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Lane ove West Public School€¦ · Lane ove West Public School Respect Responsibility Endeavour...

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Lane Cove West Public School Respect Responsibility Endeavour Avalon Avenue, Lane Cove NSW 2066 02 9427 4743 [email protected] lanecovew-p.schools.nsw.gov.au Chaers Term 2 Week 2 Principals Report Thursday 9 May, 2019 Stage 3 camp and Our Big Kitchen pictures and reports further on. Welcome Back to Term 2 Welcome back to Term 2. I do hope all our families had the opportunity to have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday break and our students had the opportunity to recharge over the school holidays ready for the learning that will take place over the next ten weeks. We have many events to look forward to including: the P&C Social Night, the Art Aucon on the Social Night that all our students and teachers have worked hard to contribute to, Years 3 and 5 will sit the NAPLAN tests, the SRC have a Crazy Hair Day fundraiser, Walk Safely to School Day, Year 5 will parcipate in CARES and Stage 1 have an excursion to the Powerhouse Museum. Students will parcipate in the Athlecs Carnival later in the term and Semester 1 reports will be sent home in week 10 on Monday 1 July. Staffing Update Department of Educaon Human Resources have approved for the vacant library posion to proceed to open merit selecon. We ancipate to begin that process within the next few weeks to appoint a permanent librarian to the school. NAPLAN NAPLAN tesng for Years 3 and 5 is on: Tuesday 14 May to Monday 20 May. Tuesday 14 May: Wring Test Wednesday 15 May: Reading Test Thursday 16 May: Convenons of Test Monday 20 May: Numeracy Test This year, all NAPLAN tesng will be completed online. LCWPS will be a polling station for the federal election on Saturday 18 May
Page 1: Lane ove West Public School€¦ · Lane ove West Public School Respect Responsibility Endeavour Avalon Avenue, Lane ove NSW 2066 02 9427 4743 lanecovew-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au lanecovew-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Lane Cove West Public School Respect Responsibility Endeavour

Avalon Avenue,

Lane Cove NSW 2066

02 9427 4743

[email protected]


Chatters Term 2 Week 2

Principal’s Report

Thursday 9 May, 2019

Stage 3 camp and Our Big Kitchen

pictures and reports further on.

Welcome Back to Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2. I do hope all our families had the opportunity to have a relaxing and enjoyable

holiday break and our students had the opportunity to recharge over the school holidays ready for the

learning that will take place over the next ten weeks.

We have many events to look forward to including: the P&C Social Night, the Art Auction on the Social Night

that all our students and teachers have worked hard to contribute to, Years 3 and 5 will sit the NAPLAN

tests, the SRC have a Crazy Hair Day fundraiser, Walk Safely to School Day, Year 5 will participate in CARES

and Stage 1 have an excursion to the Powerhouse Museum. Students will participate in the Athletics

Carnival later in the term and Semester 1 reports will be sent home in week 10 on Monday 1 July.

Staffing Update

Department of Education Human Resources have

approved for the vacant library position to proceed to

open merit selection. We anticipate to begin that process

within the next few weeks to appoint a permanent

librarian to the school.


NAPLAN testing for Years 3 and 5 is on: Tuesday 14 May

to Monday 20 May.

Tuesday 14 May: Writing Test

Wednesday 15 May: Reading Test

Thursday 16 May: Conventions of Test

Monday 20 May: Numeracy Test

This year, all NAPLAN testing will be completed online.

LCWPS will be a polling station for the

federal election on Saturday 18 May

Page 2: Lane ove West Public School€¦ · Lane ove West Public School Respect Responsibility Endeavour Avalon Avenue, Lane ove NSW 2066 02 9427 4743 lanecovew-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au lanecovew-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Opportunity Class for 2020

Applications for Opportunity Class Placement in 2019

Opportunity classes cater for highly achieving academically gifted students who may otherwise be without

sufficient classmates at their own academic and social level. These classes help gifted and talented students

to learn by grouping them with other gifted and talented students, teaching them in specialised ways and

providing educational materials at the appropriate level.

Applications for opportunity class placement are considered mainly on the combined results of the

Opportunity Class Placement Test and school assessments. The Opportunity Class Placement Test will be

held on Wednesday 31 July 2019.

If you would like to have your child considered for Year 5 opportunity class entry in 2019, you need to apply

soon. You will need to apply on the internet using a valid email address (not the student’s email address).

Detailed instructions on how to apply online will be available from Tuesday 30 April 2019 in a printed

application information booklet and at https://education.nsw.gov.au/selective-high-schools-and-

opportunity-classes/year-5. The application website opens on 30 April 2019 and closes on Friday 17 May

2019. No late applications will be accepted.

There are no paper application forms. If you do not have internet access, you could apply at a public library.

If you have a disability that prevents you from using a computer, you can contact the Unit for assistance

after 30 April 2019.

Term 2 Professional Learning Calendar

Throughout Term 2, the staff at our school will continue to participate in ongoing Professional Learning

every Wednesday afternoon to continue to master our knowledge and understanding of the curriculum,

assessment and reporting and Department of Education procedures and guidelines. Priorities for this term

will include STEM Staff Development Day on Saturday 11 May, Writing, Visible Learning, Mathematics,

expressive and receptive language and mandatory CPR and Anaphylaxis training. Staff will also participate

in Stage Planning Days in Week 9 to organise the curriculum being taught in Semester 2, planning ongoing

assessments to monitor student progress and ensure consistency across the stages.

Staff Development Day – Saturday 11 May

The staff at our school will be participating in our second Saturday Staff Development Day this Saturday 11

May. This will be in lieu of SDD on Friday 20 December. It will be a hands on day engaging in STEM

Professional Learning including robotics, coding, virtual reality and 3D printing.

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Staff Development Day – Monday 29 April: The Resilient Doughnut

On Monday’s Staff Development Day, all our staff worked with Lyn Worsley, Director of The Resilience

Centre to develop our knowledge and understanding of The Resilient Doughnut Model and how we

could implement a whole school program to build on student’s strengths to help develop their

resilience. Training included identifying internal and external factors that influence resilience, how to

build resilience in students, the language of resilience and how to use the Resilience Report to identify

strengths in students.

Following on from the Staff Development Day, a whole school Peer Support Resilience program will be

developed for implementation in Term 3. Year 6 students will be trained to lead their K-4 group, with

Year 5 students being trained as co-leaders. We are very excited to be introducing this new program for

all our students, as well as providing leadership opportunities for our Stage 3 students.

To coincide with the Peer Support Resilience Program, we will be organising Lyn Worsley to run a parent

workshop on The Resilient Doughnut model. More information will be provided throughout the term

once the organisation has been completed and date and time organised.

Visible Learning Parent Forum

We held our first Parent Forum last night introducing

parents to the Visible Learning model including The

Learning Pit, Learning Dispositions, Learning Intentions,

Success Criteria, This is Because and also language to

use at home. The forum was very well received with

parents engaging in hands on activities and exploring

how the Visible Learning model can be used at home.

I would like to thank the entire Visible Learning

Leadership Team who stayed back last night to actively

engage with parents in how the model is used at school

and discussing ways it can be used at home.

On the Visible Learning Survey sent home last term,

many parents indicated that if a second workshop was

offered, they would be interested in attending so we

will be presenting the session again on Tuesday 4 June

at 6.30pm. We will be opening the booking system to

parents this week.

Page 4: Lane ove West Public School€¦ · Lane ove West Public School Respect Responsibility Endeavour Avalon Avenue, Lane ove NSW 2066 02 9427 4743 lanecovew-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au lanecovew-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Visible Learning – Website and Parent Handbook

Last week, the Visible Learning Parent Handbook was sent

home with students. The handbook is designed to provide all

our parents with valuable information about our school

vision, the learning pit and dispositions, learning intentions,

success criteria and using the language at home.

Additionally, on the school website under ‘Learning at our

School’, there is a new page dedicated to Visible Learning

which also provides parents with useful information on our

journey to making learning visible for all our students. From

this page, parents can print the Parent Handbook as well as

the Learning Disposition posters.

Road Safety Action Plan

Last Friday, Mr Thomson and I met with our Road Safety Officer, Lane Cove Council and parent

representatives to brainstorm our Lane Cove West PS Road Safety Action Plan. Discussion included:

Moving bus stop on Cullen St and potentially changing the bus route to ease some congestion in

surrounding streets;

Look at the Hallum, Cullen, Banksia intersection and the size of the crossing;

RMS study of Epping Rd;

Penrose – study conducted by Lane Cove Council;

Signage to reflect our school times 8.30-10.00am;

Avalon Ave – no parking on one side during school afternoon pick up;

Police and rangers to continue to patrol;

Sustainable Grant (P&C) – active travel map to encourage walking;

Pole wraps – drop off and pick up areas;

SRC – videos and posters, get message across in assemblies and newsletters from the students; and

Cullen St crossing – teach all students to use crossing, not cross at park incorrectly.

Once the Action Plan has been completed, it will be communicated to parents and we look forward to

continuing to work proactively with parents and the community to improve road safety and traffic

congestion around the school.

Page 5: Lane ove West Public School€¦ · Lane ove West Public School Respect Responsibility Endeavour Avalon Avenue, Lane ove NSW 2066 02 9427 4743 lanecovew-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au lanecovew-p.schools.nsw.gov.au
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Double Parking on Cullen St

Double parking has become a huge issue again this term and we are only back one and a half weeks. A

reminder to parents, not only is it illegal to double park, but it is also extremely dangerous for students and

is sending a very wrong message to students of our school. Under no circumstances should any child be

encouraged to walk out onto a road between moving cars to get into a vehicle. Please consider the safety of

your children over convenience.

Instructions on using Avalon Ave Drop Off and Pick Up:

Drop off– Morning

Only turn car around in the cul-de-sac

Only drop children off between the signs


‘no parking 8-9:30am–2:30-4pm

school days’


A teacher has been assigned duty to help children

get out of the car

DO NOT park your car between the signs ‘no parking

8-9:30am–2:30-4pm school days’

This area is a designated drop off zone and is not for

parking and walking students onto school grounds.

Pick up– Afternoon

Join the car queue in Avalon Ave

Only turn car around in the cul-de-sac

Do not pick up any children until the teacher on

duty arrives to assist

Only pick children up between the signs marked:

‘no parking 8-9:30am–2:30-4pm school days’


A teacher has been assigned duty to help children get

into the car.

DO NOT park your car between the signs ‘no parking

8-9:30am–2:30-4pm school days’

The following website has some useful road safety information

for families:


Page 7: Lane ove West Public School€¦ · Lane ove West Public School Respect Responsibility Endeavour Avalon Avenue, Lane ove NSW 2066 02 9427 4743 lanecovew-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au lanecovew-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Tania Weston


Weekly Value: Respect

Expectation: Respect towards teachers

Focus: Speak with kindness towards your teachers/actively listen

and follow instructions

Upcoming Dates: May 10 Mother’s Day Breakfast

May 14 NAPLAN– Writing

May 15 NAPLAN– Reading

May 16 NAPLAN– Conventions of Language

May 20 NAPLAN– Numeracy

May 22 P&C Meeting 7pm

May 25 K-2 Enrichment Workshops 2-4pm

May 25 P&C Social Night and Art Auction

May 29 SRC Crazy Hair Day

May 30 Zone Cross Country

June 26 Athletics Carnival

July 1 Semester 1 Reports sent home

Kindergarten 2020

Enrolment packs are now available from the front office for children

beginning school next year. Please let any friends or neighbours with

Kindergarten aged children know.

Page 8: Lane ove West Public School€¦ · Lane ove West Public School Respect Responsibility Endeavour Avalon Avenue, Lane ove NSW 2066 02 9427 4743 lanecovew-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au lanecovew-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Assembly timetable:

3-6 Assembly Wednesday, May 15 at 2.40pm

K-2 Assembly Wednesday, May 22 at 2.40pm

Merit Awards

KA Lilo T, Mackenzie L, Dylan G, Luke B

KC Ellie K, Aston P, Jackson L, Penny H

KJ Sienna F, Caitlyn H, Audrey F, Remy S

KP Ishi D, Grace N, Sebastian W, Aarya D

KS Nur C, Ashlyn F, Mia B, Nafas M

1A Alicia W, Ethan C, Parker C, Aisha W

1B Georgia C, Lachlan E, Luca F, Mia L

1C Emilia J, Sienna C, Aarna S, Inaya I

1H Marcus W, Dana H, Elouise T, Jameson E

2C Flo S, Amelia W, Will B, Annalise Q

2H Tom H, Issy B, Taebin N, Astrid H

2J Jerry Z, Zoey H, Marlon D, Ronan S

2S Naomi T, Christopher L, Arabella J, Samuel S

3H Emily M, Arissa C, Caitlin W, Archer J

Amalie A, Leonardo L, Luke M, Ignat V

3J Ophelia C, Justin L, Akash G, Anna R

Colbie S, Jonah G, April C, Anderson B

3M Archie W, Chloe N, Benji H, Sally H

Nysa T, Ryan N, Rocco R, Amity S

4C Daniel W, Kaiden L, Koi Lila K, Tahlia M

Harry M, James F, Veronica W, Ruby M

4F Summer R, William H, Noah G, Archie L

Zoli K, Grace K, Atlas P, Henry L

4L Bora F, Katya N, Toby H, Amelia F

Rubi B, Angus P, Ben K, Lila K

5A Benji J, Caitlin G, Joanna G, Robbie A

5C Nathan J, Jasmine W, David W, Marius S

6/5K Giuliana R, Dora W, Zach B, Mykah E

6J Charlie R, Jackson S, Itamar G, Kriston M

6S Luke B, Maddie L, Sam W, Beatrix Y Gold Awards

Year 1 Ashleigh B, Kase T

Year 2 Thomas F, Catriona W, Clara Z`

Year 3 Ashton A, Sally H

Year 4 Daniel F, James B, Zoli K, Amelia F, Chloe Q, Angus P

Year 6 Holly R, Bridgette B, Molly R, Luke B

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Stage 3 Camp At the end of last term Stage 3 students went for an exciting 3 day trip to the Great Aussie Bush Camp. It was

a great few days that really challenged us to go outside our comfort zones. It was also the perfect

opportunity for us to put some of our dispositions into practice! We were both risk takers and open-minded

when facing our fears on the giant swing and the high ropes. We were resourceful when working as a team at

raft building, and showed patience and persistence when orienteering. We had the best time at camp!

By Charlotte P, Georgia L, Harry R and Hayden A

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Leadership Camp

On Tuesday the 31st of April to Wednesday the 1st of May our

four school captains attended a Leadership Camp. The camp

focused on social skills and learning about what a great leader

is and how to act while being a leader. During the camp, we did

activities such as laser tag, zip lining, rock climbing, abseiling,

and a trust activity with sessions of types of leaders we have in

our world and how they act.

We all made wonderful friends and exchanged ideas for our

school and how we could make it a better place. It was an

amazing experience and helped us to be a better leader at

school and in general. We all loved this experience and made

friends that we will hopefully stay in touch with. It was a terrific

camp and we know everyone enjoyed it.

By Grace B and Millie G

ANZAC Day Service

On the 25th of April at 7am, members of the Lane Cove community, along with students, veterans and organisation representatives, gathered in Lane Cove plaza for the annual ANZAC Day service. The service was opened with a speech from the mayor and was followed by some stories of fallen soldiers who were from the local area. A number of wreaths were laid in commemoration from various community groups in Lane Cove. It was a delightful morning dedicated to remembering and acknowledging those that had risked their lives for our country. By Jensen K and Lizzy C

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Our Big Kitchen

Last term the Year 6 leadership team went on an excursion to Our Big Kitchen. The Big Kitchen is a

community kitchen that inspires people to come together to make a difference. At Our Big Kitchen we were

taught about food wastage in Australia and how big of a difference a little amount of food can make. While

we were there we made lunch for people who are less fortunate than ourselves and can’t afford healthy and

nutritious food for themselves. We also baked cookies and wrote heartfelt messages for sick kids and the

dedicated staff at Sydney Children’s Hospital. Visiting Our Big Kitchen all it was an exciting and informative

experience, and a great way to give back to the community

By Giuliana R, Immy W, Ash B, Zach B, Billy S and Hugh M

Earn and Learn This year, Lane Cove West Public School will be

participating in the Woolworths Earn and Learn Program.

The program encourages us to collect stickers from

our local Woolworths to be redeemed for new resources

and educational equipment. Our school will be collecting

stickers on behalf of Broken Hill Public School. Please help

us to support Broken Hill P.S by placing Earn and Learn

stickers into the boxes found in the office foyer or at Lane

Cove Woolworths.

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Anti-Bullying posters-1H

Scholastic Literacy Pro weekly update

Since the start of the year, the number of words read by our Year 3-6

students now totals:


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The Entertainment Book

Once again The Entertainment Book is available for sale to raise money for the school. Please contact

Mandy Brown on 0412 995 545 or at [email protected] See the attached flyer for details .

Mother’s Day Breakfast

Day: Friday May 10

Time: 7.30-9.30am

Join us at the school to celebrate Mother’s Day with all the

significant women in our children's lives. They'll be coffee

and breakfast plus lots of activities for kids and mum.

And while you’re here…

The Uniform Shop will be open from 8am this Friday for any mums wishing to seize the opportunity to

top up on uniforms or browse through the second hand item

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You can place your child’s order at scholastic.com.au/LOOP or using the LOOP app, which can be

downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. No cash or cheques accepted. Remember that

20% of your spend comes back to our school for use in the Literacy Pro Program.

May is National Family Reading Month - Be a reading family/community and sign up for the Read

More in May Challenge and access a variety of family reading resources at


Book Club Coordinators

Simone Chuah: [email protected]

Clare Hurst: [email protected]

Issue 3-Orders close Friday 17 May

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2019 enrolments

are now open!

Chess Club is open to students from Year 1 and operates Mondays 3.30pm-4.30pm in the Year 5 Classrooms.

Children enrolled in OOSH can still attend and will be escorted to OOSH at the end of class. Run by the

Sydney Academy of Chess, the club caters for beginners to advanced players and offers the opportunity to

participate in friendly interschool tournaments during the year.

To enrol, please pay online with your credit card at www.sydneyacademyofchess.com.au/payment ,enter

the code BSH8YWMEGT and fill in the electronic form, with your child’s details. Read more about the

benefits of chess here: https://sydneyacademyofchess.com.au/benefits-chess

Chess Coordinator

Liz Irwin [email protected]

School banking

School banking is on every Thursday at the canteen

between 9-9.25am. We are still looking for volunteers

to help collect deposits on Thursdays between 8.55-

9.30am. The rotation will be, two weeks on, two weeks


School Banking Coordinator

Oxana Rozova: [email protected]

0415 711 911

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I am open to gettingnew ideas

I listen to the ideasand opinions of others

Open-mindedI am

© Minds Wide Open Crit icalAndCreativeThinking.com.au

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I change my plan ifit isn’t working

FlexibleI am

© Minds Wide Open

I look at problems fromdifferent angles

Crit icalAndCreativeThinking.com.au

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I try new ways ofdoing things

Risk TakerI am a

© Minds Wide Open Crit icalAndCreativeThinking.com.au

I am not afraid ofmaking mistakes

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I think of cleverways to overcome


When I don’t havewhat I need I find

something else to use

ResourcefulI am

© Minds Wide Open Crit icalAndCreativeThinking.com.au

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I put lots of time andthought into makingmy creations better

I don’t give up whenthings go wrong

Patient andPersistent

I am

© Minds Wide Open Crit icalAndCreativeThinking.com.au

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I can think, createand learn...

...anywhere,anyhow, anytime


I am a

© Minds Wide Open Crit icalAndCreativeThinking.com.au

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I think aboutmy thinking

I think aboutmy learning

ReflectiveI am

© Minds Wide Open Crit icalAndCreativeThinking.com.au

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AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT • Dav was diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD

as a child and was so disruptive in class that his teachers made him sit out in the hall every day.

• In second grade Dav created a comic book about a superhero named Captain Underpants. His teacher ripped it up and told him he couldn’t spend his life making silly books. Fortunately for us, Dav was not a very good listener.

• His Captain Underpants series has sold more than 70 million copies and been translated into more than 28 languages. He’s also written the Dog Man series, Mighty Robot series, The Dumb Bunnies, Dog Breath, Kat Kong, Dogzilla, World War Won and so many more!

Trallalala!!! It’s…

AGES 6+ Get ready, get set and race! Matilda and Olivia have a super-amazing idea for Recycling Week at their school! They get their whole class to make box cars so they can race each other! But why hasn’t Bethany made a box car?

AGES 10+ The story of my life! One day Greg will be rich and famous, and everyone will want to know his life’s story. But is Rowley really the right person to be writing Greg’s biography? What could go wrong?

AGES 7+ Can Dog Man answer the call of duty? When Greg the police dog and his cop companion are injured on the job, a life-saving surgery changes the course of history, and Dog Man is born. With the head of a dog and the body of a human, this heroic hound has a real nose for justice.

AGES 3+Are penguins always polite? Penguins are always polite, they always wait their turn and they always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. But Polly decides that being polite is boring! Will Polly learn the importance of manners?

Perfectly Polite Penguins Georgiana Deutsch

Item 150—Page 12


Box Car Racers Danielle McDonald Item 034—Page 4

Dog Man Dav Pilkey Item 016—Page 2

Rowley Jefferson's Journal Jeff Kinney Item 004—Page 1

To help bring reading alive in your classroom, you can

download a FREE copy of the

Dav Pilkey’s Reading gives

you Superpowers kit!


He changed the spelling of his name while working at Pizza Hut, when his name was misspelled as Dav on his nametag, and the rest, as they say, is history...


© Dav Pilkey 2019


Make sure you share this with your colleagues to help get their

students reading more!

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