CASE STUDY REAL ESTATE - · LinkedIn for our real estate clients to...

Post on 09-Jul-2020

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CHAPTER 1Problems

CHAPTER 2Strategy

CHAPTER 3Success

• Unable to differentiate from competitors.• Improper brand alignment.• Lacked a consistent social media presence.• Needed an effective way to utilize the digital space.


• Established voice, tone and brand messaging across channels.• Variation of targeted digital advertising to serve different

conversions• Elevate all social platforms with consistent, engaging, authentic


• Within six months, social channel engagement increased 347%.• Increased website traffic by 800%.• Increased conversions by 60%, and overall sales increased by 32%.





The real estate industry is booming - and with housing demand and home prices riding consistent highs, it can be an exciting and lucrative business depending on your location.

Challenges in the industry, however, aren’t going anywhere. And for our real estate clients, these challenges run the gamut from reach to branding to conversions.

When taking into account that younger Boomers and Millennials will carry the real estate market for years to come, real estate professionals need to consider something critical: are they prepared to adapt to the changing digital market?

If you’re high-end, be high-end. If you’re extremely skilled at helping first-time buyers,

then own that space.

Our real estate clients understand the need for agility in today’s competitive market. Read on to discover how we help clients articulate their goals, reach the right audiences, and, ultimately, sell more homes.


With the density of real estate companies in major cities and across the United States, a consistent issue for real estate groups and agencies is differentiation. What makes your agency better than someone else’s? How will your team deliver a delightful experience in an efficient way? How will you keep your company top of mind for past, present, and future customers? Part of this issue lies in branding.

Who are you? What kinds of homes do you specialize in selling? If you’re

high-end, be high-end. If you’re extremely skilled at helping first-time buyers, then own that space. Too often, we see real estate companies trying to juggle too much, and they struggle to maintain focus.

An extremely important aspect of branding is a real estate agency’s actual brand. Everything should work together, top to bottom - logos, website, business cards, the way they answer the phone. Once a real estate agency has determined who they are, the next step is making sure their branding aligns appropriately with that.

A consistent issue for real estate groups and agencies is differentiation.

Another issue one particular client reported was maintaining a consistent social strategy. With listings changing rapidly, it can be difficult to stay on top of updates to social media profiles. Further, there are so many unique ways to get eyeballs on social media profiles for real estate professionals - but if they don’t have the time to push a strategy forward, it can be difficult to take advantage of these strategies.

Websites are another pain point. They have to be user friendly, fast, elegant, eye-catching, and easy to find. Since it’s such a competitive space, our real estate clients sometimes find that, before engaging with us, they struggle to get on the first page of search results (so important for conversions) or their bounce rate is consistently high. To make meaningful changes, SEO work and keyword analyses are required consistently. Too often, unfortunately, real estate companies struggle to find the time required to make a difference in their rankings.

The internet has made life both better and worse for real estate professionals. While the ability to keep listings updated, interact quickly with potential clients, and give clients an opportunity to do research on their own are helpful perks, it comes with some drawbacks. With all of that information so readily available, why even bother working with a real estate professional?

The aim is to prove the value of working with a professional for this extremely complex milestone and transaction. But with digital footprints in disarray, zero extra time to devote to SEO work, and a highly competitive market, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed.

To make meaningful changes, SEO work and keyword analyses are required consistently.


To address these issues, we first start with branding. Once we help the real estate agency determine who they want to market to, what their vibe is, and how they want to present themselves to the world, we develop a top-to-bottom integrated marketing strategy that extends from social media to website to email signatures.

Any business needs to look at its website as the center of its inbound marketing strategy.

Increasing the digital footprint of any business is of paramount importance, but in a competitive industry like real estate, it can be the difference between having a healthy base of clients and being forgotten on page seven of search results.

We create and maintain content on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn for our real estate clients to ensure we are reaching the right people at the right time - and tailoring messages to resonate with those audiences.

By elevating all social platforms with consistent, engaging, authentic content, organic rankings naturally increase. Add a little budget behind that, and you’ll see even more profound results.

And don’t think that the material real estate agencies publish on social platforms should be limited simply to homes for sale. We incorporate engaging, relevant information like home decor tips, troubleshooting techniques for homeowners, and updates about neighborhood events to help keep the real estate agency top-of-mind for customers, both past, present, and future. We also leverage social contests and digital campaigns to boost engagement across platforms.

Any business needs to look at its website as the center of its inbound marketing strategy. We first audit a real estate agency’s website, combing through it for issues in searchability, design, CTA placement, speed, and more. Once we tackle these issues, we ensure that conversion points on the website are optimized, leading potential customers through the buyer’s journey from casual visitor to lead to customer.

With our efforts in SEO, one client saw an increase in top-10-ranked keywords from 3 to

34 in just one year.

From then on, we work to elevate the website’s search engine rankings. By combining on-page SEO efforts with a targeted keyword and content strategy, we boost rankings and move to shift the website to the first page of results.

Lastly, we reinforce relationships between clients and real estate professionals with emails that contain helpful, relevant information, segmented by which stage of the buyer’s journey the recipient is in.


Our strategies result in consistent growth across social media platforms, increases in web sessions, and more conversions.

Guided by an inbound strategy, we helped boost engagement on social

channels 347% within 6 months for one of our real estate clients. In that same time period, traffic to their website from social media increased by 800%.

With our efforts in SEO, one client saw an increase in top-10-ranked keywords from 3 to 34 in just one year.

Conversions on their website from CTAs and conversion points representing different stages of the buyer’s journey went from an average of 3 per month to an average of 41 per month.

When we say we impact the bottom line, we’re not just blowing smoke: from our marketing efforts, client conversion increased by 60%, and overall sales increased by 32%.

Real estate is often a one-time, transactional relationship. But with a consistent inbound strategy in place that emphasizes relevant, helpful content, positive relationships between client and agent, and foundational pieces that contribute to an overall good buying experience, agencies can benefit from repeat customers, referrals, and more.

We are innovative thinkersand boundary-pushers.

5613 DTC Parkway, Suite 120Greenwood Village, CO 80111