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A research

Presented to

The research Committee of the Department of Information Technology


Tagum City






March 2012



This research paper entitled INFLUENCE OF DOTA AND BEHAVIOR OF YOUTH



of the requirements for the course, Communication Arts 2 has been examined and is hereby





Approved by the Research Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of_____.

Joan Grace Gama






We, CyrizMadrona, Kelvin Jan Luega, NorhaimaLindongan, Rheane May Llego and Eric

John Aparece, would like to express their deepest gratitude and appreciation for the following

individuals who contributed valuable assistance and knowledge to accomplish this research.

First of all, we thank God, for giving us the strength, courage, guidance and faith that is

research would be successful.

To our parents, for the guidance, support and understanding they have given to us,

giving us inspiration to do our best.

To the panels, Mr. Exelsis Deo Deloy and Ms. Joan Grace Gama, for helping us all

throughout the process of making our research paper.



We would like to dedicate this research to our parents that there is no

doubt in our mind that without their continued support and counsel we could not

have completed this process.

We would also dedicate this to our ComArt 2 teacher, Mr. Exelsis Deo

Deloy. For helping us to make this research to be easier even though in reality it is

very difficult indeed.


Chapter 1

Background of the Study……………………………………………………………1-2

Statement of the Research Problem…………………………………………………2

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………2-3

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………...3

Chapter 2

Review Related Literature…………………………………………………………….4-6

Chapter 3

Research Analysis………………………………………………………………………..7

Chapter 4





Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………….…11-15


Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Defense of the Ancients (DotA) is a custom scenario for Warcraft III, based on the

"Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is to destroy the opponents'

"Ancient". The two teams' ancients are heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the

map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-

controlled fighters called "creeps". This makes Dota a popular game today but Dota is not only

just a fun thrilling game, there is something in Dota that can make its streaming without a good

reason. Aside from that, Dota can be the cause of fight among players because it can trigger to

loose temper of its player and to lose the good manner they learn. So, what really behind in this

game. We will find out in this research.

This paper talks about the influence of game DOTA on verbal communication and social

interaction of children and Adolescents in Indonesia. Based on the study of various cases and

literature, discovered the negative influence of DOTA game on children and youth in Indonesia.

First, a negative influence on verbal communication, often in the form of children and

adolescents to talk with harsh words. Second, the influence of the social interaction of children

and adolescents, a solitary pleasure for playing games. In addition, from the side of social

interaction, children and adolescents tend to have difficulty in adapting to the environment.

In the Philippines, in some Internet cafes, and we notice that almost every computer

user was playing the same game, Dota. Here’s one effect that comes along: Addiction.

Addiction is described in the Wikipedia as an obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical

dependence or psychological dependence, such as: drug addiction, video game addiction,

crime, alcoholism, compulsive overeating, problem gambling, computer addiction, pornography

addiction, etc. I guess we can add another example of addiction: DOTA Addiction. Everyone

who was playing Dota was screaming and insulting and blaming others for not assisting them

kill the hero. Again, I realized that there’s more to Dota than just a fun, thrilling game. And I have

seen through my own eyes, how this game has brought change to the youth today.

Here in Tagum City, many youth were also greatly influenced of Dota. As I observe,

this game also affects the life style of the youth who are in to this game, although it has one

good benefit, but it corrupts the mind and the way the youth think. It also weakened the body


system, money and moral values were not given importance because of this game. When time

spent on the computer, playing Dota games or cruising the internet reaches a point that it harms

a child's or adult's family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person

maybe caught in a cycle of addiction. Like other addictions, Dota game has replaced friends and

family as the source of a person, emotional life. Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person

spends more time playing video games or searching the internet.

Statement of the Research Problem

The foregoing study is about the influence of playing Dota and behavior of youth

towards moral discipline, specifically the researcher try to find out the answers to the following


1. What is the content of Dota offers the gamers and why it brings unpleasant behavior

to the youth?

2. What are negative effects of game named Dota that affects the moral discipline of


3. What makes Dota an addicted game once the youth engage on it?

4. What are the different changes in behavior of the youth because of playing Dota?

5. What does it give impact to the youth?

Significance of the Study

Teachers. As the known for being the second parent of the youth in school, we hope that this

will help teachers to think of what they can do to help their students to change. This will teach to

support them to focus with their studies because this is one of the well known games made their

future destroyed, made them to cut classes to just go to Internet cafes to play Dota and made

students grades failed. So teachers, please help your students to see their paths for a better life

and future.

Parents. For the major person that grows the morality of your children, we hope that it will give

you the benefits to know the things that your child might be addicted or if your child might not

been involved with this; it will still help you to avoid your child to be influenced by this modern



Students. This will also help especially with you students, we hope that this will you to make no

regrets after you realized how hard does your parents done that give always you allowance that

they always thought to be used for your studies. You students should deeply think on how hard

to find money on our time today; money must not only waste for addiction it should be used

wisely. Money cannot be only picked up from somewhere but for others that can afford for their

addiction they also have something to be realized. They should also realize on how this game

affects their behavior in front of other people that gives impact to their moral discipline. So

reading this will benefit especially you, on how you will change if you are already affected with

this international game and how to maintain to strong in front of peers of this game.

Definition of Terms

Influence of Dota. Many critics argue that games produce socially isolated people or

promoteviolent behavior. DOTA games are simple, mind numbing entertainment.

Playinggames is a waste of time. Some of these criticisms may (or may not) be true, but toview

all game playing through this lens is to ignore the broader history of games and thediverse range of game playing

experiences available.

Behavior of Youth.It is the mannerisms of the youth because of this game Dota. Many youth players were having

mannerism of talking bad words when they were playing Dota. Often students can

be find the playing Dota in some Internet café’s, even more time in class. This behavior affects

the youth greatly.

Moral Discipline.It is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that

are good (or right) and those that are bad (or wrong). A moral code is a system of morality (for

example, according to a particular philosophy, religion, culture, etc.) and a moral is any one

practice or teaching within a moral code. The adjective moral is synonymous with "good" or

"right." Immorality is the active opposition to morality (i.e. good or right), while amorality is

variously defined as an unawareness of, indifference toward, or disbelief in any set of moral

standards or principles.


Chapter 2

Review Related Literature

This review related literature serves as our evidence in conducting our research and

source to have an intensive study in our topic.

Defense of the Ancients or DOTA effects have been continue for several years since

the launch of the War of War Craft and the Frozen Throne. Almost every people especially the

youth has play this game at the very beginning of the year. It requires tactic to defeat the

enemy. There is no rule as long as you kill your enemy. (

DOtA is not only a game, the truth behind this is it’s a satanic game. Ancient- question:

who is ancient? –answer: God but Satan’s disguises himself and deceives us, saying he is

Ancient one. The obvious aims: to kill your enemy, to destroy the tree of life for sentinel, to

destroy the frozen throne for scourage, and TO BE BEYOND GODLIKE in this game. Verbal

acknowledgements: -OMG (Oh my God) The bible states, “do not use the name of the Lord in

vain!” –Bull**t and holys**t need not to explain –Good job/good work -when you killed somebody

you are being congratulated with this.(

According to Clarin(2009), “Playing DOTA can influence you to become disrespectful. In

this game, you can learn to talk to different languages used during the game or what we called

“TRASH TALKS”. Trash talks such as foul languages can really lose the temper of the one

they referring to and their values. As a result, the both side will fight each other. Gamble is also

present in this game to make the game interesting and satisfying. DOTA also corrupts the mind

of youth and the way they think. Furthermore, DOtA also is one of the reasons why youth lie to

their parents that they need extra money for their school project but the truth is they are just

using money to rent a computer where they can play DOTA with their classmates.

Rodriguez (2009) stated in his blog that playing DOTA makes you want to play for

more once you engage on it because of this reasons:

A time killer-it can consume a lot of time without noticing it.

Fame source-most players want to be best in this game to gain fame which is nonsense.

Total freedom-you have all the freedom to do anything you wish. You can gunk, farm,

lane top, lane mid, lane boot, buy items you wish, you can even annoy your team mates

if you wish.


Ability to feel like having supernatural skills-in DOTA you can have what you want. Just

pick the hero that possesses the skill you want.

Tool to anger discharge-you can pick a killer hero, make it monster-like, then kill

everyone you see.

Peer pressure –right when you don’t feel like playing, here comes a DOTA buddy

saying: “its weekend let’s play!”

Game illusion-the map becomes your world and your hero becomes you. Once you have

experience to play your mind would be constantly searching for that pleasurable world.

It’s haunting-you kept on thinking why you lost the game or how great your game was.

Winning feels good

Losing makes you thirsty to win

Opportunity to become a hero-it’s pleasurable to feel like a hero.

According to Felmar Cortejo (a student we interviewed, 2012),”Whenever I lose a DOTA

game, want to grab my weak team mates and punch him in the face. I usually talks bad words

like “bugo”, ”yawa”, bullshit and other words just to express my anger. But every time I win it

makes me feel like a celebrity, I stand up feeling like everyone is looking at me and tend to snob

weaker players and treat them as my fans.”

Psychologist Bruce Bartholow, the lead researcher of the study which will publish in full in

the journal Experimental Social Psychology later this year, said:” As far as I’m aware, this is the

first study to show that exposure to violent games has effects on the brain that predict

aggressive behavior. People who play a lot of violent games didn’t see them much different from

neutral. They become desensitized. However, their responses are still normal for the non-violent

negative effects.(

According to Perfekt (2009), “Ah DOTA. What a soothing to my young ears, whenever I

hear this word. The first thing that comes to my mind is to kill more and more heroes as many

as I can and not to get killed in the process. As, I realized what I was thinking, I immediately

realized that my attention was focused on killing and defending, which is not real me. I stopped

to think for a moment. If I was entranced in the killing part of the game, how much more the

another youth around the world! The game was fun, but it may also have effects on our attitude

and the way we handle our problems.”


According to Donald Careon (a out of school youth we interviewed, 2012), “Basta kung

makadula ko ug Dota dili nako kapugong sa ako kaugalingon. Bisan unsa na lang ako gipanulti,

murag naay magdictate sa ako. Kung mapildi ko init kaayo ako ulo lami mangita ug away.(Every

time I play DOTA I can’t control myself. I don’t know what I say, there is someone who dictate

me.if I lose I easily get angry and I want to have trouble with anyone.)


Chapter 3

Research Analysis

As we conducted our intensive research about the influence of DOTA in the moral

discipline of youth, we found out that this game is not good at all. It is not only a fun game,

which many youth thought, it has something on it that can affect the youth behavior. Almost

player of this game possess the negative effects of DOTA like shouting, screaming and insulting

someone without a good reason inside the net café. This game can make you blind about the

real happening around you and make you paranoid about the real feelings of other when you

start insulting them. DOTA gives unpleasant and unreal feelings especially when you lost the

game. It seems that anyone you see, you want them to snob.

The content of DOTA like it’s graphics design, unique characters, and the game plan is

really a matter in the way youth interact. The violent in this game that was included in the game

plan can gives a negative impact to the youth. The way he/she acts and respects to others will

be lessen in this game.

Through this game, the behavioral status of youth will be damaged. The attitude of youth

towards good manner will be neglected in this game. What important in this game is to make

your enemy annoy, which trespass the moral discipline of individual. Because of this game,

he/she can’t control his/her anger and can cause trouble.


Chapter 4



The research is all about influence of Dota and behavior of towards moral discipline.It

covers and emphasizes the game named Dota, its background and history. It discuss also the

truth behind this game and why this game so addicting. It determines the effect of this game to

the youth not only in their everyday life but it given emphasize especially the changes of

behavior of youth because of this game.

Dota is a game that makes youth longing for more fun. It’s not only the time that wastes

in this game but money is involve too. However, many youth neglect the negative effects of this

game and embraced this game heartily without hesitation. Unfortunately, at the rate of the

players are playing this game was increasing the more Dota pollutes the mind of youth.


Do you how to play Dota game? This is one of the biggest questions among those who

play their computer game in the different computer shops. Most of the users are youth. With this

game the youth tend to be like deaf and blind in their surroundings.

Hence, with this study you may able to know all the effects of this game to the youth or

teenagers not only in their studies but most especially in their moral discipline.

Therefore, this so called Dota is not really good to the children nor to the teenagers or

youth. So with this study you may able to determine the different effects of violent game

especially Dota game which is not suitable for the youth. And with this you can avail to know all

the facts and bad influence of this game to the youth.


The Dota game is one of the most popular games here in the Philippines today. Millions

of youth really want to play this as their favorite computer games. Most of the time youth learn to

disregard their moral discipline because of this game with this regard we found out that there is

no good impacts of Dota to the youth.


To avoid this kind of effects to the youth, they must learn to control there selves and be a

wise in terms in using the time. Avoid peers that can influence you to play this game. Be a

responsible gamer, don’t let this game fool you. Always stick to your family and listen the

advices of your parents. In addition, it would be good if you will make yourself occupied with fun

activities, sports and hobbies so that they wouldn’t have time for playing Dota and this activities

will take your mind off the game.



Rodriguez, J. Reasons of Dota Addiction.Retrieve March 19, 2012 from: http://itsme-

Clann, H. Negative effects of Dota to the students. Retrieved March 19, 2012 form:

Cortejo, F(2012, March 16). Interviewed with a student.



PerfeKt, P(2009, July 19). Dota: Amusement or Addiction. Retrieved March 20, 2012 from:




I.Personal Data

Name : Cyriz D. Madrona

Address : Prk. 2, Brgy. Concepcion Montevista Compostela Valley Province

Date of Birth : November 30,1993

Place of Birth :Concepcion Montevista

Age : 18

Mother’s Name : Leah Madrona

Father’s Name :Rodrigo Madrona

II.Educational Background

Elementary :Alimadmad Elementary School


Secondary :Montevista National High School(main)


Tertiary : STI - TAGUM

Seminars Attended



Student, STI Tagum


I.Personal Data

Name : Kelvin Jan P. Luega

Address : Prk. Café, Visayan Village, Tagum City

Date of Birth : April 6,1995

Place of Birth : Tagum City

Age : 16

Mother’s Name : Jocelyn P. Luega

Father’s Name : Seth S. Luega

II.Educational Background

Elementary :Visayan Village Elementary School


Secondary : Tagum City National High School(main)


Tertiary : STI - TAGUM

Seminars Attended



Student, STI Tagum


I.Personal Data

Name :Rheane May R. Llego

Adress : Dasing Mesaoy, New Corella, Davao

Date of Birth : May 17,1994

Place of Birth : New Corella

Age : 17

Mother’s Name : Isadelia Llego

Father’s Name :Bobby Llego

II.Educational Background

Elementary :Dasing Elementary School


Secondary :La Filipina National High School


Tertiary : STI - TAGUM

Seminars Attended



Student, STI Tagum


I.Personal Data

Name : Norhaima M. Lindongan

Adress : Quierante-2 St., Tagum City

Date of Birth : January 8,1990

Place of Birth :Tagum City

Age : 22

Mother’s Name : Sohra M. Lindongan

Father’s Name :Ote Lindongan

II.Educational Background

Elementary :Sultan Macatingag Elementary School


Secondary :Unda Memorial Agricultural School


Tertiary : STI - TAGUM

Seminars Attended



Student, STI Tagum


I.Personal Data

Name : Eric John Aparece

Address : Villa Magsanoc,Mankilam, Tagum City

Date of Birth : November 26, 1994

Place of Birth : Tagum City

Age : 17

Mother’s Name : Juliet Aparece

Father’s Name :Enrique Aparece

II.Educational Background

Elementary :Pilot Imelda Elementary School


Secondary :Tagum Comprehensive National High School


Tertiary : STI - TAGUM

Seminars Attended



Student, STI Tagum