CHRISTIAN EDUCATION€¦ · CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The Appreciation Banquet for all Sunday School...

Post on 27-Jun-2020

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Our Vision: Building Christian lives on a firm foundation.

Our Missions: Grow in Jesus Christ ~ Encourage the Discouraged

Magnify the Lord ~ Seek the Lost

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The Appreciation Banquet for all Sunday School teachers, Sunday night youth workers and the pastoral team will be on Saturday, May 18, at 5:30pm for appetizers and 6:00pm for dinner. All who are serving in any of these positions should mark their calendars to avoid later conflicts. Program details will follow. See you in Sunday School, Connie and Jo Ella Maugans


The monthly Men’s Ministry Breakfast will not meet in February. Meetings wil l resume in March.


February 2019













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Inside This Issue

Bishop Bytes 2

Church Calendar 3

Birthdays/Anniversaries 3

A Note from Ryan 4

S.A.M. Group 5

Women’s Ministry 6

Missions News 7

FUNDRAISER MEAL-SOUP COMPETITION Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 10, for a Fundraiser Meal following the worship service. This will be a soup competition. It will be $5.00 to enter a soup and each vote will be $1.00. This fundraiser will be for the Fellowship and Missions Teams. If you have any questions, see Jack Fivecoate.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that

whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God

did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to

save the world through Him. (John 3:16-17 NIV)



There has been a lot of personal opinions shared the last few months regarding worship that have encouraged me to ponder the purpose and focus of worship. There is a song that we sing, written by Matt Redman, entitled, “The Heart of Worship.” Before writing this song, Matt was leading worship in an Anglican church in England full of teenagers and young adults. The pastor decided that the congregation’s worship needed to be refocused and decided to strip away all the sound systems, instruments, decorations and any other non-essentials from their services. Matt said that it was awkward for him at first because he was the song leader. In an interview he said that he remembers asking himself during this time what were his motives for leading singing. Was he there for himself and “building his own little thing” or was he doing this just as service?

Those are great questions to consider each week as we enter into our time of corporate worship. Why am I here? Am I here to get or to give? I have searched through countless scriptures, read several articles, and spent much time in prayer considering this issue. I would like to prayerfully address this topic of worship with a very broad stroke in this month’s article. The remainder of this article is not intended to focus on style or aesthetics of a worship service. Rather I would like for us to consider what our attitudes should reflect as we worship together every Sunday.

First, worship is our expression of God’s worth. Paul urged the Gentile believers in Rome to understand their need to worship God. He taught them that true worship involved their whole life and that it couldn’t be separated from their daily routines. (see Romans 12:1)

Jesus told the disciples in John 14:21 “Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love him and show Myself to him.”

Secondly, worship is the purpose of which we were created. Revelation 4:11 states, “Thou are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” In other words, we are practicing on the job training right now. If we feel awkward or out of place here, just imagine how awkward we will feel in eternity. (See also Revelation 5:9-11, 7:9-12, 19:1-8)

Third, worship ushers in God’s presence. Psalm 100:4 tells us to “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.” There are a few benefits that we receive when we live lives that remain focused in worship. Jesus promises to always be with us (See Matthew 18:20 and Hebrews 13:5). Being in His presence brings fullness of joy (See Psalm 16:11). Our lives are forever changed (see 2 Corinthians 3:18).

Finally, we minister to God through worship. God created us to live and enjoy relationship as He did. Jesus said, “I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” ~ John 15:11. God in effect is saying, “Become intimate with Me, allow My joy to be in you, and through our close relationship you will experience the true joy of living, for you will bear the fruit of My nature—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). And in doing so you will reflect My presence and give Me glory!” “Everything comes from Him,” scripture states, “and exists by His power and is intended for His glory” (Romans 11:36). “So that in all things God may be glorified” (I Peter 4:11). To bring glory to God—that is, to exalt Him, lift Him up, give Him praise, to reflect upon Him honorable—is in fact our purpose in life.

“When the music fades all is stripped away and I simply come. Longing just to bring something that's of worth that will bless your heart. I'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself is not what you have required. You search much deeper within through the way things appear You're looking into my heart.” (Heart of Worship, Matt Redman)

Worship: Our “O.J.T.” for Eternity with God

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat1 2

No Men’s Ministry Breakfast

3AKA 5-6:30pmTF3 6:30-8pm

4 5 6CIA 6:30pm

7No Ladies Aid

Ladies Bible Study 6:30pm

8 9

10Fellowship Meal following the service

AKA 5-6:30pmTF3 6:30-8pm

11Board Meeting 6:30pm

12 13Bus Ministry 11:30am

CIA 6:30pm

14Ladies Bible Study 6:30pm

15 16

17Women’s Ministry Kick-off 11:30am

AKA 5-6:30pmTF3 6:30-8pm

18 19 20CIA 6:30pm

21Ladies Bible Study 6:30pm

22 23

24AKA 5-6:30pmTF3 6:30-8pm

25 26S.A.M. Table Games Night 6pm

27CIA 6:30pm


3 Will Slabach 18 Caleb Burk Brad Stout Bob Stevens 5 Shirley Watson 19 Janet Miller 6 Dixie Hayes 20 Mary Redding 7 Addison Fivecoate Rich Fouts11 Garet Heyer 21 Lee Ann Redding12 Nancy Fivecoate 22 Saralyn Martin13 Jon Burk 24 RuthAnn Hawkins Jennie Powell 26 Larry & Janna Hyman15 Jim Daugherty 28 Ted Miller


During the month of February there is always a lot of talk about love. “Love” means a lot of things to a lot of people, but what is it? Forrest Gump says, “I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.” Well, at least he has solved the apparent mystery. Our culture focuses on the kind of love that is portrayed in romantic comedies or soap operas. In fact, it seems that all the world around us is keen to settle for a cheap version of love. Those of us who follow Christ know that love is much more, in fact love changes everything.

While we are to be separate from the world, it is important to know what current thinking is on various topics so we can be better prepared to speak intelligently as we are confronted with ideas that are contrary to the teaching of the Bible. With that in mind, there is a website called This is a site dedicated to defining slang terms that are used in our culture. The definitions are provided by users of the website, and people vote for their favorite explanation of the word or phrase (not exactly a scholarly endeavor). Though it is a site that can be inappropriate at times, it is somewhat useful for determining what pop culture thinks about a great many things. When looking up “true love” on this site I saw phrases like, “love is when you feel depressed and sickly when you're not with her,” “you can’t help but put them on a pedestal of admiration,” and “when you get to know them, you will realize you always knew them since you can remember and that your lives were exactly parallel.” It honestly cracks me up how magical and mystical each of the definitions seem to be. Though often humorous, there were several phrases that were very similar to Bible passages about love. This just confirms that there are elements of God’s Truth imprinted on all of us, even if we don’t claim His Son as Savior. Each contributor mentioned “feelings” and one’s emotions many times. Feelings are good, and have a purpose to be sure, but a long term relationship must be built on much more than a feeling. Those who have been in a relationship with Christ at the center knows that love is a choice to honor God and our spouse by putting their needs ahead of our own. However, that is but one aspect of love.

The word love is multifaceted; it has differing forms depending on the context. People can love dessert, and their spouse, but obviously these are two very different things. As we approach the type of love that changes everything, let’s take a look at John 15:30 which says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” This is an amazing verse, and seems to be at least a large part of the Bible’s definition of what love is. The ultimate sacrifice that we can make for another is giving our own life, and books like Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and Jesus Freaks chronicle those who were martyred for the cause of Christ. Still, sacrificial love doesn’t need to mean giving one’s physical life, it can also mean putting your own wants aside for the need of another. This isn’t a natural response, but it is certainly one that can be cultivated. When believers can do this, we really start to look different from the secular world which will bring about opportunities to share Christ.

Some couples will go all out for Valentine’s Day to celebrate their love. Others find themselves being a little depressed during this time of year because they haven’t found that special someone quite yet, and feel that February 14th is a bit of an insult to injury. Though easier said than done for some, might I suggest taking the time to focus on the great love that made all other loves possible, and that being the love of the Father who sent His Son. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” John 3:16-17.

Father God, thank You for the great love You have lavished upon us. Please give us the courage to do the same for those we come into contact with. In Christ’s name I pray, amen.

- Ryan

A Note From Ryan


S.A.M. Group Senior Adult Ministry

… February 2019 …

We are announcing our activities to place on your calendars for everyone including your guests, 50 years of age and older.

BUS MINISTRY On Wednesday, February 13, at 11:30am we will meet at a designated restaurant and eat lunch. Any questions, call Rosie (566-3896).

TABLE GAMES NIGHT On Tuesday, February 26, at 6:00pm we will meet at the MSCC Fellowship Building for several different table games. All are encouraged to bring your favorite snacks to share with others. Drinks are provided. If everyone invites someone new to come and enjoy a time of warm fellowship with us, we would be able to double our numbers and our fun.

Reminder: This is the Winter season! Be careful as you walk outside or drive your automobile. Untreated roadways, sidewalks and even frosted grass can become very slick and dangerous. During cold weather, if anyone experiences a fall outside without a way to quickly call for assistance, tragedy may become the result!

Wayne & Donna Janner / Wayne & Shirley Watson Joann Monroe / Rosie Mills


The Women’s Ministry will host a ministry fair for all ladies on Sunday, February 17, following the morning worship service, to introduce our approved events and activities planned for 2019. The event will also include a light lunch. This is your opportunity to get connected and to use your gifts in teaching, organizing, hospitality, music/worship, publicity, registration, encouragement, food, childcare etc. by signing up to help with an event or activity. We look forward to seeing women of all ages, including the young ladies of the church, as we grow in faith and strengthen relationships with each other and with God.


Plans are underway for the Women’s spring conference! Our special guest speaker will be Stacey Salsbery. Stacey is a writer, blogger, farmer’s wife, and full-time mother of four. Or as she likes to say, President of Home Operations. Her favorite thing in the world, besides a morning cup of coffee and a good long run, is diving deep into God’s word at where she weekly gives readers a challenging, yet practical, personal, and let’s just be honest, often humorous devotional, with her unquenchable passion for the Scriptures. Stacey has had her writing published by Proverbs 31 Ministries and (in)courage and is thankful beyond words for the ministry God has given her. *Watch for more details coming soon!



Please see the summary below for our committed 2019 spending. We also plan a 30 Pieces of Silver collection on Easter Sunday to support the Kokomo Women’s Shelter. Those lines highlighted are the missions which were impacted by a reduction in our monthly commitment from 2018 to 2019. All supported missions have been notified of the commitment for 2019.

The Christmas Tree Giving in December 2018 resulted in $300 for Buddy Bags. Thank you for your giving in that mission.

Thank you also for your continued support of the missions we sponsor through your prayers, cards of encouragement, and your tithes! All of our missions are greatly appreciative of your continued support!

Missions Team Leader, Carol Talbert

2019 APPROVED MISSIONS BUDGET $23,000.002019 Missions Proposed Spending (Projected through Dec. 2019) ANNUAL MONTHLY

CMF-Nick & Amanda Dunn $1,200.00 $ 100.00

Alexander Christian Foundation $1,200.00 $ 100.00

IDES $2,400.00 $ 200.00

Kokomo Rescue Mission $3,000.00 $ 250.00

Abby Alter-NMSI $2,100.00 $ 175.00

One 17 International-Curtis & Bethany Stout $1,800.00 $ 150.00

Haiti Christian Mission-Choubert Remy $1,800.00 $ 150.00

Living Alternatives $1,200.00 $ 100.00

The Ark Christian Ministries (not camper assistance funds) $3,600.00 $ 300.00

Pub Theology $1,800.00 $ 150.00

New Leaf Mentoring $ 600.00 $ 50.00

Russiaville Food Pantry (Waddell’s gift cards) $1,200.00 $ 100.00



Members: Paul & Martha O’Blenis, Jack Talbert, Donna Walden, and Carol Talbert

2019 Commitment (24% reduction from 2018)

Attendance/Tithing Dec. 2018/Jan. 2019

M a i n S t r e e t C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h


Date Last Year’s Average: 123

Last Year’s Average: 87

Weekly Budget Needs:


December 23, 2018 147 97 $4,381.00

December 30, 2018 102 79 $2,829.10

January 6, 2019 118 88 $5,404.52

January 13, 2019* 74 66 $1,938.00

January 20, 2019* 61 n/a $2,389.00

January 27, 2019 n/a n/a n/a

220 West Main Street PO Box 155 Russiaville, IN 46979

Office: 765-883-5265 Fellowship Building: 765-883-7613 Email:

Grow in Jesus Christ ~ Encourage the Discouraged Magnify the Lord ~ Seek the Lost

Sunday School ~ 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship ~ 10:30am Senior Pastor: Steve Bishop Associate/Youth Minister: Ryan Mills

Church Secretary: Carrie Mills Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday ~ 8:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 3:30pm

PASTORAL TEAM Home Cell Steve Bishop 883-7793 (863) 446-2234 Ryan Mills 210-7719 Alan Anderson 854-0145 438-4824 Connie Maugans 453-4861 459-3941 (work) 437-1353 (cell)

*Bad Weather