Post on 21-Jul-2016

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"ME, MYSELF AND I" Imagine you're stranded on a desert island, what ar e the 3 things you've got with you?

Haha!!! I couldn't live without my family, MUSIC and Carmex! How old are you! I'm OMG... 30 years old! How tall are you? I'm just 5 feet 5 inches tall (1,65 m). Do you have any siblings? I have a younger brother (26 years old). What are you main characteristics? I'm a perfectionist! Making my hubby mad when

shooting #ootd's! I'm stubborn focussed! When I have something on my mind I make everything to reach that goal or to get it! No matter how hard I have to work for it... If you could meet any famous person you wanted, who would it be? Definitely Karl Lagerfeld! Do you live by the ocean? Unfortunately not! So sad about it.... If you could go back in time to any event, what wou ld it be? I guess I would go back to my wedding ceremony, so emotional! As far as questions go, what was your favourite toy as a kid? As a little girl I've ripped out the hair from my dolls - guess they were my fave toys! :-D (Don't know what hit me, haha... maybe they looked too girly or pretty for me and I wanted to look them like boys?!). Do you play any instruments? I can play piano! If I have some time I enjoy playing for myself. What accomplishment are you most proud of? I'm proud to call myself B. A. Professional of Trade and Commerce. More than that I'm proud of giving birth to my son.

What is your favourite movie to watch? Lost in Translation with Scarlett Johansson. Which diet do you prefer? I love the Italian, Chinese and Mexican food! Soooo yummy!!! And I love everything with ananas, such as toast hawai or Hawaii pizza... you mean it! Winter, Summer, Spring or Fall?

Birthday and lots of layering! Fall! Best season ever! FACT: I'm afraid of the deep sea. Don't like to swi m too far... The water depth makes me always think about the legend of Loch Ness (haha...) sharks!

"WE' RE FAMILY " Your life must be busy with a kid, how do you manag e everything? Oh Gosh! Let me tell you: It's no picnic! With the birth of our son I've had to change the order of priorities, sometimes it works and sometimes not! After almost 18 months my hubby and I are still working on that! While the baby is sleeping I'm using the free time to the fullest - such as for blogging! ;) Basically have to admit: I simply couldn't do it without the support of my hubby and our parents! Is there a chance to see your son on the blog one d ay?

Well, maybe one day (from the back)! ;) I LOVE to see the kids of bloggers online! But that's not my thing! The cyber world can be really cruel sometimes you know! What do you think of posing with your husband on th e pics? Haha! He wouldn't like this idea... Although he is more photogenic than me!! :) But I'm already planning a little editorial with my love! How have you met your hubby? For how long are you t ogether? My little brother introduce us to each other 9 years ago. After 8 moths of dating we've moved

together! Three years later we've got married and in 2013 our son Lavon was born! FACT: My little family and I have our breakfast jus t on weekends together - so every start of the week I always looking forward to the end of the week.

"YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL " What are doing to stay healthy and fit?

I LOVE dancing! I was doing Zumba and still do some work out for the belly and

legs once a week. Furthermore smoothies are something I could drink everyday - great for the immune system! What is that your natural hair color? My natural hair color is ash blonde! I was completely blonde but didn't like it on me! FACT: I have to wear glasses when driving a car by night. Fake nails or fake hair? Haha, none of them! But when I have to choose - extensions for a special occasion would be great. Lip stick or smokey eyes?

I have more eye shadows then lip sticks. So, I would go for smokey eyes. Do you following a special beauty routine? I don't have a certain routine: I'm doing a peeling for my face and body every now and then! Guess the body scrub glove and my body lotion are kind of my beauty routine! Haha!


A fun question for you: If you could only wear one brand for the rest of yo ur life, what would it be?

It would be definitely Helmut Lang: This brand was founded in 1986 (even before Alexander Wang's)! Since they work for every occasion

and any kind of style, I would wear everything of Lang's minimalistic

collection day by day and literally live in his timeless designs for the rest of my life! Basic autumn piece?

A coat is a great basic investment for autumn (and winter). If it gets colder wear a jumper underneath or just a tee on warmer and you're ready to go! That's why I'm so obsessed by them btw...

At the university you dress...?

Simple and pretty casual! What was your first fashion book ? The Misshapes! A New York City-based creative collective composed of DJs Leigh Lezark, Geordon Nicol, and Greg Krelenstein. What is your favourite brand of clothing? Well, that's a good question since there is such a big choice out there. I really like simple and minimalistic lines with a kind of edge. So I would choose Designer's such as Alexander Wang and Helmut Lang or high street brands like Zara and Esprit.

What is fashion for you about? I think it's an amazing way of self realization in a creative way. It doesn't have to be always expensive! As long as it works with your style everything is all right! Nevertheless it's all about the details and simplicity! At least for me! I think to invest in long lasting fabrics like leather for example is a must! Leather shoes and a leather bag are great pieces for a very long time.

FACT: I'm obsessed with faux fur and outerwear!

FACT: When I was in High School I've used to wear b aggy jeans. That's why I tend to wear boyfriend denim most of the time on the blog. Hope you don't mind... :)

"JENNY FROM THE BLOCK " "IRA FROM THE BLOG " Why did you start blogging?

I've always wanted to create a kind of journal for my collection of clothes about my sense of style and of things which inspire me. It's awesome that there are people out there who like my blog and find it worth visiting! CRAZY! When did you start blogging? The very first post of JOURNAL OF STYLE was live on July 2014. I had intended to blog in 2010 but hesitated somehow.... ;) Why do you love to blog? When everything else seems to be just about diapers and babies, it is a really nice change! What do you like to blog about the most? Mostly I like to blog what inspires me: art, architecture or interesting people etc.! When I'm working on these posts I'm totally fulfilled with new inspirations and ideas, not only outfit wise. What made you want to start blogging?

Well, nobody of our friends is so much into fashion than me! ;-) So I've created this little online place of mine to bring my thoughts and inspiration live into life! Not matter if fashion, art or people who inspire me - be it a misfit or a jet set lady! Furthermore I love to communicate with fellow bloggers who share the same

passion and interests like me! I'm so happy to live in a digital era where anything is possible and I can discuss with people from all over the globe about the

beautiful things of life! How did you came up with your blog name: "JOURNAL O F STYLE"?

At the age of 16 I've bought my first fashion magazine - an old issue of InSTYLE from a flea market! From then on I was hooked by the content of this JOURNAL: arranged looks, beauty tips, designer campaigns and all the beautiful and inspiring people! Out of the wordplay I've established my well known blogger name! ;) Why you blogging?

My blog reflects ME. Though I'm still learning about this whole blogosphere I like the idea of sharing your personal style and inspiration with other people who has the same interest. I guess to own a blog was a quite obvious platform for that.

How many hours do you spend on working on your blog ? Oh my, too many! Haha! I'm moderating the pending comments on DISQUS on a regular basis trying to answer to all of your wonderful comments! (Thanks guys btw! You're THE BEST!) Furthermore I leave comments on other blogs to keep with them in touch! ;) On weekends my hubby takes the photos of my #ootd's! So I can edit them on Sunday or during the week while other posts are live! You see, it takes a looot of time to run a blog! Twitter or Instagram? Instagram! How many follower you have? Facebok: 57, Bloglovin: 141, Twitter: 52, Pinterest: 172, Instagram: 1220 And I'm thankful for each of them! Thank you guys at that point for liking that blog! So if you like what you see please feel free to follow me on the mentioned media! Which fashion vip blogger do you prefer? That's hard to anwer! There are so many great female blogger out there! I really have respect for the work of Angelica Blick. She is running her business so well! Who takes your photographs? My husband is my photographer aka "PAPArazzo". ;-) A perfect fashion blog needs...? Your PERSONAL view on things, either on fashion, books or make up. People want to know what YOU think, not anybody else..., no matter what, it should be YOU. What's the most interesting thing for you on other blogs? I would lie, if I would say I don't care about the outfits and styles of other bloggers nevertheless it's interesting to see how other people see fashion, how they are living and what is inspiring to them. What do you look after when your on the website of other bloggers? That's a hard one! I love to check my fellow blogger's instas and what they've been up to lately. Every now and then it's also interesting to watch how trends slowly reach every blog and how they've been implemented. Photoshop or Lightroom? Photoshop! Nikon or Canon? NIKON! Which camera do you have? I'm using the Nikon D5100 (with 18-55mm VR lens). Pretty satisfied with it!

What's your favourite objective to take shoots for the blog? As mentioned before I have the standard kit. Hope to get my hands on Sigma or Tamron one day! Till then I like mine so far! What's the most important thing on your blog for yo u? Sounds maybe cheesy, but BE ME is the most important thing for me. After all, my visitors visit my blog because of ME. Everything else they can find on pinterest, instagram, tumblr and such... but a personal fashion blog is, in my opinion, just your personal view on things which surround you. Which was your first blog to follow!

The very first blog I get to know was: Le Blog de Betty by Betty Autier!

After this one I found Rumi Neely from Fashion Toast, Karla Deras from

Karla's Closet and Le Flassh by Dajana Mesovic... etc.!



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