Class Aire Residential Trip 10 – 13 March 2015 Llanberis - Wales.

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Class AireResidential Trip

10 – 13 March 2015

Llanberis - Wales

Objectives covered through the residential visit:

PE: - Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team

Geography: - Name and locate countries and cities of the UK, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features (including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers) - Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the UK - Use fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in a geographical area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs and digital technologies

Art: - use a sketchbook to record observations and use them to review and revisit ideas

When and where are we going?

Tuesday 10th March 2015 – Friday 13th March 2015 Llanberis – North Wales

Llanberis is the village most associated with Snowdon, but it originally grew up around the slate quarrying industry.

It is an area rich in history, myths and legends and has a strong cultural heritage.

Where will we be staying?

YHA Llanberis

Bedrooms are all on same level – boys at one end, girls at other. Groups of 2, 4, 6 or 8 boys/girlsmay be sharing a room.

What will we be doing?

Day 1 – Tuesday 10th March

09:00 Depart School12:00 Arrive Llanberis, Lunch13:00 Visit Slate Museum and Quarry Hospital17:00 Arrive at YHA Llanberis, 17:30 Study Period19:00 Dinner20:00 Evening Activities

Day 2 – Wednesday 11th March

08:30 – Breakfast09:00 – Visit Dolbadarn Castle11:30 – Visit Dinorwig Hydro Electic Power

Station & Tour13:00 – Lunch13:30 – Lake Walk17:30 – Return to Hostel, wash and change18:30 – Study Period19:00 – Dinner20:00 – Evening Activities

Day 3 – Thursday 12th March

8:15 – Breakfast9:00 – Depart for Plas-Y-Brenin9:45 – Arrive Plas-Y-Brenin for activity day

Plas-Y-Brenin – National Mountain Centre - Activities include: low ropes, climbing, abseiling

17:00 – Return to Hostel18:30 – Wash and change 19:00 – Dinner20:00 – Evening Activities

Day 4 – Friday 13th March

07:30 – Packing and tidying rooms08:00 – Breakfast09:00 – Depart Hostel & Shopping12:00 – Lunch12:30 – Depart Llanberis15:30 – Arrive at School