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Post on 13-Dec-2015

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30 Points 40 Points 50 Points

30 Points 40 Points 50 Points

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Although Ralph criticizes the boys for their lack of cooperation, does he bear some of the responsibility for the failures of the group to achieve its goals?

A. Ralph is partially responsible. He has the desire to bring civilization, but lacks the competence to do so. He believes life is too much like a story-book.B. Ralph is not responsible at all. He has done all he could to get the boys to cooperate, and they have chosen not to.C. Ralph bears a large responsibility. He is not using his natural leadership abilities in a way that is in the best interests of the whole group.D. Ralph bears only a very small part of the responsibility. He is really much too shy and fearful to be able to organize the boys.

Ralph is partially responsible. He has the desire to bring civilization, but lacks the competence to do so. He believes life is too much like a story-book.

After Maurice and Roger destroy the littluns’ sand castles, Roger stalks the young boy named Henry. When he begins to throw stones, why does Roger just throw near Henry instead of directly at him?

A. Roger is scared off by a noise in the jungle behind him.B. Roger is afraid that the littluns’ will hit back.C. Maurice tells Roger he will beat him up if he hits any of the littluns’.D. The old laws of school, church, and family still hold him back.

The old laws of school, church, and family still hold him back.

What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning, to neglect it and allow it to go out?

A. They become more interested in trying to build a canoe.B. They are becoming more savage, and can only think about hunting.C. They think that the other boys will get over their fear of the dark better if there is no light at all for a few nights. D. They are inexperienced and don’t really know how to keep it burning.

They are becoming more savage, and can only think about hunting.

Why does Jack paint his face?

A. The paint protects his sensitive skin from the sun.B. He thinks it will cheer up the others.C. He uses the paints as a mask to blot out his real self and become a savage.D. He tries to scare the littluns’ into obeying him.

He uses the paints as a mask to blot out his real self and become a savage.

What is Simon saying when he thinks the “beast” may be inside the boys themselves?

A. They have eaten some poisoned meat.B. None of them are really human.C. The dark side of the human personality can destroy mankind.D. It is all their imaginations.

The dark side of the human personality can destroy mankind.

Who or what is Lord of the Flies?

A. It is the name they have given the dead pilot.B. It is a large, poisonous insect that thrives on the island.C. It is a game the littluns play to pass the time.D. It is the sow’s head, and represents evil.

It is the sow’s head, and represents evil.

What is the meaning of Lord of the Flies’ message to Simon?

A. Evil is a trait inside of man.B. Dreams can be more powerful than reality.C. It is unhealthy to eat uncooked meat.D. If they ignore the beast it will go away.

Evil is a trait inside of man.

What happens to Simon when he returns to the group?

A. He keeps quiet because he knows they won’t believe him.B. He joins in the dance and becomes evil himself.C. He tells Ralph the truth, and then goes off to live alone.D. The hunters kill him before he can tell them anything.

The hunters kill him before he can tell them anything.

What happens to the conch and Piggy?

A. Piggy steals the conch and escapes into the jungle.B. They are both eaten by a wild boar.C. Piggy saves the conch but loses his glasses.D. They are both shattered by the huge bolder.

They are both shattered by the huge bolder.

How is Ralph saved in the end?

A. The littluns push Jack off the mountain top into the sea.B. He is stronger than Jack and defeats him.C. He swims to the safety of another island.D. A British naval officer finds him.

A British naval officer finds him.


A. Civilization, hope, community, celebration

B. Ability to see clearly, to perceive what is best

C. Authority, order

D. Ignorance, fear, superstition

Authority, order


A.Facade, means of hiding self from self

B.Ability to see clearly, to perceive what is best

C.Evil in the boys and in humanity

D.Punishment, violence, restraint

Ability to see clearly, to perceive what is best


A.Civilization, hope, community, celebration

B.Safety, openness, games, communication

C.Ignorance, fear, superstition

D.Evil in the boys and in humanity

Civilization, hope, community, celebration


A.Evil in the boys and in humanity

B.Façade, means of hiding self from self

C.Ignorance, fear, superstition

D.Punishment, violence, restraint

Ignorance, fear, superstition

Lord of the Flies

A.Ignorance, fear, superstition

B.Evil in the boys and in humanity

C.Authority, order

D.Façade, means of hiding self from self

Evil in the boys and in humanity

Mask / PaintA.Ignorance, fear, superstition

B.Evil in the boys and in humanity

C.Facade, means of hiding self from self

D.Ability to see clearly, to perceive what is best

Facade, means of hiding self from self

BeachA.Safety, openness, games,


B.Punishment, violence, restraint

C.Civilization, hope, community, celebration

D.Ignorance, fear, superstition

Safety, openness, games, communication

Castle Rock

A.Safety, openness, games, communication

B.Façade, means of hiding self from self

C.Authority, order

D.Punishment, violence, restraint

Punishment, violence, restraint




C.Pure and humane

D.Brave and courageous

Pure and humane


A.Harsh and cruel

B.Able to see clearly; knowledgeable



Able to see clearly; knowledgeable

Define hiatus and identify the part of speech.

A break; a gap in time


Define pall and identify the part of speech.

A gloomy effect


Define coverts and identify the part of


Thick underbrush providing cover


Define cynicism and identify the part of


Attitude scornful of others


Define inimical and identify the part of


Unfriendly; hostile


Make your wager

Define the following words.

Specious excruciatingly

Ebullience glamour

Gesticulated elephantine

Bastion crepitation

Skewed eclipsed

Maternal Sanctity

Rebuke Impervious


The most defined may be the winner!