Camp ivy treatment

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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DSTRIBUTION COMPANY: Camp Ivy Distributions


SYNOPSIS: A group of teenagers go to a camp to commemorate their friend who was 'killed' a year earlier. But, there was actually no body found. You see the group of friends walking to the abandoned camp, and here the different characters and their personalities become apparent to the audience. This is going to be done partly through the narrative and what they say, but also through how they are dressed and interacting with the other characters. We start to see very brief flashbacks of how their friend was killed. Back in the present day, the scream queen becomes separated from the others. This character is then killed by their 'dead' friend; however there is use of narrative enigma here because the audience do not actually know who the killer is until it is revealed later on in the film, but for the opening it is left unrevealed.

TARGET AUDIENCE:The target audience for our production is 15-25 year olds as these are the ages that will relate most to the characters and is the most popular age to watch films in the slasher genre.

GENRE: The genre of our film is slasher. The slasher genre is a sub-genre of horror and often has thriller elements to it or they are advertised as thrillers to appeal to older audiences. They involve graphic scenes of murder and some classic examples of slasher films are Psycho and Halloween. Films influencing our production from the slasher genre include Friday the 13 th and Eden Lake.


Location: The location for our production is Linton Camp. Linton Camp is a run-down boarding school in the countryside that undisciplined boys were sent too. It has lots of former dorms still intact but it looks abandoned and would be a great setting for our production. It has nearby trees and accessible for us to use. This location gave us a lot of influences and ideas from Friday the 13th.

Casting: Scream Queen:For the scream queen we plan to cast a very stereotypical scream queen. The qualities that we associate with a scream queen are blonde hair, very confident, has a boyfriend and usually discusses stuff in the narrative that may be seen as immoral. We will try to cast someone who is blonde and could easily play the part and convincingly come across to the audience as this, however the narrative and her confidence is more important than her appearance. For the scream queen we plan to dress her in a plain white top so then any blood/mud that we smear on it for effect will show up better and add to the mise-en-scene.

Final Girl: We would like our final girl character to also be quite a stereotype. We are looking to cast somebody with brunette hair and to act quite sensible and maybe show some academic qualities. She should not participate or agree with anything that her friends talk about that is immoral or wrong and should come across as quite an independent character.

Scream Queen's Boyfriend:He should have a lot of similar qualities to the Scream queen and also shows immoral qualities. Acts a bit like a jock.

Killer: In the opening sequence of the film the audience will not be aware of who the killer is, by the use of narrative enigma. Therefore, when casting the killer we don't necessarily need to cast on looks, but we would like it to be a man.