Civil Protection Guide - Test

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Civil Protection Guide - Test


Civil Protection Tutorial

OOC (Out of character) matters which you, as a player, need to know

Before we can start this tutorial firstly you will need to learn the standard lore and procedures of our server. Don’t worry I will provide you with a link:

Ready? Well if you’ve gone through it and know most of it then it’s time to proceed.

Basic knowledge

Well firstly let me thank you for taking a part of your time to read this guide and congratulate you on achieving the whitelist and earning our trust. I’m sure it will be hard for you at the beginning but you will manage to get over it and achieve great things.

Again, let me remind you that Civil Protection isn’t a whitelist which you can abuse to be or feel “higher than the other players” OOC-ly. That means that we don’t want to see you messing with a player IC for and OOC matter, either citizen nor cp (civil protection). I will give you an example of what I find possible on those kind of situations.

In these examples I will use our current lore, unit taglines (defender-4 or jury-6) and intention(i5 or i3). If there is a player who actually has those taglines, no offence intended and this example has nothing to do with you.

C17.i5:DEFENDER-4 : <:: We should screen Diordna. ::>

C17.i3:JURY-6 : <:: We just screened it yesterday ::>

C17.i3:JURY-6 : .// Why do u always want to screen or do something all the time?

C17.i5:DEFENDER-4 : .// are you kidding? Yesterday we found a rebel in there, I’m not risking it again

C17.i3:JURY-6 : .// It just kills rp, and I think citizens are just tired of screening every hour a damn building.

A group of 3 citizens walk by the units and then stops and start talking*

C17.i5:DEFENDER-4 : <:: Isolate! ::>

Bob ‘Grey’ Hemmingway : .// edgy i5

C17.i5:DEFENDER-4 : .// stfu

C17.i5:DEFENDER-4 : <:: Baldie (Bob), face the wall! !

Bob ‘Grey’ Hemmingway faces the wall

C17.i5:DEFENDER-4 .// don’t tell me how to do my job

C17.i3:JURY-6: .// ffs

(In this scenario the unit C17.i5:DEFENDER-4 showed a bit of aggression in LOOC (Local Out of Character) and tried to push his IC dominance because of an OOC matter.) This unit (C17.i5:DEFENDER-4) will be a target to the admins if he continues this behavior , however the other unit(C17.i3:JURY-6) already saw the kind of role-player he is, the citizens as well and this will create more and more disrespect to the workforce.

A common mistake made by the new ‘enforcers’ which just got their whitelists is : C17.i5:DEFENDER-4 : <:: We should screen Diordna. ::> ; C17.i3:JURY-6 : <:: We just screened it yesterday ::>. This is known as the ‘fun police syndrome’ (I actually called it like that). Let me clarify that for you.

The fun police syndrome

The fun police syndrome is commonly seen at the ordinary starting units. Every unit which has just started and joined the workforce, tries to act as properly and as perfect they can. During this, they gain some experience and some confidence in themselves which often the power takes over their minds. For example: a group of i5’s (first intention rank / starter) join and ask dispatch for directives, if no dispatch or any higher unit isn’t online, the i5’s try to keep the whole city safe by themselves, they forget the fact that they don’t get any kind of fire weapons at i5 but still commence random searches, sweep in apartment blocks and 404 zones as well as beating citizens randomly and periodically.

Let me remind you that Civil Protection does not operate this way. You do not run around all the time, acting like a robot, doing this and solving that. You’re a human, make some time for your character, help him rest, drink or eat, get to know your partners do some passive role-play because this may and

will actually kill rebel rp. Oh you think this is good right? Keeping the citizens at bay all the time. Well let me clarify what actually happens:

You and possibly more units, when coming online start to do sweeps and go on beating random citizens, searching them as well => finding possible contraband => no more supplies for the rebels => no more good action for civil protection => You will just patrol, sweep, beat, search citizens => Your Intention upgrades will go null because of no actual CE boost from dispatch because apparently we do not need to sweep the sewers anymore because the rebels or possible anti-citizens didn’t have materials to get a gas mask either any kind of weapon to change the politi-stabilization from stable to at marginal.

You will all just stay in the same dull rotation all the time. I’m not telling you to cease any kind of act of beating or start to act as a good cop, following all the rules and not beating up citizens at all but give them a bit of space, say “Isolate!” only if there is a large amount of citizens gathered at one point and the socio-stability is at stake. Don’t search or beat citizens too often, we’re indeed civil protection but that does not mean we have to stop every case of citizen role-play.

Basic training !


SpinE : “ Welcome to basic training, unit! Me and Ignis will teach you the basic protocols which every newbie has to learn to at least raise from their current level. You’re currently a retard. We do not accept retards in the force, so sit your ass down because we will go through some standard routines. “

You dum dum probably now wonder: “Oh! Why don’t I have a stunstick just like in HL2?” well because you will have to go all your way to the armory and grab one from the vendor. If your lost in this maze of a nexus then call an admin or ask a fellow admin and be a wuss or be a man and go and explore the castle (just kidding, seriously you can ask some of the 10-7 units or some admins for directions if you do not know the map).

Finally you achieved your greatest goal, acquiring a weapon. Now, if you wonder how to use it, you will need to equip it from your inventory. Simply press TAB then go to INVENTORY then right click directly on

the stunstick item or left click and left click again ‘equip’. Like this…

And proceed on selecting it with the mouse wheel. Like this…

And to activate it (flick it on), you will need to press and hold ‘R’. It will look something like this…

Alright, I’m already getting tired of explaining this crap so I will let Ignis continue with this training…”

Ignis : “ Alright faggots. Listen up. Once you create your character you will be given various script items, such as a handheld radio , you will need to set up the radio through the following steps. Don't bother asking nearby protection units for the radio frequency, it is accessed by the command '/viewobjectives'

--this is a menu that displays hand-written informational data and just happens to be the location of the required frequency. After noting down the frequency in your head, you will proceed to apply it to your radio through the command '/setfreq' followed by the frequency. After this objective's completion, you shall type '/radio'

And write “// test”, just to make sure you haven't made a mistake. Remember your actual radio is IC'ly accessed via a button on the side of your mask by the ear albeit the script item is a handheld radio--do not let others attempt to 'steal' it because that does not work; also remember not to give away the frequency to anyone, if they are a unit they should be able to access if themselves and if they are a citizen, ignore them entirely. Got it? Good. Continue SpinE! “

SpinE : “ What? Ugh….right, okay. After that you may encounter some ugh… situations in which you will have to write on some data on a citizens profile. So firstly you will have to write ‘/datafile citizen_name’ Like this…

After you press enter a box will pop up, showing the ID , status and a lot of valuable info about the citizen you were searching.

You will have to proceed on writing down some data inside like loyal acts or criminal acts….or other stuff as well and… “

Ignis : “ The commands '/viewdata' and '/datafile' must be used in conjunction with each other--so, whenever you use '/datafile', you must use '/viewdata'.

These commands are used for adding in verdict or loyalty points; the menus on them are self-explanatory.

As long both are filled in, there will be no mistakes and your family will still be intact rather than a pulp laying against an apartment room's wall. ”

SpinE : “ I was actually explaining this…”

Ignis : “ I didn’t like the way you explained it. ”

SpinE : “ Ok. This concludes basic training. Good luck in the field unit. ”

Ignis : “ Ignorance is strength; war is peace; freedom is slavery; inaction is conspiracy. “


How to act accordingly to your intention upgrade

I5 (civil-intention five)

Alright, firstly forget previous hl2 civil protection habits. As a 'civil-intention five' you will be assigned to various minor tasks that require to be met--nothing that requires the removal of major anti-social infections, that's for the higher intentions. Remember that the 'civil-intention' grants no authority over another, only rank leaders have that privilege. You will be not that trustable in the eyes of Dispatch, the overwatching advisory entity, and other protection units as they have little knowledge about your inner mind workings. So, you must act not as a sadistic individual that slaughters a citizen for simply running; but instead as a hard-working labourer to preserve our benefactors' interests in and around your assigned metroplex. Forget previous experiences from other communities, we are different. Have a look at the typical metro cop from Half-Life 2, you will see a big difference. You must use correct terminology when transmitting over the radio, always try to make the right decisions, don't ask permission for everything - only when required, never patrol alone, don't capitalize certain words ever unless if you are shouting loudly and act like the bully at the school. After all, you have the power. Remember that all standard roleplay rules apply; don't be the pacifistic wimp, you joined and expected to beat; don't be the complete idiot, the application processes made sure of that you were fit for duty; remember to get the guide into your head, you had to use it for the application and should be seen as the protection bible; and don't forget that you are anonymous so you can get away with anything if you're not being looked at so you might be able to get away with a lot of things but perhaps with a cost if discovered.

I4 (civil-intention four)

The 'civil-intention four' is the one above five, this is where you are given a general purpose pistol, the HK USP-Match. From here you will be slightly trusted a bit more than intention fives although you will still be undermined by many. You have the ability to participate in TAG sweeps should there not be enough protection-team members to fill the slots, after all you are new with this weapon, probably, and so will have trouble trying to shoot straight, especially in the darkness illuminated by a blinding flashlight. You must still act like a bully though, standard intention five rules still apply although they are slightly relaxed, however don't anticipate yourself to be loaded with more civil-effort credits, those are only for doing your job correctly and not just because you have a lower number than another unit. Same goes with punishments, you will still be punished as equally as an intention five, so don't mess up or it'll be your family on the line.

I3 (civil-intention three)

'Civil-intention three' is almost an entire new level. You still have the pistol but you're guaranteed to be in a TAG sweep unless if there is an excess of intention twos. Most intention five rules still apply although you can just about get away with minor things. You are currently in the middle of the intention-grade structure and so will be trusted more by others. However, if you screw up majorly you should expect a worse punishment due to you the fact that you should know better.

I2 (civil-intention two)

‘Civil-intention two' is near the end of the intention-grade structure. You will have close to upmost respect from other protection units below you and trust from Dispatch although your opinion may not exactly matter to it. Rules are slightly relaxed although your expectations shouldn't need to faulter otherwise punishments may be required to be handed out. You also are given a general purpose submachine gun, the HK MP5K/MP7/MP7A1. You will be untrained in this weapon so unless if you've had previous experience, don't expect to be a good shot as these weapons have a lot of recoil even if they're compact. Punishments for major mess ups will be not as bad but don't expect to get away with it.

I1 (civil-intention one)

'Civil-intention one' is the final intention-grade achievable unless if you opt for rank leader. Rules will be relaxed slightly more although you are expected to act more of a bully that bullies another bully, however your power is still nothing more than an intention five albeit more experience on your part. Dispatch's trust for you is sublime and your opinion is valued. Expect to face hardly harsh consequences

for major mess ups unless they endanger high-priority personnel, i.e. administrator, transhuman soldier, intention one rank leader, etc.


I will give you a couple of examples of units I’ve seen through my past experience.

The brutal unit (the one which had a rough past) : This one is the most common type of unit I meet. They’re usually the first ones which catch ‘the fun police syndrome’. They’re usually the ones which you always see acting edgy, beating up random citizens as well as searching them when they feel like it. You usually find him as the trigger-happy or the one which has no patience and spams the voice commands. (COMMON SEEN UNIT)

The optimist unit (the one which tries to do everything): This civil protection unit is the one which learned the guide perfectly and tries to do everything according to the book. He is usually the guy which reports his status very often and uses only codes through the radio. He is casually known as the unit which always wants to join a sweep and serves the union by following its orders, mostly putting his life at risk. (OCCASIONALLY SEEN UNIT)

The scared unit (the one which joined to have a better life): This unit is the one which joined civil protection just to protect his family members and enjoy the rewards. He is usually the most less brutal unit you will find in a patrol team. He refuses and looks away during every re-education. This unit usually end up having a minor memory replacement. (ALMOST RARE SEEN UNIT)

The rebellious unit (the one which ‘steals from the rich to give to the poor’): This is a rarely seen unit. Mostly because of the fact that most of the cps are scared of losing their whitelists. Those guys are RP veterans which usually steal high grade ration packages and give it to their friends from the city or to the rebels. They usually end up being tagged autonomous and going rogue or having a major memory replacement (THIS IS A RARELY SEEN UNIT)

Well, this concludes our guide, good luck in the field.

This guide was made by:

SpinE & Ignis