Central ohio esc offerings

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Central OH ESC PD Offerings


Learning revised content standards and new language to define the standards can be daunting. This workshop provides an overview of a framework using familiar terms that all content area teachers can relate to, to help align their classroom instruction to the ELA or Mathematics Common Core.

Participants receive one free copy of either the ELA OR Mathematics version of the Common Core: Clarifying Expectations for Teachers and Students. Using this flip book, educators will join national presenters Bob Holman and Katy Bainbridge as they guide you through the following: 1. Examine the structure and content of the Common Core Standards. 2. Develop and strengthen strategies to integrate CCSS into the classroom using: enduring understandings, essential questions and learning targets. 3. Learn ideas for formative and summative assessment, student involvement and effective strategies. Participants are encouraged to bring their curriculum materials for planning. One-hour Ashland University graduate credit available for additional $249 if attending two content areas.

Date Options ELA Mathematics November 1, 2011 or December 1, 2011 November 4, 2011 or December 2, 2011

Common Core Literacy Strategies in Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects (Grades 6-12) Based on the Common Core Standards in History/Social Studies/Science/Technical subjects and best practice research, participants will develop an understanding of how to integrate sound literacy practices into their respective content area. Focus will be: 1. Integrating literacy skills and strategies into instructional planning, implementation and assessment; 2. Developing and using graphic organizers to improve students' abilities to comprehend, organize and transfer content curriculum; 3. Examining literacy strategies for content area classrooms using print and multi-modal texts; and 4. Examining strategies to help improve student motivation and achievement.

Participants receive a free grade-band copy of the Common Core: Clarifying Expectations for Teachers and Students flip book that contains the Common Core literacy standards and correlating learning targets, enduring understandings and essential questions for Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects.

Date Options October 27, 2011 or December 14, 2011


ESC of Central Ohio

2080 Citygate Drive

Columbus, Ohio 43219


8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.


Member Districts: $99

Non-Member Rate: $149


Register online through the MyLearningPlan link on www.escofcentralohio.org


Please contact Sandy Denney at 614.542.4111 or Sandy.Denney@escco.org

Unpacking the Common Core

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Project-Based Learning (PBL) 101

Interested in taking classroom projects beyond a fluffy dessert idea or add-on to your units?

Leave the “dessert” behind and focus on projects that serve as the “main course” – learn how

to design innovative, standards-based projects that that are both rigorous – and relevant.

The Buck Institute of Education (BIE) is the prominent nationally-recognized project-based

learner (PBL) provider in the country. Lead by a BIE-certified workshop facilitator, participants

will experience a specially designed high-quality learning process in which one actually

experiences PBL as a learner while designing their own PBL unit. As a result, participants will

get a better classroom feel for PBL while learning basic principles for designing, assessing and

managing PBL projects.

Through a combination of direct instruction, video analysis and hands-on collaborative work,

participants have the opportunity to plan, design and receive peer feedback on an engaging

and rigorous project using the BIE model and tools. Every participant receives a free copy of

the 2011 revised PBL 101 Workbook, which includes rubrics, planning forms, activities,

readings, etc. In addition, participants will have an exclusive invitation for an Ohio PBL wiki

that contains Ohio-focused, K-12 PBL units for teachers to share.

Graduate Credit

Participants may purchase one semester hour of Ashland University credit for $249


Contact Sandy Denney in the Center for Achievement & Leadership Services at 614.542.4111 or sandy.denney@escco.org

Workshop Location

ESC of Central Ohio

2080 Citygate Drive

Columbus, Ohio 43219


8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.


Register online through the MyLearningPlan link on www.escofcentralohio.org

PBL 101

Workshop Dates

October 11-12, 2011 (preK-5 focus) November 2-3, 2011 November 9-10, 2011 December 13-14, 2011


Member Districts: $199 Non-Member Rate: $249

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

PBL 201 – Advanced Practices

The likelihood of changed teacher practice involves more than a one- or two-day workshop.

Opportunities for reflection and revision yield greater dividends for professional growth. This is an

opportunity to take your foundational understanding of PBL practice to a deeper level. It is designed

for those that have taken PBL 101, tried it in their classroom – and ready to return with specific

questions relative to their PBL experience.

A BIE-certified workshop facilitator will work with participants to provide time to share their PBL

experience and examples of student work – what worked and what didn’t? Time will be used to

seek solutions on improving the quality of a PBL teacher’s experience each time they practice PBL.

The agenda is semi-structured based on advanced techniques not offered in PBL 101 and common

issues associated with facilitating PBL. Example questions include:

• Is it truly student-centered? Was the guiding question really inquiry-based?

• Were my assessments really providing quality feedback or is it just a compliance check-list?

• How can I incorporate more 21st century skills into the problem-solving process?

PBL Instructional Coaching

A BIE-certified facilitator will work with you and your team on developing onsite instructional coaching visits for sustained support beyond PBL 101. The content and process of these sessions are based on the needs of the participating teachers. The follow-ups could include additional training, classroom observation, teacher coaching, curriculum review, or a review of student work.

PBL for Leaders Workshops

Want a mini-PBL workshop just for principals and other school leaders that may be supporting PBL teachers in their schools? These onsite workshops are designed to provide educational leaders with a toolkit of ideas and best practices that will enable them to create a teaching and learning environment that allows PBL to flourish in their school.

Contact Dr. Teresa Dempsey, Director of Professional Development at Teresa.Dempsey@escco.org or 614.445.3750 for more information.

Workshop Location

ESC of Central Ohio

2080 Citygate Drive

Columbus, Ohio 43219

Time 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.


Register online through the MyLearningPlan link on www.escofcentralohio.org

PBL 201

Workshop Dates

October 10, 2011

November 22, 2011

December 15, 2011


Member Districts: $79

Non-Member Districts: $99