Breathe Easy This Winter

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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Breathe Easy This Winter

Breathe Easy This Winter

Come winter and respiratory problems are on the rise and become worse. Two of the most common

respiratory problems that affect people are asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Asthma is more common than COPD and affects over 100 million people all over the world. Those

suffering from respiratory disorders have congested lungs, blocked/tight or swollen airways and

involuntary contraction of muscles.

The reason for the rise in respiratory diseases in winter is due to a number of factors and varies from

individual to individual. Some of the most common factors are changes in temperature, heavy smog, rise

in pollen and rise in infections. If you or any of your loved ones are facing breathing problems which

tend worsen in winter, visit your nearest Apollo clinic to find out how to manage them and get relief.

Red Signals

If one or more of the symptoms is seen, the patient needs to be rushed to a well-equipped emergency.

Inability to speak a complete sentence due to severe breathing trouble

Uncontrolled cough and wheezing that can be heard without a stethoscope

Inability to lie down

Lips and nails turning blue; hands and feet turning cold

Extreme agitation

Pulling in of the chest wall while breathing

Being confused or drowsy

Tips To Breathe Easy

Take prescribed medicines without fail. For any concern regarding dose or side effects, consult

your doctor but never stop or alter the dosage on your own.

Clean breathing equipments like your inhaler and spacer at least once a week.

Avoid items that trigger an asthma attack.

Avoid exposure to the cold air, which might trigger an attack.

Take reliever inhaler before unavoidable exposure to triggers like smoke.

Do not stop regular exercise. In extreme cold weather, it may be done indoors.

While going out for vacations, carry all your medicines, preferably with extra supplies.

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