Be heard

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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20 Tips To CapturingThe Right

Audience And“Being Heard” In

a Noisy World

Tip #1Choose a niche you care about.

If you don’t care about your topic, then you can’t expect anyone else to either!

Tip #2Choose a niche that isn’t entirely over-


This might sound obvious but it’s something that a lot of people don’t

consider. Creating a website that’s about health and fitness will create a massive up-

hill challenge for you, so why not move somewhere quieter?

Tip #3Combine topics to invest new niches.

If you want to stand out, you need to be different. One way to do this is to create an

entirely new niche by combining two popular ones!

Tip #4Use the right images for your posts!

When people share on Facebook or other social media, they often don’t even read the post first. They thus are basing their entire

decision on the title and image alone!

Tip #5Have a persona in mind for all posts!

Think of a very specific person when writing your posts and this will help your content to

be relevant to specific members of your audience. This is highly conducive to


Tip #6Consider memes.

Stuck for an image that will get Likes and shares? You can create a Meme using many

online tools and these tend to share very well!

Tip #7Use Facebook comments.

Add Facebook comments to your blog and people can discuss your posts right on your

site. They can also easily share their comments to your account!

Tip #8And Twidget.

This adds a feed from your Twitter account to your website sidebar.

Tip #9Use IFTTT for Automation.

IFTTT lets you link your various online apps and social accounts. This can achieve some

incredibly powerful things, so look into it!

Tip #10Outsource.

It’s important to ensure your business looks as professional as possible – so outsource

the design elements etc.

Tip #11Use Influencer Marketing.

Working alongside someone who already has a massive audience is a fantastic way to

make yourself heard.

Tip #12 Be visually interesting.

Standing out with a different topic and approach is great – but for that instant

interest try and make sure your site looks different too. How can you grab attention

and excite your audience?


Tip #13 Think of your social media as a service.

You are providing some kind of useful service to your audience and if your site

shuts down, they should miss it.

Tip #14And your blog posts as products.

Likewise, treat your blog posts as products. Market each one as you would a product


Tip #15Promote old content.

Just because it’s old, that doesn’t mean you can’t get people interested again!

Tip #16Share what you know works.

When sharing third party content, use a tool like BuzzSumo to find what’s popular.

Tip #17Go where your audience is.

Know your audience and promote yourself where they’re likely to be.

Tip #18Learn your value proposition.

What is the emotional drive behind your message and product?

Tip #191,800 words is the ideal blog post length.

This will make your post a useful resource that others are more likely to link to.

Tip #20Be consistent.

Success doesn’t come overnight. Keep at it and you’ll get there!

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