Communicate magazine - Chris North and Anita Knowles

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Transform conference 2010 - Chris North from Further and Anita Knowles from Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust


© Further 2010

Branding an Academic Health Sciences CentreMore than intelligent design (although that’s important too)

© Further 2010

What’s an Academic Health Sciences Centre?The Department of Health’s name for the collaboration between a world-class research-led university and leading NHS teaching hospitals.

Replicating in the UK the model collaborations in such centres as Johns Hopkins in the US and Karolinska in Sweden

Creating world-class centres of research, teaching and care

Translating research from laboratory bench to the patient’s bed

© Further 2010

Who is involved?

Four proud, long established, and famous organisations

With all the (small p) politics of great academic and medical institutions

© Further 2010

Starting the process

Starting in 2007 aiming to complete the selection and validation process in 2009

Perception research, naming, brand definition and brand development very much part of the development process

Linked to the development of governance and working agreements

A small p partnership – not a takeover or a merger

The AHSC would therefore need to be both a supporting brand, and also a leading brand in its own right

© Further 2010

A brand is a living entity…the product of a thousand small gesturesNot just a logo, name or visual identity, but an organisation’s reputation and a commitment to certain standards – an impression – a promise – an experience – and a product

Brands are created in the minds of people

Existing and potential staff, customers, influencers, media, regulators, competitors – in fact everyone who comes into contact

…and your brand is delivered by every individual in and from the organisation

© Further 2010

An Academic Health Science Centre brand exists in an academic, social, political, economic, and increasingly, international context

© Further 2010

The process we follow

• Stakeholder audit

• Research as necessary – covering all main audiences

• Evaluate current brand

• Set criteria for evaluation

• Define brand

• Map brand expression and values

– Proposition – Personality

• Comms strategy

• Messaging

• Audience focused plans

• Appropriate tools and channels

• Visual design

• Engagement

• Campaigns

• Design enactment and delivery

• Evaluate

• Modify, refine and develop as necessary

• Tracking research

Discover Define DevelopDeliver Determine

© Further 2010


Worldwide and UK research exploring the existing brand equity of the partner organisations and a range of alternative naming routes

• 50 international and UK depth interviews Focus groups covering post-graduate students, patients, stakeholders such as GPs, PCTs and local authorities, governors and board members

Some surprising results regarding international and academic perceptionsBut clearly worldwide academic equity in the King’s nameLondon, probably the most richly diverse city in the world, also had value in its own right And overall, it was clear that the driving purpose of the new organisation would always be better patient outcomes

© Further 2010

The name

Worldwide recognition of leading research-led university

The unifying descriptor of the health and biomedical schools of KCL and the hospitals (both acute and mental health)

A working agreement – not a merger – and not technically a legal ‘partnership’

Kings Health Partners

© Further 2010


The combination of • King’s College London’s spread of health and

health related schools (social policy, ethics etc)

• Three of London’s greatest teaching hospitals

• One of the best mental health trusts in the UK and the internationally famous Institute of Psychiatry

Pointed to a uniquely comprehensive offering

• better research, care, teaching and training for the body and mind

• delivered in London, for the ultimate benefit of the world

© Further 2010

A brand pyramid

Customers Proposition

What does it offer me?

Does it appeal to me?

Does it do in practice what it promises?

Personality Practice


Stakeholders, internal & external

Competitors, opinion formers and influencers

Outside inThe things that influence how we position for success

Inside outDefining the proposition we believe will best drive enduring success

What you stand for, what makes you special and what you want to be famous for

© Further 2010

What is in the brand?

Improving the speed, efficiency and effectiveness of health research

Translational Research

Concentration on physical, mental and emotional health. And broader issues of medical ethics, medical law, Public health

Whole Person

Improving care, treatment and prevention of healthproblems for individuals and society alike.

Medical Advances

Working together in London, a world city, to deliver he best care for local patients in all their diversity

London and the World

Better health and well-being

© Further 2010

Putting that into a narrative

EssencePioneering better health for all

MissionTo advance health and well-being by integrating world class research, care and teaching

VisionTo be a world leader in improving health and well-being

ValuesWe put patient care at the heart of everything we do, attracting and developing the best people, collaborating to translate pioneering research into new standards of healthcare for London and the world

© Further 2010

Message platform

StraplinePioneering better health for all

DescriptorKing’s Health Partners is one of the world’s leading Academic Health Sciences Centres

PropositionKing’s Health Partners brings together in London the world’s best in research, care and teaching to pioneer better ways of advancing health and well-being

© Further 2010


Seeking Differentiation• From NHS and medical norms

• From other UK AHSC candidates

Seeking distinction• International impact

• Image impact

• Colour impact

© Further 2010

Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, together with Ray Gosling and other colleagues at King’s, made crucial contributions to the discovery of DNA’s structure in 1953.

In 1950 they obtained the first clearly crystalline X-ray diffraction patterns from DNA fibres. It was suggested that the patterns indicated that DNA was helical (spiral) in structure. Rosalind Franklin came to King’s in early 1951 and that summer she took the famous ‘Photo 51’ which showed it.

The genetic heritage

© Further 2010

The visual inspiration

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

© Further 2010

The launch

© Further 2010

The challenge was how to combine a proud and long history of academic and hospital excellence with an exciting and dynamic vision for the future – all in an increasingly competitive world

We wanted to create a brand with real ‘wow factor’

© Further 2010

The solution involved• Consideration of

all audiences• Alignment with strategy• Enactment across

all media• Engagement by all staff • Delivery before, during

and after• Creative insight

© Further 2010

Eigtheen months on the brand has had widespread approval, engagement and recognition.

And it’s even won Transform’s top branding award.

© Further 2010

Any questions?

© Further 2010

77 KingswayLondon WC2B 6SR

+44 (0) 20 7543

Chris NorthT +44 (0)20 7543 2004M +44 (0)7778 268

St Thomas’ Hospital Lambeth Palace Road London SE1 7EH

Anita KnowlesT +44 (0)20 7188 1554 M +44 (0)7879 466 770