By Kåre Albrechtsen, Denmark -The Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy (OVE) OVE holds the...

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by Kåre Albrechtsen, Denmark- The Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy (OVE)

OVE holds the secretariat for INFORSE

South Africa, 22 November 2003


Kåre Albrechtsen• M. Sc. Environment• Experiences with energy and

environmental projects in Denmark, Europe and Asia.

• Have worked with energy education, as responsible for Schools Energy Forum in Denmark, ESEEF.

• Knowledge of capacity building and project set up from i.e. Vietnam.

The Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy (OVE)

• OVE is a 25 years old NGO with 2500 members

• Working with renewable energy, energy efficiency, information, campaigns, sustainablility and education projects in Europe, Southern Africa and South East Asia.


” a world where energy services necessary for a just and human centred development, are provided in a sustainable way using renewable energy.”

- From the INFORSE charter

A worldwide network of 135 NGOs that are supporting the common vision of:

The Creation of INFORSE

• Formed June 4, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro• At the Global Forum, which was a parallel

conference to the UN Conference on Environment and Development.

• Secretariat in Denmark - first by Forum for Energyand Development (FED)and now by OVE.

The Structure of INFORSE

• Seven regions• Each region has one or two coordinators• Coordinators are elected by the members of

their region.

In Souther and Easter Africa the coordinators are Earthlife Africa (South Africa) and Climate Development Initiaitve in Uganda.

INFORSE Activities• NGO participation in international processes

• Develop NGO strategies for a sustainable energy development

• Publication of Sustainable Energy News

• Sustainable energy contact list and internet ressuorce



are important

to make the



International Processes- INFORSE has UN acreditation

Commission for Sustainable Development,

CSD9 (NY 2001) og WSSD (JoBurg 2002)- Working with ”NGO Energy & Climate Caucus”

- To push for renewable energy solutions in development

Convention to Combat Desertification, (Dakar 1998)- Working with Environnement et Développement du Tier-monde, ENDA

- High-lighting the role of renewable energy and energy

efficiency to fight desertification

Johannesburg Renewable Energy Coalistion (82 countries) and

International Renewable Energy Conference, Bonn June 2004

EU Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development.

It is important to stand together and speak up!

Working out Strategies

• Sustainable Energy Vision 2050 (2001)for a global phase-out of nuclear and fossil energy.

• Campaign with Greenpeace for windpower to cover 10 % of world energy by 2020, Windforse 10 (1998)

• Strategy for South-South and North South co-operation (1998)

• Strategy for promoting sustainable energy at relevant international conferences (1998)

Internet• Presentation• Contact lists • (800 organisations)• Newsletter• Educational information• Distance Education (DIERET)

Sustainable Energy News

• INFORSE activities, positions• International processes (UN meetings, NGO part.)• Regional News• Publications• Coming events• Technical development• Contact lists

Subscription fee 25 US$

Economy• From 1992-2001 the publication of

Sustainable Energy News, and some other activities was supported by the Danish state.

• Now it is financed through subscriptions, but still free for members and available online.

• Other activities have been reduced and are temporary working with support from EU, project support and remaining funds.


• To maximise activities with available funds.• To increase contacts worldwide to active

NGOs sustainable energy.• To define new projects and

find funds.

It is important to be hosted by a ”mother” organisation, so the costs are marginal.


• Network with variable budget, hosted by a “mother” organisation like OVE.

• Newsletter for subscribers.• Increase internet based resources.• Increase regional activities,

based on the Regional Coordinatorsand Members.

Thank you for listening