Chester Rogers;.:.•• · L H ISTORY...

Post on 24-Jun-2020

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i .. __ .. __ "..-"--._-'-_-_-_-'-_-'.-_-_'-~~. ';.A"./---...,..-----------------=~=---------_.,.--- ---- ------

Petition for Commh,sibn of Lunac~r wiLh 10 Daya' "'>niver.

- -Ie:f Georgia,n ... COBBnnnnnnu.uCounty

I .---Thep'titi~nnL ..c.1:'~~.~.e.r:!1.o.[!;e.r:.s , 0' ,"id Cmmt)', 'h""th th,t....I:~'~~·~·~--"~~·~'~l~~~·~··..~..~·:~J?·~··~J.:·?·~~·~·of said Coun t.y, is a P.~.~.~.~!lg.r __.!:'1!.f? g~?!1.<!- ~~Tc1 __.__.and isb' tt b 'tdt I.! '{'111 'U S tIT' I r!' Stt I.!' Mrs. B. D. Flli80nsu Jec 0 e con~m]t eo· le 11 1 ec gevi e ta'e .J.osplta 01 t 118 •. 'a e;. lat.. __ m •••••••• __ • __ •• __ • __ •• __ ••••• ••••.~!.~~..~g.~51 ~~.~.?~__ ,and ~~:r..~..~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~}.~..~.:?1?:. __..__ """ __Hre the three neares I.

. I. Mrs. Mildred E. Whitlock .adu!t relatIves of ~ald --- m •••••••••••••••••• --- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -- ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• __ ••• , and he prays that lawful notlce

of this apPlicatiof may be given. and that a commission issue tojJ.lvest~e the s~me ~ording to law.// // ..p!-- -Ii:- ~ r.....C,,;/&{;A'.<..- ..·---·~1L- · ·r~'f-::''::-::··--::-::-:· -- -- .t ..--

NOTE In t~e event only one or two relatives can be found, the ten days' notice must be served on them in like manner,.• ! . and ~fno adult relatives can be found within t.he State, the Ordinary should so certify on the petition, and a guar­., dian ad litem may be appointed, which fact should be noted by the Ordinary.

I , ..--.- p------- ..

(Box 780·1) '792e.t ~U!~SHAll t. fih\JCt co. USAYIlLI

I' ---!--

Chester Rogers .......................•and being duly sworn. saith that the above

P""O'''1 .ppe,"d mmm;·(J·bJi.."',{ (1)¥ c embe r c , 1" ..4f1·Ii

potitinni, t'"O. SWO," to ond ,ubmih,d b,f,,, ro" th'nI;U1:~C{)i?~'-::'-::::±~/"'~~,(/ '" - l --f ~


To the Ordinarr of said County: ..We, as the three nearest adult relatives, in the said State of.. Q~.?~f:~.~.~ do hereby acknowledge due and legal

. ' I r' f Chester Rogers . "notlce of the abo>,e app lcatlOn 0 .•••..••.......•..•....•......•...•...•........•••. ;.:.•.............................................• waive all further notIce or serVice,

and consent thatlthe commission therein prayed for may issue immediately. This .P.~.~..~ ;?.P__ h ••• , 1!J __.,!.4.

(1) ..fYlIJ.AJ ..•.....13 (j;).~t!2:.£L.l~"=1 .. _

/,,< :1' ';' .f: , :::ni::t~GEORGI:, __ jl __ Q91?~ COUNTY. /YL" I). r '<." ('';' J) F ;' _, ... . / rv't/.} \.(Ji'-v:-J ('/ J" '~''-''''''''~/~'' .,.".., -

Before me the underSlgned officer, thlS day personally came ~.ff '.: !' :'---~::: __ .known to me to Je a credible person, who, after having been duly sworn, deposes and says that the above mentioned .

..~?::::..~~~~.~.~~~~.9:?..~ ~~~.~~.~.!:.?..<?..~ .is violently insane. and likely to do h~T self bodily injury.

d A) (-, .. f' .. . (Signed)P1/:v.4!/. ..--I(Jcy;~z..L.;U/t'v..J ....l;. .t-i::c..d..2:k:-:ZV

Swu'" tn ind ,ub",ib,d b,"" ro' thiLJ"'ma"yVj~Q~y~: :,/,~t=..r/("""'m I___ . J\ Y / > ,1 ,

Ie0b b :', , r:;---- v l~~;~.."-vC-A/:..._.",--v·c,c::> 2 (I

;:~:.~~.~::~:~::E~~i;j;::::::::::::::::::::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::.~~.~I.n x . ,)

I, m j;[~~..~;[.~p..~.r~J~.J.-1- ' Ordinary of said County, do hereby appoint you, aregularly practicipg physician, to personally examine the above nameL~E.~ ..~ }§J~.9:~:~.?-t~.~~1.0.~.~.~.~.(~!~__ .

I of .~~id Co~nty. and ,anet,"1 ~o ~~ violently insane, and make a report to me, in writing. as to the truth of the affidavit of

~lr.?~,.[;Jt;]..J-II..j ..:-~·~£:-:..~::--:-~·~ · ·relative to the mental condition of saiLM:CL'L, ;,1.1.l cJ.n).0. __

E. ilhi tlock /---"'. /",••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• m ••••••••••••••••••••• m •••••••••••••••••••• I / I

ThiS ·~1~!}~~·?-·~·y··..·..·~·L m •• m •• ' 19.~.~.. (,/-><z----, \ /;/ )~~~, ~'() ()./ //I/''/cl \\ /' j' \ ,,-1 ,/1 /1 ./"" ~'-..-/.\ ,-f

~_~_~~_~~ ~~~ __ ~ __ .._.._.._-_h._ .._-_.._~~~~~_L_..._.._.._.._..._~_:_..~~_~_::_:_.~_.._...~~~~..~....~..~.__ ~__.,Or~al~:.

~:~~~G~~~;~~;f~;;~:~;:;;;;,mmmCOUNTY.I. a regularly practicing physician of.. C.O'bb __ Coullty. Georgia, do hereby certify that the foregoing

7. 'I I. --affidavit of !~..r..t~..~ 9.:~.~..~m.P..~}~..+.JJ.~.QP m __ .in reference to the mental condition of

Mrs .• Mildr-ed E. VVhitlock . /. --;:'?

m···.··········· ········ ················:'¥'~~;;!;l!~~~<:;/("..M. D.

m mm.g:::?~ h ••• m Court of Ordinary, ~.~·!.?-Y~E.:z: ~.~ , 19.~~.

Upon reading the foregoing petition. duly filed, and itJlilP~~aring that the notice of the same required by law has beengiven and no reaspn being offered to the contrary, it is order6d thaf)the u~ual com\nissioll issue, directed according to law.I / I ') /" '/) I')! / - / h) I ,/

y?-p,!~..~ld2\"A2~:~~::~:~~:~:~~:<~~~.::{....Ordinary, I/ I 1. ,._--~-.

1/--- "\:"" -----.



Milledgeville State HospitalMILLEDGEVILlE, GEORGIA

(It is Very Important That Every Question be Fully Answered) .

~\Ir1 ,/., :--.••••••,!v·_-'-~_~. / I / '1 II c-' •Date _ : 0. ••. 0.0. •. 0. ••..•••.•••••••••••••..•••••••.•••.•••.. 0. ••.•••••.•••••.••.••••••.••••.

, L" r \.

t~ ..t.1 'F /' l- /'l .1'/,! . ,.!. ~, _ . /) /" ,"

~::~;~~J~:~~:~::~~~~~~~~::::~:::i~~~-~~~~~~?;c3~f?'~,.~~~I 'r ••..' "'f.' " ,.. .•.. _ fl.Civil Conditions-eState whether single, married, widowed, divorced, or separated) .//.L..:-.! :.:.: '~ ~.:.

~~~1:~i~~~~~:~~~~~~=:~:;~~~~~~~u~~~~;-c,;-:-:~~~~:~=-:::~:-c~-:-~:-:~~;;~~,I ; . t 0') /', n' ," •• ' •" f { ro""' ... ' , .I, -.." '-.

~~:::~:er~e:i::i~:t~~t~i::;~::d:o~:t::~.~t~~~.::::;~.~~;;.:;:;;::::.;>~,:::::::::.:~~::.:::.:.::.::..:.::::.:.:::.::.~::.:::::::..:.:::::: ::::::.::::..:.: .

~egree' oflEducation of Patient ;:±:::'_~:_:~~',~~:::andT ~;e:;~o~~~n School, High School, DC Colleglate) Speedy _ _ , _ ....:.":7 ...........•... : ::.............• _ •............ 0. •.•..•••• : ••....••...••.••••••••.••. :;.0. ...•..•...•.•.... 0. 0..

I ., ". '" \

Patient's Financial Condition (Dependent, Marginal, Comfortable) ; : 0. ••••• : •••• :.: ••••••••• ::: ••••••••••••••••••• 0. ••••••••

I /1 .Does Patient Seem of Average Intelligence? , /..l..4:::';) !. _ n./. ..........•..... n .

I /) -II ,/ ,~~. /' ,.J/ ..... l .. r

... ? ~of.·t"J..-l,/~.;!"._'} J.'1f.w'~•."-."'~.. f..."''(f':;.,--:!~!! "':~~'40 t-··-..~ t._;" .'!.'-~ t":-v ~.••.,l( ..~, DHas Patient Made a Success m Busmess .tL_; n..n..;;'n / ..: ::.:.,.! ~.::: :~ .., : :.........................•......................................... ~...•.•.

I.' . ,What Age fid Patient Begin Scl:,0ol? ,,&;, ..••...• ; What Age Did Patient Stop School? j L: :~:!..: n •• ; DidPatient Learn Easily? (ff.:.·.~-:.~::.::~~."Lg,.".._ n •••••••••• n ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n •• n ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••••

\ ,..1 •

. J 7

As a Child was Patient Obedient, Obstinate, Sociable, Selfish, Cheerful or Morose? ' :" ..} ,. f P r t' D' .. '.... ;";"" ..' , ,j, ". (

Tell somet~mg a a len s lsposlllOn Before Insane n i:. :.:.:.;t::;-- n ' .. n' ' ' : n n .

Were any of the Following Relatives of Patient ever Insane, Nervous, or Eccentric, weak..minded, Epileptic,

Addicted tdl Alcoholic or Drug Habit? If so SpeCify n •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• n ••

G ...1L ~ ~. r\

Paternal .::<~andfather .}:..o~ ; Paternal Grandmother :; n ••••• n ••• ;

Maternal .Giandfather9~L{L n ••••••••• ; Maternal Grandmother... :~. C n ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ;(// 0_.' /",. .--".,Father c.' ~, " , F j ,~··t" i.- ( -"""'1 . Mother .•..

Patern:~"~:r;:::···g:~~···:~~··~:::~::·.:::::::~·.~~·~!;~::~~:;.'.::..:::::::::::::::.::::.::::::.:.:..::.::':..:.:.~.:..: :..::::::::::.:..:.:: :::.::::: ;r "")"Maternal Uncles, Aunts and Cousins n.n/~? ..~: n n n n n n .

Brothers and Sisters ::?t:!.'L n n n" n n .

( I' . " "


'-' .

.', !

([ ..17. Has Patent ever had Serious Illness or Operation? (Specify and Give Dates) L..:.:: : ~ : : , .t.Zz:~J(i.~:k·J.:t.:..q._ ~~::( ~~_ 1:.~L.:.U g':.:.:.::::::::::.:~~:.~:.~: }: :.=:..L _ ..: : ~ .

L If . >-/... ~. ~ <1 ..18. Is patier.( now Suffering with Syphilis, Tuberculosis or Cancer? : ~: .19. Is Patient Epileptic or ever had Epileptic Convulsions? (If so, when did they begin and how often?)

I /1-; ;,....................................... 1- ..-:; : - .

20. Is Patient Addicted to Alcohol or Drug Habit? : :.: ; If so what does he take, how long, andI '-'-

how much does he consume daily? .II .. ~,

21. Has Patient ever been Insane Before? .'.::~..~..:\ ; Date of Previous Attacks and where treated .

...................._ _..L _ _ _ _ .

I 13.. \ .. 7- .' . //) • P . Ij "I ..22. Date of Present Attack ~:::~ 0.:::::::::::~~.:::~.~:::.~!::~::.~:: ~..: :;J:::.~~*: .J!.::~:.9..<£.:L.! ..:(;~ ~:: ;1-: ..::':::.~ ::'::.:) ,

23. Describe in detail what the Patient'said or did to attract notice that his or her mind was affected i\~'

-!~~':;i::I_i~~T';"~:::=;:~'::1i'=~e~=:::J;;,:~;£bl~~:::~X~":····~i~;;;;~i-U<;pi'iF;:--,·;• c·v•.••.••..l""Q "I-{ •• vJ.'.•....•..•._.•.•.!.. ,...,y' ..••~,. " r- r -<T~., ' J

....· ··- -·r ··· · ··-· ··..· -..·· ·T~:..· · ·..·- ·.•................... y J , · · ··:/.J:-t- .•.-=~:,,·"·~.::·:.··1C·'!"1.::·..,"··t··.·r:.·::::t_t_· .,.-.' ..,

24. Has PaVent ever been Suicidal, Homicidal, Violent or Destructive? (Specify) : : .' .Danger6us with Fire?··..··_·,..~J:;·.!.·· r-..4..;..;t-..:.:,~:::~L.;, ..: ~ :.~.: :i:..:._ : .- ;j" :··~.. ·· .. ·.. ;······ ·· ..· .. ··:······ ·7..··.··········.

25 M ti I P r Id E d P r' A t N r d ,'>.,' •••.•• ,. ~ ••• (." / ••• , •• ~. en on some ecu lar eas xpresse or ecu ldr c Salce f. :.,.: :::.:.:: :.~: : :; : l~ :: ..................~tti;.:-:-:~5:i:~:tt:~::':;~..~t~c.~r.:::!;.~~;:::.~/~::::ir..: ': _ ~~ :? £ •..

26. Has PaJient ever Spoken of Noises, Voices or Peculiar Odors? ::.: :;; .

~ "" / I ••27. Is the atient Bedridden, Paralyzed, Crippled or Blind? (Specify) :~~ f.r.:: .~') t /\~ . ~ I ~ d~)28 Wh t T. t t C ft' b . 1 d' th .. ? 7 :JW. .••••.,,.1 ••.••...-- ...•.. _t..o t~ -'I' or, ~ •

. a _leamen. or on memen ~now emgemp O.y.e• ln e :-:: ,:;: .I ,--' _ ..•.~ ~ . / ... l

............_ _ ~ ~: ~~~ ; _..'::::2 ~.~:::~:::.':::'$:-;:~:::~.:~..l~'=::!);~IrEJ:.~ ~.~:~:~:':'..::.::.:.:..::~:.~.;:> ~ .I . .II , .., /{V -/ ("';";

29. Name and address of Person Giving Abov7,)Information l1..!:.'k: ::~(.~.r2.{:.:.':.(::!< J.!::..t;: ..~7..r./{m..\: ..

State Hospital" •......•.•.....••••.....••....•......• 1..............•.•...•......• _ .••......••..•...........•.....•...•••....•••••. , •••••••..•••••................•.......•..•..•...••.....•••.........•..•..••.••.......••.•••.••..•..••.....••. _ ....••••..........•.•.•...................•.•..............................

N. B.-Ordinary Iwill kindly impress the following facts upon the family of the paiient; The Hospital authorities will only write

in answer [:to inquiries. ~xcept in ca~es Of seriOus illness: When communicating with authorities, the patient's full name

and county should be ·glven. If remams are to go home, In the event of death, the charges have to be borne by thefamily, and must be arranged in advance through the Express Company. The State furnishes a plain coffin, but if a nice oneis desired, he patient's family must bear the' expense.

-----~.-..-To l_.._P.E__~m..~t.._~_~.mX~.~.~~9._ Physician

Dr MJ. V. B. Te em Physician2 _ ~ m_ m _..m_m m ''''

3 ~.~.~.~ ..~ I~.~_::.~~~.?.~.~m _ Attorney


........ m " g?:~.~.~.~E~.~.~~.~:: ___ mm_mhaving made petition on oath, to the Ordinary of

"id County, a'i,ging th,d.!>:~ .., '!,!.~~.,.~.~~.'m..\'11".~.t.~'?,,],c_ m..' .r ,aid County, i, ~.D .!n,~.~.fl§...f''''.r"bnand is subject to be committed to the Mi1ledgeville State HospitaI. you are hereby required. after first being sworn well and

tIt Jtl' .. t th b t f' I'll d lTt t h h 'd Mrs. lv1ildred 1~. "hitloru y 0 exeCl! 11S commlSSlOn 0 e es 0 your s n an a)J IY. 0 aye t e sal u :m _ _~ _ u: _.:: :

personally brJght before you, to ~xamine h.E?.~ _ m m.m _ by inspection. and to hear

. l .. her .and examme wItnesses on oath. If necessary. as to condItJon, and to make return of such exammatlOn and

inquiry to the Lid Ordinary. specifying in said return under which class you find the said}:1.~~.:?..~m..!~JJ.<t£.~.~·:L;E...~n ••••••• nn •• m.,

,I ...~i\:,~~=~:~:~,::~:::a:,·::'~~gmday o'm~~d;~ ...(?~J~_vL-dAj'.'/I/,r", _\" '" \I /.7'\ m mm.. ;/'j, m - - _m._ , Ordll1ary. IL_J

I I I.-

I $ta te of Geo rg ia ? m ••••••••• m._.u •• m ~ _.m m C 0 Un ty

To the Sheriff of said County or his Deputies:

I You arl hereby commanded to summon a jury of three men named in the anne:ed commission. two of whom must be

1'1 phY'i","" onl 0"' an ,ttorney, ond '"~, th,m to " ••mb', at m c~unty a'M"aid, aL o'd"kI I -

'Ion the day oLmm_mm.m ..m m.........• 19.m ....• then and there to execute said commission. and make return thereof.This tJe m ••••••••••••••••• day of m •••••••••••••••••• _ •• ] 9 n •••• _.

•• •• • __ •• • • ••••• • __ • __ ••• • n •• _ ••• n •• ._ • .::': ._ ••••• _. ••• ._., Ordinary.


,\, ....,?-l

--~ J . •__ -------·-------1

Jate of Georgia,Q"""mm .....mmm ....C ounty




i I By virtue of the annexed commission to us directed, we, the undersigned, first being sworn, and having made such examina-

I . b· . I d r b I . ttb t d f dtb ··d MY'''. Miliired F.. oohitlocktlOn y mspectlOn an proo s as t e aw reqUires, repor a we 0 III e sal ..n •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• n •••••• __ •••••• __

I to b, on.i.".,,~." .....Y"r~""".~d fit ,ubj"t 10< tbo MiUodgovilJ,St.t, Hoop"ol.~d h.ving on tbo t".1 inqui"d into

the fact of the Jidence of thesaid ..~~!.!::'.§..d~.P·.9:£.~.g.~.! J!ht.t.!?g.K , we further find thaL :?b.~ was at and

Ibefore the said trial, and still is, a resident citizen of the State of Georgia, and not introduced into the State or County for the

purpose of beinJent to the Milledgev~'lleSta J~:% ital. This ~.:r::S~.._ day oL ..~~?:~~~.~~.y , 19.n~.:?\. 1/7 / /l~/ & y /' a2::'-- /! 7-/ 0::'~<~,----;~",y/ :/'"~/ )

, t~:V"-.,"'.;ermrz:r.:'1r.J.<: ..~~L2. ~Ph"'id"n17'17~/~'7f':::) WI h <D2_.-n. -···<r~·:l:F/.f-::f:.·!:; /r- ..nn 1..J..n ~ Physician-6) /.1.. .I '-/'---...- ..-.

3 __ ~...:.:.:::-,.,~/ _ : __ ~~ Att,orney.. /l Q.Q9.!2m .......................•...... court of Ordinary, Chambers, ~~.'Q~~.!?..~.y ::!. L , 19.. ~.:.?

Whereupoll it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the said ..MI:9..•;L('.~.Q E ..•.....WhJ.t.l.Q.QJ~ .

I -personis aJ} t.n!?..~n.§j~r person of unsound mind, and that as such"o",,}?~.~ be committed to the Millegeville State Hospital

nntiLm~!J& lg'in b, ,~tored to M.,L Jigbt ""~HI ,:) m£) /' ' .I \ '~ Ij/ / ~, V ~ ........"./fi2..~...:4~J2\..J~ __.~~:~~-O:.dillar;'·· ..1

" "~ l,'- '\ -



r, ..1 __ 00 •••••••••••••• , Ordinary and ex officio Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of

said County, do hlerebYcertify that I have compared the foregoing copy of writ of lunacy against.. .

_ _ J. , with the original record thereof, now remaining in this office, and the same is a correct

transcript therefJm, and of the whole of such record.

In Testimlny Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Court of Ordinary, this the .

I iday of n •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , 19 .

I n •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , Ordinary .




,~I _I J


Est8te No", 6387


In~Re ~1rs •. B..• D~ El1lsnr'.D.s l}

of Mrs" M1.1dred i!Vhitlockj Tnc .•

It. apnea.ring that said Mrs ,Mild1"ecI Whi.tlock hDS bA~n

duly adJ·udr:ed comDAtent and that the said ~!~['S" B. D", HTll1iw:1. \ ... - .

.... .. . ~~

h8.~ tlu'ned over to Mr's" Whitlock the f1.121C:8 in her hands .~.and

bas maida a re turn of the sam8 to thi~1 offi ce " .

It is Ordered that the ratter::; of Guaroianship :'i.'~f;'led

on Febiru.ary 5" 1945 ~ are hereby terminated" and the sHld HI'S ~I, ¥ ••

B •. De Ellison is hereby dism:i.ssed as satd C':r'IJ.aI'dian.. and thatI " .

she ~ the sald Mrs•. B" D., Elllson a!ld her S1.H'ety 811e hereby, \ ..

dismissed from all other and further reRponslb1. J i +:.y :1'''' th1~


Let a copy of this Order be .fllrn:'i.shen. to 1'.11"3•. Ell i f1cn

and one also to her surety~

Done in open Court, this first Monday :1.'"Angus t rreJ:'m"

August 6" 1945.;;




L. R. COLLINS, CA$Hn.:n B, 8, OVERCASH, A~;ST. C\SHll':H




Judge J. J.Danie 11, Ord i~w.r::~:h\rietta, Georgiae

Dcar JudGe Daniell:

This aclcnol-~vnges receipt oi~ copy- of let·tel" of L;uilrd~i.8J1~'"ship is sued to tIrs.t ~~..D., ~11i,sOh ~;.sGtlardian 0;' ~',-~"r;. !,[i 1....dred 1~. 'I,VhitlocJ:" IJ1COYllperti.:;::-i-LQ

ii;C have taken the :Liberty of ChD.t'i£lur; th,.~ n(:(~o:m!:, forthese lett(')l's t1.nd vre e]1(~lo:Jn herevrith:;]w ch~u·'.:;e wi]je;]:YIf} as Ie thp.t you e!1dor~;i~ nse f::_~.~;.~ aG ii~j.t -,7eroe nc}'leck on our bmlk •.


/i\~ ,





Ri=:F'ER TO NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 14 February 1945PFNF 201 Whitloc1F, Millard17 .Tan 45) ASN2Q 44B 394 (X-l 182 885) ,

-----.---,-------.- ----,--" ,.~...

Mr. ~as J. Dani.ell, Ordinary, (Probate Judge),Cour1;.of OrdinaJ"'lJCobb County,MBxiJtta, Georgia •.

I {IIi..•.-..•--_.~_._~-- ..-----.---

My dear Mr. Daniell:I

Reference is made to your letter regarding wife, Mildred E. Whitlock,

of tJe above named soldier, relativ'e to family allow2.nce.

kOldier has been informed as to wife's condition, and appropri&te

.•.. ' I '. b· t kac~~on ~s elng a en.IYour interest in tilis matter is appreciated.

Very truly yours,


Brigadier Gem-al, Uni tad States Army,.Director.



~ <,;:i~:''~~~, 'c,.-

Chief Attorney's Qi'f1ceI ' ".' ... ','. 'Veterans Adrri1nis tr!ttLm

Pba.chtree Road""';'" ; :i;::"

Ar,lgn~a;:;~~~~~Orgia~.,' "~


: , letfeI"1s,regarding the wii'e of

P F, C• MiHard I'il1i~'1()ck2 04 483 94 '. Bt:y:. B 421 a. t .AM En.AP;, 0.. #862:i1·Ca~e· 'of",PostmasGeI' New York, rlew York .•Her name' Is Mtl'drec11Eoa'Whitlcck,,' 8hewas EIJ.130nI . '." '., ..•.•.• :...

before shemarri$'d'~':'-'

\ mY, , i "...'" , ". 1-1' d,L:e m. na.o .•.• ~!,S J..D.c.y Das gone ~an. ano!jl January;) she ':i&.s'dvly adjudg'ed a person of lmsc.-undmtnd and subject to be committed to the Milledr;evilleState HOsp!tal, iJ!illedgeville:1 Georgia" Hid 8ubjectto have a guardian appolntecl .• Sh.e was sent to theH~ft~.~nl t~~~ dav'0..""Jl,-J..J- 1.1(.; ..••. J:..J..~J \.. '.J. 0>

,\ . As Sheb~~i on hanC! a sme-ll of r:1cDeY!Ja110und ~p20"OO Ithtnk" Hnd 18 recaiving 8~nallotmentr!1om her. husband 'and the I<'ederal GovE'!'nment ~ tr18 moth,,;r:}t" ,I '. B 1" -'11· .. '1- ". 1-j t 1" .. , .,foL]S,. $ ••••' ",,'lE lson,::jH~L3 mane :,Rpp:-_ca , .?D J. or Em:rCl].~nsnlp .._../ ,-RQrew:!.th I,hand'iyou.~:a.,copy 0.;- th:t.s pet:Lt:t.on •. Cl.tat LcnW~ll be pUfJlishedii7-:thE; Cobb '"'ounty 'J:lmes beginning

~1iJ';s . we~k1, Januar~r<}~o,: '.

" .- -{.. :~'-~--~>.,:"

'0 , ' • We requeett1:wt you acknowledge servIce end ...-ir.struct m~ .1f~,e s}:'lOuld ~make &ny further l'(jIJort to /'.,/

.$J Federa~;~!;{~fi;:~.:: t::q::::i: t::: •hOdCrosatal report tnlSI?.r.OC_~,edlnG to the .soldier". ~.. '-....,j;


Very t.ruly YOU:Pf1,


lq(: \:~'Y:orlo;:{}Ell :'Lson

l.nfol't;~::.tlOl1:(f' of.:Cice

lri£~ t11~~\;vi:,fe oL'F.;.• 4:213 t AAA En <>

Very truly yotirs,

,s-tInE;: tr,l{f; :t1.6CL Cr'oss to801di0r,, '


a sma 11 arnoun t of 'TIone::Y'$'is rece1.vlng an aJ.lotmcnt

111">1 (~(JH'" ",:;:;""J""" t . t'!'",,, ..,.,", ,g;~,"',Y'~ 1.11< v •.•.' ~ .•...t,1... ~"'40~' .k •••....,;,.;' 1.~~~~ \>.:..;...,I,,;.;.~~_

f1fjl1;L,{)rl 1.().r? [.:;.U~ll'}C1.:LaLl::;i:::.~LlJQ

1...•, .,' q r' r) ~""> ?'~ 1--; -<;.';;t c'1 :'~ ,.~ dJ.,1, t.l ~." ,..:) "'-..!-).••..• li (.;_•....l ~ .•.•\._

~ld_juO.[<ccla pe 1~SC\11 c1i~ uns ouncl·r'i''''r1 I·C' "'h'" Ml11rr';"n""1'''''I_~'1jv --l l.t, V_,,-I_' ,. _" "'.'\...•..;..:.(1",.1 \<' ,,.L. . .J...--..

Geor~gi~gand subjectS11E; \vas se 1'1t t () t1:te

'The aboveis i'ul'nlsLod'TOU as'0· r0"'ol"'tert,tc"yo" by "r,r;~~ ()!'i,o'.<,-,' "" . p ..1 . u.,.,:_" _.'-".,1 I.,,' ..'t; '.,j \~.t.-•••\::.: .•. ,~"-..• \)

serve ;Y-:0u'fui..,thel~ please let us


_______:~.~_~~~~_'~9.:::~§~~ _Jamwry 13, 1945

Honorable Jas. J. Daniell,

Ordinary( Cobb County,Loriettal Georgia.


IN REPLY REFER TO: 84f1.j:.1G6

;/EI'I'LOCK, j,::illurc.SI'J-20·1-~83 94

I.=rs. T.1ildred E. \VhitlocklIncrn~petent wife)

DetlT Sil":

. l Rec.eipt is ".Cknowledged of .yo~r letter of Jonu"ry B, 1945,wrItten ln b'j!wlf of ;':lldreQ .::.:.';nlltlcc~c, t:13 ','!lfe O!~tna ,)bovena:::J.ed r::et1ber of the armed fOrc!3s. You cclvis3 th,,:t Lrs. ':ihi tlock 11,-;8becn

adjUdGedlOf unsound mind and has been cOf,':;Titto::c1 to the j'.:illedc:eville St.'1te[los:pi tal and also is subject to hav8 a CUDrdbn, eppointdd.

It appears that I..:[rs. Whitlock, as wifE: of a member of th e 0 rrwdforcGs, is in receipt of on 11110tment bec,mse of t:le !"lili t:J::'Y servi ce of- .• I d " 1 t t .•..' t ' "11 '!lSr Ilusoan. l.OU a so s a e v.:13 sn.e l1CG. :3 S1:~£l OlnO'.ln t of l":loney in tn~~I· - ,sum of approximately .~20.00 and th;,:t },j1's. B. 1.). Ellison lws rr...:1c:e appli-c8tion for the guardiIJnship, 13 eopy of 'shieh you enclosed. You also in­l!.'li:re '.'ihtth-:;r 3ny further repo:rt ·should bo made to any F6clecul ug811CY

,. I t" , tre·:c~[\rQll1.!i: illS r:lD. 1; or.

,. r i~s t:le hus b<;.nd oi' the inconpetc-nt is sti:!.l 3. ner"bur of thoorrned f'ol'ces, TtO bGnc:f'i ts r:re bei:n.~ :paic~ to hirn b:i the 'ist \..~-2~)!lS ..t:!..dlninifitr-a­

t.ion ~-mQIthis office) therei'oro, 1188 no St~p(-Jrv:i.sion OVer' the estate '.'IhichHay come into the hands of the guardian of the solCiior' s r:L:'e, as it 8},::--"8"rs o:},'" is in reeei "'t of' 8'1 .o·llot"I;,"nt f'rom 'lc>-~ f-".l'~bpnd Tt is S\1;""'-~~;i;"'d~h;t th~l~effi ce of De;encl~nc~ B8~e:r'i,ts, 21Z, '-W~;]li~!?::~o~ .s~re~t, r;~war~-'2 "!\Tow Jers1ey, be ad~Tj.sed of the fact that tho soldier's \'jife ~lQS been ac1judg8dof unsouhd mind and is subject to i1t~ve [) gua:rd iEn appointed for her. It issugf~esteld that inquiry be made of that office as to 'nrwt eviC:'.:mce ,'!iU bereouireo.l in or-der that the allotment ;:;ay continue to be r~i8(J~; to the''11;1' d ionl of the incompe t E:nt T.'iife.

In view of the abov'J, the '!}~':rlic(~tion fo-r the 8!)point);,cllt of' n

O.l3l'di;:ml is r8turned herewith vdthcut ackiiowlolgp;:eRt ."~cknQ1;rll~di"':lent b;,/ t~lisoffice :iJ.s not necessary, as the n~tt·e:r does Tlot eor:~~eun.dl:r ,:) S1_1rel" ....i~;ion.




Petition for Letters 01Guardi~nship, Citation, Order and Oath"(Box 782·1) 42153 fUIUU1UL & UUC! co. IASIWHLr:

GEO R G IA ' m •• g_~:~?~. ._. .. m •••• m. __ m COUNTY

To lll" J, "!l"i.e.E Ordinary of soid County,The Petition oL~vlX:~.~.~.~.mP..•m.~1JJ~.~.~ __..mm__h .__m__ __ __m __.__hm__..__ m m .__.

I __.__(~.().t9 m ••••••• __ • 'h' __County, shows that.. }Lr~~.~....!\\.C'.:;;.~ ~:...•.... :!:'n~.~tJ9.~ ,Ii.!... m , __


::.:.::':::::::':':::::T:":: :.::":-:":.':::::':'.::::.::::::':.:::::::::.:::.:::::::.::.::::'.:':.:.:.:::::::::..:::.::::.'''.:'.'.::::::.:'':.::::.'::.::''::":':':...:.:"::..::::::.:.

:;~J;ist;~en "t~{lhSome .. h --m.~~.::.~~.~X.~.~:~'.::.E?_ -- __mmm m h__h.__.h.m.---- --.--m.m· mDollars,It is necessary that a Guardian should be appointed to take charge oL"!?~'!." __"""""h m.m__ person m.

dip" her }DotheI" t dIG d' d k 1 1 1" .an property. etltlOn~rays LO De appom e suc 1 ,uar Ian; an as s tlat t 1e lisna CItatIOn may Issue

and be PUbliJhed'in that behalf.*I ' ,

..............1'b1.I"J:armo.ry 9.•...1915 1.11:8 •.... ~ LIL•..t,1J.1.0 0.:0 .

:.::::::::::::..:.:J:.:.: ..::::::'::.:::::..::::::":.:::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.--:::::.:.::::.'::::'::':::.'::::::::::::::..::::::..:..::.:.::..::.'--::'::.:::':::::.':'

"h.h .. -----.--.---1m..__ . h .__hh__.m_ m.h__..m.__ ..__. . 'h m ..m__ ..__ __.h__..__h" ,__I

*NOTE. Ii minor is over fourteen years of age, strike out about publication and state here that the minor chooses Petitioner or Guardian.I


Saba _ COURT OF ORDINARY,••• - - - - - _. - __ ~ __ • - - - _. 0 __ • • _. _

On readtg the foregoing application oL~~.u.ui,ir.s~'uR~'u.T'· ..."J.~I~~.oflu~... ~.... ~u.u~.~~~.u "'~u .uu.~ ..~

for =ard>anr~oft~eper~~n~~d~ro~ertYOf ... Mr: ~ • Ylldr ~ct ~~~, "n.' t] ~"' Tfl."OW'b (,en L .-.-.-------- ------- -. ------._._-------- ..._---------.-------- ------------------------. ---

Jas. J. DaniA]}. -------_.-.------- .. _----------_.p----.-_ .. ----_. -----.--------- ... --------------.,

)(}l'ph'arL"'h'lit is ordered that citation issue as provided by law.This Jan 6, 1945



G EO R G IA,. _..__ Q_QP. h_. .. _.. ._ 0. •••••••••••••••••••••• _. __ ••• CO UNTY.

Ordinary .

To All Whom it May Concern:

...........J h.h.Jy~r.$__!._J?_~__)~.~ ~).JJ!?_Qr~_. .__ 0. __ ••••••••• •••• ha ving applied for guardianshi p

I f Mrs. M{ldred }<:. Wlli tlock, D1_r:c:Jin.r.~-,. ..t.~~I_t._...__. ..__. .....of the ·person and property 0 0. •••••• _., __ ••••••• _ •••••••••• _ •••••••••• __ ._ ••••• _. __ • ._._. __


~~uu r~uuuuu~uuu u u ~ ~~.. ~..~.

.... .. -- ·1.· ·. .· 0. __ ._ •••••••••••••••••••• ••• _ •••••• -.- •••••••••••••••••••• - - •••••• ----- -- ••••••• - ••••••••••••• - ••••••••••••••••••• -- • - --- • - - ••••••••••

• "0.. ••• _•• 0. .,•••••••••••••••••• 0. •••••••••.• •••.•••• 0. •••••••• 0.. •••••• 0._. __••.•••. .0. ••. •••.••••. __•.•••.•. .. __ _ __.....•.

==Il:;:~••u•••••••uuu~u •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.u•••••••••••••~••••~.••••••••••,i:~Of sai~


County, c:ieCifa~e-"d,notice is given that said application will be heard at my office at ten o'clock A. M., on the

first MondJ in_ X~?'?:::-:.~E! .__ 0._ •• _ ••• next.


This. _-'1?p.~?.~y. §., _ __..n._ , 19 :%.?

••• - •••••• n • !-T.i:": ~. _~ _..• J.~.._}!..f},!!-. 5__c:JJ__ _ __ .Ordinary and ex-officio Clerk Court of Ordinary.


----_,~..sIQItIv ~

Know all Men Iby these Presents:

That we, L_..m_.Mr_s_.__B.••---D..• Elil.s..on __ll.B. Princ.i naT __.aml _

I L"' -- ----

.--- - - - - - __ m - - - - m--_m -r - ---- - --- ------ - -- - -. -- mm----------------.-.---00-- ---- -- __ Om-.----0.0.----- --- - - - - - -- - 0.---- o.--------------------------------------------00- - - - - - - --- - - - - --

--------------------nm---rh--- - ._-_~ ------00.-- --noon .__-__mnmm-----0.--- - - - - - - - - __ - __ - - - __ - - - - - -_00 m _

acknowledge 01""1 yes Jomtly and scvemlly bound un tL m ...----------o. ------_+ , - .Ta.s ..•__._.To--c-D-an.! e_llm __m_m 0. • _o. m o. 0 r<J mary of sa!d Cou nty, and

his successors ald assigns, in the just and full sum OLh m __ h o. mo.__m__m m m m h_mm _

I ..

-00 - - - m' m_m m.- -One- __Th olls8.nd 0. - -- - _- - - Dollars,

to the true paylent of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and the heirs and executors of usI

and each of us, jointly and severally, by these presents.

Sealed withlour seals, and dated this...m.-5-thh------day OL_h__F.G.1J.r.unr.ym h__, 19_:19__

The Condi'tion of the above Obligation is such, 'l'hat if the above bound h _

m •••••••••••••• I::~~~~·:~~~~~~:··· ··~~~~~-_-_~~~_-~~~~~a.J---------o.----mh------------n-----m------thisday appointed Guardian of the person m_ and property of

_m__o.__----h---------hL---------n-------.Mr-8-.,.---Mi-ld1~4-hE-v---W11,l-t-l-OG-k-y---In-cDmp-e-ten tm --m 0. _

····························1······· .. ················· .........•............................................................................................................................

=~~l:f .de~.m .J acknowledging of the same by h<>p acceptance of said appoin tmen t, and of La"",·s

of Guardla",hlpl of this date, shall wen and tmly maintain, clothe, a~saiif~l,'ete,B~onling to I

______her_m circumstances, and shall take good and lawful care h person h__and property, I

acco,ding to th1laWS of thIs State, and shall annually make a just ,md iTue rctum of all hB.:t' actings II, II

and doings hereir' unto the said Ordinary, and pay over all assets that may remain in----hBI'm-- __m_hands whensaid Guardianship shall legally terminate, then this obligation to be void, else to remain in full force.

In Witnesl Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year above written.







I-0.- m h h . .o._.mm_o. h o. (SeaL) I

--- P-- I

_00_00 0000 n m • m m mm (Seal.) III


_m'm hmh m m m ~~-~==_=----(Seal.) j

i i


September 22ndp1948

!'.liD..1" Rob.ertJ~ Emman's 9 '-,

,Chief p Legal Bran-9U" ,:,' ", Ariily Fino.nce iCenterll'"

'•. ~ L J'. ~ .~'~'Cr';" o~.1.S~;~~~p"Dear.Sir: '

In Julyj'July.17th. 1945, by leGo.l proceodinC;8

Mrslo Wh1tloel~ \'ms.,i??:jp.Q.ged !'estored ·to capacity and the'Gua~d;1anah~r:t,te~'>ffilne:~,~do ,.I. " - ". :~.•. ~"iq1~ . 0 "

,< " Re~1.'peotfully, submi ttedll

, '~!111~V' .. 'iil;


' ..... , .• :0' !

, . "Regarding &~:tiE;\chec1 inquil"Y about tho marriageofl;Millal"d Viinltlo(}k,~O 4'1B 39t~, (x-1182 885):

Our me.rJrlage.- re(H~l'>dG.9 Baole' N$I paCe '7:J shot7

the marriage of Millal~dWh11;loak$l a:"ed 221) and ~:1i3S':li]dI'e(l Graoe Ellison, aged 21 "rrhoy wore IDa1:'I'ied b~lR ' T 1" p" •..•. ..,~ 1 ()11

~Vo v ••, "11,. erI'~ ~n -:::,~;ay,:~0 ~_ ,v'j: "

J;. Both thes,,"yopng peopl" were .Cobb County cit~1z ,hs, he th~ son ..of;'·'J.'••/1iV,o ~Jhitlack and his\"llf'e 1101110j)

'and she theoaughter'of :e" Do Ellison t.:n:d wife Georgia,as j~hoi:-mby· the'£;'ppllcation .tOl" the' marria[:e license ••

I ":, , "to :;f" ,.~.. , 0 . ; •••

We do 'not l:iave 8. photos'cat maohine \;";1 tb. v:h:1chto :mal~e a copy, of' th~,'s'tlppl~LcGt1,onQ We can;i'urnish a.I, ' ,

.ce.Ijtified copy. of th~" mar1"iQg~r~ao:r:d:l1but, I P:POS"9LiC thereis :no Question as to' this 0' LUCIl os. the contz'actlDc

p'a~ti0s nas present 'ang, signed tho application" ':C}~oywo~e both hi'lotIDto this office" On 'the aDDllcat10n GachstdtOd ~lat they had not been Darried bof'or0o TI10 ap-p111ce.tion is $worntoo;, " , , ,

I " ' , , "",;. ,\i,;!i:,il I recall,tYlat thel~e c1evelo:Jcd between thisiC01.1ple, th0,-home fo11;;8> taldngpart in it, ereat Jl..Ylhc.~)p:l­nes's ~', I do. not know whs. tit \;'"Jas abouto .

~1 '.':' Mrso; ,~al~~;~~~'lnllS0n'Whi~lOCk b~c~me E1entallyder:l1nged,and on·Jan'y~3g·1945wa.s duly adJudged a fitcagle for the U[ill~dg6vl11e state Hospital at "lilledgevi!leg

.f Qaol- and was senttber,eror--tl~eatrnento He!' mothcr 9 rJrs (I,130 IDa Ellison, \:1.8.8 apI30:lntad bOl"> Gunrc1:?an , on Pebo 59 1';)4:50\ ~ ' -




The-Petition ,of Mrs~ B" D" Ellison,,'Guardifm of' lVII's •.

Mildr~d E. Whitlock shows as follows:

That as: such Guardian she ha.s on hand the sum of

more than One Hundred'Dollars in bank.


The ward 1s apparently well 9-'I1dis released from the

State I Hospital •.:The husband of the ward Is'a soldier in

Florida and desires his wife to come down and visit him"

WHEREFORE your petitioner prays that your Honor will,

grant I an order allowing the sum not to exceed One Hundred

Dollars to be expended- by said Guard:tan~ ;from the corpus ofI ,;' , ' .. ~' ,., ,: ", '

said ward's e3t~tes and also the swn of ,$2.00 for Court cost.

Si~ned Mrs. Do D. Elli30~Petitioner

Slgne2l.: Jas.~ J.,. Daniell, OrcHnary

statelof Georgia. Cobb County.,",' ....

Personally appeared the undersigned Mrs. B. D. ~llison,

who on 'oeth says that the averments in the foregoiDQ" oetltionI . - '

are true. Signed: Mrs. B~ D. Ellison

Sworn I to and s;bscri-bed bef~re methis March 26, 1945. '

I .Jas. ~T" Daniell;' Ordinar'y



Upon re'ading and consldering t:p.eforegoing petitionand i~ appe$ring that the averments therein made are true; 5~is ordered that the'sarriebe, and it is.hereby grantedo

Thi s March' 26, ,1945"

·,. (,P)


The foregoing petition of Mildred G0 Wllitlock to

be restored to comnetency", sanity and C8P8.C:i.tV read andI .". - '-'

consldered and it aPDearing that the consents to S11<>..11I --

restoI'ationj)and this Court having examined :i.nto the truth of'

the pttition and being satisfied of ita truth, and no object­ion having been made to the restoration or the revocation of

I .

the letters of guardianshj.p••

IT IS CQNSIDERED, ORDERFii AD,JrlDrtED thB.t the prayer

of the pet:i.tioner be and the same 1~a hereby granted and theI '

said MILDRED G~ ~~ITLOCK is here~v restored to competenc,r~I , .. " "

sanity$'l and capacity"


lettefa of .guardianahip to MR3. B, D. m,l,ISDN be and the ."meare hereby revoked and she is directed to f'orthwith del1veI'


over to the said MILDREDG" WHITLOCKall her PI'01Jertv" moneV'

. I' .' ',' ~ . ~ " .-and eii'fect"



Office of the Chief of Finance



He: Marriage of~i:i.lL~l'dH:Ul5.W'i! nh:1tloo1:


~''I _-.;~ - .~~ .~•.••.•,....,{':':~tj~~ ~ ·VJ.1a VV~~·

~,..~ Co't~!';),1X'iat1.m ~ \~ "

In _l~epIYRefer To:IFINNL 201

( 17n


To complete Army records, it will be appreciated if you will submit to

this loffice certified or photostatic copies of the application for marriagelicense, the license, and marriage certificate of the above nMled. TheI'

marr)age occurred on or about the date indicated.

No funds are available for the payment of fees. If you are unable to

furn sh.the requested documents, please forward, on the official letterhead

of yqur office, as much of the following information as may be available:

1. The full names a.ndaddresses of the parties.2. Dates and places of birth.3. The full names and addresses of the parents of each party.

4. The date and place of the marriage, and whether return of

the marriage record was made.5. The name and address of the minister or public official

who performed the ceremony, and the names and addressesof the witnesses to such ceremony.

6. Was either of the parties previously married? If so,

state which party was married, and how such marriagewas terminated.

7. A tracing or other reproduction of the signature ofparties.

For your convenience in furnishing reply, there is inclosed a self­I

addressed envelope which requires no postage.

Very truly yours,


Seif-addressed envelope

AFC 0-834

14 May 47