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Abu Bakr (r)Abu Bakr (r)Up to HijrahUp to Hijrah

A.S. Hashim, MDA.S. Hashim, MDFrom andFrom and

منصور صبحي احمد الدكتور

Sources of ReferenceSources of Reference

Tabaqat ibn Sa'd Tarikh ar-Rusul wa al-MulukEncyclopaedia of Islam, 1913-1936, Leidenal-Bidayah wa'an-Nihayah Life of Muhammad Sahih al-Bukhari, TabariThe Encyclopaedia of Islam."The Life of Muhammad - A translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah" by A. Guillaume, Oxford University Press, Qutayba al Dinawari. Al Imamah Wa'l Siyasa.

In this Slide ShowIn this Slide Show

Abu Bakr from birth to the HijrahAbu Bakr from birth to the HijrahLineage and Early ChildhoodLineage and Early ChildhoodEmbracing IslamEmbracing IslamInfluencing others to embrace IslamInfluencing others to embrace IslamFreeing slavesFreeing slavesAl-SiddiqueAl-SiddiqueWith the Prophet from Mecca to MedinaWith the Prophet from Mecca to Medina


Abu Bakr was born in Mecca some time in the Abu Bakr was born in Mecca some time in the year 573 CE, year 573 CE,

In the Banu Taym branch of the Quraish tribe. In the Banu Taym branch of the Quraish tribe.

His father was Uthman nicknamed Abu Quhafa, His father was Uthman nicknamed Abu Quhafa,

His mother was Selma nicknamed Umm al-Khair. His mother was Selma nicknamed Umm al-Khair.

The birth name of Abu Bakr was 'Abdullah The birth name of Abu Bakr was 'Abdullah (servant of Allah). (servant of Allah).


FatherUthman Abu Quhafa

MotherSelma Umm al-Khair

Abu Bakr

TribeBanu Taym of Quraish

TribeBanu Taym of Quraish


Abu Bakr was a thin man with fair skin.Abu Bakr was a thin man with fair skin.

A’isha in describing her father Abu Bakr is A’isha in describing her father Abu Bakr is quoted:quoted:

He was a man with fair skin, thin, emaciated, He was a man with fair skin, thin, emaciated,

with a sparse beard and a slightly hunched frame, with a sparse beard and a slightly hunched frame,

He had sunken eyes and protruding forehead, and He had sunken eyes and protruding forehead, and

the bases of his fingers were hairless.the bases of his fingers were hairless.

He earned the nickname of He earned the nickname of AtiqAtiq. .

He was born in an affluent family. He was born in an affluent family.

Early ChildhoodEarly Childhood

Abu Bakr spent his early childhood like Abu Bakr spent his early childhood like other Arab children of the time among the other Arab children of the time among the Bedouins who called themselves Bedouins who called themselves Ahlul Ahlul Ba'eer Ba'eer البعير البعير اهل ,the people of the camel, - the people of the camel -اهلIn his early years he played with the baby In his early years he played with the baby camels and his love for camels earned him camels and his love for camels earned him the nickname of Abu Bakr, the father of the the nickname of Abu Bakr, the father of the baby camel. BakrBakr means baby camel means baby camel

Early LifeEarly Life

When Abu Bakr was 10 years old he went to Syria When Abu Bakr was 10 years old he went to Syria along with his father with the merchants' caravan. along with his father with the merchants' caravan. Like other children of the affluent Meccan families, Like other children of the affluent Meccan families, Abu Bakr was literate and developed a fondness Abu Bakr was literate and developed a fondness for poetry. for poetry.

He used to attend the annual fair at Ukadh He used to attend the annual fair at Ukadh سوق سوق.and participate in poetical symposia., and participate in poetical symposia ,عكاظعكاظ

He had a very good memory and He had a very good memory and Besides, he had a good knowledge of the Besides, he had a good knowledge of the genealogy of the Arab tribes. genealogy of the Arab tribes.

Early YouthEarly Youth

At the age of 18, Abu Bakr went into trade and adopted the At the age of 18, Abu Bakr went into trade and adopted the profession of a cloth merchant which was the family's profession of a cloth merchant which was the family's business. business. In the coming years Abu Bakr traveled extensively with In the coming years Abu Bakr traveled extensively with caravans. Business trips took him to Yemen, Syria, and caravans. Business trips took him to Yemen, Syria, and elsewhere. elsewhere. These travels brought him wealth and added to his These travels brought him wealth and added to his experience. experience. His business flourished and he rose in the scale of social His business flourished and he rose in the scale of social importance. importance. Though his father Abu Quhafa was still alive, Abu Bakr was Though his father Abu Quhafa was still alive, Abu Bakr was recognized as chief of his tribe. recognized as chief of his tribe. Abu Bakr was assigned the office of awarding blood money Abu Bakr was assigned the office of awarding blood money in cases of murder. in cases of murder.

The Friendship The Friendship

When Muhammad married Khadijah Bint When Muhammad married Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid and moved to her house, he became Khuwaylid and moved to her house, he became a neighbor of Abu Bakr who lived in the same a neighbor of Abu Bakr who lived in the same area. area. That area was the quarter of Meccan aristocracy. That area was the quarter of Meccan aristocracy. Like the house of Khadijah, the house of Abu Like the house of Khadijah, the house of Abu Bakr was double storied and palatial in structure.Bakr was double storied and palatial in structure.As neighbors, Muhammad and Abu Bakr came in As neighbors, Muhammad and Abu Bakr came in contact with each other. contact with each other. Both were traders and good managers, Both were traders and good managers, Muhammad being about two years older than Muhammad being about two years older than Abu Bakr.Abu Bakr.

Embracing IslamEmbracing Islam

On his return from a business trip from Yemen, On his return from a business trip from Yemen, Abu Bakr was informed by Muhammad about Abu Bakr was informed by Muhammad about Islam. Abu Bakr declared his embrace of Islam Islam. Abu Bakr declared his embrace of Islam right away. He was about 38 yrs old.right away. He was about 38 yrs old.Abu Bakr was the first to proclaim his embrace of Abu Bakr was the first to proclaim his embrace of Islam Islam He was the first adult male to accept Muhammad's He was the first adult male to accept Muhammad's Prophethood outside Muhammad’s familyProphethood outside Muhammad’s familyThe Shi’a maintain that Abu Talib and other adult The Shi’a maintain that Abu Talib and other adult members of Muhammad's immediate family who members of Muhammad's immediate family who first embraced Islam.first embraced Islam.

Embracing IslamEmbracing Islam

Some Sunnis accept Abu Talib may have been the Some Sunnis accept Abu Talib may have been the first adult male convert, others dispute that. first adult male convert, others dispute that.

Scholars, as well as other Sunnis and all Shi'a Scholars, as well as other Sunnis and all Shi'a Muslims maintain that the first male to publicly Muslims maintain that the first male to publicly accept Muhammed as the messenger of Allah was accept Muhammed as the messenger of Allah was Ali ibn Abi Talib, Ali ibn Abi Talib,

However, Ali was still a pre-pubescent, when he However, Ali was still a pre-pubescent, when he accepted Islam. He was 10 yrs old. accepted Islam. He was 10 yrs old.

Also Abu Bakr was the first person outside the Also Abu Bakr was the first person outside the family of Muhammad to openly become a of Muhammad to openly become a Muslim.

To Recognize the TruthTo Recognize the Truth

In accepting Islam Abu Bakr has to:In accepting Islam Abu Bakr has to:1. To know the person of the Prophet

2. To evaluate the Message

3. To believe in the Message

4. To face the consequences

5. To enthusiastically spread the Message


1.1. Qutaylah Qutaylah قتيلةقتيلة :: She refused Islam, so Abu Bakr She refused Islam, so Abu Bakr divorced her. Children: Abdullah and Asmaadivorced her. Children: Abdullah and Asmaa

2.2. Umm Ruman Umm Ruman رومان رومان ام Converted to Islam. Children Converted to Islam. Children :: امAbdul Rahman and A’ishaAbdul Rahman and A’isha

3.3. Asmaa’ Bint Umais Asmaa’ Bint Umais عميس بنت عميس اسماء بنت :Children: Children :: اسماءMuhammadMuhammad

4.4. Habiba Habiba حبيبةحبيبة:: Children Umm Kulthoom (born after he Children Umm Kulthoom (born after he had died)had died)Early on all Abu Bakr’s children embraced Islam except Early on all Abu Bakr’s children embraced Islam except Abdul Rahman from whom Abu Bakr separated.Abdul Rahman from whom Abu Bakr separated.At a later date Abu Bakr’s father and son Abdul Rahman At a later date Abu Bakr’s father and son Abdul Rahman accepted Islam (just before the conquest of Mecca)accepted Islam (just before the conquest of Mecca)

Bringing others to IslamBringing others to Islam

Abu Bakr‘ brought many people to Islam. Abu Bakr‘ brought many people to Islam. He persuaded his intimate friends to convert to Islam.He persuaded his intimate friends to convert to Islam.He presented Islam to others in such a way that many of He presented Islam to others in such a way that many of his friends opted for Islam such as:his friends opted for Islam such as:

Uthman Ibn AffanUthman Ibn AffanAl-ZubayrAl-ZubayrTalhah Talhah Abdur Rahman bin AwfAbdur Rahman bin AwfSa`d ibn Abi WaqqasSa`d ibn Abi WaqqasAbu Ubaidah ibn al-JarrahAbu Ubaidah ibn al-JarrahAbu Hudhaifah ibn al-Mughirah and many othersAbu Hudhaifah ibn al-Mughirah and many others

Slavery at the timeSlavery at the time

Slavery was common in Mecca, and many slaves Slavery was common in Mecca, and many slaves accepted Islam.accepted Islam.When an ordinary free man accepted Islam, despite When an ordinary free man accepted Islam, despite opposition, he would enjoy the protection of his opposition, he would enjoy the protection of his tribe. tribe. For slaves however, there was no such protection, For slaves however, there was no such protection, and they were subjected to persecution. and they were subjected to persecution. Abu Bakr felt for these slaves, and to safeguard Abu Bakr felt for these slaves, and to safeguard them from persecution, he purchased them then set them from persecution, he purchased them then set them free. them free. Abu Bakr purchased the freedom of eight slaves, Abu Bakr purchased the freedom of eight slaves, four men and four women.four men and four women.

Slave so SavedSlave so Saved

The men slaves Abu Bakr bought then set free The men slaves Abu Bakr bought then set free were:were:

Bilal ibn Ribah Bilal ibn Ribah Abu Fakih Abu Fakih Ammar ibn Yasir Ammar ibn Yasir Abu Fuhayra Abu Fuhayra

The women were:The women were:Lubaynah Lubaynah Al-Nahdiah Al-Nahdiah Umm Ubays Umm Ubays Harithah bint al-Muammil Harithah bint al-Muammil

Persecution by QuraishPersecution by Quraish

For three years after the advent of Islam, Muslims For three years after the advent of Islam, Muslims kept secret their faith, and did not pray in public. They kept secret their faith, and did not pray in public. They used to pray twice a day, and fast on Mondays and used to pray twice a day, and fast on Mondays and Thursdays.Thursdays.When the Prophet called people to Islam in the open, When the Prophet called people to Islam in the open, Muslims were demeaned and they became the target Muslims were demeaned and they became the target for hurts and exposure to harmfor hurts and exposure to harmAbu Bakr did not escape such hurtsAbu Bakr did not escape such hurtsBecause of such treatments Because of such treatments (that Abu Bakr received at the hands (that Abu Bakr received at the hands

of Quraish),of Quraish), his mother converted to Islam. his mother converted to Islam. Insults and denigrations were common and frequent, Insults and denigrations were common and frequent, and Abu Bakr among other Muslims did not escape and Abu Bakr among other Muslims did not escape them.them.

In an attempt to go to AbyssiniaIn an attempt to go to Abyssinia

Muslims migrated to Abyssinia because of the Muslims migrated to Abyssinia because of the horrible treatment they received at the hands of horrible treatment they received at the hands of Quraish.Quraish.Abu Bakr, feeling distress, set out for Yemen with Abu Bakr, feeling distress, set out for Yemen with the intention to go to Abyssinia from there. the intention to go to Abyssinia from there. He met a friend He met a friend (chief of the Qarah tribe) (chief of the Qarah tribe) outside Mecca, outside Mecca, who invited Abu Bakr to seek his protection against who invited Abu Bakr to seek his protection against Quraish. Quraish. Abu Bakr agreed and he went back to Mecca, but Abu Bakr agreed and he went back to Mecca, but soon due to the pressure of Quraish, the protection soon due to the pressure of Quraish, the protection was withdrawn. was withdrawn. Once again Quraish were free to persecute Abu Once again Quraish were free to persecute Abu Bakr. Bakr.

Title of al-SiddîqueTitle of al-Siddîque

When Abu Bakr heard about Muhammad's Israa When Abu Bakr heard about Muhammad's Israa and Mi'raaj (night Journey), he testified to it without and Mi'raaj (night Journey), he testified to it without hesitation, hesitation,

By so testifying, he was given the title of al-By so testifying, he was given the title of al-Siddique,Siddique,

al-Siddique al-Siddique &ألصد(يق&ألصد(يق means:means:"the truthful," "the truthful,"

"the upright," or "the upright," or

"the one who counts true," due to his immediate belief of "the one who counts true," due to his immediate belief of the Isra and Mi'raj . the Isra and Mi'raj .

The Roman-Persian WarsThe Roman-Persian Wars

During the Roman-Persian Wars, the sympathies During the Roman-Persian Wars, the sympathies of the Quraish of Mecca was with the Persians of the Quraish of Mecca was with the Persians who were Zoroastrian. who were Zoroastrian. The Muslims on the other hand had their The Muslims on the other hand had their sympathies for the Byzantines sympathies for the Byzantines The Byzantines were Christians (the People of The Byzantines were Christians (the People of the Book). the Book). Verses of the Quran revealed of Surah Room:Verses of the Quran revealed of Surah Room:

with the prophesy that Byzantine (Romans) with the prophesy that Byzantine (Romans) would regain what they lost would regain what they lost and the Persians would be defeated within few and the Persians would be defeated within few years. years.


The Verses Revealed The Verses Revealed Al-Room:1-5Al-Room:1-5

ض, الم ر&. األ& .ى .د&ن أ ف,ي وم4 الر5 .ت, ,ب ,ه,م& غ4ل .ب غ.ل .ع&د, ب م,ن& و.ه4م&

4ون. ,ب .غ&ل ي .ع&د4 س. و.م,ن&ب &ل4 ق.ب م,ن& م&ر4. األ& >ه, ,ل ل ,ين. ن ,ض&ع,س, ب ف,ي

4ون. &م4ؤ&م,ن ال ح4 .ف&ر. ي Bذ, .و&م.ئ � و.ي ه� �� ل ال ه ص� ل و.ه4و. ه� اء4 .ش. ي م.ن& &ص4ر4 .ن �يح,يم4 الر> &ع.ز,يز4 ال

ALM, The Roman Empire has been defeated in a land ALM, The Roman Empire has been defeated in a land close by; but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will close by; but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious-Within a few years. soon be victorious-Within a few years.

With Allah is the Decision, in the past and in the Future: on With Allah is the Decision, in the past and in the Future: on that Day shall the Believers rejoice-With the help of Allah. that Day shall the Believers rejoice-With the help of Allah. He helps whom He will, and He is exalted in might, most He helps whom He will, and He is exalted in might, most merciful.merciful.

The Bet and the WagerThe Bet and the Wager

Over this war Abu Bakr had a wager with Ubayy bin Over this war Abu Bakr had a wager with Ubayy bin Khalf. Abu Bakr bet that the Romans would soon win.Khalf. Abu Bakr bet that the Romans would soon win.Ubayy bin Khalf bet that the Persian would remain the Ubayy bin Khalf bet that the Persian would remain the

It was decided that one who lost the wager will pay one It was decided that one who lost the wager will pay one hundred camels. hundred camels. With a decisive Byzantine victory in 627 against the With a decisive Byzantine victory in 627 against the Persians, Abu Bakr won the wager, Persians, Abu Bakr won the wager, Though Ubayy bin Khalf had died by then, his heirs Though Ubayy bin Khalf had died by then, his heirs however honored the agreement and gave Abu Bakr one however honored the agreement and gave Abu Bakr one hundred camels. hundred camels. Abu Bakr gave away all the camels as charity.Abu Bakr gave away all the camels as charity.

Migration to MedinaMigration to Medina

With arrangement and invitation of the Muslims of Medina, With arrangement and invitation of the Muslims of Medina, Muhammad ordered Muslims of Mecca to migrate to Medina. Muhammad ordered Muslims of Mecca to migrate to Medina. The migration began in batches. Ali was the last to remain in Mecca, The migration began in batches. Ali was the last to remain in Mecca,

entrusted with responsibility for returning the Trusts to its owners, entrusted with responsibility for returning the Trusts to its owners, and famously slept in the bed of Muhammad when the Quraish led by and famously slept in the bed of Muhammad when the Quraish led by Ikrima attempted to murder Muhammad as he slept. Ikrima attempted to murder Muhammad as he slept.

Meanwhile Abu Bakr accompanied Muhammad in his migration for Meanwhile Abu Bakr accompanied Muhammad in his migration for Medina. Medina. Due to the danger of the Quraish, they did not take the direct road Due to the danger of the Quraish, they did not take the direct road from Mecca to Medina. from Mecca to Medina. They moved instead in the opposite direction, and took refuge in a They moved instead in the opposite direction, and took refuge in a cave in Mount Thaur some five miles south of Mecca. cave in Mount Thaur some five miles south of Mecca.

During Migration to MedinaDuring Migration to Medina

Abdullah, son of Abu Bakr, would listen to the Abdullah, son of Abu Bakr, would listen to the plans and talks of Quraish, and at night he would plans and talks of Quraish, and at night he would carry the news to the two fugitives in the cave. carry the news to the two fugitives in the cave.

Asmaa, daughter of Abu Bakr, brought them Asmaa, daughter of Abu Bakr, brought them meals every day. meals every day.

Aamir a servant of Abu Bakr would bring a flock Aamir a servant of Abu Bakr would bring a flock of goats to the mouth of the cave every night of goats to the mouth of the cave every night where they were milked. where they were milked.

The Quranic Verse RevealedThe Quranic Verse Revealed

The Quraish sent search parties in all directions, The Quraish sent search parties in all directions, looking feverishly for the Prophet (pbuh). looking feverishly for the Prophet (pbuh). One party came close to the entrance to the cave One party came close to the entrance to the cave where they were hiding, but was unable to sight where they were hiding, but was unable to sight them. them. It is said that a spider’s web was at the mouth of It is said that a spider’s web was at the mouth of the cave, and a dove perching on her nest was at the cave, and a dove perching on her nest was at the mouth of the cave too.the mouth of the cave too.This lead to the conclusion that no one could This lead to the conclusion that no one could ever be inside the cave.ever be inside the cave.Due to this the following verse of the Quran was Due to this the following verse of the Quran was revealed:revealed:

The Quran Says: The Quran Says: [Quran 9:40][Quran 9:40]

في هما اذ اثنين ثاني كفروا الذين اخرجه اذ الله نصره فقد تنصروه االمعنا الله ان تحزن ال لصاحبه يقول اذ الغار

الذين كلمة وجعل تروها لم بجنود وايده عليه سكينته الله فانزل حكيم عزيز والله العليا هي الله وكلمة السفلى كفروا

If you will not aid him, Allah certainly aided him when those If you will not aid him, Allah certainly aided him when those who disbelieved expelled him, he being the second of the two, who disbelieved expelled him, he being the second of the two, when they were both in the cave, when he said to his when they were both in the cave, when he said to his companion: Grieve not, surely Allah is with us. So Allah sent companion: Grieve not, surely Allah is with us. So Allah sent down His tranquility upon him and strengthened him with down His tranquility upon him and strengthened him with hosts which you did not see, and made lowest the word of hosts which you did not see, and made lowest the word of those who disbelieved; and the word of Allah, that is the those who disbelieved; and the word of Allah, that is the highest; and Allah is Mighty, Wise.highest; and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

Cave of ThaurCave of Thaur

Muhammad (pbuh) and Abu Muhammad (pbuh) and Abu Bakr hid in Cave ThaurBakr hid in Cave Thaur

Cave Thaur lies 5 miles Cave Thaur lies 5 miles south of Meccasouth of Mecca

They were in hiding for 3 They were in hiding for 3 days and nightsdays and nights

Spider web and dove nest at Spider web and dove nest at the entrancethe entrance

News and food was suppliedNews and food was supplied

Abu Bakr Narration of the JourneyAbu Bakr Narration of the Journey

It is narrated from Anas from Abu Bakr he said, “I said to It is narrated from Anas from Abu Bakr he said, “I said to the Prophet when we were in the cave, the Prophet when we were in the cave, "If only they had looked under their feet we would "If only they had looked under their feet we would assuredly be seen" assuredly be seen" The Messenger answered,The Messenger answered,

" ثالثهما" اهللا باثنين بكر أبا يا ظنك "ما ثالثهما" اهللا باثنين بكر أبا يا ظنك What do you think O' Abu Bakr What do you think O' Abu Bakrماabout two people if Allah is the thirdabout two people if Allah is the third , ,

meaning God was with themmeaning God was with them . .After staying at the cave for three days and three nights, After staying at the cave for three days and three nights, Abu Bakr and Muhammad proceeded to Medina, staying Abu Bakr and Muhammad proceeded to Medina, staying for some time at Quba, a suburb of Medina. for some time at Quba, a suburb of Medina.

Abu Bakr Narration of the JourneyAbu Bakr Narration of the Journey

At last we continued the journey At last we continued the journey

And while the mushrikeen kept looking for us, not And while the mushrikeen kept looking for us, not one that could pursue one that could pursue us except Suraqah ibn us except Suraqah ibn Malik who rode his horse, Malik who rode his horse,

So I said to the Messenger of Allah, "This man So I said to the Messenger of Allah, "This man has succeded in pursuing us O' Messenger of has succeded in pursuing us O' Messenger of Allah," but he answered,Allah," but he answered,

“ معنا " اهللا ن إ ن تحز “ال معنا " اهللا ن إ ن تحز Worry not, verily Allah is with Worry not, verily Allah is withالusus. (. (

Hadiths through Abu BakrHadiths through Abu Bakr

Nawawi states that only one hundred and forty-two (142) Nawawi states that only one hundred and forty-two (142) Hadiths of the Prophet are narrated from Abu Bakr. Hadiths of the Prophet are narrated from Abu Bakr. Nawawi then comments: Nawawi then comments:

"The reason for this scarcity, despite the seniority of his "The reason for this scarcity, despite the seniority of his companionship to the Prophet, is that his death pre-dated the companionship to the Prophet, is that his death pre-dated the dissemination of Hadiths dissemination of Hadiths and the endeavor of the followers to hear, gather, and preserve and the endeavor of the followers to hear, gather, and preserve them”them”

Among Abu Bakr’s sayings: "Whoever fights his ego for Among Abu Bakr’s sayings: "Whoever fights his ego for Allah’s sake, Allah will protect Him against what He Allah’s sake, Allah will protect Him against what He abhors." abhors."

Select Sayings of Abu BakrSelect Sayings of Abu Bakr

Knowledge is the life of the mind. Knowledge is the life of the mind. If you want to control other people, first control yourself. If you want to control other people, first control yourself. God helps those who fear Him. God helps those who fear Him. Maybe a thing that you do not like is really in your Maybe a thing that you do not like is really in your interest. It is possible that a thing that you may desire interest. It is possible that a thing that you may desire may be against your interest. may be against your interest. O man you are busy working for the world, and the world O man you are busy working for the world, and the world is busy trying to turn you out. is busy trying to turn you out. Have an earnestness for death and you will have life. Have an earnestness for death and you will have life. Allah will help him who moves in the way of Allah. Allah will help him who moves in the way of Allah.

Western Writers about Abu BakrWestern Writers about Abu Bakr

Edward Gibbon Edward Gibbon wrote about Abu Bakr as:wrote about Abu Bakr as:The moderation, and the veracity of Abu Bakr The moderation, and the veracity of Abu Bakr confirmed the new religion, and furnished an confirmed the new religion, and furnished an example for invitation.example for invitation.William Montgomery Watt William Montgomery Watt writes:writes:From 622 to 632 he (Abu Bakr) was From 622 to 632 he (Abu Bakr) was Muhammad's chief adviser, but had no prominent Muhammad's chief adviser, but had no prominent public functions except that he conducted the public functions except that he conducted the pilgrimage to Mecca in 631, and led the public pilgrimage to Mecca in 631, and led the public prayers in Medina during Muhammad's last prayers in Medina during Muhammad's last illness.illness.

Western Writers about Abu BakrWestern Writers about Abu Bakr

William Muir William Muir states that:states that:Abu Bakr's judgment was sound and impartial; Abu Bakr's judgment was sound and impartial; his conversation agreeable and his demeanor his conversation agreeable and his demeanor affable and much sought after by the Quraish affable and much sought after by the Quraish and he was popular throughout the city.... The and he was popular throughout the city.... The faith of Abu Bakr was the greatest guarantee of faith of Abu Bakr was the greatest guarantee of Muhammad's sincerity in the beginning of his Muhammad's sincerity in the beginning of his career, and indeed, in a modified sense, career, and indeed, in a modified sense, throughout his life. To have such a person as a throughout his life. To have such a person as a staunch adherent of his claim, was for staunch adherent of his claim, was for Muhammad a most important step.Muhammad a most important step.

Worthy ReferenceWorthy Reference

Mu'awiya's answer to Muhammad son of Mu'awiya's answer to Muhammad son of Abu Bakr’s letter: In Arabic:Abu Bakr’s letter: In Arabic:

وبين بكر أبي ابن محمد بين جرت التي المكاتبةمعاوية

It points out how Mu’awiya considered:It points out how Mu’awiya considered:both Abu Bakr and Omar both Abu Bakr and Omar

and his evaluation of the Saqifa events in and his evaluation of the Saqifa events in regard to the Khilaafahregard to the Khilaafah

In ConclusionIn Conclusion

Abu Bakr from birth up to the Hijrah from Mecca to Medina

Abu Bakr’s lineage and childhood

During his youthful life

Abu Bakr the Muslim, influencing others

Freeing some slaves

Escaping Mecca with of the Prophet (pbuh)

The arduous journey to medina

Finally we quote the Quran:Finally we quote the Quran:

By the Token of Time By the Token of Time

Verily Man is in loss,Verily Man is in loss,

Except those who Except those who believe and do good believe and do good works, and exhort one works, and exhort one another to Truth and another to Truth and exhort one another to exhort one another to patience.patience.

ح&من, الر> الله, , م ,س& ح&من, ب الر> الله, , م ,س& ب

, ح,يم ,الر> ح,يم الر>

&ع.ص&ر, &ع.ص&ر,و.ال و.ال

, ا ,ن> , إ ا ,ن> رB الالإ خ4س& .ف,ي ل ان. رB نس. خ4س& .ف,ي ل ان. نس.

, ,إ 4وا الالإ و.ع.م,ل 4وا آم.ن >ذ,ين. 4وا ال و.ع.م,ل 4وا آم.ن >ذ,ين. ال.و.اص.و&ا و.ت ,ح.ات, .و.اص.و&ا الص>ال و.ت ,ح.ات, الص>ال

&ر, ,الص>ب ب .و.اص.و&ا و.ت Uح.ق& ,ال &ر, ب ,الص>ب ب .و.اص.و&ا و.ت Uح.ق& ,ال ب


Be in God’s CareBe in God’s Care

Dr. A.S. HashimDr. A.S. Hashim