Building a Chicken House – Three Things to Keep in Mind

Post on 12-May-2015

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Building A Chicken House –

Three Things To Keep In MindBy Jean Corlette

Building a Chicken House– Three things to Keep in Mind

Living a modern, urban lifestyle people often forget the virtues of nature. Even as simple hobby such as gardening is slowly becoming extinct from cities across the world. This could be due to many reasons, some of which are just excuses. Not many people know that you can cultivate hobbies such as keeping chickens in your backyard with lesser costs than say keeping a pet dog. Moreover, the space required for chickens is probably available in the backyard already. By building a chicken house one has to simply create a safe and clean space.

By Jean Corlette

Building a Chicken House–Three things to Keep in


While some people like to buy a ready built coop, building a chicken house is also a good idea as it can be customized to space and other issues. There is also immense satisfaction in making something so practically relevant on a daily basis. A few aspects need to be kept in mind while building a chicken house on your own.

By Jean Corlette

Building a Chicken House–Three things to Keep in Mind

Firstly, consider how many chickens you wish to keep and choose an appropriate size accordingly. There should be ample space to move around for the chickens, in addition to ventilation and light. Living in cramped spaces can cause distress to the chickens causing health concerns and they could even attack each other. Therefore size of the coop matters a lot. Also review how much space you have in your backyard, so that the coop doesn’t occupy all of it.

By Jean Corlette

Building a Chicken House–Three things to Keep in Mind

Another important point to think about is the local climate in your region. If you live in an area that is mostly warm then you might consider an open, airy coop where there is loads of ventilation. Excessively hot or cold temperatures are unfavorable for chickens. One can also have temporary insulated covers during winter when the atmosphere is colder.

By Jean Corlette

Building a Chicken House–Three things to Keep in Mind

The third crucial point to ensure is safety of the chickens. Make sure that the coop is secure from predators such as snakes, rats or even other pet animals in the household such as cats. There are specific arrangements that need to be done to protect the coop from specific risks.

By Jean Corlette

Building a Chicken House–Three things to Keep in Mind

Therefore assess the potential dangers to the chickens based on the specific context of your home while building the house. It is advisable to build the coop a few feet above the ground so that any burrowing animals cannot easily reach the chickens.

By Jean Corlette

Building a Chicken House–Three things to Keep in Mind

Information just like this will help you regarding building chicken koops, and if you really want a

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By Jean Corlette

Building A Chicken House –

Three Things To Keep In MindBy Jean Corlette