Bébé Gourmet

Post on 18-Apr-2015

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100 French-Inspired Baby Food Recipes for Raising an Adventurous Eater


100 French-Inspired Baby Food Recipes for Raising

an Adventurous Eater

with contributions by Dr. Jean Lalau Keraly

Delicious anD

healthy meals for

4 months

and up

“Bébé Gourmet puts the ‘food’ back

in baby food.” —Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards

Bébé Gourmet

Jenny Carenco

Move over mashed carrots and peas: It’s time to put the “food” back in baby food. From Pumpkin Purée with

Cumin to Carrot Zucchini Galettes, mother and French baby food entrepreneur Jenny Carenco delivers 100 enticing recipes that will introduce baby to new flavors, ingredients, and textures from the first spoonful. The French teach their children to appreciate what many think of as “adult” flavors right from their first year. Carenco’s dishes are inspired by culinary traditions from France and abroad and are organized by age and stage, from 4 months up to 3 years. Each recipe takes under 30 minutes to prepare, and many less than 15—perfect for today’s busy parents who want to awaken their baby’s taste buds and encourage healthy eating habits. Along with “Yummy Tips” on simple substitutions and how to adapt recipes for the whole family, Bébé Gourmet offers satisfying, homemade meals while giving parents peace of mind about nutrition. By gradually introducing natural ingredients and seasonings, they’ll be taking the first step in raising adventurous eaters for life.

For every parent eager to continue to learn how the French raise their children, here is the cookbook on how

they can feed their own petits—the French way

About the AuthorCartier Women’s Initiative Award winner JEnnY CArEnCo is the founder of Les Menus Bébé, the leading French brand of tasteful, high quality, and 100% natural frozen baby food. Her baby food cookbooks have collectively been translated into five languages. She is a mother of two and graduate of the prestigious MBA program at HEC, France’s premier business school.

1. It’s just too good when it’s homemade

2. With 10,000 awakening taste buds, bébé will quickly become

bored with boiled squash3. Eating natural makes life

more beautiful4. Oh, how it pleases my wallet5. One, two, three, and it’s ready

in a snap

5 r E A S o n S T o C o o k F o r B é B é

French Green Bean Purée (purée de haricots verts)

Makes five 3.5-ounce

(100 g) servings

1 pound (500 g) French green beans, fresh or frozen

1 teaspoon olive oil

1. Trim the ends of the green beans if you are using fresh ones.2. In a saucepan, cover the beans halfway with water, bring to a boil, and cook uncovered for 10 minutes. There should be just under 2 tablespoons of water left in the pan.3. Blend the green beans with the remaining cooking water and the olive oil.

Yummy Tips You can also make this purée by replacing half the green beans with green peas. The result will be slightly creamier and sweeter than the original recipe. For a taste of summer, add two fresh basil leaves before blending either version of this recipe.

F I r S T P u r é E S

page 4

4 months+

10m 15m

10m 15m

10m 15m

Makes five 3.5-ounce (100 g) servings

1 pound (500 g) pumpkin2 tart-sweet apples (Golden Delicious,

Granny Smith)1 large fingerling potato

2 drops lemon juice2/3 tablespoon butter

1. Wash and peel the pumpkin, apples, and potato, deseed the pumpkin, and cut them all into small cubes.2. In a saucepan, cover the cubes with water, bring to a boil, and cook for 15 minutes. Drain.3. Mix with the butter and lemon juice for a smooth purée.

Mashed Pumpkin and Apple (purée de potiron et de pommes)

F I r S T L u n C H E S

Makes five 3.5-ounce (100 g) servings

1½ pounds (750 g) pumpkin1 large fingerling potato

(or similar variety) 2/3 tablespoon butter

2 to 3 drops of lemon juice½ to 1 teaspoon ground cumin, to taste

1. Wash and peel the pumpkin and potato, deseed the pumpkin, and cut them both into small cubes. 2. In a saucepan, cover the cubes with water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Drain.3. Blend the vegetables with the butter, lemon juice, and cumin for a smooth purée.

Pumpkin Purée with Cumin(purée de potiron au cumin)

F I r S T L u n C H E S

6 months+

page 5

10m 15m

Makes five 3.5-ounce

(100 g) servings

3 small zucchini, about ½ pound (180 g)

6 large tomatoes, about ½ pound (200 g)

½ pound (200 g) eggplant, cut in medium slices and then chopped

2 teaspoons shallot, finely chopped½ clove garlic, chopped

1 tablespoon tomato paste2 teaspoons olive oil

1 small pinch of dried thyme

1. Wash the vegetables and cut them into medium-sized cubes.2. In a heavy saucepan, heat the oil and sauté the garlic and shallots until golden. Add the vegetables, tomato paste, and thyme. Add ½ cup water and bring to a boil. reduce the heat, cover, and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.3. remove from the heat and blend to obtain a coarse texture.

Yummy TipsIf you want a luxurious take on this recipe, try using cherry tomatoes. Add them whole so they release their juices slowly and don’t overcook.


page 6

F I r S T D I n n E r S

9 months+

Makes five 4-ounce

(120 g) servings

3 ounces (100 g) rump/chuck roast or other slow-cooking beef

½ onion, finely chopped4 carrots

2 zucchini4 large tomatoes

2 slices of bacon or dry ham1 tablespoon tomato paste

½ teaspoon dried thyme1 bay leaf

Pepper to taste

1. Wash the vegetables and peel the carrots. Cut the carrots and zucchini into rounds and the tomatoes into quarters. Cut the beef into small pieces.2. In a heavy saucepan, heat the olive oil. Brown the beef pieces on all sides. Add the onions and bacon (or ham) and continue to cook for 1 minute without browning too much.3. Add the vegetables, tomato paste, thyme, and pepper and cover halfway with water. Cover and simmer over low heat for 25 minutes.4. remove from the heat, remove the bay leaf, and blend until coarsely chopped.

Serving Suggestion:This bourguignon is delicious served with old-fashioned mashed potatoes.

Yummy TipsTo top off this dish, I serve it

with caramelized chestnuts (my daughter Maya’s

favorite). Super easy to prepare! Buy

vacuum-packed chestnuts. In a skillet, melt a pat of butter over low heat and gently sauté the chestnuts with a bit more than

a pinch of cane sugar (or

white sugar if that’s all you have).

Turn the chestnuts constantly, until

the sugar melts and the chestnuts are good and hot.

Baby Beef Bourguignon(bœuf bourguignon spécial bébé)

page 7

“ B I G k I D ” L u n C H E S

10m 15m

12 months+

frederic lucano

Librarians & Teachers Michael Rockliff212.614.7572mrockliff@workman.com

Ordering infOrmaTiOn The Experiment’s books are distributed in the United States by Workman Publishing Company: 800.722.7202

And in Canada by Thomas Allen & Son Ltd.:800.387.4333

PubLicaTiOn daTe

February 12, 2013

markeTing & PubLiciTy

Parenting/family/food media and print features

Tie-in to parenting and education news

Internet/blog campaign targeting parenting, family, and food coverage

Print and online advertising and social network promotions


Trade Paperback Originalwith plastic slip caseColor photographs throughout by Fréderic Lucano978-1-61519-070-6 | No. 7790707 5/8” x 9 5/8” | 192 pages$18.95 U.S. | $22.55 Can.

media & bOOksTOres

Jack Palmer 212.889.1659 ext. 14 jack@theexperimentpublishing.com

The experimenT ▪ new YorkBecause everY Book is a TesT of new ideas


Say “miam-miam”!*

*that’s French for “yummy”