confrontus with the truth we need to hear. He will be honest with us because he wants to helpus. He is willing to “stir us up.” Let’s take a few moments to think about this aspectof true friendship.

1. A true friend is honest - A true friend is willing, if need be, to confront youwith the sometimes “painful truth.” He is willing to tell you what you need to hear inorder to help you. But having said this, I think it is important to understand how atrue friend will confront you with what you need to hear. A true friend shares his honesty out of a spirit of con-cern, not a spirit of criticism! He seeks to follow Paul’s admonition in Ephesians 4:15, to “speak the truth inlove.” Therefore, he will combine truth with tenderness. We all want others to:

A. Appreciate us. “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” - WilliamJames When you seek to confront a friend with a helpful truth, express appreciation for him.

B. Listen to us. When confronting a friend with helpful truth, be willing to listen to him. There’s a dif-ference between listening and hearing. Listening is wanting to hear! Let you friend know you want to hear histhoughts and feelings.

C. Understand us. We need to listen to our friend as we tell him what we believe he needs to hear inorder to understand his perspective. To not demonstrate a desire to understand another is to communicateunconcern for him. “You must seek to understand before you seek to be understood.” - Steven Covey - TheSeven Habits Of Highly Effective People

D. Forgive us. If that which you are led to confront your friend about has to do with a personal offense,do it only when you can do so forgivingly! A person will more easily deal with his mistakes if he knows he hasforgiveness for them already.

E. Encourage us. David Smith, author of The Friendless American Male, writes about Queen Victoria’simpressions of her two most famous prime ministers. Of William Gladstone she said, “When I am with him, Ifeel I am with one of the most important leaders in the world.” On the other hand, she confessed that when shewas with Benjamin Disraeli, he made her feel, “as if I am one of the most important leaders in the world.”Gladstone provoked her admiration, while she considered Disraeli her true friend.

2. A true friend is helpful – “Wounds from a friend can be trusted” In being honest with others, a truefriend will want to help them in one of three ways. He will want to help his friends to…

A. Receive the best - A personal and growing relationship with God. How do we do this? By pointingthem to the way of God. Would a person be a true friend if they knew the cure for a deadly disease, yet didn’ttell someone they knew? Of course not! Likewise, you and I who personally know God have an obligation topoint others to Him and encourage them to enter into a personal and growing relationship with Him.

B. Believe the best - A perspective on life only God can give. A true friend will urge those God hasbrought into his life to believe the word of God! A true friend points others to the truth of God’s Word.

C. Achieve their best - the potential, which God alone can help us, achieve. A true friend will urge thoseGod has brought into his life to do the WILL of God.

God bless you, your loved ones, our great country, and our military families.

John Woody

December 2008 - Basharat - 5

The Chaplain’s Corner

John WoodyChaplain

2 - Basharat - December 2008

First Lady’s Beautification Project Update…By First Lady Hazel Gaylor

I want to personally share with each of you what a success this project has been for 2008. With thegenerosity and support of so many of you we were able to raise a little over $23,000.00 this year. The mon-etary donations received from so many of the clubs and units, donations from friends, the sale of the Pandapins – Johnny Cosby from Sweetwater, who had just joined the Shrine in March, bought $600 worth of thepins alone, the golf tournament in June, the Luau in August, the yard sale in September and a very generouspersonal donation from my husband made this all possible – and knowing that we were able to complete theupdating and beautification of our ladies restrooms and at absolutely NO COST to Yaarab Shrine Center.How proud I am of each of you and how proud you all should feel to have participated in and been a part ofcontinuing the beautification project.

The Alkuawette’s invited Lou and I to attend one of their meetings earlier in the year at which timethey presented me with 500 one dollar bills with the letter “J” on them, the “J” representing Jesus – what aunique way of collecting money and how special it was to me. Other Clubs and Units made equally gener-ous gifts and were equally appreciated.

The Golf Tournament was successful due to the hard work of our Oriental Guide Chuck Rager andhis Lady Pat, by Noble Dick Race and his connections at the golf course, the “Cooks” from the TuckerShrine Club who fed us so well, by your Divan Ladies, Jeri Cline, Lynn Ward, Peggy Moore and CarolynMcCool who all came out to work the golf carts and keep everyone supplied with cold drinks, by all whosponsored teams, and by other friends who were there to offer their help and support.

The Luau was not only beautiful but fun as well – all who attended had a great time! I went to someof my Nile friends asking for their help in putting this together and what a great job they did. My thanks toJulie and Tom Donald and Janet and Dick Race for heading this up. They were assisted by Yaarab’sDecorating Committee Patty and James Harrison, Sandra and Jughead Rogers and several others. CarolynMcCool handled the sale of the tickets, the Entertainers entertained us, at no charge, wonderful music fordining and dancing, your Divan gave us their special rendition of the “Hawaiian Hula” – which they actuallygot Potentate Lou to participate in, Jughead Rogers and some of the Sweetwater guys, along with Anita andJimmy Lee’s help served us a wonderful meal and your Divan Ladies were there to greet you at the door andpresent you with a beautiful lei and a big hug.

The yard sale, which was definitely a lot of hard work, was quite a success also. You all were sogenerous with your donations for this event that we had so much left over we were able to donate lots ofitems to the flea market for next year’s circus, again Jimmy Lee and his good helpers, grilled hot dogs andhamburgers for us, the Divan Ladies, Carol Haynes, Charlene Pierce, Jean Hardin, Nell Wall, Gerry Murphy,Anita Lee and even El Tehran’s Queen Sabrina Ackerman came out to help. All these ladies, several othersand their husbands as well – all joined in to work this event. And special thanks to the Potentate Escort guyswho stayed over a little longer on Sunday after their ride to help box this stuff up – they made fast work of itand enjoyed helping.

A very special thank you to Larry Cline who volunteered to do the tile work and replace the sinks inthe downstairs restroom, his guys did a great job. Queen Sabrina’s husband, Rick Ackerman, donated abeautiful granite countertop for this same restroom, thank you Rick. And what a wonderful job ourRecorder’s Lady, Judy Burke, did with all the beautiful decorations in both these restrooms. I was trulyblessed and lucky to have my very own private Interior Decorator on board.

Also a special thank you to Past Potentate Dennis Lester, our Building and Grounds guy, for all hishelp in making the major renovations in the upstairs restroom possible, thank you Dennis. And last of alland certainly not least – thank you Albert for each and everything you were so willing to do for me to makethese projects complete. Albert and his helper, Robert, were always there and always willing to help.

From the very depth of my heart, I thank you all.HHaazzeell GGaayylloorr,, FFiirrsstt LLaaddyy 22000088

Dear Nobles and Ladies,The Christmas Season is here! What a fun time of the year this repre-

sents for all of us. Thanksgiving will be past by the time you receive theDecember Basharat and I hope each one of you had a bountifulThanksgiving with your families. While gathered together each of you had amoment to give thanks for our freedom, those who are in need and ourArmed Forces personnel who were far away from their families and friendson this special day. We are proud of our troops and the sacrifices they aremaking in their efforts to insure we are still free to enjoy special days likeThanksgiving.

On Saturday November 8th, we were honored to join Yaarab Shrine’s Legion of Honor inWashington DC for their annual laying of the wreath at the Tomb of the UNKNOWN SOLDIER. Weare so proud of our Imperial Potentate, Ill. Sir Douglas Maxwell and his Lady Patricia for their partic-ipation in this special annual ceremony. Some of you may know that our Imperial Potentate, Ill. SirMaxwell, has served in the Air Force as a C141 Pilot, under combat conditions. We are proud andblessed to have him as our Shrine Leader.

On November 22nd, Yaarab Shrine held its Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.This was a special time of the year for all of us, as Masons and Shriners to demonstrate our belief inthe birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. This also was an opportunity for us to participate with our fami-lies, children, grandchildren, and neighbors in these special festivities held at our Shrine Center. OurNoble Tom Donald and his Lady Julie had prepared a great program for all present to enjoy. All theentertainment was provided by our nobles and ladies. Our Ladies Presidents Council, under the lead-ership of President Jane Johnston, provided an abundance of Christmas candies and food for all toenjoy.

Don’t forget another very special Christmas event on Saturday, December 13th, the Children’sChristmas Party. This is a big family event for all of the family, as well as your neighbors and friends.Bring a crowd of children, our Noble Jimmy Lee and his Lady Anita will have surprises for everyone.You may even find a very big jolly guy there, dressed in a red suit with a bag of treats.

Thank you for allowing me to be your proud Potentate in 2008.

May God Bless Our Troops, may God Bless the United States of America and may God Bless theNobility of Yaarab Shrine.


Lou Gaylor, Potentate 2008

December 2008 - Basharat - 3



“Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year To All”

Basharat CONTENTSDecember 2008 - Volume 75 - Number 11

Yaarab Shrine Center400 Ponce de Leon Ave., N.E.

Atlanta GA 30308Phone: (404) 872-5818Fax: (404) 875-0319


EDITORCostas Soulakos207 Woodruff Way, Peachtree City, GA 30269phone: (770) 487-6546fax: (770) 487-6903e-mail: basharat@peachcity.comSTAFFSam Black,assistant editor (770) 938-8465John Woody, assistant editor (770) 487-0415Gene Williams, photographer (770) 345-1245ELECTIVE DIVANLou Gaylor, PotentateGary Petty, Chief RabbanMike Autry, Assistant RabbanRaymond Skiles, High Priest and ProphetChuck Rager, Oriental GuideChuck Pittman, TreasurerRichard Burke, RecorderAPPOINTIVE DIVANCharles Harp, 1st Ceremonial MasterDr. Jerry Weaver, 2nd Ceremonial MasterFred Wall, DirectorRobert Phillips, MarshalJack Wade, Captain of the GuardBill Peacock, Outer GuardLarry Cline, Assistant Outer GuardTerry Eastin, Assistant Outer GuardDon Malcom, Assistant Outer GuardJ.T. Moore, Assistant Outer GuardBilly Pruett, Assistant Outer GuardGene Bracewell, Past Imperial Potentate and

Imperial Treasurer.YAARAB OFFICEKerry Robbins, Manager (404) 872-5818 x222Carol Griffin, Secretary (404) 872-5818 x226

The Basharat is published monthly for $12.00 per year included in annualdues by the Yaarab Temple, 400 Ponce de Leon Ave.,NE, Atlanta, GA30308. Non-profit periodicals postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia.Postmaster: Send address corrections to Basharat, 400 Ponce de LeonAve.,NE, Atlanta, GA 30308. All articles are subject to change and whenpublished become the property of the Yaarab Temple.

Basharat Means:“Messenger of good news!”

LIST OF ADVERTISERSBen Hill Roofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Asphalt Paving Pete Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Mike Kendall - Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16ExecuSoft Controls Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Super1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20G. W. Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Masonic Ring for Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Rogers Jewelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Temple Concessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Edward Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Social Security Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Fayette Collision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Crown RV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Hardy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32Edward Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

4 - Basharat - December 2008

Support Your Basharat


First Lady’s Beautification project . . . . . . . . .2Potentates Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3The Chaplain’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5November Birthday Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Editor’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Shriners Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9News from the Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Sporting Clay Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Ga Senate suprises Roger Wise . . . . . . . . .12Veteran’s Day In North Fulton . . . . . . . . . . .13Was there an angel among us? . . . . . . . . .14Election regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14News from the Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15December Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16January Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Election Day Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22News from the Auxilliaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26WW club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27School collecting tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27From the Shrine Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Southwest Airlines helping . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

“A True Friend Stirs You Up”Proverbs 27:6

There is an aspect of friendship which most of us would probably rather dowithout, but which each of us need - honesty: “Wounds from a friend can be trusted,but an enemy multiplies kisses.” - Proverbs 27:6 We are told here that only an enemywill ignore issues we may need to face. A true friend, on the other hand, will confrontus with the truth we need to hear. He will be honest with us because he wants to helpus. He is willing to “stir us up.” Let’s take a few moments to think about this aspectof true friendship.

1. A true friend is honest - A true friend is willing, if need be, to confront youwith the sometimes “painful truth.” He is willing to tell you what you need to hear inorder to help you. But having said this, I think it is important to understand how atrue friend will confront you with what you need to hear. A true friend shares his honesty out of a spirit of con-cern, not a spirit of criticism! He seeks to follow Paul’s admonition in Ephesians 4:15, to “speak the truth inlove.” Therefore, he will combine truth with tenderness. We all want others to:

A. Appreciate us. “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” - WilliamJames When you seek to confront a friend with a helpful truth, express appreciation for him.

B. Listen to us. When confronting a friend with helpful truth, be willing to listen to him. There’s a dif-ference between listening and hearing. Listening is wanting to hear! Let you friend know you want to hear histhoughts and feelings.

C. Understand us. We need to listen to our friend as we tell him what we believe he needs to hear inorder to understand his perspective. To not demonstrate a desire to understand another is to communicateunconcern for him. “You must seek to understand before you seek to be understood.” - Steven Covey - TheSeven Habits Of Highly Effective People

D. Forgive us. If that which you are led to confront your friend about has to do with a personal offense,do it only when you can do so forgivingly! A person will more easily deal with his mistakes if he knows he hasforgiveness for them already.

E. Encourage us. David Smith, author of The Friendless American Male, writes about Queen Victoria’simpressions of her two most famous prime ministers. Of William Gladstone she said, “When I am with him, Ifeel I am with one of the most important leaders in the world.” On the other hand, she confessed that when shewas with Benjamin Disraeli, he made her feel, “as if I am one of the most important leaders in the world.”Gladstone provoked her admiration, while she considered Disraeli her true friend.

2. A true friend is helpful – “Wounds from a friend can be trusted” In being honest with others, a truefriend will want to help them in one of three ways. He will want to help his friends to…

A. Receive the best - A personal and growing relationship with God. How do we do this? By pointingthem to the way of God. Would a person be a true friend if they knew the cure for a deadly disease, yet didn’ttell someone they knew? Of course not! Likewise, you and I who personally know God have an obligation topoint others to Him and encourage them to enter into a personal and growing relationship with Him.

B. Believe the best - A perspective on life only God can give. A true friend will urge those God hasbrought into his life to believe the word of God! A true friend points others to the truth of God’s Word.

C. Achieve their best - the potential, which God alone can help us, achieve. A true friend will urge thoseGod has brought into his life to do the WILL of God.

God bless you, your loved ones, our great country, and our military families.

John Woody

December 2008 - Basharat - 5

The Chaplain’s Corner

John WoodyChaplain

6 - Basharat - December 2008

November Birthday Party

Front (l/r): David Stewart, Cliff Mott, Illustrious Potentate LouGaylor, P.P. Al Head, Dennis BurkeRear (l/r): Dennis Bellamy, Arthur Upchurch

Front (l/r): Cliff Sarratt, Ken Swanson, Assistant Rabban MikeAutry, Bernard Blackwell, Harold BagwellRear (l/r): Ray Patty, Ralph Clifford Williams

Front (l/r): John Graf, Carl Nichols, Oriental Guide ChuckRager, Samuel Cochran, Homer HammontreeRear (l/r): J.D. Henson, Bill Warren

November 3, 2008 **** Yaarab Shrine CenterPhotos by Gene Williams -- Captions by Sam Black

Front (l/r): Jerry Fields, Cecil Massey, High Priest & ProphetRay Skiles, Don Malcom, Bob SlaterRear (l/r): Roger Cecil Griffith, Charles Findley, T.K. Cheatham


Front (l/r): Michael Cole, Sr., John Dacus, Treasurer ChuckPittman, Richard Raines, Bill Nealey Rear (l/r): EddieHolcomb, Archie Wann

Birthday Lady Cathy Spell (meal preparer) (left) pictured withIllustrious Potentate Lou Gaylor


January 10th9:30 AM

Family nightBingo and Dinner

December 18 th and

January 15 th!

December 2008 - Basharat - 7


Gutter GuardSystems


Oldest and Youngest Shriner pictured with Illustrious PotentateLou Gaylor. Pictured (l/r): John Graf (48 years old), IllustriousPotentate Lou Gaylor, Arthur Upchurch (87 years young).

FREE ESTIMATES FOR ALL YOUR Asphalt Paving Needs Phone Pete Guy



All Work Guaranteed !

Front (l/r): Past Potentates pictured with Illustrious Potentate.Pictured (l/r): P.P. Gene Baker, P.P. Al Head, IllustriousPotentate Lou Gaylor, P.P. J.J. Moore, P.P. J.D. Mitchell

Roller Girls present Illustrious Potentate Lou Gaylor a $ 500.00check for the Shrine Hospitals. Pictured (l/r): Amy Ellis(“Thunder & Lightning”), Illustrious Potentate Lou Gaylor, SaraRiney (“Hot Legs Hooligan”). The Roller Girls have con-tributed over $ 20,000.00 in 2008 to Yaarab Shrine for the rentof the Gene Bracewell Activities Building.

November birthday Lady B.J. Baker pictured with IllustriousPotentate Lou Gaylor.

8 - Basharat - December 2008

From the Editor

Dear Nobles, ladies, advertisers and readers:

Again this month, a lot of good stories and publicity! The good news keepscoming. You can read about all the good works and recognition given to Imperialambassador Roger Wise ( page 12 ). Please don’t miss the story “Was there an angelamong us!” ( page 14). Several other stories will inspire you, and I will say it again:“It is great to be a Shriner!”

The Christmas season is fast approaching and as usual another year is ending. It isunusually hard, when many of us or some of our friends and or family members have financial problems.Some are looking for work and or have kids and grand kids that need help in one way or another. I believethat it all happens for a reason. It is these hard times, that we all can reevaluate our goals and purpose in life.It is time for all of us to realize what is important in our life. To me and as we learned early as Masons:“God , family and our county”. Life’s difficulties look easier as long as we pray to God and have our familytogether. These holidays make sure you spend time with your family!

It is life’s simple pleasures that we remember. Memories of great vacations, memories from visitingSanta with the kids or grandkids, memories of family Christmas together around the fireplace and next tothe Christmas tree.

So let us focus on all the blessings that God has given us! This holiday lets try to be with family, ourkids or grandkids and be positive and uplifting.

I want to thank you all for the good words that many of you send or say in person. At times I am over-whelmed but I enjoy publishing the Basharat. I feel that I am very privileged and blessed to have this job.My focus is to serve you! Your suggestions are always welcomed!

Finally I want to wish you and your family from the bottom of my hard a very Merry Christmas and aHappy New Year!

Fraternaly yours,

Constantin "Costas" SoulakosBasharat Editor

Important Websites for Shriners - Visit them for calendar and other Info!


December 2008 - Basharat - 9 OSNOV08SHR5

Ford Motor Company is offering Shriners Hospitals for Children a competitive price allowance for their 2009 model Econoline vans. The contract, which lasts one year, will allow the 22 hospitals to purchase Ford vehicles at a reduced price.

“We truly appreciate the generosity of Ford Motor Company,” said Ralph Semb, president and CEO of Shriners Hospitals. “This is an exciting opportunity for our organization that will help us provide better care and service to our patients and their families. We hope to continue this program indefinitely.”

Bill Currie, an Egypt Shriner and president of Bill Currie Ford Lincoln Mercury in Tampa, Fla, arranged a meeting between Al “Bear” Robinson, a Sahib Shriner and hospital traveling display coordinator for Shriners International

Headquarters, and Wayne Boor, a national account executive for Ford Motor Company.

“We are honored to be a part of the important work done by Shriners Hospitals,” Boor said. “The Econoline passenger van has been a reliable source of transportation for your patients, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with this incentive program.”

The deal includes a multi-tier volume incentive, which gives Shriners Hospitals an additional deduction in price after they have purchased 99 vehicles in the program year. For the 2009 model year, Ford will also give Shriners Hospitals for Children one free van for every 25 vans purchased.

“When we receive a free van, we’ll store it at headquarters until a hospital requests it,” explained Robinson.

Shriners Hospitals for Children Receives Special Pricing from Ford Motor Company

“We will then ask the hospital to give us a trade-in of one of their vans in exchange for the new one. The old van will be donated to a Shriners temple that does not own a vehicle, on a first-come, first-served basis.”

The program incentives offered in the deal cannot be combined with any other offers. A special fleet identification number and code must be used to receive the reduced price and apply the purchase toward the volume requirements. For more information, please contact Mary Brown or Al Robinson in the donor relations department at or (813) 281-8108.

BandBy Bill Gaines

The Yaarab Band played for a DeMolay meeting atYaarab on November 1st. One of the nice surprises was theappearance of Bill Fry Jr. He drove all the way up fromColumbus, GA to play with us. We had not seen nor heardfrom him for a couple of years, and it was a joy to up dateboth of our activities since then. We are happy that you arestill with us Bill.

We are also delighted to have former Director JerryYoung back with us as our renewed Director. Jerry was ourDirector prior to Charlie Lowe. Welcome back Jerry!

Our only November Birthday celebrator was CliffMott –30th. In December we have Ed Entrekin – 2nd, I (BillGaines) – 23rd, Allen Morgan – 31st, John Slate – 8th, andBob Turner – 17th. Happy lighted candles on each of yourcakes.

On our incapacitated list are the same of bunch –Duke Lowry. He is still stuck with a walker in order to navi-gate. He recently endured a set back, but is struggling toimprove, Paul Miller – I was never able to get an answer tohis phone. We hope he’s better these days. Bill Robinson isimproving and hopes to rejoin us some days soon. In additionto his cancer problem, he got the Flu but that is departing. Itwas super to have Lewis Silverboard back with us. We hopehe stays healthy.

We have issued invitations before, but I would like torepeat it – if any noble has a son who plays a musical instru-ment in a high school band, we would like to invite him tocome and rehearse with us on Tuesday evenings. This willbroaden his musical talent, and we hope he will want tobecome as Mason and Shriner when he reaches 21.

We still miss our former Director Noble LloydMcDonald. We all miss him and wish him well and we hopehe and his family enjoy a Merry Christmas

Director’s StaffBy Jim Williams

The Ellijay parade was well attended by the Staff andwe put on a good show. The Staff had seventeen members inattendance. All of the parade vehicles survived the parade. Wemust be learning to handle our equipment better. We wish thatthis were true, but these vehicles are a lot like some of themembers of the Staff. Unfortunately, they sometimes breakdown for no apparent reason other than age.

The Dalton parade was a little different story. TheDirector and several other members were unable to attend dueto family activities. We had enough members to put on a showfor the people in Dalton. The spin car however, decided thatthis was a good time to break down even before the paradestarted. Thanks to Chuck Reeve, the car was repaired andready to go to Savannah.

The Staff was invited by the Director’s Staff of AleeTemple in Savannah to attend their Winter Ceremonial andparade on the weekend of November 8. Sixteen members ofthe Staff were in attendance, more than enough to man all the

vehicles. There was a slight problem on the trip down to

Savannah. The Staff left Yaarab at 6:00 AM Friday morningand stopped for breakfast in Dublin. About twenty miles downthe road from Dublin, the Director woke the Rev Jim from adeep sleep and said the carryall was raising a large cloud ofdust as it traveled toward Savannah. The Rev very astutelynoted that the cloud of dust was in actuality water leakingfrom the cooling system of the truck and knew that the waterpump had malfunctioned. He advised the Director to call thedriver, Richard Cain, to tell him to pull over immediately. Thisquick action probably saved the engine from serious damage.The Rev then went back to sleep until needed again. RichardCain would have noticed the problem sooner, but he was busychecking the shine on his latest toenail painting.

After confirming that the water pump needed to bereplaced, a call was placed to Paul (Muley) Henson and hepicked up a replacement in Macon and headed to our position.At this point, Stephen Cain climbed up into the truck andbegan removing the water pump. Several other members ofthe Staff assisted him. By the time that Muley arrived with thepart, the pump had been taken out. The Director would like tothank all those who helped with this repair.

After arriving in Savannah, the Staff had a good timeFriday night. On Saturday the Staff put all our vehiclesthrough the parade. The parade was held in Thunderbolt. Eventhough it was a short parade, the Staff was a big hit. In fact, atleast ten of the twenty residents of Thunderbolt watched theparade.

After the parade, the Staff assisted the AleeDirector’s Staff in their Ceremonial. Sweet William was a bighit as usual. The Divan and members of Alee expressed theirgratitude for the participation of the Staff in making it a suc-cess.

The Director would like to remind all members of theStaff that we still have to meet our pledge for the Hospitalcampaign and be ready to participate in the Chick-Filet Bowlparade on December 31, 2008. This parade is a great opportu-nity for us to present a positive image for the Shrine and to letpeople know what we do for the children in our hospitals.

We need to have a great finish to a very good year.Keep up the good work.

The Flying FezBy Peter Swank

Sorry we missed you in last month's edition. We wereso busy that we didn't have a chance to send out our news.2008's autumn season was sure a jam-packed one for theFlying Fez! We had everything happening from administrativerevisions and special meetings to fundraising and public rela-tions events.

Our Flying Fez displays at the Wings over Mariettaair show at Dobbins ARB and at a travelling WW2 aviationexhibit were tremendous successes for us! We'd especially liketo thank Lucky Charm, Toys, and their families for supportingus. We couldn't have done it without you!

Participants at these events shared many memorable

News from Yaarab’s Units

10 - Basharat - December 2008

December 2008 - Basharat - 11

experiences, raised significant funds, and helped shed new lighton the Shrine and our unit to literally hundreds of thousands ofattendees. Members of our unit brought a variety of suppliesand handouts as well as one of our aircraft for a static display,grabbing the attention of everyone who walked by and turningsome Masonic heads who wanted to participate more with ourendeavors. Local media also took interviews further exposingthe Shrine's endeavors.

As we grow, we realize we need more help at theseand similar functions. You need not be a Flying Fezzer to par-ticipate (although membership has its privileges). Please visitour Website at for our event calendar, peti-tions, and more. Come celebrate being a Shriner with us, andlet us know how we can help you, also!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!Legion of HonorBy John Graf

Now that the 2008 elections are over, let’s finish outthis year in style. In spite of the challenges the profane worldseems to create for our Nobility let's fight the "Good Fight" and"Keep the Faith. Yes, I'm proud to be a Shriner for if just onechild could run again and no more crippled be; ...we neverstand taller, than when we stoop to help a crippled child, down

on our bended knee. In resent weeks the Legion of Honor had a successful

dinner meeting at the, Mill in Acworth, special thanks to Chuckand Elaine Seagel for sponsoring the month of October’s sup-per club. Our unit participated in two parades, one at Ellijay,Ga, and the other at Dalton, Ga. Attendance was good and sowas "Mother Nature" for giving us beautiful weather duringboth the parades. Thanks to Jack Smith for calling cadence andtowing the Legion trailer to these parades.

Masonry is alive and well in Georgia. Our Nobility isdisplayed by the constant efforts in getting the message out toall. The importance of Yaarab Shrine's Nobles, marching inparades and hitting the pavement, with their Fezzes on and col-lection buckets, helps all of our communities understand that allShriners are serious about helping the lives of youngboys and girls at the Shriner's Hospitals and Burn Centersthrough out the world. Our labor of love knows no limits. Wehave been given a very special privilege as ambassadors of loveand generosity to the less fortunate.

Now in recognition to our Legion of Honor, the unitwas joined by other International units at Arlington Cemeteryto present the LOH wreath to the "Tomb of the UnknownSoldier" on November the 8th. All the International Officersalong with the Imperial Potentate, Douglas E. Maxwell attend-ed. All were counted for including Jack Smith and Bill Glennalong with Potentate Lou Gaylor and his Divan from Yaarab.

On the Tomb is written" HERE RESTS IN HON-ORED GLORY AN AMERICAN SOLDIER KNOWN BUTTO GOD". In presenting the LOH wreath, all veteran's honoredthe unknown soldiers. It was a very moving ceremony honoringall the unknown soldiers from WWI, WWII, Korean War,Vietnam War and up until 1998.

This tomb is guarded by the 3rd United States Infantry(The Old Guard) 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day. It was avery impressive ceremony for all true Americans to see.

Yaarab Sporting Clays AssociationBy President PP Davis Stevenson

Important date: A meeting will be held at Yaarab Shrine on December 6th for the purposeof electing officers for the year 2009, please try to attend. This has been a banner year for theSporting Clays Association in Yaarab Shrine as it continues to grow. The members look forward toour next event, which will be set at the next meeting. We need every members help in findingsponsors NOW, the earlier we can get them locked in the better we will be, most companies allo-cate their funds in the first six weeks of the new year, so please get to them early and get theminvolved, use the brochures from last year to sell them, you can bring them the confirmed date assoon as it is set, but as with all fundraisers you must get your foot in the door early.

President PP Davis Stevenson wishes to thank everyone who help with this year’s eventand continue to help get the association even more tightly organized, plans are being set in motionto pin down a location and time for meetings that are as convenient as possible for all members.Stay tuned for more information and updates,and please try to attend the December meeting atYaarab Shrine, December 6th.

The officers can be reached at: President Davis Stevenson

Secretary Dan Dacus

12 - Basharat - December 2008

Georgia Senate surprises Imperial Ambassador Roger Wise Jr. By Costas Soulakos

Imperial Ambassador Roger Wise Jr.received a resolution from the Georgia Senatefor his service to Yaarab Shrine and Masonry!As you know Noble Roger Wise has been work-ing hard for the kids and the initiatives that bothYaarab Shrine and the Grand lodge of Georgiasupport. Noble Wise has been instrumental inmaking the Peachcare partnership of the Stateof Georgia and the Shriners Hospitals a reality.

He is working hard on an extension ofthe Peachcare program to our veterans of thestate of Georgia. He is also involved with theChip program, an initiative from the Grand lodgeof Georgia to provide a state of the art Childidentification program. CHIP is a series of iden-tification procedures including DNA, sent anddental bite. The whole process takes only 10-15minutes and when is completed an informationCD is given to the parents for safekeeping. Nodata or records on the child are retained!

To the right a copy of the resolution that GaSenate presented to Roger and above a pictureof the presentation ceremony! Bellow NobleWise in a group picture at the city of Alpharetta

were the Mayor is recognizing the Masons andthe Chip program.

Noble Wise has worked tirelessly to helpthe kids and the veterans but at the same timepromotes Shriners and Masons and their caus-es. The next article also is a testament to NobleWise’s commitment to our veterans.

At a time were most of the news are neg-ative, the good news, the good publicity andrecognition, the good deeds that our Nobles do,is the way to attract members!

Noble Roger Wise we thank you for allyou do! Keep up the good work!

December 2008 - Basharat - 13

Veteran’s Day in North FultonBy Jonathan Copsey

Courtesy of Beacon Media Newspapers www.beaconcast.comAlpharetta American Legion Post 201, located

on Wills Road, opened its “Walk of Memories” park,dedicated to all the Georgia soldiers who have died inbattle defending America. All 3,000 and counting.

With the soft chimes of the flagpoles waving inthe breeze, Post Commander Jack Harrison spoke tothe crowd at the opening ceremony last weekend, onthe Saturday before Veteran’s Day.

“You will understand when you get older justhow important a day like this is,” said Harrison to theyoung people in the crowd that was mostly military personnel and masons. In attendance werealso several of the area’s politicians: Alpharetta mayor Arthur Letchas, Alpharetta Councilman JohnMonson, State Representative Chuck Martin and a representative from Congressman Tom Price’sOffice.

The park is meant to be a reminder to the community of Alpharetta – as well as the state –of the sacrifices Georgia’s soldiers have given for the freedoms we all enjoy. Of particular impor-tance was the need for young people to recognize the sacrifices of the armed forces.

“Freedom is not free,” said Roger Wise, Jr. “Somebody has to pay for it. A lot of these guysyou see here today made it so that you can go to school and have the freedom to do what youwant to do. You can grow up and be anything you want to be and it’s because of these guys andgirls here.”

The park is composed of a brick walkway leading from the Legion building beneath talltrees, meandering until it gets to the road, passing by a decommissioned tank, naval deck gun anda helicopter, all surrounded by bricks holding the names of the fallen that are organized by the warthey fought in.

Wise spoke as the representative of Governor Sonny Perdue at the ceremony, read-ing a proclamation and presenting Wages with a certificate of appreciation for “outstanding contri-butions and service to Georgia in the establishment of the Walk of Memories.”

“Please accept my sincere appreciation on behalf of all of Georgia for the wonderful jobyou’ve done in brining about the Georgia Walk of Memories,” the governor wrote. “This militarymemorial park is an example of what a community can dowhen they have a leader such as you to put things togetherand make things happen. He’s made things happen all hislife... Please accept this from a grateful community and gover-nor. Chief warrant officer Wages: job well done.”

The keynote speaker at the dedication was JosephSuttles, a past grandmaster of the Georgia masons and veter-an of the pacific theater of World War II, who spoke on theneed to have the younger generations know the importance ofthe sacrifices of their armed forces.

“Today from every walk of life we gather together togive thanks to these who love their country enough to cause us to have a beautiful park so we canpoint to our young people and tell them what America means.”

Alpharetta’s American legion Post 201 is located at 201 Wills Rd, at the corner of WillsRoad and Old Milton Parkway. It’s hard to miss; just look for the American flag.

14 - Basharat - December 2008

Was there an angel among us? by Carol Stroup and Sherry Harris

After the parade in Helen this year, a stranger, who appeared to be a hitchhiker somewherein his early twenties approached a Shrinette, Lady Sherry Harris. She was expecting him to askfor a handout, but instead he wanted to know how do Shriners get their money, what did themonies go toward, and how does one become a Shriner.

If one could pick a Lady who was most suited to answer these questions, it would beSherry. She is a charter member of the Cedar Valley Shrinettes, the most wonderful treasurer thata club would wish for, a lady whose husband, Noble Wayne Harris, a veteran Shriner, is a pastpresident of the Cedar Valley Shrine Club, and most of all one who loves what the Shriners standfor, Helping Children.

Sherry answered all the stranger’s questions, not leaving any detail out, in a sincere,respected voice. She told him how the Nobles keep twenty-two children’s hospitals operating,detailing the hospitals and burn centers across the nation. As she finished the gentleman reachedout to her and asked if he could donate the money he had, and stated that it was all that he had.He reached out with a closed fist and put into her hand a wad of dollar bills.

Being the lady that she is, Sherry accepted it and did not even look at it. She respectfullyput it in her bag; she would wait until she was in her hotel room to count it. As she and thestranger departed he said, “God Bless you all.” Sherry watched him as he began walking downthe sidewalk with his pack on his back.

When she returned to the hotel Sherry got the bills and began counting. She thought aboutwhat the stranger said, “….all I have.” She then wished she had asked about his well-being.

As days passed the thought of this surprise encounter, the money, the haunting look, thestranger, puzzled Sherry.

Months passed. It came the time for the Shrinettes to decide how much money would bedonated to the Yaarab Shrine’s Hospital Fund. Sherry knew in her heart that the donation from thestranger in Helen was just the beginning of something big happening in the club. The club hadmore money in the treasurer than ever before. A total of $10,000 was presented to Illustrious SirLou Gaylor from the Cedar Valley Shrinettes at the October meeting. This was truly a record-breaking year!!

It’s not the size of the man with the heart; it’s the size of the heart in the man. Please under-stand the amount the stranger donated was just $2.00, though this $2.00 was sincerely exchangedbetween the hearts of two strangers. Was there an angel among us?

Please note the following Imperial By-law (#325.11) and Yaarab Shrine By-law (#4.9). Any viola-tors will be disqualified by the Potentate:

IMPERIAL BY-LAWS # 325.11 ELECTION REGULATIONS(a) Electioneering.The printing, publication, circulating or distribution of resolutions,letters, telegrams, tickets, e-mail or other devices by a Noble,suggesting, recommending, opposing or containing the names ofproposed candiates for office in the temple is PROHIBITED.

Special Note from the Potentate to all canditates and their supporters:

December 2008 - Basharat - 15

News from Yaarab’s ClubsAlcovy Shrine ClubBy Kevin Norman

The Alcovy Shrine Club would like to thank all thathelped out at the 1st Annual “Fishing for Kids” BassTournament. We did not have as good a turnout as we wereexpecting but that was mainly due to weather and the economy.We had 42 boats and we were expecting 100. Everyone stillhad a great time and we would like to thank Past PotentateEddie Eskew for coming out to support us and for speaking tothe crowd about the hospital. We will be doing this tournamentagain next year and hope for it to be even bigger and better.

Our meetings are still going good and we are lookingforward to even more new and returning members in themonths to come. Keep an eye on Alcovy Shrine Club – wehave big things in the works for the months to come.

Cedar Valley Shrine ClubBy Ken Thomason

Well, we were pleased to have our special guests fromthe Divan with us for our October Meeting. They werePotentate Lou Gaylor, Chief Rabban Garry Petty andTreasurer. Chuck Pittman.

Potentate Lou Gaylor gave a stirring speech about howcan we put a price on a child and encouraged us to do more. Iam proud to say that with the help of our Shrinettes that wehave already met our goal for the Hospital Fund this year.Lady Shirley Fann, President of the Lady Shrinettes presentedPotentate Lou a check for $10,000. At the same time, PresidentEddie Streetman presented him with another check making usover the top of our goal. The club is still continuing with anextra effort on the Hospital Fund.

We also enjoyed a speech about the Shrine fund raisersfrom Treasurer Chuck Pittman.

We tried to surprise our Shrinettes with a dinner onOctober 24th, but it is hard to pull one over the ladies. Theywere able to enjoy a meal furnished by the nobles. The noblesprovided music for entertainment and even cleaned up after-wards. Lady Shirley Fann even sang a song for everyone andwas much improved. It was all in fun and everyone reallyseemed to enjoy it. It was much deserved, for the ladies workso hard and are a big part of our club.

We had great news on one of our patients, who tooktheir first step from their wheelchair. The family has movedout of state, but is still under the care of our fraternity. We stillhave one more patient that is still being treated at ourGreenville Hospital. Thanks to our Hospital Committee,Nobles Clay Bentley and Hoyt Worthington.

I want to remind everyone that we are doing ourBoston Butt Roast again for the Thanksgiving Holidays. Theyshould be ready for delivery by Wednesday, November 26th.Also, our Club is annual Christmas Party will be on December13th at the banquet room downtown in Cedartown. It will startat 6:00 P.M.

We would like to invite the nobles in our area to cometo see us on the 4th Thursday of each month.

CherokeeBy Paul Crowe

Cherokee would like to thank everyone who attendedthe Marble Festival parade in Jasper on October 4. The weath-er was beautiful for this parade. Hope everyone had a goodtime and enjoyed the meal. The parade was smaller than usualbut the crowd of spectators was as large as always with a greatturnout.

We had a fun filled time at the parade in Panama CityBeach, FL held the following Saturday on the 11th. Nineteenmembers from the Club attended. Several couples did not getto attend this year.

Past President Sonny Roper and Lady Sue, PastPresident Paul Crowe and Lady Sarah and Sheri had a greattime at the Kennesaw Mountain Hillbilly Degree on November8. A fun time and good fellowship was had by all.

On December 5, Jasper will be having a nightChristmas parade with line up at 5:00 p.m. and parade at 6:00.All vehicles are required to be decorated with lights. Anymember who can be there is welcome, the more the better.

Cherokee members, remember at the December 4thmeeting it will be election night for officers. Be there to sup-port the elected officers and your club. The annual Christmasparty will be held the Saturday night of December 6 at the club-house.

Sympathy is extended to Hugh and Debbie Teems forthe loss of their son and to Sonny and Sue Roper for the loss ofSonny’s mother. We’re glad to see that both Jim Hunter andTony Payne are feeling better.

Cumming Shrine ClubBy Hal Hesterly

Hi Everyone, Cumming Club went to the Fair, theCumming Country Fair and Festival that is. Our Raffle of the42” TV brought in $3100 and will go a long war towardexceeding our goal of $25,000 for the hospital. Thanks go outto our booth workers, Hal and Lori Hesterly, Brian Phalen,Woody and Sarah Bryson, Carroll Kates, Galen and Del Smith,Bill Prescott, Mark Wacho and Vann Pair. We could have usedmore help from all you sideliners.

New member Brian Phelan is becoming a real “bucke-teer.” Brian reports that he brought in $300 in just two hoursthe other day. Way to go, Brian. Keep it up; we need you as aGold Executive Aide next year. We need more “bucketeers”,who are willing to get out there and stick out their buckets andsay “please and thank you” to all those people just waiting toput money into our buckets for a good cause. And, now that theweather is turning a little cooler, there is no better time tobecome a “bucketeer.”

By press time, we will have several new “Hillbilly’s”in the Cumming Club. Yours truly got lost inMarietta/Kennesaw and missed it, so I guess I’m still a“Flatlander.” Apparently Kennesaw put on quite a show, as Ihear some people had tummy aches from laughing so hard.

clubs continue on page 18

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December 2008

16 - Basharat - December 2008

Family night Bingo and DinnerDecember 18 th and January 15th!

Elections January 10th!

January 2009

December 2008 - Basharat - 17

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The Christmas season is upon us and we are planningfor the Christmas Gala. If you haven’t received your invitationby now, give Hal Hesterly a call at 678-513-7559 to make yourreservation. Remember it will cost $30 per person or $60 forcouples. Choices of entrées are: Prime Rib, au jus, ChickenFrancaise or Teriyaki Salmon. If we all are good little noblesand ladies, between now and Dec 13th, we might get a visitfrom Santa Claus.

Gwinnett Shrine ClubBy Dan (Tom Dooley) Dacus

As the year draws to a close, I reflect back about theyear.

The Black Camel visited Gwinnett Club this year andtook two very good Nobles from our midst, Noble and PastPresident Rod Godfrey and Noble and Past President AllenRoberts, both these nobles were great Shriners, both very activein the Blue Lodge, both Past Masters of their respectiveLodges. The club will be at a loss for these good nobles, how-ever their Legacy does NOT end with their passing. Both werevery concerned with how we as a group could better GwinnettShrine Club and the Shrine as a whole. Gwinnett Club hasbegan a transition this year, a hard earned trail back to the high-ly active club it once was, thanks to the leadership of PresidentLonnie Mahan and line officers along with the help of theNobility. Gwinnett Club has claim to two current nobles on theDivan, one of which is a short vote away from Potentate andone who is working hard to make being a Shriner more impor-tant than ever, and two Past Potentates. If we expect to growagain and attain the high goals we once had we must get behindthis men and support them.

I ask every member to examine and ponder this simplequestion: What led you to become a Shriner and has thatchanged? No matter the difference you may have with otherShriners, that should never be a reason to not be active in sucha lofty goal, Shriners may come and go, the workers mayremain the same, the work may get harder as it has with thedown set of the economy, but being a Shriner has only grown,the children we serve have grown and will continue to grow.

As the season of giving approaches, consider yourgifts to the children we serve. It was once said, “I am one, I cando little or nothing, but you and I together can accomplishmany things!” Let this season be the end of differences and therise of them to carry on the good name of those past.

LaGrange Shrine Club By Greg Brookshire Back

In September, we had our parade in LaGrange alongwith our 3rd annual car show and Fall Festival. Although theturn out was not what we had hoped for, it was still a successand gave us a good start on our Hospital Fund Drive.

The winners of the Car Show were Potentate ChoiceCarl Fowler with his 69’ Chevy Chevelle and Eddie McDanielwith his 30’s model Ford Street Rod won Peoples’ Choice.Tambra Bolt won our 50-50 drawing.

Our Panama City Beach Trip was a blast as usual. Wereally had a good time just kicking back and enjoying the fel-lowship that this trip always brings. It also is very hard to beatthe fresh seafood that we enjoyed each night. The parade is

always great. It’s the best one to participate in because it’s verylong and always draws a large crowd.

October 19 was the date of our 3rd annual MotorcycleRide Fund Raiser. Murphy’s Yamaha sponsors this ride. It hasgotten bigger and better each year. We sold barbeque, 50-50tickets and had an auction at the end of the day. This helpedbring our total to over $10,000. We had around 50 riders, alarge lunch crowd and over 85 sponsors help make this a greatsuccess. Thanks to all those who help us with this event espe-cially Danny and Kim Murphy and Angie Fountain.

Since our big fund raisers are over we are now gettingback to basics. We are out in the streets with our buckets tryingto raise more money for our children’s hospitals. On a saddernote we lost one of our members. Jim Durham passed awaySat. November 8th. He was a member of Elm City Lodge #544,LaGrange Shrine Club, Yaarab and the Potentate’s Escort. Heretired from General Motors and had been very active in theShrine for several years. He will be missed by all of us. Pleasekeep his family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.

The next big order of business will be in December.That’s when we elect our 2009 officers. It’s hard to believe thisyear has gone so fast. We hope everyone has a very HappyHoliday Season.

Lanier Shrine ClubBy Gene W. Robinson

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas and theLanier Shrine Club would like to wish all of Yaarab Shrine andthe Shriner’s hospital children a very Merry Christmas. Howmany Shriners does it take to crank Steve Canada’s tractor? Itwill certainly take more than nine because we couldn’t move it.This photo was taking at Lanier’s fall cookout at the Canadaretreat at Track Rock Gap.

Those present were: Walter Holcomb and Lady Jackie,Charles Lindsey and Lady Fay, Jim Davis and Lady Cornellia,Joe Conner and Lady Vivian, Keith Chandler and Lady Apriland children, Ed Clark and Lady Mary, Lynberg Miller and

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Lady Margret, Gene Robinson (Lady Sue was on a trip with theGirl Scotts), Steve Canada, Billy Clark, Walter Chandler, andBill Mangum.

Celebrating December birthdays: Nobles: WayneBurruel, James Clark, Mark Papp, Morris McClure. CelebratingDecember Anniversaries: Danny and Lellani Effler, James andLela Skiver, and Warren and Sandi Walker.

We regret to report that Noble Chuck Nida and LadyMartha were involved in a serious auto accident in Arizona inOctober. It is our understanding that they were hit head on byanother vehicle and had to stay in the hospital for severalweeks. They our both back at home in Gainesville and hopeful-ly will completely recover from there injuries.

Our meeting place is at Stone Masonic Lodge No. 715until further notice. Stone Lodge is located about one mile Eastof I-985 at Exit 24 (Rabbittown) we will meet at 7:30 p.m. Ifyou can’t make it to our next meeting, I hope to see you on theroad.

North GeorgiaBy Donald Ray Lunsford

It has been a few months since I have written an arti-cle so there are several items to report. The first was the GolfTournament in September. This is an annual hospital fundraiserand as always Bobby German got out and about and shook thebushes for hole sponsors and along with other members of ourclub raised more money this year than last.

The next thing was the fifth annual Oktoberfest.Janice and I wish to express our sincere thanks to all the NorthGeorgia Shrine Club nobles who not only worked the party bycooking and serving, setting up and tearing down tents, tablesand chairs, and just about anything else they were asked to do,but also the ones who traveled great distances to participate andmake the fundraiser a success. We raised over $1600 last year,but with the tremendous turnout this year, we raised over $2600

for the hospitals.Special thanks to Ron Wallace for arranging baby Cole

and his appearance on stage to let people see first hand whatthe hospitals are all about and what we are trying to do as weraise money for children in need of special care.

This year we had seven new candidates; two wentthrough in Helen and five at the cold sands class. And, we arehappy to report that all seven joined NGSC.

NGSC had a few couples attend the festivities inPanama City and they claim to have had a wonderful time.

We have been busy for the past few weeks bucketingand as always in the past, the people of the wonderful tri-statearea in the beautiful north Georgia mountains have been verygenerous!

I wish I knew how to motivate folks to work togetherside by side, but, for so many years I have noticed that in dif-ferent clubs and units it appears that there are only a handful ofmembers who actually work. For instance, if a club has fiftymembers, why are there only twelve or so members helping atevery event? And, out of over six thousand nobles in Yaarab,why are there only a thousand plus members who toil and doall the work? Food for thought.

When on bended knees, please remember RichardWaterhouse’s sister and mother who are both ill.

As always, please let us remember the true reason weare involved!

Northeast Dekalb ClubBy Sam Black

Happy December Birthday wishes go out to Ron Roth(17).

During this holiday season, let’s continue to keep ourservice men and women in our prayers for their continued suc-cess and safe trip back home soon.

Nobles please try to make the meetings, next one ofwhich will be election night – Tuesday, December 9th. Ourattendance is on the low side. We need everyone to come andjoin us for the monthly fellowship and if you know someoneelse qualified, please bring them as your guest.

Don’t forget that the 2008 Shrine Hospital Crusade iswell underway. We hope Yaarab will break the record and giveanother million to the Shrine Hospitals for 2008.

Please go ahead and mark your calendars for Saturday,January 10, 2009 for the annual Yaarab Shrine election. It willbe held in the Gene Bracewell Activities Building at YaarabMosque, and starts at 9:30 AM. Best wishes to all nobles andtheir families for a safe and blessed Christmas and HolidaySeason. Hope everyone’s New Year 2009 will be safe and pros-perous.

Paulding County Shrine ClubBy Steve Greenway

Another year has come and gone and we have definite-ly had a good year at Paulding County this year. We’veenjoyed all the time we’ve been able to spend together and lookforward to the coming year.

As President of the Paulding County Shrine Club thisyear I would like to thank all of the nobles and ladies in ourclub for making this a great year as well as let them know how

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much I appreciate all of their hard work to make my job easy!!!I look forward to helping our new officers for the 2009 year.Thanks to our ladies for the excellent Thanksgiving Dinner atour November meeting, as always the food was delicious.Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a great and prosper-ous New Year!!!! Please keep our troops in your prayers andbring them home safely.

Rome Shrine Club By Tony Warren

Billy Graham once said that the brevity of life wasastounding. Here we are bracing for another Christmas Seasonrealizing that our labors, fellowship and fun are over for anoth-er year. It is my prayer that each of you can look back over thispast year and be not only pleased but proud of your work andcontribution to our philanthropy. Your work gives hope to thou-sands of children all over the world. If, for whatever reason,your heart cannot be reconciled, you must decide what isimportant to you. You may have a petty bellyache or, even inyour mind, a major bellyache with a member of our club or thedecisions made by the majority or any of many reasons. Youmay feel just burnt out by the burdens of seemingly never end-ing tasks of ending one year only to start another. If this is you,there are several things that I would ask you to contemplate.You must decide in your heart if our God-given cause of takingcare of crippled and burned children is worthwhile. If it isworthwhile, is it worth fighting for? What immediately comesto mind when you think of the Rome Shrine Club? Is it a place

to come and enjoy the fellowship of Masonic brotherly loveand work to accomplish a common goal, or is it something youwere talked into or you are just tired of the same old thing. If itis the latter, then you can do one of two things. You can quit oryou can decide to fight for change and make it better in a lov-ing and caring way. The elections are coming up on December11th. It is time to find out who is considering the job and askthem to tell you what they intend to do to make our club a bet-ter place to work and accomplish our goals. If the club has nomission or vision we will surely die.

Shrine clubs, as with all organizations, needs both amission and a vision statement. The two concepts are not syn-onymous. VISION - is what you want to be tomorrow. It isan imaginary leap into the future. It is a dream, a reach. It canfly. Organizations need a dream. A MISSION - is what anorganization is committed to! The mission is to real-ize the dream. My mission today or my suggestion to you is tosay "HI!" and SMILE to those people around you because....It's a "Good Day to be a Shriner" .

The Shrine's Mission StatementTo be a dynamic fraternal organization dedicated to

attracting and retaining men of good character by being com-mitted to providing progressive quality programs and servicesfor our members, their families and friends in a spirit of fun,fellowship and social camaraderie.

The Shrine's VisionTo recruit and retain members by maintaining a posi-

tive environment conducive to developing leadership skills andproviding fellowship and enjoyment for every member andenabling the continuous growth of membership thereby insur-ing our prominence as the most recognized and effective frater-nity in North America.

Please read these statements carefully and see if youand our club fit into these parameters. If we do not then weneed to change. What we do in this life to lay upon treasuresfor our eternal life is far to important to just ignore and let theforces of darkness tear our beloved club asunder. If you havebeen idle or disinterested for the past few years or you feel apa-thetic towards the club, you must remember who is counting onyou. It is not any one individual Shriner, but hundreds of thou-sands of children in unfortunate circumstances. Is that worthyour effort?

President Buster Goss speaking for all of the line offi-cers of the club thanks you for your efforts this year. Wepledged our Potentate $67,000.00 for the hospitals this year andwe will end up giving around $100,000.00. The final figuresare not in yet because of the telethon returns and some of thebucket money is still out. Couple this with the finances of ournormal club upkeep expenses and you have a very successfulyear. Buster asked me to invite all those who can make it to ourannual club banquet to be held at the clubhouse on the 6th ofDecember at 7:00 P.M. There will be a $20 per couple fee tohelp defray expenses. A scrumptious steak dinner with all thetrimmings will be served. Please be reminded that you musthave a current dues card from Yaarab and the club to vote inthe elections December 11th.

Thanks to Roadrunners Larry and Wayne Fricks formaking an overnight trip to Cincinnati and to Gary Miller and

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Tony Warren for an overnight trip to Greenville. Thanks toWayne and John Huffman for a trip to Greenville. Our newcrossover van is getting lots of use. We have two more applica-tions to the Greenville Hospital.

Special thanks go out to Noble Johnny Waits and hiscrew for putting on a successful golf tournament. They willdonate $2,700.00 to the hospital fund due to their efforts.

Our prayer list includes Nobles Doug Strickland,James Broome, and Bud Owens who are very ill. Noble JoeKemp is now recuperating at home as is Larry “Paw-Paw”Rickard recovering from colon surgery. Larry’s son, NobleTony Rickard will be undergoing cancer surgery soon. NobleBen Fields had a heart attack and had surgery to implant a stint.second Vice President Donnie Penny’s mother is very ill. Pleasetake a moment to pray for our brethren and their loved ones andall those who I did not hear about. God knows who they are.When one of us hurts, we all hurt.

In closing, I would like to thank you, my fellow clubnobles for allowing me the opportunity to serve you as yourBasharat reporter this year. I hope whoever does this job nextyear will be as gratified as I am now. It has been a specialpleasure to work for you and I pray that I have done credit tothe task at hand. I apologize for any mistakes and omissionsthat I have made. God bless The Rome Shrine Club.

South FultonBy Tom Holcomb

I would like to, on behalf of South Fulton Shrine Clubofficers and members, wish everyone in Yaarab Shrine the mer-riest Christmas and Happiest New Year Possible. This is theseason of brotherly love and the time of year when all God’schildren should come together and celebrate the birth of oursavior. Remember to do something selfless for someone lessfortunate than yourself. Pray for those separated from familyand friends and for the children in our care and their families.

We have had a good year in South Fulton and I wouldlike to thank President Carl Knox for the job he did this year. Iam sure he is doing like just about the same as all others in hisposition and reflecting back, wondering if he did everything hecould. I would like to tell every outgoing President or Captainthe same thing. If you did your best, and acted with your mem-ber’s well being at heart, regardless of what you did or didn’taccomplish, you did your job. Take pride in your year and sup-port the nobles who will follow you in 2009 and beyond.

South Fulton is doing well on the Hospital Drive and itlooks like we will meet or exceed our pledge. There are still acouple of weeks left in this years crusade so everyone keep dig-ging and help Yaarab Shrine Center shine when they presentthis years check to the Imperial.

At present our sick list is pretty much the same as ithas been all year and they still need your prayers. Our knownsick are PP Ray Lange, PP J.J. Moore Paul Sisk, Jim Bray,Gene Blount, Milton Bowen, Wayne Wilkins, Bill Poss and ourladies are Sybil Johnson, Patsy Eastin, Dolores Pouncey andJohnnie Adams. I would also like to mention a young lady Ihave overlooked every month and who has been in a nursinghome for quite some time. Francis Burch is a wonderful ladyand I know both she and Al would appreciate our prayers.

Please remember these fine people and put yourself in theirplace; would you like to be remembered.

Our December Birthdays are Charley Brannan (4),Jerome Pierce (5), Brooks Fiveash and Leon Jones (6), JamesBolmon, Herman Hackworth and Noel Petit (12), Guy Stephensand Russell Bennett (21), Jim Patrick (22), Leroy Brown (23),Joe Driskell (25), James Baker (26), Neil Schwartz (22) and AlBurch (31). Happy Birthday nobles!

That does it for 2008; I have enjoyed the honor ofbringing the news from South Fulton and hope everyone hasenjoyed it half as much as I have. God Bless and keep you all.

Sweetwater Shrine ClubBy Ron “Smiley” Henley

Greetings Nobles! This is my favorite time of the yearand I am sure many of you feel the same way. Thanksgivingand Christmas are coming up fast, and before you know it,2009 will be upon us.

Things are really happening at Sweetwater ShrineClub as we work hard to support our hospitals and help thekids. Our Nobles are out in force, with buckets in hand, collect-ing every dollar possible. In addition, we are raising moneywith our many auctions, bike rides, 50/50’s, fish fry’s and any-thing else we can think of. Thanks to all of our Nobles for theirhard work!

One of the reasons we are working so hard is becauseof something that recently happened here at Sweetwater. It real-ly inspired us and I want to take this opportunity to share withyou the story of the Hardegree family to remind all of us howour work impacts others. Sergeant Mike Hardegree was killedin action. It was a great loss to their family, but the Hardegrees,being the kind of people they are, wanted to turn tragedy intotriumph. Beth Hardegree, Mike’s sister, is a photographer. Thedeath of her brother prompted her to begin taking photographsdepicting many different military scenes. One picture she tookcaught the eye of a major news service. They liked the pictureso much they paid one thousand dollars for it. Wanting to dosomething good with the money, Stan Hardegree, the father ofMike and Beth, made contact with one of our members, CharlieLott. I need to point out here that, to my knowledge, no one inthe Hardegree family is a Mason or a Shriner. With that said,the Hardegrees respect what we do so much; they donated theentire one thousand dollars to Sweetwater Shrine Club to sup-port the hospitals. When the check was presented and the storytold at our September meeting, there wasn’t a dry eye in thehouse. When the check was presented at YAARAB Shrine’sHospital kick-off, the story moved everyone who heard it.

Nobles, you never know who is watching you as youget out there and bucket. You never know who is out therewatching you every single time you put on your fez. You neverknow who is watching as you get out there, support the hospi-tals and help the kids. When your legs and feet are aching fromstanding so long on the street, when your face and hands arenumb from the cold, remember the Hardegrees. Remember thatwhat you do not only supports our hospitals it inspires count-less others watching you. People you may never meet areimpacted in ways you may never comprehend because YOUare a SHRINER!

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Toccoa Shrine Club By Danny Goforth

The Toccoa Shrine Club is busy with the BucketBrigade out in the community working for the hospital.

Christmas parades in December. Toccoa’s is the 6thwith Lavonia on the 7th. We will also be joining Lake HartwellShrine Club on the 5th for the Hartwell parade and Granite CityShrine Club at Mt Video on the 21st. These are always a greattime. Also in December, we will be having our Christmas partyand holding elections. This will be on the 15th at 6:30. Ourmeal will be catered by Just Right Catering and will be held atthe Toccoa Masonic Lodge. It is sure to be good.

Gene Thomason has been sick. We are all praying forhis speedy recovery and for Lady Jill as she cares for him. Getwell soon Gene!

Last month we bragged on Harold Atkinson’s grand-children. This month we brag on Harold. He has earned over200,000 Crown of Honor points. This is a huge achievement.He has also made over 150 trips to the Shriners Hospital forChildren with 135 of those to Cincinnati. We are proud of hiswork! Also congratulations to Randy Shirley on his election tothe Sheriff’s Office for Stephens County. Please continue topray for our country and our troops.

We would like to remind everyone to remember thereason for the season, Luke 2:1-14. We wish you all a MerryChristmas and a Happy New Year.

Tucker Shrine ClubBy Billy Beaver

Well fellow Nobles, once again this old year has comeand almost gone. We are well on our way to meeting our pledgeof $11,000.00 for the Shrine Hospitals.

At our regular meeting on November 19, 2008, Tucker

Club officers were nominated for election for the year 2009. As you know, our December meeting will be the annu-

al election of Officers for Tucker Shrine Club. Come to themeeting on December 17, 2008 and support your club and newofficers. If you have a committee you to serve on, or wish toserve in a function for 2009 let your E-board know.

Tucker Shrine club’s Christmas Party will be held onDecember 12, 2008 at 6:30PM in the ballroom at Yaarab ShrineCenter. Wear your Fez (if you have one) a jacket and tie for thenobles, and after five for the ladies. Come and join your fellownobles and ladies for a fun time.

Remember our sick and distressed and other memberswith health and medical problems when on bended knees inprayer.

We meet the third Wednesday of each month at8:00PM. Our meetings are open and visitors are welcome.Social hour is 6:00PM in the Tucker Shrine Club room and din-ner at 7:00PM in the ballroom.

If you know of any members who have needs, pleasecall Jim Weaver (770-938-4893)




Coffee, juice and complimentary refreshments will be served in the lobby of the YaarabShrine Center at 9:00 a.m. There will be transportation to the Georgia Tech Hotel with return tothe Center after lunch. The hotel is located at 800 Spring Street should you wish to provide yourown transportation.

Tickets are required and are currently available at the Business Office for $30.00 and mustbe presented at the luncheon. The hotel will have a cash bar available at the ballroom beginningat 10:15 a.m. and the lunch will be served at 11:00 a.m.

All ladies are invited to join the nobles in the Gene Bracewell Auditorium after the luncheonto view the open demonstration march for the new Potentate, the installation of the Divan, followedby a reception for all in the ballroom.

The Divan Ladies hope you will join them on this wonderful occasion as Yaarab Shrine begins the year of 2009!

Alcovy LadiesBy Nicole Norman

I hope this finds everyone well and getting ready forthe holidays. The Alcovyettes had a fundraiser in October onthe Square in Covington at the car show. Boy did we have agood time and we made a good amount of money! We werevery pleased. A big thank you to all who came to help out.

We are now planning our Christmas party which willbe on December 12th at 7:00 in “the Hole”. Should be a goodtime for all!

I hope that Catherine is feeling better – we missedyou at our last meeting. And a Big Happy Birthday to Mrs.Louise! We are still having a good turn out at our Mondaynight meeting – hoping for even more after the first of theyear. Hope that everyone has a great holiday!!

Cher-O-KettesBy Sheri Crowe

The Cher-O-Kettes are grateful to the Po Boys CarClub from Cherokee County for making a donation of $5000to us. Along with this donation and some previous fund-rais-ing work the Cher-O-Kettes did, President Sue Roper present-ed a check at Yaarab’s Hospital Crusade for $1000 to theShriners Hospitals for Children fund.

Once again this year the Cher-O-Kettes will be par-ticipating in the Festival of Trees at the Canton and Jasperlibrary. Thanks to the ladies who volunteer to set-up and dec-orate the trees. Members need to go by the libraries to votefor our trees. Our Christmas sponsorships this year are send-ing phone cards to troops overseas and helping a family inneed with grocery gift cards. The clubs Christmas party willbe held Saturday night, December 6; $20per couple and every-one is invited.

Members of the Cher-O-Kettes provided refresh-ments at the November Ladies Presidents Council meeting.Thanks to the ladies who helped on this project.

Dues for 2009 are now due and can be paid at theDecember 4 meeting. The 2009 Cher-O-Kettes officers willbe installed at the December meeting. Elected at theNovember meeting to serve in 2009 were Barbara Loner, pres-ident; Judy Vlass, vice-president; Jan Blalock, secretary; andLynne Rollins, treasurer. Congratulations ladies and we lookforward to working with you next year.

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers Chris Hornwhom is now having dialysis, Debbie and Hugh Teems whoseson passed away, and Sue and Sonny Roper who had hismother to pass away in October. Hope Herman Cantrell isfeeling better; she had just had a stress test the day of the lastclub meeting. Glad to see that Lena Owens, Tony and KimPayne and Jim Hunter are feeling better.

Until next time….Merry Christmas and Happy NewYear.

CONYETTES By Anita Payseur

As we look forwarding to the holidays and the clos-

ing of the year I would like to thank everyone for their workthis year to make our club and the Shrine organization a suc-cess. Each year as we continue our efforts more and morechildren benefit from the Shriners organization. Also, as yourpresident I thank each one of you for all of your help this year.

Several of us participated in the Conyers Christmasparade. The ladies used the float and several of our grandkidsrode with us in the parade.

We will be having our Christmas party at the HoneyCreek Country Club. A catered meal and live band to dancetoo is planned for the evening of December 12.

December anniversary wishes go to Wayne andCecily Hilton, Jerry and Annelle Maddox. Birthday wishes goto Martha Turner.


Once again, our tummies are full from too muchturkey, potatoes and pie on Thanksgiving Day and ourthoughts are turned to the holiday season when Good Will andHoliday Cheer warm our hearts as we remember all of thegood things we have been blessed with throughout the yearand reflect on some of the not-so-good things which have hap-pened.

The visit from our Supreme Queen Muriel Knapp,was a huge success. The Officers, Crescent, Queen’sAttendants, Appointees and Units all performed with perfec-tion at the Stated Session honoring her Royal Majesty. Theevening festivities provided great levity and the food and fel-lowship were even better. The El Tehran Temple Band,Dancers and Chorus all performed for the pleasure of herMajesty, with great gusto!!!

As this year draws to a close, let us give thanks forthe love of our family and friends, praise God for his almightygifts he has bestowed upon us and re-commit ourselves to lov-ing one another and working together in unison and elevatingour standards to God’s expectations.

I have asked Queen Sabrina to also add her HolidayMessage and it is as follows: A belated Happy Thanksgivingand a Merry Christmas to all my fellow Daughter of the Nileladies! During this time of the year I tend to reflect a littlemore than usual on relationships that are important to me.During the Thanksgiving Holiday I reflect on the blessings Ihave received. It becomes a part of my thought and prayerprocess. I want each of you to know that your friendship andhelp I have received are so very important to me and I will beeternally grateful to you. This journey has afforded me anopportunity to step outside of the box I had comfortably creat-ed for myself and try new things and to humbly experience amultitude of gifts of friendship. I have had to learn to be "onstage" instead of staying in my comfort zone of being behindthe scenes helping. I have experienced genuine love, affec-tion, and kindness beyond any scope of my imagination andthat has touched my heart, my spirit and my soul. Througheach of you I have been made a better person and for that I amthankful. During the Christmas Holiday Season I am especial-

News from Yaarab’s Auxiliaries

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ly reminded of how blessed we are to be children of God andreceive the grace of Christ. It is such a gift to each of us tobelong to an organization founded upon such high principlesand the purpose of giving back and making a difference in thelives of God's children. It is an opportunity of a lifetime to beapart of something so great and good. I pray that each andevery one of you receive many blessings and I thank you forthe blessings you have bestowed upon me.In Nile Love,Sabrina

Please remember ladies, if you have not been toSession due to illness or not being able to drive, please call PastQueen Peggy Moore or Pr. Neasy Graham and they will behappy to try and help you set up your transportation.

Have a Happy, Healthy and Heavenly Holiday Seasonand May 2009 bring all of us Warmth, Wisdom and Wealth!!!

LOHettesBy Christine Morrison

Welcome to the latest report from Hickory Flat,Georgia, where all the men are strong, the women are goodlooking and the children are above average.

Okay, so just to catch everyone up on what they aremost interested in – yes, I’m fine, it was just a minor fall and Ihave the scars to prove it.

But really, we just returned from our annual trip toArlington for the IALOH wreath laying ceremony - a trulysomber occasion, and a good gathering of folks. It was my firsttime there. The event was lovely, and hospitality room wasabsolutely unbelievable. Everyone should attend this notableevent; it is definitely worth the travel time. Even some of ourpast and present Divan members joined us there. Thanks to ourtravel companions – I think we almost filled the Air Tran plane.And an extra shout out to my partner in pain – Lady JudyHenson – who also took a spill but appears to be recoveringwell.

Dinner Friday night at Billy Martin’s was outstandingand I think everyone (except Cliff Osborne - go figure) had agreat meal in that historic Georgetown restaurant. It will bedifficult to top that dining experience next year. I think JohnGraf’s prime rib was bigger than his head! I heard Jack Smithis still hunting down some of the attendees for their bar bill –you know who you are!

I hope everyone got out and voted for the candidate ofyour choice on the 4th. As they say in Chicago, vote early,vote often.

Big thank you to Barb Greer for continuing to publi-cize our monthly supper club via email. She is always on top ofthe event and keeps us in the know. Thanks also to all theladies who have agreed to host the supper club each month thisyear – this is a very fun outing for us all and I look forward to adifferent restaurant each month.

Voting for officers for the LOHettes will take place atthe December meeting, I hear. Please make sure to join usearly for dinner and then voice your opinion. Special thanks tothe Kissing Booth Queen and current President of theLOHettes, Boots Peden, for stepping up this year while LadyMartha Fluent was unable to serve. We love you Boots, butyou could lay off the gavel a little! It takes a strong hand to

keep all the LOH hens in line, I guess – thank you Boots for allthat you do for the LOH and the LOHettes. You are a treasure.

Please send warm wishes to PC Hank Brote’s ladyTrish on the passing of her sister in California – you are in ourthoughts Trish.

As we wind down the year, and get ready for the nextone, count your blessings, hug your family and friends and saya prayer for all our military men and women both here andoverseas.

MotorettesBy Gail Carone

Don’t you love this time of year? It’s ladies jumpinginto one party dress after another, men strangling in those tuxes(and Rudolph/Santa ties), juggling a full calendar to squeeze injust ONE more party … and the fun and fellowship we sharewith each other. It’s hectic but we wouldn’t want it any otherway. We wish everyone a joyous and safe holiday season filledwith good cheer, love and charity.

Because we have had such a great response in the saleof our cookbook, “Fifty Years on the Road” and did so wellwith our “Basket of Cheer” last summer, we had a unanimousvote at our October meeting to donate $1000 to the hospitalcrusade through the Motor Corps. We all felt that it was theright and only place to put some of our newfound treasures.

By the time you receive this issue, the Motorettes willhave had their annual Christmas Chinese Auction. It’s alwaysfun gift swapping and gift snitching. The companionship is thebest! Elections for the coming year are held at this meeting andwe will provide a list of the new officers in the January issue.

Obviously, we’ve missed a few issues so we’ll catchup on our birthday babies for October and November, addingthem to December’s: Joe Carone (10/4), Marie Tipton (10/4),Gloria Cain (10/26), Nan Wages (11/24), Cindy Niznik (12/1),Yvonne Shore (12/8), Smitty Forrester (12/14), Louise Hicks(12/15), Vera Diehl (12/17), Jeane Lund (12/25), and DebbieBlevins (12/30). HAPPY BIRTHDAY you beautiful and spe-cial people! Hope the year ahead is wonderful, kind and excit-ing for you.

Our continuing sympathies are with Peggy Sheriff asshe copes with the recent death of her sister. Peggy says thatfriends and her work are holding her together along with all theprayers she feels. Keep her in your thoughts. As the rest of usdeeply mourn the loss of our long time friend, Bill Englett,Bertha Pilgrim especially feels the emptiness in her life rightnow a with the loss of her close friend. Please remember her inyour prayers. As the result of a series of strokes, AngieBrowning’s husband, Al, passed away unexpectedly in earlyNovember. Angie is a past president of the Motorettes. Specialprayers are for her and also for all our families and friends whoare in need and hurting or ill and frightened. Among thoseneeding our prayers and strength is Jane Eisenburg. Know thatyou are in our hearts and God’s hands.

The Motorettes meet at 11:30 a.m. the first Saturday ofthe month at Cross Creek Café in Atlanta. If you’re a MotorCorps spouse and interested in joining or visiting with us,please contact Vice President Mary Moon (770/463-1775) formore information.

December 2008 - Basharat - 25

Paulding County Shrine LadiesBy Carolyn Greenway

We’ve had a great year this year and we look forwardto working hard in 2009 to make it a great year... The Trick orTreat Village at Paulding Meadows was a great success – therehad to have been thousands of children trick or treating – it wasreally fun to see all of the costumes and the children (and someadults) having such a good time. We had a Thanksgiving din-ner at the November meeting and as always it was a great timeto be together and thanks so much to all the ladies who helpedput the feast together. Happy December birthday to WayneRoberts (11); Josh Holman (20); Lee Wigley (22); Steve Bailey(28); Billy Rainey (29); Muriel Rainey (30); Scott Greenway(31) and Grady Roberts (31). Happy December anniversary toBilly and Jean Deal (2); Donnie and Laraine Turner (2); Scottand Alicia Greenway (04); Steve and Carolyn Greenway (07);Billy and Muriel Rainey (17); Warren and Donna Jones (17);and Bob and Marie Tipton (30). Wishing everyone a veryMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

South Fulton ShrinettesBy Hazel Gaylor

Merry Christmas to All...the Christmas season is uponus and in full swing, when you’re out shopping among all thehustle and bustle, attending Christmas parties and dinners,enjoying family and friends – please take time to stop andremember the reason for the season – the birth of our Savior,Jesus Christ. Even though some of us have illnesses and familyproblems in our lives, we are still so richly blessed from aboveand need to give thanks for all we have.

Our November get together at the Longbranch Caféwas well attended, President Peggy gave out membership yearpins to those ladies being members for 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. yearsin our club and we congratulate each of you. It was a fun after-noon and I know that under our new leadership in 2009, wewill be able to continue and plan to have more social gettogethers in the future.

At this writing I am not aware of any sickness or dis-tress among our members but if any one knows of specialneeds please share them with us and keep these friends in yourprayers.

Special birthday wishes for this month go out to CarolBray, 25; Betty Emery, 21; Colleen Eskew, 12; Tina Hargrove,23; Lena Kiker, 19, Charlene Pierce, 03; and Cindy McCaslin,12/23. Our Shrinette husbands with birthdays in December areBob Bennett, 21; James Bolmon, 12; Charlie Brannan, 4; NoelPettit, 12; and Jerome Pierce, 5. We wish all of you a veryhappy birthday and hope your wishes come true.

This will be the last Basharat article I will be writingfor the South Fulton Shrinettes, even though I have enjoyeddoing them for the past few years, I feel it is time to pass thishonor on to someone else with fresh ideas and ways of sharingour news with each of you, especially those who are not able toget out as often as they would like and who look forward toreceiving their Basharat each month. Thank you for your manycomments and compliments on these articles in the past, it hasbeen my pleasure to do them each month.

Again, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year

to each of you and your families. Please support your newShrinette Officers, South Fulton’s Officers and the new 2009Divan. Without each of you working together Yaarab wouldnot be the success that it is and that is what keeps our hospitalsopen and our children so well taken care of. May God bless each of you.

The CumminettesBy Carolyn H. Pair

The Cumminettes have big plans for the busy holidayseason. At the November meeting and also at our holidaybrunch, we are bringing gifts to give to needy children in ourcommunity. These will be donated to the organization spon-sored by our local Family and Children’s Services.

Carolyn is hosting our annual holiday brunch andChristmas ornament exchange party at her house on December6 at 10:30. This is always one of our best gatherings of theentire year and we hope everyone will attend. The ornamentexchange helps us remember our friends year after year.

The men’s party is scheduled for December 13 at thePolo Golf and Country Club – good food, good fellowship, andgood music.

Our annual McDonald’s pancake supper to supportShriners Hospitals was a huge success. Not only did we raise


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26 - Basharat - December 2008

money for the hospital campaign, we had a wonderful eveningtogether spending time with fellow members and their families– lots of children and grandchildren to visit. This is always anoccasion we look forward to every year. The management atour local McDonald’s is so gracious and loves to have us there.

Besides our own pancake supper, we helped the menwith their booth at the Cumming Fair where they raised moremoney for the hospitals and also informed people about thepurpose of Shrine Hospitals. We had local sponsors who donat-ed items to be raffled and made over $3,000.

Omie and Norman Allen are very proud of their grand-son, Joshua Shipman, who was recently inducted into the mili-tary. Their granddaughter also will be going very soon.Thanks to this wonderful family serving our country.

Our members are traveling – Del and Galen Smith willspend a week in Myrtle Beach for a mini family reunion withhis brother and will catch some of the Christmas Shows thereto get in the holiday spirit.

Hazel and Ken Bryant toured the West – First to LasVegas, with a helicopter ride into the bottom of the GrandCanyon and a visit to the North rim; toured Bryce CanyonNational Parks in Utah and Arizona Then they went toCalifornia to visit Grass Valley, Redwoods. San Francisco,Mammoth Mountain, and Death Valley before going back toLas Vegas to fly home – what a wonderful trip. Kenneth hasnot been well, so this was a special experience for them.

Sharon and Fred Bellman took the grand tour ofEurope – London, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Germany,Italy, and France. They toured by bus, stopping in key cities ineach country and sightseeing as many major highlights as any-one could fit into 22 days. It was the trip of a lifetime and theyhad a wonderful time – made over 900 pictures! What anexperience!

December birthdays – Sarah Bryson, Beverly Kates,and Debra Dowling. Anniversaries: Junior and Ann Day,Henry and Dot Willard, Norman and Omie Allen, Carroll andBeverly Kates.


by Freida HammondThanks to our outgoing officers - Jackie Beaver, Judy

Hilsman, Ruth Malcom and Pat Rickert-Jones. And I hope you

will take a part this year - at this writing our new officers havenot been elected.

We do need your help - I for one needed help at ourlast meeting. I am in charge of the sign-in sheet and door prizedrawing. Well we decided to have the drawing - even though Iforgot to bring the gift - so by now Sherry Beusse has receivedher gift. Even when we had all the stubs - I had to look for abowl or some item to place them in for the drawing - my LuckyDay I thought...saw a small bowl on the table in the room ofour meeting.....made me HAPPY - I started depositing the stubsin the bowl as I walked across the back of the room - only tohear from someone that they were all going on the Ipicked them up and deposited them in the bowl a secondtime.....only to find the bowl had no bottom - must have beensome type of candle holder - was I embarrassed but it was sofunny I couldn't keep my composure. So we do need somelevel-headed, responsible people to help!!

The year has gone fast and we are handling so much inour lives during these trying times. But it really is relaxing tosee God's gift of natural beauty in the Fall colors of leaves, andbeauty of the clouds in the sky and to know he is always withus.

I'm sure that all enjoyed the club's trip and fellowshipwhen visiting Pigeon Forge last month.

Happy Birthday to our December ladies - MildredJennings, Anne Weaver, Betty Emery, Carol Bray and MarionBryant.

Hope you made plans to attend the Ladies Luncheonon December 13th at Petite Auberge; and the Tucker ChristmasParty on December 12th. Thanks to all who helped on theseevents.

Remember the sick and distressed in your prayers -Judy and Jim Gray, Linda and Tom Beam, Irene and DanPuckett, Margie McDaniel, Geneva Cox, Virginia Woolbright,Mildred Jennings, Helen Sweatman, Barbara and Bill Messer,Past First Lady Shirley Padgett, and others of which you mayknow. Also PRAY FOR THE USA!!

And condolences to the family of Shirley Warbingtonwho was a long time Tu-Sh-La member.

Condolences to the families of Bud Pressell and PastPotentate Bill Englett.



HAROLD R HEFNER 15676Ellijay, GAJuly 10, 1920 - Ocotber 15, 2008Created in Yaarab June 9, 1954RAYMOND F KING 18383Calhoun, GAJanuary 18, 1923 - April 1, 2008Created in Yaarab June 14, 1961SAMUEL M BARFIELD 20449Snellville, GAFebruary 25, 1923 - February 1, 2008Created in Yaarab June 9, 1965

AMES D BLAKENEY 28722Camp Wood, TXFebruary 24, 1925 - June 6, 2008Created in Yaarab March 19, 1976LELAND S COVEY 31068Port Orange, FLJune 28 1921 - October 22, 2008Created in Yaarab December 13, 1980LUTHER U CAMPBELL 31187Eaton, GASeptember 20, 1933 - October 5, 2008Created in Yaarab December 13, 1980

THOMAS G ACKERMAN 33758Duluth, GAJune 19, 1936 - October 24, 2008Created in Yaarab December 12, 1987James R Harris, Jr 12439Nokesville, VAApril 14, 1924 - April 1, 2005Created in Yaarab June 30, 1948William L "Bill" Englett 15839Douglasville, GASeptember 20, 1925- October 29, 2008Created in Yaarab December 8, 1954

continue on page 28

Decemberr 2008 - Basharat - 27

SUPPORT YAARAB SHRINE AND YOUR BASHARATSell or Buy ads call for Info 770-487-6546


Widow and Widowers ClubBy Judy Campbell

What a beautiful fall we have had !! Seeing the crisp blue sky and the multicolored leavesenforces our belief in The Supreme Being.

Seen collecting for the Hospital Fund, was member, Boots Peden, at her " Kissing andHugging " booth. The amount collected that evening was $ 430 and certainly enabled us to meetour pledge. Thanks, Boots. Our club was well represented at the annual Hospital Kick Off.

We enjoyed our annual Club Christmas luncheon on Wednesday, December 3 at PetiteAuberge in Toco Hills, Decatur. The food was delicious, the attendance was great and a fun timewas had by all. We appreciate the time spent with us on this day by Illustrious Sir Lou Gaylor andthe Divan. To the Divan ladies who attended, we appreciate you too. The support and love of all ofyou , our members, friends and supporters has made another good year for us.

The election of officers was held and duly installed by Oriental Guide Charles ( Chuck )Rager. The listing of officers will appear in our January article.

Our club welcomes new members and continues to support widows of deceased Noblesand Nobles who have lost their spouse. We make every effort to make you feel a part of our groupand our activities.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact President, Judy CampbellHome 770 529 5866.

2009 Membership due are now payable.Our wish is that each of you will have Safe and Happy Holidays for the upcoming Season!

School Collecting One Million Tabs for Shriners Hospitals in Honor of Classmate By Louise C. Hoelker, RN, MHA Director, Volunteers & Public Relations

Shriners Hospitals for Children - Cincinnati Shriners Hospitals for Children saved his life, now Daniel Happy and his school are collect-

ing one million pop tabs for the pediatric burn hospital. The fifth grader at St. Dominic School in Cincinnati survived a burn injury after a plane

crashed into his home last year. He was treated for seven months at the Cincinnati ShrinersHospital and is still an outpatient at the facility.

When Daniel enrolled at St. Dominic, Principal Al Grote spoke with Daniel’s mother aboutthe school helping Shriners Hospital in honor of Daniel. “We learned about the pop tab program forthe hospital and combined understanding the concept of what a million looks like with helping agreat cause,” said Grote. The school named the program, Happy Tabs for Shriners Hospitals. Morethan 400,000 tabs have been collected. The collected tabs are recycled and the proceeds areused to buy items for patients and families at the hospital.

Cincinnati hospital volunteer Evelyn Jordan formed the Evelyn Jordan Tab Fund in 2007 tocollect and recycle pop tabs for the hospital. Since she began collecting tabs in 1997, she esti-mates more than $70,000 has been spent on items for the patients and families at the hospital. “Iknow there are items that are needed that are never planned for in the budget,” notes Jordan.“But, I really do it because I love children and volunteering my time.” The tab fund has fundeditems such as: lounge furniture, bingo prizes, craft supplies, and refrigerators for the family careunit rooms.

Created in Yaarab March 20, 1981Donald A Crawford 31929Buford, GAJune 12, 1944 - August 11, 2008Created in Yaarab June 11, 1983Robert C. Rogers 32223Stone Mountain, GADecember 21, 1924 - October 13, 2008Created in Yaarab March 14, 1984Charles J Peters 32537Flowery Branch, GANovember 25, 1936 - August 2, 2008Created in Yaarab December 8, 1984James K Pierce 32929Marietta, GADecember 4, 1934 - August 27, 2008Created in Yaarab September 17, 1985Leonard P Wilson 37168Jonesboro, GAMay 27, 1936 - September 13, 2008Created in Yaarab March 12, 1997Robert H Fisher 37324Marietta, GANovember 15, 1930 - September 15,2008Created in Yaarab December 13, 1997Charles W. Shields, Sr. 38257Cartersville, GAFebruary 6, 1940 - August 10, 2008Created in Yaarab December 21, 2000Louie W. Dykes 21424Atlanta, GANovember 18, 1916 - October 6, 2008Created in Yaarab December 14, 1966Richard D. Jordon 33883Calhoun, GAMarch 13, 1935 - October 6, 2008Created in Yaarab March 23, 1988

28 - Basharat - December 2008

Month of October 2008Regular AssociateMembership Membership Total

Membership, October 1 5950 50 6000Created/Added - - Affiliated - - Restored 5 5

Demitted/Dropped (22) (1) (23)Suspended (8) (8)Deaths (17) (17)Net change (42) 1 (43)

Membership, October 31 5,908 49 5,957


Driver Temple Greenville, SC Cincinnati, OHPierce Anderson 25769 1Harold Atkinson 35849 1Don Brautigan 35924 1Bob Dean 35068 1Richard Elrod 38108 2Bill Glenn 37179 2John Graff 39761 1Tom Holcomb 34971 1Robin Mashburn 38132 1Bill Morgan 37357 1W.T. Powell 37365 1Harold Rich 29522 2Bobby Savage 35108 2 1Wayne Shelnutt 36234 1Bob Smith 38678 3Roger Smith 33431 1Jimmie Spurlin 34050 1Bob Stillman 37045 2Steve Uroz 39437 1James Wade 29983 1Kenneth Whigham 29527 1Bill Wise 28143 1

Totals 23 717 Trips - 22 Drivers - Thank You Nobles, We Appreciate You!

October, 2008 Hospital Trips


Cyrus M Kitchens 16943Atlanta, GAJanuary 6, 1912 - August 21, 2008Created in Yaarab September 25, 1957William R Stansel 18029Atlanta, GAJanuary 24, 1925 - September 24, 2008Created in Yaarab June 15, 1960Rufus E. Burden 20765

Elberton, GAAugust 21, 1920 - August 31, 2008Created in Yaarab December 8, 1965Jack D. Dettmering 21418Fayetteville, GADecember 26, 1928 - October 11, 2008Created in Yaarab December 14, 1966Lum O Richards 22964N. Fort Myers, FL

February 21, 1929 - April 28, 2006Created in Yaarab December 11, 1968Ira G. Chastain 28207Dallas, GAOctober 4, 1934 - September 30, 2008Created in Yaarab June 18, 1975Charles R. Pressel, Sr. 31207Atlanta, GaDecember 12, 1920 - October 15, 2008

December 2008 - Basharat - 29 OSNOV08SAHS

Southwest Airlines’ Medical Transportation Grant Program is a tremendous aid to Shriners Hospitals for Children’s patients and families. Through this program, the airline annually donates 200 green passes, which are essentially free round-trip airline tickets, to patients with financial or medical needs.

“The Shriners organization and Southwest Air-lines have shared a wonderful relationship through-out the years,” said Michele Kyle, a specialist in the charitable giving department at Southwest Airlines. “We’ve been able to assist numerous Shriners facilities in the past with anything from changing executive and patients’ travel itineraries at the last minute to providing free medical transportation for patients. We are excited to formalize our affiliation through the Medical Transportation Grant Pro-gram.”

With 22 Shriners Hospitals, located in the U.S., Mexico and Canada, patients sometimes travel hundreds or thousands of miles to receive the specialty care they need. Many Shriners temples have transportation coordinators who set up these long-distance appointments and make transporta-tion and housing arrangements. When possible, the

temple pays for the expenses, such as plane tickets, through a hospital transportation program. Since an average domestic round-trip ticket costs nearly $400, the green passes could potentially save an individual temple thousands of dollars a year.

“We are grateful to Southwest Airlines for their incredible generosity,” said Ralph Semb, president and chief executive officer of Shriners Hospitals. “By saving our temples money, they allow us to help transport more kids to their appointments.”

With a green pass, the transportation coordinator can book any available flight for the patient and one parent or guardian, and no blackout dates apply. Green passes are good for use in any city South-west Airlines serves, and they are only good for Southwest-operated flights.

Temple transportation coordinators can contact Ruby Valdes, manager of the executive vice presi-dent’s office at Shriners International Headquar-ters, at (813) 281-8110, to learn if their temple is eligible to receive passes.

Southwest Airlines has steadily increased its donations throughout the past few years. From 2003-2005, the company gave Shriners Hospitals 20 green passes. In 2006, the number increased to 25 tickets, and in 2007, an additional $5,000 was donated to Shriners Hospitals. Last November, the airline donated an additional 100 green passes. The value of the 200 tickets donated in 2008 is $80,000.

Southwest Airlines Helping Shriners Hospitals Patients Reach Their Destinations

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30 - Basharat - December 2008

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December 2008 - Basharat - 31



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6 - Basharat - December 2008

November Birthday Party

Front (l/r): David Stewart, Cliff Mott, Illustrious Potentate LouGaylor, P.P. Al Head, Dennis BurkeRear (l/r): Dennis Bellamy, Arthur Upchurch

Front (l/r): Cliff Sarratt, Ken Swanson, Assistant Rabban MikeAutry, Bernard Blackwell, Harold BagwellRear (l/r): Ray Patty, Ralph Clifford Williams

Front (l/r): John Graf, Carl Nichols, Oriental Guide ChuckRager, Samuel Cochran, Homer HammontreeRear (l/r): J.D. Henson, Bill Warren

November 3, 2008 **** Yaarab Shrine CenterPhotos by Gene Williams -- Captions by Sam Black

Front (l/r): Jerry Fields, Cecil Massey, High Priest & ProphetRay Skiles, Don Malcom, Bob SlaterRear (l/r): Roger Cecil Griffith, Charles Findley, T.K. Cheatham


Front (l/r): Michael Cole, Sr., John Dacus, Treasurer ChuckPittman, Richard Raines, Bill Nealey Rear (l/r): EddieHolcomb, Archie Wann

Birthday Lady Cathy Spell (meal preparer) (left) pictured withIllustrious Potentate Lou Gaylor


January 10th9:30 AM

Family nightBingo and Dinner

December 18 th and

January 15 th!

December 2008 - Basharat - 7


Gutter GuardSystems


Oldest and Youngest Shriner pictured with Illustrious PotentateLou Gaylor. Pictured (l/r): John Graf (48 years old), IllustriousPotentate Lou Gaylor, Arthur Upchurch (87 years young).

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Front (l/r): Past Potentates pictured with Illustrious Potentate.Pictured (l/r): P.P. Gene Baker, P.P. Al Head, IllustriousPotentate Lou Gaylor, P.P. J.J. Moore, P.P. J.D. Mitchell

Roller Girls present Illustrious Potentate Lou Gaylor a $ 500.00check for the Shrine Hospitals. Pictured (l/r): Amy Ellis(“Thunder & Lightning”), Illustrious Potentate Lou Gaylor, SaraRiney (“Hot Legs Hooligan”). The Roller Girls have con-tributed over $ 20,000.00 in 2008 to Yaarab Shrine for the rentof the Gene Bracewell Activities Building.

November birthday Lady B.J. Baker pictured with IllustriousPotentate Lou Gaylor.

8 - Basharat - December 2008

From the Editor

Dear Nobles, ladies, advertisers and readers:

Again this month, a lot of good stories and publicity! The good news keepscoming. You can read about all the good works and recognition given to Imperialambassador Roger Wise ( page 12 ). Please don’t miss the story “Was there an angelamong us!” ( page 14). Several other stories will inspire you, and I will say it again:“It is great to be a Shriner!”

The Christmas season is fast approaching and as usual another year is ending. It isunusually hard, when many of us or some of our friends and or family members have financial problems.Some are looking for work and or have kids and grand kids that need help in one way or another. I believethat it all happens for a reason. It is these hard times, that we all can reevaluate our goals and purpose in life.It is time for all of us to realize what is important in our life. To me and as we learned early as Masons:“God , family and our county”. Life’s difficulties look easier as long as we pray to God and have our familytogether. These holidays make sure you spend time with your family!

It is life’s simple pleasures that we remember. Memories of great vacations, memories from visitingSanta with the kids or grandkids, memories of family Christmas together around the fireplace and next tothe Christmas tree.

So let us focus on all the blessings that God has given us! This holiday lets try to be with family, ourkids or grandkids and be positive and uplifting.

I want to thank you all for the good words that many of you send or say in person. At times I am over-whelmed but I enjoy publishing the Basharat. I feel that I am very privileged and blessed to have this job.My focus is to serve you! Your suggestions are always welcomed!

Finally I want to wish you and your family from the bottom of my hard a very Merry Christmas and aHappy New Year!

Fraternaly yours,

Constantin "Costas" SoulakosBasharat Editor

Important Websites for Shriners - Visit them for calendar and other Info!


December 2008 - Basharat - 9 OSNOV08SHR5

Ford Motor Company is offering Shriners Hospitals for Children a competitive price allowance for their 2009 model Econoline vans. The contract, which lasts one year, will allow the 22 hospitals to purchase Ford vehicles at a reduced price.

“We truly appreciate the generosity of Ford Motor Company,” said Ralph Semb, president and CEO of Shriners Hospitals. “This is an exciting opportunity for our organization that will help us provide better care and service to our patients and their families. We hope to continue this program indefinitely.”

Bill Currie, an Egypt Shriner and president of Bill Currie Ford Lincoln Mercury in Tampa, Fla, arranged a meeting between Al “Bear” Robinson, a Sahib Shriner and hospital traveling display coordinator for Shriners International

Headquarters, and Wayne Boor, a national account executive for Ford Motor Company.

“We are honored to be a part of the important work done by Shriners Hospitals,” Boor said. “The Econoline passenger van has been a reliable source of transportation for your patients, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with this incentive program.”

The deal includes a multi-tier volume incentive, which gives Shriners Hospitals an additional deduction in price after they have purchased 99 vehicles in the program year. For the 2009 model year, Ford will also give Shriners Hospitals for Children one free van for every 25 vans purchased.

“When we receive a free van, we’ll store it at headquarters until a hospital requests it,” explained Robinson.

Shriners Hospitals for Children Receives Special Pricing from Ford Motor Company

“We will then ask the hospital to give us a trade-in of one of their vans in exchange for the new one. The old van will be donated to a Shriners temple that does not own a vehicle, on a first-come, first-served basis.”

The program incentives offered in the deal cannot be combined with any other offers. A special fleet identification number and code must be used to receive the reduced price and apply the purchase toward the volume requirements. For more information, please contact Mary Brown or Al Robinson in the donor relations department at or (813) 281-8108.

BandBy Bill Gaines

The Yaarab Band played for a DeMolay meeting atYaarab on November 1st. One of the nice surprises was theappearance of Bill Fry Jr. He drove all the way up fromColumbus, GA to play with us. We had not seen nor heardfrom him for a couple of years, and it was a joy to up dateboth of our activities since then. We are happy that you arestill with us Bill.

We are also delighted to have former Director JerryYoung back with us as our renewed Director. Jerry was ourDirector prior to Charlie Lowe. Welcome back Jerry!

Our only November Birthday celebrator was CliffMott –30th. In December we have Ed Entrekin – 2nd, I (BillGaines) – 23rd, Allen Morgan – 31st, John Slate – 8th, andBob Turner – 17th. Happy lighted candles on each of yourcakes.

On our incapacitated list are the same of bunch –Duke Lowry. He is still stuck with a walker in order to navi-gate. He recently endured a set back, but is struggling toimprove, Paul Miller – I was never able to get an answer tohis phone. We hope he’s better these days. Bill Robinson isimproving and hopes to rejoin us some days soon. In additionto his cancer problem, he got the Flu but that is departing. Itwas super to have Lewis Silverboard back with us. We hopehe stays healthy.

We have issued invitations before, but I would like torepeat it – if any noble has a son who plays a musical instru-ment in a high school band, we would like to invite him tocome and rehearse with us on Tuesday evenings. This willbroaden his musical talent, and we hope he will want tobecome as Mason and Shriner when he reaches 21.

We still miss our former Director Noble LloydMcDonald. We all miss him and wish him well and we hopehe and his family enjoy a Merry Christmas

Director’s StaffBy Jim Williams

The Ellijay parade was well attended by the Staff andwe put on a good show. The Staff had seventeen members inattendance. All of the parade vehicles survived the parade. Wemust be learning to handle our equipment better. We wish thatthis were true, but these vehicles are a lot like some of themembers of the Staff. Unfortunately, they sometimes breakdown for no apparent reason other than age.

The Dalton parade was a little different story. TheDirector and several other members were unable to attend dueto family activities. We had enough members to put on a showfor the people in Dalton. The spin car however, decided thatthis was a good time to break down even before the paradestarted. Thanks to Chuck Reeve, the car was repaired andready to go to Savannah.

The Staff was invited by the Director’s Staff of AleeTemple in Savannah to attend their Winter Ceremonial andparade on the weekend of November 8. Sixteen members ofthe Staff were in attendance, more than enough to man all the

vehicles. There was a slight problem on the trip down to

Savannah. The Staff left Yaarab at 6:00 AM Friday morningand stopped for breakfast in Dublin. About twenty miles downthe road from Dublin, the Director woke the Rev Jim from adeep sleep and said the carryall was raising a large cloud ofdust as it traveled toward Savannah. The Rev very astutelynoted that the cloud of dust was in actuality water leakingfrom the cooling system of the truck and knew that the waterpump had malfunctioned. He advised the Director to call thedriver, Richard Cain, to tell him to pull over immediately. Thisquick action probably saved the engine from serious damage.The Rev then went back to sleep until needed again. RichardCain would have noticed the problem sooner, but he was busychecking the shine on his latest toenail painting.

After confirming that the water pump needed to bereplaced, a call was placed to Paul (Muley) Henson and hepicked up a replacement in Macon and headed to our position.At this point, Stephen Cain climbed up into the truck andbegan removing the water pump. Several other members ofthe Staff assisted him. By the time that Muley arrived with thepart, the pump had been taken out. The Director would like tothank all those who helped with this repair.

After arriving in Savannah, the Staff had a good timeFriday night. On Saturday the Staff put all our vehiclesthrough the parade. The parade was held in Thunderbolt. Eventhough it was a short parade, the Staff was a big hit. In fact, atleast ten of the twenty residents of Thunderbolt watched theparade.

After the parade, the Staff assisted the AleeDirector’s Staff in their Ceremonial. Sweet William was a bighit as usual. The Divan and members of Alee expressed theirgratitude for the participation of the Staff in making it a suc-cess.

The Director would like to remind all members of theStaff that we still have to meet our pledge for the Hospitalcampaign and be ready to participate in the Chick-Filet Bowlparade on December 31, 2008. This parade is a great opportu-nity for us to present a positive image for the Shrine and to letpeople know what we do for the children in our hospitals.

We need to have a great finish to a very good year.Keep up the good work.

The Flying FezBy Peter Swank

Sorry we missed you in last month's edition. We wereso busy that we didn't have a chance to send out our news.2008's autumn season was sure a jam-packed one for theFlying Fez! We had everything happening from administrativerevisions and special meetings to fundraising and public rela-tions events.

Our Flying Fez displays at the Wings over Mariettaair show at Dobbins ARB and at a travelling WW2 aviationexhibit were tremendous successes for us! We'd especially liketo thank Lucky Charm, Toys, and their families for supportingus. We couldn't have done it without you!

Participants at these events shared many memorable

News from Yaarab’s Units

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experiences, raised significant funds, and helped shed new lighton the Shrine and our unit to literally hundreds of thousands ofattendees. Members of our unit brought a variety of suppliesand handouts as well as one of our aircraft for a static display,grabbing the attention of everyone who walked by and turningsome Masonic heads who wanted to participate more with ourendeavors. Local media also took interviews further exposingthe Shrine's endeavors.

As we grow, we realize we need more help at theseand similar functions. You need not be a Flying Fezzer to par-ticipate (although membership has its privileges). Please visitour Website at for our event calendar, peti-tions, and more. Come celebrate being a Shriner with us, andlet us know how we can help you, also!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!Legion of HonorBy John Graf

Now that the 2008 elections are over, let’s finish outthis year in style. In spite of the challenges the profane worldseems to create for our Nobility let's fight the "Good Fight" and"Keep the Faith. Yes, I'm proud to be a Shriner for if just onechild could run again and no more crippled be; ...we neverstand taller, than when we stoop to help a crippled child, down

on our bended knee. In resent weeks the Legion of Honor had a successful

dinner meeting at the, Mill in Acworth, special thanks to Chuckand Elaine Seagel for sponsoring the month of October’s sup-per club. Our unit participated in two parades, one at Ellijay,Ga, and the other at Dalton, Ga. Attendance was good and sowas "Mother Nature" for giving us beautiful weather duringboth the parades. Thanks to Jack Smith for calling cadence andtowing the Legion trailer to these parades.

Masonry is alive and well in Georgia. Our Nobility isdisplayed by the constant efforts in getting the message out toall. The importance of Yaarab Shrine's Nobles, marching inparades and hitting the pavement, with their Fezzes on and col-lection buckets, helps all of our communities understand that allShriners are serious about helping the lives of youngboys and girls at the Shriner's Hospitals and Burn Centersthrough out the world. Our labor of love knows no limits. Wehave been given a very special privilege as ambassadors of loveand generosity to the less fortunate.

Now in recognition to our Legion of Honor, the unitwas joined by other International units at Arlington Cemeteryto present the LOH wreath to the "Tomb of the UnknownSoldier" on November the 8th. All the International Officersalong with the Imperial Potentate, Douglas E. Maxwell attend-ed. All were counted for including Jack Smith and Bill Glennalong with Potentate Lou Gaylor and his Divan from Yaarab.

On the Tomb is written" HERE RESTS IN HON-ORED GLORY AN AMERICAN SOLDIER KNOWN BUTTO GOD". In presenting the LOH wreath, all veteran's honoredthe unknown soldiers. It was a very moving ceremony honoringall the unknown soldiers from WWI, WWII, Korean War,Vietnam War and up until 1998.

This tomb is guarded by the 3rd United States Infantry(The Old Guard) 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day. It was avery impressive ceremony for all true Americans to see.

Yaarab Sporting Clays AssociationBy President PP Davis Stevenson

Important date: A meeting will be held at Yaarab Shrine on December 6th for the purposeof electing officers for the year 2009, please try to attend. This has been a banner year for theSporting Clays Association in Yaarab Shrine as it continues to grow. The members look forward toour next event, which will be set at the next meeting. We need every members help in findingsponsors NOW, the earlier we can get them locked in the better we will be, most companies allo-cate their funds in the first six weeks of the new year, so please get to them early and get theminvolved, use the brochures from last year to sell them, you can bring them the confirmed date assoon as it is set, but as with all fundraisers you must get your foot in the door early.

President PP Davis Stevenson wishes to thank everyone who help with this year’s eventand continue to help get the association even more tightly organized, plans are being set in motionto pin down a location and time for meetings that are as convenient as possible for all members.Stay tuned for more information and updates,and please try to attend the December meeting atYaarab Shrine, December 6th.

The officers can be reached at: President Davis Stevenson

Secretary Dan Dacus

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Georgia Senate surprises Imperial Ambassador Roger Wise Jr. By Costas Soulakos

Imperial Ambassador Roger Wise Jr.received a resolution from the Georgia Senatefor his service to Yaarab Shrine and Masonry!As you know Noble Roger Wise has been work-ing hard for the kids and the initiatives that bothYaarab Shrine and the Grand lodge of Georgiasupport. Noble Wise has been instrumental inmaking the Peachcare partnership of the Stateof Georgia and the Shriners Hospitals a reality.

He is working hard on an extension ofthe Peachcare program to our veterans of thestate of Georgia. He is also involved with theChip program, an initiative from the Grand lodgeof Georgia to provide a state of the art Childidentification program. CHIP is a series of iden-tification procedures including DNA, sent anddental bite. The whole process takes only 10-15minutes and when is completed an informationCD is given to the parents for safekeeping. Nodata or records on the child are retained!

To the right a copy of the resolution that GaSenate presented to Roger and above a pictureof the presentation ceremony! Bellow NobleWise in a group picture at the city of Alpharetta

were the Mayor is recognizing the Masons andthe Chip program.

Noble Wise has worked tirelessly to helpthe kids and the veterans but at the same timepromotes Shriners and Masons and their caus-es. The next article also is a testament to NobleWise’s commitment to our veterans.

At a time were most of the news are neg-ative, the good news, the good publicity andrecognition, the good deeds that our Nobles do,is the way to attract members!

Noble Roger Wise we thank you for allyou do! Keep up the good work!

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Veteran’s Day in North FultonBy Jonathan Copsey

Courtesy of Beacon Media Newspapers www.beaconcast.comAlpharetta American Legion Post 201, located

on Wills Road, opened its “Walk of Memories” park,dedicated to all the Georgia soldiers who have died inbattle defending America. All 3,000 and counting.

With the soft chimes of the flagpoles waving inthe breeze, Post Commander Jack Harrison spoke tothe crowd at the opening ceremony last weekend, onthe Saturday before Veteran’s Day.

“You will understand when you get older justhow important a day like this is,” said Harrison to theyoung people in the crowd that was mostly military personnel and masons. In attendance werealso several of the area’s politicians: Alpharetta mayor Arthur Letchas, Alpharetta Councilman JohnMonson, State Representative Chuck Martin and a representative from Congressman Tom Price’sOffice.

The park is meant to be a reminder to the community of Alpharetta – as well as the state –of the sacrifices Georgia’s soldiers have given for the freedoms we all enjoy. Of particular impor-tance was the need for young people to recognize the sacrifices of the armed forces.

“Freedom is not free,” said Roger Wise, Jr. “Somebody has to pay for it. A lot of these guysyou see here today made it so that you can go to school and have the freedom to do what youwant to do. You can grow up and be anything you want to be and it’s because of these guys andgirls here.”

The park is composed of a brick walkway leading from the Legion building beneath talltrees, meandering until it gets to the road, passing by a decommissioned tank, naval deck gun anda helicopter, all surrounded by bricks holding the names of the fallen that are organized by the warthey fought in.

Wise spoke as the representative of Governor Sonny Perdue at the ceremony, read-ing a proclamation and presenting Wages with a certificate of appreciation for “outstanding contri-butions and service to Georgia in the establishment of the Walk of Memories.”

“Please accept my sincere appreciation on behalf of all of Georgia for the wonderful jobyou’ve done in brining about the Georgia Walk of Memories,” the governor wrote. “This militarymemorial park is an example of what a community can dowhen they have a leader such as you to put things togetherand make things happen. He’s made things happen all hislife... Please accept this from a grateful community and gover-nor. Chief warrant officer Wages: job well done.”

The keynote speaker at the dedication was JosephSuttles, a past grandmaster of the Georgia masons and veter-an of the pacific theater of World War II, who spoke on theneed to have the younger generations know the importance ofthe sacrifices of their armed forces.

“Today from every walk of life we gather together togive thanks to these who love their country enough to cause us to have a beautiful park so we canpoint to our young people and tell them what America means.”

Alpharetta’s American legion Post 201 is located at 201 Wills Rd, at the corner of WillsRoad and Old Milton Parkway. It’s hard to miss; just look for the American flag.

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Was there an angel among us? by Carol Stroup and Sherry Harris

After the parade in Helen this year, a stranger, who appeared to be a hitchhiker somewherein his early twenties approached a Shrinette, Lady Sherry Harris. She was expecting him to askfor a handout, but instead he wanted to know how do Shriners get their money, what did themonies go toward, and how does one become a Shriner.

If one could pick a Lady who was most suited to answer these questions, it would beSherry. She is a charter member of the Cedar Valley Shrinettes, the most wonderful treasurer thata club would wish for, a lady whose husband, Noble Wayne Harris, a veteran Shriner, is a pastpresident of the Cedar Valley Shrine Club, and most of all one who loves what the Shriners standfor, Helping Children.

Sherry answered all the stranger’s questions, not leaving any detail out, in a sincere,respected voice. She told him how the Nobles keep twenty-two children’s hospitals operating,detailing the hospitals and burn centers across the nation. As she finished the gentleman reachedout to her and asked if he could donate the money he had, and stated that it was all that he had.He reached out with a closed fist and put into her hand a wad of dollar bills.

Being the lady that she is, Sherry accepted it and did not even look at it. She respectfullyput it in her bag; she would wait until she was in her hotel room to count it. As she and thestranger departed he said, “God Bless you all.” Sherry watched him as he began walking downthe sidewalk with his pack on his back.

When she returned to the hotel Sherry got the bills and began counting. She thought aboutwhat the stranger said, “….all I have.” She then wished she had asked about his well-being.

As days passed the thought of this surprise encounter, the money, the haunting look, thestranger, puzzled Sherry.

Months passed. It came the time for the Shrinettes to decide how much money would bedonated to the Yaarab Shrine’s Hospital Fund. Sherry knew in her heart that the donation from thestranger in Helen was just the beginning of something big happening in the club. The club hadmore money in the treasurer than ever before. A total of $10,000 was presented to Illustrious SirLou Gaylor from the Cedar Valley Shrinettes at the October meeting. This was truly a record-breaking year!!

It’s not the size of the man with the heart; it’s the size of the heart in the man. Please under-stand the amount the stranger donated was just $2.00, though this $2.00 was sincerely exchangedbetween the hearts of two strangers. Was there an angel among us?

Please note the following Imperial By-law (#325.11) and Yaarab Shrine By-law (#4.9). Any viola-tors will be disqualified by the Potentate:

IMPERIAL BY-LAWS # 325.11 ELECTION REGULATIONS(a) Electioneering.The printing, publication, circulating or distribution of resolutions,letters, telegrams, tickets, e-mail or other devices by a Noble,suggesting, recommending, opposing or containing the names ofproposed candiates for office in the temple is PROHIBITED.

Special Note from the Potentate to all canditates and their supporters:

December 2008 - Basharat - 15

News from Yaarab’s ClubsAlcovy Shrine ClubBy Kevin Norman

The Alcovy Shrine Club would like to thank all thathelped out at the 1st Annual “Fishing for Kids” BassTournament. We did not have as good a turnout as we wereexpecting but that was mainly due to weather and the economy.We had 42 boats and we were expecting 100. Everyone stillhad a great time and we would like to thank Past PotentateEddie Eskew for coming out to support us and for speaking tothe crowd about the hospital. We will be doing this tournamentagain next year and hope for it to be even bigger and better.

Our meetings are still going good and we are lookingforward to even more new and returning members in themonths to come. Keep an eye on Alcovy Shrine Club – wehave big things in the works for the months to come.

Cedar Valley Shrine ClubBy Ken Thomason

Well, we were pleased to have our special guests fromthe Divan with us for our October Meeting. They werePotentate Lou Gaylor, Chief Rabban Garry Petty andTreasurer. Chuck Pittman.

Potentate Lou Gaylor gave a stirring speech about howcan we put a price on a child and encouraged us to do more. Iam proud to say that with the help of our Shrinettes that wehave already met our goal for the Hospital Fund this year.Lady Shirley Fann, President of the Lady Shrinettes presentedPotentate Lou a check for $10,000. At the same time, PresidentEddie Streetman presented him with another check making usover the top of our goal. The club is still continuing with anextra effort on the Hospital Fund.

We also enjoyed a speech about the Shrine fund raisersfrom Treasurer Chuck Pittman.

We tried to surprise our Shrinettes with a dinner onOctober 24th, but it is hard to pull one over the ladies. Theywere able to enjoy a meal furnished by the nobles. The noblesprovided music for entertainment and even cleaned up after-wards. Lady Shirley Fann even sang a song for everyone andwas much improved. It was all in fun and everyone reallyseemed to enjoy it. It was much deserved, for the ladies workso hard and are a big part of our club.

We had great news on one of our patients, who tooktheir first step from their wheelchair. The family has movedout of state, but is still under the care of our fraternity. We stillhave one more patient that is still being treated at ourGreenville Hospital. Thanks to our Hospital Committee,Nobles Clay Bentley and Hoyt Worthington.

I want to remind everyone that we are doing ourBoston Butt Roast again for the Thanksgiving Holidays. Theyshould be ready for delivery by Wednesday, November 26th.Also, our Club is annual Christmas Party will be on December13th at the banquet room downtown in Cedartown. It will startat 6:00 P.M.

We would like to invite the nobles in our area to cometo see us on the 4th Thursday of each month.

CherokeeBy Paul Crowe

Cherokee would like to thank everyone who attendedthe Marble Festival parade in Jasper on October 4. The weath-er was beautiful for this parade. Hope everyone had a goodtime and enjoyed the meal. The parade was smaller than usualbut the crowd of spectators was as large as always with a greatturnout.

We had a fun filled time at the parade in Panama CityBeach, FL held the following Saturday on the 11th. Nineteenmembers from the Club attended. Several couples did not getto attend this year.

Past President Sonny Roper and Lady Sue, PastPresident Paul Crowe and Lady Sarah and Sheri had a greattime at the Kennesaw Mountain Hillbilly Degree on November8. A fun time and good fellowship was had by all.

On December 5, Jasper will be having a nightChristmas parade with line up at 5:00 p.m. and parade at 6:00.All vehicles are required to be decorated with lights. Anymember who can be there is welcome, the more the better.

Cherokee members, remember at the December 4thmeeting it will be election night for officers. Be there to sup-port the elected officers and your club. The annual Christmasparty will be held the Saturday night of December 6 at the club-house.

Sympathy is extended to Hugh and Debbie Teems forthe loss of their son and to Sonny and Sue Roper for the loss ofSonny’s mother. We’re glad to see that both Jim Hunter andTony Payne are feeling better.

Cumming Shrine ClubBy Hal Hesterly

Hi Everyone, Cumming Club went to the Fair, theCumming Country Fair and Festival that is. Our Raffle of the42” TV brought in $3100 and will go a long war towardexceeding our goal of $25,000 for the hospital. Thanks go outto our booth workers, Hal and Lori Hesterly, Brian Phalen,Woody and Sarah Bryson, Carroll Kates, Galen and Del Smith,Bill Prescott, Mark Wacho and Vann Pair. We could have usedmore help from all you sideliners.

New member Brian Phelan is becoming a real “bucke-teer.” Brian reports that he brought in $300 in just two hoursthe other day. Way to go, Brian. Keep it up; we need you as aGold Executive Aide next year. We need more “bucketeers”,who are willing to get out there and stick out their buckets andsay “please and thank you” to all those people just waiting toput money into our buckets for a good cause. And, now that theweather is turning a little cooler, there is no better time tobecome a “bucketeer.”

By press time, we will have several new “Hillbilly’s”in the Cumming Club. Yours truly got lost inMarietta/Kennesaw and missed it, so I guess I’m still a“Flatlander.” Apparently Kennesaw put on quite a show, as Ihear some people had tummy aches from laughing so hard.

clubs continue on page 18

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December 2008

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Family night Bingo and DinnerDecember 18 th and January 15th!

Elections January 10th!

January 2009

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The Christmas season is upon us and we are planningfor the Christmas Gala. If you haven’t received your invitationby now, give Hal Hesterly a call at 678-513-7559 to make yourreservation. Remember it will cost $30 per person or $60 forcouples. Choices of entrées are: Prime Rib, au jus, ChickenFrancaise or Teriyaki Salmon. If we all are good little noblesand ladies, between now and Dec 13th, we might get a visitfrom Santa Claus.

Gwinnett Shrine ClubBy Dan (Tom Dooley) Dacus

As the year draws to a close, I reflect back about theyear.

The Black Camel visited Gwinnett Club this year andtook two very good Nobles from our midst, Noble and PastPresident Rod Godfrey and Noble and Past President AllenRoberts, both these nobles were great Shriners, both very activein the Blue Lodge, both Past Masters of their respectiveLodges. The club will be at a loss for these good nobles, how-ever their Legacy does NOT end with their passing. Both werevery concerned with how we as a group could better GwinnettShrine Club and the Shrine as a whole. Gwinnett Club hasbegan a transition this year, a hard earned trail back to the high-ly active club it once was, thanks to the leadership of PresidentLonnie Mahan and line officers along with the help of theNobility. Gwinnett Club has claim to two current nobles on theDivan, one of which is a short vote away from Potentate andone who is working hard to make being a Shriner more impor-tant than ever, and two Past Potentates. If we expect to growagain and attain the high goals we once had we must get behindthis men and support them.

I ask every member to examine and ponder this simplequestion: What led you to become a Shriner and has thatchanged? No matter the difference you may have with otherShriners, that should never be a reason to not be active in sucha lofty goal, Shriners may come and go, the workers mayremain the same, the work may get harder as it has with thedown set of the economy, but being a Shriner has only grown,the children we serve have grown and will continue to grow.

As the season of giving approaches, consider yourgifts to the children we serve. It was once said, “I am one, I cando little or nothing, but you and I together can accomplishmany things!” Let this season be the end of differences and therise of them to carry on the good name of those past.

LaGrange Shrine Club By Greg Brookshire Back

In September, we had our parade in LaGrange alongwith our 3rd annual car show and Fall Festival. Although theturn out was not what we had hoped for, it was still a successand gave us a good start on our Hospital Fund Drive.

The winners of the Car Show were Potentate ChoiceCarl Fowler with his 69’ Chevy Chevelle and Eddie McDanielwith his 30’s model Ford Street Rod won Peoples’ Choice.Tambra Bolt won our 50-50 drawing.

Our Panama City Beach Trip was a blast as usual. Wereally had a good time just kicking back and enjoying the fel-lowship that this trip always brings. It also is very hard to beatthe fresh seafood that we enjoyed each night. The parade is

always great. It’s the best one to participate in because it’s verylong and always draws a large crowd.

October 19 was the date of our 3rd annual MotorcycleRide Fund Raiser. Murphy’s Yamaha sponsors this ride. It hasgotten bigger and better each year. We sold barbeque, 50-50tickets and had an auction at the end of the day. This helpedbring our total to over $10,000. We had around 50 riders, alarge lunch crowd and over 85 sponsors help make this a greatsuccess. Thanks to all those who help us with this event espe-cially Danny and Kim Murphy and Angie Fountain.

Since our big fund raisers are over we are now gettingback to basics. We are out in the streets with our buckets tryingto raise more money for our children’s hospitals. On a saddernote we lost one of our members. Jim Durham passed awaySat. November 8th. He was a member of Elm City Lodge #544,LaGrange Shrine Club, Yaarab and the Potentate’s Escort. Heretired from General Motors and had been very active in theShrine for several years. He will be missed by all of us. Pleasekeep his family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.

The next big order of business will be in December.That’s when we elect our 2009 officers. It’s hard to believe thisyear has gone so fast. We hope everyone has a very HappyHoliday Season.

Lanier Shrine ClubBy Gene W. Robinson

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas and theLanier Shrine Club would like to wish all of Yaarab Shrine andthe Shriner’s hospital children a very Merry Christmas. Howmany Shriners does it take to crank Steve Canada’s tractor? Itwill certainly take more than nine because we couldn’t move it.This photo was taking at Lanier’s fall cookout at the Canadaretreat at Track Rock Gap.

Those present were: Walter Holcomb and Lady Jackie,Charles Lindsey and Lady Fay, Jim Davis and Lady Cornellia,Joe Conner and Lady Vivian, Keith Chandler and Lady Apriland children, Ed Clark and Lady Mary, Lynberg Miller and

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continued clubs from page 15

Lady Margret, Gene Robinson (Lady Sue was on a trip with theGirl Scotts), Steve Canada, Billy Clark, Walter Chandler, andBill Mangum.

Celebrating December birthdays: Nobles: WayneBurruel, James Clark, Mark Papp, Morris McClure. CelebratingDecember Anniversaries: Danny and Lellani Effler, James andLela Skiver, and Warren and Sandi Walker.

We regret to report that Noble Chuck Nida and LadyMartha were involved in a serious auto accident in Arizona inOctober. It is our understanding that they were hit head on byanother vehicle and had to stay in the hospital for severalweeks. They our both back at home in Gainesville and hopeful-ly will completely recover from there injuries.

Our meeting place is at Stone Masonic Lodge No. 715until further notice. Stone Lodge is located about one mile Eastof I-985 at Exit 24 (Rabbittown) we will meet at 7:30 p.m. Ifyou can’t make it to our next meeting, I hope to see you on theroad.

North GeorgiaBy Donald Ray Lunsford

It has been a few months since I have written an arti-cle so there are several items to report. The first was the GolfTournament in September. This is an annual hospital fundraiserand as always Bobby German got out and about and shook thebushes for hole sponsors and along with other members of ourclub raised more money this year than last.

The next thing was the fifth annual Oktoberfest.Janice and I wish to express our sincere thanks to all the NorthGeorgia Shrine Club nobles who not only worked the party bycooking and serving, setting up and tearing down tents, tablesand chairs, and just about anything else they were asked to do,but also the ones who traveled great distances to participate andmake the fundraiser a success. We raised over $1600 last year,but with the tremendous turnout this year, we raised over $2600

for the hospitals.Special thanks to Ron Wallace for arranging baby Cole

and his appearance on stage to let people see first hand whatthe hospitals are all about and what we are trying to do as weraise money for children in need of special care.

This year we had seven new candidates; two wentthrough in Helen and five at the cold sands class. And, we arehappy to report that all seven joined NGSC.

NGSC had a few couples attend the festivities inPanama City and they claim to have had a wonderful time.

We have been busy for the past few weeks bucketingand as always in the past, the people of the wonderful tri-statearea in the beautiful north Georgia mountains have been verygenerous!

I wish I knew how to motivate folks to work togetherside by side, but, for so many years I have noticed that in dif-ferent clubs and units it appears that there are only a handful ofmembers who actually work. For instance, if a club has fiftymembers, why are there only twelve or so members helping atevery event? And, out of over six thousand nobles in Yaarab,why are there only a thousand plus members who toil and doall the work? Food for thought.

When on bended knees, please remember RichardWaterhouse’s sister and mother who are both ill.

As always, please let us remember the true reason weare involved!

Northeast Dekalb ClubBy Sam Black

Happy December Birthday wishes go out to Ron Roth(17).

During this holiday season, let’s continue to keep ourservice men and women in our prayers for their continued suc-cess and safe trip back home soon.

Nobles please try to make the meetings, next one ofwhich will be election night – Tuesday, December 9th. Ourattendance is on the low side. We need everyone to come andjoin us for the monthly fellowship and if you know someoneelse qualified, please bring them as your guest.

Don’t forget that the 2008 Shrine Hospital Crusade iswell underway. We hope Yaarab will break the record and giveanother million to the Shrine Hospitals for 2008.

Please go ahead and mark your calendars for Saturday,January 10, 2009 for the annual Yaarab Shrine election. It willbe held in the Gene Bracewell Activities Building at YaarabMosque, and starts at 9:30 AM. Best wishes to all nobles andtheir families for a safe and blessed Christmas and HolidaySeason. Hope everyone’s New Year 2009 will be safe and pros-perous.

Paulding County Shrine ClubBy Steve Greenway

Another year has come and gone and we have definite-ly had a good year at Paulding County this year. We’veenjoyed all the time we’ve been able to spend together and lookforward to the coming year.

As President of the Paulding County Shrine Club thisyear I would like to thank all of the nobles and ladies in ourclub for making this a great year as well as let them know how

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much I appreciate all of their hard work to make my job easy!!!I look forward to helping our new officers for the 2009 year.Thanks to our ladies for the excellent Thanksgiving Dinner atour November meeting, as always the food was delicious.Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a great and prosper-ous New Year!!!! Please keep our troops in your prayers andbring them home safely.

Rome Shrine Club By Tony Warren

Billy Graham once said that the brevity of life wasastounding. Here we are bracing for another Christmas Seasonrealizing that our labors, fellowship and fun are over for anoth-er year. It is my prayer that each of you can look back over thispast year and be not only pleased but proud of your work andcontribution to our philanthropy. Your work gives hope to thou-sands of children all over the world. If, for whatever reason,your heart cannot be reconciled, you must decide what isimportant to you. You may have a petty bellyache or, even inyour mind, a major bellyache with a member of our club or thedecisions made by the majority or any of many reasons. Youmay feel just burnt out by the burdens of seemingly never end-ing tasks of ending one year only to start another. If this is you,there are several things that I would ask you to contemplate.You must decide in your heart if our God-given cause of takingcare of crippled and burned children is worthwhile. If it isworthwhile, is it worth fighting for? What immediately comesto mind when you think of the Rome Shrine Club? Is it a place

to come and enjoy the fellowship of Masonic brotherly loveand work to accomplish a common goal, or is it something youwere talked into or you are just tired of the same old thing. If itis the latter, then you can do one of two things. You can quit oryou can decide to fight for change and make it better in a lov-ing and caring way. The elections are coming up on December11th. It is time to find out who is considering the job and askthem to tell you what they intend to do to make our club a bet-ter place to work and accomplish our goals. If the club has nomission or vision we will surely die.

Shrine clubs, as with all organizations, needs both amission and a vision statement. The two concepts are not syn-onymous. VISION - is what you want to be tomorrow. It isan imaginary leap into the future. It is a dream, a reach. It canfly. Organizations need a dream. A MISSION - is what anorganization is committed to! The mission is to real-ize the dream. My mission today or my suggestion to you is tosay "HI!" and SMILE to those people around you because....It's a "Good Day to be a Shriner" .

The Shrine's Mission StatementTo be a dynamic fraternal organization dedicated to

attracting and retaining men of good character by being com-mitted to providing progressive quality programs and servicesfor our members, their families and friends in a spirit of fun,fellowship and social camaraderie.

The Shrine's VisionTo recruit and retain members by maintaining a posi-

tive environment conducive to developing leadership skills andproviding fellowship and enjoyment for every member andenabling the continuous growth of membership thereby insur-ing our prominence as the most recognized and effective frater-nity in North America.

Please read these statements carefully and see if youand our club fit into these parameters. If we do not then weneed to change. What we do in this life to lay upon treasuresfor our eternal life is far to important to just ignore and let theforces of darkness tear our beloved club asunder. If you havebeen idle or disinterested for the past few years or you feel apa-thetic towards the club, you must remember who is counting onyou. It is not any one individual Shriner, but hundreds of thou-sands of children in unfortunate circumstances. Is that worthyour effort?

President Buster Goss speaking for all of the line offi-cers of the club thanks you for your efforts this year. Wepledged our Potentate $67,000.00 for the hospitals this year andwe will end up giving around $100,000.00. The final figuresare not in yet because of the telethon returns and some of thebucket money is still out. Couple this with the finances of ournormal club upkeep expenses and you have a very successfulyear. Buster asked me to invite all those who can make it to ourannual club banquet to be held at the clubhouse on the 6th ofDecember at 7:00 P.M. There will be a $20 per couple fee tohelp defray expenses. A scrumptious steak dinner with all thetrimmings will be served. Please be reminded that you musthave a current dues card from Yaarab and the club to vote inthe elections December 11th.

Thanks to Roadrunners Larry and Wayne Fricks formaking an overnight trip to Cincinnati and to Gary Miller and

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Tony Warren for an overnight trip to Greenville. Thanks toWayne and John Huffman for a trip to Greenville. Our newcrossover van is getting lots of use. We have two more applica-tions to the Greenville Hospital.

Special thanks go out to Noble Johnny Waits and hiscrew for putting on a successful golf tournament. They willdonate $2,700.00 to the hospital fund due to their efforts.

Our prayer list includes Nobles Doug Strickland,James Broome, and Bud Owens who are very ill. Noble JoeKemp is now recuperating at home as is Larry “Paw-Paw”Rickard recovering from colon surgery. Larry’s son, NobleTony Rickard will be undergoing cancer surgery soon. NobleBen Fields had a heart attack and had surgery to implant a stint.second Vice President Donnie Penny’s mother is very ill. Pleasetake a moment to pray for our brethren and their loved ones andall those who I did not hear about. God knows who they are.When one of us hurts, we all hurt.

In closing, I would like to thank you, my fellow clubnobles for allowing me the opportunity to serve you as yourBasharat reporter this year. I hope whoever does this job nextyear will be as gratified as I am now. It has been a specialpleasure to work for you and I pray that I have done credit tothe task at hand. I apologize for any mistakes and omissionsthat I have made. God bless The Rome Shrine Club.

South FultonBy Tom Holcomb

I would like to, on behalf of South Fulton Shrine Clubofficers and members, wish everyone in Yaarab Shrine the mer-riest Christmas and Happiest New Year Possible. This is theseason of brotherly love and the time of year when all God’schildren should come together and celebrate the birth of oursavior. Remember to do something selfless for someone lessfortunate than yourself. Pray for those separated from familyand friends and for the children in our care and their families.

We have had a good year in South Fulton and I wouldlike to thank President Carl Knox for the job he did this year. Iam sure he is doing like just about the same as all others in hisposition and reflecting back, wondering if he did everything hecould. I would like to tell every outgoing President or Captainthe same thing. If you did your best, and acted with your mem-ber’s well being at heart, regardless of what you did or didn’taccomplish, you did your job. Take pride in your year and sup-port the nobles who will follow you in 2009 and beyond.

South Fulton is doing well on the Hospital Drive and itlooks like we will meet or exceed our pledge. There are still acouple of weeks left in this years crusade so everyone keep dig-ging and help Yaarab Shrine Center shine when they presentthis years check to the Imperial.

At present our sick list is pretty much the same as ithas been all year and they still need your prayers. Our knownsick are PP Ray Lange, PP J.J. Moore Paul Sisk, Jim Bray,Gene Blount, Milton Bowen, Wayne Wilkins, Bill Poss and ourladies are Sybil Johnson, Patsy Eastin, Dolores Pouncey andJohnnie Adams. I would also like to mention a young lady Ihave overlooked every month and who has been in a nursinghome for quite some time. Francis Burch is a wonderful ladyand I know both she and Al would appreciate our prayers.

Please remember these fine people and put yourself in theirplace; would you like to be remembered.

Our December Birthdays are Charley Brannan (4),Jerome Pierce (5), Brooks Fiveash and Leon Jones (6), JamesBolmon, Herman Hackworth and Noel Petit (12), Guy Stephensand Russell Bennett (21), Jim Patrick (22), Leroy Brown (23),Joe Driskell (25), James Baker (26), Neil Schwartz (22) and AlBurch (31). Happy Birthday nobles!

That does it for 2008; I have enjoyed the honor ofbringing the news from South Fulton and hope everyone hasenjoyed it half as much as I have. God Bless and keep you all.

Sweetwater Shrine ClubBy Ron “Smiley” Henley

Greetings Nobles! This is my favorite time of the yearand I am sure many of you feel the same way. Thanksgivingand Christmas are coming up fast, and before you know it,2009 will be upon us.

Things are really happening at Sweetwater ShrineClub as we work hard to support our hospitals and help thekids. Our Nobles are out in force, with buckets in hand, collect-ing every dollar possible. In addition, we are raising moneywith our many auctions, bike rides, 50/50’s, fish fry’s and any-thing else we can think of. Thanks to all of our Nobles for theirhard work!

One of the reasons we are working so hard is becauseof something that recently happened here at Sweetwater. It real-ly inspired us and I want to take this opportunity to share withyou the story of the Hardegree family to remind all of us howour work impacts others. Sergeant Mike Hardegree was killedin action. It was a great loss to their family, but the Hardegrees,being the kind of people they are, wanted to turn tragedy intotriumph. Beth Hardegree, Mike’s sister, is a photographer. Thedeath of her brother prompted her to begin taking photographsdepicting many different military scenes. One picture she tookcaught the eye of a major news service. They liked the pictureso much they paid one thousand dollars for it. Wanting to dosomething good with the money, Stan Hardegree, the father ofMike and Beth, made contact with one of our members, CharlieLott. I need to point out here that, to my knowledge, no one inthe Hardegree family is a Mason or a Shriner. With that said,the Hardegrees respect what we do so much; they donated theentire one thousand dollars to Sweetwater Shrine Club to sup-port the hospitals. When the check was presented and the storytold at our September meeting, there wasn’t a dry eye in thehouse. When the check was presented at YAARAB Shrine’sHospital kick-off, the story moved everyone who heard it.

Nobles, you never know who is watching you as youget out there and bucket. You never know who is out therewatching you every single time you put on your fez. You neverknow who is watching as you get out there, support the hospi-tals and help the kids. When your legs and feet are aching fromstanding so long on the street, when your face and hands arenumb from the cold, remember the Hardegrees. Remember thatwhat you do not only supports our hospitals it inspires count-less others watching you. People you may never meet areimpacted in ways you may never comprehend because YOUare a SHRINER!

22 - Basharat - December 2008

Toccoa Shrine Club By Danny Goforth

The Toccoa Shrine Club is busy with the BucketBrigade out in the community working for the hospital.

Christmas parades in December. Toccoa’s is the 6thwith Lavonia on the 7th. We will also be joining Lake HartwellShrine Club on the 5th for the Hartwell parade and Granite CityShrine Club at Mt Video on the 21st. These are always a greattime. Also in December, we will be having our Christmas partyand holding elections. This will be on the 15th at 6:30. Ourmeal will be catered by Just Right Catering and will be held atthe Toccoa Masonic Lodge. It is sure to be good.

Gene Thomason has been sick. We are all praying forhis speedy recovery and for Lady Jill as she cares for him. Getwell soon Gene!

Last month we bragged on Harold Atkinson’s grand-children. This month we brag on Harold. He has earned over200,000 Crown of Honor points. This is a huge achievement.He has also made over 150 trips to the Shriners Hospital forChildren with 135 of those to Cincinnati. We are proud of hiswork! Also congratulations to Randy Shirley on his election tothe Sheriff’s Office for Stephens County. Please continue topray for our country and our troops.

We would like to remind everyone to remember thereason for the season, Luke 2:1-14. We wish you all a MerryChristmas and a Happy New Year.

Tucker Shrine ClubBy Billy Beaver

Well fellow Nobles, once again this old year has comeand almost gone. We are well on our way to meeting our pledgeof $11,000.00 for the Shrine Hospitals.

At our regular meeting on November 19, 2008, Tucker

Club officers were nominated for election for the year 2009. As you know, our December meeting will be the annu-

al election of Officers for Tucker Shrine Club. Come to themeeting on December 17, 2008 and support your club and newofficers. If you have a committee you to serve on, or wish toserve in a function for 2009 let your E-board know.

Tucker Shrine club’s Christmas Party will be held onDecember 12, 2008 at 6:30PM in the ballroom at Yaarab ShrineCenter. Wear your Fez (if you have one) a jacket and tie for thenobles, and after five for the ladies. Come and join your fellownobles and ladies for a fun time.

Remember our sick and distressed and other memberswith health and medical problems when on bended knees inprayer.

We meet the third Wednesday of each month at8:00PM. Our meetings are open and visitors are welcome.Social hour is 6:00PM in the Tucker Shrine Club room and din-ner at 7:00PM in the ballroom.

If you know of any members who have needs, pleasecall Jim Weaver (770-938-4893)




Coffee, juice and complimentary refreshments will be served in the lobby of the YaarabShrine Center at 9:00 a.m. There will be transportation to the Georgia Tech Hotel with return tothe Center after lunch. The hotel is located at 800 Spring Street should you wish to provide yourown transportation.

Tickets are required and are currently available at the Business Office for $30.00 and mustbe presented at the luncheon. The hotel will have a cash bar available at the ballroom beginningat 10:15 a.m. and the lunch will be served at 11:00 a.m.

All ladies are invited to join the nobles in the Gene Bracewell Auditorium after the luncheonto view the open demonstration march for the new Potentate, the installation of the Divan, followedby a reception for all in the ballroom.

The Divan Ladies hope you will join them on this wonderful occasion as Yaarab Shrine begins the year of 2009!

Alcovy LadiesBy Nicole Norman

I hope this finds everyone well and getting ready forthe holidays. The Alcovyettes had a fundraiser in October onthe Square in Covington at the car show. Boy did we have agood time and we made a good amount of money! We werevery pleased. A big thank you to all who came to help out.

We are now planning our Christmas party which willbe on December 12th at 7:00 in “the Hole”. Should be a goodtime for all!

I hope that Catherine is feeling better – we missedyou at our last meeting. And a Big Happy Birthday to Mrs.Louise! We are still having a good turn out at our Mondaynight meeting – hoping for even more after the first of theyear. Hope that everyone has a great holiday!!

Cher-O-KettesBy Sheri Crowe

The Cher-O-Kettes are grateful to the Po Boys CarClub from Cherokee County for making a donation of $5000to us. Along with this donation and some previous fund-rais-ing work the Cher-O-Kettes did, President Sue Roper present-ed a check at Yaarab’s Hospital Crusade for $1000 to theShriners Hospitals for Children fund.

Once again this year the Cher-O-Kettes will be par-ticipating in the Festival of Trees at the Canton and Jasperlibrary. Thanks to the ladies who volunteer to set-up and dec-orate the trees. Members need to go by the libraries to votefor our trees. Our Christmas sponsorships this year are send-ing phone cards to troops overseas and helping a family inneed with grocery gift cards. The clubs Christmas party willbe held Saturday night, December 6; $20per couple and every-one is invited.

Members of the Cher-O-Kettes provided refresh-ments at the November Ladies Presidents Council meeting.Thanks to the ladies who helped on this project.

Dues for 2009 are now due and can be paid at theDecember 4 meeting. The 2009 Cher-O-Kettes officers willbe installed at the December meeting. Elected at theNovember meeting to serve in 2009 were Barbara Loner, pres-ident; Judy Vlass, vice-president; Jan Blalock, secretary; andLynne Rollins, treasurer. Congratulations ladies and we lookforward to working with you next year.

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers Chris Hornwhom is now having dialysis, Debbie and Hugh Teems whoseson passed away, and Sue and Sonny Roper who had hismother to pass away in October. Hope Herman Cantrell isfeeling better; she had just had a stress test the day of the lastclub meeting. Glad to see that Lena Owens, Tony and KimPayne and Jim Hunter are feeling better.

Until next time….Merry Christmas and Happy NewYear.

CONYETTES By Anita Payseur

As we look forwarding to the holidays and the clos-

ing of the year I would like to thank everyone for their workthis year to make our club and the Shrine organization a suc-cess. Each year as we continue our efforts more and morechildren benefit from the Shriners organization. Also, as yourpresident I thank each one of you for all of your help this year.

Several of us participated in the Conyers Christmasparade. The ladies used the float and several of our grandkidsrode with us in the parade.

We will be having our Christmas party at the HoneyCreek Country Club. A catered meal and live band to dancetoo is planned for the evening of December 12.

December anniversary wishes go to Wayne andCecily Hilton, Jerry and Annelle Maddox. Birthday wishes goto Martha Turner.


Once again, our tummies are full from too muchturkey, potatoes and pie on Thanksgiving Day and ourthoughts are turned to the holiday season when Good Will andHoliday Cheer warm our hearts as we remember all of thegood things we have been blessed with throughout the yearand reflect on some of the not-so-good things which have hap-pened.

The visit from our Supreme Queen Muriel Knapp,was a huge success. The Officers, Crescent, Queen’sAttendants, Appointees and Units all performed with perfec-tion at the Stated Session honoring her Royal Majesty. Theevening festivities provided great levity and the food and fel-lowship were even better. The El Tehran Temple Band,Dancers and Chorus all performed for the pleasure of herMajesty, with great gusto!!!

As this year draws to a close, let us give thanks forthe love of our family and friends, praise God for his almightygifts he has bestowed upon us and re-commit ourselves to lov-ing one another and working together in unison and elevatingour standards to God’s expectations.

I have asked Queen Sabrina to also add her HolidayMessage and it is as follows: A belated Happy Thanksgivingand a Merry Christmas to all my fellow Daughter of the Nileladies! During this time of the year I tend to reflect a littlemore than usual on relationships that are important to me.During the Thanksgiving Holiday I reflect on the blessings Ihave received. It becomes a part of my thought and prayerprocess. I want each of you to know that your friendship andhelp I have received are so very important to me and I will beeternally grateful to you. This journey has afforded me anopportunity to step outside of the box I had comfortably creat-ed for myself and try new things and to humbly experience amultitude of gifts of friendship. I have had to learn to be "onstage" instead of staying in my comfort zone of being behindthe scenes helping. I have experienced genuine love, affec-tion, and kindness beyond any scope of my imagination andthat has touched my heart, my spirit and my soul. Througheach of you I have been made a better person and for that I amthankful. During the Christmas Holiday Season I am especial-

News from Yaarab’s Auxiliaries

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ly reminded of how blessed we are to be children of God andreceive the grace of Christ. It is such a gift to each of us tobelong to an organization founded upon such high principlesand the purpose of giving back and making a difference in thelives of God's children. It is an opportunity of a lifetime to beapart of something so great and good. I pray that each andevery one of you receive many blessings and I thank you forthe blessings you have bestowed upon me.In Nile Love,Sabrina

Please remember ladies, if you have not been toSession due to illness or not being able to drive, please call PastQueen Peggy Moore or Pr. Neasy Graham and they will behappy to try and help you set up your transportation.

Have a Happy, Healthy and Heavenly Holiday Seasonand May 2009 bring all of us Warmth, Wisdom and Wealth!!!

LOHettesBy Christine Morrison

Welcome to the latest report from Hickory Flat,Georgia, where all the men are strong, the women are goodlooking and the children are above average.

Okay, so just to catch everyone up on what they aremost interested in – yes, I’m fine, it was just a minor fall and Ihave the scars to prove it.

But really, we just returned from our annual trip toArlington for the IALOH wreath laying ceremony - a trulysomber occasion, and a good gathering of folks. It was my firsttime there. The event was lovely, and hospitality room wasabsolutely unbelievable. Everyone should attend this notableevent; it is definitely worth the travel time. Even some of ourpast and present Divan members joined us there. Thanks to ourtravel companions – I think we almost filled the Air Tran plane.And an extra shout out to my partner in pain – Lady JudyHenson – who also took a spill but appears to be recoveringwell.

Dinner Friday night at Billy Martin’s was outstandingand I think everyone (except Cliff Osborne - go figure) had agreat meal in that historic Georgetown restaurant. It will bedifficult to top that dining experience next year. I think JohnGraf’s prime rib was bigger than his head! I heard Jack Smithis still hunting down some of the attendees for their bar bill –you know who you are!

I hope everyone got out and voted for the candidate ofyour choice on the 4th. As they say in Chicago, vote early,vote often.

Big thank you to Barb Greer for continuing to publi-cize our monthly supper club via email. She is always on top ofthe event and keeps us in the know. Thanks also to all theladies who have agreed to host the supper club each month thisyear – this is a very fun outing for us all and I look forward to adifferent restaurant each month.

Voting for officers for the LOHettes will take place atthe December meeting, I hear. Please make sure to join usearly for dinner and then voice your opinion. Special thanks tothe Kissing Booth Queen and current President of theLOHettes, Boots Peden, for stepping up this year while LadyMartha Fluent was unable to serve. We love you Boots, butyou could lay off the gavel a little! It takes a strong hand to

keep all the LOH hens in line, I guess – thank you Boots for allthat you do for the LOH and the LOHettes. You are a treasure.

Please send warm wishes to PC Hank Brote’s ladyTrish on the passing of her sister in California – you are in ourthoughts Trish.

As we wind down the year, and get ready for the nextone, count your blessings, hug your family and friends and saya prayer for all our military men and women both here andoverseas.

MotorettesBy Gail Carone

Don’t you love this time of year? It’s ladies jumpinginto one party dress after another, men strangling in those tuxes(and Rudolph/Santa ties), juggling a full calendar to squeeze injust ONE more party … and the fun and fellowship we sharewith each other. It’s hectic but we wouldn’t want it any otherway. We wish everyone a joyous and safe holiday season filledwith good cheer, love and charity.

Because we have had such a great response in the saleof our cookbook, “Fifty Years on the Road” and did so wellwith our “Basket of Cheer” last summer, we had a unanimousvote at our October meeting to donate $1000 to the hospitalcrusade through the Motor Corps. We all felt that it was theright and only place to put some of our newfound treasures.

By the time you receive this issue, the Motorettes willhave had their annual Christmas Chinese Auction. It’s alwaysfun gift swapping and gift snitching. The companionship is thebest! Elections for the coming year are held at this meeting andwe will provide a list of the new officers in the January issue.

Obviously, we’ve missed a few issues so we’ll catchup on our birthday babies for October and November, addingthem to December’s: Joe Carone (10/4), Marie Tipton (10/4),Gloria Cain (10/26), Nan Wages (11/24), Cindy Niznik (12/1),Yvonne Shore (12/8), Smitty Forrester (12/14), Louise Hicks(12/15), Vera Diehl (12/17), Jeane Lund (12/25), and DebbieBlevins (12/30). HAPPY BIRTHDAY you beautiful and spe-cial people! Hope the year ahead is wonderful, kind and excit-ing for you.

Our continuing sympathies are with Peggy Sheriff asshe copes with the recent death of her sister. Peggy says thatfriends and her work are holding her together along with all theprayers she feels. Keep her in your thoughts. As the rest of usdeeply mourn the loss of our long time friend, Bill Englett,Bertha Pilgrim especially feels the emptiness in her life rightnow a with the loss of her close friend. Please remember her inyour prayers. As the result of a series of strokes, AngieBrowning’s husband, Al, passed away unexpectedly in earlyNovember. Angie is a past president of the Motorettes. Specialprayers are for her and also for all our families and friends whoare in need and hurting or ill and frightened. Among thoseneeding our prayers and strength is Jane Eisenburg. Know thatyou are in our hearts and God’s hands.

The Motorettes meet at 11:30 a.m. the first Saturday ofthe month at Cross Creek Café in Atlanta. If you’re a MotorCorps spouse and interested in joining or visiting with us,please contact Vice President Mary Moon (770/463-1775) formore information.

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Paulding County Shrine LadiesBy Carolyn Greenway

We’ve had a great year this year and we look forwardto working hard in 2009 to make it a great year... The Trick orTreat Village at Paulding Meadows was a great success – therehad to have been thousands of children trick or treating – it wasreally fun to see all of the costumes and the children (and someadults) having such a good time. We had a Thanksgiving din-ner at the November meeting and as always it was a great timeto be together and thanks so much to all the ladies who helpedput the feast together. Happy December birthday to WayneRoberts (11); Josh Holman (20); Lee Wigley (22); Steve Bailey(28); Billy Rainey (29); Muriel Rainey (30); Scott Greenway(31) and Grady Roberts (31). Happy December anniversary toBilly and Jean Deal (2); Donnie and Laraine Turner (2); Scottand Alicia Greenway (04); Steve and Carolyn Greenway (07);Billy and Muriel Rainey (17); Warren and Donna Jones (17);and Bob and Marie Tipton (30). Wishing everyone a veryMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

South Fulton ShrinettesBy Hazel Gaylor

Merry Christmas to All...the Christmas season is uponus and in full swing, when you’re out shopping among all thehustle and bustle, attending Christmas parties and dinners,enjoying family and friends – please take time to stop andremember the reason for the season – the birth of our Savior,Jesus Christ. Even though some of us have illnesses and familyproblems in our lives, we are still so richly blessed from aboveand need to give thanks for all we have.

Our November get together at the Longbranch Caféwas well attended, President Peggy gave out membership yearpins to those ladies being members for 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. yearsin our club and we congratulate each of you. It was a fun after-noon and I know that under our new leadership in 2009, wewill be able to continue and plan to have more social gettogethers in the future.

At this writing I am not aware of any sickness or dis-tress among our members but if any one knows of specialneeds please share them with us and keep these friends in yourprayers.

Special birthday wishes for this month go out to CarolBray, 25; Betty Emery, 21; Colleen Eskew, 12; Tina Hargrove,23; Lena Kiker, 19, Charlene Pierce, 03; and Cindy McCaslin,12/23. Our Shrinette husbands with birthdays in December areBob Bennett, 21; James Bolmon, 12; Charlie Brannan, 4; NoelPettit, 12; and Jerome Pierce, 5. We wish all of you a veryhappy birthday and hope your wishes come true.

This will be the last Basharat article I will be writingfor the South Fulton Shrinettes, even though I have enjoyeddoing them for the past few years, I feel it is time to pass thishonor on to someone else with fresh ideas and ways of sharingour news with each of you, especially those who are not able toget out as often as they would like and who look forward toreceiving their Basharat each month. Thank you for your manycomments and compliments on these articles in the past, it hasbeen my pleasure to do them each month.

Again, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year

to each of you and your families. Please support your newShrinette Officers, South Fulton’s Officers and the new 2009Divan. Without each of you working together Yaarab wouldnot be the success that it is and that is what keeps our hospitalsopen and our children so well taken care of. May God bless each of you.

The CumminettesBy Carolyn H. Pair

The Cumminettes have big plans for the busy holidayseason. At the November meeting and also at our holidaybrunch, we are bringing gifts to give to needy children in ourcommunity. These will be donated to the organization spon-sored by our local Family and Children’s Services.

Carolyn is hosting our annual holiday brunch andChristmas ornament exchange party at her house on December6 at 10:30. This is always one of our best gatherings of theentire year and we hope everyone will attend. The ornamentexchange helps us remember our friends year after year.

The men’s party is scheduled for December 13 at thePolo Golf and Country Club – good food, good fellowship, andgood music.

Our annual McDonald’s pancake supper to supportShriners Hospitals was a huge success. Not only did we raise


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26 - Basharat - December 2008

money for the hospital campaign, we had a wonderful eveningtogether spending time with fellow members and their families– lots of children and grandchildren to visit. This is always anoccasion we look forward to every year. The management atour local McDonald’s is so gracious and loves to have us there.

Besides our own pancake supper, we helped the menwith their booth at the Cumming Fair where they raised moremoney for the hospitals and also informed people about thepurpose of Shrine Hospitals. We had local sponsors who donat-ed items to be raffled and made over $3,000.

Omie and Norman Allen are very proud of their grand-son, Joshua Shipman, who was recently inducted into the mili-tary. Their granddaughter also will be going very soon.Thanks to this wonderful family serving our country.

Our members are traveling – Del and Galen Smith willspend a week in Myrtle Beach for a mini family reunion withhis brother and will catch some of the Christmas Shows thereto get in the holiday spirit.

Hazel and Ken Bryant toured the West – First to LasVegas, with a helicopter ride into the bottom of the GrandCanyon and a visit to the North rim; toured Bryce CanyonNational Parks in Utah and Arizona Then they went toCalifornia to visit Grass Valley, Redwoods. San Francisco,Mammoth Mountain, and Death Valley before going back toLas Vegas to fly home – what a wonderful trip. Kenneth hasnot been well, so this was a special experience for them.

Sharon and Fred Bellman took the grand tour ofEurope – London, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Germany,Italy, and France. They toured by bus, stopping in key cities ineach country and sightseeing as many major highlights as any-one could fit into 22 days. It was the trip of a lifetime and theyhad a wonderful time – made over 900 pictures! What anexperience!

December birthdays – Sarah Bryson, Beverly Kates,and Debra Dowling. Anniversaries: Junior and Ann Day,Henry and Dot Willard, Norman and Omie Allen, Carroll andBeverly Kates.


by Freida HammondThanks to our outgoing officers - Jackie Beaver, Judy

Hilsman, Ruth Malcom and Pat Rickert-Jones. And I hope you

will take a part this year - at this writing our new officers havenot been elected.

We do need your help - I for one needed help at ourlast meeting. I am in charge of the sign-in sheet and door prizedrawing. Well we decided to have the drawing - even though Iforgot to bring the gift - so by now Sherry Beusse has receivedher gift. Even when we had all the stubs - I had to look for abowl or some item to place them in for the drawing - my LuckyDay I thought...saw a small bowl on the table in the room ofour meeting.....made me HAPPY - I started depositing the stubsin the bowl as I walked across the back of the room - only tohear from someone that they were all going on the Ipicked them up and deposited them in the bowl a secondtime.....only to find the bowl had no bottom - must have beensome type of candle holder - was I embarrassed but it was sofunny I couldn't keep my composure. So we do need somelevel-headed, responsible people to help!!

The year has gone fast and we are handling so much inour lives during these trying times. But it really is relaxing tosee God's gift of natural beauty in the Fall colors of leaves, andbeauty of the clouds in the sky and to know he is always withus.

I'm sure that all enjoyed the club's trip and fellowshipwhen visiting Pigeon Forge last month.

Happy Birthday to our December ladies - MildredJennings, Anne Weaver, Betty Emery, Carol Bray and MarionBryant.

Hope you made plans to attend the Ladies Luncheonon December 13th at Petite Auberge; and the Tucker ChristmasParty on December 12th. Thanks to all who helped on theseevents.

Remember the sick and distressed in your prayers -Judy and Jim Gray, Linda and Tom Beam, Irene and DanPuckett, Margie McDaniel, Geneva Cox, Virginia Woolbright,Mildred Jennings, Helen Sweatman, Barbara and Bill Messer,Past First Lady Shirley Padgett, and others of which you mayknow. Also PRAY FOR THE USA!!

And condolences to the family of Shirley Warbingtonwho was a long time Tu-Sh-La member.

Condolences to the families of Bud Pressell and PastPotentate Bill Englett.



HAROLD R HEFNER 15676Ellijay, GAJuly 10, 1920 - Ocotber 15, 2008Created in Yaarab June 9, 1954RAYMOND F KING 18383Calhoun, GAJanuary 18, 1923 - April 1, 2008Created in Yaarab June 14, 1961SAMUEL M BARFIELD 20449Snellville, GAFebruary 25, 1923 - February 1, 2008Created in Yaarab June 9, 1965

AMES D BLAKENEY 28722Camp Wood, TXFebruary 24, 1925 - June 6, 2008Created in Yaarab March 19, 1976LELAND S COVEY 31068Port Orange, FLJune 28 1921 - October 22, 2008Created in Yaarab December 13, 1980LUTHER U CAMPBELL 31187Eaton, GASeptember 20, 1933 - October 5, 2008Created in Yaarab December 13, 1980

THOMAS G ACKERMAN 33758Duluth, GAJune 19, 1936 - October 24, 2008Created in Yaarab December 12, 1987James R Harris, Jr 12439Nokesville, VAApril 14, 1924 - April 1, 2005Created in Yaarab June 30, 1948William L "Bill" Englett 15839Douglasville, GASeptember 20, 1925- October 29, 2008Created in Yaarab December 8, 1954

continue on page 28

Decemberr 2008 - Basharat - 27

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Widow and Widowers ClubBy Judy Campbell

What a beautiful fall we have had !! Seeing the crisp blue sky and the multicolored leavesenforces our belief in The Supreme Being.

Seen collecting for the Hospital Fund, was member, Boots Peden, at her " Kissing andHugging " booth. The amount collected that evening was $ 430 and certainly enabled us to meetour pledge. Thanks, Boots. Our club was well represented at the annual Hospital Kick Off.

We enjoyed our annual Club Christmas luncheon on Wednesday, December 3 at PetiteAuberge in Toco Hills, Decatur. The food was delicious, the attendance was great and a fun timewas had by all. We appreciate the time spent with us on this day by Illustrious Sir Lou Gaylor andthe Divan. To the Divan ladies who attended, we appreciate you too. The support and love of all ofyou , our members, friends and supporters has made another good year for us.

The election of officers was held and duly installed by Oriental Guide Charles ( Chuck )Rager. The listing of officers will appear in our January article.

Our club welcomes new members and continues to support widows of deceased Noblesand Nobles who have lost their spouse. We make every effort to make you feel a part of our groupand our activities.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact President, Judy CampbellHome 770 529 5866.

2009 Membership due are now payable.Our wish is that each of you will have Safe and Happy Holidays for the upcoming Season!

School Collecting One Million Tabs for Shriners Hospitals in Honor of Classmate By Louise C. Hoelker, RN, MHA Director, Volunteers & Public Relations

Shriners Hospitals for Children - Cincinnati Shriners Hospitals for Children saved his life, now Daniel Happy and his school are collect-

ing one million pop tabs for the pediatric burn hospital. The fifth grader at St. Dominic School in Cincinnati survived a burn injury after a plane

crashed into his home last year. He was treated for seven months at the Cincinnati ShrinersHospital and is still an outpatient at the facility.

When Daniel enrolled at St. Dominic, Principal Al Grote spoke with Daniel’s mother aboutthe school helping Shriners Hospital in honor of Daniel. “We learned about the pop tab program forthe hospital and combined understanding the concept of what a million looks like with helping agreat cause,” said Grote. The school named the program, Happy Tabs for Shriners Hospitals. Morethan 400,000 tabs have been collected. The collected tabs are recycled and the proceeds areused to buy items for patients and families at the hospital.

Cincinnati hospital volunteer Evelyn Jordan formed the Evelyn Jordan Tab Fund in 2007 tocollect and recycle pop tabs for the hospital. Since she began collecting tabs in 1997, she esti-mates more than $70,000 has been spent on items for the patients and families at the hospital. “Iknow there are items that are needed that are never planned for in the budget,” notes Jordan.“But, I really do it because I love children and volunteering my time.” The tab fund has fundeditems such as: lounge furniture, bingo prizes, craft supplies, and refrigerators for the family careunit rooms.

Created in Yaarab March 20, 1981Donald A Crawford 31929Buford, GAJune 12, 1944 - August 11, 2008Created in Yaarab June 11, 1983Robert C. Rogers 32223Stone Mountain, GADecember 21, 1924 - October 13, 2008Created in Yaarab March 14, 1984Charles J Peters 32537Flowery Branch, GANovember 25, 1936 - August 2, 2008Created in Yaarab December 8, 1984James K Pierce 32929Marietta, GADecember 4, 1934 - August 27, 2008Created in Yaarab September 17, 1985Leonard P Wilson 37168Jonesboro, GAMay 27, 1936 - September 13, 2008Created in Yaarab March 12, 1997Robert H Fisher 37324Marietta, GANovember 15, 1930 - September 15,2008Created in Yaarab December 13, 1997Charles W. Shields, Sr. 38257Cartersville, GAFebruary 6, 1940 - August 10, 2008Created in Yaarab December 21, 2000Louie W. Dykes 21424Atlanta, GANovember 18, 1916 - October 6, 2008Created in Yaarab December 14, 1966Richard D. Jordon 33883Calhoun, GAMarch 13, 1935 - October 6, 2008Created in Yaarab March 23, 1988

28 - Basharat - December 2008

Month of October 2008Regular AssociateMembership Membership Total

Membership, October 1 5950 50 6000Created/Added - - Affiliated - - Restored 5 5

Demitted/Dropped (22) (1) (23)Suspended (8) (8)Deaths (17) (17)Net change (42) 1 (43)

Membership, October 31 5,908 49 5,957


Driver Temple Greenville, SC Cincinnati, OHPierce Anderson 25769 1Harold Atkinson 35849 1Don Brautigan 35924 1Bob Dean 35068 1Richard Elrod 38108 2Bill Glenn 37179 2John Graff 39761 1Tom Holcomb 34971 1Robin Mashburn 38132 1Bill Morgan 37357 1W.T. Powell 37365 1Harold Rich 29522 2Bobby Savage 35108 2 1Wayne Shelnutt 36234 1Bob Smith 38678 3Roger Smith 33431 1Jimmie Spurlin 34050 1Bob Stillman 37045 2Steve Uroz 39437 1James Wade 29983 1Kenneth Whigham 29527 1Bill Wise 28143 1

Totals 23 717 Trips - 22 Drivers - Thank You Nobles, We Appreciate You!

October, 2008 Hospital Trips


Cyrus M Kitchens 16943Atlanta, GAJanuary 6, 1912 - August 21, 2008Created in Yaarab September 25, 1957William R Stansel 18029Atlanta, GAJanuary 24, 1925 - September 24, 2008Created in Yaarab June 15, 1960Rufus E. Burden 20765

Elberton, GAAugust 21, 1920 - August 31, 2008Created in Yaarab December 8, 1965Jack D. Dettmering 21418Fayetteville, GADecember 26, 1928 - October 11, 2008Created in Yaarab December 14, 1966Lum O Richards 22964N. Fort Myers, FL

February 21, 1929 - April 28, 2006Created in Yaarab December 11, 1968Ira G. Chastain 28207Dallas, GAOctober 4, 1934 - September 30, 2008Created in Yaarab June 18, 1975Charles R. Pressel, Sr. 31207Atlanta, GaDecember 12, 1920 - October 15, 2008

December 2008 - Basharat - 29 OSNOV08SAHS

Southwest Airlines’ Medical Transportation Grant Program is a tremendous aid to Shriners Hospitals for Children’s patients and families. Through this program, the airline annually donates 200 green passes, which are essentially free round-trip airline tickets, to patients with financial or medical needs.

“The Shriners organization and Southwest Air-lines have shared a wonderful relationship through-out the years,” said Michele Kyle, a specialist in the charitable giving department at Southwest Airlines. “We’ve been able to assist numerous Shriners facilities in the past with anything from changing executive and patients’ travel itineraries at the last minute to providing free medical transportation for patients. We are excited to formalize our affiliation through the Medical Transportation Grant Pro-gram.”

With 22 Shriners Hospitals, located in the U.S., Mexico and Canada, patients sometimes travel hundreds or thousands of miles to receive the specialty care they need. Many Shriners temples have transportation coordinators who set up these long-distance appointments and make transporta-tion and housing arrangements. When possible, the

temple pays for the expenses, such as plane tickets, through a hospital transportation program. Since an average domestic round-trip ticket costs nearly $400, the green passes could potentially save an individual temple thousands of dollars a year.

“We are grateful to Southwest Airlines for their incredible generosity,” said Ralph Semb, president and chief executive officer of Shriners Hospitals. “By saving our temples money, they allow us to help transport more kids to their appointments.”

With a green pass, the transportation coordinator can book any available flight for the patient and one parent or guardian, and no blackout dates apply. Green passes are good for use in any city South-west Airlines serves, and they are only good for Southwest-operated flights.

Temple transportation coordinators can contact Ruby Valdes, manager of the executive vice presi-dent’s office at Shriners International Headquar-ters, at (813) 281-8110, to learn if their temple is eligible to receive passes.

Southwest Airlines has steadily increased its donations throughout the past few years. From 2003-2005, the company gave Shriners Hospitals 20 green passes. In 2006, the number increased to 25 tickets, and in 2007, an additional $5,000 was donated to Shriners Hospitals. Last November, the airline donated an additional 100 green passes. The value of the 200 tickets donated in 2008 is $80,000.

Southwest Airlines Helping Shriners Hospitals Patients Reach Their Destinations

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December 2008 - Basharat - 31



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During this holiday season and every day of the year, we wish you all the best. Member SIPC

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