Closing The Loops in Malmö, Sweden - Daniel Skog

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Daniel Skog, Communications Officer, Malmö, Sweden Closing the loops – sustainable systems for energy, waste and water and in the Western Harbour, Malmö, Sweden” Historically, Kockums shipyard was located in the Western Harbour which today hosts thousands of apartments and offices. The first development, Bo01, was designed to use and produce 100% locally renewable energy over the course of a year. Buildings receive energy from solar, wind and a heat pump that extracts heat from an aquifer that facilitates seasonal storage of heat and cold water in the limestone ground. The different stages in the Western Harbour have piloted different waste separation systems. Food waste is gathered in storage tanks and transported for biogas production. All areas in the Western Harbour have good access to walking paths, bike lanes, buses and car pools.


Closing the loops Western Harbour, Malmö, Sweden

100% locally renewable energy

• 1400 m2 solar collectors

• 120 m2 photo voltaics

• 2 MW Wind turbine

Heat production:

• 15% solar

• 85% heat pump

(¾ Aquifers)

(¼ Sea water)

Energy production

Energy balance


Vehicle fuel

1kg food waste =

1km car driving

All 177 city buses

on CNG/biogas

44 000 gas cars

on Swedish roads





See you in Malmö!

Daniel Skog,, City of Malmö