Carnets2 Descartes JASIG11 Academic Social Network

Post on 24-May-2015

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Since 2006, Paris Descartes University has been using Elgg, an open source social networking platform, as a tool for all faculty members and students called Carnets2 Descartes. Carnets2 is used for any activity: from teaching and research to non-academic activities. Students learn how to manage their digital identity and to advertise their skills at the university level and also openly. Student articles and documents can be browsed and reviewed by any faculty members as a first move to social learning. An Elgg module has also been developed for mentoring student training. Carnets2 will soon be open to alumni. Carnets2 has been defined by the University President as a strategic tool for building a strong academic membership and strengthening the bonds between faculty, students and alumni. The next steps will be to develop better interaction / integration between Carnets2 and uPortal / Moodle.


#JASIG11 – May,25 2011 -

IT  is  the  LAW  

Université  Paris  Descartes  Health and Human Sciences

10 Colleges, Institutes, Schools and Departments

38,000 students 2,180 faculty 2,150  academic and library staff

109 Master’s degrees 11,000  degrees granted every year 200 PhD granted every year

1,300 researchers 82 research labs

Université  Paris  Descartes  Management

Biomedecine Maths & Computer Sci. Human & Social Sciences






Law – Economics

Université  Paris  Descartes  

“La Nature se dévoilant devant la Science” Ernest Barrias (1841-1905)


1 Definitions (3)*!

2 Carnets2 Descartes (19)*!

3 Social network and communication strategy (5)*!

4 Social network in the Information System (9)*!

* (slides number)

1  Defini9ons  

Nodes (individuals or organizations) which are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency!

Web 2.0 : users creating and sharing information!

Huge number on networks on Internet!

Ref :

One  more  SN  ?  

Famous  examples  

A well-known social network!

JASIG - newsletters - blogs - mailing lists !

Since when ?!

news: irc: gopher:

> 20 years

* Internet Relay Chat

2  Carnets2  Descartes  

Born 2006 in the “ICT for Ed” (TICE) Service!

Strong editorial strategy!

Evolution is user feedback centered!

Carnets2 are based on the Social Network Open Source Elgg platform

hGp://blogs.univ-­‐    Start 2006 : blogs farm License degree « Webmaster & Community Manager »   2007 – 2008 First educational applications and enhancement of the community production   2008 – 2010 Collaborative diary

  April 2010 – December 2010 Beta test of a social ecosystem  January 2011 The official University Social Network

From  RenéD.blogs    to  Carnets2  Descartes  


From  RenéD.blogs    to  Carnets2  Descartes  

Paris  Descartes  Social  Network  

Publications (blogs, events, bookmarks) and personal pages of all the actors within the university!

Academic  life  

Thematic groups : associations, research, teachingA friendly collaborative space for sharing and working!

A  dedicated  blog  space  :  MundiVox  

International student blogs : foreigners in Paris ; Parisians abroadFollowing the mobility of students!

Research  work  display  

Create a group for research labsShare scientific newsAnnounce seminars and conferencesBroadcast calls to papers!

Towards  professional  networks  

Participate, share, comment, recommend, answerPrepare your employability by displaying your skills!

Profils Groups

RSS feeds




Doxuments Bookmarks

Building  blocs  

Comments Recommendations

Create  a  professional  digital  iden9ty  

Enhance practice, skills and professional projectBuild a public page by aggregating contents!

A  personal  page  

A do-it-yourself page!A minima : a profil!

WIDGETS : OpenSocial / RSS!

Carnets2 internal contents !Academic contents!Contents from RSS feeds!

Goal : to value ones skills!

A  profil  (demo)  Fields filled by oneself (except Name and Firstname)!All informations displays are filtered via access lists!

A  student  personal  page  (demo)    

My  personal  page  


The creator manages the group!

Public, restricted or private views of all objects!

A group identity page!

Publication tools and collaborative work!

Group  iden9ty  page  

Feedback  tab  User feedback from all connected pages


! 2011 January, 1st :!

> 10,000 users!! 5,108 articles

180 CoDocs (= Wiki)113 Bookmarks

! 86 Feedbacks1,410 Comments

The  success  Key  ?  

Find a Community Manager !!

! !Responsible for the editorial line!

A moderator, not a censor!

Collects the users needs!

Member of the project steering board!

3  Social  Network  and    communica9on  strategy  

Impact on society!

Individual / corporate!

The fearsome social network : !



Social  Network,  pedagogy  and  employability  

Manage the progress in the learning : diary!

Validate skills according to standards : !! competence skills / training objectives!

Develop skills and experience: !! Social Learning : mentored internship!! Employment search !

Students  &  Carnets2  

A challenge for training and support to digital uses and legal concepts :!To show themselves without interfering = active digital identity!

Learn to manage their digital traces!

Responsible for their own articles, comments!


Carnets2 has been defined by the University President as a strategic tool for building a strong academic membership and strengthening the bonds between faculty, students, alumni and partners. !

4  Social  Network    in  the  Informa9on  System  

The Network is not another Web application!

New actors! !

Informations and process flux : !! RSS / portlets / widgets!

Files & Groups management!

Not  another  Web  applica9on  

The social network is a platform such as the portal or the LMS!

Elgg is a true development framework!





Enteprise  DMS  

Media  MS  


Services = Web apps




HR  IS  

New  actors  


Guests (companies, HR, …)!

University clusters => Identity federation!

Internship tutors!

Jury members!…!


Problem : !The alumni leave University and the IS. They loose control of their page and their products in the Social Network.

How to reactivate their access and for what services? Legal Issues!

The cheater syndrome : easy account reactivation

Flows  et  process  

The skills ePortfolio as an example





My  two  dreams  as  a  user  

Where and how do I save : !! my personal files ? !! my academic documents ? !! my educational contents ?!

Where and how do I create or get my groups ?!

Files  management  

User space!Enterprise Document MS (Nuxeo)!Media repository (Media2)!

A unified interface for uploading in Carnets2 and Moodle ? !

Groups  management  Need to synchronize groups creation !and modification :!! !! Portal (ENT)!! Social network (Carnets2)!! LMS!! Enterprise Document MS (Nuxeo)!! Media repository (Media2)!! …!! !Grouper ? FIFER ? !

References / communities!

Journées Numériques 2011 (in French !) !! #JNUM11 !! April 7 et 8, podcast soon available!

tutoJRES 15 (more technical)!! 2011 March, 23 mars!

Thanks  to  the  staff  

Sophie  Mahéo    Carnets2  Community  Manager  

Yann  Sallou  Carnets2  Lead  Developer  

Quick  demo

Thanks  for  your  aGen9on  






Next  block  to  my  office  

Rue Jacob Rue des St Pères