Chapter 1 introduction to seo

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SEO Training by

Search Engine Optimization Training

Page Locus is a popular online website analysis and SEO tool which help SEO

individuals, Agencies and Enterprise to manage their SEO Efforts.Page Locus

also expertize in providing training to Digital Marketers and SEOs.

Module 1: Introduction to SEO

What is Page Locus?

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

AIM of Module

To gain basic understanding about

SEO Terminologies

What is SEO?

On-Page Vs Off-Page Optimization

Search Engine Basics

Advanced Search Queries

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Some Terminologies - Just in case

SERP - Stands for Search Engine Results Page

Search Query - Actual Word User puts in Search Box

Keyword - Is sort of like the Platonic ideal of a search query

PR - Stands for Press Release or Page Rank (check context)

SEM - Search Engine Marketing or Paid Search Advertising

SEP - Search Engine Positioning

CTR - Click Through Rate

PPC - Pay Per Click

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization or Search

Engine Optimizer.

It’s a process of improving organic rank of a website or

webpage in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing,


SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Common Misconceptions about SEO

SEO is Dead

Paid Search Helps Bolster Organic Results

If you have higher number of links then you rank higher

Concentrate on Google and Forget the Rest

If you have keywords on your website you get better rankings.

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Why there is a need of SEO?

Increase Relevant Organic Traffic

Increasing Brand Awareness

Improving Conversion Rate

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Strategy for SEO in 2008

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Snapshot for SEO Strategy in 2015

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

On-Page Vs Off Page SEO Optimization

On-Page Optimization simply is optimizing a

website so that it is easily crawlable, provides

better user experience, conversion rates.

Off-Page Optimization are the factors that

affect search engine rankings but are not

controlled by content on your website.

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Instruments of On-Page Optimization

Title Tags

Meta Tags


Link Structure


Website Speed


Redirects etc..

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Benefits from On-Page Optimization

Better CTR among Search Results

Better User Experience

Improved Conversions.

Contribution to Search Results Position

Easily Accessible for Search Engines.

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Instruments of Off-Page Optimization

Press Release

Social Media Marketing

Social Bookmarking

Article Submissions

Link Building

Participating in Forms

Review Posting

RSS Feed Submissions

Video Submission (YouTube, Vimeo)

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

What is a Search Engine?

A search engine is a software that is designed

to collect information about web pages, images,

videos and other media across the internet and

deliver it to users searching for any query.

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Lots of Search Engines..

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Most Popular Search Engines.

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

How Search Engines Works?

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Organic Results Vs Paid Results

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Search Results are Personalized..

User Location User Intent

User Search History Device

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Advanced Search Queries for Analysis


1. ( - ) - Minus Operator to exclude search results containing words.

2. (&&) - Search Results should have both the keywords.

3. (||) - Search Results can have either of the keywords.

4. site: - Show all indexed links from a website.

5. intitle: - Show all search results which have this keyword in title.

6. inurl: - Show all search results which have this keyword in URL.

7. “abc” - Show all search results with the phrase match of keyword.

8. cache: - When was the last time Google visited the site.

9. # - Show all trending topics for a particular keyword.

SEO Training bySession 2015/16

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Next Module 2 : On-Page SEO in Detail

See you in next class..