basic layout - 2 column

Post on 01-Jun-2015

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Trebuchet MS is a humanist sans-serif typeface designed by Vincent Connare for the Microsoft Corporation in 1996. It is named after the trebuchet, a medieval siege engine. The name was inspired by a puzzle question that Connare heard at Microsoft headquarters: “Can you make a trebuchet that could launch a person from main campus to the new consumer campus about a mile away? Mathematically, is it possible and how?” Connare “thought that would be a great name for a font that

launches words across the Internet”.The Trebuchet typeface family, like Verdana and Georgia, was created for use on the screen. Designed and engineered in 1996 by Microsoft’sVincent Connare, it has astrong and unmistakable appearance. Its letter forms, loosely based on sans serif typeface designs of the 1920s and 1930s, carry a large x-height and clean lines designed to promote legibility, even at small sizes.

Perhaps Connare’s greatest achievement with the Trebuchet family is to have created a font that works at heading and display sizes as

well as small sizes and low resolutions; no mean task given the low resolution of the computer screen, which tends to dilute the characteristics of letterforms, rendering them dull and boring. After all, a lower case, which at 8pt on the screen can be at most four or ve pixels high,

can only be drawn in a limited number of ways.One of Connare’s intentions when designing Trebuchet was Trebuchet is well-suited to use for extended texts, User Interface scenarios and spreadsheet design, given the font’s narrow letterforms. Trebuchet works brilliantly

on the screen and has quickly become a classicchoice for Web page design.