Chapter 6 – El bienestar

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Chapter 6 – El bienestar. Vocabulary 6A Ser y Estar. Haga Ahora. Answer the sentences below with a COMPLETE SENTENCE. (you do not have to write the question.) ¿ Qué com es para el desayuno ? ¿ Adónde vas después de las clases ? ¿ Cómo es tu familia ? ¿ Cuántos miembros hay? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 6 El bienestar

Vocabulary 6ASer y EstarChapter 6 El bienestarHaga AhoraAnswer the sentences below with a COMPLETE SENTENCE. (you do not have to write the question.)

Qu comes para el desayuno?Adnde vas despus de las clases?Cmo es tu familia? Cuntos miembros hay?Qu piensas de la clase de espaol?De qu color son tus ojos?

For a QUIZ grade!TEST CORRECTIONSFill in the correct definitionsVocabulario 6A

Jos est muy contento. Acaba de recibir una A en espaol. Elena est triste porque acaba de recibir una nota mala.

Susana est de buen humor. Tiene una sonrisa en la cara. Tiene tambin un buen sentido de humor. Julia est de mal humor. Est enojada (enfadada).

Toms est lleno de energa y tiene mucho entusiasmo. Felipe est cansado.

Alejandro no es flexible. Es muy terco y obstinado. Es un tipo muy difcil.

Maripaz es bien educada. Siempre tiene buena conducta. Pero su hermano es mal educado. Tiene malos modales.

Cmo es/est la muchacha?

Cmo es/est el hombre?

Cmo es/est el beb?

Example:Ner_ioso = __________Fill in the missing letter from the vocab word and define on your pizzara!triste = sadt_iste = _______la paciencia = the patiencela pa_iencia = _______agradable = agreeable, pleasant, friendlya_radable = _______contento = happycon_ento= _______perezoso = lazypere_oso= _______la salud = the healthla sal_d = _______Total up your points! Who has 6 points? Fill in the blanks on your notes!! Es MUY IMPORTANTE!!Ser vs. EstarSer y EstarBoth mean to be in EnglishIn Spanish, they have 2 different meanings.


How do we know which to use??SERDONT beESTARLOCO!!!

DONT be LOCOSERDescriptionOriginNationalityTime


Fill in the blanks!SERD__________O________N__________T __________


USES of SER Description Physical characteristicsPersonality traitsOccupationsRelationships

I am tall, short, dark-complected, fat, pretty, strong etcHe is funny, smart, ambitious, lazy, patient, loving, etcYou are a teacher, student, mailman, doctor etcShe is a sister, mother, friend, babysitter, enemy, etcUSES of SER Origin Where something is fromWhat something is made ofThe teacher is from Puerto RicoThis coffee is from Colombia.He is from my hometown.The house is made of brick.

REMEMBER = How do you say OF or FROM? _________

USES of SER Nationality What nationality is someone or something.

She is American.I am Ecuadorian.We are Spanish.USES of SER Time Asking or telling time

What time is it?It is 1:00.Is it 12:45 yet?Using SERSersoysomoseressosessonYo _______ un alumno.T ______ una profesora.l _____ muy guapo.Mi carro ____ viejo.Nosotros ______ hermanos.USES of ESTARLocationWhere someone or something is located.Both temporary and permanent locationsMy house is on Main Street.Mississippi is in the USA.The students are in the school.Madrid is in Spain.

USES of ESTARConditionFeelingsEmotionsState of BeingI am tired.She is feeling happy today.We are hungry.The water is cold. The sun is shining.They are playing.Using ESTARestarestoyestamosestsestisestestnYo _______ contenta hoy.T ______ nervioso.l _____ muy triste.El bus ______ tarde (late).Nosotros ______ calmos hoy.Lets practice in Englishput the sentences in the correct category - relay race!__Ser____EstarSerEstar***Draw two boards on white board for each team!33Practice on the back of your notesSometimes, you can use either SER or ESTAR, depending on what you want to say.

Look at the differences:l es agresivo. He is naturally an aggressive type.l est muy agresivo.He is acting aggressive today.

Ella es muy obstinada.She is a very obstinate type.Ella est muy obstinada. Shes being very obstinate now.

ESTAR and LOCATIONESTAR is used to talk about LOCATIONS!!BOTH temporary and permanent locations.

SER + DESer + de is used to tell WHERE someone or something is from or WHAT something is made of.

La profesora es de Puerto RicoEl caf es de Colombia.La casa es de adobe.

SerUsed to talk about traits or characteristics that DONT change. (very easily) (EXCEPT LOCATION!! = always ESTAR)Think ---- Sharpie (more permanent than a pencil)


The building is tall.She is a nice person.My house is big.

EstarUsed to talk about a temporary state, emotion, or condition. (LOCATION = always ESTAR)Think ---- Eraser (changes more easily)


I am sick today.She is tired.The water is cold.