Coffee Add-Ins You Need To Try Now

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Coffee Add-ins You Need To Try Now

Coffee and Add-ins

• Unless if you only prefer black coffee, you’ve already tried adding and drinking ones laced with sugar, cream and cow’s milk.

• You may not know it, but people around the world add stuff into their coffee you might consider weird and taboo.

• If you’re looking for the perfect brew, you try adding the following add-ins.


• Surprisingly, some people find that adding this fragrant and tasty spice into coffee is weird.

• It is quite sweet, and contains less calories which makes it a healthier alternative compared to sugar and cream.

• Cinnamon has numerous health benefits, and can help lower cholesterol and boost your immune system.

• Try adding a stirring your coffee with a cinnamon stick instead of a spoon.


• Though unthinkable, and a mainstay in the Paleo diet crowd. However, it wasn’t introduced by the proponents: butter is added in coffee in East Asian countries.

• Milk makes coffee smooth, but butter makes it smoother. It enhances the texture and the flavor of the drink.

• Don’t add butter into your toast only – do so to your coffee as well!


• We all know how sweet honey is, and it’s the perfect sugar substitute.

• Adding honey into your coffee gives you a healthy dose of sugar and energy, allowing you to pull through the day.

• It is recommended to try out the manuka variety – it has a more distinct flavor and is known to have numerous health benefits.


• When life gives you lemons, you put the juice in your coffee.

• Although this combination seems weird, folk stories say that this combination can help quell early morning headaches.

• Though lemon provides a healthy dose of vitamin C, it is dissolved when the temperature of the coffee is hot.


• If you want to get a huge kick out of your drink, add a shot of vodka or beer into your early morning cups of coffee.

• This is practiced in Scandinavian countries, as well as in Ireland.

• Remember though, don’t drink this if you’re planning to get behind the wheel afterwards!


• No, we’re not kidding: people actually put eggs in their coffee. It is practiced in Scandinavian countries and in Vietnam.

• It doesn’t dish out a raw egg-like taste, but like butter, it makes the coffee’s texture consistent and the taste less bitter.

• Though weird, coffee + egg = a good breakfast.

Try asking any of your local coffee shop to brew you a cup of coffee with any of these
