Career assessment

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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A look into my mind….

Lifestyle choices:

o Everything that do in my life I like to do well and to my fullest potential.

o I surround myself with family, friends, and teammates that are supportive.

o I am always open to learning and I am very good at reiterating or teaching what I have learned.

o I make a conscious effort to be involved and help within my community, whether it is through schools clubs, sports, or girl scouts.

Learning Styles:

o I am an Auditory learner. I find that I absorb the most information when I am listening or involved in a discussion.

Work Values:

o Achievement- Look for jobs that let jobs use your best abilities. Look for work where you can see results of your efforts.

o Independence- Look for jobs where they let you do things on your own initiative. Explore jobs where you make your own decisions.

o Relationships- Look for jobs where your co-workers are friendly. Look for work that lets you be of service to others. Explore jobs that do not make you do anything that goes against your sense of right and wrong.

Unique Qualities:

o I am a leader in both everyday life and sports (captain of volleyball)

o I am naturally creative but I normally focus more on my studies and sports, but I enjoy crafts such as ceramics.

o I am a very curious person in general, but I am also a very good listener when it comes to others problems.

What are your foundation building blocks (explain each)?

o 3 year high school education

o 3 sport varsity student athlete

o Community Service: Interact, National Honor Society, and Girls scouts

o Honor Societies: National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, and Spanish Honor Society

What foundation building blocks do you wish to develop?

o Finish and graduate high school and receive a high school diploma

o Bachelors degree and Masters degree

o Internship/shadowing experience at a job that s to do with Psychology

Adapted and Educational Specialists

Marriage and Family Therapists

Rehabilitation Counselors

Occupational Therapists

Art therapist


Career Clusters

Birkman Test

Holland Code

Adapted and Educational Specialists

Summary: Provide individualized physical education instruction or services to children, youth, or adults with exceptional physical needs due to gross motor developmental delays or other impairments

A day in the life of a person with this profession would be working with students that are impaired or have disabilities that affect their motor skills and the goal it to achieve these skills which are needed for them to function daily. This would be a very rewarding process to see how your patient develops and changes because of the exercises you work on with them.

This occupation normally requires a master’s degree as well as a few years of experience.

This occupation has an average projected job growth with about a $30,000 annual salary. Although someone who becomes involved in this type of profession is not always satisfied by its monetary value but by the satisfaction of changing and improving a life.


This is my other top career pick I feel that this occupation covers many different interests of mine such as physical activity and helping people change and adapt for a better life. I also think this type of field is in high demand. I will be able to see the progression of my patients and how I helped improve their life. This occupation pays well, is a realistic career, and it matches some of my main and important qualities.

Marriage and Family Therapists

Summary: Apply psychotherapeutic and family systems theories and techniques in the delivery of services to individuals, couples, and families for the purpose of treating such diagnosed nervous and mental disorders.

A day in the life of this type of worker would consist of counseling individuals to create better relationships but also think up a multitude of different ways to achieve this goal because each patient is different and would respond to different things.

This occupation requires a masters degree at the least and sometimes a doctoral degree.

The growth projection of this career is higher than average with an average salary of 46,0000, but also requires some on the job training and experiment in the field.


I am truly intrigued by this career and find that it with be a need occupation to be filled in the future. Relationships between families interests me because I feel it is affects all aspects of the family dynamic. This occupation is also predicted to be needed in the future, thus it will be a good field to delve into. This occupation fits me because it fits my career values as well as unique characteristics, which consist of

Rehabilitation Counselors

Summary: Counsel individuals to maximize the independence and employability of persons coping with personal, social, and vocational difficulties that result from birth defects, illness, disease, accidents, or the stress of daily life. Coordinate activities for residents of care and treatment facilities. Assess client needs and design and implement rehabilitation programs that may include personal and vocational counseling, training, and job placement.

Some of the skills needed for this job are active listening and social perceptiveness. This brings me to the knowledge necessary for this occupation, one of which is Psychology. This interests me because although I am very socially perceptive I am also very curious, curious as to why that person feels or acts a certain way, which is the epitome of psychology. The work context of this career are factors such as face-to-face discussions and working with a work group or team both of which I am capable of.

This has a faster than average projected job growth as well as an annual salary of about $34,000. and mostly requires a Bachelors degree if not a Masters degree.


This occupation suits me because the skill set, work context, and work style necessary for this job fit my personality. These skills are qualities I portray daily; I’m very good at listening to a friend, peer or teammate when they come to me with a problem and I am very perceptive when a person or group of people is acting different than their normal behavior. . I am a very approachable person and teamwork applies to my personality because I have played sports all my life and have loved the team aspect of it. Besides the necessary fundamentals of the job I think this career would be very fulfilling because I would be helping people have a better life, which fits my desires for a possible future occupation.

Occupational Therapists

Summary: Assess, plan, organize, and participate in rehabilitative programs that help build or restore vocational, homemaking, and daily living skills, as well as general independence, to persons with disabilities or developmental delays.

A day in the life of this profession consists of duties such as identifying needs of patients and creating programs to provide for those needs apply to the investigative as well as the creative side of me. The knowledge needed for this job such as Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology are interest me because these subjects solve the mystery of how and why the human brain works the way it does as well as who it affects the behaviors society sees.

This has a higher than average job growth projection and the annaulsalary is usually around $74,000. This job would also be very satisfying because it would I could go home every day knowing that I helped someone that day get one step closer to their goal and or a better more functional life.


This occupation is a possibility for my future career because the tasks and duties of the job are intriguing to me as well as the knowledge needed to do this job. The physical aspect of the job interests me as well the idea of helping someone through different exercises. My personality all lends itself to team work and group activities are a necessity for this occupation. . I do not think the necessity of knowledge in the therapy and counseling field would be a hardship to learn either because I always want to help friends, peers or teammates with their problems and to become an expert at that would only make me feel more accomplished and capable. I am also a very organized person, who makes me want to insure that my future occupation will a career than can provide for me and this occupation has a bright outlook in the job market.

Art Therapist

Summary: Plan or conduct art therapy sessions or programs to improve clients' physical, cognitive, or emotional well-being.

A day in the life of an art therapists consists of analyze or synthesize client data to draw conclusions or make recommendations for art therapy; assess client needs or disorders, using drawing, painting, sculpting, or other artistic processes; conduct art therapy sessions providing guided self-expression experiences to help clients recover from or cope with cognitive, emotional, or physical impairments, and communicate client assessment findings and recommendations in oral, written, audio, video, or other forms.

This occupation has a bright outlook and average projected job growth as well as an annual salary of about $41,000.


This occupation fits my personality well because it would deal with the creative as well as the investigative aspect of my personality. It seems like it would be a perfect fit for me and also a job that will be growing and relevant in the future. The idea of helping individuals through therapy is one thing, but then incorporating art into it seems useful and an enjoyable occupation.


Summary: For people who love the written word and know they have the ability to plan, organize, and see printed material through its several stages of production, editing may be the ideal job. A critical link between authors and the reading public, editors control the quality and nature of printed material, working with authors on rewrites; correcting grammar; and smoothing out inconsistencies.

A day in the life of an editor consists of analysis work for quality of content, grammatical correctness, and stylistic consistency. An editor meets frequently with others who are also working on a publication, including artists, typesetters, layout personnel, marketing directors, and production managers. Often a full-blown editor by now, the five-year veteran starts to gravitate to a specialty. ) At the 10-year mark, an editor has significant editing experience, has been through every major snafu possible, and has a steady stream of responsibilities.

No specific academic degree is required, but most editors were English, communications, or journalism majors in college. A history of editorial positions on college newspapers or literary magazines is important. Individuals who leave editing usually do so because of the lack of mobility and low pay. There is little to no projected job growth and about an annual salary ranging from $12,000 to 52,000.


This is a career that I think would fit my personality very well because I love reading, mostly fiction, but reading is reading. I am someone who does not like having to write a story because I don’t want to know the ending and would rather be surprised and predict what I think will happen along the way. I also think I qualify for a future career like this because I have always been in the English honors program in high school. This occupation interests me immensely because it would deal with personal one on one communication with the author you are working with, but there is also a lot of independent work all well, which fits me very well.


Out of all of the careers above I have narrowed it down to Occupational Therapist and Art Therapist. I have found that these career choices fit my skill set as well as satisfy my interest. They are both interactive jobs where I will not be sitting at a desk day in and day out. Although I would not be able to know definitively without experience which field I would like to pursue, I feel that this is the career path that I would be interested in taking in the future. I will be working at my Aunt’s speech therapy office this summer where I will be able to shadow the occupational therapist there and hopefully with more research I will be able to look deeper into art therapy profession.