Causes of the American Revolution Text page 131-157 See map text page 133 Discuss areas of possible...

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Causes of the American Revolution

Text page 131-157

See map text page 133

Discuss areas of possible conflict

Control of AmericaColonial Wars (4)

King Williams 1689-1697

Conflict over Nova Scotia

English try to take over Quebec

Peace –nothing gained by any nation

Issues of control still unsolved

Queen Anne’s War

• 1702-1713• Result of war in Europe• English try to take St. Augustine Fl.• Spanish and French become Allies• Port Royal taken by English• Treaty• 1-Nova Scotia English• 2-Newfoundland English• 3-French keep fishing rights• Other claims left unsolved

Queen Anne King George King William

King George’s War

• 1744-1748

• Extension of war in Europe

• Over boundary claims in Nova Scotia

• Treaty

• Everything back to pre-war

• Again final claims not solved

The 4th colonial war to come

• Albany Plan• Ben Franklin• Goal: • 1- unite the colonies• 2- seek friendship with Native Americans• Set up: • Representatives from all colonies• Leader would be appointed by crown• Leader would have power to veto• This group would be called the grand council

Continued Albany Plan

• Powers:• Collect taxes• Regulate Indian affairs• Raise army• Pass laws-that would apply to all colonies• Failed• Colonies did not want to give up individual

powers .

the 1st Political Cartoon

French and Indian War

• After the first three colonial wars

• Nothing was gained

• Both French and English keep expanding their boundaries

• French moved into the Mississippi Valley

• English moved into the Ohio Valley

• Conflict Ahead


Ohio Valley Conflict

• French try to protect Ohio Valley• 1-Build new forts• 2-Put up signs no trespassing

• British determined to stop the French from building forts and build there own

• Virginia sends 21 year old G. Washington to tell the French to leave the Ohio Valley and to build a fort where two rivers meet


• French• Small but effective

army• Strong forts in

Quebec• Indian support• Had unity under the


• British• Larger population• Controlled the Atlantic• More supplies

• Lacked unity

Conflict Starts

• French had built fort Duquesne / same spot Washington was going to build

• Washington attacks but forced to retreat

• Washington builds a make shift fort

• Fort Necessity

• French overpower Washington, he was released and told relay the message that this was French land to Virginia.

Fort Duquesne

British Next Move

• Send General Braddock with 1400 men to take fort Duquesne

• Used European methods

• Did not understand frontier war

• French ambushed them / 1000 british killed including Braddock

• Braddock had five horses shot out from under him before he was killed

Braddock Mistakes

• European war

• Red coats

European Warfare

New Prime Minister in England

• William Pitt

• He is willing to spend what ever it takes to win this war

• He send the best of the best to America to win this war

• Washington put in command

• British gain Fort Duquesne and re-name it Fort Pitt (Present day Pittsburgh)

Tide of Battle turns

• Under William Pitt British start to win

• He spent and spent

• Pitt sent General Wolfe to take Quebec the capital of New France

• Quebec was needed by the French to supply all its lower forts

• If they lost Quebec the war would be over

Battle of Quebec

Battle of Quebec

End of the French in America

• British gain Quebec with the battle of Abraham

• French did not think the British would attempt to enter up the cliff.

• French thought the British would enter from land

• Wolfe bold plan –late at night small boats across the river and climbed the cliff


Normally only moved during the day

French wake up in am and find 4,000 British troops

Battle takes place but French are defeated

The fall of Quebec sealed the fate of the French. They could no longer supply lower forts

Treaty Time

Treaty of Paris

• British gain French Canada

• British gain French land east of Miss. River

• French keep small islands

• As a result of secret deal between the Spanish and French Spain gets French land West of the Miss. River

• Spain gives British Florida


• French removed from North America

• Peace returned since everyone had so much new land, no new conflicts for a while.

• Next conflict in America will be the British own 13 colonies rebelling against them because of all the new taxes the British started in order to pay the cost of the war.

Map after the war


• Queen Anne War—started over /gained• King William War—started over / gained• King George War—started over / gained• Albany Plan--- goal 2 /powers / reason failed /

who made it / how it was set up• French and Indian war– why started / French fort

/ British fort / advantages / Braddock mistake/ New Prime Minister / What he did that changed things-turn point / battle that leads to the fall of French-explain / Treaty of Paris- explain by map