BRAND STRATEGY SAMPLE - Strong Design Studios · Your words are worth protecting...

Post on 24-Aug-2020

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Assembled by Strong Design Studios –


CONTENTSBrand TeneTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Purpose Organizational Values Personality Keywords

Brand marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Horizontal Lockups Vertical Lockups Avatars

Brand VIsUaLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Signature Color Palette Signature Typefaces Signature Elements




Searchlight exists to restore integrity to authorship and journalism onlineWith the internet becoming larger and larger, content is more important than ever . Yet because of the increase in content’s importance, plagiarism has become more and more rampant . At Searchlight, we’re building an easy, efficient, and affordable platform to bring peace of mind to large and small content creators by helping them mitigate and resolve plagiarism and copyright infringement .

While we do believe in the open web and we definitely aren’t looking to play the role of lawyers, we look to provide our clients with a way to continuously monitor their content for plagiarism and basic tools to help resolve plagiarism when it is discovered . We help protect our clients’ content and prevent intellectual property loss .



AccuracyWe believe our product is only as good as the results it delivers . Not only are we are steadily refining Searchlight to return only the highest quality results, but actual humans double-check your results before they are sent out, so that we make sure we’re providing our clients with the most accurate reporting possible .

ServiceWe believe our client is king . We take a customer-centric approach and want to continually over-deliver and build a product that our clients love using, and while we don’t want to become the internet police, we will always stand in the corner of our client .

EfficiencyWe believe our clients’ resources are precious, so we’ve engineered Searchlight to make the most best use of their time and money . Our platform is being continuously refined to make it as easy and delightful as possible to use, and our accuracy ensures we won’t waste our clients’ time with bogus, low-quality reports . In fact, it is our goal that once a client engages with us, they can completely stop thinking about monitoring their content and focus on creating it . Additionally, we remain committed to creating a product that can remain affordable for both small and large organizations .

organIzaTIonaL VaLUes 5


PlayfulThe internet has always been a fun place, and we embrace that . We posses a lively youthfulness and are never stodgy or bullish .

ApproachableOur very core is built on the very idea of illumination, and so we’re naturally down-to-earth and easy to interact with . You can even speak with our CEO directly!

PolishedAlthough we’re playful and approachable, our work is serious business and those attributes are always balanced with a certain amount of polish and professionalism . It is important that we convey that we are an established and experienced organization .

PersonaLITy keywords 6



HorIzonTaL LockUPs 8


VerTIcaL LockUPs + aVaTars 9



cyanPMS 2925

C85 M24 Y0 K20#119Ed9

sIgnaTUre coLor PaLeTTe


dark cyan

C85 M42 Y17 K1#167EAb

rich Black

C60 M40 Y20 K100#000000

cherryPMS 186

C12 M100 Y92 K3#d9393d

dark cherry

C23 M93 Y81 K14#Ab3236

smoke grayPMS 432

C80 M64 Y53 K44#303E48




Your words are worth protecting . abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz



Effortlessly monitor your whole website to find every case

of duplicated content anywhere & everywhere . A monthly

subscription gains you a lifetime of assurance that you have

complete control over your website’s content .

Weights include thin, light, book, regular, medium, bold

and heavy plus italics


Your words are worth protecting abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzAbcdEfghijklmnoPqrStuvwxYz1234567890

Effortlessly monitor your whole website to find every case of duplicated content anywhere & everywhere. A monthly subscription gains you a lifetime of assurance that you have complete control over your website’s content.

sIgnaTUre TyPefaces 12


sIgnaTUre eLemenTs

the spotlight element

The spotlight element is a subtle background treatment. It is inspired by the movement of a search light and is designed to provide a way to highlight and section off content in a way that creates emotion without distracting from the actual content.



sIgnaTUre eLemenTs

the circular container element

Icons, illustrations and photos can be enclosed in circles, which are inspired by the circle in the Searchlight logo and the idea of a spotlight beam.

We should be cautious not to over-use this element.



sIgnaTUre eLemenTs

the application icon set

The Entypo icon font should be used for small icons throughout the application UI. This icon font has been chosen for its wide character set and clean, simple look.

Entypo can be downloaded at





sIgnaTUre eLemenTs

the photo style

Supporting photos and screenshots should be in a style that is “clipped” out and overlaid on a solid color background (most often white or pale smoke, but also

possibly cyan). A screenshot crop can be show alone (A) or applied to an image of a device’s screen (B). Most often these images should be anchored to the bottom of a

section of the website or layout.

a B



sIgnaTUre eLemenTs

the dashed line border

The dashed line element is designed to provide a unique way to visually divide content. The dashed line is inspired by the stripes on a flag or the edge of an airmail envelope, and it inspires a solid, familiar feel. It is most effectively used at the top or

bottom of a band of content.