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Web Basics for Seniors

Part 1Move That Mouse

Participant’s Package

October 2010

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Original work by Toronto Public Library. The support of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Citizenship,

Culture and Recreation and of the Government of Canada through Industry Canada is acknowledged.

Move That Mouse

Workshop Outline

Lesson 1: Move that mouse.Click on links.Use the Internet Explorer tool bar.

Stretch & Relax

Lesson 2: A little bit of theory.What is the Internet?What do I need to know about the screen?

Lesson 3: Click and drag.Scroll up and down the page.Explore a web site.

Stretch & Relax

Wrap-Up and Questions

Practice of your choice

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Move that Mouse

1. Keep the mouse resting on the desk or mouse pad

2. Cup your hand over the mouse

3. Rest your index finger on the left mouse button but do not press on the button

4. Rest your wrist and forearm on the desk

5. Move the mouse left and right, up and down on the mouse pad and watch the pointer on the screen

6. Keep the mouse pointing forward

Shows your location on the screen

Appears over text or when waiting for typing

Shows that the computer is busy working

Shows that you are on a link and can click to go to that information. When you see the pointing hand, it’s time to click lightly and quickly

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on the left mouse button with your index finger while keeping the mouse still with your thumb and other fingers.

The Internet

The Internet is an international network of networks. A network is a group of computers linked together to share information (the word Internet is a contraction of “international” and “network”). Individuals access the Internet when they connect their personal computer to a network through an Internet Service Provider (a company that will connect you to the Internet for a fee). Once your computer is connected to the Internet, your computer can “talk” to other computers all over the world, much like our telephone systems allow us to talk to one another.

The World Wide Web is a part of the Internet. It started in 1989 when a researcher named Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). Once web pages were created using HTML, it became much easier to move around the information by pointing and clicking, and it also became possible to link any web page to numerous others. This system of interlinked documents is known as “hypertext”. Web pages can contain text, images, sound, and video.

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Open a Web Browser

click on the black Start button

click on the Toronto Public Library link

Note: Another Internet browser, Mozilla Firefox, is also available on library computers. To use it, click the Start button in the bottom left corner, then Mozilla Firefox.

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Navigating the Web Using Internet Explorer

Title Bar Menu Bar Address Box Tool Bar Google Search Shortcut box

The library uses Internet Explorer as its browser. There is the option of using a different browser, Mozilla Firefox, on Toronto Public Library workstations.

BACK Click to go back one screen

FORWARD Click to go forward one screen (after you have gone BACK). Note that when buttons are “greyed out” or “ghosted”, they are not available at that screen.

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REFRESH Click if a page is taking a long time to load.

STOP Click to stop the computer from loading a web page.

FAVORITES This feature is not available on library workstations. On your computer at home, you can save the websites you visit frequently.

HOMEClick to return to the Library’s menu. Any page can be made “Home” or a web page to which you return often.

Mouse Practice

Practice pointing and clicking and using the BACK and FORWARD arrows to explore the web site of Doris McCarthy, a local artist. Type the web site address in the address box in the browser. Don’t forget to press ENTER after you’ve completed typing the exact address:

click once on the Electronic Gallery button click once (quickly and lightly) on any painting click once on the BACK button click on another painting and then click BACK click on another “room” on the list at the left of the screen to view more paintings click on FORWARD after clicking on BACK

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When you click on the link (don’t forget your pointer will turn into a hand) “Electronic Gallery”, the page of the web site looks like this:

Click to go BACK Click to go to a Click to view aRoom of paintings painting

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Stretch and Relax!

Take frequent breaks when working at the computer. While working, you are sitting in an unnatural position, reaching for the mouse, and staring at the screen. Every 10 or 15 minutes:

1. Look away from the computer screen.2. Stand up (if you like) and stretch your shoulders.3. Gently roll your head to relieve neck strain.4. Shake hands out gently, and open and close your


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“Healthy” Web Resources

www.ergocise.comErgonomic exercises to do at your computer.

www.canadian-health-network.caNational information funded by Health Canada. good place to start for health information on the Internet. to many web sites on health, medicine, and fitness.

www.heartandstroke.caThe latest news, tips, and health quizzes.

www.rxlist.comInformation on prescription drugs in plain English.

Click and Drag

click once anywhere inside the address box the current address should be highlighted in bluepress the DELETE key once type the new address

press ENTER to go to JigZonemove mouse over a picture and click on: 6 Piece Classic

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Click and Drag:point to a puzzle piece, click on the left mouse button and hold the mouse button downmove or drag the puzzle piece to fit with another the pieces will join together if they are the right fit for a new puzzle, click on “More puzzles”


Method #1

Click the Up Arrow once to move up one line

Click the Down Arrow once to move down one line

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Method #2

Click and scroll the scroll bar or “elevator” up and down by holding the left mouse button as you drag

Method #3: Use the scroll wheel on the mouse

Method #4: Use the Up and Down arrows on the keyboard

Method #5: Use the Page Up and Page Down arrows on the keyboard

Method #6: Press Ctrl Home or Ctrl End

Additional Websites to try if time allows:1.

Type “minimum wage” in the search box to find out new increase.


Find out the weather in Vancouver.

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Today we learned to:

move the mouse click on links use the Internet Explorer tool bar type in a web address

Then we talked about:

the World Wide Web more on the Internet Explorer screen

Finally, we covered:

how to click and drag how to scroll up and down a page how to explore a web page

Books about the Internet

Internet and email for the over 50s by Bob Reeves. McGraw Hill, 2010.

Internet for the older and wiser: get up and running safely on the web by Adrian Arnold. Wiley, 2009.

Macs for seniors for dummies by Mark L. Chambers. For Dummies, 2009.

Using the internet safely for seniors for dummies by Linda Criddle. Wiley Publications, c2009.

The internet for beginners: Internet Explorer 7 by Web Wise Seniors.Web Wise Seniors, 2008. Large Print.

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Practice of Your ChoiceMouse skill

Keyboard - Online typing

Keybr - Online keyboarding



Peter's Online Typing Course

Power Typing

Touch typing games are fun on this site.

Typing Exercise


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ONLINE RESOURCESLearn more about the World Wide Web on the web. The following web sites provide information and guided tutorials about all aspects of the Internet. Type the address into the top address box.

The HelpWeb: a Guide to Getting Started on the - Imaginary Landscapes

Internet for Beginners – About, Inc.

Learn the Net: an Internet Guide and Tutorial (available in French & Spanish)www.learnthenet.comPublisher - Learn the Net

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