Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink9.5.0

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Best Practices : Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0 Knowledge Center Document

Tammy McMahon January 28, 2005

Great Minds Working Together™

Best Practices : Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0 ............................................................................ i Knowledge Center Document........................................................................................................ i Contents.......................................................................................................................................... ii Audience and Major Topics of this document ............................................................................. i Suggested order of upgrading ..................................................................................................... ii Web Servers versus Web Application Servers .......................................................................... iii

Web Servers: IIS 5.0, 6.0 and Sun One (Netscape) .................................................................iii These are supported in Livelink 9.5.0, however, if you want to take advantage of the

new “My Home” page under the Personal Global menu, then you will at least need to configure TomCat to serve up that page. Your existing Web Server can serve up the rest of Livelink. ...............................................................................................iii

Web Application Servers: Apache TomCat, WebLogic and WebSphere..................................iii The Future .................................................................................................................................iii Apache Tomcat redirect on port 80 with IIS...............................................................................iv Suggestions for

Changing the database from Latin 1 to UTF-8 or to some other special character setting (FUTURE) ................................................................................................................. vii

Localization and UTF-8 Support in Livelink 9.5.0 ....................................................................... 1 Latin 1 or ASCII Livelink ............................................................................................................ 1 Previous versions of Livelink (9.2.0 Sp1 and earlier) have used the Latin 1 or ASCII

encoding format for characters. This format uses seven bits plus one error bit (equaling one byte) to represent one character. It works well for the Roman alphabet and Western languages. ...................................................................................... 1

UTF-8 Character Set support benefits for Livelink .................................................................... 1 What’s new in Livelink 9.5 with Localization and UTF-8 ........................................................... 2

What is the upgrade path UTF-8 Support in Livelink 9.5.0? ...................................................... 3 English ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Japanese ................................................................................................................................... 3 French........................................................................................................................................ 3 German...................................................................................................................................... 3 Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 3

Search Support for Livelink 9.5 UTF-8......................................................................................... 5 Other issues to consider once you have done the upgrade of the Livelink software

to 9.5 and the database schema upgrade to 9.5 ............................................................... 17 Modules......................................................................................................................................... 18 Actual Platforms Tested .............................................................................................................. 21

Best Practices : Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Audience and Major Topics of this document

The prospective audience for this document is the Livelink administrator, the database administrator, and the IT network administrator or firewall administrator.

The contents of this document contain a suggested and recommended order of upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0 from an older version of Livelink. There is a lengthy discussion about web application servers versus web servers, some references to conversion to UTF-8 character encoding, some miscellaneous issues with upgrading, and what modules to upgrade if you upgrade Livelink. It is recommended that you read the entire document first before attempting an upgrade. In addition there are several other documents that are supplementary to this one, including the Release notes for Livelink, the installation and upgrade guide, and the module matrix. All of these can be found on the Open Text Knowledge Center. (

Best Practices : Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Suggested order of upgrading

An accepted guideline for upgrading most enterprise software follows the principles of using one variable at a time. That guideline can be applied to Livelink as well. If you have problems after changing more than one component, how can you determine which component is the one at fault? The best plan for upgrading is to isolate one variable at a time to ensure that you will have a direction to investigate if there are problems with the upgrade.

The following instructions are a recommendation from Open Text on how to get your existing Livelink architecture and environment up-to-date and upgraded to Livelink 9.5.0. There are numerous options and configurations for Livelink that bear further explanation. In addition, Open Text will provide some advice about what the roadmap for Livelink and the technologies and software it depends on to run correctly and efficiently. This information should allow you to choose the best upgrade path for your company and your Livelink installation.

Another recommendation that will be assumed throughout the rest of this document is that you conduct a test upgrade on a copy of your database in a duplicate environment of your production set-up.

In general, we recommend that you upgrade the components in the following order each one separately over time

1. upgrade to a web application server from a web server

2. upgrade your underlying database to UTF-8 or some character code from Latin 1, if needed given your Livelink user audience and their respective languages (This has upgrade has not been tested. Once the testing is done, this document will be updated to reflect any new information found during testing. Any reference to this part of the upgrade will be noted with FUTURE.)

3. upgrade Livelink (which includes upgrading the Livelink schema)

As you can see, the first two steps can be done before you upgrade Livelink. The separate steps of upgrading components can eliminate having more than one variable any one point in time.

The remainder of this document will elaborate on each of the steps listed above.

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Web Servers versus Web Application Servers

There is a technology trend towards adopting web application servers to replace web servers.

Some definitions:

A Web server, in general, sends Web pages to browsers as its primary function. Most Web servers also process input from users, format data, provide security, and perform other tasks. The majority of a Web server’s work is to execute HTML or scripting such as Perl, JavaScript, or VBScript.

In general, a web application server prepares material for the Web server -- for example, gathering data from databases, applying business rules, processing security clearances, or storing the state of a user’s session. In some respects the term application server is misleading since the functionality isn’t limited to applications. Its role is more as an aggregator and manager for data and processes used by anything running on a Web server. In fact, in the coming age of Web services, application servers will probably have an even more important role in managing service components.

Web Servers: IIS 5.0, 6.0 and Sun One (Netscape)

These are supported in Livelink 9.5.0, however, if you want to take advantage of the new “My Home” page under the Personal Global menu, then you will at least need to configure TomCat to serve up that page. Your existing Web Server can serve up the rest of Livelink.

Web Application Servers: Apache TomCat, WebLogic and WebSphere

The configuration differs for each of these options. You can choose to use each of these to serve up all of Livelink, or you can continue to use IIS or Sun One for most of Livelink, and then use a re-director with Apache for the MyHome page functionality.

The Future

• The future of Web Servers is uncertain

• Security reasons; Fewer open ports in the firewall for a Web Application Server

• Performance is slower with a web server

• The Java modules features require a web application server. There will be more Java modules features in the next release. It’s more time consuming to have both a web server and a web application server., so it makes sense to migrate all of Livelink to a web application server

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Apache Tomcat redirect on port 80 with IIS

When you want to keep IIS and just use TomCat for the My Home page, you can follow the directions listed below.

Installation help

When you will be prompted for the web application URL port when you install TomCat, given this scenario of IIS and Tomcat residing on the same machine set the web application url to port 8080.


Once Tomcat has been installed to port 8080 along with the web application URL the next step is to configure the ISAPI Redirector so that both Tomcat and IIS can utilize port 80 traffic.

1. Create a win32 and i386 directories within the bin directory

- %Tomcat_Home%\bin\win32\i386

2. Download the isapi_redirector2.dll version 2.0.4 from the Jakarta website. NOTE: If that is not available on the Jakarta website, Open Text will test the newest version. FUTURE

o unzip the file and add the isapi_redirector2.dll to the %Tomcat_Home%\bin\win32\i386 directory

3. Create a ‘jarkarta’ virtual directory from within IIS for the website running port 80.

o point the virtual directory to %Tomcat_Home%\bin\win32\i386

o assign Read and Execute permissions

4. Add the isapi_redirector2.dll to the ISAPI Filters section of the website in use.

o right click the web site and select properties

o select the ISAPI Filters tab, click add and select the isapi_redirector2.dll file from the %Tomcat_Home%\bin\win32\i386 directory

o restart the IIS services, then check to see that the filter just installed is displaying a green upwards arrow

5. Create the following registry entries under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\

o The following entries may vary given different implementations

Best Practices : Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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o [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\2.0]

o "log_file"="D:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 5.0\\logs\\mod_jk_iis.log"

o "log_level"="debug"

o "workersFile"="D:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 5.0\\conf\\"

o "extensionUri"="/jakarta/isapi_redirector2.dll"

o "serverRoot"="D:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 5.0\\

6. Create the file and place in the %Tomcat_Home%\conf directory.

o Below is an example of the file [shm] info=Scoreboard. Requried for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess servers. file=anon # Defines a load balancer named lb. Use even if you only have one machine. [lb:lb] # Example socket channel, override port and host. [channel.socket:localhost:8009] port=8009 host= # define the worker [ajp13:localhost:8009] channel=channel.socket:localhost:8009 group=lb # Map the Tomcat examples webapp to the Web server uri space [uri:/examples/*] group=lb [status:] info=Status worker, displays runtime information [uri:/jkstatus/*] info=The Tomcat /jkstatus handler group=status: [uri:/servlets-examples/*] [uri:/iisora1000/*]

7) Restart IIS and Tomcat services, then check to see that the Jakarta filter just installed is displaying a green upwards arrow

Test configuration

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To test the configuration, copy the %Tomcat_Home%\webapps\jsp-examples directory to the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot. Then select *.jsp and delete all the entries found. Next open up a browser and type in the following:

1) http://localhost:8080/jsp-examples/dates/date.jsp - Tests Tomcat

2) http://localhost/jsp-examples/dates/date.jsp - Tests IIS to ensure that the ISAPI redirect is working correctly.

Ultimately what is happening with the second test above is that the request is posted through port 80, the request is then redirected to Tomcat to compile the jsp file and sent back through port 80 to the browser.

If you receive errors such as the ‘servlet container was busy or currently being upgraded’ then the configuration of the above information is incorrect.

Now that the ISAPI redirector is working you should be able to access the My Home page at http://locahost/livelink/myhome.jsp instead of http://locahost:8080/livelink/m home.jsp.

Suggestions for upgrading

You can upgrade to any web application server from any of the web servers and just switch Livelink over quickly by stopping the web server and starting the web application server.

This is an easy turn on and off situation

Options are:

1) Do not use the My Home page (turn it off on the admin.index page) and stay with your current Web Server configuration.

2) Use the IIS redirector from Jakarta to have IIS serve up most of the Livelink pages and then TomCat just serves up the My Home page. There is also a redirector for Sun One web server available on the web as well.

3) Convert entirely to a web application server like Apache, WebLogic or WebSphere.

Best Practices : Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Changing the database from Latin 1 to UTF-8 or to some other special character setting (FUTURE)

The next recommended step is to upgrade your database to UTF-8. If you do not have international Livelink users who post non-English documents and want to post non-English meta data, perhaps you do not want to change the encoding format for Livelink. This decision should be based on the Livelink users’ needs. However, some features like a text pad document will not accept UTF-8 characters.

If you decide to change to UTF-8, this choice is made when you chose which Livelink install shield to use. Once you install and upgrade your Livelink schema, it’s been changed for good.

You can convert an Oracle database to UTF-8 while still using Livelink 9.2.x, but Livelink will not be able to take full advantage of it at that point in time. There is no equivalent step with MS SQL Server.

Refer to the extensive technical note on Livelink and database conversions on the Open Text Knowledge Center for more details on this procedure.

The next section will describe what UTF-8 is and provide some guidance on whether or not you need it.

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Localization and UTF-8 Support in Livelink 9.5.0

Latin 1 or ASCII Livelink

Previous versions of Livelink (9.2.0 Sp1 and earlier) have used the Extended ASCII encoding format for characters for English, French and German. This format uses eight bits (equaling one byte) to provide 256 code points (0x00 – 0x7F). It works well for the Roman alphabet and Western languages. Japanese Livelink used Shift-JIS encoding.

UTF-8 Character Set support benefits for Livelink

Livelink Enterprise Server 9.5 supports UTF-8, which is Unicode (or UCS) Transformation Format, 8-bit encoding form. UTF-8 is the Unicode Transformation Format that serializes a Unicode scalar value (code point) as a sequence of one to four bytes. That technical definition may seem trivial, but it allows Livelink to manipulate date in non-Western languages. Livelink 9.2.0 Sp1 and earlier versions supported ASCII or Latin1 or Shift-JIS encoding. For another definition:

Figure: Store content in multiple languages in a single repository

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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UTF-8 also makes it possible to represent text, metadata, and documents in many languages, from English to Greek or Russian, and Japanese to Korean—all in a single encoding.

• Store content and metadata in any language in a single Livelink Enterprise Server installation.

• Users around the world can store and manage content in their own specific languages, all contributing content to the same instance of Livelink Enterprise Server.

• The ability to encode characters in multiple formats and languages fosters a stronger knowledge-sharing culture, and increased ease of managing information throughout the world contributes to a lower total cost of ownership.

What’s new in Livelink 9.5 with Localization and UTF-8

• Locale-specific files are completely separated from the internal code

• XDB files are still supported, but the new method is to use properties files

• Properties files are organized to allow for new locales to be “Language-Overlayed” onto an existing Livelink installation

• Properties files follow the SUN Microsystems standards

The language argument is a valid ISO Language Code. These codes are the lower-case, two-letter codes as defined by ISO-639. You can find a full list of these codes at a number of sites, such as:

The country argument is a valid ISO Country Code. These codes are the upper-case, two-letter codes as defined by ISO-3166. You can find a full list of these codes at a number of sites, such as:

• A few language specific settings exist in the opentext.ini file

• UTF-8

• All metadata, data and interface elements are now represented in UTF-8

• Allows a single instance of Livelink to hold multiple character sets

• Support by XML Import/Export

• Certified support of Japanese, French, German, English (other languages can and may be developed by third party partners)

• Database UTF-8 support

• Oracle

• MS SQL has no native UTF-8 support, but data is stored in MS SQL UCS-2 (16 bit Unicode) encoding. When Livelink connects to MS SQL Server, Livelink has translation layer that converts data from UCS-2 to UTF-8 when being read from the database, and from UTF-8 to UCS-2 when being written to the database.

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What is the upgrade path UTF-8 Support in Livelink 9.5.0?


Livelink 9.1.0 SP4 English and Livelink 9.2.0 SP1 English (Latin 1) Livelink 9.5.0 (Latin 1)

Livelink 9.1.0 SP4 English and Livelink 9.2.0 SP1 English (Latin 1) Livelink 9.5.0 (UTF-8) plus conversion utility (not yet released by Open Text)


Livelink 9.2.0 SP1 Japanese (Shift-JIS) Livelink 9.5.0 (UTF-8) Japanese plus conversion utility (not yet released by Open Text), plus Japanese language overlay.

There is also a custom database script in addition to the conversion utility.

Note: There is no Livelink 9.5.0 (Shift-JIS) Japanese version. However, some added benefits for Japanese UTF-8 are support for Project templates and XML Import/Export.


Livelink 9.1.0 SP4 French and Livelink 9.2.0 SP1 French (Latin 1) Livelink 9.5.0 French (Latin 1)

Livelink 9.1.0 SP4 French and Livelink 9.2.0 SP1 French (Latin 1) Livelink 9.5.0 (UTF-8) plus conversion utility (not yet released by Open Text), plus French language overlay


Livelink 9.1.0 SP4 German and Livelink 9.2.0 SP1 German (Latin 1) Livelink 9.5.0 German (Latin 1)

Livelink 9.1.0 SP4 German and Livelink 9.2.0 SP1 German (Latin 1) Livelink 9.5.0 (UTF-8) plus conversion utility (not yet released by Open Text), plus German language overlay.


• Livelink modules will need to be upgraded in the same path as core Livelink.

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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• New installations do not need to use any conversion utility. The underlying databases can be set to UTF8 for Oracle before creating the Livelink database. A better choice for Oracle would be AL32UTF8.

• A Language overlay is a specific install shield. It can be applied to an existing English (UTF-8) Livelink installation. The opentext.ini files are in English (despite being part of a non-English language overlay- but it should still be considered a binary file) and contain a few specific language-based settings.

• If you have Oracle and your block size is set to 4, it might be too small and some of the indexes needed might not be created, such as the one for the recommender tables. Increase the block size to 8 in order to fix that.

• For Oracle: When the NLS_LANG Character Set is UTF8 or AL32UTF8 in OCI You can use UTF8 and AL32UTF8 by setting NLS_LANG for OCI client applications. If you do not need supplementary characters, then it does not matter whether you choose UTF8 or AL32UTF8. However, if your OCI applications might handle supplementary characters, then you need to make a decision. Because UTF8 can require up to four bytes for each character, one supplementary character is represented in two code points, totalling six bytes. In AL32UTF8, one supplementary character is represented in one code point, totalling four bytes.

• Do not set NLS_LANG to AL16UTF16, because AL16UTF16 is the national character set for the server. If you need to use UTF-16, then you should specify the client character set to OCI_UTF16ID, using the OCIAttrSet() function when binding or defining data.

• The opentext.ini file will show the NLS Lang setting to be UTF-8 regardless if you pick UTF8 (Unicode 3.0) or AL32UTF8 for your Oracle database character setting. Livelink just needs to note that it’s UTF8 and will not pick up that database from Oracle if it’s set to AL32UTF8.

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Search Support for Livelink 9.5 UTF-8

This section provides a list of what SEARCH features are supported with each language.










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Arabic ISO 8859-6, Windows Code Page 1256

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Quality may improve with better key phrase extraction

No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Quality of ratings may improve with better key phrase extraction

Yes Quality may improve with better key phrase extraction

Yes Quality may improve with better tokenization

Yes Quality may improve with better tokenization

Yes Per character


LL may not render text correctly right-to-left. LL does not render text right-justisfied. Features supported


Simplified Windows Code Page 936 (GB)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Quality may improve with better key phrase extraction

No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Quality of ratings may improve with better key phrase extraction

Yes Quality may improve with better key phrase extraction

Yes Quality may improve with better tokenization

Yes Quality may improve with better tokenization

Yes Per character


Features supported

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Traditional Windows Code Page 950 (Big5)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Quality may improve with better key phrase extraction

No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Quality of ratings may improve with better key phrase extraction

Yes Quality may improve with better key phrase extraction

Yes Quality may improve with better tokenization

Yes Quality may improve with better tokenization

Yes Per character


Features supported

Greek ISO 8859-7, Windows Code Page 1253

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Japanese Windows Code Page 932 (Shift-JIS)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Quality may improve with better key phrase extraction

No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Quality of ratings may improve with better key phrase extraction

Yes Quality may improve with better key phrase extraction

Yes Quality may improve with better tokenization

Yes Quality may improve with better tokenization

Yes Per character


Standard product. Query terms are not normalized. Features are certified.

Korean Windows Code Page 949

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Quality may improve with better key phrase extraction

No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Quality of ratings may improve with better key phrase extraction

Yes Quality may improve with better key phrase extraction

Yes Quality may improve with better tokenization

Yes Quality may improve with better tokenization

Yes Per character


Features supported

Yiddish ISO 8859-8, Windows Code Page 1255

Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need key phrase extraction to implement

No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



No Need key phrase extraction to implement

No Need key phrase extraction to implement

No Not implemented due to lack of knowledge of the language.

No Not implemented due to lack of knowledge of the language.

Yes Per character


Features supported

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Bulgarian ISO 8859-5, Windows Codpe Page 1251

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Byelorussian ISO 8859-5, Windows Codpe Page 1251

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Macedonian ISO 8859-5, Windows Codpe Page 1251

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Russian ISO 8859-5, Windows Codpe Page 1251

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Serbian ISO 8859-5, Windows Codpe Page 1251

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Thai ISO 8859-11, Widnows Code Page 874

Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need key phrase extraction to implement

No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



No Need key phrase extraction to implement

No Need key phrase extraction to implement

No Not implemented due to lack of knowledge of the language.

No Not implemented due to lack of knowledge of the language.

Yes Per character


Features supported

Latin-0, Latin-1, Latin-9 (Western European)

Afrikaans ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Albanian ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Basque ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No-Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Catalan ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

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Danish ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Dutch ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

English ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Standard product. Features are certified.

Faroese ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Finnish ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

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French ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Standard product. Features are certified.

Galician ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

German ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Standard product. Features are certified.

Icelandic ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Irish ISO 8859-1,ISO 8859-15Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NoNeed language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes YesWhite-space delimited


Features supported

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Italian ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Malay ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Norwegian ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Portuguese ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported


ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

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Scottish ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Spanish ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Swahili ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Swedish ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-15 Windows Code Page 1252

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Latin-2 (Eastern European)

Croatian ISO 8859-2, Windows Code Page 1250

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

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Czech ISO 8859-2, Windows Code Page 1250

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Hungarian ISO 8859-2, Windows Code Page 1250

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Polish ISO 8859-2, Windows Code Page 1250

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Romanian ISO 8859-2, Windows Code Page 1250

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Slovak ISO 8859-2, Windows Code Page 1250

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

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Slovenian ISO 8859-2, Windows Code Page 1250

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Sorbian ISO 8859-2, Windows Code Page 1250

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported


Esperanto ISO 8859-3, Windows Code Page 1254

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Maltese ISO 8859-3, Windows Code Page 1254

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Latin-4, Latin-7 (Baltic)

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

Page 15

Estonian ISO 8859-4, ISO 8859-13, Windows Code Page 1257

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Greenlandic ISO 8859-4, ISO 8859-13, Windows Code Page 1257

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Lappish ISO 8859-4, ISO 8859-13, Windows Code Page 1257

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Latvian ISO 8859-4, ISO 8859-13, Windows Code Page 1257

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported LL 9.2 was localized and QAed by a Latvian partner, E Pasaule.

Lithuanian ISO 8859-4, ISO 8859-13, Windows Code Page 1257

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported


Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

Page 16

Turkish ISO 8859-9, Windows Code Page 1254

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Need language specific rules in rules.xml file to implement



Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes White-space delimited


Features supported

Title of Document

Page 17

Other issues to consider once you have done the upgrade of the Livelink software to 9.5 and the database schema upgrade to 9.5

The following issues may occur after the upgrade and while you are trying to get the index running.

o The database upgrade correctly adds the new processes to support the index partitions. However, the Livelink Administrators has to modify all processes to point to the index partitions.---- There is a reason why administrators have to manually adjust the search and index engine processes to point to the index partition directories. Namely, it's because we presume that the partition directories will be spread across many different machines, a fact that can't currently be captured via the migration process (which all occurs on the same machine).

o You cannot use the existing Livelink 9.2.0 index directory as a new index partition for Livelink

9.5, even though this is a logical thing to do.--- One can re-use the existing pre 9.5 index directory if one chooses to do so. One must simply be careful if doing so, and ensure that it's a newly created directory (i.e., no remnant of the old directory a lying around). By default the new 9.5 index directory naming conventions are slightly different, yes, but hardly earth shatteringly so.

o If a partition fills up there is no way of knowing unless you are running full logging. Not every

customer will have full logging enabled at all times. This should be addressed in Livelink 9.5.2.

o If you run the index migration utility more than once, the utility may not be able to discern

which entries to use for the upgrade. ----It's only if one runs the index migration tool more than once on a single index that the dbupgrade process can get confused. One can run it more than once if doing so on different index directories each time.

o In some cases after an upgrade, a successful index migration which was verified manually, the

db upgrade appeared to work, we connected all of the pieces and got no results when searching through the GUI, yet searching via the command line yielded the correct results though.

If you experience any of these issues and do not know how to resolve them, do not hesitate to contact your local support office for assistance.

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

Page 18


This section provides a list of the packages and the modules that comprise the packages that Open Text distributes. It is sometimes difficult to tell what packages or products you have installed when you look at the “Install Module” page in Livelink. The only one listed here are modules that are not shipped with core Livelink and that have more than one module contained in the install shield.

Livelink for Accounts Payable - PeopleSoft Enterprise

o Livelink Core 9.2.0 SP1

o Livelink Explorer

o Livelink eLink

o Livelink Directory Services

o Livelink Secure Connect

o Livelink WebDav

Livelink AP - PeopleSoft Enterprise - Invoice Approval Processing

o Livelink AP - PeopleSoft Enterprise - Invoice Data Capture and Reporting

Livelink for Communities of Practice

o Livelink Core 9.2.0 SP1

o Livelink Communities

o Livelink eLink

Livelink for Program Management

o Livelink for Program Management CD-ROM

o Livelink Core 9.2.0 SP1

o Livelink MeetingZone 2.1.0 for Windows and 2.0.2 Patch for Unix

o Livelink Physical Meeting Module

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

Page 19

o Livelink MeetingZone Module

o Livelink Meeting Support

Livelink Object Importer - Records Management

o Livelink Object Importer

Livelink Attribute Extensions

o Includes an upgrade module

Livelink SEA Servlet

o Includes Livelink SEA Servlet Stream and Support modules

Livelink WebReports

o Includes LiveReport Extensions

Livelink MeetingZone

o Livelink Physical Meeting Module

o Livelink MeetingZone Module

o Livelink Meeting Support

Livelink Explorer

o Livelink Explore Professional

o Livelink E-Mail Services

o Livelink Explorer E-Mail Integration

o Livelink Explorer Standard

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

Page 20

Livelink Forms

o Livelink Forms

o Livelink Forms Workflow

o Livelink Forms Workflow Painter

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

Page 21

Actual Platforms Tested

Starting from

Livelink 9.1.0 SP4 on Windows 2003 SP1 with IIS 6.0 SP1 and MS SQL 2000 SP1

1. go to Apache TomCat from IIS

2. do not upgrade to UTF8

3. upgrade Livelink to 9.5.0

Livelink 9.2.0 SP1 on Solaris XX with Sun One XX and Oracle XX (FUTURE)

1. go to WebLogic

2. upgrade to UTF8 on the database side

3. upgrade Livelink

4. run the conversion tool to go to UTF8

Best Practices for Upgrading to Livelink 9.5.0

Page 22

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