Chapter 13 The Rise of Mass "Jacksonian" Democracy APUSH.

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Chapter 13 The Rise of Mass

"Jacksonian" Democracy


Politics shift in the 1820s:

"Jeffersonian Democracy" where the people were governed as little as possible "Jacksonian" Democracy" takes it one step further

a. whatever governing was to be done should be done DIRECTLY by the people

b. universal white manhood suffrage began to replace property requirements (VT was the 1st)

Voter turnout rose w/ new style of politicking:

a. banners

b. badges

c. parades

d. barbecues

e. free drinks

f. baby kissing

Everywhere people began to flex their political muscles

a. members of the Electoral College were being chosen directly by the people rather than by state legislatures

b. desire of the people to nominate their own presidential candidates rather

than by congressional caucus

Election of 1824

Andrew JacksonTN "Old Hero of New Orleans"

Henry ClayKY "Harry of the West"

William CrawfordGA chosen by congressional caucus

John Quincy Adams MAson of ex-Pres.

Jackson won the popular vote but failed to win the majority of electoral votes so based upon the 12th Amendment the election went to the House of Rep. to choose b/w top three candidates.

Clay eliminated (last) but he was the powerful Speaker of the House:a. Crawford - had a stroke - eliminatedb. Jackson - hated by Clay as his arch rival

for "King of the West"c. Adams - no real association

Clay met privately w/ Adams and gave Adams his support. House held its vote and Adams won. Adams then nominated Clay as Sec. of State.

Public outcry - private meeting seen as a bribe. Public wanted Jackson as Sec of State and Jackson supporters cried a "corrupt bargain" had taken place. Impact: JQA becomes 1st minority president (only 1/3 voted for him)

John Quincy Adams' Administration:

Not popular"Old Nationalist"– a. roads/canals– b. idea of nat'l university– c. wanted fed. $ for astronomical observatory– d. cut back on speculation of W lands– e. supporter of Cherokee nation's rt to land in

GA– f. maintained competent gov't workers


waste of $ for observatory

to fund projects - continue w/ tariff (hated in the S)

resisted fed. in state matters:

1. Cherokee - GA wanted them removed to make room for whites (ex. of nullification)

2. Education - state decided curriculum

3. Transportation - state decided projects

4. Slavery - basis of Southern state economies

Tariff of 1828

passed at the very end of JQA's administration (see below) another protective tariff

Election of 1828

National Republicans John Quincy Adams

Support from N and NE

Democratic Republicans

Andrew Jackson

Support from S and W

Campaign Is riddled with mudslinging both personal and political

Results: Jackson wins by landslide 173 to 83.

Jackson’s Life

Born Mar. 15, 1767, on the border of North Carolina and South Carolina, Jackson was orphaned at the age of 14. After reading law and gaining admission to the bar in North Carolina, he migrated to Nashville, Tenn., where he allied himself with a powerful political faction.In 1791, Jackson married Rachel; both he and Rachel mistakenly believed that she and her first husband had received a legal divorce. When they discovered their error, they remarried (1794).

Jackson's Administration

1. Tariff of 1828 - "Tariff of Abomination" or "Black Tariff"South continued to see the Tariff of Abominations as

a. threat to slavery b. interference of the federal gov't to

southern states. c. SC Exposition (written by Calhoun)

denounces the tariff as unjust and unconstitutional and demands that states nullify the tariff.

In response, Congress passed the Tariff of 1832 which did lower tariffs to about 35% (10% less than the 1828 tariff). South Carolina still resented the tariff. The situation came to a head in the election of 1832 when Nullifiers and Unionists clashed and in 1832 the Nullifiers were victorious in SC.

1. State legislature called a special convention2. Declared existing federal tariff null and void

within S.C.3. S. C. would make any necessary military

preparations to prevent federal forces from collecting the tax

4. If federal troops did come, S. C. would withdraw from the Union.

Jackson reacted violently:

1. pledged to uphold the Union2. promised to hang the nullifiers3. Dispatched modest naval and military

reinforcements to SC4. quietly raised a sizable Union army5. issued a proclamation against the

nullifiers*Gov. Hayne responded with a counter-


Henry Clay steps in with the Tariff of 1833

called for the gradual reduction of the Tariff of 1832 by 10% over an 8 year period - basically equal to the 1816 tariff of 20-25%.

Congress passed the Force Bill to save face

known to South Carolinians as the Bloody Bill - authorized the president to use army and navy if necessary to collect federal tariff duties. In response, South Carolina would gradually abandon nullification in favor of secession.

Indian Problems

Jackson regarded the Indian tribes as separate within a state.

The Sup Ct/Marshall ruled that the US could not separate the individual tribes within a state. Jackson strongly opposed the Court but decided to remove all eastern tribes (5 Civilized Tribes) beyond the Mississippi River (to make room for whites). Individual Indians could stay if they assimilated into the white man's society. Thus the "Trail of Tears" began.

Various Indian tribes began to resist the removal.

Black Hawk - Illinois/Wisconsin - were crushed

Seminole - Florida - joined by runaway blacks retreated into the swamp lands (everglades) where they staged guerrilla warfare for 7 years. Finally their leader, Osceola, was seized under a truce flag. Some Seminoles retreated further into the swamps but 4/5 were removed to Oklahoma.

Bank Issue:

Jackson didn't hate all banks and all businesses - he distrusted monopolistic banking and oversized business - Hated the Bank of the US (BUS). Jackson probably would have approved the bank's recharter in 1836 but Clay decided to push for its recharter 4 years sooner.


Clay's reasoning - if Jackson signed it - he would alienate the West and if he vetoed it Jackson would presumably loose the presidency in the next election.

The bill to recharter the BUS was approved by Congress and Jackson did veto it as being unconstitutional - even though the Sup Ct in McCulloch v. Maryland declared it constitutional. (federal gov't was needed but was also immune to state taxes).

Reasons: 1. Jackson believed the executive branch to

be superior to the judicial branch.2. He condemned the bank as not only anti-

Western, but Anti-American (stockholders were foreigners)

3. succeeded in pitting West against East4. Pitted "Native Americans" (people born

here) against foreigners5. Pitted States' righters vs. centralizers


Created an election issue and a financial panic.

Complete Explanation:

A satire on Andrew Jackson's campaign to destroy the Bank of the United States and its support among state banks. Jackson, Martin Van Buren, and Jack Downing struggle against a snake with heads representing the states. Jackson (on the left) raises a cane marked "Veto" and says, "Biddle thou Monster Avaunt!! avaount I say! or by the Great Eternal I'll cleave thee to the earth, aye thee and thy four and twenty satellites. Matty if thou art true...come on. if thou art false, may the venomous monster turn his dire fang upon thee..." Van Buren: "Well done General, Major Jack Downing, Adams, Clay, well done all. I dislike dissentions beyond every thing, for it often compels a man to play a double part, were it only for his own safety. Policy, policy is my motto, but intrigues I cannot countenance."

Downing (dropping his axe): "Now ,now you nasty varmint, be you imperishable? I swan General that are beats all I reckon, that's the horrible wiper wot wommits wenemous heads I guess..."

The largest of the heads is president of the Bank Nicholas Biddle's, which wears a top hat labeled "Penn" (i.e. Pennsylvania) and "{dollar}35,000,000." This refers to the rechartering of the Bank by the Pennsylvania legislature in defiance of the administration's efforts to destroy it.

Election of 1832:

National Rep - Henry Clay Demo- Rep - Andrew Jackson *Anti-Masonic Party - William Wirt– opposed secrecy of Masonic Order– opposed Jackson who was a Mason– appealed to evangelical Protestants

opposed mail service on Sundayfavored keeping Sunday "holy“

*National nominating convention name candidates*had formal platform to publicize their positions on various issues.

Outcome -

Jackson won.

Jackson's Second Term:

1. BUS - because he didn't like it, he weakened the bank by "removing" federal deposits. Surplus funds were to be placed in state

"pet banks" In reaction, Nicholas Biddle, head of the BUS recalled western loans to force Congress to reconsider the Bank's charter. This action caused a panic - "Biddle's panic"Jackson's reaction - forced the Treasury department to issue a "specie circular" - a decree that all public lands were to be purchased with "hard" or metallic money - caused hard times for the West (where "hard" money was scarce).


National debt was resolved - custom duties continued to come in and thus the US finally had a surplus of money coming in.

Election of 1836

Whig Party Democratic PartyWilliam Henry Harrison Martin Van Buren"Tippecanoe" “Jackson's pick and a

"yes" man“

Jackson's (+) impact


a. supporters of the American system

b. were southern states' righters

c. were large northern industrialists

d. Evangelical Protestants of the Anti-Masonic Party

Goal: to run several "favorite sons" to distribute the vote so that no one candidate would win a majority.

Van Buren

Jackson's (+) impacta. strong executive leaderb. led common man into national politicsc. united the common man into the Democratic

partyd. proved that the common man could be trusted with the vote.Jackson's (-) impact:a. encouraged the spoils systemb. unsound finances – bank failures.

Van Buren's Administration:

First American-born president; above average (intelligent, educated)Inherited problems:– "bastard politician" - got into office on the

coat-tails of Jackson– victim of Jackson's enemies– Canadian/American boundary dispute that

threatened war– slavery issue (Texas)– depression (panic)

Panic of 1837 Cause: over speculation in "get rich schemes“a. "land office" business with wildcat banks and shaky

currencyb. canals, roads, railroads, and slaves were over speculatedc. Specie Circulard. poor wheat crop (prices went up and caused a riot in

NYC)e. British banks facing problems of their own call in some

federal loansf. "Pet banks" collapsedg. commodity prices fellh. sale of public lands droppedi. custom duties dried upj. factories closed their doorsk. high unemployment

Whigs were give the opportunity to:

expand bank creditcall for higher tariffspursue subsidies for internal improvementsVan Buren promoted the "Divorce Bill" - wanted government to disassociate government and banking in order to create a more stable economyResult: failed to pass.


Mexican government (1823) made an agreement with Stephen F. Austin to bring 300 American families and settle in Texas but they had to:

a. be Roman Catholic

b. agree to become Mexican citizens.


Problems occurred over:

a. slavery - prohibited under Mexican law

b. immigration - after 1830 - no more Americans could come

c. denied local rights


1836 - American citizens declared their independence after:

a. Battle of Alamo - Mexican victory

b. Battle of Goliad - Mexican victory

c. Battle of San Jacinto - Texas victory



a. Mexico had to withdraw Mexican army

b. Mexico agreed to recognize the Rio Grande as the border.

Santa Anna signed the treaty but later claimed he was under duress and therefore voided the treaty.

US Response

a. Refused to annex Texas due to the slavery issue in 1836 – too controversial

b. Texas began to talk with Britain and France to gain support and protection against Mexico.

Election of 1840:

Whig party :William Henry Harrison w/ John Tyler as VP(nominated mainly because he was issueless and had no enemies)benefited from economic distresshad no platformappealed to the West "log cabin & hard cider" peopleportrayed Harrison as a lowborn farmer (reality he was a FFV, lived modestly, and didn't like cider at all, preferred whiskey)

Election of 1840:

Democratic Party: Van Buren

Results: Harrison by a slim margin but overwhelming electoral vote (out with the old, in with the new)

Two Party SystemDifferences

Democrats 1. liberty of individuals

2. favored state's rights 3. against special privileged groups

Whigs1. renewal of bank2. favored protective tariff

3. for internal improvements4. for public schools5. for prohibition6. favored abolition of slavery


1. Mass-based "catch-all" parties - in an effort to maximize voters

2. commanded loyalty from voters to the party

3. A lot of "horse-trading" within the party to compromise to achieve power

4. geographically diverse - helped to forestall the slavery issue. to become Mexican citizens.

Chapter 13 Quiz Answer the 15 multiple choice questions on a separate sheet

of paper and have it ready to turn in next class period for a daily grade.

1. During his long political career, John Quincy Adams was at one time or

another all of the following except

a. a nationalist.

b. vice president.

c. secretary of state.

d. a congressman.

e. president.

2. In his veto of the bank recharter bill, President Jackson claimed that the bank was all of the following except

a. unconstitutional.b. anti-western.c. too much influenced by aristocrats

and foreigners.d. corrupt and monopolistic.e. controlled only by the government.

3. Stephen F. Austin's grant from the Mexican government required that immigrants whom he helped settle in Texas (select 2)

a. become Mexican citizens.

b. be Roman Catholics.

c. own slaves

4. Copy the correct sentence.___ A. Andrew Jackson was vice

president on the ticket of two presidential candidates in 18241824

___ B. Henry Clay received more popular votes than any other candidate in 1824

___ C. John C. Calhoun was eliminated as a candidate when election of 1824 was thrown into the House of Representatives

5. The House of Representatives decided the 1824 presidential election when

a. Henry Clay, as Speaker of the House, made the request.

b. no candidate received a majority of the vote in the Electoral College.

c. widespread voter fraud was discovered.

d. the House was forced to do so by "King Caucus."

e. William Crawford suffered a stroke and was forced to drop out of

the race.

6. The purpose behind the spoils system was

a. to reverse the trend of rotation in office.

b. to press those with experience into governmental service.

c. to reward political supporters with public office.

d. the widespread encouragement of a bureaucratic office-holding class.

e. to make politics a sideline and not a full-time business.

7. The spoils system under Andrew Jackson resulted in

a. the destruction of the personalized political machine.

b. the replacement of insecurity by security in employment.

c. the appointment of many corrupt and incompetent officials to federal jobs.

d. the same actions of those taken by John Quincy Adams.

e. a clean sweep of federal job holders.

8. The section of the United States most hurt by the Tariff of 1828 was

a. the Southwest.

b. the South.

c. the middle states.

d. the West.

e. New England.

9. In their treatment of Native Americans, white Americans did all of the following except

a. try to civilize them.

b. argue that Indians could not be assimilated into the larger society.

c. trick them into ceding land to whites.

d. promise to acquire land only through formal treaties.

e. recognize the tribes as separate nations.

10. One of the positive aspects of the Bank of the United States was

a. its preservation of the public trust.

b. that it loaned money to western farmers.

c. its officers' awareness of the bank's responsibilities to society.

d. its promotion of economic expansion by making credit abundant.

e. its issuance of depreciated paper money.

11. Americans moved into Texas

a. upon Sam Houston's defeat of General Santa Anna.

b. after an agreement was concluded between Mexican authorities and Stephen Austin.

c. to spread Protestantism.

d. after the Battle of San Jacinto.

e. when invited by the Spanish government

12. The government of Mexico and the Americans who settled in Mexican-controlled Texas clashed over all of the following issues except

a. immigration.b. allegiance to Spain.c. slavery.d. local rights.e. Santa Anna raising an army to use

against Texas.

13.Texas gained its independence with

a. help from the French.

b. no outside assistance.

c. help from Britain.

d. help from Americans.

e. the blessing of the Mexican government.

14.Most of the early American settlers in Texas came from

a. the South and Southwest.

b. the Ohio Territory.

c. New England.

d. the middle Atlantic states.

e. the Old Northwest.

15. William Henry Harrison, the Whig party's presidential candidate in 1840, was

a. a true "common man."b. born in a log cabin.c. the first military officer to become

presidentd. a very effective chief executive.e. made to look like a poor western
