Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971

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  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    Bear Facts

    PaS! Office Box 692. Goleto, Calif .... j a 93017 Augus September 1970


  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    August - September 1970 BEAR FACTS I) 5 J E A \, [l1 ~ [A \ J [ J LEdi or:

    would like to attend the California Wing Conference. Whol is the properuniform? Also, when we soy the Pledg 0 Allegiance, do We solute the flog?A Senior Member

    Allhough Ihe uniform for conferences I s normally Blues, the Wing Comman-der has designated Ions 1505's for men and catIon/polyester pins ripes) forwomen. Blues will b ece ptobl

    T~ .,e,-_.V f. I, Ne, ~

    MaTI Thh F",m To,&oor FccnPOI omClO 800 692GoI~'o, CalHomla93017

    ,. _oo J' ..

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    August - September 1970 BEA R FACTS Page 2

    Membership retention, both senior and cadet, is on the upswing, and wefeel this Is indicative of on increase in esprit de corps. Our major deficient atthis point is the safety program. We hove a new Wing safety officer and he wi IIsoon be implementing his program. We hope each unit commander will appoint asafety oFFicer and form a unit safety pion.

    With increased interest by members in the progrom. we have encounteredsome problems by actions token out or channels. Although we know they meanwell, difficulties OCClJrbecause members don't know the oyerall program. Bysquadrons sending their questions or comments to groups, answers mey be reodi Iyavailable. If the group feel correspondence to Wing is in order, such referralis encouraged. Remember, roo, that letters and radio traHic between units S ouldcorry infoflTlOion copies to group an orea ommands concerned, so hat veryoneremains lnformed. If am m r feels he Is r celving insufficient assistance 0 terrollowlng e proper channels, he mey lri eo leller to the edito 0 Bear Facts.

    The 1970 California Wing Conference may well be the I st of its kind foro few years. ext year we plan to hold 0 strictly social event. In lis place, wewi II have four or five seminars throughout the yeor and held in various sections ofthe stote. All Wing storr sections will be represented and everyone wi!' e invit-ed to attend a Full-doy workshop session.

    We will be colling on the field for more activiti as of all types. All unitswill soon receive some material on the new Civil Defense/Natural Disaster agree-ment. Coming soon will also be a schedule for 1971 SARschools, to help increaseour capability in thh. area. Unfortunately, the burden has been falling on onlya sm II number of rated emergency services personnel who participate in missions.Those personnel who hold ES cords should remember hot they are accepting a re-sponsibility and must participate in missions. We are concerned about why someunits ore r iline to meet rhese obligations, even thou h they have a n mber ofrated p nonnel on the ros er. If you are not goil)9 to participate, don', requesta cord; it is not 0 status symbol.

    The Colifomia Wing has accepted he responsibility for nooncing the funerolexpenses for Jon romer, who was killed while flying on a search mission. Wewould like each senior to assess himself ~I and each codet 25~ to help us in thisprcject , If we r ceive more thon is needed, we will earmark tf,e surplus 10 beused for 0 simi lor occosion. We hope this never hoppends, hit we 0 1 1 knowsearching is dangerous. Send your contributions, poyable to Califomio Wing,to my a ttention a th Wing's address.

    Considerable comment has been mode on the General Aviati n categorymembership. I is this command's policy that GA members must meet the sametraining requirements as regular CAP members and they must have on ES cord 0participate in seor ch missions. For GA members who wish to transfer to regularmembership, they must folio", the same procedures as any new member, exceptthat they do nor poy Notional dues; wing and unit dues are still required.

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    August - September 1970 BEAR FACTS Page 3Bear Rescue

    WARRC 090 was coiled for a Beech Bononz.o en route from Phoenix, Ariz..,to Orange County airport. The new Chino search bose facility was given a shortwar oul un il the plan was locoted on the gTound 01 its des inotion.

    42-108 was activated for a Citobria on a local fligh: om Oakland air-port. It, loa, wcs located on the mmp, but not 01 i intended destination.42-110- A Cessna 177 disoppccred on a fIighl fro To oe Volley to fres-

    no. The oircrc t was located on the second doy of the s rch by a crew from Sq.35, Lt. Timo hy Anderson and CWO Ho McAllister. This errort bro ght a per-~onal " ell don "from CAP commander Gen. Eilts . rhe loe lion is 3847' by120 01 '30"

    2-131 - is search was activated for 0 PA 22 which depaTted Re dingopparently h oded or Reno. Th seorch wos hampered by the unc r i tyof ao'rcraft's rau e. II YOS suspended a er ana week.! D u to Ihe change in deslgnotion of the estern erospace Rescu andRecov rl Center (WARRC) to the 42nd Air Rescue, mission numbers wi" beginwith "42" insteod 0 WARRCond the facility will be known as Western escue. California and Or gon Wings have lust signed a mutual assislonce agree-ment similor to thaI with Nevada. It defines boundaries of normal responsibilityand procedures to be used for joint operations. Our operational c:opobilily olongour northern border should be enhanced b)' this ogre ment.A An important chong has been announced by Notiono I Hecdqocrters con-cerning requirements for oircrews on SARor CD missions. EHectiv immediately,all olrcrew members, mission pilots and mission observers, must be senior m mbersat least 21 years old. The 21 year 0 minimum also applies to Lond Rescue Teamand Surface Teom Leaders. Requirements for other specialties ore unc nged.Underoge members (now holding Mission Pilot r Missi n Observer rotings moyserve 01 the search bose in another capacity until 31 December; after Ihot a searchbose roling will be required. Ground team leaders may still serve as leam me -bers. Bose personnel must check age on eircrews medicals) before making onassignmenl. Upon reaching 21, Minion Pilot ratings may be reinstated with Ihesome requirements as a lale renewol.A eard too often: "I know whot it soys in lhe book, but Joe said thot Harryold him thaI . " Book s are nol perfect and procedures a chonge, bu t correctionsand chonqes in opera 'onal procedures will come from h Wing Depuly for Oper-otions. A no ice 0 all chances ill be puolished in Bear F crs, and urgent changeswill be prec 0 d by formal mdio mffie. Periodically, chonges III be compilednd published as revhions to e in Em rg.:ncy S rv'e s Manual or os writtenpolicy Ie rs and irec ives from Wing 0 erorions , 0her sources of informationshould be used j I coution.A 0ovoid onfusion, Wing is now Issuing seporal I inee cords to thosememb r5 already holding slondard cards who request ne ratinQ5 (bom cords wi IIhave e some um r}, All presently-issued trainee cords 0 1 ' be ren wed foron year. e train e cards will expire one year from the date a issu and willbe renewable only by reapplication.

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    August - September 1970 BEAR FACTS Page 4F E E f J B A C K

    T 00 many messages are passing through our hands which show up ot theirdestinotions with words or punctuation changed or left out. This sometimeschan~ the m aning. Consider the Following:

    Woman withour her man is dangerous.Woman. without her. man is dangerous.When you are copying trcffic , if you are unsure of any port - ask. When

    you are sending traffic, send fills exactly as you said it the first time. Ler'sstrive for accuracy.** Double. dau Ie, toil and troublel Have you heord how many storions areTalking at the some lime 101ely? There ore a Few Iricks 10 avoid Ihis. 1) Theproword "over" is very useful; if you haven't heard ii, il is ' your rurn to tal kyet. 2) If you need to break i 10 a conversalion, wail for the speaker 10 finishbeFore you soy, "Ilreak." Then walt until you ore acknowledged. 3 listenclosely before you speak. During a conversation with another starion, wait oneor Iwo seconds before you repl y.** How's Ihal agoin? deportment: "Your modulation has increased due 10 thedecreased ottenuotion of the propogotion." We think he meont , "You're louder.""Roger! Soyogoi01" Means - 111 Speak Englishl** Too much traffic is being sent Priority when Routine would do. Ask your-self this question before you tock Priority on 0 message: "Would I owoken mycommander at 2 a.m. to give him this piece of troffic." That's the nature ofPriori ty.** The FCC has recentl y announced changes in the use of certain CB channels.Channel 9 is now set aside For emergency communicotions only and on emergencycondilion has been spelled out In detail. All operators of CB equipment shouldbecome familiar with rhe lerest changes to these regulations.** Col iForni0Wing has requested authorization to operote FM on Channel 6,with on increase in power output to 30 w!Jtts. Approval is expected in 6 to 9months. It looks favorable enough that the Communications Section advises unltsto be on the lookour For inexpensive FM equipment Ihal might come available.** A new application form (Cal Form l00RLA) For radio slaHon I icenses hasbeen released by Ihe Wing Communications Sec ion. A procedure explaining indetail tile steps for eampleting Ihis form has been wri tlen and two copies sent toeach uni t commander. Local reproduction of this procedure letter is cuthor izedbut local reproduction of the form 100RLA is NOT authorized and after 1 Nov.1970 all applications for new stolions, modifications, and renewals must e sub-mitted on the form doted 1 January 1970. The new form has been created to pro-vide more rapid processing of appl lcctioos , furthering the professional ism of theCalifornia Wing Cornmunicatiom program.Information on linear amplifiers far CAP radio stations will be in the next issue.

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    August - September 1970 BEAR FACTS Page 5

    CALIFORNIA WING CONFERENCECo IiFaf"nla ing will hold its ninth annual Conference at the Coso RoyaleMo or Inn in Bakersfield, 18-20 September 1970. For those familiar with Bakers-field, th CWoORoyole is Ie recently and very ollr clively remodeled Hacienda

    '" orel. So ers iald was chosen as the conference sile so as to be convenient forthe mCKpeople. alternating ends of the state, yet out of the immediate Los An-geles area for hose comin rom the north. In line with suggestion mode bymembers a t r last year's conference , the general culline for the conference willbe similar, but incorporating minor changes in fonmal which will, it is hoped,improve th effectiveness af the conFerence.

    A brie, general au line 0 the conference follows:Genera I sessionLuncheonSection meetingsAwards benqueChurch serviceSection meetings . Adjourn by noon

    The enerol assembly will provide the opportunity for all attending to heara brief summery of the lorest developments in each section, and to gain a bellerunderstanding of the total progrom. General Ellis has tentatively accepted oninvitation to be the speaker at he awards banquet.

    The Registration Form is available on the DOgeopposite. It should be com-plered end. with yeur check moiled promptly to California Wing Conference atthe address given. Everyone must register. Pre-registration prizes will be award-ed during the luncheon.



    Registration $ 4.50Luncheon $ 4.25Banquet. . $6.50Pre-Registmtion (in eluding Luncheon and Banquet) . $12.50

    The room reservation form is available on the poge opposite. It should becompleted ond, with your check, moiled promptly to C050 Royale Motor Inn.Reservations should be received at the C:lSORoyale on or before 8 September.The first 90 reservation requests will be placed in the Coso Royale, and additionalrequests will be placed at Ihe Royole Palms Motel, about one-quorter of a milefrom the Ccso Royale. These are affilioted Motor Hotels, ond are each verynieely eppelnted. For those who desire to make their own arrangements, thereor several motels nearb from which 10 choose.

    Directions 0 the Caso Royale: Leave the Freeway ot Bruncloge Lone;eos on Brundage lone to Union Street; south on Union Street to the Coso Royole.For those of yo who Iy in, you con lond at either Ilokersf'ield Air Pork or M adows field. The Air Pork "s closer and a continuous shuttle service will bevoilabl from Fri 0)' afternoon. If you choose Meadows, contact Group 14White Bear 123) and transportatIon will be awaiting your arrival.

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    CONFERENCE REG ISTRATIOEnclose check and moil to: California Wing Con erenceP.O. Box 6190

    Burbank, Co Iiforn io 91505Nome Rank- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -City ZIP Unit- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- ---------------


    $ 4.50S 4 . 2 5S 6 . 5 0$ 1 2 . 5 0

    BanquetPre-Registrc tion Package

    My check number , mode to California Wing Canfe renee, is in the-----amount of $----------

    MOTEL RESERVATIONEnclose check and moil to: Coso Royale Motor Inn251 South Union Avenue

    Bakersfield, California 93307am RO lJa lr 'lllo tor JllIf J'H 1 '1 'I $) l%7.Jl~J

    RATE SCHf.D LE AND REQUE T FOR RESERVATIONS1(: .... c . . . . ,i.w0" , ....".." ,." "~U I".

    ", ,ht '" l"tl I

    King 'iz' 8,,11Twin D ubi.. B , t lSuit s,

    "f:!.UIl L1 :U111 Ll

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    " R oom ...I,.,.II,ld,fuu,.,t t "0"', "'I ~"If ...C tou r.v 0111/ II /-'1 II"."

    .1[ , "' /l it / ' S!I1'if1/~ !II It' lIt"HDEII>OIoIT FOR "l N'CHT"'S R_~ , ... "EOUlJnO rOAA~RI'IrII~l8 AFTER' _ . I t ' !

    OR I her.h, ,uuantec hi "h,'. nn,.1


    In r.A.

    Silfnedf'n:F. SHill' flAil

    WI 1.111SI: I'()P L11''.:1'', 1C' l f l~1

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    II SQn:T Knn ~t:F.TISGR OM

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971



    An eight-year CAP member, WO Elwyn ennedy, Son Diego Senior Sq.57, has opened a poth for major surgery for hemophiliac petlenrs , Beeouse theirblood lacks the ability to clot, surgery has been nearly impossible or them. Anew drug, AHG, made surgery possible for "Kenny" and he is now recavering.He is the unit's fiscal officer and is active in CAP communicotiom.However, he witl need a total of 12,000 pint'S of blood during the next

    four months. One unit of AHG tokes three pint$ of whole blood. Kenny is pre-sently receiving 50 units of medicine per day, a requirement which will graduallytoper off.

    If you can danote blood to help replace thot used, have your bloodbonkcredit your donation to Elwyn Kennedy, University Hospitol, Son Diego.RADIO STATION CALL BOOK

    CaliFornio Wing will be making a new compuler run listing all radiostcrlons in the stote. Two l lsts will be available, one by unit a ossignment'and one in olphanumeric order. Cost will be S 1.50 per list. Units orindividuols desiring copies should send a postcard (no money giving name,unit offiliation, and type of list{s) desired to Bear Facts, PO Box 692,Goleta 93017. Lists will be available For delivery at the Wing Conference.REEDPIGMAN SCHOLARSHIP

    Applications for the Reed Pigman Commercial Flight Course Scholarshipmust be received at Co lifornia Wing Headquarters by 7 October. The scholorshipincludes all instruction, quarters, and meals at the flying school at Ardmore,Oklo. Interested male codets should apply through their unit commanders on CAPForm 95. Refer to CAPP 20, Scholarships and Grants, Dec. 69.MT. LAGUNA TOUR

    The third Saturday of each month is group tour doy and 25 CAP membersvisited the 751st Radar Squadron, on Air Defense Command radar site. Mt. 1 . . 0 -gune stands as radar sentinel for the southwestern United Stotes.The tour included an introduction on how the mission of the 751st is accom-plished, including how they track and identify aircraft. Cadets visiting the firestotion found themselves decked out in firefighting gear and holding hose lines

    while the big engine pumped water to them. The security police explained theproblems of such a Facility being in a main tourist oreo .Organized groups who are interested may arrange for a tour by contacting


    In response to a recent survey, the following activities were reported. losAngeles Group 1 hod 19 cadets and 3 seniors tour the ,A ir Force Academy at Kirt-land AFB; classes are being held in observer training, ground rescue, and flightground school. a scholarship has been established for 2 cadets for FAA groundschool. Sq. 90 in Son Francisco ho.s toured 0 new 747, the COOlt Guard Air andRadio Station, and the Son Francisco Airport Tower.

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    August - September 1970 BEAR FACTS Page 7

    HELICOPTER RESCUEBRIEFINGIr you are in a position during a search ml$Sion of re

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    -ge 7-August - September 1970 BEAR. FACTS Page 8CADET NEWSC/Sgt. Joseph Monaghan, Sq. 79-Gp 10, has been appointed to Ihe AirForce Academy 01 Colorado Springs. Special "congralulations" ceremonies wer

    attended by Sgt. Lem Baggie, USAF R . crui ri 1 I. I 1.'2 Crabb , Sq. 79commander; Maj. Allan Wallert, Sq. 79 chaplain, and Capl. Jack Riley, Group10 commander....... A combined cadel marching unit from Squo rons 46, 79, and 133 mode theirfirsl public appearance n .he Watsonville 4th or July porode. Th ir division con-tain d 10 at er m re ing units, nd the ceders merc a away wilh 1st place.The hod IUSI campi led 51 days of security duty for the owder Puff Derby atMonlerey. A $ gue.stsof rhe U.S. oval facility rhere, Ihe bose command torranged for many clesses , i cludng link Iraine ,and ori nlalion lights inNaval oircro

    C Capt. Christ;" Olson, G n. Carie L e Ch nn 1. 1 t Sq. 117, r en I)'started nying lessons under the Zonto-Group < I ighr scholors lp , c/eopt. r InSanford, winn r of Ih mal iwonis-G oup schola hip, will stort his I sson~ soc... New officers of the CWCAC will be install ad ot Ih Ving ConFerence.Elected 01 Ih June council me ting were: Bob Westerman, chairman; DoveMaca, vlce -cl airman; Nara Lashlee, secretory-recorder; and Wolter Alia,pori imentorion ..... Cilsi Lt. Mertin Miller, Santa Mario Sq. 105, and c/TSgI. Jim Luntzelof Morin Counl)' Codel Sq. 137, received word that they were accepted to IheAir Force Academy...... Sq. 137 also received its irst Amelio Earhart Award, presented a Code IClaire Fagley.,... Code teven Formanek, Sq. 55, Gp 3, hod a mernoro Ie June. He vosawarded a special honor for his 01.1 standing citi2enship by the Americ n Legion,receiving a cerri leer ,m dol, a d SSO savings bond; graduated from Mt. MiguelHigh School; comple d the requirements or his Silly Milchell Award; and joinedthe U.S .A.F. 01.1 to his high se re 01 the entra c exorn, he wos given his pre-ference and will attend electronics schoo aner basic training 01 Lcckle d AFS.+ ~ A whirlwind tour a California was given 0 eig I Ne Zealand cade andtheir tv/a es orts and tnr Ja nese c dets and on escort os port a tn Inter-nOlionol Air Codel Excho g prog m. Arriy n9 22 July 01 Travis, the co ets be-gan Iheir tour. Included was a visi to Ie Minuteman on TItan missll controlcenters dl Vandenberg AFS. e group then reported to Los Angeles, where Group13 invited them to see search cperortoos 01 a Group SARCAP. After flying asorlie os observer, the code were presenled with "honorary" observer wings. A15-hour marothon lour of Disneyia d greo Iy Impressed the ceders. Following wasa tour of the NBC focililies; e North American-Rockwell plant. where thecadets sow Apollo and 12, nd the "cleon rooms;" and the Air Museum 01Orange County Airport. The code ~toy wi h e fa Ilies of CAP me bers andwere hosted by Lt. Col. ~vies and Spootz Cadets Steve Ringlee and Mike Tcylee .After leaving CollFornio, they lew 10Washington. D.C., to continue their lour.

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    August - September 1970 BEAR FACTS Page 9Wing Emergency Services Manual

    A revised and expanded edition of the California Wing Emergency Servicesmanual will be publish d and distributed through groups to all units 01 Ihe WingConference. In addition to the personnel information contained In the presentmanual, the new manual contains sections dealing .. ih all aspects of training forand conducting SARand CD missions in California. A few pracedurol chongesoutlined in the manuol will become effective at Wing on 1 October. Manualsshould be distributed and reviewed by all commands immediately after the con-ference.

    Mission Control Officershe Wing Commander has delegated his detailed r sponsibllity for centrolof SAR nd CD missions to a MI5sion Control Ofricer (form rly Alert 0 leer},Th M'ssion Caardinalor arks under the Mission Control Officer. The MissionCon rol OF icer is re onsible for initiating and closing a minion on for select-ing the search bose(s) wilh the ossistance of the group co manders. Selectedoperarlons 51'0 f members serve one-man h shifts, during which they are on 24-hour coil. All mission-related inquiries and problems should be directed 0 theofficer on duty. Scheduled for August: Copt. R. Hermonn, White Sear 19,213-446-6348 or 213-620-1830 ext 355; for September: 1/Lt. B. Gordon,White Bear 44, 805-967-3174 or 805-967-5511 ext 284; for October: Moi. G.Bollinger, White Sear 151,805-943-4278 or 805-272-2878.CDO Agreement

    The CAP-California Di50ster Office C DO) agreement makes possibleCAP participation in civil def~nse and natural disaster missions on 0 basis verysimilar 10 our more familiar SAR missions for the Air Force. Every ttempt hasbeen mode to make SARan COO procedures iden icol. As with SARmissions,participation is permi ed 0 LYa ter a mission number is issued. For CD, thismission number i\ Issued by Wing rother than Western Rescue. Fuel and otherreimbursement comes from tho State instead of fhe USAF. An added emergencyservices specialty, General elper, will permit cadets to participate in CDmissions at age 15. A CD identification card will be required for all participants.Supplies of COO Form 99 hove be n distributed through groups ond current EScord holders must submi t the completed Form 99 and a 1" II I" phoro for the card.

    Communic.Qto~: Are your transmitters secure enough thot you insureonly authorized personnel con use them? Remember tha your own childrenmay be indoctrinated to rne "NO-NO's" but their Friends may not be.

    BEARFACTS tv'ooilingAt he present time, the Beer Facts stoff has no focility for automaticallyadding new members to its ffiCliling Ilst. Whenever a new ember joins your

    unit ond he wishes 10 r ceive 0 copy 0 this newspaper, he should either senda past card or the " h e e of Aoddress" form cente ln d in each issue with therequired information. Send them to the Bear Facts past office box in Goletafor prompt otten 10fl. Be sure 10 keep us informed 0 your currenl address, too.

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    August - September 1970 BEAR FACTS Page 10SAR Stations Now Authorized

    California Wing has just received h FCC license for mobile seorch andrescue sterlens Shortly, mobil l lcenses will be luued to those personnel who,",ove submltteo opplicolio s , Thes stations will ope rote on FAA rodio frequen-cies 122.9 MHz and 123.1 MHz. 122.9 can be used during training mission'authorized by CaliFornia Wtng Headquarters, while 123.1 will be used onlyduring actual (authoriz d) seorch and rescue mission . Stations licensed for t i~service must use FCC type-ace p ed equipment and must be able 10 operat onboth frequencies. Mobile AR srotlons may contact other mobile SAR ,tot ions,fixed SAR stations, OI1d oirctO licensed 10 operet on FAA frequencies. Requestthese lie nses on Form 100RLA ond Indicate "This is on applicolion for SARlicense" on the top of he form. Send Ihrough channels to California WingHeadquort rs , ottention CWC.

    Id a of the mont comes lre Lt. Col. McPh reson, Group 4. Compile aki on a rospoce career guidance and counsel ing for use by unit members. II coassist coders in selecling school courses and ro prepare Ihem for their careers.To ob oin FAA educational publications and order l enks , write to the FAA at800 Independence Ave., S.W .. Washington, D.C. 20553.

    Send your AE news to Ihe Bear Focts , Attention AE.Copt. Edwin Vincent, 20-Y or CAPer, Posses Away

    Copt. Edwin E. incent, Long Beach Squadron 65, possed away at his homein Inglewood lost month. Copt. Vincenl joined CAP in 1950 and held manyassignments, including bose exchange officer , southern district fisccl officer andCol ifornia Wing direct r of materiel. He was owarded the Meritorious ServiceAward for his work throughout the wing. His wife, Major Mildred Vincen ,serves in Squadron 65 as adjutant.Notes fr m Wing

    Lt. Col. Clifton R. Brooks, Sr., has joined the Wing ~taff as ossls antWing medical officer. It.Col. Mieho I Morrison is the new director of sofely.Major Howard Wilde will be handling the oc~ive dulies o r wing chaplain, so ellcorrespondence 10 thet affi ee should be addressed 10 Major Wilde. Wing choplolnLt. Col. Waver has moved to the Palm Springs area, and will continue to servein thor section.

    Rescue Beecons Approved (?)The California Deportment or Aeronautics onnounced approvol of threerescue beacons thet op orentl y m t he state standord$. However, a specielme ting wos held wi th Ih monuf cturers to air some of Ih problems being en-countered. When more stable information becomes oveila le the Beer Facts willlet you know. M anwhll , he Nove ber deodllne for Ins oiling t ese beaconson commerciolly-used clrcrof approoe e! and no word of on extension of timeas ean indicated - and 0 porentl r no beocons hev been "for sur" ap ved.

  • 8/3/2019 Bear Facts - Aug-Sep 1971


    CAP CalendarAUGUST


    Califomia Wing Cadet Encampment, VandenbergAFB.U. S. Notional Soaring Championships, EI MirageNEC, Savannah; Ga.Santa Monico, Calif., to Independence, Ore , ,speed race, sponsored by the Ninty-Nines.


    SEPTEMBER12 Group 11 Cadet Activities Seminar, San Luis

    Obispo18-20 California Wing Conference, Bakersfield18-20 Reno-Stead, Nev., National Championship Air


    '9-10 NEC, Washington, D. C.NOVEMBER

    28 Group 11 "Dining-In" to commemorate the 29thanniversary of Civil Air Patrol

    OiAHHEL 5 RADIO HET SOtEDULEObstuVe radio silence during othln' wings' net times.

    7:00 AM - CALIF. WING GRP 118:30 AM - CALIF. WING5:30 PM CALIF. WI G GRP 56:00 PM - WASH. WING

    6:30PM - CAUF. WING CADET7:00 PM - ORE. WING7:30 PM - NEV. WING