Chapter 3 Review Biopsychology This neurotransmitter is involved in schizophrenia and Parkinson’s...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Chapter 3 Review Biopsychology

This neurotransmitter is involved in schizophrenia and Parkinson’s

Dopamine (high levels in schizophrenia)

This neurotransmitter is associated with Alzheimer’s


What does an SSRI do to the levels of serotonin in the synapse?

Increases it

Low levels of this neurotransmitter is found in people with depression.


This part of the neuron receives messages from other neurons.


This part of the neuron is responsible for protecting the axon and speeding up the speed of the action potential.

Myelin sheath

The neurotransmitters are held in this part of the neuron.

Terminal buttons

What’s the charge of a neuron at its resting potential?


What two items are exchanged during an action potential?

Potassium and sodium

Which nervous system is responsible for the fight or flight response?

Sympathetic nervous system

What is the role of an afferent neuron and what is the role of an efferent neuron?

A: carry messages towards the CNS (sensory)

E: carry messages away from the CNS (motor)

What master gland is part of the endocrine system and works closely with the hypothalamus?


Which lobe of the brain contains the somatosensory cortex and is responsible for touch, pressure, pain, and temperature?


Which lobe of the brain is responsible for decision-making and planning?

Frontal (pre-frontal cortex)

Which lobe of the brain is contains the visual cortex? Auditory cortex?

Occipital, temporal

What is the most advanced brain scan? Which scan involves a dye that detects glucose concentrations?


The limbic system is responsible for memory and emotion. Identify the parts related to these tasks…

Long-term memoryFear and aggressionHippocampusAmygdala

What part of the brain is responsible for testing the blood and regulating hunger/thirst?


What part of the brain stem is responsible for…

Breathing/heart rateRegulation of sleep and dreamsAttention, alertness, arousalMedulla, pons, reticular formation

What part of the brain connects the two hemispheres and what part of the brain is responsible for higher-order thinking?

Corpus callosum, cerebral cortex

This part of the brain is responsible for coordinated movement, balance, and sequence of events.


This is the brains ability to adapt and form new connections.


An ______ “turns up the volume” of a neurotransmitter in the synapse while an _______ “turns down the volume” of a neurotransmitter in the synapse.

Agonist; antagonist