Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Indian Prime Minister...

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Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, Nov. 13, 2014

VOL. XXVI No. 11 November 2014 Rs. 20.00

On October 28, 2014, Chinese Ambassador to India Mr. Le Yucheng visited the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry(FICCI) and discussed with Sidharth Birla, President of FICCI on economic and trade cooperation between China and India.

Chinese Ambassador Mr. Le Yucheng paid an official call to Mr. Ajit Doval, Indian National Security Advisor on November 3rd, 2014. Both sides exchanged views on how to implement the outcomes of Chinese President’s visit to India.

On October 28,2014 Chinese Ambassador Mr. Le Yucheng met with Mr. Sarbananda Sonowal, Indian Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Sports and exchanged views with him on youth exchanges between the two countries.

Chinese Ambassador Mr.Le Yucheng(L) met with Ms. Alka Acharya , Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies(ICS) and Mr. Jabin T. Jacob, Assistant Director & Senior Fellow of ICS in Chinese Embassy on October 24, 2014.

On October 23, 2014 Mrs. Madhulika Sen(2nd L), Principal of Tagore International School (TIS) visited Chinese Embassy and met with Chinese Ambassador Mr. Le Yucheng (2nd R).

Chinese Ambassador Mr. Le Yucheng and Mr. MK Razdan, Editor-in-Chief & CEO of Press Trust of India (PTI) were watching the pictures of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s India Visit on October 22,2014 in Chinese Embassy.

Chinese Ambassador

to India Mr. Le Yucheng

said on November 4th,

2014 in New Delhi that

he believes Indian people

will benefit a lot from

China’s development and

the cooperation between

China and India.

A t a r o u n d t a b l e

discussion with local

scholars and experts on

the upcoming APEC

China 2014 to be held in

Beijing, Mr. Le Yucheng said that during

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit to

India in September, China and India reached

broad consensus on bilateral relations; now

the two sides are stepping up efforts to

implement the outcome of the visit.

The ambassador said, “It is my great

pleasure to join you in this Round Table

Discussion on Asia-Pacific Economic

Cooperation. I’d like to express my heart-felt

appreciation for the Institute of Chinese

Studies for co-organizing this event. APEC is

the largest, highest-ranking and most

influential economic cooperation mechanism

in the Asia-Pacific region. It is of great strategic

significance in the world with 21 members,

Chinese Ambassador Mr. Le Yucheng's Keynote Speech at the Round Table Discussion on APEC

40% of the world’s population,

57% of the total world economy

and 46% of the total global trade.

The choice of this topic for today’s

discussion vindicates the wide

range and deep insight of the ICS’s

academic focus.”

The ambassador said, “The

Indian people will soon benefit

from more high-quality and

reasonably priced goods made by

Chinese manufacturers in India ...

and hopefully experience more

convenient and comfortable high-

speed railway service. China’s investment will

create jobs for thousands of Indians.”

Mr. Le Yucheng also added that India, along with

20 other Asian countries that are willing to join

Asian Infrastructure Invest-ment Bank (AIIB) as

founding members, on Oct. 24 signed the

Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing

A I I B ( M O U ) w h i c h a i m s t o p r o m o t e

interconnectivity and economic integration in the


Mr. Le Yucheng noted that the border problem

between the two countries should not hamper the

overall development of bilateral ties. “People with

Chinese Ambassador Mr. Le Yucheng answered the questions of media.

Chinese Ambassador Mr. Le Yucheng talked with Indian participant at the function.

real-life experience understand fully that

neighbors may sometimes encounter problems

and there are always ways to solve them. Of course

the boundary question, which is a leftover from

the Western colonialists, needs solution,” he said.

He said that with fond memories of the 2001

APEC Summit held in Shanghai, China is ready to

host once again APEC in Beijing this time. Starting

from tomorrow, China will host the 2014 APEC

Economic Leaders’ Week, including the 22nd APEC

Economic Leaders’ Meeting, APEC CEO Summit

and APEC Business Advisory Council Dialogue

with Leaders. Celebrating its 25th Anniversary, the

theme of 2014 APEC is “Shaping

the Future through Asia-Pacific

Partnership”. Beijing is ready to

host the APEC leaders to seek

common development of the Asia-

Pacific region. At this opportune

moment I would like to talk with

all of you about the future path of

development and cooperation of

the Asia-Pacific region.

(Please see the full text of Mr.

Le Yucheng’s keynote speech in




1. Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership 62. Xi Jinping Attends Dialogue Between APEC Leaders and ABAC Representatives 113 China, Neighbors Vow to Strengthen Connectivity, Deepen Cooperation 134 Chinese President Proposes Asia-Pacific Dream 165. China Marks Six Priorities for New Type of Major-Country Relations with U.S. 186. APEC Beijing Summit "Historic": Chinese FM 227. Making the Cake of Cooperation Bigger, Promoting Prosperity in Asia-Pacific 23


1. China to Maintain Growth, Contribute to Global Economy: Chinese President 282. BRICS Countries Should Raise Their Voice in Global Economic Governance: Chinese President 303. Chinese Premier Urges Further Cooperation within East Asia 314. China, ASEAN to Upgrade Partnership in "Diamond Decade" 34

5. Speech by Premier Li Keqiang at Fourth Ministerial Conference of Istanbul Process on Afghanistan 36


1. Chinese Premier Pledges to Strengthen Cooperation with India 42

2. China and India to Strengthen Dialogue and Cooperation on Afghan Issue 43

3. China: Advancing the Rule of Law Domestically, Contributing to Peace and Development Internationally 44


1. SANY, Partnering with India's Future Growth Potential 46

2. Shandong Electric Power Construction No.2 Company 48


1. China Pledges 40 Billion USD for Silk Road Fund 512. Maritime Silk Road Expo Inaugurated, Brings Businesses 53


1. Xi's Wife Calls for Just, Tolerant Society for Disabled People 54

2. Beijing Bid Promotes Life on the Ice 56

3. Yunnan Hosts International Mandarin Competition 594. Chinese-style Outfits Designed for APEC 605. History of Cheongsams 62

6. Explore China's Famous Old Town – Pingyao 64


1. 2014 Canada China Tibetan Culture Week Goes to Toronto 65

2. Tibet Honors Outstanding Doctors 66

3. Tsongo, a Small Lake in North Tibet 67


APEC China 2014 News From China November 2014 6


Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership

Opening Remarks by Chinese President Xi JinpingAt the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting

Beijing, 11 November 2014

Dear Colleagues,

I am very glad to meet you at Yanqi Lake in

Beijing. Let me first extend a warm welcome to all

of you.

Each year, flocks of swan geese fly here and

stay at the lake in spring and autumn, hence Yanqi

Lake means the lake of swan geese. We 21

member economies of APEC are just like 21 swan

geese. A line from an ancient Chinese poem reads:

“The wind breaks waves into thousands of flowers

on the sea; flocks of swan geese fly across the blue

sky with their wings spread.” We are meeting here

at Yanqi Lake to enhance cooperation and embark

on a new flight to shape a new vision for the

development of the Asia-Pacific region.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of APEC.

The past 25 years of APEC’s growth have also

witnessed the development and prosperity of the

Asia-Pacific region. APEC has witnessed the

historic achievements of the Asia-Pacific’s

development, which, in turn, has given APEC a new


The world economic recovery still faces many

unpredictable and destabilizing factors. The Asia-

Pacific region has entered a new stage of

development, facing both opportunities and

Chinese President Xi Jinping hosts and addresses the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting at the Yanqi Lake International Convention Center in northern suburb of Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 11, 2014.

(Xinhua/Pang Xinglei)

7APEC China 2014News From China November 2014

challenges. How to tackle the risks of

fragmentation of regional economic cooperation?

How to create new growth momentum in the post-

financial crisis period? How to remove the

financing bottlenecks hindering connectivity?

These are issues we need to consider and actively


In the face of new conditions, we need to

intensify regional economic integration and foster

an open environment that is conducive to long-

term development. APEC should play a leading

and coordinating role in breaking various

shackles and unleash a new round of greater

openness, exchange and integration at a higher

level, in more areas and involving deeper

structural adjustment. We need to open the closed

doors within the Asia-Pacific region and open our

region fully to the rest of the world. While

continuing to advance the Bogor Goals, we should

vigorously promote the development of the

FTAAP by identifying targets and laying out

directions and roadmaps. This will help realize, at

an early date, the vision of completing a highly

open integration arrangement that spans across

the two sides of the Pacific Ocean.

In the face of new conditions, we need to

vigorously promote reform and innovation, create

new growth areas and driving forces, and ensure

strong and sustainable growth. Where does

growth momentum come from in the post-crisis

period? Undoubtedly, it can only come from

reform, innovation and readjustment. We need to

be innovative in development approaches, pursue

development through innovation and reform

instead of driving it the usual way by relying on

factors of production and export, and generate

internal growth momentum through structural

adjustment. We need to change the model of

market regulations, allow the market to play a

decisive role in resources allocation, and better

play the role of the government. We need to

advance scientific and technological innovation to

facilitate energy and consumption revolution, and

make the Asia-Pacific region a global leader in

achieving new technological revolution. This year,

we have promoted cooperation in Internet

economy, urbanization and blue economy and

discussed ways of leaping over the middle income

trap, and a good beginning has been made in

addressing all these major and urgent issues in

the global economy.

In the face of new conditions, we need to

speed up efforts to upgrade infrastructure and

build comprehensive connectivity. Connectivity is

about connecting physical structures. Our

cooperation should extend to wherever roads,

railways, air routes and the Internet take us.

Connectivity is about connecting rules and

regulations. When coordination and cooperation

are enhanced and regulatory obstacles are

reduced, logistics will become smoother and

exchanges more convenient. Connectivity is also

about connecting the hearts of people. With

enhanced mutual understanding, we can achieve

better communication and be more successful in

8 APEC China 2014 News From China November 2014

o u r e n d e a v o r s . I n s h o r t , t o a c h i e v e

comprehensive connectivity in the Asia-Pacific,

we should bring together all member economies

on both sides of the Pacific by connecting physical

structures, rules and regulations, and hearts of

people. We should eliminate bottlenecks in

accessing affordable financing, strengthen public-

private partnerships, and achieve interconnected


Dear Colleagues,

We are all members of the APEC community. It

meets the common interests of us all to foster an

open economy in the Asia-Pacific featuring

innovative development, interconnected growth

and converging interests. To achieve this goal, all

the economies in the region need to work together

to build an Asia-Pacific partnership of mutual

trust, inclusive-ness, cooperation and win-win

progress, and this will inject new energy into the

economic development of both the Asia-Pacific

and the world.

First, we should jointly chart the course for

future development. The future development of

the Asia-Pacific is vital to the interests of every

APEC member. Having reached important

consensus on launching the process of FTAAP,

promoting connectivity and pursuing innovative

growth, what we should do now is to translate the

consensus into action. We should draw the

blueprint for development in the next five, ten or

even 25 years and implement it step by step.

Second, we should jointly meet global

challenges. In the post-financial crisis period, we

need to focus on the core task of sustaining growth

and enhance macro policy coordination. We

should also effectively address global issues such

as epidemics, food security and energy security.

We should share information to understand each

other better, exchange experience to share best

practices, facilitate collective actions through

consultation and coordination, and boost regional

cooperation through mutual assistance.

Third, we should jointly build cooperation

platforms. Partnership means pitching in for

common goals and big initiatives. We should build

APEC into an institutional platform for promoting

integration, a policy platform based on experience

sharing, an open platform against trade

protectionism, a development platform to

intensify economic and technical cooperation and

a platform for boosting connectivity. A stronger

and more dynamic APEC is possible only with

support from all its members.

I wish to announce here that China will donate

10 million US dollars to support APEC

institutional and capacity building and its

practical cooperation in various fields.

Fo u r t h , w e s h o u l d j o i n t l y p u r s u e

interconnected development. Partnership also

means win-win cooperation and mutual learning.

Some developing economies in the Asia-Pacific

region now face difficulties. If they cannot achieve

development, development of the whole Asia-

Pacific region will not be sustainable. We need to

increase financial and technical support to

developing members, give full rein to the strength

of diversity among the Asia-Pacific economies,

draw on each other’s strength, better leverage the

amplifying effects and achieve common


In the coming three years, the Chinese

government will provide 1,500 training

opportunities to APEC developing members in

support of capacity-building projects in trade,

investment and other fields.

Dear Colleagues,

Under the theme of Shaping the Future

through Asia-Pacific Partnership, we will discuss

three important topics, namely, advancing

regional economic integration, promoting

innovative development, economic reform and

growth, and strengthening comprehensive

development in infrastructure and connectivity. I

am confident that our meeting today will inject

new vitality into the long-term development of

the Asia-Pacific region.

A single flower does not herald spring; a lone

goose cannot make a formation. Let us take Yanqi

Lake as the new starting point, and lead the flying

swan geese of the global economy in soaring

higher in the vast and blue sky.

Thank you!

9APEC China 2014News From China November 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Today, we have had

t h o ro u gh a n d f r u i t f u l

discussions on the meeting’s

theme and three major

topics and exchanged views

on the vision of Asia-Pacific

development and the future

d i r e c t i o n o f A P E C

cooperation. As a result, we

have reached extensive and

important consensus. Now I

wish to make a brief

summary of our discussions.

— We have reviewed the

achievements and valuable

experience of the APEC in its

history of 25 years and

discussed the vision and

direction for the long-term

development of the Asia-

Pacific. We resolve to build

on past success to move

ahead. We agree to, in the spirit of mutual trust,

inclusiveness, cooperation and mutual benefit,

shape the future through Asia-Pacific partnership

and build an open economy in the Asia-Pacific

f e a t u r i n g i n n o v a t i v e d e v e l o p m e n t ,

interconnected growth and shared interest in a

dedicated effort to fulfill the dream of an Asia-

Pacific that delivers growth, prosperity and

progress to all.

— We are determined to strengthen Asia-

Pacific partnership and jointly shape future

development, tackle global challenges, build

c o o p e r a t i o n p l a t f o r m s a n d p u r s u e

interconnected growth. We have adopted two

outcome documents: the Beijing Agenda for an

Integrated, Innovative and Interconnected Asia-

Pacific — the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’

Declaration and Shaping the Future through Asia-

Pacific Partnership — Statement on the 25th

Anniversary of APEC. The two documents lay out

the direction, targets and measures for Asia-

Pacific economic cooperation.

— We emphasize the importance of regional

economic integration as the driving force for

ensuring sustained and dynamic growth in the

Asia-Pacific region. The APEC should continue to

play a leading and coordinating role, help create a

new vision for the Asia-Pacific economic

integration and work for a regional economic

cooperation environment that is open, inclusive,

balanced and beneficial for all. We have decided to

start and advance the process of the Free Trade

Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) and approved the

Roadmap for APEC’s Contribution to the

Realization of an FTAAP. This is a substantive

move we have made towards the FTAAP. It marks

the official launch of the FTAAP process and

demonstrates the confidence of APEC members in

Chinese President Xi Jinping (4th R, front), his wife Peng Liyuan (3rd R, front), U.S. President Barack Obama (2nd R, front), Russian President Vladimir Putin (2nd L, front), Indonesian President Joko Widodo (R, front), Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (L, front) and other participants and their spouses head for a welcome banquet of the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 10, 2014. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)

Closing Remarks by Chinese President Xi Jinping At the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting

Beijing, 11 November 2014

10 APEC China 2014 News From China November 2014

promoting regional economic integration and

their commitment. It will take regional economic

integration to a new level, deliver gains to all

economies on both sides of the Pacific and inject

new impetus to the economic growth of the Asia-

Pacific and common development of APEC


— We have also approved important

cooperation initiatives on global value chains,

supply chains and capacity building, thus sending

a strong message of support for multilateral

trading system and the early conclusion of the

Doha Round negotiations.

— We realize that with the global economy

entering a period of profound, post-global

financial crisis readjustment, the Asia-Pacific

region must seize the opportunity, meet

challenges head on and speed up innovation and

reform to create new driving force for the growth

of the Asia-Pacific economy and make it more

competitive. We have adopted the APEC Accord on

Innovative Development, Economic Reform and

Growth. We have decided to take economic

reform, new economy, innovative growth,

inclusive support and urbanization as five pillars,

enhance policy coordination and dialogue,

promote result-oriented cooperation, experience

sharing and capacity building and allow

innovation, reform and growth to reinforce one

another so as to further consolidate the Asia-

Pacific’s position as the engine of the global


— We are resolved to jointly explore

development paths and models suited to each

member’s conditions, step up exchanges and

mutual learning, and identify new ways for the

development of the Asia-Pacific so that members

of this region will grow together by pursuing

diversified development paths. We have opened

new horizon in cooperation areas. Major new

topics such as leaping over

the middle income trap, the

Internet economy and

urbanization have been

added to our agenda; in-

depth discussions on them

have produced important

deliverables. We have

c a r r i e d o u t v i g o ro u s

c o o p e ra t i o n o n a n t i -

corruption in the Asia-

Pacific, established APEC’s

N e t w o r k o f A n t i -

Corruption Authorities and

Law Enforcement Agencies

(ACT-NET) and reached

important consensus on

p u r s u i n g f u g i t i v e s ,

r e c o v e r i n g c r i m i n a l

proceeds and engaging in

l a w e n f o r c e m e n t

cooperation. We applaud the good progress in

cooperation in the blue economy, green economy,

sustainable energy, SMEs, health, forestry, mining,

food security, tourism, women’s issues and

economic issues.

— We fully share the view that enhanced

comprehensive infrastructure development and

connectivity can generate new sources of growth

and increase the competitiveness of the Asia-

Pacific, which serves the shared interest and long-

term development needs of all APEC member

economies. We adopted the APEC Blueprint on

Connectivity, which is a milestone in APEC

cooperation. We are determined to translate the

vision of enhancing hardware, software and

Fireworks explode over the Olympic Park in Beijing, China, Nov. 10, 2014. The 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting takes place in Beijing from Nov. 10 to 11. (Xinhua/Jin Liwang)

11APEC China 2014News From China November 2014

people-to-people connectivity into reality by

2025 and meet specific targets that we have

jointly agreed upon. Guided by this blueprint, we

will step up investment, build a comprehensive,

al l-round and multi-t iered Asia-Pacific

connectivity network, and this will lay a solid

foundation of connectivity for the long-term

development of the Asia-Pacific.

— We have decided to expand result-oriented

cooperation in infrastructure development and

financing, promote the public-private partnership

model and help our region remove bottlenecks in

financing connectivity projects. We highly

appreciate the fundamental role of the flow of

people in promoting connectivity and have

decided to launch new initiatives such as cross-

border education, business travel card and cross-

border tourism, so as to benefit more people on

both sides of the Pacific.

— We have decided to jointly meet such global

challenges as pandemic disease, terrorism,

natural disaster and climate change. Facing the

ravaging Ebola epidemic, APEC leaders are

resolved to jointly help African countries

effectively handle, prevent and control the spread

of the disease, and support the United Nations in

leading and coordinating efforts to assist Africa

and fight the disease. We will support the people

in affected countries overcome difficulties until

the final victory against Ebola is won.

Dear Colleagues,

Before I officially close our meeting, I wish to

take this opportunity to express my sincere

thanks to you all for the trust you have placed in

me and the Chinese government. I thank you for

your support, understanding and cooperation

during the meeting and for your dedication and

contribution to the common development,

prosperity and progress of the Asia-Pacific.

This meeting is not the end, but a new

beginning. I am deeply convinced that our

discussion today is of great significance. Later,

when we look back at the history made here today

at Yanqi Lake, we can say with pride that we did

the right thing.

Good times are always too short; and we will

soon say goodbye to each other. After the meeting,

I will brief the press on the outcomes and our

discussions of the meeting based on the

consensus we have reached. Some of you will stay

in China for a couple more days. Others will leave

soon. I hope you have enjoyed your stay in China,

and wish you all a pleasant and safe trip.

I also look forward to meeting you again in

Manila next year.

Thank you!

Xi Jinping Attends Dialogue Between APEC Leaders and ABAC Representatives

On November 10, 2014, President Xi

Jinping attended in Beijing the Dialogue

between Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

(APEC) Leaders and APEC Business Advisory

Council (ABAC) Representatives. Xi Jinping

stressed that China enjoys a sound

development prospect. China is a beneficiary

and more an active advocator and promoter

of regional cooperation. We are willing to

actively advance l iberal ization and

facilitation of regional trade and investment,

speed up regional economic integration and

join hands to push forward development and

prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.

When arriving at the meeting venue, Xi

Jinping and leaders of other economies were

warmly welcomed by the participants. Xi

Jinping delivered a speech at the plenary

meeting. Xi Jinping pointed out that currently

the Asia-Pacific region is embracing

important development opportunities as well

as broad development prospect, and also

facing multiple unstable and uncertain

factors . As an important economic

12 APEC China 2014 News From China November 2014

cooperation mechanism in

the region, APEC should

u n d e r s t a n d t h e n e w

characteristics of global and

regional situations, grasp the

f u t u r e d e v e l o p m e n t

direction of cooperation in

the Asia-Pacific region and of

the world economy, and add

more vigor to economic

growth in the Asia-Pacific

region and the world.

Xi Jinping stressed that

C h i n a h a s t a k e n t h e

important mission as the

host country for APEC this

year, and stands ready to take

this opportunity to actively

promote liberalization and

facilitation of regional trade and investment,

accelerate regional economic integration, and

strengthen the members’ capability in

economic and technical cooperation, so as to

jointly push forward development and

prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and build

an Asia-Pacific partnership for the future.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the business

circle is the major driving force for Asia-

Pacific economy, and it is hoped that all

parties contribute positive energy to APEC’s

long-term development.

Following that, Xi Jinping attended the

grouping discussion and communicated and

interacted with representatives of the

business circle.

As to the practical results to be yielded

from the meeting hosted by China this year, Xi

Jinping noted that first is to launch the

process of Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific

(FTAAP) and chart the course for Asia-Pacific

cooperation. Second is to issue the

declaration for commemorating the 25th

anniversary of the establishment of APEC,

summing up historical experience and

blueprinting the prospect. Third is to advance

innovative development in economy, reform

and growth, injecting new vigor into the long-

term development in the Asia-Pacific region.

Fourth is to blueprint connectivity, laying a

solid foundation for all-round connectivity in

the Asia-Pacific region. China is willing to join

efforts with all parties to build an Asia-Pacific

partnership featuring mutual trust ,

inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win


With regard to the relations between the

FTAAP and other regional free trade

arrangements, Xi Jinping pointed out that the

FTAAP is a strong aggregation of existing free

trade arrangements. To advance the

construction of the FTAAP, we should cement

the integration process and define long-term

goals. The FTAAP is no contradiction to the

existing free trade arrangements, and the

latter ones serve as a feasible path to realize

the FTAAP.

With respect to infrastructure and

connectivity construction in the Asia-Pacific

region and the establishment of the Asian

Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Xi

Jinping stated that infrastructure and

13APEC China 2014News From China November 2014

c o n n e c t i v i t y

construction are a

basic issue bearing on

e c o n o m i c

development, and also

important means for

regional economic

i n t e g r a t i o n . T h e

establishment of the

A I I B e n j o y s g o o d

timing, geographical

c o n v e n i e n c e a n d

strong social basis, and

corresponds with the

building of the Silk

Road Economic Belt

and the 21st Century

Maritime Silk Road,

serving as a multi-win measure benefiting all

parties. The AIIB will work with other

multilateral development institutions to

contribute to Asia-Pacific economic

integration and development.

In regard to whether China is able to get

through the “middle-income gap”, Xi Jinping

expressed that for China, the “middle-income

gap” is bound to be crossed, and the key is

when it will happen and how to better move

forward after that. We have confidence in

balancing reform, development and stability

as well as steady growth, structure

adjustment, improvement of people’s

livelihood and promotion of reform,

advancing China’s economy in a steady and

long-term manner.

In relat ion to China’s economic

development prospect, Xi Jinping stressed

that China is comprehensively deepening

reforms and opening-up, speeding up

transformation of economic development

mode, intensifying adjustment of economic

structure and implementing the innovation-

driven strategy, therefore, its economy will

maintain a medium-to-high growth for a fairly

long period and its economic quality will

improve constantly. We welcome personages

of Asia-Pacific business circle to actively

participate in the process of China’s economic

and social development, and together share

the opportunities and results brought by

China’s reform and development.

China, Neighbors Vow to Strengthen Connectivity, Deepen Cooperation

Beijing, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) — China and its

neighbors pledged on Nov. 8 to enhance

connectivity and deepen practical cooperation to

seek Asia’s common development.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, along with

leaders of seven other neighboring countries and

The night view around the Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing during the APEC Economic Leaders' Week. (Xinhua/Chen Jianli)

14 APEC China 2014 News From China November 2014

two international organizations, reached

consensus on a host of measures to boost regional

connectivity, ranging from speeding up

infrastructure construction to innovating

financing mechanism, according to a joint press

communique released at the ongoing Asia-Pacific

Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings.

The communique came after a dialogue

meeting on strengthening connectivity and

improving cooperation in China’s neighborhood.

Xi chaired the dialogue which was attended by

leaders of Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia,

Myanmar, Pakistan and Tajikistan, and

representatives of the United Nations Economic

and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

According to the communique, the signatories

recognize that strengthening connectivity is

consistent with the trend of times and represents

a common necessity for all Asian countries.

They also believe that strengthening

connectivity involves work in five areas, including

p o l i c y c o m m u n i - c a t i o n , i n f ra s t ru c t u re

connectivity, trade link, capital flow and

understanding among peoples with the

infrastructure development being the basis and


“Strengthening connectivity, which is

conductive to identifying new growth point and

fostering new competitive edge, offers new

driving force for Asian cooperation and sustained

prosperity,” the document said.

Chinese President Xi Jinping presides over a Dialogue on Strengthening Connectivity Partnership in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 8, 2014. (Xinhua/Li Tao)

News From China November 2014

The communique also hailed the building of

“One Belt and One Road,” or the Silk Road

Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk

Road, saying the initiative will inject strong

impetus in enhancing political mutual trust,

deepening economic cooperation and promoting

cultural and people-to-people exchanges among

relevant countries.

At the dialogue, Xi, in his five-point proposal

a i m e d a t p r o m o t i n g i n t e r - c o n n e c t e d

development in the Asia-Pacific region, said China

will contribute 40 billion U.S. dollars to set up a

Silk Road Fund.

“We welcome and appreciate China’s

announcement of creating the Silk Road Fund to

provide investment and financing support for

Asian countries’ participation in connectivity

cooperation,” the communique said.

The signatories are resolved to intensify

efforts in transportation infrastructure

development, shape an open economic landscape

in Asia with unwavering commitment to open

regionalism, as well as adopt a people-centered

and development oriented approach for the

realization of prosperity, the document said.

It stipulated that China and its dialogue

p a r t n e r s a re c o m m i t te d to i m p rov i n g

institutions and mechanisms to help develop

cooperation platform with distinctive Asian


The signatories support efforts of China and

relevant countries to establish the Asian

Infrastructure Invest-ment Bank as a comple-

ment to the existing financial institutions, such as

the World Bank and the Asian Develop-ment Bank,

according to the communique.

15APEC China 2014

Chinese President Xi Jinping poses for a group picture with guests before a Dialogue on Strengthening Connectivity Partnership in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 8,2014. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)

16 APEC China 2014 News From China November 2014

Beijing, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) — Chinese President

Xi Jinping called for efforts to create and fulfill an

Asia-Pacific dream here Sunday, saying China’s

economy will bring huge opportunities and

benefits to the region and the world.

He made the remarks when addressing the

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO

Summit, which attracted over 1,500 business

people from 21 APEC member economies and 17

other countries and regions.

The Asia-Pacific has a strong impetus for

development and a bright future, with a rising

standing in the world, but the region now stands

“at a crossroads”, Xi said.

He listed several challenges facing the region,

such as lingering impacts of the international

financial crisis, fragile recovery in some

economies, the daunting tasks of raising

economic equality and efficiency, as well as

different directions and priorities in accelerating

the regional economic integration process.

“The development prospect of our region

hinges on the decisions and actions we take

today,” he said. “We are duty-bound to create and

fulfill an Asia-Pacific dream for our people.”

When elaborating on the idea, the president

said the dream is about acting in the spirit of the

Asia-Pacific community and out of a sense of

shared destinies, following the trend of peace,

d e ve l o p m e n t a n d m u t u a l ly b e n e f i c i a l

cooperation, and jointly working for the

prosperity and progress of the region.

He added that the dream is about staying

ahead of global development and making greater

contribution to the well-being of mankind.

The dream is also about having more

economic vibrancy, free trade and investment

facilitation, better roads, and closer people-to-

people exchanges, the president said.

Moreover, the dream is about ensuring

Chinese President Proposes Asia-Pacific Dream

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 2014 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 9, 2014. (Xinhua/Ju Peng)

17APEC China 2014News From China November 2014

g r e a t e r s e c u r i t y a n d

prosperity for the people and

giving children a better

environment to grow, work

and live, he said.

To realize the Asia-Pacific

dream, the region should

redouble efforts to forge a

partnership of mutual trust,

inclusiveness and win-win

cooperation and jointly build

an open economy, Xi urged.

In addition, the region’s

economies need to explore

new drivers for growth and

d r a w a b l u e p r i n t f o r

comprehensive connectivity,

he said.

Speaking of the Free

Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), the

president suggested the region remain committed

to open regionalism while endeavoring to initiate

the FTAAP.

Economies should “work for new economic

i n s t i t u t i o n s a n d re g i o n a l c o o p e ra t i o n

architecture that are open, so that the door of the

Asia-Pacific will always be open to the entire

world,” he said.

As the fastest growing region in the world,

Asia-Pacific accounts for 40 percent of the global

population, 57 percent of the global economy and

48 percent of the global trade.

Regarding the development of the world’s

second largest economy, Xi said that China’s

economy has been growing steadily as a “new

normal” of it has emerged.

Under the new normal conditions, he said,

China’s economic growth has become more stable

and been driven by more diverse forces while the

Chinese economic structure has been improved

and upgraded, heralding a more stable

development prospect.

“The intensi ty of our endeavor to

comprehensively deepen reform will determine

whether we will successfully adapt ourselves to

the new normal,” Xi told his audience.

The president said that to comprehensive

deepen reform, China needs to stimulate the

market vitality, broaden the path for innovation,

advance opening-up at a higher standard, as well

as improve people’s well-being and promote

social equity and justice.

“Comprehensively deepening reform will not

only liberate the productive force but also unleash

the vitality of the society,” Xi said. “It will serve as a

strong driving force for China’s economic and

social development.”

He pledged that China will stay focused on

managing its own affairs well and endeavor to

bring more benefits to the Asia-Pacific and the


China is ready to work with other countries in

promoting the building of the “Silk Road

Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime

Silk Road”, pushing for the early operation of the

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and

getting more engaged with regional cooperation,

he said.

“As its overall national strength grows, China

will be both capable and willing to provide more

public goods for the Asia-Pacific and the world,

especially new initiatives and visions for

enhancing regional cooperation,” Xi told the


The exhibition "This is Beijing" inside China National Convention Center, a venue of the 2014 APEC, displays the culture, tradition and scientific innovation of China's capital city. (Xinhua/Luo Xiaoguang)

18 APEC China 2014 News From China November 2014

Beijing, Nov. 12 (Xinhua)

— President Xi Jinping on

Wednesday outlined six

priorities in building a new

t y p e o f m a j o r - c o u n t r y

relationship with the United


“China would like to work

with the U.S. to implement

the principle of no conflict, no

c o n f r o n t a t i o n , m u t u a l

respect, cooperation and

common prosperity and

make the new type of major-

country relations between

the two countries produce

more benefits to people in the

two countries and the world,”

Xi told his U.S. counterpart

Barack Obama during their

talks in Beijing.

The priorities in China’s

diplomacy with the United States include:

— China and the U.S. should improve

exchanges and communication between high-

level officials in a bid to improve strategic trust.

The two sides should give bilateral dialogue

mechanisms a better play, such as the China-U.S.

Strategic and Economic Dialogue.

— The two countries should respect each

other’s sovereign and territorial integrity as well

as political system and development path, instead

of imposing one’s will and model on the other,

which is the important condition and foundation

for the two countries to have a healthy, stable and

sustainable relationship.

— They should deepen cooperation in all

a s p e c t s i n c l u d i n g t r a d e , m i l i t a r y ,

counterterrorism, law enforcement, energy,

health and infrastructure. The cooperation should

involve governments, parliaments, media, think

tanks and young people.

— The two sides should manage disputes and

sensitive issues in a constructive manner. As it is

inevitable to have differences, they should always

resort to dialogues and consultation and do not

act against each other’s core interests.

— They should improve collaboration in the

Asia-Pacific, having positive interactions,

encouraging inclusive diplomacy and work for

regional peace, stability and prosperity.

— They should jointly respond to regional and

global challenges. China is willing to work with the

U.S. on regional hotspots such as the Iran nuclear

issue, denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

and Afghanistan as well as global issues like

counterterrorism, climate change and epidemic



Xi and Obama met at the Great Hall of the

People, following a red-carpet ceremony to

welcome the U.S. president on Nov. 12,2014.

Obama arrived in Beijing on Nov. 10 to attend

the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

China Marks Six Priorities for New Type of Major-Country Relations with U.S.

Chinese President Xi Jinping (L Front) holds a welcoming ceremony for U.S. President Barack Obama (R Front) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 12, 2014. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)

19APEC China 2014News From China November 2014

( A P E C ) E c o n o m i c

Leaders’ Meeting and pay

a state visit to China.

Obama congratulated

the Chinese side for

“hosting a successful

A P E C s u m m i t ” a n d

expressed his gratitude

for Xi’s “outstanding

hospitality in the state


S ay i n g t h i s ye a r

m a r k s t h e 3 5 t h

a n n i v e r s a r y o f t h e

establishment of China-

U.S. relations, Xi said

bilateral ties now stand at

a new starting point.

“Facing the current

c o m p l i c a t e d a n d

changing international

situation, China and the United States should and

will be able to cooperate in more areas,” Xi said.

Obama said the trade ties and people-to-

people exchanges between the two countries have

surged over the past 35 years.

“We have shown that when we cooperate, the

United States and China can make important

contributions to security and prosperity in the

region and around the world,” Obama said.

Xi reviewed his meeting with Obama at the

Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands in Rancho

Mirage, California in June 2013, where they

reached a consensus on building a new type of

China-U.S. relations.

The two countries have since then made

“positive progress” in bilateral coordination and

cooperation in various areas, Xi said.

China and the United States have worked

together in tackling climate change, combating

the Ebola epidemic and fighting terrorism, Xi said.

Facts have proved a new type of major-

country relations between China and the United

States serves the fundamental interests of the two

peoples and helps maintain peace, stability and

prosperity in Asia and Pacific and the world, Xi


Obama said he and Xi discussed “our

priorities and our vision for the U.S.-China

relationship” Tuesday evening and Wednesday


“I believe our two nations have enormous

stake in each other’s success,” Obama said, adding

the United States welcomes a peaceful,

prosperous and stable China.

Obama said he and Xi “engage in an honest

and constructive dialogue around those

differences and ensure we can manage them in a

peaceful and effective way.”

Obama said his discussion with Xi will help

ensure bilateral relationship “continue to deliver

results” for China, for the United States and for the


On Tuesday evening, the two heads of state

held a meeting at the Zhongnanhai leadership

compound in downtown Beijing after the APEC



The two leaders confirmed the core role of

economic ties in bilateral relationship and

pledged to boost their economic relations and

improve the international economic system,

according to a release from the Chinese foreign

Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama shake hands at the Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 11, 2014. Xi Jinping held a bilateral meeting with visiting U.S. President Barack Obama in Beijing Tuesday evening. (Xinhua/Ju Peng)

20 APEC China 2014 News From China November 2014

ministry on major outcomes of the Xi-Obama


Last year, bilateral trade volume soared to 520

billion U.S. dollars, and outstanding amount of

two-way investment stood at 100 billion dollars.

The release said China and the United States

will continue to take the bilateral investment

treaty (BIT) negotiations as the most important

issue regarding their economic relationship and

will “input more resources” into the negotiations

with a view to reaching a comprehensive high-

standard bilateral investment treaty.

China and the United States began the BIT

talks in 2008 as the two countries sought to lift

mutual investment, which only accounted for a

tiny share of their overseas investment.


During their talks, Xi proposed “a new type of

military relations” that suits the new type of

major-country relationship between China and

the United States.

Xi said defense departments of the two

countries have signed Memorandums of

Understanding (MOU) on establishing a mutual

reporting mechanism on major military

operations and a code of safe conduct on naval and

air military encounter.

The two militaries

s h o u l d d e e p e n

exchanges, mutual trust

and cooperation based on

the two MOUs, he said.

China would like to

make progress in the

e x c h a n g e s b e t w e e n

senior officers of the two

armed forces, smooth

c o m m u n i c a t i o n

mechanism and conduct

more joint trainings and

drills with the U.S. side.

TAIWAN, TIBETXi urged the U.S. to

follow the one-China

policy and principles set

b y t h e t h r e e j o i n t

communiques between

the two countries and asked the U.S. government

to stop arms sales to Taiwan and support cross-

Strait peace with “actual actions.”

In response, Obama assured that there has

been no change of the U.S. stance on Taiwan and it

does not support “Taiwan independence.”

The U.S. favors the improvement of cross-

Strait relations and expects it to continue, he said.

O b a m a a lso s t re sse d t h a t t h e U. S .

acknowledges Tibet as part of the People’s

Republic of China and does not back “Tibet




After their meeting, China and the U.S. issued a

joint announcement on climate change, listing

ambitious goals and pledging joint efforts to

tackle climate change in the next 15 years.

The United States intends to achieve “an

economy-wide target of reducing its emissions by

26 to 28 percent below its 2005 level in 2025” and

to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28

percent, according to the announcement.

China’s carbon dioxide emission is expected to

hit the peak around 2030 and it intends to

increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary

Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) and U.S. President Barack Obama attend a joint press

conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 12, 2014. Xi Jinping and

Obama held talks before the press conference. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei)

21APEC China 2014News From China November 2014

energy consumption to around 20 percent by

2030, according to the announcement.


Xi and Obama jointly denounced all forms of

terrorism and pledged to fight terrorism together

by following the Charter of the United Nations and

fundamental principles in international relations.

The two countries will also improve

cooperation in law enforcement, such as jointly

hunting down fugitives, recovering their ill-gotten

assets, fighting drug trafficking and cyber crimes.

According to the foreign ministry release, the

two presidents agreed that China’s Ministry of

Public Security and U.S. Department of Homeland

Security will hold a minister-level meeting early

next year to discuss how to boost anti-terrorism

and law-enforcement cooperation.


China is a participant, builder and contributor

of the existing international system, Xi said at a

joint press conference with Obama, telling

reporters that China’s economic development has

made important contribution in boosting world

economic recovery after the financial crisis.

China is also the largest contributor of

peacekeepers among the five permanent

members of the United Nations Security Council,

and China has sent over 20,000 peacekeepers to

UN peacekeeping missions, Xi said.

Since the Ebola outbreak in April, China has

offered 750 million yuan (122 million U.S. dollars)

worth of aid to countries plagued by the epidemic,

Xi said.

According to the foreign ministry release,

China and the United States will enhance

communication and boost cooperation to fight

Ebola in Africa.

Obama told reporters the U.S. views China as

an important cooperative partner, be it on the

bilateral, regional or global level.

Developing a strong relationship with China

occupies the center stage in the U.S. strategy of

rebalancing to Asia.

When answering a question on human rights,

Xi said China has made great achievements in

human rights since the founding of New China in

1949, especially after 30 years of reform and

opening up.

He said China is willing to engage in dialogues

with the U.S. on human rights on the basis of

equality and mutual respect.



Beijing, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) — The world’s two

biggest economies on Nov. 12,2014 announced

ambitious goals and pledged joint efforts to tackle

climate change in the next 15 years.

China and the United States announced their

respective post-2020 goals of coping with climate

change in a joint announcement issued after the

two countries’ presidents held talks Wednesday

in Beijing.

The United States intends to achieve “an

economy-wide target of reducing its emissions by

26 to 28 percent below its 2005 level in 2025” and

to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28

percent, according to the announcement.

China intends to achieve the peaking of

carbon dioxide emissions around 2030 and

increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary

energy consumption to around 20 percent by


“China and the United States hope that by

announcing these targets now, they can inject

momentum into the global climate negotiations

and inspire other countries to join in coming

forward with ambitious actions as soon as

possible, preferably by the first quarter of 2015,”

the announcement said.

The two countries will jointly push

international climate change negotiations for the

adoption of a protocol at the United Nations

Climate Conference in Paris next year, according

to the announcement.

China and the U.S. will step up cooperation in

the fields of clean energy and environmental

protection, the announcement said.

To achieve their climate goals, China and the

U.S. will establish a major new carbon storage

project based in China through an international

public-private consortium led by the two

countries to study and monitor carbon storage

using industrial CO2, it said.

22 APEC China 2014 News From China November 2014

The two countries will also work together on a

new Enhanced Water Recovery project to produce

fresh water from CO2 injection into deep saline


In addition, China and the U.S. will convene a

Climate-Smart/Low-Carbon Cities Summit where

leading cities from both countries will share best

practices, set new goals and celebrate city-level

leadership in reducing carbon emissions and

building resilience.

Bilateral trade in sustainable environmental

goods and clean energy technologies will be

encouraged, according to the announcement.

It said a U.S. trade mission led by U.S. Secretary

of Energy Ernest Moniz and Secretary of

Commerce Penny Pritzker will visit China in April

2015, with a focus on smart low-carbon cities and

smart low-carbon growth technologies.

China was the first among developing

countries to formulate and implement a national

climate change program and adopted a national

plan to make sure that it will meet the target of

cutting carbon intensity by 40 percent to 45

percent by 2020 from the 2005 level.

In 2013, carbon intensity in China was down

by 28.5 percent from the 2005 level, which was

equivalent to a reduction of 2.5 billion tons of CO2


APEC Beijing Summit "Historic": Chinese FM

Beijing, Nov.13 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday said the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Beijing was productive and historic.

“The summit strived to tackle difficult issues in Asia-Pacific relations and in APEC’s development. A string of crucial achievements have been made in a great number of areas,” Wang told a press briefing on Thursday.

Wang’s comments came after APEC leaders concluded their annual meeting on Tuesday, agreeing on economic integration, innovation and connectivity.

The meeting adopted two important documents: “The 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Declaration: Beijing Agenda for an Integrated, Innovative and Interconnected Asia-Pacific” and the “Statement on the 25th Anniversary of APEC: Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership”.

“The meeting made clear the direction and objectives for future Asia-Pacific cooperation,” Wang said.

APEC members agreed to start a joint strategic study on the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), marking the official launch of the FTAAP process.

“This decision will be written into the history books. It shows how the Chinese mindset of integration and culture of harmony worked to resolve diplomatic difficulties,” Wang said.

APEC leaders adopted a blueprint to promote

regional connectivity by 2025, which Wang said enabled the Asia-Pacific region to seek the cutting edge in global competition.

Wang said the summit had ushered in new areas of cooperation on global issues, citing a joint statement on anti-corruption cooperation.

Chinese President Xi Jinping announced China would contribute 40 billion U.S. dollars to set up a Silk Road Fund at a dialogue meeting on strengthening connectivity and improving cooperation in the country’s neighborhood, Wang said.

The summit promoted China’s bilateral relations with major countries in the Asia-Pacific region, citing Xi’s meetings with U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, among others.

Wang highlighted the conclusion of substantive negotiations on a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) between China and the Republic of Korea, saying it would benefit the two countries and the region.

“The APEC Beijing summit was not the end, but rather a new starting point,” Wang said, stressing that Beijing APEC was significant and would have a long-term impact.

Wang pledged China would continue to demonstrate the “China voice,” come up with “China solutions” and contribute “China wisdom.”

“We will make efforts to turn Chinese opportunities into world opportunities and turn world opportunities into China’s,” Wang said.

APEC China 2014 23News From China November 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

It is my great pleasure

to join you in this Round

Table Discussion on Asia-

P a c i f i c E c o n o m i c

Cooperation. I’d like to

express my heart-felt

appreciation for the

Institute of Chinese

Studies for co-organizing

this event. APEC is the

largest, highest-ranking

and most influential

economic cooperation

mechanism in the Asia-

Pacific region. It is of great

strategic significance in

the world with 21 members, 40% of the world’s

population, 57% of the total world economy and

46% of the total global trade. The choice of this

topic for today’s discussion vindicates the wide

range and deep insight of the ICS’s academic focus.

With fond memories of the 2001 APEC

Summit held in Shanghai, China is ready to host

once again APEC in Beijing this time. Starting from

tomorrow, China will host the 2014 APEC

Economic Leaders’ Week, including the 22nd

APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, APEC CEO

Summit and APEC Business Advisory Council

Dialogue with Leaders. Celebrating its 25th

Anniversary, the theme of 2014 APEC is “Shaping

the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership”.

Beijing is ready to host the APEC leaders to seek

common development of the Asia-Pacific region.

At this opportune moment I would like to talk with

all of you about the future path of development

and cooperation of the Asia-Pacific region.

First of all, allow me to make an introduction

to the background and priorities of the 2014 APEC

Economic Leaders’ Week.

The present global economic situation

remains complex, where the after-effects of the

international financial crisis can still be felt. The

road to recovery in developed countries is still

bumpy. Growth in emerging market economies

and developing countries has slowed down.

Today, the Asia-Pacific region has become the

engine of the global economy with the highest

growth rate, the greatest potential and the most

active intra-regional cooperation. Its status in the

global economy is rising steadily.

Never before had the cooperation in Asia-

Pacific been so full of hope and opportunities. Yet

never before had we to deal with so many risks

and challenges.

First, with deepening globalization and

proliferation of various regional free trade

agreements, Asia-Pacific economic cooperation

Making the Cake of Cooperation Bigger, Promoting Prosperity in Asia-Pacific

-- Keynote Speech by Chinese Ambassador H.E. Mr. Le Yucheng at the Round Table Discussion on APEC

th(New Delhi, India, on November 4 , 2014)

APEC China 201424 News From China November 2014

now stands at a crossroads that could lead to

either integration or fragmentation.

Second, the international financial crisis has

exposed the pitfalls and unsustainability of the

traditional growth model. Asia-Pacific member

economies should accelerate innovative

development and reform so as to find new

approaches to development and new areas of

economic growth.

T h i rd , h i n d e re d by t h e

f i n a n c i n g b o t t l e n e c k s ,

infrastructure is still weak in the

Asia- Pacific region. Hence, the

effective resolution of financing

bottlenecks requires all of us to

think out of the box and work


Taking these challenges into

consideration, this year’s APEC

meeting will focus on three


Priority One: Advancing Regional Economic

Integration. Important items under this priority

include promoting Asia-Pacific free trade area,

supporting the multilateral trading system,

advancing cooperation on global value chain and

supply chain, strengthening capacity- building in

trade and investment.

Priority Two: Promoting Innovative

Development, Economic Reform and Growth. The

objective is to promote pragmatic cooperation

around “the five pillars” of economic reform, new

economy, innovative growth, inclusive support

and urbanization in order to leap over “the

middle-income trap”, to bring green development

and innovative growth, to build a blue economy

and an internet economy, and to achieve


Priority Three: Strengthening Comprehensive

Connectivity and Infrastructure Development.

Connectivity has three pillars: first, physical or

hard connectivity, which includes transport,

t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , I C T a n d e n e r g y

infrastructure; second, institutional or soft

connectivity, which includes customs, supply-

chain, financial and regulatory coherence,

structural reform, etc.; third, people-to-people

connectivity, which includes business mobility,

labor and professional mobility, tourism

facilitation, and transnational education. This

year we have the mandate to develop the

Blueprint, which will address the achievements

and challenges of connectivity in this region, as

well as the key initiatives for enhanced APEC

connectivity and strategies for implementation.

Second of all, I’d like to talk about how China is

going to promote development in

Asia-Pacific through China’s


Asia-Pacific is at a crucial

stage of development. We should

adhere to the overarching goal of

common development and build

an Asia-Pacific community of

shared interests and common

destiny. In the age of economic

globalization, countries cannot

achieve development in isolation

from each other, still less can they pursue

development as a “zero-sum game”. Rather, with

our interests closely entwined, we the Asia-Pacific

countries need to seek mutually beneficial


Great minds think alike. Ancient wisdom see

eye to eye. There is a Chinese proverb, “one plus

one can make more than two”. I learnt that there is

a similar saying in the Hindi language, “one plus

one equals eleven”. That is also the moral of the

following story known widely both in China and

India. Once an old man gave each of his sons a

single chopstick, everyone broke it easily.

However, when the old man put all the chopsticks

into a bundle, none of the young guys could break

them. The story tells us about the importance of

unity and cooperation. We the Asia-Pacific

countries are brothers to each other as in this

story. We need to deepen pragmatic cooperation

in all fields, seek development through

integration, and thus jointly bring into reality the

Asia-Pacific Century.

Asia-Pacific is the region where our home is.

As a member of the Asia-Pacific big family, China

sees the prosperity of the entire region as the

foundation of its own well-being. China’s

In the age of economic

globalization, countries

c a n n o t a c h i e v e

d e v e l o p m e n t i n

isolation from each

other, still less can they

pursue development as

a “zero-sum game”.

APEC China 2014 25News From China November 2014

development is also a driving force for regional

growth and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. China

is willing to promote common development

through its own development. We desire to live in

harmony and work in unison with our neighbors

to make the cake of cooperation even bigger so

that we can all share the fruits of our common


Here, I’d like to share with all of you our ideas

about the common development in four key

words all starting with the letter C, “the four Cs”.

The first word is Creative. China’s reform and

opening-up over the past 30 years is a text-book

example of creative thinking and large-scale

innovation. I remember vividly that when China

considered whether to accede to the WTO, there

was a strong domestic opposition crying “wolves

are coming”. However, after dancing with the

wolves for years, China not only survives but also

thrives. China has adapted to international

competition through its opening-up. Recently,

Alibaba’s IPO success has become a household

story. I would like to say that Alibaba might be the

star at the moment yet it is just one in the Milky

Way of Chinese private enterprises that have

made great achievements over many years. Other

Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE have

embraced competition at home and abroad and

have emerged as industry leaders. Their products

are highly cost effective and liked by customers as

“value for money” in India as well. Nowadays, the

ever deeper integration of China’s vibrant

economy with the global economy not only

improves the living standards of the Chinese

people but also enhances the well-being of the

peoples of all other countries, including India.

T h e s e c o n d w o r d i s

Conducive. We have strived to

remove market obstacles and

make the market play a decisive

role in resources allocation so

that everyone interested in

starting a business could give full

play to his or her spirit of

entrepreneurship. Since its

formation, the new Chinese

government has introduced

reforms to simplify the administrative approval

system so as to lower the threshold for starting

businesses and remove restrictions on them.

Within only one year, central government

departments have removed or delegated to lower

levels administrative approval on over 600 items.

This has given a great boost to business

development in the whole country. From January

to September this year, the number of newly

registered market entities exceeded 9 million,

generating more than 10 million jobs. The reform

and innovation fuels the new wave of mass

entrepreneurship at the grassroots level and

releases great potential of the market in China.

Within next two years, per capita GDP in one-third

of the provinces in China will exceed 10,000 US

dollars. In the next seven years, China is expected

to import goods worth more than 17 trillion US

dollars, and the amount of outward Chinese

foreign direct investment is expected to reach 1.2

trillion US dollars. By 2020, 600 million Chinese

people would be earning middle-level-income,

which will create an attractive “world market”.

The third word is Contributive. According to

Goldman Sachs’ statistics, China contributed 22

percent to global growth between 2000 and 2010.

The IMF stated that the proportion of China’s

contribution to the world economy has reached

30 percent and for each percentage point the

Chinese economy grows, the economy of Asia as a

whole expand by 0.3 percent. Former World Bank

chief economist Lin Yifu said that just like the

contribution of the “Four Asian Dragons” to the

development of mainland China in the past,

China’s economic upgrading will now create a

new growth space for the growth of other

developing countries, especially

the neighboring ones. Taking

into account that the size of

China’s economy is far bigger

than that of the “Four Asian

Dragons”, China’s contribution

will certainly be more apparent.

Realizing that development

is inseparable from peace and

s t a b i l i t y, C h i n a i s a l s o

committed to safeguarding

Realizing that development

is inseparable from peace

and stability, China is also

committed to safeguarding

regional peace and security

whi le contr ibuting to

regional development.

APEC China 201426 News From China November 2014

regional peace and security while contributing to

regional development. The latest example is that

China firmly supports Afghanistan to promote

peaceful reconciliation and reconstruction

process and is willing to help Afghanistan to

enhance its capacity building. During the 4th

Foreign Ministerial Conference of the Istanbul

Process on Afghanistan held in

Beijing on October 31, China

announced Afghanistan grant

assistance of 500 million RMB

yuan this year and 1.5 billion

RMB yuan in the coming three

years, training of 3,000 Afghan

professionals in various fields

a n d o f f e r i n g o f 5 0 0

scholarships in the next five

years. This action of China has

been widely acclaimed by the

international community.

The fourth word is Cooperative. China has

always been committed to promote the Asia-

Pa c i f i c d eve l o p m e n t t h ro u g h i t s o w n

development and provide new opportunities for

regional prosperity through its own reforms and

opening-up. China has always been thinking about

ways to make new contributions towards

deepening the Asia-Pacific economic integration

and is willing to use its experience, funds and

technology to promote the common development

of the Asia-Pacific. Infrastructure connectivity is a

basic condition for integrated development. China

is promoting the Bangladesh-China-India-

Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor, the Silk

Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century

Maritime Silk Road in order to achieve regional

policy communication, connect roads, smoothen

trade, encourage currency circulation and link the

hearts of people. Here I’d like to talk more about

China’s proposal to establish the Asian

Infrastructure Investment Bank to resolve the

financing bottlenecks in the path of regional

interconnectivity. India and 20 other prospective

founding members of the Asian Infrastructure

Investment Bank signed the MoU in Beijing on

October 24. After the signing ceremony, President

Xi Jinping met representatives from these

countries. He welcomed active participation by all

countries that are interested so as to achieve win-

win results. He said that the establishment of the

AIIB incorporates the desire, resolve and action of

all parties in pursuing development through

cooperation and contributes to improving global

financial governance. The AIIB itself is an

innovative mechanism. It

complements the existing

mechanisms instead of

replacing them. The AIIB

w o u l d f a c i l i t a t e

i n f r a s t r u c t u r a l i n t e r -

connectivity in this region,

advance regional economic

cooperation and inject new

impetus into the Asian

economic development. I am

sure that through concerted

efforts of all parties, the AIIB

can be built into an equal, inclusive and highly-

efficient platform for infrastructure investment

and financing as well as a multilateral

development bank that meets the needs of the

countries in this region.

Last but not least, I feel that our discussion

would be incomplete without further deliberation

on the cooperation between China and India.

As you know, President Xi Jinping concluded

his historical and very successful state visit to

India last month. During the visit, President Xi

Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi

reached broad consensus on bilateral ties. It was

emphasized that China and India should become

closer partners for development, cooperative

partners for growth and global partners for

strategic coordination, the two countries should

jointly pursue our respective dreams of national

renewal; and jointly achieve peaceful, cooperative

and inclusive development. Now the two sides are

stepping up efforts to implement the outcome of

this visit.

As President Xi Jinping said, development is

the top strategic goal shared by the two countries

and nothing is more imperative than to deliver a

more comfortable, more secure and happier life to

our peoples. I believe that Indian people will

China has always been thinking

about ways to make new

contributions towards deepening

the Asia-Pacif ic economic

integration and is willing to use its

experience, funds and technology

t o p r o m o t e t h e c o m m o n

development of the Asia-Pacific.

APEC China 2014 27News From China November 2014

benefit immensely from China’s development and

the cooperation between China and India. Here I’d

like to discuss what the Sino-Indian cooperation

means from the perspective of the common Indian


According to the China-India economic and

trade cooperation program, China will invest 20

billion US Dollars in India in the next 5 years in

va r i o u s i n d u s t r i a l a n d i n f ra s t r u c t u re

development projects. The Indian people will

soon benefit from more high-quality and

reasonably priced goods made by Chinese

manufacturers in India; enjoy 24x7 power supply

with the support from Chinese power enterprises;

and hopefully experience more convenient and

comfortable high-speed railway service. China’s

investment will create jobs for thousands of

Indians. Huawei, a Chinese IT company, alone has

already created more than 5,000 jobs in India at

present. Its R&D Center with 2000-plus posts will

soon operate in Bangalore. Meanwhile, Indian

pharmaceutical, agricultural and IT products will

find greater access to the Chinese market.

Indian tourism operators will have the

opportunity to increase their revenues from

receiving more Chinese tourists. In the next 5

years, there will be more than 500 million Chinese

outbound tourists. As a neighboring country,

India could expect to be an important destination

for the Chinese tourists. The current arrival figure

of 100,000 seems too meager. We should make

good use of Tourism Years in 2015 and 2016 to

promote Incredible India. For example, visa-

upon-arrival for the Chinese tourists might be a

good idea to boost tourism in India. More Indian

tourists are also welcome to visit China. To

facilitate the Indian pilgrims, the Chinese side has

agreed to open a new route for the Kailash-

Mansarovar Yatra through Nathu La Pass, which is

expected to be operational next year. By the way,

Indian yoga gurus and practitioners would be

pleasantly surprised to find that yoga is already

part of the popular exercise regimen of the


People with real-life experience understand

fully that neighbors may sometimes encounter

problems and there are always ways to solve

them. Of course the boundary question, which is a

leftover from the western colonialists, needs

solution. I earnestly believe that both sides have

the ability and wisdom to reach fair, reasonable

and mutually acceptable solution through

peaceful and friendly consultation to prevent the

boundary question from affecting the overall

bilateral relations. As long as we continue to have

sufficient foresight, courage and tolerance, we

will be able to dispel these stray clouds and bring

our bilateral cooperation forward to the bright


Being ancient oriental civilizations at similar

stages of development, China and India are both

pursuing the great dream of national renewal,

dreams that are interconnected and mutually

compatible. China and India are now in a crucial

stage of national rejuvenation, where they need to

become closer development partners that draw

upon each other’s strengths and work together for

common development. As members of the BRICS

and as emerging economies, China and India are

two major forces in the process of the formation of

a multi-polar world.

Mahatma Gandhi once observed that China

and India are fellow travelers sharing weal and

woe in a common journey. Prime Minister

Narender Modi has likened China and India to

“two bodies with one spirit”. President Xi Jinping

also pointed out that if we speak with one voice,

the whole world will listen, and if we join hands,

the whole world will pay attention.

Let’s draw wisdom from our great ancient

civilizations and our visionary leaders, show

sufficient foresight to promote the China-India

strategic cooperative partnership and closely link

our development strategy. Let’s bring more

benefit to the two peoples and make greater

contribution to promoting the prosperity and

revitalization of Asia-Pacific as well as the

stability and development of the world.

A few days ago, Chinese Foreign Minister

Wang Yi announced to the world that the

countdown to APEC Beijing had started. Speaking

today, I want to reiterate that China is ready,

Beijing is ready.

Thank you.

External Affairs28 News From China November 2014

Brisbane, Australia, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) — China

will keep the momentum of economic growth and

make greater contribution to the global economy,

Chinese President Xi Jinping told a Group of

Twenty (G20) summit here on Nov. 15,2014.

He urged the world’s major economies to

j o i n t l y p r o m o t e r e f o r m s , i m p l e m e n t

comprehensive growth strategies and advance

the transition of the world economy from cyclical

recovery to sustainable growth.

Noting that the world economy has gradually

moved out of the bottom in the past years but the

overall recovery remains lackluster, he said the

top priority for G20 members now is to coordinate

macroeconomic policy, mitigate economic risks,

create more jobs and improve people’s livelihood.

He added that the just-concluded Asia-Pacific

Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in

Beijing formulated plans for promoting the

development of the Asia-Pacific region, and that

G 2 0 m e m b e r s h a v e a l s o w o r k e d o u t

comprehensive growth strategies.

In order to realize comprehensive growth, he

said, G20 members should seek and boost driving


China to Maintain Growth, Contribute to Global Economy: Chinese President

Chinese President Xi Jinping (C front) attends meeting in Brisbane, Australia, Nov. 15, 2014. (Xinhua/Li Xueren)

External Affairs 29News From China November 2014

forces for sustained growth and open up a new

situation that features innovative development,

integrated interests and interconnected growth.

Firstly, G20 economies should innovate in

their economic development patterns, Xi said,

adding that more vitality should be brought into

the economy through structural reforms in

finance, investment, trade and other fields.

Stressing the important role of infrastructure

construction in generating economic growth, he

said China supports the G20 in setting up a global

infrastructure center and supports the World

Bank in establishing a global infrastructure fund.

Meanwhile, Xi pledged to make contribution

to global infrastructure investment via such

initiatives as the Silk Road Economic Belt, the 21st

Century Maritime Silk Road, the Asian

Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road


Secondly, G20 members should build an open

global economy, Xi said, calling for concerted

efforts in resisting trade and investment

protectionism and safeguarding multilateral

trade systems.

Thirdly, G20 members should improve global

economic governance, he said, urging all

members to strive for a fair, just, inclusive and

orderly international financial system.

Efforts should also be made to increase the

presence of developing countries and emerging-

market economies and offer them a bigger say in

international systems, and ensure the equality of

different countries in global economic

cooperation in terms of rights, opportunities and

rules, he added.

China’s economic growth serves as a main

engine for global economic growth, and China is

one of the largest contributors to the G20’s

comprehensive growth strategies, Xi said.

Thanks to various domestic reforms, the

Chinese economy will maintain its momentum for

powerful, sustainable and balanced growth, and

provide the world with greater demands and

more opportunities, he added.

In his speech, Xi announced that China will

adopt the Special Data Dissemination Standard of

the International Monetary Fund.

Xi also called on G20 members to regard

themselves as a community of common interests

and shared destinies and turn the bloc into a

stabilizer of the world economy, an incubator of

global growth and a propeller of global economic


Other leaders attending the ninth G20 summit

applauded China’s efforts in restructuring its

economy and expressed their confidence that the

Chinese economy will grow continuously and

healthily and make greater contribution to the

Chinese President Xi Jinping (5th R front) and other G20 leaders pose for a group photo at the 9th Group of 20 (G20) Summit in Brisbane, Australia, Nov. 15, 2014. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng)

External Affairs30 News From China November 2014

world economy.

Xi Proposes Reinforcing Global

Economy’s Anti-risk Capacity

Brisbane, Australia, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) —

Chinese President Xi Jinping raised four proposals

for strengthening the world economy’s anti-risk

capacity during the Group of Twenty (G20)

Summit here on Nov. 16,2016.

Firstly, the world should continue to reform

the international financial system and speed up

the International Monetary Fund quota reform, Xi

told the second day of the G20 Summit.

Secondly, the world should enhance global

cooperation in collecting tax, crack down on

international tax evasion and help the developing

countries and low-income countries improve

their abilities in collecting and managing tax, Xi


Thirdly, the world should deepen cooperation

in anti-corruption, Xi said.

Fourthly, the world should exert more efforts

to deal with the issue of development and

facilitate the developing countries to develop

their economies by establishing the concept of

promoting development through growth while

stimulating growth through development, he said.

On the issue of energy, Xi said the G20 have to

build a partnership in energy cooperation,

nurture a free and open global energy market with

orderly competition and efficient supervision,

jointly maintain stability of energy prices and

market, improve energy efficiency, formulate and

improve global energy governance principles so

as to form a new cooperation pattern of equal

negotiations and common development among

consumer, producer and transit countries.

Xi also declared that China will release data of

its oil stocks regularly.

Regarding international trade, Xi said trade

protectionism only delivers damage to others

without serving one’s own benefits.

The G20 is capable of and obliged to building a

united, open and universally benefiting global

market, promoting an early completion of the

Doha round of global trade negotiations, Xi said.

BRICS Countries Should Raise Their Voice in Global Economic Governance: Chinese President

Brisbane, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) — The BRICS countries should actively participate in international multilateral cooperation and raise their voice in global economic governance, Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Saturday.

Xi made the remarks while meeting with other leaders of the BRICS countries on the sidelines of the Group of Twenty (G20) summit.

Economic cooperation serves as the lasting power house for the development of the BRICS countries, Xi said when meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, South African President Jacob Zuma and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.

The BRICS countries should remain committed to drafting long-term blueprint for economic cooperation and forging a closer economic partnership by facilitating market i n t e r - l i n k a g e s , f i n a n c i a l i n t e g r a t i o n ,

infrastructure connectivity as well as people-to-people contacts, he said.

All sides should step up efforts to the establishment of a new development bank and a contingency reserve arrangement since both are of great significance, he added.

The cooperation between the BRICS countries should be driven by the two “wheels” of economy and politics so that the BRICS can act as not only the world’s economic engine, but also a shield for world peace, said the Chinese president.

The BRICS countries should further their cooperation and coordination in world’s politics and security to safeguard the world’s fairness and justice, Xi said.

All sides should also strengthen coordination and cooperation at the G20 summit to help achieve positive results, he said.

On the just-concluded Asia-Pacific Economic

External Affairs 31News From China November 2014

Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting, Xi said the leaders decided to build a future-oriented Asia-Pacific partnership, construct an open economy featuring development and innovation, i n te r l i n ke d g row t h a n d interests integration, and starts setting up an Asia-Pacific free trade zone.

The APEC meeting also drafted a blueprint for inter-connectivity and reached consensus on economic i n n ova t i o n , re fo r m a n d growth, Xi said.

The leaders called on emerging economies to strive for a sustained growth and act ively promote global economic governance.

They also called on related developed countries to adopt responsible monetary polices to prevent spillover effect, expand investment and create sustained growth forces.

Xi met other BRICS leaders hours ahead of the

Chinese President Xi Jinping (2nd R), Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff (C), Russian President Vladimir Putin (1st L), Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (2nd L) and South African President Jacob Zuma pose for a group photo before a meeting of leaders of the

BRICS countries in Brisbane, Australia, Nov. 15, 2014. (Xinhua/Li Xueren)

G20 summit in Brisbane. He arrived here late Friday to attend the summit and will later pay a state visit to Australia.

Chinese Premier Urges Further Cooperation within East Asia

Nay Pyi Taw, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) — Chinese

Premier Li Keqiang said here Thursday that China

will strengthen cooperation with Southeast Asian

countries and upgrade their partnership in the

“diamond decade.”

Li, who is here for a series of leaders’ meetings

on East Asian cooperation and an official visit to

Myanmar, also called on East Asian countries to

maintain peace and stability in the region, push

forward regional economic integration and

enhance cooperation in finance and regional




Li said China and Southeast Asian countries

will upgrade their partnership in the “diamond

decade” of their cooperation, which would bring

more benefits to their peoples and make further

contribution to regional and world peace and


Li and President U Thein Sein of Myanmar

presided over the 17th China-ASEAN leaders’

meeting, during which the participating parties

discussed the cooperation between the two sides

and reached a wide range of consensus.

Li said the China-ASEAN friendly cooperation

h a s m a i n t a i n e d s u s t a i n e d a n d s t a b l e

development, which is a good example of regional

cooperation in East Asia. The strategic

partnership between China and the ASEAN has

entered a new historical stage which provides

External Affairs32 News From China November 2014

more treasured oppor-

tunities for their compre-

hensive cooperation.

The Chinese government

always places the China-

ASEAN relationship as a

priority in its neighborhood

diplomacy, Li said, adding

that China wil l f irmly

support the building of the

ASEAN community and

support the ASEAN’s leading

r o l e i n E a s t A s i a n


China is wi l l ing to

e x p a n d p r a g m a t i c

cooperation with ASEAN

countries in various fields,

c o n t i n u o u s l y d e e p e n

integration of interests of

both sides, and forge a closer

China-ASEAN community

with a common destiny, the premier said.

Building on the achievements of the past “gold

decade” of China-ASEAN partnership, Li said

there are more favorable conditions for both

China and the ASEAN to upgrade their

relationship in the upcoming “diamond decade.”

The ASEAN leaders welcomed Li’s proposal to

strengthen China-ASEAN cooperation, saying that

China, as one of the most important partners of

ASEAN, has made positive contribution to

regional peace, development, stability and

prosperity. ASEAN believes a rising China would

benefit the Asia Pacific and the world.

Thanking China for its support, the leaders

said ASEAN is willing to increase mutual political

trust, implement the 2+7 cooperation framework,

deepen pragmatic cooperation, expand two-way

trade and economic cooperation and investment,

and facilitate regional interconnectivity with


They said ASEAN will also actively push

forward a good-neighborly cooperation treaty

with China and further upgrade the ASEAN-China

strategic partnership, in a bid to safeguard

regional peace, stability and development.


Li called for maintaining peace and stability in

East Asia and pushing forward regional economic

integration and common development.

He said that the fundamental reason for East

Asia’s rapid development is a peaceful and stable

regional environment.

Stressing that durable peace and stability

require the backing of strong institutional

arrangements, Li said at the 9th East Asia Summit

that China and the Association of Southeast Asian

Nations (ASEAN) members are discussing the

possibility of concluding a treaty on good-

neighborliness, friendship and cooperation.

“The treaty is aimed at providing an

institutional framework and legal guarantee for

peaceful co-existence between the two sides from

generation to generation,” Li said.

He said China is willing to sign legal

documents with more countries in the region on

good-neighborliness and friendship, and to

discuss the security concept and framework that

are in line with the regional situation.

On non-traditional security, Li stated that

China stands ready to work with others in the

region to address issues including terrorism,

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang attends the 17th China-ASEAN summit in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, Nov. 13, 2014. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)

External Affairs 33News From China November 2014

infectious diseases, climate change and disaster


Regarding the maritime issues, the premier

said the situation in the South China Sea is on the

whole stable and the freedom and safety of

navigation in the region is ensured.

China and ASEAN members have identified

the dual-track approach for dealing with the

South China Sea issue, he said, according to which

specific disputes are to be solved through

negotiations and consultations by countries

directly concerned and peace and stability in the

region be jointly upheld by China and ASEAN

countries working together.

“China and ASEAN agreed to actively carry out

consultation to reach, on the basis of consensus

and at an early date, a code of conduct in the South

China Sea, for which early harvest has been

achieved,” Li said.

“In seeking the settlement of disputes, China

proposes that relevant countries actively explore

joint development, as this is a realistic and

effective way to management differences,” he


To achieve regional economic integration, the

premier urged cooperation in six key areas,

including promoting trade and investment

facilitation, accelerating interconnectivity,

expanding financial cooperation, stepping up

poverty reduction cooperation, advancing

maritime cooperation as well as intensifying

people-to-people exchanges.

He said that China will work with other

parties to conclude negotiations on the Regional

Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)

before the end of 2015, and called for

strengthening financial and fiscal cooperation

with a special focus on improving the Chiang Mai

Initiative Multilateralization, which is expected to

effectively relieve regional short-term liquidity


Li also called on all parties to advance East

Asia maritime cooperation. With next year being

the Year of Maritime Cooperation between China

and ASEAN, the two sides should take this

opportunity to strengthen the dialogue between

their maritime law enforcement organs and to

well implement the projects under the China-

ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund, he noted.



Li also called on the East Asian economies to

enhance cooperation in finance and regional

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (C) poses for a group photo with other leaders attending the East Asia Summit before the welcome banquet at Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, Nov. 12, 2014. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)

External Affairs34 News From China November 2014


Li made the remarks while attending the 17th

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Plus Three (China, Japan and South Korea)


He said that China is willing to coordinate the

implementation of East Asian inter-connectivity,

trade and investment, as well as poverty

reduction, three of the 25 priority areas listed in

the report of the East Asia Vision Group II


In his six-point proposal on strengthening

regional cooperation, Li urged the ASEAN Plus

Three countries to promote East Asian economic

integration process, enhance the level of regional

financial cooperation, strengthen regional

connectivity, deepen cooperation to improve

people’ s livelihood, expand the channel for the

people-to-people exchanges and advance public

health cooperation.

The premier said that the ASEAN Plus Three

countries should enhance financial cooperation

and improve the Chiang Mai Initiative

Multilateralization, which is expected to

effectively relieve regional short-term liquidity


He also urged to establish an efficient regional

m e c h a n i s m f o r e c o n o m i c r e g u l a t i o n ,

coordination and early warning step by step.

China and ASEAN should further expand the scale

and width of the local currency swap, enlarge the

local currency settlement in the cross-border

trade, Li told the summit.

Regarding regional inter-connectivity

construction, the premier said China stands ready

to strengthen coordination with Japan and South

Korea to give a full display of their edges in capital,

technology and talents to assist ASEAN in its

infrastructure construction.

He also pledged that China will provide 30

million yuan (4.9 million dollars) for the East Asia

Maritime Cooperation platform. Talking about the

agriculture cooperation, Li said that all sides

should enhance their cooperation in agricultural

technical exchanges and food security, as well as

improve the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice

Reserve mechanism, in a bid to feed East Asia.

Stressing the importance of peace and

stability, Li urged countries in the region to treat

each other on an equal footing with mutual trusts.

“We should discard the zero-sum mentality of

win-or-lose and make a joint effort to control

conflicts and differences, so as not to lose East

Asia’s historical development opportunities

because of the distraction,” Li told the summit.

He also voiced his country’s willingness to

reach a treaty on good-neighborliness, friendship

and cooperation with the ASEAN members.

China, ASEAN to Upgrade Partnership in “Diamond Decade"

Nay Pyi Taw, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) — Chinese

Premier Li Keqiang said here Thursday that China

and Southeast Asian countries will upgrade their

partnership in the upcoming “diamond decade,”

which would bring more benefits to their peoples

and make further contribution to regional and

world peace and development.

Li and President U Thein Sein of Myanmar,

which holds the rotating chair of the Association

of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) this year,

presided over the 17th China-ASEAN leaders’

meeting, during which the participating parties

discussed the cooperation between the two sides

and reached a wide range of consensus.

Li said the China-ASEAN friendly cooperation

h a s m a i n t a i n e d s u s t a i n e d a n d s t a b l e

development, which is a good example of regional

cooperation in East Asia. The strategic

partnership between China and the ASEAN has

entered a new historical stage which provides

more treasured opportunities for their

comprehensive cooperation.

The Chinese government always places the

China-ASEAN relationship as a priority in its

External Affairs 35News From China November 2014

neighborhood diplomacy,

Li said, adding that China

will firmly support the

building of the ASEAN

community and support

the ASEAN’s leading role in

East Asian cooperation.

China is willing to

e x p a n d p r a g m a t i c

cooperation with ASEAN

countries in various fields,

c o n t i n u o u s ly d e e p e n

integration of interests of

both sides, and forge a

c l o s e r C h i n a - A S E A N

community with a common

destiny, the premier said,

make a six-point proposal

to achieve the goal.

Firstly, Li said China is

willing to outline the grand

strategy for further developing China-ASEAN

relations, speed up the drafting of the third Plan of

Action to implement the joint declaration on the

China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership for Peace and

Prosperity (2016-2020), and actively negotiate

for a good-neighborly cooperation treaty between

China and ASEAN countries.

Secondly, China is going to work together with

ASEAN to upgrade the China-ASEAN free trade

zone and complete the related negotiation before

the end of 2015, Li said.

The Chinese side is willing to adopt a more

open attitude to discuss with the ASEAN the

investment agreement negotiations based on the

pre-establishment national treatment plus

negative list management mode, as well as to push

forward the construction of cross-border

economic cooperation zones and industrial parks.

Thirdly, Li proposed to accelerate the building

of basic connectivity network. Besides promoting

land and maritime connection, China will provide

finance support to strengthen planning and

building of telecommunication, electric power

and Internet sectors, as well as improve

convenience of customs clearance, market

supervision and standardization and regulation.

Fourthly, Li underlined maritime cooperation

between China and ASEAN. With next year being

the Year of Maritime Cooperation between China

and ASEAN, the two sides should take this

opportunity to strengthen the dialogue between

their maritime law enforcement organs, set up a

maritime cooperation center, well implement the

pan-Beibu Gulf economic cooperation roadmap

and the projects under the China-ASEAN

Maritime Cooperation Fund, he noted.

Fifthly, Li said China will work with ASEAN to

ensure both traditional security and non-

traditional security, well prepare for the China-

ASEAN defense ministers informal meeting next

year, explore possibilities of building a China-

ASEAN defense hotline, conduct joint exercises,

deepen the law enforcement cooperation in the

Mekong River Basin, and carry out cooperation

projects for disaster management.

Lastly, Li also said China will actively explore

new areas of cooperation in culture, people-to-

people exchange, science and technology and

environment, speed up the China-ASEAN cultural

cooperation action plan, and strengthen

cooperation in education, rural poverty

reduction, public health personnel training,

scientific research and environmental protection.

Building on the achievements of the past “gold

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L) holds talks with Myanmar President U Thein Sein in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, Nov. 14, 2014. (Xinhua/Ju Peng)

External Affairs36 News From China November 2014

decade” of China-ASEAN partnership, Li said

there are more favorable conditions for both

China and the ASEAN to upgrade their

relationship in the upcoming “diamond decade.”

The ASEAN leaders welcomed Li’s proposal to

strengthen China-ASEAN cooperation, saying that

China, as one of the most important partners of

ASEAN, has made positive contribution to

regional peace, development, stability and

prosperity. ASEAN believes a rising China would

benefit the Asia Pacific and the world.

Thanking China for

its support, the leaders

said ASEAN is willing to

increase mutual political

trust, implement the 2+7

cooperation framework,

deepen pragmatic co-

operation, expand two-

way trade and economic

c o o p e r a t i o n a n d

investment, and facilitate

r e g i o n a l i n t e r -

connectivity with China.

They said ASEAN will

a l s o a c t i v e l y p u s h

f o r w a r d a g o o d -

neighborly cooperation

treaty with China and

further upgrade the

ASEAN-China strategic

partnership, in a bid to safeguard regional peace,

stability and development.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L front) talks with youths as he visits a middle school in Nay Pyi Taw,

Myanmar, Nov. 14, 2014. (Xinhua/Ju Peng)

Speech by Premier Li Keqiang at Fourth Ministerial Conference of Istanbul Process on Afghanistan

Beijing, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier

Li Keqiang delivered a speech at the opening

ceremony of the Fourth Ministerial Conference of

Istanbul Process on Afghanistan held in Beijing on

Friday morning. Following is the full text of his

speech, titled “Let Us Join Hands to Promote

Security and Prosperity of Afghanistan and the


Your Excellency President Mohammad Ashraf

Ghani Ahmadzai,

Distinguished Foreign Ministers and Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,x Friends,

It gives me great pleasure to attend the

opening ceremony of the Fourth Ministerial

Conference of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan

together with President Ashraf Ghani. Let me

extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and

people and in my own name, welcome to

President Ashraf Ghani, distinguished foreign

ministers, guests and friends and warm

congratulations on the opening of the conference.

Since its inception in 2011, the Istanbul

Process has become a unique regional

cooperation mechanism on Afghanistan and

offered an important platform for countries in the

region and the wider international community to

enhance communication, understanding,

coordination and cooperation on Afghanistan.

Continued progress of the Istanbul Process will

help bring about an early solution to the Afghan

External Affairs 37News From China November 2014

issue and the ultimate

attainment of durable

peace, stabil i ty, and

economic and social

d e ve l o p m e n t i n t h e


The fourth Ministerial

Conference is the first

important international

c o n f e r e n c e o n

Afghanistan since the

elections in Afghanistan.

We h o p e t h a t t h i s

conference will send a

clear signal of strong

support of countries in

t h e r e g i o n a n d t h e

international community

to a smooth transition,

security and development

in Afghanistan, reiterate

t h e i r l o n g - s t a n d i n g

commitment to peace and

reconstruction there, and

demonstrate their full

confidence in the future of the country.

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Afghanistan holds an important geographical

position as it connects South Asia, Central Asia

and West Asia, bordering China to the east. A

shining pearl on the ancient Silk Road,

Afghanistan was once where civilizations met and

numerous kingdoms left their marks in history.

More than 2,100 years ago, Zhang Qian, an envoy

of China’s Western Han Dynasty, recorded an

Afghanistan bustling with travelling merchants

and trade caravans. The Gandharan art, once

flourishing in Afghanistan and Pakistan, is known

across the world and had great influence on the

murals and sculptures in ancient China.

The Afghan issue has been a regional and

international hotspot issue since the end of the

1970s. The international community deeply

sympathizes with the Afghan people who have

suffered from turmoil and war over the past 30

years and more. Afghanistan is now at a crucial

stage of political, security and economic

transition. The Afghan people now face new

opportunities to realize unity, stability, peace,

reconstruction and development. Meanwhile, the

task remains formidable and daunting.

Ladies and Gentlemen,


A united, stable, growing and friendly

Afghanistan is what the Afghan people hope for

and it represents the common interests of

countries in the region and the international

community. It is important that we vigorously

support Afghanistan’s peace process and its

reconstruction, and work for an early solution of

the Afghan issue, as this is the unshirkable and

common responsibility of countries in the region

and the international community at large. Here, I

wish to raise five points regarding the settlement

of the Afghan issue.

First, Afghanistan must be governed by the

Afghan people. This means that the Afghan people

should be allowed to take their destiny into their

own hands and truly become the masters of their

country. In the end of the day, Afghan affairs

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang addresses the opening ceremony of the fourth ministerial conference of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 31, 2014. Li Keqiang and visiting Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai attended the opening ceremony of the fourth ministerial conference of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan Friday in Beijing. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)

External Affairs38 News From China November 2014

should be managed by the Afghan people. We

believe that the Afghan people have the ability and

wisdom to run their own affairs well and

ultimately achieve peace and stability in the

country. The international community should

truly respect the sovereignty, independence and

territorial integrity of Afghanistan, refrain from

interfering in its internal affairs, and firmly

support Afghanistan in its efforts to achieve

security and stability at home.

Second, promote political reconciliation. As a

Chinese saying goes, “Harmony at home brings

prosperity.” The Afghan people long for peace and

stability. A torn Afghanistan fraught with internal

strife will not be able to come out of the war or

poverty. To achieve durable peace and prosperity

in Afghanistan, it is imperative to promote a

broadly-based, inclusive political reconciliation.

We call on all political parties in Afghanistan to

leave behind past grievances, join the political

reconciliation process, and discuss ways to

achieve peace and development of their country.

The international community should support an

Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and

reconciliation process, and create an enabling

e x t e r n a l e n v i r o n m e n t f o r p e a c e a n d

reconciliation to happen in Afghanistan.

Third, speed up economic reconstruction.

Stability underpins development, while

development guarantees stability. Poverty and

backwardness breed extremism. Only when

economically developed, will Afghanistan ensure

its people a prosperous and happy life. Only

commitment to growing the economy can lead to

improved lives of the people. There is an adage in

China, “Give people fish and you feed them for a

day. Teach them how to fish and you feed them for

a lifetime.” The international community should

fulfill its assistance commitment and help

Afghanistan enhance its self-development

capacity and realize sustained economic


Fourth, explore the path of development.

Afghanistan faces daunting tasks of rebuilding

itself from the ravages of prolonged war and

turbulence. It now stands at a crucial stage of

national development. The unique history, culture

and the national realities of Afghanistan have

determined that there is no ready development

model for it to copy. The future path of

Afghanistan must be identified by the Afghan

people in light of national realities. The

international community should respect the right

of Afghan people to independently choose social

system and development path, so that they can

develop a way of governance that suits their

national conditions and achieve enduring

political stability and sustained economic


Fifth, provide stronger external support.

Without support and assistance from the

international community, especially from

regional countries, Afghanistan will not be able to

achieve genuine peace and stability. The

international community should give firm

support to Afghanistan in developing external

relations on the basis of mutual respect, equality

and mutual benefit and, in particular, in

strengthening good-neighborly relations with

other countries in the region. It should support

Afghanistan in taking an active part in regional

and international cooperation to integrate more

deeply into regional economic cooperation. It

should help Afghanistan with security capacity-

building and support the United Nations in

playing a leading role in coordinating

international assistance so that assistance efforts

from various parties may complement and

reinforce each other and form synergy.

Ladies and Gentlemen,


China and Afghanistan have been neighbors

from generation to generation. “Neighbors wish

each other well, just as family members do.” Peace

and stability in Afghanistan have a direct bearing

on China’s security and stability. The Chinese

government has firmly supported and actively

part ic ipated in the Afghan peace and

reconstruction process. Since 2001, China has

exempted Afghanistan’s matured debts, provided

1.52 billion RMB yuan of grant assistance, and

built a number of major projects to the benefit of

the Afghan people’s livelihood. That included the

Kabul Republic Hospital, Parwan Hydraulic

Project Rehabilitation Work, the National

Education Center of Science and Technology, and

External Affairs 39News From China November 2014

the complex of the Chinese Language Department

of Kabul University. China has also trained more

than 1,000 Afghan professionals in various fields.

China will continue to provide necessary

assistance and support to Afghanistan, do what it

can as a neighbor and fulfill due responsibilities of

a big developing country.

— China firmly pursues a policy of friendship

with Afghanistan, and remains committed to

deepening mutually-beneficial cooperation with

Afghanistan in various fields and promoting

steady progress of the Strategic and Cooperative

Partnership between the two countries.

— China firmly supports Afghanistan in

advancing the peace and reconciliation process,

and will continue to play a constructive role in this


— China firmly supports peace and

reconstruction in Afghanistan, and will help

Afghanistan, not in words but with concrete

actions, to enhance capacity-building for

independent development. China is ready to step

up cooperation with Afghanistan in such areas as

infrastructure, agriculture, water conservancy

and the exploration and utilization of mineral

resources. China has decided to offer Afghanistan

grant assistance of 500 million RMB yuan this

year, and 1.5 billion RMB yuan in the coming three

years. China will also train 3,000 Afghan

professionals in various fields and offer 500

scholarships in the next five years. China will

continue to expand security training and

assistance to Afghanistan.

— China firmly supports Afghanistan in

joining regional cooperation to the benefit of

increased trade, closer economic cooperation and

greater connectivity in the region. China wishes to

see Afghanistan fully leverage its geographical

and resource advantages, and actively participate

in China’s Silk Road economic belt initiative.

China’s competent departments will send

working groups to have thorough consultation

with Afghanistan on specific cooperation

programs. China takes and will continue to take an

active part in the cooperation on Confidence-

Building Measures (CBMs) within the framework

of the Istanbul Process, and plans to hold training

sessions on counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics

and disaster management for Afghanistan this


Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,

The Afghan issue is vital to the wellbeing of

the Afghan people. It also concerns the people in

the region and beyond. To the Afghan people who

have suffered enormously from war and

turbulence and who look forward with great

expectation to the future, nothing is more

important and valuable than understanding,

support and help from their neighbors and

friends. Today, the foreign ministers and senior

representatives from 46 countries and

international organizations, including members,

support countries and guests of the host country

of the Istanbul Process, are gathered in Beijing to

discuss important measures to achieve peace,

development and security in Afghanistan and in

the region as a whole. This in itself sends a positive

signal to the whole world: we have a common goal,

which is to achieve peace, stability and prosperity

in Afghanistan at an early date; and we have a

common vision, which is to help Afghanistan, a

shining pearl once, to regain its splendor at an

early date.

As an Afghan proverb goes, as long as there is

determination to climb to the mountain top, one is

always able to find a path. We in China also have a

saying, that is, a thousand-mile journey begins

with the first step. This Ministerial Conference of

the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan marks a good

beginning for Afghanistan-related regional and

international cooperation in the new era. And I

believe it will yield positive results with our in-

depth discussions and consultations. Let us work

together and make continued and unremitting

efforts for sustained development, security and

prosperity in Afghanistan and in the region as a


I wish the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the

Istanbul Process on Afghanistan a complete


Thank you.

China Pledges Financial, Training

Assistance to Afghanistan

Beijing, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) — China pledged to

External Affairs40 News From China November 2014

provide non-reimbursable assistance of 500

million yuan (about 81.43 million U.S. dollars) to

Afghanistan this year at an international meeting

on Afghanistan held in Beijing on Oct. 31, 2014.

China will provide non-reimbursable

assistance of 1.5 billion yuan (about 244 million

U.S. dollars) over the upcoming three years to

Afghanistan, to help the country train 3,000

people of all circles in the upcoming five years and

provide 500 scholarships, said Chinese Premier Li

Keqiang while addressing the opening ceremony

of the fourth ministerial conference of the

Istanbul Process on Afghanistan.

“Firm support for Afghanistan’s peaceful

reconstruction should be concrete action instead

of verbal commitment,” the premier said.

He pledged to strengthen bi lateral

cooperation in areas such as infrastructure

construction, agriculture, water conservation and

mineral resources exploitation.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi pledged

that the Chinese side will implement assistance

and training plans, and try to open training

courses on anti-terrorism, drug control and

disaster management.

China will have a broader and deepened

participation in cooperation under the

framework of the Istanbul Process, and promote

Afghanistan-related regional cooperation, Wang


Started in 2011, the Istanbul Process is the

only Afghanistan-related cooperation mechanism

led by regional countries.

To promote result-oriented cooperation

through practical means, the Istanbul Process has

identified a number of confidence building

measures (CBM) in areas including anti-

terrorism, drug control, disaster management,

trade and investment opportunity, regional

infrastructure construction and education to be

jointly implemented by interested participating

and supporting countries and organizations.

According to Wang, 15 cooperation programs

in those areas have been conducted over past year,

which have seen good results.

Sixty-four more priority programs were

identified in Friday’s ministerial conference,

which will help Afghanistan develop its national

governance, self-development, public security

and defense, Wang said.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and guests pose for group photos ahead of the opening ceremony of the fourth ministerial conference of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 31, 2014. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)

External Affairs 41News From China November 2014

He called on all parties involved to implement

t h e s e p ro g ra m s , p rov i d e f i n a n c i a l o r

technological assistance and strengthen


Wang also stressed that realizing political

reconciliation as soon as possible and

strengthening Afghanistan’s capability building

were of vital importance to its transition process.

He hoped all political parties in Afghanistan

work toward the realization of inclusive political

reconciliation through dialogue and negotiation.

He called on the Istanbul Process to play an

important and constructive role in helping

Afghanistan .

Premier Li also presented a five-point

proposal for the solution of Afghan issue,

including insisting self-governance of the Afghan

people, promoting political reconciliation among

different Afghan political parties, speeding up

e c o n o m i c re c o n s t r u c t i o n , ex p l o r i n g a

development path for the country, and

strengthening external support.

The international community should respect

Afghanistan’s sovereignty, independence and

territorial integrity, not interfere with its internal

affairs and support Afghanistan’s efforts to realize

security and stability, Li said.

He called on the country’s political parties to

lay aside former enmity and join the

reconciliation process. The international

community should support the Afghan-led

Afghan-owned peace process and create a

suitable environment for the peaceful

reconciliation, he said.

He urged the international community to

fulfill assistance commitments and help

Afghanistan achieve sustained economic


He said the international community should

respect the choice of the Afghan people regarding

the country’s development path and social


The international community should also

support Afghanistan in developing relations with

other countries and to participate in global and

regional cooperation on the basis of mutual

respect, equality and reciprocity, and help it build

up security security capability, Li added.

He also voiced support for the UN to play a

leading role in coordinating the global efforts to

assist Afghanistan.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai,

who is paying his first China visit since taking

office in September, agreed with Li’s proposals

while addressing the opening ceremony.

He said the Istanbul Process would lay the

foundations for an early solution to the Afghan

issue as well as the region’s peace and stability. He

also hailed the important contribution China

made to expedite the process.

Friday’s conference is the first time China has

hosted an Afghanistan-related international

meeting. This was also the first meeting since the

new Afghan government assumed office.

Beijing Declaration was released after the


The declaration said the fourth ministerial

conference is a crucial opportunity for enhancing

cooperation through achieving consensus among

the “Heart of Asia” countries and the wider

international community on achieving lasting

peace, sustainable security and economic

development in Afghanistan and in the “Heart of

Asia” region.

“We believe that the new government will

make every effort to continue to successfully lead

the “Heart of Asia”- Istanbul Process and realize

its objectives in building confidence and

enhancing cooperation for a secure and stable

Afghanistan and the region,” the declaration said.

“We commit to maintain the input into the

capacity building and support of the Afghan

National Security Forces, according to the

declaration, “ it said.

In the declaration, the ministers called on the

Taliban to renounce violence, cut ties with all

terrorist groups and institutes supporting these

groups, and respect the Afghan Constitution, and

called on all parties to encourage the Taliban

towards reconciliation.

“ We s u p p o r t t h e i n i t i a t i o n o f t h e

reconciliation process as soon as possible. We

welcome the contribution by the ‘Heart of Asia’

countries to this process, “ it said.

The declaration reiterated that terrorism and

extremism pose a serious threat to the security

China India Relations42 News From China November 2014

and stability of Afghanistan, affirming the

determination to enhance regional cooperation to

dismantle their sanctuaries and training bases,

cut off their sources of funding, combat arms,

lethal goods smuggling, and strengthen border

control in the region and beyond. “We strongly

condemn all forms and manifestation of

terrorism, particularly those targeting innocent

civilians,” it said.

The declaration called on the international

community to provide further support and

assistance to Afghan refugees to enable their

voluntary repatriation and resettlement in

Afghanistan in a safe, timely and dignified manner.

“We commit to pursue opportunities to

enhance regional economic cooperation and call

upon the rest of the international community to

fulfill their commitments to the long-term

development of Afghanistan,” it said.

The declaration expressed hope that the

United Nations support the Afghanistan during

the transition period. “We also emphasize

stronger coordination and collaboration with the

‘Heat of Asia’-Istanbul Process by the supporting

regional and international organizations.”

According to the declaration, Pakistan will

host the fifth ministerial meeting of the Istanbul

Process in 2015.


Nay Pyi Taw, Nov. 13

(Xinhua) — Chinese

Premier Li Keqiang said

here Thursday that China

will work with India to

c o m p r e h e n s i v e l y

upgrade their pragmatic


Li made the pledge

during a meeting with

Indian Prime Minister

Narendra Modi in Nay Pyi

Taw. He said China is

willing to work with India

to grasp the overall

direction in developing

the bilateral ties and keep

g o o d - n e i g h b o r l y

cooperation of mutual

benefit as the main theme

of their relations.

China is willing to

c o m p r e h e n s i v e l y

upgrade the pragmatic

cooperation, enhance bilateral communication

and coordination on global and regional issues,

and work with India to benefit the billions of

Chinese Premier Pledges to Strengthen Cooperation with India

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) meets with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, Nov. 13, 2014. (Xinhua/Li Tao)

China India Relations 43News From China November 2014

people in the two countries and the region.

Li said Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a

successful visit to India recently, which ushered in

new progress in the bilateral relationship.

The premier invited Modi to visit China early

next year.

For his part, Modi said strengthened India-

China cooperation benefits not only the two

countries, but also the region and the world.

President Xi’s recent visit to India was fruitful,

Modi said.

Modi also appreciated the fact that Li chose

India as the first stop of his first overseas trip as

premier, and that Li was also the first foreign

leader to have phone talks with him after he took


Modi said he hopes to visit China soon and

discuss with the Chinese side on how to further

push forward the bilateral relations.

Li arrived here on Nov. 12 to attend a series of

leaders’ meetings on East Asia cooperation and

pay an official visit to Myanmar.

China and India to Strengthen Dialogue and Cooperation on Afghan Issue

On October 31, 2014,

Foreign Minister Wang Yi

met with Minister of State

for External Affairs Vijay

Kumar Singh of India,

who came to China to

attend the fourth Foreign

Ministerial Conference of

the Istanbul Process on


Both sides believed

that China and India

s h o u l d s t r e n g t h e n

dialogue and cooperation

on the Afghan issue and

jointly help Afghanistan

a c h i e v e p e a c e a n d

stability. Singh said that

India appreciates China’s

position and relevant proposals on the Afghan

issue and is willing to strengthen cooperation

with China on counter-terrorism, drug control,

and other areas and jointly promote regional and

international cooperation involving Afghanistan.

Wang Yi said that the Chinese side has always

s u p p o r te d t h e p ro m o t i o n o f p o l i t i c a l

reconciliation and peaceful reconstruction in

Afghanistan on the basis of “Afghan-led and

Afghan-owned”. The international community,

particularly regional countries including China

and India, should actively participate in the

peaceful reconstruction of Afghanistan in a way

that is acceptable to Afghanistan so as to jointly

help Afghanistan truly realize “Afghanistan must

be governed by the Afghan people”. India is a

regional major country with important influence

on Afghanistan and the Chinese side stands ready

to strengthen coordination and cooperation with

India on the Afghan issue.

Both sides believed that President Xi Jinping’s

China India Relations44 News From China November 2014

state visit to India this September achieved

fruitful results. Both sides should maintain close

coordination and cooperation, effectively

implement the results of the visit, and accelerate

cooperation in industrial parks, railways, cultural

exchanges, tourism years to be held in each

other’s country and other fields so as to constantly

promote bilateral relations for new progress.

China: Advancing the Rule of Law Domestically, Contributing to Peace and Development Internationally

by Chinese Ambassador H.E. Mr. Le Yucheng

Autumn is the season of harvest. For China,

this autumn has seen the harvesting of the historic

fruits in the field of national governance. On

October 23, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th

Central Committee of the Communist Party of

China (CPC) adopted the Decis ion on

Comprehensively Advancing the rule of law, and

proposed to build a socialist system of rule of law

with Chinese characteristics and a socialist

country ruled by law.

Looking back at history, from the time when

China adopted its first constitution in 1954 till the

reaffirmation of the idea of the rule of law after the

promulgation of the reform and opening up policy

and again from 1997 when the general plan of the

rule of law was established in the 15th CPC

National Congress till the formation of the

socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics

in 2010, one can see that China has found its own

path to build the rule of law through the long

practice of national governance. For the first time

the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central

Committee of the CPC has taken the task of

promoting the rule of law at its level, which itself is

a firm step by China on the road to build the

system of the rule of law. As the Chinese

Ambassador to India, I would like to share my

understanding and experience on this issue.

As the old saying goes in China, “When those

who implement the law behave as per the law the

state becomes strong, when those who

implement the law don’t behave as per the law the

state becomes weak.” Law is the linchpin in

governing the country, rule of law is the mainstay

of national governance. China has a big

p o p u l a t i o n o f 1 . 3 b i l l i o n a n d h u g e

responsibilities. In order to ensure economic

development, clean politics, flourishing culture,

just society, healthy ecology and realize the goal

of peaceful development, China must bring into

play the leadership and normative role of the rule

China India Relations 45News From China November 2014

of law. One may say that the comprehensive

promotion of the rule of law by China is a

response to both the domestic and international

demands, and a vital plan sought to be

implemented at a new historical juncture.

Comprehensive promotion of the rule of law is

the essence of the Socialism with Chinese

characteristics. Only the rule of law can ensure

that the people become the masters of our

country, and only the strict enforcement of the

rule of law can guarantee social harmony and


Comprehensive promotion of the rule of law

by China is an inevitable requirement for building

a moderately prosperous society and deepening

reforms. Reforms have entered a crucial stage in

China, now the overall implementation of the

reform measures, removal of hindrances in the

path of reforms, regulations on the exercise of

power and safeguarding of justice should be

ensured through the rule of law.

Comprehensive promotion of the rule of law

by China is an important guarantee to attain the

goal of peaceful development. In a globalized

world where the frequency of international

exchanges is increasing on daily basis, law plays

an increasingly prominent role in regulating a

country’s external behavior and, safeguarding a

country’s legitimate rights and interests.

According to the plan of promoting the rule of law,

China will actively participate in the international

rule-making process, promote law-based

approach to handle foreign economic and social

affairs, and resort to legal means to safeguard our

sovereignty, security and development interests.

The observance of the rule of law in China’s

foreign policy will constructively contribute to the

peace and development in the region and in the

world at large.

Since the reform and opening up, the market

economy with Chinese characteristics developed

by China has achieved remarkable economic

success. Now, China’s economic development has

entered a crucial phase, the launch of a

comprehensive strategic plan to promote the rule

of law at this very time has undoubtedly given a

booster dose to the process of economic reform

and development, thus enhancing the reform

dividends and improving the law-governed

economic system. The IMF has stated that the

proportion of China’s contribution to the world

economy has reached 30 percent and for each

percentage point the Chinese economy grows, the

economy of Asia as a whole expand by 0.3 percent.

Therefore, that China makes efforts to maintain

the healthy and sustainable economic

development meets the expectations of other

countries as well as its own interests, which is

encouraging news for both Asia and the world.

Meanwhile, peace and stability are closely related

with development. We see that in some countries,

the lack of rule of law has caused serious social

unrest to the extent that their economic

development and people’s lives have been

disrupted. The experience and lessons tell us that

the rule of law is the key to safeguard the social

prosperity and stability. China’s ensuring of its

own stability and development plays an

important role in preserving the world’s stability

and development.

China firmly follows the path of peaceful

development. It is not only China’s solemn

commitment to the world, but also the

cornerstone of its diplomatic practice.

Comprehensive promotion of the rule of law,

adapting to the continuous opening-up,

improving the foreign-related laws and

regulations, and constructing an open economic

system provide the legal safety to China’s peaceful

development. China’s development is inseparable

from a peaceful and stable world, and the world

also calls for a peaceful and stable China.

Following the decision of the Fourth Plenary

Session to comprehensively advance the rule of

law, China will be more determined to keep the

path of peaceful development and make greater

contributions to the regional and the global peace

and development.

Chinese Enterprises in India46 News From China November 2014

SANY Group Co, Ltd. of

China was established in

1989. SANY Group has built a

renowned industry and ranks

1 s t a m o n g e q u i p m e n t

manufacturers in China &

ranks 5th around the world.

During the last 20 years, SANY

Group’s sales have increased

more than 100 times and

reached USD 14 billion, with

over 60 thousand employee

all over the world. SANY has

35 R&D bases (5 in overseas);

31 production bases (11 in

o v e r s e a s ) , i n c l u d i n g 8

production bases ranked one

of the largest in the world.

S A N Y I n d i a w a s

established in December

2002. This is the first and the

largest overseas investments by Sany. Also, this the first big Chinese investment in Maharashtra.

Sany India with a total investment of USD 60

million, have 2 factories, one

in Pune, and the other in

Goa, and covers a total area

of 500 thousand square

meters. In India, we provide

Truck Crane, Excavator,

C r a w l e r C r a n e , P o r t

Machinery, Road Machinery,

Trailer Mounted Concrete

Pumps, Truck-mounted

Concrete Pumps, Concrete

Batching Plants, Transit

Mixers, Mining Machinery,

etc. The Crane Machinery

and Concrete Machinery

have been ranked 1 and has

the largest market share in

India. We want to satisfy the

continuously increasing


SANY, Partnering with India's Future Growth Potential

SANY Group office building.

SANY factory gate.

Chinese Enterprises in India 47News From China November 2014

d e m a n d o f c o n s t r u c t i o n

machinery in the Indian market.

SANY India annual sales

income is USD 17 billion million,

total of 800 employees working in

the fields of Marketing, R&D,

Production, Distribution and

Service, the localization rate more

than 92%. In India, we have 20

offices comprising of service

centers, parts and accessories

and additionally 23 dealers.

There are more than 12,000

heavy equipment’s across the

country to cater to the needs of

t h e r a p i d I n f r a s t r u c t u r e

development in India and has

been widely recognized by the Indian customers.

The main and potential markets for SANY Heavy

Industry India Pvt. Ltd are India, South Asia,

Southeast Asia and the Middle-East.

India is a great country, has great potential. So,

SANY emphasizes on India market. We are

insisting on localization in India. We have

recruited many local talents to fulfil employee

localization; we have developed 15 suppliers to

fulfil localization purchase; we have localization

R&D team and production team to fulfil local

manufacture. Our key purpose is to develop

products adapting to the India market, We would

like to contribute to the extent possible in the

Indian Markets.

SANY product range introduced in India

includes concrete pump trucks, trailer-mounted

concrete pumps, excavators, motor graders,

crawler cranes, truck cranes, pile driving

machinery, port machinery, pavers, etc. and some

of these are leading the ways in India’s

construction industry. In 2011, SANY’s trailer-

mounted concrete pump set a new pumping

record in India by a single pump delivering

concrete vertically to a 290m height in the

prestigious project in Mumbai.

Besides, SANY India also actively participated

in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). In the

July 30th landslides disaster that struck Malin

Village (Maharastra, India) SANY was the first and

the only company to respond and

deploy immediately 3 of its high

performance machines to aid the

rescue operations of the victims.

SANY India CEO Mr. Deepak Garg

along with SANY rescue team 15

members went to the disaster site. All

of them worked round the clock for 10

consecutive days with NDRF(National

Disaster Response Force).They found

and dug up most of the bodies during

r e s c u e . A c c o r d i n g t o w h a t

Commandant of NDRF Mr.Alok

Awasthi said, “They could accomplish

this task well ahead of stipulated time

by contribution of Sany Machines”.

First of SANY Pumping Machinery 86 meters in the world.

Sany India CEO Mr. Deepak Garg helps to command rescue site.

Chinese Enterprises in India48 News From China November 2014

The office of Director General of NDRF also

praised highly, the efforts and support of SANY

India during the rescue operations. The spirit of

SANY rescue team and the quality & efficiency of

equipment earned praise of NDRF and the social

from all walks of life.

In next 3 years, SANY India will become a

production base, outsourcing base and service

base among overseas in SANY Group. We need

more quality Indian talent to join us and

furthermore contribute to the development of


Shandong Electric Power Construction No.2 Company

A f f i l i a t e d w i t h P o w e r

Construction Corporation of

China which is one of the world

top 500 enterprises, Shandong

Electric Power Construction No.2

Company is an international

corporation capable of providing

the full-industry chain services of

domestic and overseas power

engineering and infrastructure

planning, consultation and

s u p e r v i s i o n , c o n s t r u c t i o n

management and investment

operation, etc. with its business

scope covering power station, fire

control , implementation of

m u n i c i p a l p ro j e c t s , h e av y

m a c h i n e r y m a n u fa c t u r i n g , re a l e s t a te

development, steel structure manufacture,

natural gas marketing and international trade, etc.

As one of the first Chinese power construction

companies to develop the international business,

Shandong Electric Power Construction No.2

Company vigorously implements the strategy of

“Internationalization” and is dedicated to the

expansion of international market.

In 2008, the Company won the bidding in

Kamalanga 4x350MW Subcritical Unit Power

Project invested by Indian GMR Group, which is an

EPC general contracting and turn-key project.

Adhering to the idea of “Creating the Quality

Project and Fulfilling the Dreams of the Owners”,

the Company focuses on the innovation and

development, pursuits excellence and has made

full preparation for preliminary construction

organization and planning, personnel allocation

and entry plan as well as development of risk

prediction and assessment program and other

aspects. Since the commencement of work, the

Project Department has adhered to principle of

“Undertake A Project, Make Local Friends and Set

Up a Monument”, fully implemented the “Remote

Copy” of the Company’s template project and

solidly carried out the activities of “Quality

Management Year”, “Standard Construction Year”,

“Image Building Year” and “Fine Management

Year”, etc., with the orientation of “Fine Works

Strategy” and the target of “International Quality

Project Award”; moreover, all the staff worked

with one heart and one mind, faced difficulties

with courage, communicated with the Owner and

local contractors, performed the comprehensive

coordination of the key factors of design,

equipment manufacture, logistics and customs

clearance, conquered such adverse factors as

lagged land acquisition by the Owner, complex

local relation and adverse natural environments,

Project Panorama of GMR Kamalanga Thermal Power Plant, EPC Contractor SEPCOII.

Chinese Enterprises in India 49News From China November 2014

etc. and finally poured the first

cubic meter of concrete on

October 8, 2010. In the process

of project implementation, we

h a s a l w a y s t a k e n i n t o

consideration the Owner’s

interests, adhered to the

principles of “Pay Attention to

Details in both Construction

and Management Processes”,

faced the difficulties and taken

the responsibilities bravely and

consistently, focused on the

safety and quality production,

achieved the elaborate plan and

fine construction as well as

realized the success in hydraulic

boiler test, turbine box-up,

back-energizing, steam purging of piping, 3,000-

round rolling test for turbo generator set and

initial synchronization and other key projects at

the very first time. The 275m high chimney self-

organized and constructed by the Company was

evaluated by the Owner as the benchmarking

single project of “Minimum Work Force, Top

Quality, Shortest Construction Period, Safety &

Zero Accident” in the same industry of India. The

three units successively passed the 72-hour full-

load test and 336-hour reliability test at the very

first time in succession. Moreover, the turbine

vibration of the major index parameter, reached

the highest level in the same industry and the

layout of small bore pipes and secondary

connection and other advanced techniques were

highly praised, accounting for the Owner’s

evaluation of “It is the Best Power Plant We Have

Ever Seen”.

The Company acted as the “Cultural

Ambassador” in the process of collision and fusion

of Sino-Indian cultures, made efforts to merge

Sino-Indian cultures, strengthened the

communication actively to seek common ground

while reserving difference, respected the local

folk tradition, custom and religion, integrated into

the local society, benefitted the

surrounding vi l lagers and

consequently got the support

from the functional government


The plant site was remote

a n d i n c o n v e n i e n t f o r

transportation. For the purpose

to strengthen the connection

with the surrounding villagers,

the Owner and the Project

Department jointly invested in an

8km long asphalt road to the local

villager’s doorway connecting

the five surrounding villages,

which facilitates the travel of

villagers and guarantees smooth

Steam Turbine Generator of GMR Kamalanga Thermal Power Plant, EPC Contractor SEPCOII.

Night View of GMR Kamalanga Thermal Power Plant, EPC Contractor SEPCOII.

Chinese Enterprises in India50 News From China November 2014

access road to the site.

Considering that there were few medical

institutions and schools near the project location

and it was difficult for the local villages to benefit

from the corresponding services, the Owner and

the Project Department jointly constructed a large

scale complex hospital, a primary school and a

junior high school, solving the difficulties of the

local villagers in seeking medical advice and

education once and for all.

Implementation of strategy of localization.

The Company introduced more than 80 local

construction teams, providing more than 1,000

employment opportunities. Considering the fact

that the surrounding villagers had neither

technology nor construction experience and with

the prior consent of the local construction teams,

the Project Department incorporated more than

50% of the surrounding labors to participate into

the construction of the power plant. The local

employment rate was thus greatly improved and

the surrounding villagers gradually became

w o r k e r s a n d s o m e e ve n h i g h - s k i l l e d


The Project Department actively absorbed the

local high-skilled talents, introducing and

cultivating the foreign skilled workers, engineers

and management personnel on key positions. The

Project Department helped each foreign worker

comprehend the cultural concept of Shandong

Electric Power Construction No.2 Company, work

out of his/her own accord and participate into the

construction of power plant actively by adopting

undifferentiated management in departments,

teams and groups, implementing incentive policy,

arousing their enthusiasm and developing

subjective initiative. The Project Department

successively established the “Turbine Proper

Construction”, “Cable Connection” and “High-

voltage Electrogas Welding” and other

technological breakthrough groups according to

the construction agenda. With highly skilled

Chinese staff as group leaders and 8-10 foreign

workers as group members respectively, Project

Department organized various professional skill

training. In the process, many group members

SEPCOII, EPC Contractor of GMR Kamalanga Thermal Power Plant presented stationeries to local students on Children's Day.

Reviving the Silk Road 51News From China November 2014

became badly-needed engineering and technical

personnel with high skill and quality rapidly.

During construction peaks, the Project

Department recruited more than 180 foreign

workers, 3 of whom won the opportunity to study

in China in reward of their outstanding


On Children’s Day every year, the Project

Department gives full play the role of the labor

union, party, league and other primary-level

organization, visiting local schools, donating

books and school supplies to the children,

teaching local children Chinese and spreading

Chinese culture.

There are many festivals in the project

location and in case of a large festival the Project

Department will donate money and goods and

specifically appoint a representative to present

for congratulations, integrating into the local life

and getting along well with local residents. With

our sincerity and actions, we moved the local

villagers and bridged the gap between us, and the

local villagers became friendlier and closer to us

with more recognition and support, so the

relationship between us turned from the former

“Mutual Incomprehension” to the current

“Respect, Acceptation and Harmony”.

The smooth implementation of the project

can’t be achieved without the vigorous support

and help from the local government departments.

The Project Department reported works regularly

to the local department of labor, ministry of the

interior, urban council, police station and other

departments and invited the local government

officials to carry out the on-site inspection,

investigation and survey, for the purpose of

showing the management level and Construction

Strength of the Company, promoting exchange

and communication, enhancing confidence and

getting trust and support from the government


At present, Unit 1 of India GMR Project has

completely met with the relevant requirements

according to the performance test and we are

making the first-phase preparations for the

performance tests for unit 2 and unit 3. All the

staff of the Project Department are marching into

the bright future with pride, enthusiasm and

confidence among the mutual care and help

between the people of China and India.


Beijing, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) — President Xi

Jinping on Saturday said China will contribute 40

billion U.S. dollars to set up a Silk Road Fund at a

dialogue meeting on strengthening connectivity

and improving cooperation in the country’s


Xi made the pledge when making a five-point

proposal aimed at promoting interconnected

development in the Asia-Pacific region as he met

with leaders of Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos,

Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

A l s o a t t e n d i n g t h e m e e t i n g w e r e

representatives of the United Nations Economic

and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The new Silk Road Fund will be used to

provide investment and financing support to

carry out infrastructure, resources, industrial

cooperation, financial cooperation and other

projects related to connectivity for countries

along the “Belt and Road”, Xi said, referring to

China’s Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st

Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives.

He added that the fund will be “open” to active

participation by investors from both within and

outside of Asia.

According to Xi, the goal of the new Silk Road

Fund is to “break the bottleneck in Asian

China Pledges 40 Billion USD for Silk Road Fund

Reviving the Silk Road52 News From China November 2014

connectivity by building a

financing platform.”

An Asian Development

Bank report estimates that

Asia as a whole needs as

much as 730 billion U.S.

d o l l a r s p e r y e a r i n

infrastructure investment

before 2020.

The Chinese President

said funding stands out as

the most challenging issue in

A s i a ’ s c o n n e c t i v i t y


“To address these and

other problems, the efforts

by a single or several

countries are far from

adequate,” said Xi.

“Only by building extensive partnerships

where all will think and work in unison, can we

expect to achieve positive results,” he said.

His words were echoed by Yao Zhizhong,

deputy head of the Institute of World Economics

and Politics under the Chinese Academy of Social


According to Yao, funding is key to provide

impetus to the infrastructure construction in the

Asia-Pacific, which in turn contributes to inter-

connectivity in the region.

He said the Silk Road Fund can also promote

diversified use of China’s foreign reserves and

help China make full use of its funding advantages.

China has been pushing for an interconnected

development in the Asia-Pacific region for some


Xi put forward the “Belt and Road” initiatives

to build a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st

Century Maritime Silk Road during two separate

visits to Central Asia and Southeast Asia in 2013,

in a bid to revive the historic trade routes by

boosting cooperation between China and other

Asian nations.

Last month, a total of 21 Asian countries inked

a Memorandum of Understanding on the

establishment of the Asian Infrastructure

Investment Bank (AIIB) with an expected initial

subscribed capital of 50 billion U.S. dollars.

Earlier reports said the AIIB was also

e s t a b l i s h e d t o f i n a n c e i n f ra s t r u c t u re

constructions along the “Belt and Road.”

But according to Yao, unlike the AIIB which

could only be put into operation by the end of

2015 at the earliest, the Silk Road Fund can be

launched immediately.

Jin Zhongxia, head of the Research Institute of

the People’s Bank of China, also said the “open”

nature of the Silk Road Fund gives it more

flexibility in its future operation, and that the fund

could constitute a fine alternative to the AIIB in

financing Asian infrastructure constructions.

Connectivity is also a key theme of this year’s

APEC meeting, which prioritizes three topics:

advancing regional economic integration,

promoting innovative development, economic

reform and growth, and strengthening

comprehensive development in infrastructure

and connectivity.

APEC members will work for the formulation

of the APEC Blueprint on Connectivity in order to

provide a strong backing for the Asia-Pacific’s

long-term development.

Nonetheless, Xi has in the meantime

cautioned that connectivity is “not merely about

building roads and bridges or making linear

connection of different places on surface.”

“More importantly, it should be a three-way

Chinese President Xi Jinping presides over a Dialogue on Strengthening Connectivity Partnership in Beijing, capital of China, Nov.8, 2014. (Xinhua/Li Tao)

Reviving the Silk Road 53News From China November 2014

combination of infrastructure, institutions and

people-to-people exchanges and a five-way

progress in policy communication, infrastructure

connectivity, trade link, capital flow, and

understanding among peoples,” he said.

To further deepen the connectivity

partnership between countries whose leaders

were present at Saturday’s dialogue, Xi stressed

that efforts should be made to realize Asia’s

connectivity by making Asian countries a priority.

“Asian countries are just like a cluster of bright

lanterns. Only when we link them together, can we

light up the night sky in our continent,” he said.

China is ready to provide more public goods

through connectivity development to its Asian

neighbors who are welcome “to get on board the

train of China’s development,” he said.

Meanwhile, the basic framework of the Asian

connectivity project should be developed by

making economic corridors its support pillar, Xi

said while pointing to the “Belt and Road”

initiatives which have “basically taken shape.”

“Such a framework accommodates the needs

of various countries and covers both land and sea-

related projects,” Xi said.

The president continued to say that the

countries should realize an early harvest in Asian

connectivity by making breakthroughs in

transport infrastructure development, and that

China will provide neighboring countries 20,000

training opportunities for connectivity

professionals in the coming five years.

These proposals showed China’s resolve to

promote the building of the Silk Road Economic

Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and its

willingness to take up its responsibility to

contribute to the inter-connectivity in Asia, Yao


The first China-Guangdong 21st Century Maritime Silk Road International Expo was held in

the southern city of Dongguan from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2,2014. (Photo:

Maritime Silk Road Expo Inaugurated, Brings Businesses

Dongguan, Guangdong,

Nov. 2 (Xinhua) — The first

international expo for the

21st Century Maritime Silk

Road closed on Nov. 2,2014

with 174.7 billion yuan

(28.6 billion U.S. dollars) in

business deals signed.

The three-day China-

Guangdong 21st Century

M a r i t i m e S i l k R o a d

International Expo in the

southern city of Dongguan

had nearly equal the

amount of contracts as

those signed at the 21-day

Canton Fair this spring. The

Canton Fair saw a total of

31.05 billion U.S. dollars

worth of contracts signed.

According to the organizing committee of the

expo, 80,000 businessmen, scholars and visitors

from 42 countries and regions attended the three-

day expo, including those from 25 countries along

the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

Rosewood from Laos, shrimp chips from

Indonesia, fruits from Thailand and decorations

Culture & Life54 News From China November 2014

from India were among the commodities


Last October, Chinese President Xi Jinping

proposed the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

during his visit to Indonesia. The concept was

written into the country’s government work

report this March.

“I know Chinese President Xi Jiping has said

that China wants to rebuild this route. So I think

this exhibition is part of that. We really like this

idea,” said Chamara Udugama, a tea dealer from

Sri Lanka.

He said he decided to attend the expo after

Chinese dealers e-mailed him orders after he

distributed thousands of free tea samples at the

China-South Asia Expo in Kunming, capital of

southwest China’s Yunnan Province, last June.

“If you give very high quality products, very

high quality Ceylon tea, then the Chinese people

are very knowledgeable. They will buy your tea,”

he said.

Former Malaysian Minister of Tourism Ng Yen

Yen said the concept of a 21st Maritime Silk Road

could help their country increase the number of

tourists from 25 million to 60 million.

She advised involved countries to work

together to help build a top-level cruise tourism

industry in Asia, which would bring billions of U.S.

dollars in income and provide thousands of new

jobs in Asia.

Cruise industry revenues in the Asian market

reached 2 billion U.S. dollars last year. The number

could increase tenfold using the idea of a 21st

Century Maritime Silk Road, she said.

Former chief economist of the World Bank Lin

Yifu said countries along the 21st Century

Maritime Silk Road were mostly regions with

abundant natural resources, huge market

potential, low labor cost and numerous tourism


Lin said that since 2008, when traditional

industrialized countries in north America and the

Europe encountered economic slowdown, new

markets have been emerging in developing


Long Yongtu, China’s former chief negotiator

for WTO entry, said China could strengthen the

21st Century Maritime Silk Road concept by

shortening the expression to “MSR,” and promote

organized structure in the scheme.

“To build a regional development strategic

mechanism, for example, we could form a

cooperation committee of MSR before

establishing a secretariat so that the concept

would turn into a practice and keep running,” he



Xi's Wife Calls for Just, Tolerant Society for Disabled People

Beijing Nov. 10 (Xinhua) — Peng Liyuan, wife

of Chinese President Xi Jinping, has called for a

more just, tolerant and sustainable environment

for the development of disabled people.

Much more understanding, respects and care

should be given to the group to make sure that

they are entitled to fruits of social and economic

development, which is the responsibility of the

entire society, she said on Monday.

Peng made the remarks while attending a

meeting focusing on development issues

concerning disabled people, together with wives

of some leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic

Cooperation (APEC) member economies, who are

in Beijing for the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’


Culture & Life 55News From China November 2014

Peng accompanied the guests to visit an

exhibition of art works of Chinese people with

disabilities, where they interacted with a group of

hearing-impaired children by playing puzzle


Peng Liyuan (2nd R), wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, demonstrates to spouses of some leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic

Cooperation (APEC) member economies how to communicate with a deaf-mute girl by sign language during an activity focusing

on development issues concerning disabled people, in Beijing, China, Nov. 10, 2014. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)

State Councilor Wang Yong said China is

willing to work with other countries and regions in

the Asia Pacific to help disabled people better

participate the regional cooperation while

enjoying the results from the cause.

Peng Liyuan (in white dress), wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, plays jigsaw puzzle with children with hearing impairment

together with spouses of some leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies during an activity

focusing on development issues concerning disabled people, in Beijing, China, Nov. 10, 2014. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)

Culture & Life56 News From China November 2014

Beijing Bid Promotes Life on the Ice

B e i j i n g , N o v . 3

(Xinhuanet) — Hockey is

becoming increasingly

popular on the back of the

C h i n e s e c a p i t a l ’ s

application to be chosen

as host city of the 2022

Winter Olympic Games.

Just halfway through

his 90-minute training

session, every piece of

Wen Bocheng’s hockey

gear -

helmet, gloves, and

even his shoulder pads -

was drenched in sweat as

the 10-year-old drove the

puck up and down the

Students from Tsinghua University Primary School at a hockey training session in Beijing. The sport is becoming increasingly popular among youngsters in the Chinese capital, and many parents see it as a great way of improving their children’s fitness and mental resilience. Cui Jun / For China Daily

Peng Liyuan (C), wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, reacts while playing jigsaw puzzle with children with hearing impairment together with spouses of some leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies during an activity focusing on development issues concerning disabled people in Beijing, China, Nov. 10, 2014. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)

The event received a videotaped speech of the

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,

who urged more Asia-Pacific economies to

include the development of disabled people into

their overall development strategies.


Despite fatigue and the occasional bruise, the

fifth-grade student’s face is full of excitement and

satisfaction after every practice session he

attends with more than 20 of his peers at the

Tsinghua University Primary School. The students

meet three times a week on the standard 1,800-

square-meter rink at the Dreamport Mall in north

Beijing, and Wen also plays one full-contact game

every week to feed his growing passion for the


“Sometimes I’ve bruised my elbow or knocked

my nose, but I am cool with it because I love

playing hockey,” he said. “It was totally new for me

at the beginning, but I’ve become addicted after

playing for almost six years. It’s helped me to

become a tough boy.”

Wen and his hard-working peers are among

1,500 children from a record 96 teams registered

with the Beijing Ice Hockey Association’s 2014-15

Beijing Minor Hockey Premier League. They play

throughout winter and spring.

Skating on frozen ponds for fun has been a

popular winter pastime for Beijingers since the

1960s, but modern winter sports such as hockey

and figure skating have only recently emerged as

fashionable forms of recreation for urban youths

such as Wen.

The popularity of winter sports will be further

fueled by Beijing’s bid to host the 2022 Winter

Olympic Games, said Liu Ge, vice-president and

secretary-general of the BHA.

The executive board of the International

Olympic Committee named Beijing, Oslo, and

Almaty in Kazakhstan as the final candidate cities

for 2022, but Oslo withdrew its bid in October,

leaving the contest a straight fight between

Beijing and Almaty. The winner will be selected in

Kuala Lumpur in July.

“Grassroots participation in hockey has

boomed in recent years, with an increasing

number of middle-class families accepting the

once high-end sport as a unique tool to improve

their children’s fitness and mental toughness. The

Olympic bid will definitely provide another boost

for the sport, attracting more people and more

funds,” Liu said.

In an attempt to further push the popularity of

winter sports and raise awareness of the Olympic

movement and the spirit it embodies, Beijing and

nearby Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, launched

their joint Olympic bid in November 2013.

The aim is to encourage 300 million people in

North China to participate in winter sports, while

simultaneously accelerating upgrades of the

urban infrastructure and controlling air pollution.

Interschool Rivalry

To promote hockey among juniors, the BHA

organized the first interschool tournament in

2014, and 19 teams from 15 primary schools in

Beijing competed in this year’s event, which was

held in May.

Observers said the tournament’s intense final,

featuring end to end action and plenty of big hits

demonstrated the players’ determination.

“In the beginning, we were kind of worried

about the frequent body checks, but when you

watch your children working hard at something

they love at a young age, learning discipline,

teamwork and camaraderie, there’s really nothing

you can do but support them,” said Wen Quan,

Wen Bocheng’s father.

To raise awareness of the bid among children,

the education authorities in Beijing have included

winter sports in the regular physical education

curriculum. They have also provided a special

budget to allow schools to rent commercial rinks.

“Given that students lack outdoor exercise in

winter and are under intense pressure

academically, it’s a great boost to physical

education on campus. Playing team sports such as

hockey will help build character and improve the

students’ physical health,” said Huang Kan,

commissioner of the Beijing Municipal Education


According to Zheng Shiyong, deputy director

of education in north Beijing’s Yanqing county,

Culture & Life 57News From China November 2014

where the alpine skiing events of the 2022 Winter

Games will be held if the bid is successful, seven

schools in the suburb have been identified as

winter sports special schools. It’s expected that by

2022, more than 10,000 teenagers in the county

will participate in winter sports every day.

However, a lack of decent rinks and qualified

coaches has made it difficult for the sports to

flourish in the Chinese capital, which currently

has just five game-standard rinks - far from

enough to meet the growing public demand - and

the dearth of facilities mean too few games of

hockey are available to juniors, according to the

BHA’s Liu.

To promote winter sports in schools, the

association is working with a number of

companies to develop artificial ice surfaces, which

could be assembled, disassembled and

transferred like mobile basketball courts, but with

much lower operating costs.

Expansion Plans

Century Star, China’s first commercial ice-

sports club, operates 13 nationwide. It plans to

open at least 10 more this year, most of them in the

south of the country. Another Beijing club,

Champion Rink, which manages 12 facilities, has

prepared a five-city expansion plan that will cover

a large number of provinces in the south.

“Promoted by the bid for the Winter Olympics,

ice-based sports are more popular than ever, and

the governing body’s call to develop them in the

warmer areas in the south will bring us more

business opportunities,” said Fan Jun, a former

national skating champion who is the chairman of

Century Star.

Huang Feng, the chief coach at Century Star,

said the club’s Capital Gymnasium Rink has been

full from 1 pm to 8 pm almost every working day

since the beginning of the year. Before that

development, weekends were the venue’s busiest


“Demand is growing, and we’ve had to stop

accepting random ‘walk-up’ customers at

weekends because the rink is usually fully booked

by customers on training courses,” he said.

Fan said one of the club’s commercial rinks, in

the suburbs of north Beijing, was visited by almost

180,000 skaters in 2013, a 25 percent increase

from the previous year.

Last year, Century Star established a

development program in association with Jilin

Sports University to train and draft graduates as


“Becoming a junior coach is a really good job

for college graduates and student athletes. More

people should get involved,” said Wang Shuai, a

Beijing Sport University graduate in 2007 who has

been coaching hockey for four years.

Parental sacrifices and dedication key to

success in the junior leagues

Kang Ping saw a skating rink for the first time

in 2001. The Sichuan native was fascinated by the

elegance of the youthful skaters and the smiles

that spread across their faces as they rocketed

across the ice at Beijing’s China World Mall.

She quickly made a decision. “Growing up in

the warmth of South China, I had never seen a real

rink or had the opportunity to play with ice and

snow. Children born in North China are so lucky to

be able to play on the ice in winter, and I decided I

wanted my children to have the same chance,” said

Kang, who arrived in Beijing in 1990 as a student.

Her wish came true. She now has two lively

sons, and both of them play hockey.

Kang brought her elder son, He Shuyang, 10, to

a rink for the first time when he was just 4, hoping

that the full-contact sport would hone the boy’s

strength and toughen him up.

He quickly fell in love with the game, so Kang

introduced her younger son, He Shuhang, to the

rink at an even earlier age. In fact, she says she

almost brought him up on the ice.

“Once people are involved with the sport, both

the children and parents can’t help but become

obsessed by it. Our children have grown a lot, both

physically and mentally, through playing hockey,

and we enjoy watching them grow,” she said.

Culture & Life58 News From China November 2014

To fully support her sons, who play for the

Tsinghua University Primary School team in the

Beijing interschool league, Kang quit her job to

become a full-time driver and practice partner.

Several of her hockey mom peers have done the


Driving her children to rinks five times a week,

helping them with their equipment and taking

videos, has become an enjoyable routine,

according to the 41-year-old.

“You really have to prepare yourself to

sacrifice your career, but seeing them grow and

learning the virtues of teamwork and dedication

through exercise is pretty rewarding,” she said.

Although the popularity of winter sports is

rising in China, hockey remains a relatively

expensive hobby. A 90-minute session at one of

Beijing’s commercial rinks costs from 200 yuan

($33) to 300 yuan, and a full outfit for a junior

player costs at least 20,000 yuan.

Junior ice hockey players train at least three

times per week and upgrade their entire set of

gear every two years as they grow, said Liu Ge,

deputy-president of the Beijing Ice Hockey


Wen Quan, the father of a student player,

spends at least 200,000 yuan, including travel and

accommodation for trips, on his son’s hobby every

year. “It’s really a large amount of money for the

average family, but the benefits our son gains

make it a worthwhile investment,” he said.

Culture & Life 59News From China November 2014

Yunnan Hosts International Mandarin Competition

B e i j i n g , N o v. 4

(Xinhuanet) — It’s often

said that Chinese is one of

t h e m o s t d i f f i c u l t

languages for English

speakers to learn. But

every year, high-school

students from across the

world gather in China to

show off their Mandarin

skills, in the Chinese

Bridge Competition. The

latest event was held in

Yunnan, Southern China.

‘ L e a r n C h i n e s e ,

Double Your World ’

That’s exactly what these

contestants have done. They’ve even dressed up

for the occasion, at the 7th Chinese Bridge

Competition in Yun’nan Province.

Some of the contestants are fluent, almost to

the point of perfection.

They gave the audience a show of traditional

Chinese skills, which included folk songs, dancing,

Taichi, opera, martial arts and of course speaking

and writing.

Over 390 contestants from 76 countries took

part. Some had spent time honing their skills

while living in small Chinese villages. The winners

are given an opportunity to further their study in

China or win scholarships to teach Chinese as a

Second Language.

Culture & Life60 News From China November 2014

Chinese-style Outfits Designed for APEC

This undated photo shows the sketches of traditional Chinese-style women's coats designed for female participants and female spouses of participants of the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting which takes place

in Beijing, capital of China, from Nov. 10 to 11. (Xinhua)

This undated photo shows a traditional Chinese-style women's coat designed for female participants and female spouses of participants attending the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting which takes place in Beijing, capital of China, from Nov. 10 to 11. (Xinhua)

In this undated photo, designer Luo Zheng (2nd L) and her team discuss the details of the official outfits for spouses of

leaders and representatives attending the 22nd Asia-Pacific

Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting

which takes place in Beijing, capital of China, from Nov. 10 to 11. (Xinhua)

Culture & Life 61News From China November 2014

This undated photo shows Chu Yan, one of the designers of a series of traditional Chinese-style outfits designed for participants of

the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting which takes place in Beijing, capital of China, from

Nov. 10 to 11. (Xinhua)

This undated photo shows a traditional Chinese-style men's coat designed for male participants attending the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting which takes place in Beijing, capital of China, from Nov. 10 to 11. (Xinhua)

This undated photo shows a traditional Chinese-style women's coat.

Cheongsam is one type of

t ra d i t i o n a l C h i n e s e f e m a l e

costumes. It is featured by stand

collar, right side opening, fitting

waist and slip bottom, which can

fully set off the beauty of the female


Derived from the garment of

bannermen in the Qing Dynasty,

cheongsam was the basal garment

for the Manchus in Northeast China.

It was modified in early 20th

century to be more suitable and

comfortable yet retained the

craftwork of traditional ones.

Cheongsam greeted its prime time

in the 1930s when its irreplaceable

role in female garment was

established. It was extraordinarily popular with

the women in Shanghai for the reason that its

slimness and fitness had made it as a perfect

choice for the slender and exquisite-stature

women in South China. Soon afterwards, it swept

the whole country as the favorite garment for

Chinese women. Compared with old-style

cheongsam, the modified style is more capable of

popping out the beautiful curves of a woman and

has stood out from the obsolete pattern as a

typical representative of Chinese female garment.

Cheongsam has been experiencing constant

changes with the fashions in different ages. While

inheriting the characteristics of traditional

cheongsam in details, the new-style one is

associated with new features and a great deal of

modern design elements

in color, cutting and

match, which are mainly

embodied in the change

of the bottom (A-shape,

asymmetrical type and

picture puzzle type, etc.)

as well as diversified

materials. Other than

m e e t i n g a e s t h e t i c

requirements of young

women in China, new-

style cheongsam is of

great vitality with its easy


A s a s p e c i a l

tradit ional garment ,

cheongsam is of unique

aesthetic values and

t h e re fo re a c t s a s a

Culture & Life62 News From China November 2014

History of Cheongsams

spokesman of the art of Chinese garment.

Evolution History

In the beginning, women in Shanghai altered the

traditional long shirt into the weskit, (it is also

known as the cheongsam-weskit).

In 1926, the long weskit and the short

Chinese-style jacket were combined into the

classic oriental fashion - the cheongsam.

In 1927, the cheongsams worn by trendy

ladies often covered the body above the calf and

had butterfly pleats, about ten to twelve

centimeters long, in the lap.

In 1928, the development of the cheongsam

entered a new stage. The length was reduced to

about six centimeters below the knees; thus the

whole lower leg would be exposed and it was very

convenient for ladies to walk at ease in the dress.

In terms of the style, the sleeves changed from the

sloppy medium sleeves into short sleeves and

later into vest-sleeves.

In the early 1930s, as was advocated by Ms.

Culture & Life 63News From China November 2014

Xue Jinyuan, chiffons were added to

cheongsams by the ladies in Shanghai

and came into vogue.

In 1933, Gu Lanjun became the

first one to wear a cheongsam with a

slit on the left side and a 17cm-long

slit in the cuffs. Soon modern ladies

all followed her example. Later on,

the slits became deeper and deeper,

reaching as high as the end of the

thigh. At the same time, the waist of

the cheongsam was made tighter and


The silk mantle used to be the

original coat popular among women

in cold weather. After 1927, imitating

the western women, they started to

wear the overcoat. As a result, the old-fashioned

mantle was replaced by the overcoat as the latter

Culture & Life64 News From China November 2014

became more and more popular. In the 1930s and

1940s, wool coat was once in vogue.

Explore China's Famous Old Town – Pingyao

Located in Jinzhong Basin of Shanxi Province, the 2700-year-old Pingyao Ancient Town is one of the most well-preserved

ancient towns in China. Pingyao, which was added to the World Heritage List by UNESCO in 1997, attracts numerous

tourists from all over the world. (Source:

Tibet Today 65News From China November 2014


2014 Canada China Tibetan Culture Week Goes to Toronto

Toronto, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) — 2014 Canada

China Tibetan Culture Week arrived in Toronto on

Nov.5, 2014, offering the largest city in Canada a

rare chance to appreciate the beauty of landscape

in Tibet and uniqueness of Tibetan culture.

Following a welcoming reception to guests, a

spectacular film entitled Roof of the World was

enjoyed by audiences at the Toronto International

Film Festival Bell Lightbox. The film features

Tibet‘s vast, gorgeous landscapes and its diligent

people, showcasing incredible documentaries

about the challenges of modernization of a

traditional society.

Canadian audiences excitedly claimed that

Tibet Today66 News From China November 2014

although they used to be lacking in knowledge

about Tibet, this movie imparted intriguing

information about this mysterious land, and

stimulated passion about Tibetan history and


“Very good details, very realistic and natural. I

got lot of good mileage out of it. I didn’t really have

much perspective before, but I feel a lot more

informed now,” a Canadian viewer told Xinhua

after the 90-minute screening.

The 2014 Canada Tibetan Culture Week

officially kicked off in Vancouver on Nov. 2. The

event will be held till Nov. 15 in Vancouver,

Toronto, and the capital city of Ottawa. In Toronto,

the Cultural Week also comprises a series of

artistic performances at Bluma Appel Theatre at

the St. Lawrence Center for the Arts on both Nov.


Along with other cultural activities in the

Cultural Week, the f i lms and art is t ic

performances including songs, dances and

traditional Tibetan costumes provide excellent

chances for Canadian people to appreciate the

breath-taking landscapes and unique cultural

legacy of the pearl in Tibetan Plateau.

Dorje Tsedrub, vice chairman of the people’s

government of the Tibet Autonomous Region,

said that this cultural event is constructive in

enhancing Canadians’ understanding of the

distinctive Tibet. He also pointed out that the

Cultural Week could strengthen the friendship

between China and Canada by lasting initiatives to

better understand each other.

“The western media chose to portrait Tibet as

isolated and under developed, but it’s not the

truth. Tibet has witnessed a tremendous change,”

Tsedrub told Xinhua.

The Tibet-themed culture week has become a

popular event to showcase a real Tibet to the

world under the leadership of the Chinese

government. The culture week has toured over 11

countries since 2001, including Australia,

Germany and Spain. And it is the second time for

the activity to land in Canada since September


Performers of China's Tibetan Lhoka Art Troupe dance during the Glamorous Tibet Folk Song and Dance Show of the 2014 Canada-China Tibetan Culture Week at Bluma Appel Theatre in Toronto, Canada, Nov. 6, 2014. (Xinhua/Zou Zheng)

Tibet Honors Outstanding Doctors

Lhasa, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) — Twenty traditional

Tibetan doctors received government awards on

Nov. 5,2014 for their outstanding skills and

contribution to the preservation of the ancient


The laureates included specialists from a

Tibetan-medicine hospital in Lhasa, as well as

doctors from county hospitals and remote village

clinics, said sources attending a conference on the

development of traditional Tibetan medicine in

Lhasa, capital of southwest China’s Tibet

Autonomous Region.

Tibet Today 67News From China November 2014

They were selected from dozens of candidates

by an evaluation committee consisting of experts

and officials from the regional health and social

security authorities.

Nyima Tsering, 55, president of the Lhasa-

based Hospital for Traditional Tibetan Medicine,

was among the laureates. He was honored for his

compilation of Tibetan medicinal practices, which

he collected over his 40-year career.

“Tibetan medicine is an important part of

Tibetan culture, and it’s the obligation of every

Tibetan doctor to keep this ancient discipline

alive,” Nyima Tsering told Xinhua in an interview

on Nov. 5.

This marks the second time the regional

government conferred honors on its local medical

teams. Sixteen Tibetan doctors were honored for

the first time in 2009.

Tibet autonomous region has 33 Tibetan

medical institutions. At least 78 percent of its

village clinics also provide traditional Tibetan


Traditional medicine employs more than

2,200 people across Tibet, said Purbu Dolma,

head of the regional health and family planning


He said Tibet was hoping to include its

traditional medicine in UNESCO’s list of

intangible heritage.

In the past, Tibetan medication was available

only at monasteries. The ancient discipline only

gained exposure after the first public hospital for

Tibetan medicine was founded in Lhasa in 1989.

Tibetan medicine, also known as Sowa Rigpa

in the Tibetan language, is at least 2,300 years old.

It has absorbed the influences of traditional

Chinese, Indian and Arab medicine and is in

practice in Tibet and the Himalayan region.

Similar to traditional Chinese medicine and in

sharp contrast to biomedicine, Tibetan medicine

uses herbs, minerals and sometimes insects and


Tibetan medicine schools have a presence in

more than 30 countries. The four medical tantras,

the primary teaching texts for training Tibetan

physicians, have been translated into many

languages, including English, German, French,

Russian and Japanese.

Tsongo, a Small Lake in North Tibet

Text & Photo by Fan Jiuhui

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has the most lakes of any area in China. The total surface area of the modern plateau lakes accounts for 52 percent of the total surface area of lakes in China. There are countless smaller lakes around the Serling Tso, w h i c h s o m e h o w unexpectedly became the biggest lake in Tibet after the sudden rise of the water level in 2004. One of them, Tsongo, has a shoreline shaped

Tibet Today68 News From China November 2014

like a dancing fairy with curvy lines, but it has remained mostly in obscurity as one of the many satellite lakes of the Serling Tso. A section of the famous travel route “the Great North Route”runs past the Tsongo Lake between Palgon County and Nyima County. Nevertheless, for most tourists, Tsongo is still merely one of the many “Tso” (Tibetan for lake) on the Changtang grassland.

If it weren’t for the three days I spent by the Tsongo Lake this year, I would have seen it as just one of the many anonymous lakes. Lying at an altitude of 4,562 meters, Tsongo is in Shantsa County in the southern part of Changtang and to the south of the Serling Tso. It is 28.5 kilometers long and 16.7 kilometers at its widest with an average width of 9.4 kilometers (which gives it a total surface area of 244 square kilometers). Its water is a little salt but the lake is still categorized as a freshwater lake.Aquatic plants thrive in the lake, as do various species of fish. The rivers Yondru Zangbo and Phudzong Zangbo are mainly feeding the lake.

Droma and Her Shop by the Lake

On our way from Palgon County to Tsongo, our car crossed the vast Changtang grassland. Goas were often coming into our view with the white, heart-shaped patches on their rumps. These cute animals looked at us warily with their

big eyes, but when we got closer they skittered away. Some goas ran along with our car, as if wanting to have a friendly race with us.

We got a lot of rain this year. Days of heavy rain

A little girl playing on the lakeside.

The lake of Serling Tso.

Tibet Today 69News From China November 2014

had left the dirt road wet and muddy. On the Changtang grassland beneath a moonless sky, our headlights could not penetrate the darkness. The car was like a solitary boat in the sea. When we saw the dim light of Droma’s grocery store from afar, everyone immediately felt relieved.

Droma’s store stood by the highway along the eastern shore of the lake. There were six rooms including two guest rooms. About 100 meters from the grocery store, you can fi nd what has been called the biggest and cleanest “five-star washroom” on the “Great North Route”. The store used solar power, water from the lake, and yak and sheep dung for fuel, all very much environmentally friendly. The only drawback was that there was no cellphone coverage here, so we had to rely on Droma’s landline telephone.

Droma’s business model was rather simple: most of her customers were passengers riding on the long distance buses between Nyima County and Lhasa. The bus leaves Nyima in the afternoon and stops at Droma’s at around eleven at night.The next day, when it returns from Lhasa, it stops here at about eight in the evening. Droma

would provide free buttered tea and some simple food to the driver, in exchange for the bus staying there for half an hour. The weary passengers would usually get off the bus, stretch their legs, use the washroom and buy some snacks and soft drinks from the grocery store. When the bus arrives, the customers enlivened the store by suddenly walking and chatting, but when they leave, all that is left is the lake water lapping against the shore.

Droma was excited by our arrival. While preparing food for us, she told us all about the migratory birds on the islands in the lake and this year’s newcomers (such as Tibetan antelopes and ravens). Like the herdsmen living here for generations in this harsh environment, Droma always feels grateful for the gifts of nature, and strives to live in harmony with all creatures. Protecting both domestic and wild animals has become a conscious decision. To this extent, every resident of Changtang grassland is a wildlife ranger.

Looking at Tibetan Antelopes Up Close

The next morning, we were woken up by the harsh cries of the ravens. I walked out and saw several big ravens strolling in the little square between the store and the bathroom, picking on the remains of instant noodles left by the bus passengers the night before. The ravens here were not afraid of strangers at all. When I walked up to one, it just tilted its little head and looked at me. It jumped a couple of steps away when I was just one meter from it. The raven was all black, with feathers sparkling in a gorgeous blue-black

The Great Crested Grebes.

The beautiful Droma.

Tibet Today70 News From China November 2014

metallic sheen that was dazzling under the bright sun. Ravens usually live alone, but a dozen of them were gathered here by the grocery store. These ravens here were quite smart and experienced at finding food. Once I was by myself, cleaning a leg of lamb by the lake. After a short while, several ravens showed up eyeing the lamb covetously, with several more were hovering above me. Later, when we went to the lake again trying to restage this incident again and snap some photos, not even one single raven showed up.

The Tibetan antelopes Droma mentioned were on the pasture to the east of the grocery store. There were around 30 of them, all female antelopes and cubs. Physically, Tibetan antelopes are quite similar to Mongolian gazelles, but bigger and stronger. The female ones do not have horns like the males. Perhaps it was due to the taxing task of giving birth and lactation, but all the female antelopes seemed undernourished.Their pale fawn coat looked dull and matted, and some even showed gray fluff in their coats.

Later we saw some male Tibetan antelopes a couple of kilometers away. It seemed the male ones did not protect these female antelopes. Droma said she had not seen hordes of Tibetan antelopes show up here like this in the past. This year, the Tibetan antelopes seemed to come to this pasture out of nowhere. The traffic on the road and people in the grocery store did not scare them. When I quietly approached them with my camera, I saw a little one feeding on her mother’s milk. 20 meters seemed to be the limit: once I got closer, they ran away. Where did this herd of Tibetan antelopes come from, and which route did they take? No one knew. But to be able to watch them from close range just a couple of hundreds meters off the highway was already a huge blessing.

Bird Islands and Wetlands

If the outline of Tsongo resembles a dancing fairy, then the six islands are her sparkling accessories, among which the most precious are the two bird islands: Sangle Rira and Tebu Gyale. I

left Droma’s grocery store and walked counterclockwise to the west along the lakeside. Hordes of bar-headed geese wandered on the grass by the lake, among them small geese whose two signature black bars on the back of their heads were yet to grow. Their heads were all black, and their necks were pale gray. When I approached them, they honked anxiously before rushing into the lake and swimming away.Then the calm was restored.

This year thousands of bar-headed geese were gathered in the swamp by the lake to build nests and lay eggs. Droma saw some bar-headed geese had died from seemingly unnatural causes, so she reported it to the local forestry police. After some investigation the experts drew a conclusion: the sudden increase of the geese population had led to a shortage of available food, so some had starved to death.

The Sangle Rira Bird Island is about 100 meters from the lakeshore.Some green Tibetan worm woods were sparsely scattered on the white gravel on the island. Sangle Rira is the smallest island in Tsongo Lake (less than 5000 square meters),but here you can spot the biggest number of the Pallas’s gulls in the lake. The breeding season for Pallas’sGulls is during May and June when there are almost 50,000 of them on the island. The island is so packed with the nests of the gulls that it is hard to find any vacant space. The birds’ calls are loud to the point of deafening. It is said that the Pallas’s gulls are extremely territorial: they would drive all of the brown-headed gulls, black-headed gulls and barheaded geese that came to build their nests on the island.

The mother Tibetan antelope suckled her baby.

Tibet Today 71News From China November 2014

On the west shore of the Sangle Rira Bird Island, there is a shoal separated from the lake by a white gravel bank. About 10 centimeters above the water, it is like a small floating fort. There are over 30 nests made of waterweeds by the Great Crested Grebes. The Great Crested Grebe is a Class II nationally protected animal, and an elegantlooking water bird. It looks like a big duck, but its beak differs from the wide flat bill of the wild duck.Its neck features brightly colored feathers, and the most distinctive characteristic is the feathered crest on its head. The Great Crested Grebes are excellent divers. One of them dove headlong into the water… and did not come up until five minutes later (when it emerged with a fish in mouth). I was amazed by how far away it was. The Great Crested Grebes have a strange voice,loud and distorted. Being extremely wary of humans, they ran away towards the lake from the shoal at the first sight of us.

Among the bird islands in the Tsongo Lake, Tebu Gyale Island has the most species of birds. It lies in the northeastern part of the lake, 300 meters off the shore. It is 19.2 square kilometers in area and 16 meters above the water level.The island is covered with dense vegetation. The bird nests are mostly scattered in the northeastern section of the island. In this year’s breeding season, over 60,000 birds were gathered here, including brown-headed gulls, black-headed gulls, w h i t e - w i n g e d t e r n s , common terns, bar-headed geese, sandpipers, tufted ducks, black redstarts, ruddy shelduck, Great Cormorants, crows, and snow-finches.

Unlike Sangle Rira and Tebu Gyale bird islands, the ecological environment of Serdo Kangchen,the biggest i s l a n d ( 2 . 5 2 s q u a r e kilometers) in the Tsongo Lake, is similar to the land around the lake.So the locals call it “the natural pasture”. Before the lake thaws out,the herdsmen chase the wolves on the island away, drive their sheep onto the island and leave them alone. When

the water freezes again in winter, they will take back the grown sheep. This type of grazing practice is quite common in the big lakes on Changtang grassland like Namtso and Serling Tso.

The wetlands, covering an area of over 14,000 square kilometers around Tsongo, have become a nature reserve to protect blacknecked cranes. The black-necked crane is the only species living on the plateau among the 15 living species of cranes in the world.It is also known as the Tibetan crane. Threatened by continued habitat loss and low birth and survival rates, the black-necked crane is eva l u a te d a s v u l n e ra b l e by t h e I U C N (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List for birds and by CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). I was also told that the crane nestlings fight among themselves after their hatching, and the weaker ones would sometimes be pushed aside.

A black-necked crane was loitering on the meadow by the lake.I could not help but walk toward her with my camera. Maybe she had been alone for too long and fancied some company, so she walked slowly forward flapping her wings as if to put on a show for me; then she strode with her thin long legs,rose, and flew skywards with loud trumpeting calls.

Sky, earth, lakes, birds and cranes... I was mesmerized by the view in front of me. The

The bird islands of Sangle Rira.

Book Review


Dear Readers,

China is attracting growing attention worldwide. The world wants to know what changes are in progress in China, and what impact they will have on the rest of the world. To respond to rising international interest and to

enhance the rest of the world's understanding of the Chinese government's philosophy and its domestic and

foreign policies, the State Council Information Office, the Party Literature Research Office of the Communist

Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the China International Publishing Group have worked together to

produce this book --- The Governance of China.

You can come to get the book for FREE, or ask for a VPP service as you need.

Please email us first to reserve the book providing the serial No. Hope to hear from you in the coming

future. Your comments and suggestions on NFC are also greatly welcome.

Editor News From ChinaE-mail: newsfromchinadelhi@gmail.comAddress: 50-D, Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021Tel: 0091-11-26116683


Since the 18th National Congress of the

Communist Party of China (CPC) held in November

2012, the new central leadership with Xi Jinping as

general secretary has led the whole Party and the

people of China in confronting the problems and

challengers they face: to drive reform and opening up

to a deeper level, to modernize the national

governance system, and to marshal their enormous

strength behind the Chinese Dream of the great

rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

As general secretary of the CPC Central

Committee and president of the People's Republic of

China, Xi Jinping has delivered many speeches on a

broad range of issues. He has offered his thoughts,

views and judgments, and answered a series of

important theoretical and practical questions about

the Party and the country in these changing times. His

speeches embody the philosophy of the new central leadership.

The book is a compilation of Xi Jinping's major works from November 15,2012 to June

13,2014. It includes speeches, talks, interviews, instructions, and correspondence. The 79

pieces are arranged in 18 chapters, and notes are added to help readers understand China's

social system, history and culture.

72 News From China November 2014

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CRI CIBN74 News From China November 2014

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November 2014

A view of Yanqi Lake in Beijing, the site of APEC China 2014.

Chinese Embassy Website: http://in.china-embassy.orgWebsite of Foreign Ministry of China:


Published, Printed and Edited by Mme. Xie Liyan on behalf of the Press Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, 50-D, Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021. Tel: 26881249, Fax: 26882024

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