Building Self Esteem

Post on 21-May-2015

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This presentation explains why self-esteem is so important for success, and outlines a number of practical methods for bulding self-esteem.




By Brenda Wells

This presentation and all supporting materials are the intellectual property of

Rockin’ Belles, LLC, the owner of the JuJuBelle® brand. No part of it may be

used for any purpose other than training of a JuJuBelle Consultant without prior

written permission from Rockin’ Belles, LLC.

Published August, 2014

Copyright Notice

What is Self-Esteem?How Does it Benefit Me?

• You are more resilient to life’s difficulties--less likely to give in to defeat.

• You are more confident in your abilities, so you are more willing to risk being creative. Higher creativity leads to more success and higher pay.

• You are more ambitious in all areas of life because you believe you can achieve your goals.

• You will enjoy more nurturing and supportive relationships. If you are confident in yourself, you will also attract confident, healthy, successful people into your life.

• You will treat others with more respect and love because you do not perceive them as threats that could hurt you. When you treat others with respect, they will treat you in the same manner.

Benefits of Self-Esteem

• You will worry less since you are confident in your ability to deal with adversity. This will allow you to use your time and energy for constructive purposes.

• You are willing to take more risks because you know that you can deal with whatever comes your way. Taking risks leads to success.

• You will enjoy a fuller social life. When you feel good about yourself, you don’t hesitate to talk to new people.

• You will be better at using criticism to improve yourself. Being criticized is no longer an emotionally crippling event. You can objectively listen to the criticism and decide if there is any truth to it or not.

Benefits of Self-Esteem

•How can they be successful if they don’t feel good

about themselves?

•YOU can help them!

Your TEAM Needs Self-Esteem, Too!

Tips for Building Self-EsteemEasy Exercises and Practical Steps

• Set the tone for your day before you get out of bed. Decide what kind of day you will have and remind yourself of it all day.• Example: Today is full of joyful miracles.

• Example: I will look for beauty in everything today.

• Be true to yourself and make yourself happy. You cannot be happy if you are constantly trying to please someone else. YOU are responsible for your own happiness.

• Change your mental diet to focus on things that are happy and uplifting.• Read uplifting books

• Listen to uplifting music

• Spend time with people who lift you up

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

• Be aware of the conversations you have in your head.

• Listen for negative thoughts and self-critical thinking

• Refocus your mind on positive things

• Be kind to yourself!

• Upgrade your Diet

• Avoid processed foods

• Drink plenty of water

• If you feel better physically and have more energy, it ’s easy to feel better mentally!

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

• STOP comparing yourself to others!

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

• Surround yourself with positive, happy, uplifting things

• Pictures and posters

• Joyful colors

• Plants

• Animals

• Celebrate your successes, even the small ones!

• Have an attitude of gratitude

• Write down five things that you are grateful for each day.

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

• Create a list of your accomplishments and review it often• Look at how far ju have come!!!

• Lighten up—don’t be so serious!• Dare to have fun and BE fun!

• Step outside of your comfort zone• Try new things

• Anytime you feel fear it ’s an opportunity to grow!

• Learn something new• Exercise your brain!

• Learning is growing and it feels wonderful!

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

• Do something nice for yourself!

• Mani/pedi

• A new blouse

• Watch a favorite show or movie

• Do something nice for someone else!

• This always feels great!

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

• Spent time regularly doing things that you fine joyful and fulfilling

• What makes your heart sing? Do MORE of that!

• Being happy is NOT selfish—it’s a gift to those around you!

• Spend time with supportive, uplifting people

• Create positive affirmations about yourself. Write them down and post them

where you can see them!

• I am proud of myself for ________.

• I am worth a lot to my family and friends.

• Hint: be careful about saying “I will be….” State affirmations in the present tense!

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

• Groom yourself and get dressed!

• A shower and make-up do wonders!

• Wear your JuJu!!!

• Mentally Photoshop your self-image… you CAN change it!

• Prepare for success

• It ’s hard to feel good about yourself if you fail at something

• Take all necessary steps to be prepared for that speech, presentation, etc, so that

you knock it out of the park!

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

• Stand up straight and tall

• Good posture reflects confidence

• Practice makes perfect

• The way to get good at something is to keep trying and practicing

• Becoming good at something builds self-esteem

• Write down goals, both short-term and long-term

• Change a small habit

• Write things down

• Wake up 10 minutes earlier

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

• Smile!

• Volunteer!

• Do something you’ve been procrastinating about

• You’ll feel like a million bucks once you take care of it!

Building Self-Esteem: Steps

• Allow yourself to be where you are.

• Feel whatever you are feeling, without judgment or guilt

• Embrace it. Explore it. Feel it. Don’t judge yourself on how you feel!

• Remind yourself that you are a miraculous, sacred, perfect expression of life!

• You’re amazing!

Building Self-Esteem: Steps
