CIDRA CARL THRIVE · • A facility...

Post on 30-May-2020

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City Deal Overview:





City Deal: Innovation & Digital

National Impact

Complementary to

Other City Deals

Critical Mass

Global Markets


World Class


Centre for Industrial

Digitalisation, Robotics

and Automation (CIDRA)

Prof. T.M. McGinnity and Dr. J. Quinn

CIDRA Addresses Major Impending Challenges for Industry and Commerce and helps prepare for

Industry 4.0 – the next industrial revolution

• Artificial intelligence• Robotics• Automation• Industrial Internet of Things • Industrial digital


Impending Technological Change for Industry and Commerce

Current Status

Across the North West region within each council area 11% to 20% of all jobs are in manufacturing industry

Around 25,000 manufacturing jobs in the North West region and industry needs support to remain competitive

Innovation and Productivity are the ultimate challenges and critical for company survival –CIDRA will facilitate companies to achieve this.

What will CIDRA do? #1

• A source of advanced expertise in the five core technologies in an industrial and commercial context for the benefit of N.I industry

• A template model factory demonstrating agile manufacturing, integrating artificial intelligence, IIoT, robotics, automation, and digital communications into industrial manufacturing process

• A facility to allow industry, to see, evaluate and gain hands-on experience in terms of what digital technologies can do for their company (a Digital Transformation Demonstrator)

• A facility for evaluation of designs, rapid implementation and testing of prototypes

• A facility for continuous professional development and skills upgrading for the existing workforce

What will CIDRA do? #2

A testbed for research and development in industrial digitalisation, robotics and automation for manufacturing and commerce.

A Centre that builds upon the extensive expertise in artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics in the Centre of Excellence in Intelligent Systems at UU Magee campus (the Intelligent System Research Centre)

Addresses innovation challenges with the option for industry to be part of the delivery, thus accelerating new skills gained through accredited professional development

A regional hub from where University-Industry partnerships can be grown

A location for ongoing technological developments in partnership with industry and commerce – not just manufacturing industry.

CARL:Cognitive Analytics Research Lab

Peter DevineHead of Strategic Partnerships

Introduction to CARL

Building upon Ulster’s strength of 15 year history in Artificial Intelligence at ISRC Magee CARL is an industry focussed research centre, applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics across multiple domains:

• Health

• Financial Technology

• Advance Manufacturing / Energy

• Media

• Civic Society and Public Policy

Process of Design Led workshops facilitated by Catalyst Inc.

• Early 2017

£4m Ulster Investment -Establishment of CARL as NI's first Data Analytics Institute

• March 2017

As part of a competitive selection process, Ulster selected to join the BBC data science research partnership with 7 other UK universities

• September 2017

New Courses

• MSc Data Science Sep 2017

• Undergraduate degree in AI Sep 19

£5m philanthropic Donation George Moore Chair in Data Analytics

• October 2018

£18m joint application with CSIT and CARL to Strength in places fund

• July 2018

£30m CARL Business plan to Invest NI for Industry lead research centre

• October 2018

£22m SoC to Derry City Deal for CARL capital build.

CARL Belfast to be based in new Greater Belfast site

• October 2018

Turing institute and HartreeCentre

• Turing Report review of AI research in NI June 2019

• Hartreeworkshops and MoU October 2019

Strategically aligned with government policy

2016 2017 2018 2019

Why the hype over Data analytics and AI?


• Huge level of support and pull from industry in workshops/meetings/visits

• Sectors include: Healthcare; Fintech; Media; Advanced Manufacturing; Energy; Civic / Public (DfE DfC)

• Founding partners include: Seagate; Allstate; Kainos; Analytics Engines; Fujitsu; United Healthcare/Optum; Pramerica

Alignment with industry needs

CARL will emulate the

success Northern Ireland

has seen in Cyber and

Fintech to establish

Northern Ireland as a

global leader in the field

of Data Analytics and AI

Vision for CARL

CARL Core Research


Analytics Skills

•Departmental PhDs

•Industry Funded PhDs

•Level 8 Apprenticeships

•Skills Academies

•STEM promotion

Analytics Training

•MSC programmes

•Industry placements

•Entrepreneurs in Residence

Industry Advisory



•Common industry problems

Collaborative R&D

•Contract Research

•Grand Challenge

•Deep Exploration

•Common, applied problems

Tools & Infrastructure

•Open Access Tools

•Proprietary Tools

•Two Way Secondments

•Cross Sector Pollination


•IP Licensing

•Spin Outs

•Spin Ins

Health Research InstitutePartners:Ulster University Northern Ireland Graduate Entry Medical School (NIGEMS), Ulster University Northern Ireland Centre for Stratified Medicine, Centre for Personalised Medicine, Clinical Decision Making & Patient Safety; C-TRIC & WHSCT

Professor Tony Bjourson (Ulster University) & Professor Aaron Peace (WHSCT)



Right Treatment - Right Person - Right TimePeople Living Longer - Need to Live Well for Longer

Setting the Context…..

Personalised Medicine – a Global Priority !For Disease Prevention - Better Diagnosis – Better Treatment

• Globally 30-50% Patients don’t respond to a given treatment

• Elderly Globally – largest users of healthcare & prescription drugs

• Number people over 85 could increase by 58% by 2020

• Number people over 75 could increase by 40% by 2020 - 30% of population could be concurrently on 5-10 medicines.

• Prescribing cascade in the elderly (polypharmacy) – demands on healthcare rising


Contract Research

(e.g. GMI)


Clinical Trials






Northern Ireland Centre for Stratified MedicineIncorporating Centre for Personalised Medicine

• Where are we located?• Who we are?• What have we achieved? £11.5M Centre of Excellence Opened - October 2013

Altnagelvin Hospital


Northern Ireland Centre for Stratified Medicine(based at C-TRIC)


C-TRIC Company Partnership Model

• >70 Ulster University Researchers based in C-TRIC (15 Academic staff, 18 Post Doc Researchers,30 PhD Research-students & support staff

• Magee Expansion- 100 Stratified Medicine Undergraduate students

• Coordinate £26M Personalised Medicine Research Grants currently.

• £ Multimillion Commercial contracts – Jobs Created

A Driver for Precision Medicine……

Dark Hedges, County Antrim (Przemyslaw Zdrojewski)

Innovation Research Centers for Sustainability:• Centre for Pediatric Cancer (£10.5M)

Dr Kyle Matchett

• Centre for Neuromuscular Disease (9.5M)Dr Stephanie Duguez

• Centre for Personalised Medicine & Multimorbidity (£7.5M)Professor Tony Bjourson

• Research & Innovation in Quality Improvement Institute RIQII (£9M)Dr Anne Kilgallen

• Centre for Vascular Medicine (£9.8M)Professor Aaron Peace, Dr Victoria McGilligan

• Centre for Neuropsyciatric Research Dr Elaine Murray, Dr Paula McClean

• Personalised Medicine Data Analytics Centre (£5M)Drs Watterson, Shukla, Duddy, Zhang-Collaborative with CARL

• Heath Improvement Products Development Centre (£5M) All NICSM Staff & Collaborative with CIDRA

What will THRIVE (HRI) do?1. Spade-ready research centres of excellence….

The Research Arm of Medical SchoolBased at:

• Altnagelvin - C-TRIC - Secondary Care Focus

• Magee: New Health Research -Primary & Community Focus

• Recruitment Clinics-Strabane-Derry GP Hubs

• Mobile Clinic Vehicles

Business & Community Innovation for Sustainability:

• Community-Owned Health CompanyModelled on the financial services credit Union

• Genomics Medicine Ireland (GMI) PartnershipsGenomic sequencing contract research

• IT/Data Health Company PartnershipsPharma, Diagnostics, Data analytics, Healthcare Sectors

• Company Creation & Spin-insAPP and decision tool development

• New High-Value Jobs – contract research(Research-Teaching-Commercial)

What will THRIVE do?2. Spade-ready commercial projects….

Integrate with NIGEMSTeaching & Skills Development for Sustainability……..

• Medical Degree (Graduate Entry-NIGEMS)(New Course 2021 intake?)

• BSc(Hons) Personalised Medicine (initiated in 2014)

• BSc in Medical/Health Informatics(currently under development)

• PgCert/Diploma/MSc Personalised Medicine• (initiated in 2014)

• Physicians Associates Postgraduate Diploma(initiated in 2016-relocate to Magee Jan 2020)

• Master’s in Medicine ( Psychiatry)(under consideration)

• MSc Integrated Community Healthcare & Leadership(under consideration)




What will THRIVE do?3. Spade-ready Taught Courses….

Train the next generation of Doctors & skilled staff in personalised medicine, health data analytics, healthcare policy & economics