CE215 Unit 4 Curriculum Models

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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CE215 Unit 4 Curriculum Models. Feel free to chat informally until seminar begins at the top of the hour. Instructor: Elizabeth Crosby (Prof. Beth). Unit 4 Focus. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


CE215 Unit 4

Curriculum Models

Feel free to chat informally until seminar begins at the top of the hour.

Instructor:Elizabeth Crosby (Prof. Beth)

Unit 4 Focus

This unit focuses on curriculum models and how to create learning environments that encourage students to become actively engaged in activities that are similar to their everyday experiences.

7 Curriculum Models

• The Montessori Model • The Reggio Emilia Model • The High Scope Model • The Project Approach • The Creative Curriculum Model • The Waldorf Model • The Bank Street Model

//Why do you think it is important to be familiar with several curricular models?

//What is meant by student-centered learning?

The Montessori ModelEducation is not facts, but rather the ability to think

Key Points: learning is student-directedactivities are organized for individual work

Classroom includes: Sensory and didactic materials, child-size furniture and materials

Role of the teacher: Observe and direct, not instruct

The Montessori Method


Return after 3 minutes to discuss

//What is the role of the environment in the Montessori Method?

//Why is a there a major emphasis on sensory activities?

The Reggio Emilia Modelalso known as Emergent Curriculum

(social, intellectual, moral development)

Key Points:in-depth project work –long termLearning based on interests of childrenchildren work and play together in small groupsfamilies are involvedThe environment is the ‘third’ teacher

Classroom includes: High quality art supplies, mirrors, plants, natural light

Role of the teacher: Day-to-day administrator, collaborate with the community, assemble portfolios of student work, teacher is partner or guide

Reggio Emilia


(video lasts 4 minutes, but return after 3 minutes)

//What is one key point you can share about Reggio Emilia?

The High Scope Modelbased on science and hands-on learning

helps child provide a learning focus through planning

Key Points:Plan-Do-Review (Makes children conscious of their actions

and connects language with action)Classroom includes: materials and activities that expose

students to key concepts; learning centersRole of the teacher: observe, encourage, and extend a child’s

learning; facilitate group time in discussion of what they did during play time

High Scope Approach

Return after 1 minute to discuss

//How does the Plan Do Review method develop learning and vocabulary?


The Project ApproachKey Points:

Students drive investigation of topics of their interest and present what they have learned in a manner in which they choose

4 Key Learning Goals: knowledge, skills, disposition, feelings3 Phases of the process: Planning, Investigation, Culmination

Classroom includes: Graphing, Measuring, Drawing, Labeling, Writing, Signs, Role playing, Problem-solving, Seeking answers to questions, Building replicas

Role of the teacher: observe students; facilitate and support investigations

The Project Approach

//Why is the Project Approach ideal for young learners?

Return after 1 minute (post 3 reasons)


The Creative Curriculum ModelKey Points

Based on 6 developmental theorists’ work, brain research, and learning and resiliency

Children have choices and determine how they will learnPredictable, structured day

Classroom includes: play materials that support and challenge children’s abilities and are easily accessible to students; problem-solving and risk-taking opportunities

Role of the teacher: observe, guide, assess

The Creative Curriculum Approach

Return after 2 minutes to share one idea from this video.


The Waldorf ModelK-12 alternative education movementmusic, storytelling, holistic approach

Key Points:Stresses the development of the child’s body, mind, and spiritPromote healthy, unhurried learning experiences based on

developmental level3 Essential phases of development (imitation; imagination; truth,

discrimination, and judgment) Spiritually-based pedagogyNo formal instruction or assessment until the age of 7

Classroom includes: homelike environment with no plastic toys, academic materials or modern technology like computers or video players found in the environment

Role of the teacher: designer of the classroom; facilitator of experiences

The Waldorf Method

Return after 3:30 minutes 5 minutes


//What are some of the differences between Waldorf and traditional education?

The Bank Street ModelKey Points:

Emphasizes development of the ‘whole child’Social studies and learning trips are the core of the

curriculumChild-directed play

Classroom includes: opportunity to be part of a democratic community; learning centers

Role of the teacher: facilitates class meetings and group activities, but emphasizes independent, productive play

The Bank Street Model 3:20


//What do we mean by educating the whole child?

Thinking about your curriculum plans and methods you would use…

//What key ingredients help young children learn?

Why is it important for programs to have a curriculum model?

Benefits• Provides guideline for

teachers• Parents want to know how

their children are being taught

• Show that curriculum is research-based

Challenges• Choosing what it will be

based on• Incorporating everything

that needs to be addressed• Making sure all teachers are

properly trained and are following curriculum guidelines

Final Thoughts…//What is one key idea that you learned tonight about classroom


Thank you for attending our live seminar this week on models of instruction. I appreciate your contributions!

Any questions?