Chapter 5 Modulation of Light

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 5 Modulation of Light


    5 Modulation of Light

    Modulation is needed in communication systems

    Intensity, Phase and Frequency modulation

    Internal and External modulation

    Electro-optic, Magneto-optic and Acousto-opticmodulation

    5.0 General comments

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    5.1 Electro-optic Modulation

    Fig. 5.1: A steady electric field applied to an electro-optic material

    changes its refractive index. This, in turn, changes the effect of

    the material on light traveling through it. The electric field

    therefore controls the light.

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    The refractive index changes in proportion to the applied

    electr ic f ield, in which case the effect is known as thelinear electro-optic effect or the Pockels effect.

    The refractive index changes in proportion to the square

    of the applied electr ic f ield, in which case the effect is

    known as the quadratic electro-optic effect or the Kerreffect.

    The dependence of the refractive index on the applied

    electr ic f ield takes one of two forms:

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    A. Pockels and Kerr Effects

    n(E) can be expanded in a Taylors series aboutE = 0,

    ( ) ...,2

    1 221 +++= EaEanEn (5-1)

    r = 2a1 / n3 and= a2/n3 are known as the electro-opticcoefficients,

    ( ) ...,2



    1 233 ++= EnErnnEn (5-2)

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    Pockels Effects

    For 0, ( ) ErnnEn 32

    1 (5-3)

    r :Pockels coefficient or the linear electro-optic coefficient

    Typical values ofr :

    Range 10-12 to 10-10 m/V, very small

    Common crystals used as Pockels cells:

    NH4H2PO4 (ADP), KH2PO4 (KDP), LiNbO3, LiTaO3, and CdTe.

    Kerr Ef fect

    For r0, ( ) 232

    1EnnEn (5-4)


    Kerr coefficient or the quadratic electro-optic coefficient

    Typical Values of


    10-18 to 10-14 m2/V2 in crystals and 10-22 to 10-19 m2/V2 in liquids

    Kerr cell (or medium):centrosymmetric, materials such as gases, liquids, and certain


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    B. Electro-Optic Modulators

    Phased Modulators

    When a beam of light traverse a Pockels cell of lengthL to which an electric fieldEis applied, it undergoes a phase shift = n(E)k0L = 2n(E)L/0, where 0 is thefree-space wavelength.





    = (5-5)

    where 0=2nL/0. If the electric field is obtained by applying a voltage Vacrosstwo faces of the cell separated by distance d (Fig. 5.3b), then E=V/d, and (5-5)





    Phased Modulation







    Half-Wave Voltage


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    Transverse and Longitudinal modulators

    is proportional to

    Modulation bandwidth limited by transit time is





    Fig. 5.3: (a) Longitudinal modulator. The electrodes may take the shape of

    washers or bands, or may be transparent conductors. (b)

    Transverse modulator. (c) Traveling-wave transverse modulator.

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    I ntegrated optic phase modulator

    Smaller half-wave voltage (~ 102)

    Higher speed ( > 100 GHz demonstrated)

    Fig. 5.4: An integrated-optical phase modulator using the electro-optic effect.

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    Dynamic Wave Retarders

    For anisotropic medium that exhibits the Pockels effect.

    ( ) ,2

    1 31111 EnrnEn


    ( ) ,


    1 32222 EnrnEn (5-8b)

    where r1 and r2 are respectively the Pockels coefficients for two polarization states.

    Phase retardation after traveling a distance L,

    ( ) ( )[ ] ( ) ( )ELnrnrkLnnkLEnEnk 32231102102102

    1== (5-9)

    ( ) ( ) LdV





    110210 2




    V= 0








    = with




  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 5 Modulation of Light


    I ntensity Modulators: Use of a Phase Modulator in an I nterferometer

    Fig. 5.5: A phase modulator placed in one branch pf a Mach-Zehnder interferometer can serve

    as an intensity modulator. The transmittance of the interferometer T(V) =I0/Ii varies

    periodically with the applied voltage V. By operating in a limited region near pointB,the device acts as a linear intensity modulator. If Vis switched betweenA and C, the

    device serves as an optical switch.

    ( ) 2coscos1


    1 20


    III =+= (5-12)


    V== 021

    ( )






    i 22cos 020

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 5 Modulation of Light


    The I ntensity shown in F ig. 5.5 can be used as a switch, how?

    A Integrated optic Intensity Modulator

    Fig. 5.6: An integrated-optical intensity modular (or optical switch). A Mach-

    Zehnder interferometer and an electro-optic phase modulator are

    implemented using optical waveguides fabricated from a material such asLiNbO3.

    Modulation speeds exceeding 25 GHz have been achieved

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    I ntensity Modulators: Use of a Retarder Between Crossed Polarizers

    Fig. 5.7:(a) An optical intensity modulator using a Pockels cell placed between crossed

    polarizers at 45 degree with respect to the retarders axes.

    (b) Optical transmittance versus applied voltage for and arbitrary value 0 forlinear operation the cell is biased near the pointB.

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    ( )




    22sin 02 (5-14)

    as shown in Fig. 5.7(b). By changing V, the transmittance can be varied

    between 0 (shutter closed) and 1 (shutter open). The device can also be

    used as a linear modulator if the system is operated in the region near T(V)

    = 0.5. By selecting 0 = / 2 and V

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    5.2 Magneto-optic ModulationFaraday Effect

    =VB (5-16)

    Vis known as the Verdet constant.

    Fig. 5.8: Polarization rotation in a medium exhibiting the Faraday effect. The sense rotation is invariantto the direction of travel of the wave

    The sense of rotation is governed by the direction of the magnetic field: only and does not

    reverse with the reversal of the direction of propagation of the wave (Fig. 5.8). The

    Verdet constant is a function of the wavelength 0.

    Materials that exhibit the Faraday effect include glasses, yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG),

    terbium-gallium-garnet (TGG), and terbium-aluminum garnet (TbAIG).

    A polarization rotator rotates the plane of polarization of linearly polarized light by afixed angle, maintaining its linearly polarized nature. Materials exhibiting the Faraday

    effect acts as polarization rotators.

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    Optical I solators

    Fig. 5.9: An optical isolator using a Faraday rotator transmits light in one direction, as in (a), and

    blocks light in the opposite direction, as in (b).

    Faraday-rotator isolators made of yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG) or terbium-

    gallium-garnet (TGG), for example, can offer an attenuation of the backwardwave up to 90 dB, over a relatively wide wavelength range.

    5 3 A t ti M d l ti

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 5 Modulation of Light


    5.3 Acousto-optic Modulation

    Acousto-optic effect

    The refractive index of an optical medium is altered by the presence of sound.Sound therefore modifies the effect of the medium on light; i.e., sound can

    control light (Fig. 5.10)

    Fig. 5.10: Sound modifies the effect of an optical medium on light

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    Fig. 5.11: Variation of the refractive index accompanying a harmonic sound wave. The pattern

    has a period , the wavelength of sound, and travels with the velocity of sound.

    The variations of the refractive index in a medium perturbed by sound areusually very slow in comparison with an optical period.

    The material can be regarded as quasi-stationary, and acousto-optics becomes

    the optics of an inhomogeneous medium (usually periodic) that is controlled bysound.

    Basics of l ight-sound interaction

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    Basics of l ight sound interaction

    Fig. 7.12: Bragg diffraction: an acoustic plane wave acts as a partial reflector of light (a beamsplitter)

    when the angle of incidence satisfies the Bragg condition.





    where is the wavelength of light in the medium.

    Bragg Condition







    = (5-19)

    The reflectance is therefore proportional to the intensity of the acoustic wave Is,

    to the parameter that depends on the acoustic property of the material. Thereflectance is inversely proportional to 4 (or directly proportional to 4).L is theinteraction length and n is the refractive index of the material.

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    Example: Bragg Angle

    An acousto-optic cell is made of flint glass in which the sound

    velocity is s = 3 km/s and the refractive index is n = 1.95. The

    Bragg angle for reflection of an optical wave of free-spacewavelength 0 = 633 nm ( = 0 /n = 325 nm) from a soundwave of frequencyf= 100 MHz ( = s /f= 30m) is B = 5.4

    mrad = 0.31 degree. This angle is internal (i.e., inside themedium). If the cell is placed in air, B corresponds to anexternal angle B = nB = 0.61 degree. A sound wave of 10

    times greater frequency (f = 1GHz) corresponds to a Braggangle B = 3.1 degree.

    Acouto Optic Devices

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    Acouto-Optic Devices


    The intensity of the reflected light in a Bragg cell is proportional to the intensity of

    sound and can be used as a linear analog modulator of light (5.13(a)).

    As the acoustic power increases, however, saturation occurs and almost total reflectioncan be achieved. The modulator then serves as an optical switch (Fig. 5.14 (b)).

    Fig. 5.14: (a) An acousto-optic modulator. The intensity of the reflected light is

    proportional to the intensity of sound. (b) An acousto-optic switch.

    Modulation Bandwidth

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    Modulation Bandwidth



    2sin 11 ==


    Fig. 5.15: The waveform of an amplitude-modulated acoustic signal and its spectrum.

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    ( )B








    As the bandwidth of the modulator is thereforeD


    DB s



    Fig. 5.17: Interaction of an optical beam of angular divergence with an acoustic plane waveof frequency in the bandf0 B. There are many parallel q vectors of different lengths

    each matching a direction of the incident light.

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    5 Problems

    Response Time of a Phase Modu lator

    A GaAs crystal with refractive index n = 3.6 and electro-optic coefficient

    r = 1.6 pm/V is used as an electro-optic phase modulator operating at 0 =1.3 m in the longitudinal configuration. The crystal is 3 cm long and hasa 1 cm2 cross-sectional area. Determine the half-eave voltage V, the

    transit time of light through the crystal, and the electric capacitance of the

    device (the dielectric constant of GaAs is / 0 =13.5). The voltage isapplied using a source with 50 resistance. Which factor limits the speedof the device, the transit time of the light through the crystal or the

    response time of the electric circuit?

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 5 Modulation of Light


    5 Problems

    Sens i t iv i ty o f an Inter ferometr ic Electro-Opt ic Intensi ty Modulator

    An integrated-optic intensity modulator using the Mach-Zehnder configuration,illustrated in Fig. 5.6, is used as a linear analog modulator. If the half-wave

    voltage is V = 10 V, what is the sensitivity of the device (the incremental

    change of the intensity transmittance per unit incremental change of theapplied voltage)?

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 5 Modulation of Light


    5 Problems

    An Elasto -Optic Strain Senso r

    An elasto-optic material exhibits a change of the refractive index proportional to

    the strain. Design a strain sensor based on this effect. Consider an integrated-optic implementation. If the material is also electro-optic, consider a design

    based on compensating the elasto-optic and the electro-optic refractive index

    change, and measuring the electric field that nulls the reading of the

    photodetector in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer.

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    5 Problems

    Magneto-Opt ic Modulator

    Describes how a Faraday rotator may be used as an optical intensity modulator.

    5 Problems

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    Parameters o f Acousto-Opt ic Modu lators

    Determine the Bragg angle and the maxi-mum bandwidth of the following

    acousto-optic modulators:

    Modulator 1

    He-Ne laser, wavelength 0 = 633 nm, angulardivergence = 1 mradLight:

    Frequencyf= 50MHzSound:

    Fused quartz (n = 1.46, s = 6 km/s)Material:

    Modulator 2

    CO2 laser, wavelength 0 = 10.6 m, and beamwidthD = 1 mm


    Frequencyf= 100MHzSound:

    Tellurium (n = 4.8, s = 2.2 km/s)Material: