Camp Roxx-Adventure Camps

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Welcome to Camp Roxx

CampRoxx is one of the perfect place for camping in foothills of Himalayas. Located 30 kms. from Nahan (Himachal Pradesh) and 3.5 kms. down from the main road, CampRoxx is located in the middle of 7 km dense Pine forest. Free from all type of pollution, one can easily connect with nature and enjoy its serenity and adventures...

A far-sighted view of our camps on the mountains!

Route to destination!

Your first step on the campsite.

A view from inside the tents!

The luxury tents are spacious with 10x12 ft. dimensions

Separate baths and toilets makes the trip a lot more comfortable.

Unlike many other camps, we have western style flush toilets.

Separate baths with hot/cold water!!

A natural flowing stream awaits you beside our camp. Perfect place for peace and composure of the mind.

Freshening up has never been better.

We are the only ones to offer the longest Burma Bridge at any camp in Himachal!

Your mornings will be a splendid rejuvenating experience with calm waters away from city hustle-bustle.

7 kms. Of dense Pine forests takes away all the stress and work pressure.

Let the games begin!!

Feel weightless like a bird with one of the longest Flying Fox activity you will come across.

Learn the art of balancing or else….

The “Tarzan Swing” will test your strength and confidence.

“The Spider Net”- the perseverance tester!

A breath-taking view of the Renuka Lake situated 45 kms away from the camp.

The wildlife sanctuary walk is a great way to check out the kings of the jungles.

Family of bears at the sanctuary

Beautiful waterfalls await your arrival

The fun of bathing under the waterfall is an exotic experience!

This ancient temple sits inside a cave with natural stone statues of gods and goddesses.