Canvas grades feature

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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GradebookWhat can I do with the Grades Feature?

What can I do with the Grades Feature?

view or download student submissions

manually enter scores / grades

hide scores from students until ALL are recorded.

message students who have not submitted work.

leave comments for students

sort assignments by due date, category, student name etc.

curve all scores

How do I get to the Canvas Gradebook?

Select “GRADES” from the Navigation bar on the left.

What do icons mean?

1. Speech Bubble - graded discussion, not yet graded2. Paper Icon - document submitted, not yet graded3. Filmstrip Icon - media recording submitted, not yet graded4. TypeWriter Icon - text entry submitted, not yet graded.5. Blank cell - URL submitted, not yet graded.

What do colors mean?

1. yellow = re-submitted assignment2. pink = late ( according to due date listed in actual assignment.)3. gray = dropped

What types of grades are available?

In the Canvas Gradebook: 1. Dash = no submission 2. number = points given for assignment 3. check mark = complete 4. x = Incomplete 5. letter grade - according to grading scheme set up at Admin level. 6. percentage - score

When creating the

assignment, you have 5

choices of how to score it.

What does the Assignment Drop down Menu ( )allow me to do?

Assignment Details: tells average, high and low score for this assignment.SpeedGrader: takes you to the speed graderMessage students: send message to all who did not complete or who scored lower than X or higher than X. Set Default Grade: Give all the same score. Curve Grades: curve scoresDownload: download assignment submissions. Mute: hide score until all are graded.

How do I sort my gradebook?Select the gear wheel at the top left of the gradebook.

Scroll down and arrange by due date or assignment group.

Use tiny triangle under Student name to sort students by name or ID