
Post on 16-Dec-2014

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Blogging with

Blogging..What’s That?

An online journal that gives your students a potentially world-wide audience for their writing, art, photography, videos, etc.

Blogs in Plain English video

Blogging may lead to… Students being involved in academic

social practices that align with their “after school” lives and the 21st century learner

Class/Personal blogs allows students to shape their own identities

Video, Audio, Art, Texts motivate all students to engage in their learning

Students are highly motivated to learn from each other and share ideas

Pros and Possible Issues Access at home or school, mobile

experiences, time Homework- loss of work, parent

support Eco Solutions- less paper used,

calendars, newsletters, Who’s on board? Principals and school

boards? Shift in thinking can take time for

educators or excitement is contagious

Setting up your blogEdublogs are completely free, and come with 20MB of free upload space (easily extended to 5 GB as a Edublogs Pro) To sign up for an Edublogs blog:

1. Go to Edublogs.org2. Click on the ‘Free’ or “Pro’ image

Setting up your blog 3. This takes you to the Edublogs sign up page where you need to enter your:

desired username email address---don’t have to have an email address but will

not be able to change password later tick you agree to TOS (terms of Service) click Next.

Tips: You will be sent an activation email once your account is created. This email

normally arrives within 30 minutes. Use only lowercase letters and numbers, with no spaces, in your username Your username is what you use to sign into your blog dashboard and is

displayed on posts and comments you write. You can’t change your username, you can change what name is displayed.

WHAT’S YOUR Address (Domain/ URL)

4. On the next page enter your blog domain (i.e. blog URL), blog title, select your preferred privacy and language, enter the Captcha word and click Signup.

Tips: Use only lowercase letters and numbers, with no spaces, in your

blog URL Blog URLs can’t be changed once created

Use a blog URL that reflects what your blog is about and is unique

Keep in mind people need to be able to remember and easily type your blog URL into their browser – where possible try to keep your blog URL short but meaningful

Don’t stress too much about your blog title as this can be changed any time.


5. Next you should see a page with your blog title and instructions to check your email inbox.

This email should arrive within 30 minutes.

6. Click on the link in the email to activate your account.

The differences in Accounts

Dashboard Posts- change regularly, edit, tag

categories, title categories Links- insert links, link categories Pages- on your blog all the time, can

be edited. Appearance- themes, widgets-

games, visual tools Settings- discussion, privacy

In Review