Branding Your Blog

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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BrandingYour Blog

Who am I?

Nicole Avery


Don’t think you have a brand?

………..think again!

Brands that work

So what is a brand?

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

- Steve Jobs, Apple

"A brand is a living entity - and it is enriched or undermined cumulatively over time, the product of a thousand small

gestures" - Michael Eisner, Disney

"A brand is the emotional response your company receives. The emotion behind what someone feels, sees, tastes, etc

when they come across your brand. A memorable logo is just the beginning.” - Richard Branson, Virgin

What makes a reader choose your blog?

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories,

stories and relationships that, taken together,

account for a consumer’s decision to choose one

product or service over another.”

- Seth Godin

What are they saying about you?

What are they saying about you?

Create your own survey.

Read your email feedback.

Look in your comments section.

Read what people say about you on social media.

What is your unique offering?

Useful & practical resource for parents

Provocative and raw story telling

Inspiration to go further

Simplicity with style


“A brand trying to be all things to all people = blanding"

– Simon Manchipp

Does your blog design reflect your brand?

Does your blog design reflect your brand?

Does your blog design reflect your brand?

Branding considerations in blog design:

Who is your target audience?

Why do they come to your blog?

How can you communicate your one thing in your design?

How do you want to position your brand?

How can you reflect the personality of your brand in the


Be consistent with how your presence looks:

Your avatar – how many do you have and is it


Do you use more than one online name? Is it unique?

What images do you have across social media?

Do you have consistency of colours and fonts across:

Business cards


Advertising kit

Products you create

Word and Powerpoint templates

Be consistent online and offline

Find your voice and use it

Same voice across social media platforms

The comments you leave in forums and other

blogs will be seen as a reflection of your brand.

Create a branding strategy




Working with Brands

Monitoring your brand – Google Alerts

Monitoring your brand – Curalate

Be yourself. Everyone else is


- Oscar Wilde

Thank You!

Nicole Avery
