Post on 01-Dec-2021

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As the cooler weather sets in for the next few months, don’t let that become your excuse not to get up and get your run done. You’ll feel so much better once your run is done. There’s plenty going on at CJC so don’t miss out!

There’s been so many fantastic results at home and away lately. Congratulations to our Secretary Tania who has been hitting some phenomenal PB’s and also winning this year’s Alan Holt 10 Mile Memorial Handicap. Tania will shortly select the CJC Charity for 2019. We’ll have further details of a fundraising event soon so stay tuned!

This weekend is Round 2 of the President’s Cup, the top 16 become the top 8. Good luck to everyone still eligible.

Our Club Marathon Relays will be held in early July on the Campbelltown parkrun course. If you haven’t already done so, pop on over to our new website and register so that teams can be compiled on handicap. This is sure to be a fun event and a great way to complete a marathon.

City to Surf Bus Bookings are now open. Please ensure you book and pay as soon as possible to secure your seat. This event takes quite a bit of organisation so anyone willing to come along as support crew would be greatly appreciated. We have to carry in the tent and lunch gear from a far distance so the more helpers the better.

Pre-orders for jackets and hoodies are closing soon. We have a number of sample sizes (men’s and ladies’) available in the shed. Once you have decided, complete the pre-order on our new website.

Emma has also organised some CJC buffs which will hopefully be here sooner rather than later. We’ve had plenty of requests for these so thank you to Emma for making this happen. It looks as though these will be very popular.

We have locked in our Presentation Night for 2019, please save the date, Saturday 23 November with more details to come.


June 23 Handicap #5 – staggered start.

Junior Cross Country.

June 30 Mt. Annan – new course.

July 7 Team Marathon Challenge @Raby parkrun course.

July 14 Scenic Hills Festival of the Feet

July 21 Woodland Road Sutherland 2 Surf

July 28 Handicap #6 – mass start Junior Cross Country

If you have any comments or suggestions about the Run Calendar,

please see Denis.

CONTENTS Page 2 Recent Events

Page 3 Glow Worm Event

Page 4 Safety on Course

Page 5 Member Profile

Page 6 Around the Grounds

Page 7 Junior Member’s Profile

Page 8 Noticeboard

Members’ Website…

JUNE 2019



Left: The May 10km Handicap was won by Louise, followed by David in second

and Chris in third.

Right: The May Junior Cross Country was won by Bronte, followed by Adrian

and Kayley.

Right: The June Eliminator was won by Harry, followed by Claire, Joe and Kay.

Above: The Alan Holt Memorial 10 mile Handicap was won by Tania with Sue in

second and Ryan in third.

JUNE 2019


GLOW WORM TRAIL EVENT – by Karen Mathews

Great weekend (albeit bloody freezing) out at Newnes for The Glow Worm Trail run. It was -4 degrees

overnight on Friday with a crazy frost! Superb running by the beast James Watson!

James won the Ted English Bolt and should have won the half

marathon but instead came second (long story) because of a

sabotaged course. He was leading by a country mile and

ended up running an extra 3kms off course. Being the great

sportsman that he is, he took the time to move the ribbons and

the vandalised signage so that the other runners following him

would not be diverted along the same incorrect path.

He had a smashing run

and I’m proud of him.

(Edit: So is everyone at

Campbelltown Joggers,

Karen. Cheers James!)

To top off the weekend, it was also Ryan’s 12th Birthday.

Happy birthday, champ!

JUNE 2019



Important safety guidelines for CJC club runs…

Please be reminded that at all times member safety is our utmost priority - PB's, times, club championship points

all come second.

At all times, runners must be aware and responsible for their own personal safety. There are a number of instances

on our Club Handicap Course where you may need to slow down slightly to allow you to cross a road safely. This will

have minimal impact on your overall time but has very high value in staying injury free, or alive for that matter!

→ Each runner when exiting Bradbury Oval carpark must cross as soon as possible and run facing the

traffic up The Parkway. For a mass start we will have marshals at the carpark exit to make this crossing

as safe as possible, however you are reminded that your personal safety is your responsibility - if

there is a car, wait for it to pass before you cross.

→ Runners must run along the left-hand side of St Johns Road and cross as close as possible to the

Briar Road Roundabout. Cross with caution.

→ Run along the RHS of Briar Road until St Johns Road.

→ When turning off Riverside Drive onto Briar Road, runners must use the pedestrian bridge. No


→ Runners must be facing traffic down The Parkway to finish. Proceed with caution at

Parkway/Campbellfield Roundabout and also be cautious of cars exiting Bradbury Shops.

Road Running can be a dangerous activity and your safety must always remain your first priority.

CJC Committee

JUNE 2019



Name: Louise Ryan

Age: I don’t have to say that do I?

Occupation: Government worker

Star Sign: Aries (so look out)

Years with the Club: Not sure. 3 – 4 years?

Hobbies/Interests: My family sucks up the rest of my time.

Favourite Food: Chocolate for sure! Classic.

Favourite Drink: Coffee in the morning when the house is quiet and no one else is up.

Favourite Movie: I don’t really have one. My favourite go-to when I need a giggle would be Bridesmaids and I can still remember most lines from Grease but that might be a childhood thing rather than a favourite.

Favourite Music/Band: I have an eclectic taste in music from alternative (massively in the 90’s) to rock, pop, folk. I secretly do have a special place in my heart for people like David Bowie (RIP brilliant man) and Dolly P – told you it was eclectic!

Favourite Training Run: I really don’t have one. It’s the company that I prefer.

Fastest 10K: 53.54 I think – I don’t worry about that stuff.

Favourite Running Buddy: I have to say my daughter Stella (I know, I’m such a sweetheart!), but I also enjoy ‘talkers’ on my run, so people like Irene, Michele and Kay. They talk – it’s kinda like listening to a podcast – while I’m struggling to keep up, it’s a great time!

Typical Training Week: I do what I can, when I can, but Tuesday track when I can (fingers crossed), Thursday with The Run Collective (TRC shout out – you know who you are!), Saturday parkrun and Sunday CJC club run. Throw in a couple of strength days twice a week as well. I know – total athlete right!

Running Highlights: Beating David Baker in last month’s handicap!! (Sorry David!... but it’s the only time I can say it.)

Running Goals: If I say it, will it come true?? To finish a marathon with a respectable time.

Favourite Way to Unwind: Watching rubbish on TV while scrolling on my phone (everybody does it don’t they?)

Advice to Other Members: Get used to ugly action shots, cos they’re gonna happen. LOL.

JUNE 2019


Around the Grounds

JUNE 2019



Name: Bronte Clark Age: 10 Favourite food: Mango Favourite drink: Pineapple juice Hobbies: Netball and OzTag Favourite movie: A Dog’s Purpose Favourite song: Sucker by the Jonas Brothers Favourite subject at School: PE and Mathematics What are your current running goals? To make it to PSSA in cross country, to run 800m in under 2:35 and to run 5km in under 22 minutes. Favourite running event: Cross country and 800m. What would you like to do when you finish school? Become a vet.


Here's the link to our online members system - on this site you can register as a member, renew your rego, check out latest club news, register for an event and make payments for club merchandise.

By now you should have received an email asking you to update your details for our new system. Please have a look and make any relevant updates so our records remain accurate.

You can update your details by clicking on “Member Login” and then the “Account” link.

Any questions - John or Emma seem to be the experts!

CJC PRESENTATION NIGHT – SAVE THE DATE! Our annual Presentation Night will be held on Saturday 23rd November.

It’s sure to be a great night so put the date onto your calendar now so you don’t forget.

JUNE 2019




ON FACEBOOK!! You will find important information

on Club Events, Club Notices, photos and more!!

You can find links to the club

calendar and run maps on the club website:


President: Peta Shanahan 0419 400 557

Secretary: Tania Cannings 0411 151 400

Treasurer: Emma Kirton 0432 314 453

Handicappers: Mick Shanahan 0412 868 694

James Watson 0412 946 715

Webmaster: Darryl Smith 0412 929 634

Run Organiser: Denis Sharrock 0407 497 798

Track Coordinator: Stephen Cannings 0425 300 880

Junior Coordinator: Ted Borodzicz

Systems Coordinator: John McGann

General Committee: Ashley Thomas, Tina Wills

Fun Run Coordinator: Tom Limbrey


SUNDAY MORNINGS 7:00am for 7:15am start, Bradbury Oval. This is our main club run of the week with distances between 5k and 16k over various courses. Check

the Run Calendar for details.


7:00pm, Campbelltown Sports Stadium. 1k and 3k runs. Come and beat your PB!


Run starts at 6:00pm and 6:30pm, Bradbury Oval. 5k and 10k runs through the streets of Bradbury.

SATURDAY MORNINGS 6:30am SHARP at Kentlyn Park for a bush run. For the runner who needs a new challenge.

To view recent run results please visit our new website at . All run results are posted on our Facebook page and also on the new website. If you have

participated in an event and would like your result included, please email: or message our Facebook page.