Civil War Jeopardy StudentsTeachers Game BoardPoliticsSlaveryCompromisesFighting Grab Bag 100 200...

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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Civil War Jeopardy

Students Teachers

Game Board

PoliticsPolitics SlaverySlavery CompromisesCompromises FightingFighting Grab BagGrab Bag

100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

Let’s PlayFinal Challenge

Students Teachers

Game Board

This new political party emerged in the 1850s. It opposed the expansion of slavery and

supported economic development.

100The Republicans

Politics for 100

Students Teachers

Game Board

What allowed Abraham Lincoln to win the 1860 presidential election?200

There were a total of 4 candidates. Since the Democrats could not

decide on just one, both Douglas and Breckinridge ran, which divided Democratic voters.

Politics for 200

Students Teachers

Game Board

How did the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford

limit the legal actions of abolitionists?300

In ruling that Congress could not outlaw slavery in a state or

territory (i.e. overturning the MO Compromise), it became

impossible to outlaw slavery nationwide without a

constitutional amendment.

Politics for 300

Students Teachers

Game Board

Why did northerners oppose admitting Missouri as a state until

the Missouri Compromise?400Admitting Missouri, a slave state, would have given slave states an

advantage in the U.S. Senate.

The Missouri Compromise maintained this balance by also admitting Maine as a free state.

Politics for 400

Students Teachers

Game Board

How many electoral votes did Lincoln win from southern states

in the election 1860?500Zero

Politics for 500

Students Teachers

Game Board

True or False… Most southern whites owned slaves.100


Only 25% of southern whites owned slaves. Most were too poor to buy


Slavery for 100

Students Teachers

Game Board

What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?200It freed the slaves in the

Confederate states.

Slavery for 200

Students Teachers

Game Board

According to Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address, what was the original purpose of the Civil War?300To preserve the Union

Slavery for 300

Students Teachers

Game Board

True or False... Lincoln believed in racial equality.400

False… In his 1858 speech in the Lincoln-Douglas debates, he said that he did not believe blacks and whites were intellectually equal.

Slavery for 400

Students Teachers

Game Board

What power did Lincoln use to issue the Emancipation

Proclamation?500Commander in Chief

(War Powers)

Slavery for 500

Students Teachers

Game Board

What compromise outlawed slavery in the Louisiana Territory north of

the line 36º30’?100The Missouri Compromise

Compromises for 100

Students Teachers

Game Board

How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act deal with the slavery issue?200

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed the Kansas and Nebraska

territories to decide the slavery issue through popular sovereignty

(by voting).

Compromises for 200

Students Teachers

Game Board

Other than outlawing slavery north of the line 36º30, what did the

Missouri Compromise do?300Maine was admitted to the Union as a free state and Missouri entered as

a slave state.

Compromises for 300

Students Teachers

Game Board

Identify the four parts of the Compromise of 1850 that dealt

with slavery?400The Compromise of 1850

• California admitted as a free state.

• Slave trade (but not slavery) banned in Washington, D.C.

• Utah and New Mexico territories to decide slavery through popular sovereignty

• The Fugitive Slave Act passed

Compromises for 400

Students Teachers

Game Board

What violent event was a direct result of the Kansas-Nebraska

Act?500“Bleeding Kansas”

Compromises for 500

Students Teachers

Game Board

This was the name of the Union’s strategy of suffocating the

Confederacy through a naval blockade, controlling the

Mississippi River, and marching across the deep South.100The Anaconda Plan

Fighting for 100

Students Teachers

Game Board

What made Sherman’s March to the Sea militarily effective?200

By waging total war & using scorched earth tactics, Sherman’s

troops made life very uncomfortable for southern civilians and destroyed any

resources that would have been useful to the Confederate army.

Fighting for 200

Students Teachers

Game Board

Identify the one battle that is widely seen as a “turning point” in the

Civil War?300Gettysburg



Fighting for 300

Students Teachers

Game Board

Identify the first battle of the Civil War?400First Battle: Fort Sumter

Fighting for 400

Students Teachers

Game Board

What made the Civil War so bloody?500

New Weapons + Old Tactics = Death

The armies used Napoleonic tactics (like head-on charges over open ground), but new weapons (such as pointed bullets, spiral-bored rifles, and artillery shells) made this almost suicidal.

Fighting for 500

Students Teachers

Game Board

What was the main goal of John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry,

VA?100John Brown hoped to use the

weapons he seized to start a massive slave rebellion that would

eventually lead to the end of slavery.

Grab Bag for 100

Students Teachers

Game Board

Who was the most famous “conductor” on the Underground

Railroad?200Harriet Tubman

Grab Bag for 200

Students Teachers

Game Board

Identify a famous abolitionists.300There were many abolitionists but

some famous ones include…

• William Lloyd Garrison

• Frederick Douglass

• Harriet Beecher Stowe

• Abraham Lincoln

• John Brown

Grab Bag for 300

Students Teachers

Game Board

Name the three major causes of the Civil War?400

1. Slavery

2. Sectionalism

3. States’ Rights

Grab Bag for 400

Students Teachers

Game Board

What was the Confederacy’s strategy for winning the Civil

War?500Fight a War of Attrition

(make it long and expensive)

Gain an alliance with Great Britain or France

Grab Bag for 500

Students Teachers

Game Board

Write Your

Final Challenge


How did Lincoln define the purpose of the war in March 1861? For the Union, how did the war’s purpose

change by January 1, 1863?

Final ChallengeEnd Game



March 1861 (Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address): The war was to “preserve the Union.”

Jan. 1863 (Emancipation Proclamation): It became war to end slavery (i.e. a war for freedom).

“Excellent Game!”

Mr. Clarke